M.M.S. Miracle Mineral Solution and Jim Humble

Gotta love the fact that The Malaria Solution is marked with ™ and not ® (in case those don't translate correctly, that's the superscript tm instead of R with a circle around it). The tm symbol doesn't require a federal registration to use it, while the R symbol does. In order to officially register the trademark, you'd have to officially publish exactly who is involved. I have a feeling maybe they didn't want that kind of openness.
Re: Jim Humble to announce his new 'Paleo' Christian religion at Nexus Conference

Burma Jones said:
I was really struck by the fact that Humble is going off to Africa to administer his "miracle cure" to children there. Reminded me of the movie The Constant Gardner. I started doing a little reading on the active ingredient of MMS as listed on the label: sodium chlorite. One interesting bit of info, from Wikipedia:

"Sodium chlorite is a strong oxidant and can therefore be expected to cause clinical symptoms similar to the well known sodium chlorate: methemoglobinemia, hemolysis, renal failure."

Sounds lovely. I had no idea what methemoglobinemia and hemolysis were, so I looked up those, next. Hemolysis was interesting.

Haemolysis (or hemolysis)—from the Greek Hemo-, Greek Αἷμα meaning blood, -lysis, meaning to break open—is the breaking open of red blood cells and the release of hemoglobin into the surrounding fluid (plasma, in vivo).

According to http://sickle.bwh.harvard.edu/malaria_sickle.html:

"The last point at which life cycle of the malarial parasite can be frustrated in humans is at the phase of red cell invasion and multiplication. Red cells are constantly created and destroyed as part of their life cycle. A mutation that somehow destroys both the infected red cells and the parasite could therefore eliminate the malaria parasite. The destroyed infected cells would be replaced by new, healthy cells. "

This was in regard to the benefit of sickle cell anemia in areas with a high incidence of malaria. Notice how they are talking about specifically targeting infected red blood cells.

So, it seems to me that Humble might be working in Africa on malaria because:

1) He can work without oversight.
2) His product actually destroys red blood cells, which might help with malaria infection but at the expense of non-infected red blood cells and the ability of blood to carry oxygen.
3) The lack of oversight means he can kill people, or make them severely ill, and keep the entire thing quiet with a few bucks put in the right pockets.

If that is even close to correct, he must have some serious contacts in "high" places.

I think you might be onto something there. Found this through the 'MMS Exposed' blog:

The Intellectual Property for Humble's claims was lodged in the late 90's, and not by him.

It was lodged by OXO Chemie Ag, a private Swiss biotech company specialising in clinical trials and solutions relating to the immune system, specialising in changes in patterns to red blood cells.

[Dimethaid Research Inc., a publicly traded Canadian pharmaceutical company, acquired Oxo Chemie AG, on May 31, 2002.]

This is where Humble had it handed to him on a plate information from the Internet, knowing that it would not get FDA approval and go no further...

World Intellectual Property Organization, patent number WO/1999/017787, "Use of a chemically-stabilized chlorite solution for inhibiting an antigen-specific immune response."

Many years prior to Humble and his books claims, my company and others in the Industry were and still are using the technology Humble claims to have invented.

Based on facts and information known to me, I can prove Humble is a FRAUD, a liar and a man who has no credibility based on facts he deliberately continues with lies about detox when people are actually sick from ClO2 poisoning.

Claims of caring for the third world and having no interest in money are rubbish. Humble says he is selling 10,000 bottles a month, he gets a $1.00 a bottle as the Kinnaman Foundation that collect that money do so for him.

He deceives people by using and allowing, eg: Dr Edward Lias PhD to independently evaluate MMS medical claims, THIS CLOWN HAS A PhD IN LITERATURE, no medical qualifications, Dr Larry Smith PhThD is rewriting his protocols, THIS CLOWN HAS NO PhD at all. Approves sites to sell triple strength MMS secretly for Jim's friends and only for them, RUBBISH IT IS STILL JUST NORMAL MMS, IT IS A CON!

It makes me so angry, many might remember the colloidal silver SCAM many years ago, where people were coned into taking so much their skin changed color, the product Humble uses is my passion and my business. I don't want the same taint left as with the silver so I will do every thing I can to expose him. His Malaria expert came on board 2 years ago! There is no proof or evidence of his 75,000 malaria cures. His product is nearly the strongest available in liquid, it is hazchem and dangerous goods, but he does not care. I have personally viewed emails from Humble to MMS users that complain about diarrhea, nausea, vomiting etc where he tells them to get lost and do what they want as no one will stop him! In one of his previous books he claims to set a world wide network marketing scheme using MMS to fund the sect he is affiliated with.

He takes no responsibility for his fraudulent claims.

Since my complaints to Government Depts and MMS suppliers being under pressure, Humble now wants people to lie again about the use of the chemical they buy. After writing in his books about his cures, he now claims MMS does not cure anything.

Abrahams site says MMS cures nothing, it is the mind that does, Humble has 1000's of people now running round making medical recommendation's without any knowledge except his teachings!


