M.M.S. Miracle Mineral Solution and Jim Humble



An advertisement for MMS or Miracle Mineral Solution, which we published on this website, should not have been published.

In the advertisement we unlawfully made claims that the product could have therapeutic uses, including benefits related to bacterial and viral infections. We also made unlawful claims about serious disease including cancer, HIV, hepatitis, Ross River Fever, and others.

A complaint about the advertisement was recently upheld by the Complaints Resolution Panel. We provided no evidence to support the claims that the MMS product has any therapeutic effect, and the Panel found that the claims were unlawful, misleading, and unverified and breached the Therapeutic Goods Advertising Code.

The panel therefore requested that we publish this retraction.

The full text of the panel’s determination can be found at:

What is Miracle Mineral Supplement (MMS), and Why Is It Dangerous?

What is Miracle Mineral Supplement (MMS), and Why Is It Dangerous?

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Miracle Mineral Supplement (MMS) is being touted on the Internet as a natural antibiotic and cure-all for a wide range of diseases and afflictions: colds and flu (including swine flu), malaria, cancer, "HIV & AIDS," fungus, and, more recently, autism. But MMS is actually a synthetic industrial chemical - it is a concentrated (28%) chlorine bleach - sodium chlorite. When MMS is "activated," it creates CLO2, chlorine dioxide, a very strong chemical oxidizer and bleaching agent. CLO2 is the active molecule in many water purification systems. It does kill germs, but it is toxic. If you ingest it in the concentrations recommended, it can cause you direct harm.

CLO2 is a toxic chemical oxidizer

CLO2 can cause direct oxidation harm to mucous membranes and epithelium (lining of the esophagus, stomach, and intestines). It can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration, and reduced blood pressure. Once ingested, it is absorbed into the bloodstream and can cause harm to tissues, to red blood cells, and to the developing brain of infants, children, and the fetus in pregnant women. Because CLO2 is a chemical oxidizer (called a "free radical") it depletes vitamin C. Putting it another way, the vitamin C in our body gets depleted in its attempts to detoxify CLO2; vitamin C is our "free radical scavenger." The instructions provided with MMS specifically warn people not to take vitamin C while they are taking MMS because vitamin C "interferes" with it. This is a red flag that MMS is a toxic chemical, since vitamin C is our primary detoxification agent. Vitamin C depletion is extremely dangerous: it is the bulwark of our immune system, and it is needed for dozens of other body functions.

MMS attacks healthy tissue

CLO2 is actually more dangerous than elemental chlorine for healthy tissue. According to the data on CLO2 cited to support its use for disinfection, it destroys amino acids and sulfurous bonds, both of which are integral to healthy human tissue. CLO2 cannot differentiate healthy tissue from diseased tissue. It is a universal biocide, not for human internal consumption.

"Activated" MMS contains elemental chlorine

Despite the claims of its "inventor" Jim Humble that MMS is elemental chlorine free, the fact of the matter is that when CLO2 is created in water, it immediately reacts with the water to create elemental chlorine and hypochlorous acid. Commercial bleaching operations that use only CLO2 end up with elemental chlorine in the processing tanks and organic chlorine compounds in their wastewater. (Thornton, page 321-322) What does this mean to you?

When elemental chlorine comes in contact with human tissue, it immediately destroys the molecules it comes in contact with, harming tissue and organs. In doing so it also combines with the natural biological chemicals (aromatic hydrocarbons) in your cells, forming chemicals that could never exist in nature, called polychlorinated aromatic hydrocarbons.

These new chemicals are almost always carcinogenic (cause cancer) because they mimic chemicals that look like them but do not include chlorine. So when you ingest MMS, you create cancer-causing chemicals from your own body fluids and tissue. These bio-accumulate in fat tissue, eventually causing cancer.

It means that if you consume MMS you will end up with these compounds - which cause cancer - inside you.

MMS is Toxic - Do Not Use It

Even if you didn't understand the explanation above, please take my word for it - Miracle Mineral Supplement is very toxic to your body. It may seem to get rid of bacteria - chlorine bleach does do that - but at great expense to your long-term health: tissue and organ damage, and possibly cancer.

There is nothing natural about MMS, it is not a supplement, and the only mineral in it is sodium. It is a synthetic industrial chemical. And the only thing miraculous about MMS is that it hasn't been taken off the market.

