Location, location, location

Myth of Myself said:
We do have healthy interactive relationships with our neighbors and have been meeting others in this area who value the importance of trust and community. We have been exchanging harvests and labor with others around us for the sake of interactions and meeting others....

That's great to hear! Sounds like you're building a very solid foundation there.

Myth of Myself said:
It is refreshing to have a social gathering where everyone comes together with a purpose. It makes me understand what has been lost in communities and how dangerous people working together (on all levels) by their own accord is to the cages of isolation that we have inherited and accepted socially.

Indeed. The isolated suburban nuclear family and its attendant "mall culture" is one of the most diabolical inventions of the Control Matrix.

Myth of Myself said:
I have met people who are consciously pursuing STO as a preferable way of being, who have never heard of Laura's work, which shows me that some seem to be receiving or already have this information on an intuitive level.

Very well said.

Myth of Myself said:
Granted it is difficult and a test of patience at times to interact with new acquaintances when all they want to do is preach to you about how, "Obama is our savior." and "If you don't vote you are causing harm to the world". I don't hate or insult those who hold these viewpoints, it is their right to have whatever viewpoint of the world that they feel they are ready for....

Yes, they are deeply invested in the lie of "choice" that's been sold to them, because it provides the possibility of "hope". It is a gargantuan step for most people to give up that hope and see the election process for the dog-and-pony con it is. Even those who see the rampant corruption still cling tenaciously to the idea that a "saviour" will come along to "fix it". The alternative is too shocking, too devastating; it is not to be endured....

Myth of Myself said:
...but I do not hold back my own viewpoint for the sake of "not rocking the boat" so to say either. I feel all interactions are a chance for knowledge, even with people where on the surface it seems most unlikely. This is where discretion, what I like to consider the scalpel of our freewill comes in.

Yes, agreed. Learning how, when, and where to use that discretion only comes with practice, and practice only comes with interaction with those around us. Isolation and elitism only furthers the STS agenda.
Some great and important points here by Myth, PepperFritz and Laura. Community is key these days! Sharing, networking and helping each other, all STO traits, be it knowledge, information, food or other goods.

Laura said:
You can have an inner circle of intimates with whom you can be completely open, and a wider circle of acquaintances where you can share some things, but maybe not everything, and so on.

Yes, this already what I experience and learned to apply in my one life. I also think it is helpful and important to maybe have meetings, getting together with certain circles of the community on a regular basis and discuss not only issues of the immediate community but also global events (beyond the typical political discussion of what puppet to vote for) and bring in topics that are overlooked these days, but need to be made conscious of (i.e. Psychopathy, UFO's, Hyperdimensional Realitites, etc...).
People who are really interested in truth and are open to this topics might also be open to discuss esoteric work and the need for Self-Work as the most important catalyst for change. So there can be different circles to discuss different subjects, depending on one's level of "being" and if there is correct uses of "external considering" then the right people will gravitate to each other without "forcing" the issue.

PepperFritz said:
Myth of Myself said:
...but I do not hold back my own viewpoint for the sake of "not rocking the boat" so to say either. I feel all interactions are a chance for knowledge, even with people where on the surface it seems most unlikely. This is where discretion, what I like to consider the scalpel of our freewill comes in.

Yes, agreed. Learning how, when, and where to use that discretion only comes with practice, and practice only comes with interaction with those around us. Isolation and elitism only furthers the STS agenda.

It's about spreading some "seeds of awareness" and see if they start to bloom without imposing one's own will on to another. There is a time to speak up and a time to be silent. To truly understand and apply this dynamic is also a big part of "The Work" and something I'm learning myself.
No matter how many "like minded" people one is surrounded by, everyone still has their own lessons to learn and karma to work out.
"Like minded" is a bit of a tricky idea as well and quite subjective if one is still immersed in the personality with its little "I's". As I do "the Work", I realize how long-time friends I thought I have much in common with, do not share the same drive for objective truth in many ways and it seems harder to relate to, so external considering plays a big role here. "Like Mindedness" can change quickly when working through the buffers and lies we've been telling ourselves in relation to others and one realizes that what one thought had in common with another was just based on illusion and lies of the conditioned personality and wishful thinking.
Bernhard said:
"Like minded" is a bit of a tricky idea as well and quite subjective if one is still immersed in the personality with its little "I's".

