Les Visible and Smoking Mirrors

Knowing all this about K you have to be seriously disturbed to stuff the substance up your nostrils or at least retarded for not informing yourself properly.
Umm is it just me or its shocking that individual with such habit to which they openly admit can expect any credibility, let alone dare to protest so much. Better seek professional help.
Herr Eisenheim said:
Knowing all this about K you have to be seriously disturbed to stuff the substance up your nostrils or at least retarded for not informing yourself properly.
Umm is it just me or its shocking that individual with such habit to which they openly admit can expect any credibility, let alone dare to protest so much. Better seek professional help.

Unfortunately, among many of the dumbed down and hypnotized, users of hallucinogens are considered heros for having the ‘courage’ to charter unknown territory. Kind of like worshipping daredevils for doing what normally would be regarded as insane.

It’s also quite common to romanticize the 60’s where tripping was considered to be liberating.
Herr Eisenheim said:
IMO you are vilifying ketamine role in veterinary surgery without enough factual data.

I disagree. I'm clearly referring to its singular use by vets - with nothing else - due to the low cost and immobility of the animal. Yes - it does occur and yes, the animal is changed afterward and I don't think it has anything to do with 'psychedelic experiences' considering an animal's brain works differently than a human's brain.

h said:
I would be shocked that there are vets who use Ketamine without other medication in order to cut the costs but I would imagine there is a number of psychopaths amongst vets as in in any other professional.

You should be shocked - it does happen, which is to what I am referring.
Found this whilst doing some sleuthing of Les V. on Google: _http://www.lesvisible.com/music.html.

"This is the first album in "The Quattro" of wild, mind-bending, guitar-ripping, stream-of-consciousness, socio-political satire for which 'Les Visible and the Critical List' have no equal. It was done in 1984 within weeks of Visible's making bail on charges carrying 60 years mandatory prison time."

Makes one wonder what he did to make bail for a 60 year mandatory prison term... (if true, of course).
1984 said:
Makes one wonder what he did to make bail for a 60 year mandatory prison term... (if true, of course).

Makes me wonder what he did to need bail for 60 year mandatory prison term?


Who is Les Visible?
Here's a man who isn't afraid to tell it like it is. Or is it really the way he sees it?
Les Visible is a writer, artist, and maybe an anarchist? He is creative in his thinking and the reader of his words will either file his commentaries in the catagory of "lunatic" or "common and current hero of the minority".
Les was once an American and he doesn't hide the fact that he was once arrested and detained for a few years in one of America's fine Mental Institution. The Instition was St. Elizabeth's Hospital located in Washington D.C. In fact he was on the same wing as the late poet Ezra Loomis Pound. This is the wing reserved for the criminally insane.
Its worth taking anything from his sources with a grain of salt, since he does seem very concerned with presenting a specific persona to his public. These brushes with the law and mental wards just seem to fit the persona he has created and not really reflect reality.
blindpsychic said:
Its worth taking anything from his sources with a grain of salt, since he does seem very concerned with presenting a specific persona to his public. These brushes with the law and mental wards just seem to fit the persona he has created and not really reflect reality.

It still says a lot about the public that is drawn to his writings and fall right into what ever reality or image he tries to create:

Political Ponerology said:
One phenomenon all ponerogenic groups and associations have in common is the fact that their members lose (or have already lost) the capacity to perceive pathological individuals as such, interpreting their behavior in a fascinated, heroic, or melodramatic way. The opinions, ideas, and judgments of people carrying various psychological deficits are endowed with an importance at least equal to that of outstanding individuals among normal people.

The atrophy of natural critical faculties with respect to pathological individuals becomes an opening to their activities, and, at the same time, a criterion for recognizing the association in concern as ponerogenic. Let us call this the first criterion of ponerogenesis.
blindpsychic said:
Its worth taking anything from his sources with a grain of salt, since he does seem very concerned with presenting a specific persona to his public. These brushes with the law and mental wards just seem to fit the persona he has created and not really reflect reality.

I tend to agree - he uses this as publicity, thus, it's either a complete lie or twisted to look 'cool'. With that said, mental institutions in D.C. (or anywhere) are great places for mind programming and creating controlled opposition puppets, so...
anart said:
considering an animal's brain works differently than a human's brain.
you'd be surprised, but I don't want to divert this thread anymore, I am sending you some further observation via pm
Guardian said:
1984 said:
Makes one wonder what he did to make bail for a 60 year mandatory prison term... (if true, of course).

Makes me wonder what he did to need bail for 60 year mandatory prison term?


