His audience is very mixed. You can clearly see that his auditions without "predictions" are gaining 60-70% of the normal audience, so people are less interested in his insights on other matters (me too :P). A lot of people commenting has a catholic background, but in Poland, catholicism is very personalistic. Most Poles still identify with the catholic faith, but a lot mix in some pagan or new-age elements. You can clearly see a big erosion in the context of mass attendance, meaning that fewer Poles are interested in Polish Catholic Church, and they are rather cultivating their own version of catholicism. Most of the comments on this video are positive, without any longer discussions.Have you an idea of how it was perceived by his polish audience ?
Elon Musk
The first such sentence is that the great revolution in the world has begun. Fluids given, there will be something in the fluids. The world had five treaties. Please, because it's a little unbelievable to me too what I'm going to say, but... okay. The world had five treaties in this new revolution. And at first the world was compliant. But two of these five treaties were broken during the rise of this revolution. So... the revolution started at some point. Who knows, maybe in 2020? In the beginning, the world was compliant. And there was five, or with five regions of the world, an agreement. And suddenly two contracts were broken. But it still continues.
This gentleman has no authority in this situation. He doesn't decide. He's doing his job, but he's aware of what's going on. He's in this group. There is little time. There's little time to... Things will begin to happen in the world with the people, that if it's not done the way it's supposed to be done, chaos will break out among the people. Because it's fixed for a while. It's about us.
Interestingly, he is not looking at the war that is going on now. This applies to the time when there was a pandemic. Two countries broke treaties… Russia. First. Maybe she's "protected". There was, remember, Sputnik. No other country in the world had its "you know what". And there was Sputnik. Second might be China. And that's just my guess.
Liquids. Two words come to mind. (...) "Water radiator". (...) This reminds me of something and I have the impression that he thinks about liquid all the time, but this liquid may be related to the human body. There is little time. In time, the effects of certain things will not only double, but multiply many times over, and it will start to look like a plague.
This is the right time. That time is a year, a year and a half in my opinion. And the plague will begin, which can no longer be faked. It can't be unscrewed, it can't be explained. Then... Then people's eyes will be opened. But it won't change anything. And then there would be an awakening in people. And even though it will be terrible, those who wake up will start fighting for themselves. He's afraid of that.
Bill Gates
(...) The first feeling is what has begun, there is no turning back. There is no turning back here. It cannot be stopped without consequences. Despite the rebellion in the world. There was a whole scenario of what was going to happen in the world that was interrupted. This scenario is not happening right now, but we are in a dark situation because the most serious things have happened. According to him, this scenario cannot be interrupted, but there is a rebellion, it is a stalemate, a stalemate. (...) "In Geneva it will be reborn". Felt that twice. Something will be born again in Geneva. Bill Gates. This will be a growing effect. A year to a year and a half and it will compound. I hope you understand me. It will intensify to such an extent that it will no longer be possible to remain silent about it, to hide it, not to comment on it. There will be a panic. A helpless rush.
I will tell you this thing. In my feelings, when there was a plague, I said "we still have a war ahead of us". And it will take three and a half years, but it won't be good after that. After what I associate here, if it's supposed to be good, it will be dark, hopeless. But I have the impression, because it's hard to tell you full of feelings, that this is a situation in which either reaching an agreement, which is actually probably impossible, and continuing what is terrible, or war. There is no other option at the moment, no other way out. You can't go back and go back to normal for a while, because it's too late. You can't even do some cheating now and how it'll build up to make some next plague or something, because some countries wouldn't have that randomness. People wouldn't be so stupid.