Excellent point. For most, "like-minded" means "just like me", and therefore becomes just another exercise in narcissism. If you do not know your own "mind", how is one to recognize someone who is "like-minded"...?
I'm happy that my intuition guided me to this thread, because these very issues have been in my thoughts so much lately. To move or not to move? If it was just me, I'd stay and face the fire if that was what was in my heart to do. However, my husband is not a citizen (of the beast) and my son is only 2. Where I live there are community-minded people that we've been getting to know since we moved here just over a year ago... people involved in healing, organic farming and animal husbandry, wilderness survival, etc. There are also plenty of typical zombie people who "fear God" and have guns to prove it.

On a side note, while traveling in Chile 5 years ago, my husband and I met a woman living in a simple house in the mountains who healed people using reiki, herbs and homeopathy and gave psychic readings. I can only confirm after the visit that I believe she is psychic because all of the predictions and information she gave me directly related to myself turned out to be true. Upon our visit, she overloaded us with information she received from spirit guides regarding earth changes, E.T.'s, and the PTB. She said she had moved to the mountains because of warnings of earth changes approaching (waters rising), but she didn't have a "timeline" because nothing was fixed. She was rather old and was suffering in the mountain climate. She didn't ask for money for her services, despite her obvious poverty. Since that time, I have been considering that perhaps I should move my family to the Andes mountains (although full of volcanic activity in some areas). My husband and I have always "envisioned" ourselves living there "someday". And now I wonder...is it now or never? How bad will it get, and how quickly? No one can know this so I'm trying to tune into my heart, keeping fear aside. I also can't get the thought of the 110m tsunami in the Puget sound mentioned by the C's out of my head....that's not too far from where I am...just 300 measly feet above sea level on the northern Olympic Peninsula.

I haven't reached any conclusions, but its helpful to see others considering similar options. A lot of my concern is about keeping my son safe...perhaps more of a motherly instinct that anything else. I guess we'll just have to keep going with the flow until the flow doesn't go anymore. We are taking a trip to Chile to visit in December... if the poo hits the fan in a huge way while we're gone, I may take it as a sign to plant ourselves in South America and enjoy the show from there.
There have been survivalists out there in the remote "safe" regions of the globe for as long as we need to make this point. If we assume that there is going to be a cataclysm then we all become survivalists at the same time. few of us have the resources to live outside the grid and it's provisions. in any actual event we would likely be unaware that a cataclysm was about to take place and if we were then it would likely be whist they shepherd us to the nearest "camp". Ironically Bush is one of the group who's Texan home is off the grid and he's had to earn that privilege. but there's obviously gonna be no point being holed up in your saftey zone without security as the desperate hoards come hunting. So are we, and is it; "hopeless"?

Not for all, some have always lived outside the throng of putrefied cities and state control. the cultures of folk around the highlands of the Andes, the Atlas and of course the Himalayas etc. have survived the fickle tempers of the megalomaniacal emperors and ruling dynastic tyrants that lord over the willing to be led and oppressed seekers of freedom. The free zones such as these mountainous regions are harsh for the faint hearted "soft" civilised humans. Even going for a long hike with a pack is beyond most "typists" of leisure or vocation. Our freedom, should such a cataclysm arise within our time, would depend upon our physical and mental strength but most obviously our ability to cooperate and operate with groups of desperate and confused strangers. a tall order in the best of times. overcoming the instinctual inclination to look after one's own ect. Interestingly we are in a similar to position to the escapees of Ur only we don't know who our Moses is and get stuck on the fence as we contemplate the possible wandering that may indeed be the means of survival for those who do.

