Location, location, location

I have found that there are camps in the U.S. right now called FEMA camps. Basically concentration camps. With this knowledge who in their right mind would stay here in the U.S.? My hang up is that I have a rather large family and I know not all of them would believe me or relocate. It would make me feel incredibly guilty if I left. Any thoughts on this?
FrankM4326754 said:
I have found that there are camps in the U.S. right now called FEMA camps. Basically concentration camps. With this knowledge who in their right mind would stay here in the U.S.? My hang up is that I have a rather large family and I know not all of them would believe me or relocate. It would make me feel incredibly guilty if I left. Any thoughts on this?

Yep, there are obstacles in every path chosen. There is a saying from the Cs and I will paraphrase: It is not where you are, it is who you are and what you "see" that is important. For example, I am here in the breadbasket of the USofA and I currently see no way for me to leave, right at this moment anywho. The cards have been dealt and I WORK with what I have. Striving to combine experience with accumulating information and participating in this network of "good" people. Without this network, I would most likely start a belief system of my own and these people here keep me grounded in trying to be objective in my observations, understandings and views.

I was born here and here is where I am. It is what it is. What is important, to me, is constant learning, reading, interpreting, and experience, which hopefully grows into a sort of wisdom in understanding myself, the people, the world, and the universe that surrounds me. What happens in my environment may be out of my control, but I try to react in the best interest of the lessons to be learned. I do not know what the lessons are, but I try to "see" the world and people around me for what they are in an objective third person manner. What is coming in the future? I dunno but I hope I can BE of service to myself, others, and the universe.
I'm in full agreement with you. I do however wish to be proactive rather than reactive but when you come right down to it even being proactive is ultimately a reaction. Based on the information gathered and our discernment for what is to come we choose to move or stay.
Hi Frank,
Again I want to reiterate, it is all about how you feel. Use your intuition. If you feel that it is best to move from where you are and the move will benefit your well being then do so. If you are moving with fear as a bases for your motivation then know that the grass is never greener on the other side.

I am in the USA, and have thought about if I was to leave here, where would I go? Every place on this beautiful planet that we live on has some kind of natural phenonamon that can kill me. Slipping in the shower has potiential to kill me. And a comet coming well, enough said...
I can only trust that DCM will show signs to me and that I will be able to see them when it is time to move from here. And if not and I am one of the first to go in a catastropy, then so be it. I can only trust if this happens that it is because it is for the service to others.
Another thing to think about, Frank, is that with the knowledge you are gaining, you will be able to help others where you are when things go south. If you have a big family, they may end up needing your help - or not - it's hard to tell. But just leaving things open, doing what is in front of you to do, you will end up exactly where you need to be, or so I think.

Keep working on yourself, keep learning about psychopathy, psychology, diet, how to detox and you will be ready to help where needed.
Since I was a teenager, my intuition has been urging me to relocate. It doesn't help that I live deep in the Mississippi Delta. Unfortunately, family and finances prevent me from doing so. I'll just have to work with what I have and hope I know what to do when I need to do it. I wished I could have stayed in TN when we evacuated for Katrina, I love it there, and that's where my family is originally from. I'm not as attached to this area as my husband is, he will never leave unless forced to do so. Another area that beckons me is Arizona, love it there, too.
Thanks Nienna Eluch. I hope I can offer them valuable insight. I definitely need to step it up with learning more about those topics. Being a full time college student and worker makes my time limited so I do my best at being on the forum and reading books that are interesting. I'm still reading the Secret History of the World and How to Get Out Alive,on about page 500 I believe. The material is amazing. I cannot even begin to conceive of all the material Laura had to read through and then discern what to be true in order to create such a book.

Big thanks to all who actively participate on this forum as well!
Well I recently (four months ago) relocated from South Alabama, back to my home state because of the conditions down there after the oil spill.

I'm certain if you have to relocate, nothing in the world will stop you. Not material possessions, not jobs, credit ratings, etc. just the safety/sanity of your family and who ever else you feel is feeling the same *need* to leave.

Because of the overwhelming idea of the process of moving, I tried to stay as long as I could, until the feeling of *needing to leave* overwhelmed the 'tasks' of leaving.

But all in all, when it comes down to it, there are still many people in those areas doing fine, or they think that they are. But this was my best choice, and everything really came together in such a way for me to be certain this was the correct choice for me and my kids.

That is however only my personal experience.
Thanks Seraphina! I think there are a few updates on the forum. Otherwise, life has gotten pretty hectic! (some of it in a good way).

Seraphina said:
Hi Dawn, good to see you again. It's been awhile. I've wondered how the move went for you.
I've had a sense that I needed to leave the USA since a small child. Perhaps before it was just about travel and seeing the world, I've been a drifter since diapers :P Always china and Australia were where I thought I would go... Russia came to mind at times...
As I learned more over time the voice in my head screamed " get out while you can" but I cant leave with my kids, and don't think I can leave them behind. That said, Ive also read in the Bringers of the Dawn info that many in the USA chose to be here to help with the coming trials... At times I wonder if I want to leave cause of fear or if simply like all refugees of past closed societies... it's always easier to fight the system while free than while in jail....

