London Olympics 2012

In the book 'Being Wrong' there is this passage I bookmarked because I can relate to try avoiding those feelings :

A better answer was suggested by Irna Gadd, a psychoanalyst in New York. “Our capacity to tolerate error,” Gadd said, “depends on our capacity to tolerate emotion.” Most of our mistakes are nowhere near as emotionally leveling as the pure wrongness experienced by Anita Wilson, but virtually all of them require us to feel something: a wash of dismay, a moment of foolishness, guilt over our dismissive treatment of someone else who turned out to be right—I could go on.(And I will in the next chapters, where we’ll look more closely at the range of emotions that wrongness can provoke.)

It is the presentiment of these feelings, and the recoil from them, that renders us so defensive in the face of possible error. In this respect, the experience of pure wrongness, although rare, is the telling one: our resistance to error is, in no small part, a resistance to being left alone with too few certainties and too many emotions.

For some people, this experience is essentially unbearable. When I spoke with Anita Wilson, I asked whether her parents (with whom she remains close) had questioned their faith at all after she renounced it.

“Quietly, behind the scenes, my mom can bend a little,” she told me. “But my father is more rigid. He once said to me, ‘If I don’t believe that every word in the Bible is true, I don’t know what I believe.’ And I’m like: come on.
There are all kinds of passages in the Bible that can’t be literally true, there are things that can’t be true if other things are true, and there are things my dad plainly doesn’t believe—about menstruating women and so forth.

But he has to hold on to that certainty. Without it, his whole world would fall apart. He’d go insane. I honestly don’t know that he’s strong enough to handle it.” All of us know people like this—people whose rigidity serves to protect a certain inner fragility, who cannot bend precisely because they are at risk of breaking. For that matter, all of us are people like this sometimes. No matter how psychologically resilient we may be, facing up to our own errors time and again is tough. And sometimes we just can’t. Sometimes we are too exhausted or too sad or too far out of our element to risk feeling worse (or even just feeling more), and so instead we wax stubborn, or defensive, or downright mean. The irony, of course, is that none of these feelings are all that great, either—and nor do they engender particularly comforting interactions with others. True, we will have succeeded in pulling up the drawbridge, manning the battlements, and skirting a confrontation with our fallibility. But we will also have succeeded (if that is the word) at creating conflict with another person—not infrequently, with someone we love.

And, too, we will have succeeded in stranding ourselves inside the particular and unpleasant kind of loneliness occasioned by one’s own poor behavior.
Herr Eisenheim said:
Laura said:
If you don't feel shamed then you have neither consciousness nor conscience. The essence of conscience is to feel true remorse when you have harmed another. And you did harm this man whether HE knows it or not, by 1) believing and then 2) propagating ill-founded assumptions that were libelous.
The post was visible on my face book only to the inner circle of friends which is mostly people from this forum.
I can understand how you can relate this situation to all the libels and defamation instigated against you and its not surprise, unfortunately you know well how much it hurts, i just don't think its the same.
The article I translated in my previous post has pretty much the same analysis ( if not more deep and more assumptive) as nimrod's post I carried on my wall, the only difference being this was published by news portal.
But this is besides the point, I made an error of judgement on a spur of the moment and for that I don't feel ashamed, and I don't see why I should suffer for it publicly.
I don't think I lack consciousness or (especially) conscience, nor I think I am going south on a dime or disintegrating.

But perhaps I am deluded, and perhaps you can see something I cant, in that case I certainly wouldn't want to waste your time. My apologies if my actions have brought you any harm or taken too much of your writing time.

There are a thousand websites out there repeating the same or similar analyses, must as there are thousands of websites out there repeating Icke's assertion the Queen is a reptile. It doesn't make it the truth. The 2012 Olympic logo could be seen as spelling out Zion, but it requires turning one character and reordering a few others. It also looked like a stylized version of...2012. While it is possible that the designer, Wolff Olins, either intentionally or subconsciously put the word Zion in the logo, and it's even possible that 4D STS had beamed the idea into his head, we have no evidence of that.

