Jedi Council Member
Perceval said:Graalsword said:And of course, during Germany's entrance:
Notice he's sitting in the VIP section with Camilla Parker Bowles and the Major of London (who finds it extremely hilarious). Don't think this is an accident. A planned act.
You're not serious are you? He was probably just waving. Let's keep some perspective here. Y'all are starting to sound like you belong over at David Icke's forum.
I think there is an error in the quote Perceval, it was not me who said exactly that, it comes from another post by herrnimrod here:,26953.msg357630.html#msg357630
Laura said:As we have learned, on a very small scale compared to her life, having any kind of public presence means there are always going to be detractors and destroyers making assumptions and telling lies for all kinds of pathological reasons.
Laura said:Just keep in mind the endless nonsense propagated by that whacko Icke and so many others.
Our objective here is to deal with some facts and not make wild speculations without so labeling them.
As it happens, I DO know someone close to the Queen, and I have eyes and experiences of my own that are comparable on a much smaller scale.
I agree. She must be not so evil if David Icke and his people are promoting that nonesense of the Queen and her family shapeshifting to lizzard beings.
Next time the guy will say something like "see? the Queen flew from a helicopter because she is a winged reptoid!"

Regarding the alleged esoteric symbols, maybe the PTB want everybody to search for esoteric symbols while they continue to destroy the world elsewhere, such as the orwellian measures taken for the games, among other things. Another way to distract people, in this case those who are not programmed to be distracted by sports.