London Olympics 2012

Laura said:
Gonzo said:
I think Diana died just after midnight August 31. So, it would still be a month away.
However, I wouldn't be surprised if that date does get used in some way to distract from whatever attention the 15th anniversary of her death might attract.


You're right! Dunno why I was stuck on July 31st! I guess the Olympics will be over by then, yes?

The main one yes, but the Paralympic Games runs 29 Aug - 9 Sep and is becoming increasingly publicised and supported. There is also the interesting synchronicity with:
1997: Princess Diana sparks landmines row
Princess Diana has angered government ministers after calling for an international ban on landmines.

And competitors such as

Landmine victim Malek Mohammed going for gold at Paralympics

Malek Mohammed was 11 when he lost his legs – another statistic in the endless Afghan war. But this one may have a happy ending in London
Laura said:
If nothing else, I just wish that the Cosmos would commemorate Diana in some way...

Is it not possible that the Cosmos acted in the best way it could have anyway and that the memories we have of her are as good as they could have been?

When she died she was doing a lot of humanitarian work, the majority of the world seem to have loved her. She may have chosen this time as the perfect time to visit 5D in order to leave a positive influence on humanity. I think that every year when her passing is commemorated it is done so with more affection than would have been the case if the paparazzi had been on her case much longer pushing out negative stories.

When she died she left us with a positive image and probably saved the Royal Family and her sons much future anguish. I'm sure she's happier now.
Laura, being the extremely meticulous person that you are, it's almost a pleasant experience to see you make a slight mistake, therefore verifying that you are indeed human and not some god in a meatsuit.

However, since you rarely make mistakes, especially around areas you have deeply researched, I am left wondering how things are going on your end. Personally, I have not been able to focus much in the last week or so and have been easily distracted at work and I wonder if anyone else is experiencing that.

Not being a follower of the olympics, I don't really know how long it will last. However, it might be interesting to go through each of the dates in history, to see if any of them could have a significance to TPTB.

I'm just looking up Aug 31 since Diana's passing, to see what may have occurred that could be considered potential distractions away from memorializing her death (or providing possible examples of TPTB celebrating her murder).

Interesting thread! As for me, I boycotted the opening ceremonies and haven't watched a single minute of coverage (except this thread). I just couldn't bring myself to watch it, it made me feel dirty if I did knowing what a bread and circus it is.

Regarding Diana's death... (mods please create a new thread if you think any of this is taking away from the Olympic thread)

Laura said:
Now, what I came to post about in this thread before discovering the mess above was a thought I had the other day and I forgot about it until just awhile ago. And this IS gonna be a conspiracy speculation, so take it under advisement.

I think that most of us can agree that Princess Diana was "gotten rid of" because she had way too much influence over the public mind and it was feared she might use it against war-mongering (forget all that crap about whether or not she would or would not marry Dodi or have a child, etc.) The same is true for a goodly selection of other public icons who were done away with, including John Lennon.

I always had a feeling that they got 'rid' of her as well. Because she was so influential for people and had a conscience unlike many other political/royalty figures.

But reading this C's transcript got me thinking that there may have been more to it than PTB trying to get rid of her.

session 97090 said:
Q: We would like to know if there is any significance to the fact that Mother Theresa and Princess Diana both died within a week of each other?
A: Vague.
Q: Why didn't you tell us that Princess Diana was going to get killed in an auto accident? That's pretty big news!
A: You would not have benefited, and, besides, it was not predetermined. Just one possible future.
Q: Why was this particular future the one that manifested?
A: Because it was chosen.
Q: Why?
A: No escape any other way.
Q: For who?
A: Diana.
Q: Escape from what or who?
A: Judgment.
Q: Judgment by whom?
A: You pick. She was damned if she did and damned if she did not.
Q: (T) Let me ask: is she dead?
A: Yes.
Q: Was there any factor involved in her death that could be connected to any secret groups on the planet that wish to bring down the monarchy?
A: No.

Q: So, this wasn't part of a plot to bring down the monarchy?
A: Soul mates.
Q: She and Dodi were soul mates?
A: Yes.
Q: And they decided to leave together...
A: Yes, at another level.
Q: Is there any special significance to the fact that they were soul mates?
A: No, only way out, and valuable lessons learned by everyone else.
Q: So, this was a gift?
A: And STO. And the same with Mother Theresa who waited for the proper timing, so that others would notice what you did.

Q: (T) Well, things usually happen in threes... who is next?
A: Usually threes is an old wives tale.
Q: So, from one perspective, the death of the Princess is nothing more than a tragic accident?
A: We did not say that.
Q: So, she chose this because it was the only way out... (T) Was she helped along? Was there more to it than choosing the time and the way?
A: There always is.
Q: Can you list some of the other factors involved?
A: Lessons, that is all there is!!
Q: (T) Was she murdered?
A: Would murderer agree to be crushed to death?? What future is there in that line of work?