Who is Les Visible?
Here's a man who isn't afraid to tell it like it is. Or is it really the way he sees it?
Les Visible is a writer, artist, and maybe an anarchist? He is creative in his thinking and the reader of his words will either file his commentaries in the catagory of "lunatic" or "common and current hero of the minority".
Les was once an American and he doesn't hide the fact that he was once arrested and detained for a few years in one of America's fine Mental Institution. The Instition was St. Elizabeth's Hospital located in Washington D.C. In fact he was on the same wing as the late poet Ezra Loomis Pound. This is the wing reserved for the criminally insane.

If you met him you would have no problem believing that this is true. He looks, acts and talks like what the average person might imagine a criminally insane person to look act and talk like.
anart said:
blindpsychic said:
Its worth taking anything from his sources with a grain of salt, since he does seem very concerned with presenting a specific persona to his public. These brushes with the law and mental wards just seem to fit the persona he has created and not really reflect reality.

I tend to agree - he uses this as publicity, thus, it's either a complete lie or twisted to look 'cool'. With that said, mental institutions in D.C. (or anywhere) are great places for mind programming and creating controlled opposition puppets, so...

I tend to agree also, but I am pretty sure that he has done time both in penal and mental institutions.

Imagine my shock, yesterday morning, to open my mail and find a link to Les' latest. Here I am named, with general location of residence and linkage of both the group and myself to his drug usage... spread all over the world wide web. I was stunned at the lack of considering and the potential threat which this article carried for myself and the group.

Back when Les was fresh on the scene, and SOTT was publishing almost all of his work, I emailed him with a comment about his writing and music. I jokingly volunteered drum services on any recordings that he might be planning, if he was getting tired of working with his electronic drummer and its ability to keep perfect time. A few casual email exchanges took place and that was that. A few months later, Les emailed me that he was planning a road trip to France with his wife and would like to meet up while he was here. They were only going to stay for a night or two. I offered the use of my guest room, which he accepted. He had been in contact with Laura also and told me that he was invited to dinner at the chateau and had also been offered lodging there.

The next month they arrived in the late afternoon after driving all day. I figured that they were tired and the evening would be spent in. I got the guitar out and Les played some tunes and we talked. His wife Susanne was charming and interested in the silver sols. The one quirk was Les' avoidance of all pork. There was almost a reluctance to be in a house where there was any. I didn't think too much about it though. I have Muslim friends who feel similarly. I grilled some lamb chops and steamed veggies with brown rice for dinner. The next morning was also spent close to home with discussions of books, music and political happenings. We discussed his ill fated experience with a UK publisher whom he had signed with and who published his first book. Come to find out that this fellow was a "black magician" of the Vinnie ilk. He had printed the book draft without even a proof read. Grammar, punctuation and spelling errors galore were left intact. There had been no accounting of book sales and what he had reported as sales was obviously a lie since there were more used copies for sale on the internet than had been reported sold. Discussions of finding a UK lawyer to break the contract were pondered. He asked to borrow my Mouravieff trilogy, to which I consented. The only fly in the ointment was Les' unquestioning belief in his supernatural spiritual guides who counseled him in moments of altered states. That bore watching.

Early that evening, as we were preparing to go to the chateau for dinner, Les asked if he could brew some "tea". After consuming this, and as we arrived at the chateau, his personality had became aggressive and a bit overly confident. The rest of that evening has been discussed here and needs not repeating. The observations stated here, by all, have been accurate. The late night drive back to my house was strange and Les was in an argumentative mood. As I stopped at the entry to my drive, to open the gate and check my mail box I remarked jokingly, to hopefully diffuse the tensions that had built up in the car during the drive; "OK that's it. Everyone out of the car." Les missed the implied humor and took great offense. "Get your stuff Susanne! We're not staying here!"...and stomped off down the drive. I looked over at Susanne and rolled my eyes. I asked her to calm him down. We went into the house went to bed and in the morning all was forgotten and congeniality prevailed. Weird I thought. Later that morning, after breakfast, they went on their way.

The only other contact after their visit was Susanne ordering a large quantity of silver from our site, to be sent to Germany. German customs opened the package, stamped it "verboten" and sent it back... greatly damaged and in soaking wet soggy cardboard wrapped in shrink wrap to hold it together. A replacement package was sent to their Italian address which went unclaimed at the local post and was also returned. This began to raise questions in my mind of basic competency. Later Les emailed me seeking a source for K. This was the same time that he was unbelievably soliciting it on his blog. I declined and realized that Les had gone headlong into the danger zone.

Didn't hear much from him after that, except for an email wondering why SOTT was no longer posting his blogs. He didn't seem to want to accept Laura's response at face value, and thought that there were other forces at work... which leads us up to yesterday's mind bogglingly irresponsible post.

