Les Visible and Smoking Mirrors

Re: Is it Les Visible's turn?

Gandalf said:
Jaw dropping comment on Les's article:

Hey Vis, I was just at the Cassiopea forum and Laura said she put you into a trap that you couldn't get out of but you did. She said this will cost you in the long run but she didn't refute a word you said about your visit. Looks like even she agrees you told the truth and admits to gaming you. Another commenter mentioned that what you said refuted their whole story and she just ignored it. I'd say you just proved the truth of your version.

What the -flick- is wrong with these people?

Are these guys living in another reality?

I think that the post this person is referring to was written by a person named oldy.

It figures that the person reporting this to Les wasn't able to read who really wrote this.
oldy said:
Laura said:
I used to wonder about this site, now I don't wonder anymore; I know.
Yep, me too.

It took me almost 2 years of reading through his stuff...


oldy, Laura was referring to the website truthseeker.co.uk for hosting this tripe.
anart said:
Wonder who sent him the link.

Ketamine is a really cruel tranquilizer for animals (some western vets use it on any animal, not just horses) - but while the animal is paralyzed, it can still feel. My vet says he's seen so many animals have complete personality changes after having been operated on using the stuff, due to the trauma (he never uses it - this was in vet school and before he got his own private practice). It's really inexpensive, so still used a lot - makes me sick.
Ketamine is also used to treat alcohol and heroin addiction.

Wikipedia said:
The Russian doctor Evgeny Krupitsky (Clinical Director of Research for the Saint Petersburg Regional Center for Research in Addiction and Psychopharmacology) has claimed to have encouraging results by using ketamine as part of a treatment for alcohol addiction which combines psychedelic and aversive techniques.[44][45] This method involved psychotherapy, controlled ketamine use and group therapy, and resulted in 60 of the 86 alcoholic males selected for the study remaining fully abstinent through one year of treatment. For heroin addiction, the same researcher reached the conclusion that one ketamine-assisted psychotherapy session was significantly more effective than active placebo in promoting abstinence from heroin during one year without any adverse reactions. In a recently published study 59 detoxified inpatients with heroin dependence received a ketamine-assisted psychotherapy (KPT) session prior to their discharge from an addiction treatment hospital, and were then randomized into two treatment groups.
Menrva said:
anart said:
Wonder who sent him the link.

Ketamine is a really cruel tranquilizer for animals (some western vets use it on any animal, not just horses) - but while the animal is paralyzed, it can still feel. My vet says he's seen so many animals have complete personality changes after having been operated on using the stuff, due to the trauma (he never uses it - this was in vet school and before he got his own private practice). It's really inexpensive, so still used a lot - makes me sick.
Ketamine is also used to treat alcohol and heroin addiction.

I luv the title of this thread, my first thought was "Dern, that dude will smoke anything" :P
Gandalf said:
Jaw dropping comment on Les's article:

This post appears to be gone now?
Guardian said:
Gandalf said:
Jaw dropping comment on Les's article:

This post appears to be gone now?

I couldn't acess it for a few hours either, but now the whole content is there again.
Guardian said:
Gandalf said:
Jaw dropping comment on Les's article:

This post appears to be gone now?

It's still there.

See: _http://smokingmirrors.blogspot.com/2011/03/our-hidden-enemies-who-pose-as-friends.html

and then go to that comment posted.
Stranger said:
Guardian said:
Gandalf said:
Jaw dropping comment on Les's article:

This post appears to be gone now?

I couldn't acess it for a few hours either, but now the whole content is there again.

Yeah, it's back now. It looks like he "REDACTED" the other guys name and then republished it.
This might be slightly off topic in the current stream of debate, but I just posted something in another thread (http://cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php?topic=22625.msg244533#msg244533) that bears repeating here for crossreferencing purposes:

I followed the link tonosama gave. From first glances it seems like an offshoot of the Urantia book followers.