Q: Well, there are some Middle Easterners who think there is a LOT of future in that line of work... suicide bombers and so forth as well as persons
programmed to do that sort of thing... Was anybody or any other thing behind this?
A: No.
Q: Was the driver drunk?
A: Yes.

Q: (AH) Would she like to tell us something?
A: Statement as such would not benefit this work.
Q: Did Dodi give Diana the purported ring as an engagement ring?
A: Yes, but that is incidental to the "bigger picture."
Q: What IS the bigger picture?
Q: You are saying that this was an STO act? (T) That's what they said...
A: No.
Q: That's not what they said. They said that this act would make others realize what we did and would start thinking about STO.
A: Yes.

Q: Are you saying that this was done by Diana as a service to others?
A: Part.
Q: I get the feeling that there is something we are not getting here...
A: Maybe we are waiting for you to figure it out on your own!
Q: When I read the article by Rupert Cornwell and there was a paragraph that was identical to what I had written on the original web-page, and then he made
the remark about the circle of daggers surrounding Prince Charles, that he was in the center of a circle of sharp daggers... that struck me as a rather bizarre
thing to say. With all the theories going around about the various families and bloodlines killing each other off from time to time... and this is connected with all
this other underground business, CIA, KGB, God knows what else... Is the way the press plays the event a capitalizing on a circumstance on behalf of such
conspiratorial groups?
A: If so, that is nothing new.
Q: Was this Cornwell saying in this article that the "dagger men" are gathered around Charles and that they are going to use this event to bring him down?
A: No.
Q: (T) Were the deaths, in addition to generating feelings of STO, also to speed up the process of the changing of the systems, the entering the new realms...
A: Close.
Q: There is still something we are not getting. And, they are waiting for me to figure it out - okay. But, give me a clue!
A: You will do so when it is appropriate.

I always found that session to be really interesting. How Diana and Dodi's deaths seemed to be a choice her and Dodi made as soul-mates. To get people to think about STO....

Laura said:
A lot of people suggest that the date and place of Diana's accident were important symbolically speaking. I'm not sure I agree with that, I expect that the deed was done based on the preparation and opportunity. I also don't think that the royal family had anything to do with it even if Diana was writing letters that her husband might do away with her. I expect that she WAS being followed and watched, but I expect it was by those same "dark forces" that the Queen mentioned to Paul Burrell. And of course, they are perfectly happy to let the family take the rap in the conspiracy theories - it's a distraction from the real culprits.

Perhaps.. but aren't the C's hinting at something even more complex than the PTB 'taking her out' sort to speak?
This whole 'false Nazi salute' issue has brought back to me some hunches about Germany and it's position in world's turbulence of nowadays - regarding economic collapse in €-zone. Germany is - it seems to me - in jeopardy because bureaucrats from Brussels and other indebted states expect from them to cover the 'damage'.Their success is making everybody else so jealous; since Germans are not meeting all demands, animosity towards them is grooving rapidly - and not only in Greece... Especially when they were defeated 'bad guys in WW2' and should obey ... That is so irritating to some - so that 'they' are just waiting for anything to storm on them - I think HerrNimrod's comments could corroborate that such an evil master plan is coming to realization on much larger scale... maybe some kind of 'bad energies vectoring' on reestablishing well known historical antagonisms
Be said:
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and so, it seems, are Illuminati conspiracies. David Icke's forum? Bad language excepted, some of the comments here could have been dredged right out of Youtube gunge.

I just wanted to thank you for your perspective, it made sense of the whole event in a way I had not previously considered.
Gonzo said:
However, since you rarely make mistakes, especially around areas you have deeply researched, I am left wondering how things are going on your end. Personally, I have not been able to focus much in the last week or so and have been easily distracted at work and I wonder if anyone else is experiencing that.

Yup. There are a lot of things going on that are rather distressing at this moment, not the least of which is watching a few people just "go south" on a dime, more or less. There are also several group members having some very trying times who have communicated privately, so to say that I have a LOT on my mind and plate right now is an understatement! I also spent the past few days working on our taxes since our filing extension is up in two weeks and there's nothing like engaging with that nonsense for making your head want to explode!
Herr Eisenheim said:
On the other hand - I have been sticking with this forum mainly because YOU guys were able to show me many times the things I was unable to see due to different blind spots. Therefore I rationally chose to go with your judgment on this matter although my heart is not in it. Yet ;)

