Les Visible and Smoking Mirrors

Rabelais said:
The only fly in the ointment was Les' unquestioning belief in his supernatural spiritual guides who counseled him in moments of altered states. That bore watching.

'Bore watching'? - No - that bears keeping such a person as far away as possible. This is elementary! I just don't understand how people cannot grasp that doing psychedelic substances opens doors through which 'others' enter - and these 'others' have a nasty tendency to not leave - ever. The more a person does it, the more riddled with 'others' they become and the stronger their hold until the original individual is hardly 'there' at all. Spending time with such people is asking for trouble - and nothing more.

r said:
I had to point out to him that he could not lie about not having done drugs before going to the chateau. He seemed to actually believe his story that he hadn't. Dissociation. I advised him to consult his wife on that point. Apparently she confirmed my story because that subject has been dropped.

Why do you think it's dissociation when it's likely just an outright lie? You seem to be doing a lot of 'filling in the blanks' for Les. Geeze, one would think this latest episode would have woken you up about him.

r said:
, he is now presenting the appearance of regret and contrition... and that is where it stands today. Sigh...

I think you greatly overestimate your ability to read what is actually motivating this individual or what they may or may not be thinking. Also - what does the 'appearance of regret and contrition' really mean - in the real world - in real world actions and results - what does that mean?
anart said:
Rabelais said:
The only fly in the ointment was Les' unquestioning belief in his supernatural spiritual guides who counseled him in moments of altered states. That bore watching.

'Bore watching'? - No - that bears keeping such a person as far away as possible. This is elementary! I just don't understand how people cannot grasp that doing psychedelic substances opens doors through which 'others' enter - and these 'others' have a nasty tendency to not leave - ever. The more a person does it, the more riddled with 'others' they become and the stronger their hold until the original individual is hardly 'there' at all. Spending time with such people is asking for trouble - and nothing more.

It was a little late for that anart. He was already in the house as a guest for the next 36 hours or so when that came to light. You do not need to lecture about the damage done by drugs. I owned a nightclub in the 70s. I saw firsthand on a nightly basis, the results... some far worse than what is being dealt with here.

anart said:
r said:
I had to point out to him that he could not lie about not having done drugs before going to the chateau. He seemed to actually believe his story that he hadn't. Dissociation. I advised him to consult his wife on that point. Apparently she confirmed my story because that subject has been dropped.

Why do you think it's dissociation when it's likely just an outright lie? You seem to be doing a lot of 'filling in the blanks' for Les. Geeze, one would think this latest episode would have woken you up about him.

I think that he had actually convinced himself that he didn't. How addled does he have to be to argue the point with a person that was there at the time, which was what he was doing? Either that or he was hoping that I would go along to get along. I didn't.

anart said:
r said:
, he is now presenting the appearance of regret and contrition... and that is where it stands today. Sigh...

I think you greatly overestimate your ability to read what is actually motivating this individual or what they may or may not be thinking. Also - what does really mean - in the real world - in real world actions and results - what does that mean?

The 'appearance of regret and contrition' means that, given the dialog that went on earlier in the day, he is attempting to play me.
Rabelais said:
It was a little late for that anart. He was already in the house as a guest for the next 36 hours or so when that came to light. You do not need to lecture about the damage done by drugs. I owned a nightclub in the 70s. I saw firsthand on a nightly basis, the results... some far worse than what is being dealt with here.

From your behavior in this instance, your lack of discretion with this person, the results of that, and your comments thus far in this thread, it's not at all apparent that you don't need to be 'lectured on drugs'. With that said, I'm not 'lecturing on drugs' - I'm stating the facts about psychedelics, facts which your behavior/statements indicated you were unaware of - or at the very least ignoring for one reason or another...

r said:
I think that he had actually convinced himself that he didn't.

That is a Critical correction. You are assuming this because it's what you might do in the same situation - it's an internal explanation for why he would say what he's saying - an attempt to 'normalize'. See?

r said:
The 'appearance of regret and contrition' means that, given the dialog that went on earlier in the day, he is attempting to play me.