Les had mentioned me in a previous post, referring to my hospitality during his stay. I let him know then that I did not appreciate my name being posted on the internet. Then, a couple of weeks ago, he sent me a draft of an alt health blog he was going to post which featured me (again by name) and the lifesilver.com project, along with the wonderful work of our favorite snake oil man, Jim Humble. I immediately nixed that, and referred Les to the revelations that had been published with regard to MMS. Les preferred to believe the Humble clappers and their anecdotal tales and ran with the story, sans lifesilver. I had told Les that anytime he wanted to do a piece on lifesilver, it would be OK, but please do not mention me by name... and never in any way associated with MMS or Jim Humble.

After a couple of hours of stunned contemplation about how to respond to yesterday's post, I fired off an email to Les expressing my outrage at the sheer stupidity of what he had done. His initial response was cavalier and surprised at my "paranoia". After more exchanges throughout the day I finally drove home to him the true extent of the damage that he had done to myself and the group. They were not "imaginings". The danger that he had placed us in was finally acknowledged, somewhat grudgingly. I had to point out to him that he could not lie about not having done drugs before going to the chateau. He seemed to actually believe his story that he hadn't. Dissociation. I advised him to consult his wife on that point. Apparently she confirmed my story because that subject has been dropped.

After another email to him attempting to make him aware of all of the evil far reaching implications which could emerge from his lack of considering, he is now presenting the appearance of regret and contrition... and that is where it stands today. Sigh...

The damage has been done and the genie cannot be put back in the bottle.

Here is the quote that I sent him with regard to the "voices in his head":

"It is no great accomplishment to hear a voice in the head. The accomplishment is to make sure that it is telling you the truth." – Terrence McKenna
Perceval said:
Guardian said:
1984 said:
Makes one wonder what he did to make bail for a 60 year mandatory prison term... (if true, of course).

Makes me wonder what he did to need bail for 60 year mandatory prison term?


Who is Les Visible?
Here's a man who isn't afraid to tell it like it is. Or is it really the way he sees it?
Les Visible is a writer, artist, and maybe an anarchist? He is creative in his thinking and the reader of his words will either file his commentaries in the catagory of "lunatic" or "common and current hero of the minority".
Les was once an American and he doesn't hide the fact that he was once arrested and detained for a few years in one of America's fine Mental Institution. The Instition was St. Elizabeth's Hospital located in Washington D.C. In fact he was on the same wing as the late poet Ezra Loomis Pound. This is the wing reserved for the criminally insane.

If you met him you would have no problem believing that this is true. He looks, acts and talks like what the average person might imagine a criminally insane person to look act and talk like.

Unfortunately, that is true. However, after we learned from Rabelais that he was doing some kind of drugs when he was at our house, we more or less chalked it up to that, figured to give him space to sort himself out. We even tried to help; but he would have none of it.

Another thing: my position on illegal substances is 1) drugs are the wrong approach for spiritual development; 2) if medical use, I have no problem as long as it is legal; 3) if it is being used medically but illegally, I'm not going to judge a person who does what they feel they need to do within a system that is often incapable of helping people, but I don't want to know about it, so keep it to yourself; 4) if you really need something to self-medicate or relax and unwind, even though alcohol is toxic to the body, it is at least, legal.

It's kinda sick, when you think about it, that substances that are much less toxic are illegal and one such as alcohol that is so toxic is legal, but that's the way it is and we have to deal with that. Better to use neither, but there are situations where a good shot of whiskey is actually beneficial.

So, when I have guests, I offer them what is legal. Period.
Re: Is it Les Visible's turn?

Wild Thing but the only questionable line was, "You make my thing sting."

It was a little more than that as I recall, but not much more. I have less sensitivities to that type of humor, so I must not have noticed. Les is a bit of a Ham, but then, that's what karaoke is for. He was a little more "lit" than he lets on, and in my opinion it was a bit more than he should have been from the alcohol he had consumed. I later learned of his tea drinking and had an interesting discussion on the topic with him. I won't go into detail, but afterwards I was pretty sure I never, ever, wanted to drink mushroom tea. By their fruits, and all that jazz.

We drank Armagnac and though pot was smoked at his place, it wasn't by me because I don't care for it.

Fair enough, I wasn't there, I don't know, and to be honest, from what I know of pot smokers (They are usually chill, laid back, introspective) I actually believe what he is saying. He certainly didn't act like someone on pot.

What happened was that Laura just decided she didn't like my saying I liked psychedelics and has just been at it since then. They have got this enemies in the woodwork thing. Meanwhile they have an enormous chateau loaded with amenities and aren't doing bad on the donations end I guess.