In October 2009, and man named Doug Nash reported on the curezone website that MMS had killed his wife, Silvie Fink. Her death certificate states that the cause of death was MMS. Jim Humble issued a cruel, blithering response, attacking this man who was grieving the death of his wife, for filing the report. Humble went even further: he included an outright falsehood: "MMS is a natural chemical manufactured by the human immune system to help prevent diseases and to keep the body healthy." The truth is this: your body cannot create sodium chlorite or chlorine dioxide. MMS can only be created in a chemical factory.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a press release on July 30, 2010, warning people not to consume MMS.

Please, please do not use this substance. If you have any, don't use it, but save it for evidence. If it has harmed you, please obtain the services of a lawyer to sue the distributor who sold it to you and the manufacturer. Jim Humble must be held accountable for creating this fraudulent product and thereby harming people. Send a complaint to the FDA. Call the FDA's MedWatch program at 800-FDA-1088 or file a report online at http://www.fda.gov/medwatch/report.htm. As much as I detest the FDA, their job is to get dangerous products off the market, and MMS should be banned.

If you have a serious, chronic infection or illness, please consider the following options. These regimens promote the use of natural antioxidants such as vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-carotene, quercetin, and green tea extract. These are the exact opposites of MMS: they enhance your body's immune system to kill disease vectors and restore health.

1. If you want a general regimen to keep yourself healthy, I have posted one for free download: http://www.cqs.com/naturalhealthguide.pdf.

2. If you have an influenza-type illness, look at the natural influenza regimen I have posted on this website at http://www.cqs.com/influenza.htm.

2. If you have a serious infection, get professional medical help immediately, and consider getting intravenous infusions of vitamin C. There are usually clinics in every major city that provide these infusions. If you need help finding one, click on the Contact Jonathan Campbell link on the left sidebar of this page.

3. If you have Lyme Disease, please refer to the book Healing Lyme by Stephen Harrod Buhner. His protocol is completely safe, and it works.

4. If you have cancer, heart disease, AIDS, or hepatitis, please obtain one of my natural therapy guides. These are very inexpensive guides (and the one for immune deficiency is free for download) that provide the information you need to overcome these complex illnesses, through use of large-dose natural dietary supplement protocols. Click on the Order Health Guide link on the left sidebar of this page. The primary

Note: I am not attempting to "compete" with Jim Humble. I am astonished that it has come this far, that he has fooled so many people into thinking his remedy is safe. It is not.

My only concern is for you and for your health. This is my life work. I don't make a lot of money doing it. I do not have multi-level marketing people selling for me. I do not even sell the supplements that I recommend. I just tell you where to buy them, inexpensively and reliably. My goal is to help you become healthy and stay healthy throughout your life, and not to be harmed by pharmaceutical drugs and "alternative" medical frauds like MMS.

End Notes: The documentation presented by Jim Humble for Miracle Mineral Supplement is replete with biological misinformation and fraud. They make no sense.

He claims that activated MMS (chlorine dioxide) is absorbed into the body through the stomach lining. No nutrients are absorbed through the stomach lining; the first place in the alimentary canal where anything can be absorbed is the small intestine.

He claims that red blood cells "armed" with chlorine dioxide will destroy "parasites, fungi, or diseased cells that all have low pH." Red blood cells do not and cannot have this capability - their function is to carry oxygen to cells all over the body, not to kill pathogens. (It is white blood cells that are the components of the immune system that destroy pathogens.) When red blood cells pick up chlorine dioxide, they become useless. In essence, they are destroyed, and this can cause reduced oxygen to your body, similar to carbon monoxide poisoning.

He claims to have cured thousands of people in Africa of malaria, hepatitis, cancer, and AIDS with MMS. But the only public evidence is that he provided MMS to people; there was no standardized medical evaluation of the results. He appears to me to be someone who knows just enough about chemistry to make his claims believable by people who don't study chemistry or human physiology, intent on making money selling his books and the product.

His product has sickened many, many people, and killed at least one person, as I noted above.