He has no reason to think that won't work...
Created another thread for an off-topic post, as it didn't belong here. But as to the topic of this thread, it seems that Les is a classic example of what happens to a "bad" person when you scratch him a little. He turned quite personal and vicious in his attacks, completely unwarranted and uncalled for. Rather disappointing for someone who wrote some pretty insightful things back in the day. In a sense it reminds me to what happened to Richard Dolan after he was vectored as well, it's just disappointing. At least with Les it seems the problem probably started decades ago, and he was like some sort of sleeper cell, and now he's being "activated" or something.
SAO said:
Created another thread for an off-topic post, as it didn't belong here. But as to the topic of this thread, it seems that Les is a classic example of what happens to a "bad" person when you scratch him a little. He turned quite personal and vicious in his attacks, completely unwarranted and uncalled for. Rather disappointing for someone who wrote some pretty insightful things back in the day. In a sense it reminds me to what happened to Richard Dolan after he was vectored as well, it's just disappointing. At least with Les it seems the problem probably started decades ago, and he was like some sort of sleeper cell, and now he's being "activated" or something.

Sorry, but there is no comparison with Rich Dolan. Rich is still a decent, polite gentleman.
Laura said:
SAO said:
Created another thread for an off-topic post, as it didn't belong here. But as to the topic of this thread, it seems that Les is a classic example of what happens to a "bad" person when you scratch him a little. He turned quite personal and vicious in his attacks, completely unwarranted and uncalled for. Rather disappointing for someone who wrote some pretty insightful things back in the day. In a sense it reminds me to what happened to Richard Dolan after he was vectored as well, it's just disappointing. At least with Les it seems the problem probably started decades ago, and he was like some sort of sleeper cell, and now he's being "activated" or something.

Sorry, but there is no comparison with Rich Dolan. Rich is still a decent, polite gentleman.

I don't know Richard Dolan in person, but from what I've seen, heard and read from him,
I would strongly second that !
The following are comments by Les and others posted at the end of his hitpiece. I'm reposting them here in case they disappear down the K-hole with Les.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your honesty Les. Many of us don't know much about you personally and probably will never meet in person. Thank you for sharing your human-ness with us.

IF, as you say, SOTT is a wealthy operation, it would suggest that some other influence may be going over there, as I have seen a marked change in their website and content in the few months. Some of it good, some...well different.

We need only look at Huffington to see what a 'wealthy operation' can become. Not saying that SOTT is heading in that direction, or that it has, but 'munny' attracts attention. Sometimes undesired attention.

I'll continue to visit SOTT, but with a new perspective now. Thanks for enlightening.

Stay green and growing.


9:10 PM

Visible said...

C'mon you know they are funded by Soros

11:29 PM

Peter of Lone Tree said...

Visible said...
C'mon you know they are funded by Soros
Who? Huffington? SOTT? Or both?

4:58 AM

Visible said...

Well Peter; Honestly, I shouldn't have have said that. I was told that a couple of times but beyond people's opinions I have no real truth and I shouldn't allow myself to make claims that I am not one hundred percent sure of. The explanation I got was detailed but at the end of the day, I don't really know. They are funded by someone and they do the kinds of things that only those who have lost their way would do.

I'm going to leave that comment up as evidence that I'm not any better than anyone else sometimes. I know what I was thinking when I said it but then I forgot to put (grin) in which was my intention.

Pete of Lonely Tree actually gave Les an outing when he presented that choice. Les has fully turned and chosen to believe the defamers' lies. That (grin) of his was once endearing, cute even. Now it's just downright devious.

[Visible ctd.]

Susanne and I were having an incredible conversation and I forgot what I was doing. Next thing I knew it was nearly four AM.

Here is my public declaration that I don't actually know for sure. This will give them something to chatter about anyway.

I shouldn't have said ANYTHING to begin with. They've been picking on me for quite some time. I knew about it but part of me did not want to field a hundred emails over time and answer all of them. These days when there's some kind of question out there I get deluged by people wanting to know about it. If I make an inopportune statement I can wind up spending as much time on it as writing a post. I'm three weeks behind in my emails at the moment. Probably a lot of people think I'm indifferent or... something.

There are not that many alternative sites that aren't co-opted. Every other day someone tells me bad things about Jeff Rense. I've known Jeff awhile. I don't sit in his living room but what I see is one of the hardest working men around. I often take my perspective on someone from the sound of their voice. Jeff passes my audio test.

Another guy who can be a tad irascible but is uncorruptable is Michael Rivero. If my stuff is posted at someone's site it usually means I am kind of fond of them.

