Location, location, location

That makes perfect sense, thank you. In light of this whole exchange, I will make efforts both to be more specific and to consider a broader audience whenever I make a suggestion or raise an issue.
I can't say I fully believe that a cataclysmic event will occur in 2012, but given the state of the world, I rule nothing out. I just so happen to live at the beach in the Carolinas. Supposedly, if all this is true, well I'm screwed. Knowing that my immediate family is here and that I can't control whether or not they stay or go, I don't see myself not being here. And to be honest, I've yet to feel any reason not to be. I tend to get a feeling that danger is imminent just in time for me to react, and that has yet to happen. But what do I know.
My view is there is NO absolutely safe place. Every locality has their issues and situations. 'Tis good to be prepared but not obsessed. Like the Cs say: It's not where you are, it's who you are and what you see...
I believe we all will be exactly were we should be. I try to think about the experiences in my life as clues to prepre mysef. I never thought about NM before six years ago as any place more then just a SW state. Now I am certain im here for a reason. I do feel like this is wereI am supossed to be.
Olga Kharitidi's book 'Entering The Circle' recounts her shamanistic experiences, including visits to an alternative/parallel reality Belovodia, where she is told:

"Your people will go through tremendous personal changes. It may seem like the end of the world. In many ways it will be, for much of the old world will indeed be replaced by a new manner of existence. The psychological structure of each person will be transformed, because people's old model of reality will no longer be sufficient. Your people will experience and learn to understand another part of their being. This will happen differently for each person. For some it will be easy and almost instantaneous. Others will need to struggle through stress and pain. There will even be some people so deeply grounded in your old laws of reality that they won't notice anything at all."

The Cassiopaean's statements, in this thread and elsewhere, and Ms. Kharitidi's revelations are calming to me, and they seem to say that there's "nowhere to run, nowhere to hide". Taking that as being the case, I'll keep hanging around where I am while continuing to try to figure out who I am.

Thank you to you all; I learn from your thoughts.
I think I remember the C's saying something about Britian being doomed. That kinda sucks for me.
I was thinking about moving back to Australia, I've always kinda missed it since I came over to Merry Old England. I guess it would be an added bonus if I avoided some horrible event while also getting some great weather! :lol:
I was obsessed with thinking about location for a good while but every where you look has something.. and if its cometary bombardment, it could be anywhere.
We have just about gotten through another cyclone season with no major occurances. My mind always eases off a bit and I enjoy the coming dry season.. except I just read in the local rag today that a 3 metre salt water croc was caught at the exact beach we were waterskiing yesterday. Could have been my last day on Earth and I didn't even know it.
Live each day doing something you love with the people you love, keep learning and your eyes and mind open. What ever will be will be. :cool2:
Personally I think there is no safe place in this planet. I am becoming very nervous about the political and economical and social situation in the country where I live, Spain, and I have a virus inside me that is the virus of "emigration", that my father had. He, in the same situation, left this country in the end of the fifties. Strange enough I am in the same situation of my father who was seeing the doom of the situation. But now the things are worst! But I say to myself: if I am here, there and now, is for a reason. Accept this situation and listen. But the virus is in me, by the way. I always think that there is some place better than where I am. But there is no place better. Everywhere is like here. And here is like everywhere.
Any suggestions what to do in my case? I'm working in Nigeria for another 2 years here.. what can i do if the wave or anything similar will start happening? how would i get back home etc? .... :huh:
Yevgenniy said:
Any suggestions what to do in my case? I'm working in Nigeria for another 2 years here.. what can i do if the wave or anything similar will start happening? how would i get back home etc? .... :huh:

Hi Yevgenniy, and welcome.
Newbies are asked to introduce themselves and telling us a little bit about themselves and how they came to find this forum, in the newbies section and to read important sections for newbies,I am sure some one will post the necessary links for you.
Oh, hi "away with the fairies"
sorry! really slow with this forum system, so i should go to the "newbies" section & introduce myself?
I'll try 2 find that!
(i know i sound like i'm technologically challenged :-[ , i just never posted anything in forums before! sorry lol)
let us say that some comets really are approaching (which is most likely according to data) and we do not know where on the planet will collide and always tend to be several bodies, not just one comet, then I ask .. Does it really matter where we are? because thinking on that is worrying much about the physical body, something very SAS... lets only work on ourselves! our spirit our soul! are we forgetting about reincarnation and that our conscience is infinite? so.. what has to happen will happen!
irjO said:
let us say that some comets really are approaching (which is most likely according to data) and we do not know where on the planet will collide and always tend to be several bodies, not just one comet, then I ask .. Does it really matter where we are? because thinking on that is worrying much about the physical body, something very SAS... lets only work on ourselves! our spirit our soul! are we forgetting about reincarnation and that our conscience is infinite? so.. what has to happen will happen!