He and/or his supporters appear to have created an organization called the Health Freedom Alliance which heavily promotes MMS along with information about some valid health and environmental concerns on its website and mailing list. Its website is hosted in The Netherlands, the site owner and contact information are privacy protected, and the website has no information about the organization or contact information, no address, no phone number. This is all extremely unusual - and very suspicious - for a supposedly public purpose organization.

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Curezone: Nash, Doug, mms killed my wife, 10/8/2009, http://curezone.com/forums/fm.asp?i=1504247#i

Curezone: Humble, Jim, On ‘Death’ and MMS: Jim Humble Responds to Nash Attack, http://curezone.com/forums/fm.asp?i=1524817

Curezone: Campbell, Jonathan, response to: mms killed my wife, 10/23/2010, http://curezone.com/forums/fm.asp?i=1711660#i

Durfee, Arrow, MMS De-Mystified - sodium chlorite, stabilized oxygen, chlorine dioxide, detox, September 2007,

Health Freedom Alliance, http://healthfreedoms.org/

Thornton, Joe, Pandora's Poison - Chlorine, Health, and a New Environmental Strategy, MIT Press, 2000

U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), FDA Warns Consumers of Serious Harm from Drinking Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS) - Product contains industrial strength bleach, 7/30/2010, http://www.fda.gov/NewsEvents/Newsroom/PressAnnouncements/ucm220747.htm


Wikipedia, Chlorine Dioxide, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chlorine_dioxide
Well, well, well....looks like this is information that needs posting far and wide. :cool2:

Guardian said:


An advertisement for MMS or Miracle Mineral Solution, which we published on this website, should not have been published.

In the advertisement we unlawfully made claims that the product could have therapeutic uses, including benefits related to bacterial and viral infections. We also made unlawful claims about serious disease including cancer, HIV, hepatitis, Ross River Fever, and others.

A complaint about the advertisement was recently upheld by the Complaints Resolution Panel. We provided no evidence to support the claims that the MMS product has any therapeutic effect, and the Panel found that the claims were unlawful, misleading, and unverified and breached the Therapeutic Goods Advertising Code.

The panel therefore requested that we publish this retraction.

The full text of the panel’s determination can be found at:
Links to Psyche's articles are conspicuous by their absence.
Laura said:
Links to Psyche's articles are conspicuous by their absence.

Oh yeah ...and my personal favorite part is :

"The panel therefore requested that we publish this retraction."

I know just how that works. A few months ago a State Trooper stopped me on the highway and "requested" that I follow the posted speed limit....and he was so kind as to give me a $150.00 "reminder" for going 67 in a 55. :rolleyes:

What makes me angry is that Humble's playing on people's VERY justified distrust of the medical profession, and the FDA in general....to essentially feed them poison.
What makes me angry is that Humble's playing on people's VERY justified distrust of the medical profession, and the FDA in general....to essentially feed them poison.

He's also covering up his activities under the banner of 'religion'. He's doing his parasitic best to stake out his own 'territory'.

I've been reposting Psyche's article in addition to the retraction notice from the Aussie site. Its not much but it every little bit can make a difference. :cool:
Gimpy said:
What makes me angry is that Humble's playing on people's VERY justified distrust of the medical profession, and the FDA in general....to essentially feed them poison.

He's also covering up his activities under the banner of 'religion'. He's doing his parasitic best to stake out his own 'territory'.

I've been reposting Psyche's article in addition to the retraction notice from the Aussie site. Its not much but it every little bit can make a difference. :cool:

I've sent Psyche's article and sott articles on to quite a few former MMS "believers" and it does help a lot! And some of these folk are in a position to influence many.
LQB said:
Gimpy said:
What makes me angry is that Humble's playing on people's VERY justified distrust of the medical profession, and the FDA in general....to essentially feed them poison.

He's also covering up his activities under the banner of 'religion'. He's doing his parasitic best to stake out his own 'territory'.

I've been reposting Psyche's article in addition to the retraction notice from the Aussie site. Its not much but it every little bit can make a difference. :cool:

I've sent Psyche's article and sott articles on to quite a few former MMS "believers" and it does help a lot! And some of these folk are in a position to influence many.

That's great that you've found it helps to inform former MMS "believers, LQB. Keep getting the word out and spreading. If these same people who are in a position to influence many are now convinced that this is a dangerous fraud, and they also spread the word using solid data to back up the warnings against being taken in by it, it can have a snowball effect. It's also good to emphasize that Humble steadfastly keeps refusing to supply verifiable data to back up his bogus claims.