Since they also advertise a dutch section I decided to skim some translated articles just to get a sniff of what this is all about. Doing that I found this snip:

"U zong dat liedje samen met Les Visible bij het Boomhut feest. De woorden waren: "het is spoedig voorbij" en zo is het. Ik zou u kerels niet die woorden laten gebruiken in zulk een goddelijke kring van vrienden aanwezig op het boomhut-feest, zou het niets meer dan de waarheid zijn." (my bold).

A rough translation would be:

"You sang that song along with Les Visible in the treehouse party. The words were: "it's over soon" and so it is. I would you guys not let use those words in such a divine circle of friends present at the treehouse party, it would be nothing more than the truth. " (bing translation) Said treehouse party was held on January 22 2011, apparently.

So it appears Les Visible hangs out with or does gigs for these Abundant Hope people, lighting many candles. This seemed relevant to me, having read only yesterday this thread: http://cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php?topic=8059.msg244163#msg244163 and following. Thought I should mention that here as well.

**EDIT** On second thought, they might as well have used one of his CD's or a download or something. That's not completely clear from the text cited and/or the context around it. So I have to leave this option on the table. Sorry!
Guardian said:
Stranger said:
Guardian said:
Gandalf said:
Jaw dropping comment on Les's article:

This post appears to be gone now?

I couldn't acess it for a few hours either, but now the whole content is there again.

Yeah, it's back now. It looks like he "REDACTED" the other guys name and then republished it.

When a person is that drug-addled, it's difficult for them to not make serious miscalculations and mistakes in action/thought. I would imagine that this Les person does a lot of 'editing' and republishing, in general. A person CANNOT take psychedelics and not degenerate mentally, spiritually and physically - it's not possible - especially spiritually. In the grand scheme of things, I doubt this little drama is even worth the attention already paid to it.
anart said:
Wonder who sent him the link.

Ketamine is a really cruel tranquilizer for animals (some western vets use it on any animal, not just horses) - but while the animal is paralyzed, it can still feel. My vet says he's seen so many animals have complete personality changes after having been operated on using the stuff, due to the trauma (he never uses it - this was in vet school and before he got his own private practice). It's really inexpensive, so still used a lot - makes me sick.
Ketamine is not tranquilizer it is an anesthetic. Tranquilizers reduce anxiety but they don't necessarily decrease awareness and wakefulness. Then there are sedatives which cause reduced mental activity and wakefulness.
IMO you are vilifying ketamine role in veterinary surgery without enough factual data.
Today ketamin remains most efficient anesthetic for short procedures used in veterinary surgery all over the world not just in the west. Ketamin works differently then other anesthetics as it doesn't cause depression of CNS but overstimulation, nevertheless this effectively shuts down nerve conduction pathways. In fact ketamine cannot cause paralysis, the animal can still move but it appears to be in dissociative trance and it does not feel pain. The moment palpebral reflex (blink reflex) is gone animal is on III stage of anesthesia which means no pain. Any properly trained vet will monitor the depth of anesthesia throughout the surgery and adjust the dose accordingly.
Apart from ketamine anesthetic protocols always include sedatives, muscle relaxants and analgesics to ensure anesthesia is smooth and animal doesn't feel any pain. The reason Ketamin is so popular is that it almost never causes complication that CNS depressants cause - such as possible stopping of vital functions.
As I described on the Graham Hancock thread in small percentage of animals convulsions are possible on waking up, but this is the case for other anesthetics as well.
In short; according to my experience Ketamine is a great tool if used properly. I would be shocked that there are vets who use Ketamine without other medication in order to cut the costs but I would imagine there is a number of psychopaths amongst vets as in in any other professional.

Ketamine is sometimes used in human surgery - if there are no better anesthetics available. I once spoke to a person ( anesthesiologist non the less ) which was operated on under ketamine due to particular circumstances in a remote Caribbean island, they described experience as quite pleasant and psychedelic. In fact I am suspecting that these personality changes in animals after the surgery with ketamine are not due to trauma but to psychedelic experiences.
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