You know better than to trust what you read and you know better than to trust your thinking, especially on matters that have emotional connections. And yet, you are still clinging on to something and I think the predator is providing you an excellent opportunity to see the rationalizations and minimizations in action.

It's interesting that you mention suffering publicly. Are you really suffering or is that the cries of the ego, provoked by the predator's mind? Surely, you have experienced true suffering before to know the difference between it (the pain of betrayal, intentional physical or emotional abuse, the loss of a loved one, etc.) and the agony of an exposed buffer.

I understand that you are probably blinded to much of what we are seeing. So, it comes down to you having faith in the Work and the perceptions and approaches of members of this forum.

Herr Eisenheim, I have deep respect for the contributions you have made to this forum. Allow us the opportunity to make a contribution of observation and application of friction to you. You are loved here and nobody would intentionally harm you here. But you have come here in agreement with the approach, in full awareness that having programs exposed and eliminated is a painful process. Take the pain you are perceiving as suffering and convert it into righteous suffering as you take on the burden of responsibility to your essence and not to your programs.

Herr Eisenheim said:
But perhaps I am deluded, and perhaps you can see something I cant, in that case I certainly wouldn't want to waste your time. My apologies if my actions have brought you any harm or taken too much of your writing time.
I don't think it's a 'waste of time' if people care about you enough to point something out in an effort to have your back. Perhaps you view it this way because deep down inside you feel that you are not worth it - that there is something so 'wrong' with and different about you that you are not deserving? That would be a narrative you created in order to not have to take responsibility for your actions.

Realistically speaking, we all make mistakes - everyone. It's when we choose to face the illusions we tell ourselves and pay the price of ego that we come one step closer to discerning truth. Give yourself a chance by not letting this opportunity slip away.
By coincidence I just saw this article in one the Croatian news portal, pretty much mainstream :

Gruesome Images at the Olympic Opening Ceremony Usher the Beginning of Esoteric New World Order

if you saw the Olympic Games opening ceremony and asked yourself what all this has to do with sport you were not alone. No you are not crazy. Internet is flooded with questions by puzzled viewers who couldn't understand what are sick beds, apparitions and strange creatures do at the opening ceremony of sporting event. The questions are justified but they cannot be answered by sport commentators. Only experts on Bible and symbolism of secret societies, masonic loges and Illuminati can. It seems these societies have made an effort to introduce themselves to the public of few billion people, straight from their stronghold - London. These people are very fond of occult symbols and rituals which according to the experts on elite blood lines through history always attempt to 'hypnotize the uninitiated' broad masses of spectators leaving them smitten by grandiosity, fireworks, wealth and power of Great Britain, failing to see hidden motives of the organizers.

But it was clear from the beginning these games will deal with more then just sport. The reflectors in shape of pyramids with marked tips where all seeing eye on one eyed mascots is positioned, the word Zion in puzzle form as a logo of the Games. Some of the explanations of the opening ceremony seem paranoid and fantastic, however one cannot escape allegories and associations that opening ceremony brought, especially in light of current financial crisis and the fact the world is on the bring of new global war.

The blood line families as we could see, waved their symbols from the beginning, the torch or the flame of illumination is an ancient symbol signifying the secret knowledge privy only to the initiated, members of mystic schools. The word Zion in official logo, according to conspiracy theorists marks political program for foundation of New Jerusalem , or NWO and one world government. Within this context , Olympic circles, 5 of them signify 5 continents united under global government. The same theory holds that today ruling elite can be traced by their blood lines all the way to Sumer, Babylon, Canaan and Egypt as original followers of mystic cults, ancient priest caste and pharaohs. Today they are the European royal blood lines, as well as owners of biggest banks and corporations.

And then it goes on and on analyzing the scenes from the ceremony and explaining their hidden meaning.