7000% profit in every bottle.

Humbles Protocol is rubbish and false because he nor any of his supporters know what they are talking about!


Q. Is MMS approved for use as per Humbles MMS Protocol
A. No
Q. Are claims by MMS to cures validated with tests and proven data regarding efficacy.
A. No
Q. Did Jim Humble invent the use of acids to activate sodium chlorite.
A. No.
Q. Does Humble advise you to lie and deceive to obtain your MMS.
A. Yes
Q. Is MMS and Humbles protocol a danger to ones Health.
A. Yes
Q. Charitable claims questionable as MMS product cost only $0.25 c per bottle and sells for $20.00
A. Yes
I can only agree with others, this move to insert Humble at the conference was annoying to say the least!

All this got me reading this whole thread from the start. This post by Rabelais was right on the money I would say. :)

Rabelais said:
Having investigated MMS, a few years ago, when it became the darling panacea cure-all of the internet, I found no, none, zero credible science to back any of Humble's somewhat extravagant claims.

As an enthusiastic proponent for nano-catalytic silver hydrosols, which already accomplish everything that Humble claims MMS will, but has reams of credible, independent science supporting its safety, non-toxicity and efficacy, I was astonished to find my inbox clogged with inquiries about MMS, from people who should know better.

MMS may do what Humble claims that it does, but until I see some safety studies and clinical research, I grudgingly have to concede that this is probably one example where the quackbusters may have it right. Chlorine, in any form, is best not put into our bodies.

For those in this thread who commented on their dental/gum problems responding to MMS, I would suggest trying a teaspoon full of pure elemental nano-silver sol as a post brushing mouthwash, gargle and swallow. It will eliminate pathogenic bacteria in the mouth. Gum problems will clear in a few days and bad breath, cankers, as well as dental carries will become a thing of the past.

This brand of silver was also EPA approved for sterilization of dental clinic water lines (one of four EPA approvals to date). That is the dentist's water that you rinse your mouth with during and after oral procedures. This approval was not issued without verification of the volumes of safety studies which were included in the original application.

This product is made by American Biotech Labs (ABL). It is sold by numerous private label concerns under a variety of brand names and multi-level marketing programs, but ASAP and Silver Biotics are the original ABL brandings. Silver Biotics is the label intended for brick and mortar retail, and can be found in vitamin and health food stores everywhere. Our website educates about and distributes the original ASAP branding. Our compilation of summaries of the numerous safety studies can be found here: _http://www.lifesilver.com/safety.htm

Until Humble, et al, can produce any credible, independent research, aside from anecdotal stories, to support their MMS claims, I remain open, but somewhat skeptical about both the safety and efficacy of their creation. The fact that MMS has been available for a few years now, and has yet to attract the interest of the legitimate medical research community does not bode well. It would certainly be reassuring to see some corroboration of Humble's claims coming from somewhere other than sources with a vested financial interest, which is all I have been able to find to date.
This guy has totally lifted Laura's ideas and intends to load them with nuclear capacities in order to go on the offensive.

More from his recent newsletter:


So let me give you the rest of the Church story. As a Bishop I can pass any test that a government might use to prove legitimacy. And that is true of our Church. Our final churches will have a small church on one side and a health food store on the other. Our pastors will know MMS completely and there will be lectures on health in the church and Sunday health meetings. As soon as we can afford it, we will begin to select those criminals who are attempting to kill mankind and we will prosecute them in law courts of the land. Anyone can prosecute anyone if they have the right knowledge and we have the right knowledge. We will stand behind those being attacked by the FDA and all the other alphabet soup agencies. THE GENESIS II CHURCH WILL STAND BETWEEN THE CITIZENS AND THE GOVERNMENT OF THE VARIOUS LANDS. THE CHURCH FUNDS AND DONATIONS WILL BE USED TO HIRE LAWYERS TO PROTECT THE CITIZENS FROM THE GOVERNMENT. We will demand our constitutional rights be restored, and if they are not, we will hire lawyers to take it to the Supreme Court. And those we hire will not be garden variety lawyers but rather those who know the real law. All churches will pay a royalty for the sales of MMS, not to me, but to the large fund that will be set aside for this purpose. This fund should grow rapidly and will always be used to stand between the citizens and the government.

So do you see? Please help us help mankind to be free by standing between the government and the people and always working towards freedom through working in the courts for the return of freedoms we once had, or to create more freedom while the government works to create more control. The Genesis II Church will offer sanctuary from government oppression such as sanctuary from forced vaccinations and any other laws that they can make that will destroy our health or freedom.

So anyone can become a member of the Genesis II Church of Health and Healing. You don't have to believe anything and thus you can even be an atheist. All you have to do is want to be healed, or want to help with healing, or want to help people join the Church, or want to serve mankind or serve God by serving mankind. The cost to join now is free, or if you want a picture identification card which states that your church beliefs require that you must not be vaccinated, the cost is $10 USD. Your children should all carry such a card. This information will be available on the internet very soon.
Reminds me of Dan Rather's supposed expose of W's National Guard awol episodes, which was easily derailed by presenting, then discrediting bogus evidence.