And, yes, he IS playing on people's VERY justified distrust of the medical profession, and the FDA to sell them this poison, Guardian. Unfortunately, it seems to have worked on too many who distrust the totally corrupt mainstream medical field. Too bad there are also plenty of charlatans in the "alternative" treatments field too. It's sad that people who have been hurt by the Pharma & Medical mafia are taken in by another criminally negligent parasite. Plus it muddies the waters and casts doubt on legitimate alternative medicine and nutritional approaches to health, etc.
SeekinTruth said:
And, yes, he IS playing on people's VERY justified distrust of the medical profession, and the FDA to sell them this poison, Guardian. Unfortunately, it seems to have worked on too many who distrust the totally corrupt mainstream medical field. Too bad there are also plenty of charlatans in the "alternative" treatments field too. It's sad that people who have been hurt by the Pharma & Medical mafia are taken in by another criminally negligent parasite. Plus it muddies the waters and casts doubt on legitimate alternative medicine and nutritional approaches to health, etc.

Absolutely! Many truth seekers will assume that MMS must be legit because of the FDA stance, when in reality, all the FDA is saying is don't drink bleach. Unfortunately I've run into a few "truth-seeker" sites that prominently display the MMS ad (one recently is veritas).
[quote author=Psyche]
This feedback is from the Chlorine Chemistry Division of the American Chemistry Council:[/quote]

Dr. Segura,

Thank you for your thoughtful analysis of a dangerous misuse of disinfectant products. Consumers should be aware that the U.S. Food & Drug Administration issued a press release July 30, 2010, warning of “serious harm from drinking Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS).” The FDA press release notes the agency has received reports of “health injuries from consumers using this product, including severe nausea, vomiting, and life-threatening low blood pressure from dehydration.

These products should never be ingested.

Mary Ostrowski
American Chemistry Council

Great Work :grad:
More drivel on the topic of MMS. This came as an email with attached doc. The formatting, spelling, etc, is preserved.


Date: Sun, 21 Nov 2010 19:34:48 +0300
From: Edgar Portisch <edgar.portisch@......>
To: sott(at)sott.net

I have attached my view of the sott.net - Nexus controversy.
Will you print it ?
Will you put it somewhere on your forum ?
There is more to the subject than meets the eyes, at first look !
Edgar Th. Portisch

The MMS controversy To Sott.net ; copy : Nexus Magazine

The quality of responses and comments on the sott.net web-site is actually the most sad perspective in
this wholly unnecessary confrontation. I also did not appreciate Duncan Roads’ superficial comment. All written and said, the plain facts were not addressed. As concerns the sott.net-comment that Jim Humble
started experimenting “on children in Africa” (!), this is a plain lie !
It is really too bad, because we used sott.net as a rather dependable and especially daily source of
information. I will stop doing so, because the comments posted by its editors and especially Laura K.-J. are just unbelievably biased, and there can be no reason whatsoever to blatantly lie. The readers of sott.net, through their comments, have also shown themselves to be rather moronic on the whole. The one or two intelligent comments were countered on a very low level, especially by the ‘Cassiopean Genius of 4th density’. I do now tend to think (I’ve read all of Laura’s books) that her source may well be the fourth density reptiloids, working with the Atonist black sorcerers for a wholly negative ‘new world’.
The ‘6th density source’ would then have fooled their prey, but that would be normal for someone who states that she has never encountered anyone without ‘spirit attachments’.
I had an exchange with ‘Ark’, outside of the “comments on sott.net”, for which I am thankful in that he did get back to me. The fact that I have tested positive for 25 years for Hepatitis C (ex-non a-non b), and the whole condition was cleared up within one week, was not considered worth examining by Ark J. That is a shame, because I have all the 25 years of medical records, showing the gradual, chronic degradation of the liver, up to the pre-cirrhosis state. Instead, he kept insisting on “scientific proof” in medical trials, etc., etc. What more proof do I need than my own ? By the way, 24 drops MMS 1 over 4 days got rid of diphtheria, just 12 drops over two days of bacterial diarrhea, and the list goes on. I am witness to this, as I administered the drops. It is, as Jim Humble states, not a medication, it is a booster for the immune system !
So the whole argument derailed totally, because no-one seems to have read his book, or his blogs, or his other advice !
What level are we on, here ?