I could remove that comment and most people would never know I said it but let's leave it as an example of why you need to verify everyone. Leave it to you Peter to be the one to comment on it.

I honestly hope that Laura has a wake-up call and stops thinking the whole world is Cointelpro and that psychopaths are behind every tree. They even set people up to yawn; a psychopath can't yawn? She's an elegant writer but there's some wiggy stuff going on there. Ouija boards are a red flag to me. To tell you the truth, I prefer that they don't like me. Let them build their own mountains and I'll build mine.

Ouija boards are psychic, not spiritual. I stay far away from that kind of thing.

11:34 AM

"Psychic, not spiritual"? No, Les, they're generally cardboard. What an arse.

I'm skipping out the next few posts which are by a commenter who has taken Laura's name ['Laura Jadczyk'] and reposted new Cass forum member oldy's rambling post about Les being CIA and a freemason and such nonsense. Given how quickly 'oldy' appeared on the scene here when the thread was opened to the public, I actually wonder if he signed up to our forum just for the express purpose of doing this 'good cop, bad cop' routine. Anyway, oldy's post, reposted in chunks at the end of Les' hitpiece, has actually been understood by Les to be Laura's words verbatim:

Visible said...

Would someone please find where I said I was a former Mason?

Why would someone say something like that. She can't back it up because I never said it and it's not true. CIA? BWHAHAHAHAHAH. Thank you Laura for revealing yourself. I don't have to do anything at all.

If I'm CIA how come all I have is five hundred dollars to my name. And all I own are my instruments and some clothes, no jewelry, nothing of value except maybe at Good Will.

Good grief!

11:56 AM

Visible said...

Holy -shite-! I had no email communication with Laura in over a year. This is some serious disinfo. I want to see the tracking on those emails. That's an outrageous thing to do. Man!

12:02 PM

Visible said...

That's incredible. the conversation isn't even with me. She's self destructing before my eyes. I'm probably doing it with my supernatural CIA powers.

I know I said this is the end of it but that means I'm not going to make more posts about it. As long as this one is up I'm going to engage the reader in dialogue, quite frankly because it's interesting.

A couple of years ago, Laura was in bad health and she sought advice from me and I put some time into trying to help her.

She and three of her children that I saw were massively obese. I'm not talking about a few extra pounds. I'm talking about hundreds of pounds. I happen to know that Macrobiotics can melt away excessive weight because of what it does to the body's water content. She'd be slim and trim today if she had just found someone with the knowledge to help her. I considered the idea of moving down there and being that person. Thank god that I didn't because knowing what I now know it would have been a big mistake.

I can honestly say that now feel sorry for her. She achieved a certain status with her books and now she's going to look like a total fraud because you can't conduct yourself like this and expect rational people to bend their awareness out of shape to accommodate you.

I have no idea of whatever trap she is talking about. Why would she set a trap for me? That is the behavior of a psychopath. She makes claims about me and comments like it all leads back to my blog and funny how it all ties together and there's nothing to tie together. There's no evidence of anything. There isn't even circumstantial evidence. She's supposed to be pretty bright. Doesn't she see this?

People, I've got no ties to any intelligence community except for the friends of God of which I am a member. It's not an organization, it's a state of mind.

I've got no money. If it were not for the generosity of Susanne and her mother I would be on the street. I have no life insurance, no savings. I own no stocks. I've got a fifteen year old car that isn't even mine and I work for free all day long. A few donations come in every now and then and gives me a little pocket money but even with my limited needs and attractions I could not survive on it. If you like what I do, thank Susanne and her mom. They are the ones who make it possible.

I don't own the house in Italy. Susanne bought that. People who have visited me know how much I possess. They might admit to supernatural things happening around me but that's the extent of anything out of the ordinary.

I'm trying to figure out what Laura's point is. I'm as clean as a whistle in all the accused areas and there's no profit I can see from making -shite- up about me unless she's being told to do it. Someone involved in their financing doesn't like me.

The only thing about me that is any different from what you read here is that I'm pretty mercurial in real life as opposed to the controlled appearance of my words.

I'm just making conversation here. Someone just sent me some bumper stickers that he had made from something I said, can't remember even saying it (grin), "Check your light source".. I don't remember that at all.

I've been in Europe for 11 years now and I just opened a bank account a few months ago. I htink there's 500 dollars in there. Whatever agency I work for, I must be dedicated.