in any such senario where survival is theoretically possible the old rural, and well positioned, cultures would likely to be accompanied by "the lucky and well informed few able to acquire acceptance and hospitality from an already impoverished group of neglected brothers and sisters. If there's any gravity in such a statement then the effort and direction necessary on our part is to amalgamate the dissparate forces amongst us and if survival is going to mean anything then establish relations with the tribes of earth's indigenous cultures. a tall order for those of us too afraid to say hello to our own neighbours. indeed we may be many yet we are as a collective few. in this uneasy lull that we find ourselves in where the energy is still pumped in along with food and water. we have the opportunity to garner our collectivity toward shifting through the known paradigms of political process and negotiation toward a more public and actual gathering of minds, bodies and spirits. the actual is for many of us becoming a rare experience as we wander through the masses in their somambulent condition within the soporific states of our collective nations. Those who sense that there is indeed something to escape from will recognise each other, many will try to wake up those around them knowing that if your this far down the line and you think everything is business as usual there's gonna be a breakdown coming your way. hopefully sharing resources will be overcome by the sense of urgency that there is more to loose than your belongings if you don't. it's far more advantageous in a post apocaliptic state to be on the move than waiting in residence for the knock on the door. some of us will realistically question whether we wish to live as fugitives and the chaff will separate. preparation is the emancipation from state dependence. look critically at what you "need", actually, from the provisions of production. ponder the reality of loss of net communication...oh yeah. we take for granted the connexions with other with whom we don't even know names, abode or authenticity. What exactly are we waiting for? we're like rabbits caught in the headlights of a fearful possibility. we can see it but are paralysed by indecision seeking solidarity with the confused though well informed. confused as to what we're gonna do. we feel connected to others who feel drawn toward this aspect of the earth paradigm imagining it is indeed all pervasive and omnipotent. is it really? what, because of the news and disinformation we receive? have we created the story of an apocalypse pending? Are we driving ourselves nuts? are we becoming the cooks holed up in their shacks in the backwaters damning life around them as infected with mire? This cataclysm scenario is the worst of all scenario's. to live life accordingly is tragic, to live in fear. courage is gonna save the "life" from this status quo. i feel this and yet the sense that this cataclysm is already here only in far greatest dissolution than an "event". the millennium old story of state control has gathered much moss and become a part of the furniture of everyday earth culture. freedom shackled and chained by it's own fear for survival. the coalescence of this fear is the apocalyptic scenario. the greatest fear. operation mind control of the intellectual forces of resistance is complete, they fear the seemingly imminent Armageddon whilst the worker beings are in fear of their seemingly present god. we are of course in danger of throwing the apocalyptic baby out with the cynical bath water. the reality of a militarised police state is a far more likely future than an apparent meteorite strike though widespread "vaccinations" of the terminal kind seems to be on the drawing board.

I don't think there is likely to be a window permitted where choice is gonna be in big supply should any apocalyptic state induces scenario occur. if we think we have a finger on the dictators pulse you can be assured he's got his sentinel feelers all over yours. you can't open a door without letting in some light. The powerbase however is far more accessible. it's us. we who get our needs met by serving our state to fill the plate. critical mass has been reached through crisis. we are circling that crisis endpoint as yet it is only our momentum that is continuing the trend of servitude and willing participation. the success of the 30's depression was largely due to ignorance today it is mass denial. aided of course by the state of the art propaganda that is pervasive in all aspects of life.