Yes, that sounds very "mainstream" (sarcasm).

And you believe this drivel?

Everything around us is part of a far larger symbol system through which the universe communicates with us. The 'Language of the Birds' is something all the Illuminati and conspiracy nuts in the world combined would never be able to dream up. They imitate the symbols outwardly but do not understand them inwardly. They're psychopaths, not evil magicians. They only have power over the masses to the extent that 4DSTS uses them for such.
truth seeker said:
I don't think it's a 'waste of time' if people care about you enough to point something out in an effort to have your back. Perhaps you view it this way because deep down inside you feel that you are not worth it - that there is something so 'wrong' with and different about you that you are not deserving? That would be a narrative you created in order to not have to take responsibility for your actions.

Realistically speaking, we all make mistakes - everyone. It's when we choose to face the illusions we tell ourselves and pay the price of ego that we come one step closer to discerning truth. Give yourself a chance by not letting this opportunity slip away.

I wouldn't want to divert this thread any further. I will start a separate thread in appropriate corner of the forum as soon as I compose my thoughts.

Sarcasm surely doesn't help Kniall, I think it was the tone of your first post that triggered some of my programs but I do need to think about this some more. Having said this I don't want you to think I am deflecting I am just observing what is going on within me.
At this moment I am experiencing very strange situation in which I am seeing you as someone who is rubbing it in my face by preaching something that I already know. I need to see where is this coming from.
I respect how you are feeling, Herr Eisenheim. However, do consider that your mind's desire to reflect and observe could also be a tactic to reduce the heat from the friction and avoid pain and discomfort. While sarcasm certainly isn't the most respectful forms of communications, it can be received as an opportunity to allow a program to be triggered, giving one a chance to view something otherwise hidden, regardless of the issuer's intent.

If you allow the pressure to be kept on yourself, the very things you fear, repressed anger, feelings of being attacked, feeling unsafe, etc., can come to the surface for you.

I also understand not wanting to have this thread diverted, preferring to have things discussed in a separate thread in the swamp. But it might make sense to create a thread sooner than later, so the heat can continue.

Herr Eisenheim said:
At this moment I am experiencing very strange situation in which I am seeing you as someone who is rubbing it in my face by preaching something that I already know. I need to see where is this coming from.

Your most recent post didn't suggest that you "already know", it suggested that you were still trying to deflect and divert. Such things are usually born of feelings of self-importance.
Gonzo said:
However, do consider that your mind's desire to reflect and observe could also be a tactic to reduce the heat from the friction and avoid pain and discomfort. While sarcasm certainly isn't the most respectful forms of communications, it can be received as an opportunity to allow a program to be triggered, giving one a chance to view something otherwise hidden, regardless of the issuer's intent.



Thank you Gonzo, what you have just said got right through me. I see a lot of sense and wisdom into it.

Actually you, sir, have made my day! ;)

Thanks a bunch!
Tigersoap, I like that extract of Being Wrong. I'm interested to know what the book says about how to learn from the experience after we are remorseful.

Herr Eisenheim said:
Sarcasm surely doesn't help Kniall, I think it was the tone of your first post that triggered some of my programs but I do need to think about this some more. Having said this I don't want you to think I am deflecting I am just observing what is going on within me.
At this moment I am experiencing very strange situation in which I am seeing you as someone who is rubbing it in my face by preaching something that I already know. I need to see where is this coming from.
Hello Eisenheim,

When one makes a mistake, and others correct the mistake, one's ego may easily forget the mistake and then complain that the correction was not done "nicely" or "with nice words."

There is danger when a child transgresses and does not feel discomfort.

Your emotional investments do not let you see from the perspective of an outside observer such as I.

Should one be criticized, one must not regard it as an attack upon one's ego; instead one must desire to be objective enough to consider the criticism.

It is impossible to control how others act; we can only control ourselves as we dance with the Universe.