So... I'll be here all day, probably write a Petri Dish entry and work on completing the transcription for my next novel. those of you who have read the first 28 chapters seem to like it a lot. That's what I'll be doing. If I am working for someone and you know who that is would you please tell them to get in touch with me so we can have a photo taken?

12:52 PM

Commenter 'Peter of Lone Tree' tries to talk sense to Les...

Peter of Lone Tree said...

Are you BOTH being hoodwinked by dis-info and mis-info culprits?

If I had to rate you both, I would say that each of you is better than the other at sniffing out the lies and presenting the truth.

That long dissertation by "Laura Knight" doesn't sound like her and I have read many volumes of her works.

1:32 PM

Visible said...

Peter; I hate to tell you this but she is saying this and more. Now, you may doubt me but just go ask her. who has put her up to this I do not know but you are right that it doesn't sound like her. However, it is and it makes no sense. It makes her look barking mad.

I'm going to do something now and it is for entertainment purposes and whatever else you can get from it. I'm going to Petri Dish and I'm going to open my life, not necessarily there but in the following comments section and you can start right here if you want.

Ask me anything and presume that I am under oath; the kind of oath that would mean something to me. Ask me anything and I will answer truthfully as if my life were on the line. I probably am not going to talk about sex and if there is something I think it is better left unanswered I will say so and explain.

If you know how to ask the right questions you can find out all kinds of things.

Peter, I get the feeling, I could be wrong, that I might have displeased you somehow. Understand, I have no ill will whatsoever toward Laura and her people. That is a sincere statement. I don't understand what's going on and it's been going on for several year. There's things I haven't shared and probably will not because I don't descend to that level.

If I have offended you or anyone, please forgive me. These are trying times and I am under a great deal of pressure. I am not offering this as an excuse. It's my fault if I can't handle it as I should. I'm simply setting the environment so...

Go ahead, ask me anything and if I can answer I will and it will be as if I were before the throne of God.

1:57 PM

Clearly it's only a matter of time before Les realises that he's mistaken... right?

Been There, Done That said...

I'm a little confused here. Are the multiple postings being credited to "Laura Jadczyk" something that a Smoking Mirrors reader is reprinting from another source?

If so - and bear in mind I'm no LKJ or SOTT fan by any means - but if so, then this does *not* sound like her. The excessive use of parentheses, the "Anyway" sentence segueways. Saying "I guess." That's not her linguistic styling at all. And I've read enough of her words to know.

In one of the "Laura" comments posted here it seems that the author is actually talking to Laura at one point, directing commentary at her, so how can the words simultaneously be *from* Laura?

Are we sure these words aren't from somebody else, talking about Les *to* Laura?

I'm 100% sure in reading these words that they come from a *guy,* and he's a longtime reader/fan of Laura's work, and as such it causes him to "try too hard" you could say in terms of wanting to sound intellectual and on Laura's level. Call it "linguisitic profiling." But this isn't Laura. These words didn't come from a female.

This is all very confusing and chaotic. What we need are clear links that go *directly to the source* - not routing you to a log in page as has been the case so far with the supposed SOTT links that have been provided.

2:54 PM

But it's no use. Les is gone, no longer home. He vacated the premises while the imaginary friends he picked up on his astral travels have become full-time squatters.

Visible said...

Look people, that's taken directly from her website. Don't sit there going, "Oh Laura wouldn't say that. Go ask her. Don't you want to know? Don't try to explain it. Go find out. She won't be shy about telling you. This has been going on for a long time, I just didn't mention it. Now I have. Ask her. Then you can find some way to figure it out or explain it. It's as mystifying to me as it is to you. But have no doubt that she's engaged in this because she is.

3:09 PM

It is tragic that we've lost another one to the dark side. But the signs were there all along. Les is spiralling down.
Laura said:
Sorry, but there is no comparison with Rich Dolan. Rich is still a decent, polite gentleman.

I agree with this completely. Rich could never even imagine doing and saying the things Les does. Rich is a decent human being.
anart said:
Laura said:
Sorry, but there is no comparison with Rich Dolan. Rich is still a decent, polite gentleman.