I was thinking about that as well. Jackowski told that there will be a "fake" contamination, and there were fake news about radiation from the depleted uranium ammunition that (supposedly) got destroyed near Khmelnytskyi. Was he talking about that event, but saw another branch of possibilities where the society panicked? Or maybe it is still coming: now they know that this is a fertile ground for chaos, and there isn't much they can do with their counteroffensive thing?Do you remember when this man was talking about something in the air, something maybe also in the water if I remember correctly, that will scare the people, and I think it was Polish people? But also other countries. What about the radiation from the fire in Ukraine about the bombardment of a site by Russia this week ? Here, one of the Duran talk about Poland and this problem. Minute : 36:46
(...) Blockades at the borders. Suddenly something will happen that there will be blockades at the borders from state to state. Who knows if there will be no blockades on the borders from Ukraine, or maybe Belarus, but I associate this region more. And it's like people will block those borders. Ladies and Gentlemen, I have the impression, I have already mentioned June, that June will be very important. A few things could happen in June that I would say will affect the world. First of all, the stock market crisis, and also finance in the west. I have a feeling that suddenly there will be talk of another bank failure, five or six in the United States. This will cause such decreases, but they will be moderate. Before a deep crash comes a shallow crisis. It won't even be called a crash, but a shallow crisis. It won't last long, because there will even be slight upward bounces. And at the moment when these will be gentle upward bounces, there will be a crash, a collapse. I associate this crash with a certain cycle that begins to pass. I associate this crash with its beginning, that is April. And that's what I said last year. However, the end of this cycle is June, July.
(...) June and July, with an indication of June, may already be a serious slump, but in my opinion the pattern will be as follows: there will be talk of five or six banks in the US, so remember, something is wrong with these banks. And then I have a feeling that this information will cause declines, but it will not be a crash, but declines. It's going to be considered a short-term dip, then there's a little bit of an up, and all of a sudden it's going to crash, all of a sudden it's going to hit down. That's how it feels to me.
(...) I have the impression that this crash should already take place, but it is being stopped at all costs. It is known that the economy is governed by its own laws, but in Western countries we have had an economy in a sense contractual, discretionary, indebted. In fact, if you evaluate all the debts that Western countries have, this crash is obvious. It should have been long ago.
(...) This crash can be deliberately released into the world to stir up this stagnation in the world, which is now stagnation, in which neither the one nor the other, i.e. the west and the east, are able to really take a step forward. There is stalemate. So this crash could be part of some fresh breeze, negative, but fresh wind to the stalemate that is now, which is definitely bad for the United States. Nobody is in a hurry for a big global war. European countries are unlikely to engage in any war, and the United States is, in a sense, cornered by Asia.
(...) Ladies and gentlemen, if there was a crash, there would be limits. Whatever we have, whoever has deposited money, or bank, value, there will be absolute limits to the possibility of withdrawing money. Ladies and Gentlemen, it's still strange, but let me tell you, the crash that is about to take place will cause people to take to the streets in many countries, but it will not do them any good. But people will take to the streets, they will protest.
(...) Ladies and Gentlemen, I am internally convinced that this sudden, outstretched hand of China and Russia for world domination, but it is mainly about China, did not come from a whim. This desire to dominate came from a completely different situation. Namely, from the situation that began to happen in 2020. From the pandemic situation. The world was about to change then. Who knows where we would be right now. Someone didn't like it and there was a rebellion. And if there was this rebellion, it's not just that someone disagreed with it, it's a confrontation. Many countries wanted to change the world. We all remember what the narrative was then and how we were spoken to and what happened. This narrative has disappeared and we now have some kind of unclear situation in the world.
We're going to have to review the C's definition of "soon."(...) June and July, with an indication of June, may already be a serious slump, but in my opinion the pattern will be as follows: there will be talk of five or six banks in the US, so remember, something is wrong with these banks. And then I have a feeling that this information will cause declines, but it will not be a crash, but declines. It's going to be considered a short-term dip, then there's a little bit of an up, and all of a sudden it's going to crash, all of a sudden it's going to hit down. That's how it feels to me.
Hmm.. but who says the "little" crashes, i.e. the little steps leading us to the complete collapse won't appear to us as "big" crashes?A: Endings and beginnings.
Q: (L) Did you mean to say horror like H O R R O R?