I don't have an answer. but I'm Native American and Saxon decent, so I'm the victim and the oppressor in one. Not that I ever see myself as a victim but at the same time, I understand the plight of the natives and also that I'm the perpetrator ...

I may be rambling now but even when I had $ I always thought to myself "why would anyone be homeless in NYC or Detroit?"
When they could hitchhike in a few weeks to south FL or other southern climates... food was plentiful then, even in the roadside ditches, and no snow on the park benches...

Now all the seafood is polluted the fresh water has dispersants and the temps are in the 20s F

Hope this hasn't become a rant... but all I can see now is to batten down the hatches and try to help one another as much as possible
seekr said:
but I'm Native American and Saxon decent, so I'm the victim and the oppressor in one.
If you choose not to identify with the ancestors or your physical body, you may be just you.
There was a time in the recent past, I worried and searched for the best location on Earth in case a major cataclysmic event occurred, while profusely reading through material from various sources, which undoubtedly you know of - Scallion, Case, The Cs, Jeff High, McCaney,Velikofski, Sitchin and bunch more I can't recall their names right this moment. I even began studying Geophysics (part time) and Cosmology (even less part time) to become more acquainted with how my environment "works".
At the near end of my neurosis, I remembered that I was born on Earth at this particular time and have made these particular choices for the fulfillment of the purpose I was born (materialized) for. If this sounds corny to you, I apologize, but it is a deep understanding I have about purpose and location. All that has occurred in my life so far, as far as i can recall, had a way of showing me there are no coincidences. Given , I want to survive, so I can be of use to a bunch of scared people, my wife, my cats, my sister that sort of thing, the rest is a peculiar certainty that if I am needed i will be alive no matter where i am and if i am not needed, then there will be another chance. The Universe does not waste. Efficiency is paramount. Location is within.
kryon said:
At the near end of my neurosis, I remembered that I was born on Earth at this particular time and have made these particular choices for the fulfillment of the purpose I was born (materialized) for. If this sounds corny to you, I apologize, but it is a deep understanding I have about purpose and location. All that has occurred in my life so far, as far as i can recall, had a way of showing me there are no coincidences. Given , I want to survive, so I can be of use to a bunch of scared people, my wife, my cats, my sister that sort of thing, the rest is a peculiar certainty that if I am needed i will be alive no matter where i am and if i am not needed, then there will be another chance. The Universe does not waste. Efficiency is paramount. Location is within.

An old thread, but a good post to revive it. Location is indeed within.

Over the past month, I've seen a number of threads that seem to have it all backwards. Questions about "Safe Belts," discussions about money and employment during an economic collapse, talk about hoarding food and cleaning shotguns, consistent worries about detoxification -- can we take a moment to realize how deeply these discussions can get lost in the realm of worldly ("A") influences?

It's true that we live in a 3D world, and equally true that "physicality" generally mediates our experience of "spirituality". So, yes, physicality is important -- but only as a reflection of a deeper spiritual reality. Awareness comes first, period.

Rather than run around trying to get our lives in order so that we can become more conscious, the focus should simply be on becoming more conscious, and letting that order our lives. This may sound trite, but there really is a big difference. So long as we live in 3D, we will never have control over our physical reality -- ever. 4D machinations of the control system are too complicated for us to understand completely, and too powerful for us to counteract effectively.

I write all of this with great sympathy, because I too have experienced worry, despair, and morbid curiosity about the physical suffering likely to come. For a period of about a year, I suffered intensely in my concern for the physical well-being of others. I encouraged family and friends to prepare for catastrophe. I prepared myself to provide assistance. I often wept over what I assumed would be the deaths of millions or billions. Eventually, however, I realized my efforts and my empathy were operating on the wrong level, and that I was feeding a culture of fear and survivalism.

Isn't the whole idea that we will help "hold down the frequency"? I gently suggest that means being open to experience and standing for consciousness come what may -- not scrabbling to open a concession stand amid the chaos.


On a related note, I've found that a little bit of Zen often helps overcome worldly concerns. Perhaps the following story, "Bodhidharma's Mind Pacifying," from The Gateless Gate will resonate with some of you:

[Quick note for the unfamiliar: Bodhidharma (also spelled Bodhidarma) was a Buddhist monk from southern India who lived in the 5th/6th century, and whom tradition credits with bringing Zen Buddhism to China.]

Bodhidharma sat facing the wall.
The Second Patriarch stood in the snow.
He cut off his arm and presented it to Bodhidharma, crying, "My mind has no peace as yet! I beg you, master, please pacify my mind!"
"Bring your mind here and I will pacify it for you," replied Bodhidharma.
"I have searched for my mind, and I cannot take hold of it," said the Second Patriarch.
"Now your mind is pacified," said Bodhidharma.

The Gateless Gate: http://www.sacred-texts.com/bud/zen/mumonkan.htm


Here's to all of us keeping tight inside those ruby slippers!
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