He does seem to grind that axe a lot. My OPINION(just opinion) of what he is trying to imply is: They are in a big house, therefore they must be ... Yeah. A big house that is old, falling apart, and needs constant work just to keep it going.

I'm not going to make mention of things that won't serve the interest of higher nature. I do think they should apologize for lying straightaway, lest the results of such behavior come back upon them. It really made me laugh to hear that I was being suggestive to the daughters. Susanne was right by my side through out and if you had seen the daughters you wouldn't need any further reason to doubt what I'm saying. I realize this might be seen as hurtful but it's necessary to give perspective.

Wow, higher nature? Really? What you say here is mean, and untrue.

So let's sum up the admissions of Les Visible:

1. You like taking Ketamine
2. You like taking Mushrooms
3. You conspicuously use a "friends" full name and associate it with your not-so-casual drug use. (After admitting you had a falling out with said friend.)
4. You deny hitting on girls because you say they were too ugly for you (Which, as their brother makes my pimp hand twitch.)

At what point do you not sound like a complete a$$hole?

You admit to taking very strong psychedelic drugs, and animal tranquilizers (Everyone needs a hobby) and then you expect people to believe your version of events vs. a group of, at least SOMEWHAT, more sober people.

The so-called friend who you are indirectly slandering, who you claim will back you up, has actually said the exact opposite, and said he definitely had the distinct impression that you were "high" on something that was in tea form. (I won't say it's absolute, maybe the man just brought his own Lipton? How do I know?)

Look, I don't really care if you use drugs. I am not even particularly mad at you for showing up high. It's a bit rude, and you did act up a bit, but hey, that's part of your character, you are up front about that stuff, I don't particularly want to hang with you because of it, but it doesn't make you a bad human being.

When you talk the way you do about peoples daughters (my sisters), and you were, mildly and playfully, hitting on them (kind of inappropriate, but they can handle themselves, and you were a bit high). That makes you a bad person. You can't come off smelling like a rose from that. Any person with two brain cells to rub together is gonna say: Dude, that's messed up.

All you are saying can basically be summed up with this:

They are lying. Even though I take a lot of drugs, I am more objective about this than them. The reasons I give are: 1) I am getting popular, 2) they live in a big house; therefore they must be a financed COINTELPRO OP trying to sabotage me with libel (slander is spoken).

Look, we talk about YOU. Les Visible. The guy writing, and the pertinent facts about you and your public character, WHICH YOU DON'T CONCEAL. In the end, we are hardly saying anything about you that you don't already say about yourself (We just don't consider them to be as positive as you think they are.). We don't talk about your mom, your wife, or siblings, that's low, and mean, and shows a person's inner self.

We say: You have some issues, you do drugs, hear voices, and act up. In our experience this is how a person gets vectored, misled, and then by accident or later intention will mislead others.
You say: You are talking trash about me. And you can't sing. And your daughters are ugly. And you drink too much. You're liars. And you live in a big house. Huh, yeah ... big house.

Come on man, you're an adult, act like it. If what we are saying isn't true, that's fine to say so. We can agree to disagree, but all of this passive/covert aggressive behavior isn't cool. You aren't looking cool to anyone but yourself, to the rest of humanity, when you act and talk like that, you come off as a total immature dbag. Just saying. Not that you are, it just kind of looks that way.

In the end, the golden rule of communication is: It's not what you say that counts, it's what other people think you say, because in the end, what you look like depends on your audience. You say you're an amateur comedian. If so, then you've prolly read Vorhaus. He says something to the effect that a responsible comedian plays to his audience. You don't go to a women's lib rally and tell misogynistic jokes, you don't go to a Christian comedy night and make fun of Jesus. You have to consider your target audience, and you didn't, you never do. You alienate people and then blame them for not appreciating your genius. I think you really do fear fame, because that my friend, is the best way possible to never have an audience, or at least, not have one for very long.
anart said:
When a person is that drug-addled, it's difficult for them to not make serious miscalculations and mistakes in action/thought. I would imagine that this Les person does a lot of 'editing' and republishing, in general. A person CANNOT take psychedelics and not degenerate mentally, spiritually and physically - it's not possible - especially spiritually. In the grand scheme of things, I doubt this little drama is even worth the attention already paid to it.

Anart, I want to thank you for your accurate description of the mental, physical and spiritual degeneration of one who relies on drugs for inspiration, courage or oblivion.

Atreides, thank you for your compassionate summation of this sad affair.

I wish Les Visibles sobriety in this troubled world, rather than contributing further to the dissolution and darkness around us.
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