Dear Herr Eisenheim,

I always appreciate very much your views and contributions to this forum because it seemed that you always knew objectively and precisely evaluate the matter. But I noticed that whenever there is a theme that is related to Nazism, nationalism, etc.. that triggers in you very strong emotional reaction, that it seems to me as a something touches your "sacred cow". I can relate to this, because I often react in this way when working on these topics, so I might be the last person to talk about it. It is easier to notice it on to someone else, so with best intentions, IMHO, maybe you should consider what and why is that your objectivity is so quickly clouded in this „Nazy salute“. It looks to me as symptoms described in the Buffers, programs, and predator's mind as:

"an inflexible, rigid perspective of "good" and "evil"; taking trivial events and using them as "fact" to build wild, paranoid scenarios; a sense of internal hysteria; incapability of taking an accurate reading of internal processes and emotions; placing persons involved on a "black list" where their actions and motivations are read as sinister, treacherous; unconscious projection of the negative emotions of oneself onto another etc."
istina said:
But I noticed that whenever there is a theme that is related to Nazism, nationalism, etc.. that triggers in you very strong emotional reaction, that it seems to me as a something touches your "sacred cow". I can relate to this, because I often react in this way when working on these topics, so I might be the last person to talk about it. It is easier to notice it on to someone else, so with best intentions, IMHO, maybe you should consider what and why is that your objectivity is so quickly clouded in this „Nazy salute“. It looks to me as symptoms described in the Buffers, programs, and predator's mind as:

"an inflexible, rigid perspective of "good" and "evil"; taking trivial events and using them as "fact" to build wild, paranoid scenarios; a sense of internal hysteria; incapability of taking an accurate reading of internal processes and emotions; placing persons involved on a "black list" where their actions and motivations are read as sinister, treacherous; unconscious projection of the negative emotions of oneself onto another etc."
true that Istina, I was thinking about it for past couple of days. I am not trying to get of the hook but I think large part of is probably inbreed as my maternal side of family was almost completely wiped out in horrendous massacre of civilians committed by Prince Eugen Division during IIWW. "Sacred cow" big time.

By coincidence I just saw this article in one the Croatian news portal, pretty much mainstream : said:
Gruesome Images at the Olympic Opening Ceremony Usher the Beginning of Esoteric New World Order

if you saw the Olympic Games opening ceremony and asked yourself what all this has to do with sport you were not alone. No you are not crazy. Internet is flooded with questions by puzzled viewers who couldn't understand what are sick beds, apparitions and strange creatures do at the opening ceremony of sporting event. The questions are justified but they cannot be answered by sport commentators. Only experts on Bible and symbolism of secret societies, masonic loges and Illuminati can. It seems these societies have made an effort to introduce themselves to the public of few billion people, straight from their stronghold - London. These people are very fond of occult symbols and rituals which according to the experts on elite blood lines through history always attempt to 'hypnotize the uninitiated' broad masses of spectators leaving them smitten by grandiosity, fireworks, wealth and power of Great Britain, failing to see hidden motives of the organizers.
But it was clear from the beginning these games will deal with more then just sport. The reflectors in shape of pyramids with marked tips where all seeing eye on one eyed mascots is positioned, the word Zion in puzzle form as a logo of the Games. Some of the explanations of the opening ceremony seem paranoid and fantastic, however one cannot escape allegories and associations that opening ceremony brought, especially in light of current financial crisis and the fact the world is on the bring of new global war.
The blood line families as we could see, waved their symbols from the beginning, the torch or the flame of illumination is an ancient symbol signifying the secret knowledge privy only to the initiated, members of mystic schools. The word Zion in official logo, according to conspiracy theorists marks political program for foundation of New Jerusalem , or NWO and one world government. Within this context , Olympic circles, 5 of them signify 5 continents united under global government. The same theory holds that today ruling elite can be traced by their blood lines all the way to Sumer, Babylon, Canaan and Egypt as original followers of mystic cults, ancient priest caste and pharaohs. Today they are the European royal blood lines, as well as owners of biggest banks and corporations.
And then it goes on and on analyzing the scenes from the ceremony and explaining their hidden meaning.
Laura said:
If you don't feel shamed then you have neither consciousness nor conscience. The essence of conscience is to feel true remorse when you have harmed another. And you did harm this man whether HE knows it or not, by 1) believing and then 2) propagating ill-founded assumptions that were libelous.
The post was visible on my face book only to the inner circle of friends which is mostly people from this forum.
I can understand how you can relate this situation to all the libels and defamation instigated against you and its not surprise, unfortunately you know well how much it hurts, i just don't think its the same.
The article I translated in my previous post has pretty much the same analysis ( if not more deep and more assumptive) as nimrod's post I carried on my wall, the only difference being this was published by news portal.
But this is besides the point, I made an error of judgement on a spur of the moment and for that I don't feel ashamed, and I don't see why I should suffer for it publicly.
I don't think I lack consciousness or (especially) conscience, nor I think I am going south on a dime or disintegrating.