When I was a young kid, if a teacher at school took a scolding tone with me, my emotional reaction would be, "Oh no, what have I done wrong?" Today, the shell of illusions that protects me from insecurity would take offense and say, "Why are you scolding me (like that)?" As a child, I was more willing to cooperate with the Universe...
Herr Eisenheim said:
truth seeker said:
I don't think it's a 'waste of time' if people care about you enough to point something out in an effort to have your back. Perhaps you view it this way because deep down inside you feel that you are not worth it - that there is something so 'wrong' with and different about you that you are not deserving? That would be a narrative you created in order to not have to take responsibility for your actions.

Realistically speaking, we all make mistakes - everyone. It's when we choose to face the illusions we tell ourselves and pay the price of ego that we come one step closer to discerning truth. Give yourself a chance by not letting this opportunity slip away.

I wouldn't want to divert this thread any further. I will start a separate thread in appropriate corner of the forum as soon as I compose my thoughts.

Sarcasm surely doesn't help Kniall, I think it was the tone of your first post that triggered some of my programs but I do need to think about this some more. Having said this I don't want you to think I am deflecting I am just observing what is going on within me.
At this moment I am experiencing very strange situation in which I am seeing you as someone who is rubbing it in my face by preaching something that I already know. I need to see where is this coming from.

Hi Herr Eisenheim,

I thought the following posted HERE about how we perceive written messages might be helpful in some way, or not, as a useful reminder.

The above thread link was mentioned in this post below and in it was another imo relevant quote:

Shijing said:
One thing that may be helpful is what Alada recently wrote here. I've had exactly the same problem in the past that he describes. Another thing that relates to this is a quote from Daniel Goleman's The Brain and Emotional Intelligence that I was recently made aware of (for 'email' you can also substitute 'forum posts'):

When we're at our keyboard and we think a message is positive, and we hit 'send', what we don't realize is that at a neural level is that all the non-verbal cues - facial expression, tone of voice, gesture and so on - stay with us. There is a negativity bias to e-mail: when the sender thinks an e-mail was positive the receiver tends to see it as neutral. When the sender thinks it's neutral, the receiver tends to interpret it as somewhat negative. The big exception is when you know the person well; that bond overcomes the negativity bias.

I realize you may not be describing only online interaction, but I hope this is still helpful; becoming aware of this dynamic can be very useful in dealing with our immediate reactions as well as in trying to see things more objectively in general.
I feel a little disappointed and scared with this olympics thing. People talk about it as an example of being in union, giving all we humans have to success and excel. But all that money spend on it, all people care right now is entertainment, is the core of their existence. There are people that would benefit so much with that money, like africa for example, but still all the money goes for the show. And then people get angry and sad because there's still poor people on the planet, so who understands them? they are so fragmented that they'll barely know what they want.

We are the ones that let produce injustice, unbalance, and suffering, and we are the ones that cry because of it. I see no hope in humanity, no hope at all.

Edit: LOL I always put "these" instead of "this".
This thread has reduced a massive event to a pinprick: a single movement and a fraction of a second. Here is the whole context of the Nazi salute:
(Remember, transmitted live to the whole planet, all music British!)

Some forum members appear to have expected a barely concealed message of darkness from the elitists to the citizens of this planet. OK, I did too. But not to the point of hypnotic conditioning, against every evidence. Let's watch a bit more objectively:

A country 'preparing for war'?
Check out the Great Ormond Street Hospital section. Sleep well ;)
Where's the heavy security presence? Surely a glorious opportunity?
How many Nazi salutes can you spot?
For those who can't think beyond the cost, unfortunately you don't get to hold the Olympics without staging an opening ceremony. Worth knowing there were 7,500 volunteers, averaging 150 hours each of free work. It's their crazy enthusiasm that makes the event rock.

Olympic rings can mean anything under the sun. They can also be used as a symbol of togetherness and species unity, of imagining for a few moments a human fate bigger than one's own.

