I used the search engine on the site to look up "Keylontic" as a general term to see what the overall perspective was. I read through the posts, and as I feared, it is as Laura said... word salad.
I have been searching for local people, old friends, and facebookers (forgive me lol) that have an interest in meeting with other open minded people and ::poof:: it hit me. I had to contact _______ from just after high school. He was always open minded and generally didn't mind expressing who he truly was at the time IMO. So surely enough I hit him up on facebook, and realize he is totally open minded because he is into meditation and pattern visualization. The whole Love and light thing. Not to mention this Keylontic stuff, which seemed like a possible new venue to search down.
However, 3 huge things stood out to me, that called me to look it up on this forum, and I am glad I did.
1. My old friend (having graduated from this strange University) is still actively partaking in Cannibus, and has been for years. Only reason I mention this was because I was looking for a support network of people that I knew that used it, and had quit. (as I am doing) I thought I would bounce the question off of him, about the whole quitting thing, and to my surprise he had not. As I am learning, it is almost impossible to develop the emotional/love green light chakra/energy center while under the influence of this mind altering substance.
2. The program is a big advocate of Self Hypnosis, without the help or support of others. This in and of itself seems dangerous to teach to anyone especially beginners in the field (which is who it is geared towards) The first time he told me about (Keylontics), it was all he could talk about, it reminded me of someone I knew that entered into Scientology... scary.
3. It did not really fit into anything else I had read, (The Wave, Ra Material, Bringers of the dawn,Mouravieff Gnosis, Gurdjieff, ect..) I try and study patterns (both actual and resonant to me) to discern what truth is as I see it in my current Lower Density State. One of the biggest things that stood out throughout the material I looked into, was its patterning of the numeral 5 and the supposed 15 states of existence in the 5 densities. (as it stated)
This to me seemed as though someone channeled something they should not have, or else spun a huge web of lies by utilizing every different esoteric and New age bit of info they could find, and then putting there own slant on it. This is just my opinion, however I feel it is a good one.
I advise anyone that looks into this, to do so with their "guard up" and with a very critical eye. I think the best thing anyone can do is steer clear of this whole thought process, as I believe it is a, as was stated, direct route to a possible STS delusion.
Now... what to do about my friend... any advice is welcome. :)
Peace and Understanding,