we feed the momentum by consent or passive observation. we keep the hotline busy, or at least we think we do. but sadly for us as educated , informed participants in this most strange of times are impotent when considering the demise of the state and our perceived, possibly justified, fear for survival. we can ponder to ourselves and each other as to where we can go to escape but this is a self defeating objective. you can run but you can't hide from what we as a human collective have allowed through consent or force to come into being. the monster of global oligarchical control is here. The anti-god if you like. running won't set the field level for future generations. hiding in the mountains will only give sport to the military. protesting is a charade for the helpless where as the dissemination of information is critical. critical yet not all encompassing for a favourable outcome. action is necessary. the courage to stand alone from the crowd of sleeping worker beings. to seek out and find the groups that compliment your needs and further the objective to live outside of state control. the only future that does not have to include an Armageddon upon freedom, or life, is the dissolution of the aristocratic hierarchy of this planet. a tall order if ever there was one. every police and military force on the globe is there to sustain their existence. the only connexion we have to them is that those same forces are made up of our neighbours and associates. a peaceful coup?

sounds far more unlikely than an impending doomsday scenario. sadly the unlikelihood is the lack of courage, wisdom and solidarity amongst us to act other than to type. as anybody knows when together there is an experience that "anything can happen" it truly can. focused and intelligent shifts towards communications with the "forces", "administrators and minions are in an embryonic state. existing within many regimes as a frightening possibility. retribution and loss of sheep feed being high on the "what i've got to loose list" for many. ironic when you see the writing on the wall and what's in store and in the very feed itself.

remember, for those who do seek out the rural areas, that the military are fully aware of "zones" that do not come under the grid control. they also will need to extract food from the rural areas and more likely than not the mind control over the rural populace is gonna be your worst enemy. something akin to being pointed out as a non zombie by your local patriot with a stepford wife benign smile as you make the mistake of dancing your joy to be alive in this bizarre state of affair we reside in.

namaste medcan
mod edit: link corrected: _www.cadu.org.uk
The conversation is (again) very interesting.
I appreciate the contribution of medcan. Four years ago I lived for a while with a community. The people had baught a large house, everybody had one or many rooms depending on the needs. The kitchen was shared by all. The members gathered at least twice a week for a couple of hours. The residents did taïchi and others psycho-corporale exercices together, workshops were organized. The problem of being like minded was accute and so I understand clearly that this is crucial. The other big problem was the neighborood. I have had easy contacts with the closest neighboors and it took time and conversations before they stoped labeling with the infamous "sect" label and I think the other villagers thaught we were somehow "weird" even if everybody had "clean hair cuts".

For my part, I will locate in Sahara where I have been working for ten years, trying to create an oasis with some local farmers (Songhaï people) who have became friends. For two years now they asked me to stay with them. The project is called "Zankaï alJana" the children's paradise. It was named after a conversation where my friends were lamenting about the desertification which had destroyed the area and the fact that it was so sad to see the children 'sucking rocks' instead of fruits. We have a phytotherapy shop in the city (Gao) where we sell high quality traditionnal medecin from Burkina (the area has been devasted by draught and the people ended the process with deforestation. This has been carried out because of the extrem poverty and the lack of economical alternative.
It had took years before we got respected, but we have achieved to demonstrate our vision (thank to the financing of private donators). Since last year, many villager's associations come to us to join our venture and plant orchards, start gardening. We have planted thousands of trees already in our village close to the Niger river. Wether we will starve or not depends on the rainfalls, I don't know if the country will be able to keep on buying Vietnamese rice... (During the 84 draught, the NGO's braught non local, chemically grown rice, many old people refused to eat it claiming that this was not proper food but the rest of the population of course, got used to it))Anyway, when rice is almost all you eat, you do feel the difference with the local production (when the harvest is good); a couple of hours after the meal you do really feel exhausted again. Fortunately we produce already, vegetables, fruits, aloes vera in thousands, spirulina and, if the rain come rice and mil.
So there is a community, used to hardship, scarce food, sharing, caring the one for the others...
But I don't move to "survive", What is at stake is the Wave (or rather the reality of the phenomenon behind the word) and the inner work. This is what matter the most.
So I wish, you good hearted SOTT readers and editors, will find (have found) like minded souls to network with, wherever it may be.
Subsaharan Africa does seem like very interesting choice.
Not in terms of salvation (as there is no way to predict which latitude will be hit hardest by Oort cloud) but in terms of getting involved in some good old fashioned and honest hard work, rather then sitting and waiting for the wave.