Not dark, not sinister. Against the run of our expectations, nothing but a brilliant, brilliant message from parts of humanity to anyone who's listening, including the cosmos.
Be said:
This thread has reduced a massive event to a pinprick: a single movement and a fraction of a second. Here is the whole context of the Nazi salute:
(Remember, transmitted live to the whole planet, all music British!)

Some forum members appear to have expected a barely concealed message of darkness from the elitists to the citizens of this planet. OK, I did too. But not to the point of hypnotic conditioning, against every evidence. Let's watch a bit more objectively:

A country 'preparing for war'?
Check out the Great Ormond Street Hospital section. Sleep well ;)
Where's the heavy security presence? Surely a glorious opportunity?
How many Nazi salutes can you spot?
For those who can't think beyond the cost, unfortunately you don't get to hold the Olympics without staging an opening ceremony. Worth knowing there were 7,500 volunteers, averaging 150 hours each of free work. It's their crazy enthusiasm that makes the event rock.

Olympic rings can mean anything under the sun. They can also be used as a symbol of togetherness and species unity, of imagining for a few moments a human fate bigger than one's own.

Not dark, not sinister. Against the run of our expectations, nothing but a brilliant, brilliant message from parts of humanity to anyone who's listening, including the cosmos.

Hi Be,

The link does not work... :rolleyes:
MK Scarlett said:
Be said:
This thread has reduced a massive event to a pinprick: a single movement and a fraction of a second. Here is the whole context of the Nazi salute:
(Remember, transmitted live to the whole planet, all music British!)

Some forum members appear to have expected a barely concealed message of darkness from the elitists to the citizens of this planet. OK, I did too. But not to the point of hypnotic conditioning, against every evidence. Let's watch a bit more objectively:

A country 'preparing for war'?
Check out the Great Ormond Street Hospital section. Sleep well ;)
Where's the heavy security presence? Surely a glorious opportunity?
How many Nazi salutes can you spot?
For those who can't think beyond the cost, unfortunately you don't get to hold the Olympics without staging an opening ceremony. Worth knowing there were 7,500 volunteers, averaging 150 hours each of free work. It's their crazy enthusiasm that makes the event rock.

Olympic rings can mean anything under the sun. They can also be used as a symbol of togetherness and species unity, of imagining for a few moments a human fate bigger than one's own.

Not dark, not sinister. Against the run of our expectations, nothing but a brilliant, brilliant message from parts of humanity to anyone who's listening, including the cosmos.

Hi Be,

The link does not work... :rolleyes:

It looks like it is only viewable in the UK.

And there is also some footage about a alleged UFO during the opening, Goodyear says it is their airship, but has no blinking lights:

UFO Sighted Over Olympics? Not a Blimp or Drone?
Be said:
This thread has reduced a massive event to a pinprick: a single movement and a fraction of a second. Here is the whole context of the Nazi salute:
(Remember, transmitted live to the whole planet, all music British!)

Some forum members appear to have expected a barely concealed message of darkness from the elitists to the citizens of this planet. OK, I did too. But not to the point of hypnotic conditioning, against every evidence. Let's watch a bit more objectively:

A country 'preparing for war'?
Check out the Great Ormond Street Hospital section. Sleep well ;)
Where's the heavy security presence? Surely a glorious opportunity?
How many Nazi salutes can you spot?
For those who can't think beyond the cost, unfortunately you don't get to hold the Olympics without staging an opening ceremony. Worth knowing there were 7,500 volunteers, averaging 150 hours each of free work. It's their crazy enthusiasm that makes the event rock.

Olympic rings can mean anything under the sun. They can also be used as a symbol of togetherness and species unity, of imagining for a few moments a human fate bigger than one's own.

Not dark, not sinister. Against the run of our expectations, nothing but a brilliant, brilliant message from parts of humanity to anyone who's listening, including the cosmos.

Personally, I have no idea what Be is talking about.

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