I think this is also what the C's meant by "Letting Go" from our physical 3rd dimension..
For those considering moving from their current country, and who do not have European residency rights, this might be interesting for you.


Spain Plans To Offer Residency Papers With Every Home Over 160k

A new plan was disclosed today by the Spanish Trade Ministry Secretary, Jaime Garcia-Legaz. Aimed at helping the stagnated property market, the plan is to offer permanent Residency to foreigners who buy a house or apartment valued over 160,000 euros ($200,000).

The plan is expected to be approved in the coming weeks, and would be primarily aimed at enticing Chinese and Russian buyers. It was not immediately clear if the residency would only refer to Spain, and not the European Union.

Spain has more than 700,000 unsold houses following the downfall of its real estate market in 2008 and demand from the recession-hit domestic market is stagnant.

Spain needs to sell these homes, was the message from the Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy, however he stressed that the plan has not yet been finalized. He added that getting them off the market could help resuscitate the nation's distressed construction industry.

The challenge to get the homes off the market comes as thousands of houses have been repossessed by banks and owners evicted because they cannot pay their mortgages. The government last week approved a declaration under which evictions would be suspended for two years in particular cases of extreme need.

The Spanish residency offer, once finalized and approved, would beat other countries such as Portugal and Ireland, where residency is offered to foreigners buying houses worth more than 500,000 and 400,000, respectively.

Although Spain is in the midst of a double-dip recession with 25% unemployment, Prime Minister Rajoy said he trusts that Spain has managed to avoid a financial cave-in and will see growth again in late 2013 and in 2014.

Rajoy told reporters after meeting with Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff, that he was convinced that the worst is over.

Figures from the Bank of Spain on Monday, showed that the level of bad debt in the country's banks had risen to a record 10.7% of their loan total in September. The bank reported an amount totalling 182 billion euros, up from 179 billion euro’s in August, which made it the 15th monthly increase in a row.

Spain has been under pressure to apply for more outside financial aid to help it manage its debt and deficit. The European Central Bank has insisted on the move before it will make good on its pledge to buy the bonds of certain troubled countries to help lower their borrowing costs. Spain says it is waiting to know all the conditions that might come attached to the rescue package before making a decision.
The 16 other countries that use the euro have agreed to lend Spain up to 100 billion euros to help support the country's banks weighed down by these bad loans and investments.
Perceval said:
For those considering moving from their current country, and who do not have European residency rights, this might be interesting for you.


Spain Plans To Offer Residency Papers With Every Home Over 160k

A new plan was disclosed today by the Spanish Trade Ministry Secretary, Jaime Garcia-Legaz. Aimed at helping the stagnated property market, the plan is to offer permanent Residency to foreigners who buy a house or apartment valued over 160,000 euros ($200,000).

The plan is expected to be approved in the coming weeks, and would be primarily aimed at enticing Chinese and Russian buyers. It was not immediately clear if the residency would only refer to Spain, and not the European Union.

Spain has more than 700,000 unsold houses following the downfall of its real estate market in 2008 and demand from the recession-hit domestic market is stagnant.

Spain needs to sell these homes, was the message from the Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy, however he stressed that the plan has not yet been finalized. He added that getting them off the market could help resuscitate the nation's distressed construction industry.

The challenge to get the homes off the market comes as thousands of houses have been repossessed by banks and owners evicted because they cannot pay their mortgages. The government last week approved a declaration under which evictions would be suspended for two years in particular cases of extreme need.

The Spanish residency offer, once finalized and approved, would beat other countries such as Portugal and Ireland, where residency is offered to foreigners buying houses worth more than 500,000 and 400,000, respectively.

Although Spain is in the midst of a double-dip recession with 25% unemployment, Prime Minister Rajoy said he trusts that Spain has managed to avoid a financial cave-in and will see growth again in late 2013 and in 2014.

Rajoy told reporters after meeting with Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff, that he was convinced that the worst is over.

Figures from the Bank of Spain on Monday, showed that the level of bad debt in the country's banks had risen to a record 10.7% of their loan total in September. The bank reported an amount totalling 182 billion euros, up from 179 billion euro’s in August, which made it the 15th monthly increase in a row.

Spain has been under pressure to apply for more outside financial aid to help it manage its debt and deficit. The European Central Bank has insisted on the move before it will make good on its pledge to buy the bonds of certain troubled countries to help lower their borrowing costs. Spain says it is waiting to know all the conditions that might come attached to the rescue package before making a decision.
The 16 other countries that use the euro have agreed to lend Spain up to 100 billion euros to help support the country's banks weighed down by these bad loans and investments.

Not that easy to gather 160,000 Euros :-/
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