How easy it is to emigrate to Niger? How hard it is to learn the language of the natives?

You ask questions, so I answer without any more comments.
Gao is a part of the Républic of Mali, not Niger. It is easy to emigrate there, officaly speaking. You can easily have a 5 years visa. This deals with the authorities in the capital, Bamako. They are correct, not overly corrupted, I have never had any problems with them. They have always respected me, so have I.
Learning the local language, the 'koroboro' depends on the usual factors: your own ability , time and interest and the pedagogy involved. I am better at dancing than speaking...
The Songhaï language is spoken from Timbuktu to Niamey, even thaugh there are, of course, differences between dialects.
Wow, clicking on this thread brings back a lot of memories for me. Back in the early 1990's here in the states there was a big movement within the metaphysical and alternative religions communities regarding "the Changes" that many Native American Elders where teaching about. The Indiginous people of the Americas actually meet once a year and have a convention of sorts and one of the main themes has always been "the Changes" 1997 Hale Bopp comet was a huge "prophecy fulfilment of the "the Changes" had arrived.

In the beginning the teaching of some of these native elders was to gather. Gather food, clothing, guns, ammo (ammo probably being the new money exchange system) and more. I remember a sort of "chicken little" atmosphere everywhere I traveled. Which myself and my honey did a lot of back then. Our business relied on it. So of course my husband followed his elders teaching and we shared this info with all who would listen (without the drama effect of course. We did not buy into the chicken little scenario). Even had got into buying 600 + acres of land with about 20 people to create that "alternative" town community. We are very big on community, especially then. Unfortunately this did not turn out as planned for my husband and I and we had to deal with our own petty tyrants (another story for another time). So in late 1997 we found ourselves looking for a home. Taking in all we knew about "the Changes" we looked throughout the east coast of the USA to find such a place. Went to the Smokey mountains in North Carolina and thought that this may be a place to settle in and build our "bunker" so to speak and I use this term very, very loosely. While in Hendersonville, staying at a friends place we scoped the situation. What we discovered was traffic. Now growing up in NYC I was used to the ultimate traffic jams. This place took the cake. Why you ask? I will tell you... There was no place to turn around, go around or pull over. The mountain roads were two lanes. Now while on such a road, we hit a traffic jam. I actually laughed at first cause, traffic in the counrty. Silly city girl. Apparently, cause we never actually saw it, a tractor trailer hauling a mobile home got stuck in a very sharp turn in the road. Deputies came down the road eventually (about 45mins into it) and told us what was going on. He helped us make a u-turn. Then the next day we were headed in the complete opposite direction and guess what? We got stuck in traffic. We turned around.

Now that night we were watching the local news and an article came up about a story on a man who had bombed a family planning facility in Georgia. He murdered I think 2 people and injured a lot more. It was thought that he was holed up in the Smokey Mts near where we were. They interviewed people up in that area regarding the harbouring of this fugitive. I remember the woman who was asked this question replied. "I sure don't know where he is, but if I did I would not tell you cause I agree with what he did" Now imagine our surprise at this answer. I will not reflect on this any more then trying to make the point of this thread. We decided the area was not for us.

So we headed down to SW Florida where a friend invited us to stay for as long as need, in exchange for some work around his own land. One day shortly after moving to FLA, some friends were over and we got on this very subject. We explained our dilemma of where do we move to, start this survival game plan. We are not even sure that we wanna survive any kind of "Changes' anymore. She looked at me with all sincerity and said "live your life in joy. Do not worry about where you are or what my happen. This is paradise down here and should the tsnami or end of world happen, well we can meet at the beach and welcome the wave with joy and awe in your heart. Something clicked inside. And from then on we have been very happy here in FLA on our own little slice of paradise. We have created a good community with friends and family. We even instigated a neighborhood watch and got to meet our neighbors. Even talk about what we would do if something should go down, so to speak.