I agree with this completely. Rich could never even imagine doing and saying the things Les does. Rich is a decent human being.
Completely agree, I didn't mean to compare them as people, only to mention that they're both being vectored and seem to be succumbing to it, in their own ways. Although it seems Les is a lot more susceptible and a lot less likely to ever resist given his drug abuse, mean disposition, and god knows what else when he was in that mental institution.
SAO said:
Completely agree, I didn't mean to compare them as people, only to mention that they're both being vectored and seem to be succumbing to it, in their own ways. Although it seems Les is a lot more susceptible and a lot less likely to ever resist given his drug abuse, mean disposition, and god knows what else when he was in that mental institution.

I would personally question if Les is 'being vectored' - I think this is who he is and always has been. Just my personal take, of course...
anart said:
I would personally question if Les is 'being vectored' - I think this is who he is and always has been. Just my personal take, of course...
I'd imagine "vectoring" is reserved for potential threats, which his past writing could've been to the PTB. But I find it hard to believe that a decent person can be suddenly turned into a nasty one, at least not easily. The "substance" of his personality and Dolan's is quite different. Where Dolan is more or less distracted by disclosure without altering his personality or nature, which is like vectoring 101, Les is just mean, and it's unlikely that vectoring can turn a good person into something vile, so I tend to agree that this is probably just Les being himself. Perhaps a comparison to VB is more accurate, and that a real-life meeting prevents him from hiding behind his writing and shows his real hand. And that makes sense too if he's meant as VB's replacement..
SAO said:
Les is just mean, and it's unlikely that vectoring
can turn a good person into something vile.


Why do you say it is unlikely, when obviously
Les is under the influence, not in control, and is more
likely to become "vile", less inhibitive, showing his dark
side? Somehow he morphed into Mr. Smith?

When one knowingly, a-priori, chooses to put oneself
and others at risk by choosing to be under the influence
of drugs/alcohol/whatever, then one is being highly

I came across this thread over the summer and had originally shrugged off most of the truths about LV being revealed as simply a representation of who he openly chooses to be as per the personality that I've always thought of as eccentric that is represented in the blogs.

I've always interpreted LV to be a kind of "take me as is or leave me all together" kind of guy and I was fine with that (because for the most part, I have enjoyed his work over the past year) until he choose to make direct personal attacks against Laura's daughters. That's not cool to me no matter how you spin it. When you are supposed to be playing for the same team, you don't go after people's family members if your proverbial issue is with a specific person. Posting specific personal information about a "friend" without that friends implicit consent is also not acceptable.

I suppose you can see a person as they truly are, when they feel that their back is up against a wall.
Visible said...

C'mon you know they are funded by Soros

11:29 PM

I guess I missed that memo!

Visible said...

Well Peter; Honestly, I shouldn't have have said that. I was told that a couple of times but beyond people's opinions I have no real truth and I shouldn't allow myself to make claims that I am not one hundred percent sure of. The explanation I got was detailed but at the end of the day, I don't really know. They are funded by someone and they do the kinds of things that only those who have lost their way would do.

I'm going to leave that comment up as evidence that I'm not any better than anyone else sometimes. I know what I was thinking when I said it but then I forgot to put (grin) in which was my intention.

Huh?? So basically, yeah, you know, Sott are funded by Soros (because otherwise how could we explain that Les the Blessed has not managed to achieve half of what Sott has achieved, so they have to be funded). Oh hold on, actually there is not a shred of evidence of that, it was more like a slip of the tongue and an unfounded rumor but I'll leave it out there anyway in case people agree with me that I am a genius and I deserve as much attention as Sott. But I'm humble and uninterested in fame or cash.

You gotta love this line: "I'm not any better than anyone else sometimes." All other times it's quite a different story. :lol:

They've been picking on me for quite some time.

Oh poor Les. He is being picked on because people are saying things about him which he has actually admitted to doing, such as taking illegal drugs, hearing voices in his head and being less than cool and controlled when in person. In other words, the truth. Did he expect a medal?? Oh but it has to be a funded operation, because otherwise how could they dare to question these cute traits of his perfect personality and to not republish every single of his blog entries. How mean of Sott. Still don't like Les? Well then I'll go insult Laura's children and see if that makes any difference. And by the way Les is the victim here. Really!

Excuse the sarcasm but his ego and hypocrisy make me really mad. :mad: He is the sort of person that Gurdjieff would describe as a tramp. He thinks he deserves everything just because it's him. His self image is his hardest drug. No CIA needed here to explain his behavior, in my opinion. He manages to make quite a mess on his own.
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