In any case, I cannot end this comment (which I hope sott.net will post, for it is a comment on their site) without the following observations (which I hope Nexus magazine may print ) :

We are in or on the verge of a massive attack to depopulate this planet. Some of this will include artificial bacteria, mycoplasma and viruses. MMS comes in the nick of time ! Without it, for the vaccines will certainly carry parts of the infectious agents or contribute to their lethality, we would stand without defenses. This is probably the most important contribution of Jim Humble, whether or not he really calls himself a Bishop (which is certainly the crazy idea of an older man). But there is even more (and I dare sott.net to publish this) : as Cl02 attacks any organic and inorganic matter extraneous to the body, there is a good chance that organic and small inorganic implants – human or alien – get wiped out as well !
I admit to having been a victim of such harassing myself, also for many years – in the past !
For people suffering from auditory stress and voices and ‘white noise’, I really propose to try a 4 week MMS 1 trial, with 2 drops per 2 hours, only 3 times a day (but in follow-up, like 8h, 10h and 12h AM …). In this case, the subliminal spells cast upon us could be faded out, which would liberate the spirit all by itself. I believe there is even a further application, via DMSO, even more liberating. But for that, one should certainly first read Jim Humble’s book and blog.
In any case, when something appears in the nick of time, it is furthered by higher benevolent forces ! This is simply good fate, and on top of that every individual should be totally free to look after their own health and well-being. So there is much more behind this issue than a simple molecule.

Thank you for your attention,
Edgar Th. Portisch
Laura said:
as Cl02 attacks any organic and inorganic matter extraneous to the body, there is a good chance that organic and small inorganic implants – human or alien – get wiped out as well !
I admit to having been a victim of such harassing myself, also for many years – in the past !
For people suffering from auditory stress and voices and ‘white noise’, I really propose to try a 4 week MMS 1 trial, with 2 drops per 2 hours, only 3 times a day (but in follow-up, like 8h, 10h and 12h AM …). In this case, the subliminal spells cast upon us could be faded out, which would liberate the spirit all by itself. I believe there is even a further application, via DMSO, even more liberating. But for that, one should certainly first read Jim Humble’s book and blog.
In any case, when something appears in the nick of time, it is furthered by higher benevolent forces ! This is simply good fate, and on top of that every individual should be totally free to look after their own health and well-being. So there is much more behind this issue than a simple molecule.

So ... it's Magic Mineral Supplement ... I see. :barf:
Laura said:
It is, as Jim Humble states, not a medication, it is a booster for the immune system !

Cutting my foot off with a chain saw would also cause my immune system to kick into high gear.... but I'm not going to do that either. In fact, "Don't cut foot off with chainsaw" ranks right up there along with "Don't drink bleach" on the list of things not to do :shock:
Guardian said:
What makes me angry is that Humble's playing on people's VERY justified distrust of the medical profession, and the FDA in general....to essentially feed them poison.

Gimpy said:
He's also covering up his activities under the banner of 'religion'. He's doing his parasitic best to stake out his own 'territory'.

SeekinTruth said:
Plus it muddies the waters and casts doubt on legitimate alternative medicine and nutritional approaches to health, etc.

On top of all the above, Humble apparently also depends on people like Edgar Portisch (above) to "witness" for him. If poor Edgar would have stopped to think before writing that self-important piece he might have realized that Ark: [quote author=Edgar]...insisting on "scientific proof" in medical trials, etc., etc.[/quote]
WAS demonstrating an example of:

[quote author=Edgar]
...every individual should be totally free to look after their own health and well-being.[/quote]

What does bleach do to the brain, I wonder?
Well since Mr. Edgar Portisch called us moronic, I for one tend to conclude that being judged a moron by Portisch's standards makes me feel a rather PROUD moron. Astonishing, isn't it how even being called a moron can be a compliment in the right context?

Oh, and about the high likelihood that the Humble bleach will destroy implants -- human or alien (what about hybrid?) that's got me thinking... oh, wait I'm a moron so better NOT to think. :lol: :rotfl:
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