In 1999 or 2000 I remember hearing the the Elders changed their perspective about "the Changes" . It was no longer to gather material things, but to gather internal things. Process ones self, get the mind, body, Spirit thing in harmony. Of all the prophecies I have read about, all the channeling stuff I have read ( the C's and Lauras work by far have changed me the most) all the history I have read and philosophies I have studied, whew, I have come to realize this.

As within, so without. What energies you vibe at through thought and action is how the world will repond. We can create alternative realities. I am at a cross roads at present and my faith is being tempted the hardest it has ever been. Yet I still want to say that I will not run in fear. Protecting myself and my loved ones. Perserverence, awareness and using my intuition will guide me to where I must be during "the Changes"

I must remember that in order to move from 3d to 4th I think we must give up our corporial bodies. And if we do survive a catastrophe, have we missed the bus? If the bus is leaving the station, and we are last in line. And we look back and see that a loved one is trying to make the bus. Trips and falls. Do we get off line, go help them and in doing so miss the bus? Are we interfering with their free will by assisting them, when they should have left a bit earlier and would have been on line with you. Ahh maybe I should stop here. A few years ago I would not have even hesitated to help any person that was trying to catch the bus (so to speak) now I have wonder. Doesn't mean that I would not get out of line, but I am not sure. Anyway, thanks for all input on this thread. I have learnt much
Corto Maltese said:
In any case I would be interested to hear your thoughts on this subject. Are you thinking of relocation or you couldnt care less...?

As a Yogini, I routinely practice Plavani Pranayama, so am little concerned about rising water.


Om Peace!
Yogini Valarie Devi
yogini valarie said:
Corto Maltese said:
In any case I would be interested to hear your thoughts on this subject. Are you thinking of relocation or you couldnt care less...?

As a Yogini, I routinely practice Plavani Pranayama, so am little concerned about rising water.


Om Peace!
Yogini Valarie Devi

Good luck if a Tsunami hits your area! :scared:
I haven't seen this before

[quote author=_http://www.indianetzone.com/7/plavani.htm]What is unique of this Plavani Pranayama is that exercise along with its techniques is capable enough of lowering the `specific gravity` quite below the normal. It is lowered to such a great extent that any body can remain floated on the surface of water, just like a leaf of a lotus flower. It is not unknown to any one that in normal circumstance while floating a part of one body sinks below the water surface. However the body of an ardent practitioner of Plavini does not sink and the whole body remains floating.
Hmm, anyone who is a good swimmer should be capable of floating effortlessly Plavani or no Plavani, but as Perceval said if the tidal wave hits you (imagine several tons of water hitting you all at once) Plavani will be of little help, I am quite sure of this
I decide to live at my home town that is -2 meter below Baltic Sea ;D that means when comet hit , I will be under water :).
I just do what I must to do , healthy food ( drop -29 kg weight ... form 10.04.2009 to 13.09.09 ) going to gym , working , learning,
EE program :) meditation and so one.

Just waiting for conference in this year with QFS .


Hi Lucas,

Just waiting for conference in this year with QFS .

Where did you get the idea that there will be a conference this year? What Laura actually said was

Laura said:
We've got a whole lot of stuff in planning, so ya'll just hang on and we'll see what we can do. We need to get everyone on the breathing/meditation program first so that when we all DO get together, we'll all be on the same page and able to do some real foot stomping and mountain moving!

I didn't think that it implied this year, although I could be wrong.
[quote author=Vulcan59 ]
I didn't think that it implied this year, although I could be wrong.

Only QFS Team knows when .
If you believe what c's says 2009 smashing year , maybe one comet , depopulation virus at 11.09 or 12.09 .
then we don't have so much time To make conference in this year.
At this moment about 20-30 people do EE program .
we have 21 month to ( final comet , "Antichrist" ) etc.

that is lot of time, then conference could be at 06.2010

We must remember that 4D STS will do everything to stop this conference
even kill us.
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