But perhaps I am deluded, and perhaps you can see something I cant, in that case I certainly wouldn't want to waste your time. My apologies if my actions have brought you any harm or taken too much of your writing time.
Herr Eisenheim said:
.., I was thinking about it for past couple of days. I am not trying to get of the hook but I think large part of is probably inbreed as my maternal side of family was almost completely wiped out in horrendous massacre of civilians committed by Prince Eugen Division during IIWW. "Sacred cow" big time.

By coincidence I just saw this article in one the Croatian news portal, pretty much mainstream :

I know. :hug2: I know very well where are you coming from, as all of us from these tormented environment. Many of us or our family members have had terrible experiences in WW II and later, in the recent war ,on both sides , and all carry unhealed wounds. That's why we can not see the truth objectively and we all have the sacred cows, buffers and programs about that.

Neither I was sure whether it was a nazy salute or are these Olympics just masonic spectacle and if it had hidden meaning. But this is not a point. What seems to me that you, as well as the many of us, at this point, should take a look inside ourself because it is a good opportunity to get rid of these programs and sacred cows, and to try to be objective.
Maybe I am wrong, but it seems to me that moderators have tried to point that out and to wake you up with the "scratches".

Please do not so easy miss a good opportunity to change something important in The Work on yourself.

Herr Eisenheim said:
Laura said:
If you don't feel shamed then you have neither consciousness nor conscience. The essence of conscience is to feel true remorse when you have harmed another. And you did harm this man whether HE knows it or not, by 1) believing and then 2) propagating ill-founded assumptions that were libelous.
The post was visible on my face book only to the inner circle of friends which is mostly people from this forum.
I can understand how you can relate this situation to all the libels and defamation instigated against you and its not surprise, unfortunately you know well how much it hurts, i just don't think its the same.
The article I translated in my previous post has pretty much the same analysis ( if not more deep and more assumptive) as nimrod's post I carried on my wall, the only difference being this was published by news portal.
But this is besides the point, I made an error of judgement on a spur of the moment and for that I don't feel ashamed, and I don't see why I should suffer for it publicly.
I don't think I lack consciousness or (especially) conscience, nor I think I am going south on a dime or disintegrating.

But perhaps I am deluded, and perhaps you can see something I cant, in that case I certainly wouldn't want to waste your time. My apologies if my actions have brought you any harm or taken too much of your writing time.

I think Laura explained it well: what you have done by your participation and spreading of this ""information"" is essentially defamatory and slanderous to this (most likely innocent) Person. So the question is why you think what you did is not the same that a lot of people do to Laura?
it is the same IMO.; spreading unfounded rumors wich can be very damaging and painful for the Person in question.

it is worrying IMO that you then can say those words
and for that I don't feel ashamed, and I don't see why I should suffer for it publicly.
Herr Eisenheim said:
The post was visible on my face book only to the inner circle of friends which is mostly people from this forum.

That's irrelevant.

Herr Eisenheim said:
I can understand how you can relate this situation to all the libels and defamation instigated against you and its not surprise, unfortunately you know well how much it hurts, i just don't think its the same.

Of course you don't because you're trying to defend yourself rather than accepting the truth about the situation and learning from it. That's your choice to refuse a learning opportunity in favor of maintaining yours self image.

Herr Eisenheim said:
The article I translated in my previous post has pretty much the same analysis ( if not more deep and more assumptive) as nimrod's post I carried on my wall, the only difference being this was published by news portal. But this is besides the point.

Yes, it's completely beside the point, but you put it in anyway to try and justify yourself and maintain your self image. That's a pity.

Herr Eisenheim said:
I made an error of judgement on a spur of the moment and for that I don't feel ashamed, and I don't see why I should suffer for it publicly.

Suffer for it publicly? Who's asking you to do that? Laura was suggesting that you 'suffer' internally by recognising that your prejudice and self-importance led you to label someone wrongly. All of which is a major part of the work.

Herr Eisenheim said:
I don't think I lack consciousness or (especially) conscience, nor I think I am going south on a dime or disintegrating.

Well not feeling remorse for something you did is evidence of lack of conscience. So by your own admission you are lacking conscience in this situation. The reference that Laura made in another post to people "going south on a dime or disintegrating" was not directed at you.

Herr Eisenheim said:
But perhaps I am deluded, and perhaps you can see something I cant, in that case I certainly wouldn't want to waste your time. My apologies if my actions have brought you any harm or taken too much of your writing time.

And here you are being somewhat cynical in your "apology", which is evidence that you are reacting emotionally, like a hurt child. That's fine, many people do it, but it might be something you want to look at, in the context of the Work on yourself.
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