A: Yes
Q: (L) But I suppose, I guess just from the way I feel, energy is low.
A: Yes
Q: (Andromeda) So not horror soon?
A: Yes
Q: (L) So there is not going to be horror soon?
A: Not sooner than you think.
Q: (Joe) In other words, there's nothing imminent.
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) Which is, was in response to you saying dollar deflation or de-dollarization, wheelbarrows full of money, that kind of stuff.
(L) So it's not gonna be that bad that soon.
A: Yes
Q: (L) Okay. Well then y'all calm down and just ignore me. Okay, questions?
A: Long time before the complete collapse.
It could certainly be a big economic crisis, meaning that it will possibly kill consensus about the remains of the Western economy but it'll probably move us into pure speculation, governed by the corporations. From the point of view of an ordinary person it could look like: "yeah, there were a few months of uncertainty, but now the Government is providing me free bread, given I have a valid QR code, and can go to Aldi to buy some (sustainable) bug floor, because my employer (Volkswagen) is providing me with Aldi Coins, among many other perks". "I think it's better than it was before". Just another tombstone-milestone on our road into the abyss...the little steps leading us to the complete collapse
(...) Ladies and gentlemen, if there was a crash, there would be limits. Whatever we have, whoever has deposited money, or bank, value, there will be absolute limits to the possibility of withdrawing money.
If you can't purchase useful, needful things, then it's as if you had no true buying power.This may not be well thought out, but are withdrawal limits a problem if you only intend to purchase? As in, not withdrawal cash but continue to buy things? Or would all movement of money digital or otherwise be frozen?
Q: (Summerlite) What percentage of the World Economic Forum plans will come to fruition in the USA?
A: 80 or thereabouts.
Biden would love to see Erdogan removed from power. (...) Biden is prepared. To very serious events that are about to happen. Events? I don't know how to say it... The counter-offensive will be different as we all think. He really wants Erdogan not to be in power, not to be the president of Turkey.
I associate two missiles. Two rockets that will hit something in the morning. They will hit the object. Object. It will happen in the morning. Fourth. Fifth. In the morning. We have May. And that will happen in June.
I do not understand. False contamination. Falsehood. These two rockets will be real. The hit will be real. But everything else will be fake.
Unusually. There will be an event. And the event will be real with these two rockets. But everything else, the consequence of hitting an object with two rockets, the whole consequence, the big consequence, will be completely false. On a grand scale. And this is what Putin knows.
Weird. [holding Biden's picture] He knows there's going to be some action. He's ready for this. [holding Putin's picture] Some action is going on here too, but it will be false. And it can be on a large scale.
Do you remember when there were videos shown some time ago, not so long ago, that somewhere in Ukraine the Russians allegedly broke something and there were two huge explosions and then there were fakes that talked about contamination? They've been repeated, they've been given by different sources. Well, they referred, among others, that this is fake news, so as not to succumb to it. And perhaps, most likely, it was fake news, but let's pay attention, ladies and gentlemen, what caused it in our heads. In our heads, this caused us to get used to information, for example about some degree of atmospheric contamination. Many times these fake news showed that it went to Poland, it went somewhere to Europe. Something has already formed in our heads that who knows, maybe yes, maybe not. Habit. What would happen if the big bluff went now?
These actions, or what will happen, may end the hostilities or put the hostilities to sleep. It is known that if somewhere, where there is a front, there was a threat of radiation, contamination of the environment with any factor other than radiation, then the soldiers would certainly have to retreat, because they would fall victim to the contamination itself, not the war. Fighting a war in a contaminated environment is completely pointless, because both sides surrender to death.
The trains are ready. For transportation. Perhaps people. Something's coming. If I had to use the language of "Wielki Szu" movie [Polish detective story], I'd say "A big bluff is coming". Remember my vision from many months ago, which says that some people from certain regions will decide to leave on their own. And then I said, "Look around you then, if that happens, because those who leave will make a mistake".