It won't be diffcult to discredit MMS, and then along with it paleochristianity.

Perhaps after Humble's appearance at the Nexus Conference, an article might appear on the FOTCM website noting his presentation but also discouraging use of a quick fix such as MMS, presenting evidence of the potential dangers.

On one hand, Humble appears to be jumping on a bandwagon looking to make a quick buck selling MMS and books, etc.

On the other hand, someone obviously jumped though hoops and spent a few bucks putting all this together. I don't know much about Public Relations or Media, however it would be a shame to waste free publicity.
Kniall said:
This guy has totally lifted Laura's ideas and intends to load them with nuclear capacities in order to go on the offensive.

This is exactly the same thing he did to American Biotech Labs (ABL) silver products. As soon as Penn State University published their peer reviewed 4 year study on the ABL silvers, and ABL got their patent for their specific nanosilver molecule, and all sorts of medical research institutes began asking for product to work with... a "grassroots" citizen's group that no one had ever heard of, with cushy offices in Washington DC began a campaign to restrict public access to anything nanosilver.

At about the same time Humble sprang onto the alternate health internet scene with outrageous claims for MMS which were almost identical to the published scientifically proven facts about the ABL silver sols... just over the top.

I have been trying to warn about this guy for at least a couple of years now, on forums all over the place. You would not believe how many lifesilver.com clients hit our customer service inbox with questions about MMS. I have spent untold hours with the responses.

One other oddity about Humble. For a guy with aerospace engineering credentials, what is he doing prospecting for gold in the jungles of South America? Did he miss the meeting about the boom in military spending? It would seem any aerospace engineer who wasn't knocking down big bucks in aerospace in these post 911 times was probably completely incompetent.

Then in his early MMS days he was crying about how broken down and poor he was. He didn't have the money to develop MMS. Apparently that is not a problem now.

This guy looks like he is the master of copycat COINTELPRO. Co-opt the enemy and steal his thunder before he gets any traction.
I'm sorry to say that I bought into the whole "Miracle" M.S. I did use it 3-4 times at most because of the taste. I guess its a good thing it tasted that bad, so unnatural chemical taste to it I thought there must be better ways.

Then the whole "GENESIS II CHURCH" is a huge shock, did not see that one coming at all!
A basic rule of thumb of mine is that anything that proclaims itself a "miracle cure"... run like hell.
Rabelais said:
A basic rule of thumb of mine is that anything that proclaims itself a "miracle cure"... run like hell.

Part of the shock for me was that I had fallen for "white gold/mono-atomic gold" before that (2006 or 07), bought a bottle, then I found sott/cass and read about it here. Gave me chills. I really thought "I knew better" guess I did not learn my lesson the first time. Will be very careful now, think it will be easier now that I have learned more then I knew before.
I'd used this junk too. I'm glad all of this surfaced. It's a harsh reminder to remain vigilant.
How about this:


Deadly chemical being sold as miracle cure
January 9, 2010

A CHEMICAL plant in South Australia is being used to manufacture a drug implicated in the death of a woman in Vanuatu last year. The product, likened to ''concentrated bleach'', is freely available in Australia and was responsible for at least three hospital admissions in NSW last year.

Miracle Mineral Solution, a chlorine dioxide solution claimed to treat everything from AIDS to leukaemia, is not registered for medical use in Australia and is being investigated by the Therapeutic Goods Administration over ''concerns about this product''.

But it is being produced and sold online by several Australian companies that claim variously that it is a cure for malaria, cancer, asthma and arthritis. Last year, six people suffered adverse reactions to the drug in NSW, according to the state's poisons centre. ''It's a bit like drinking concentrated bleach. They've had corrosive injuries: vomiting, stomach pains, diarrhoea,'' the medical director of the NSW Poisons Information Centre, Dr Naren Gunja, said. ''None of the people we know of have died. But if you drink enough sodium chlorite [the main chemical in MMS] and it causes problems of methemoglobinemia or kidney problems, it could cause death.''

The first person to sell the product in Australia, Russell Perry, said he had used MMS to successfully treat AIDS in central Africa but said he sold it as a water purifier here to circumvent regulations against using it as a medicine.

''I don't make any claims [in writing] about it to get around that,'' he said. ''It's not totally clinically proven - that's OK, we drink this every day.''

Mr Perry, a stonemason, said he sold as many as 40 bottles of MMS a day and had been having the product made since 2008, but he refused to name the plant producing it.

He did not dispute that MMS could have killed Silvia Fink, who died after using it as an anti-malarial while sailing off Vanuatu last year. Her family is waiting on a report from the coroner. ''She would have to take an awful lot and take it the wrong way to kill herself,'' Mr Perry said, arguing that it was part of a conspiracy to discredit the product. ''That [sounds like] a TGA or pharmaceutical cook job to have the thing put down.''

Dr Ken Harvey, who is a senior research fellow at the school of public health at La Trobe University, said any therapeutic claims about MMS would be a breach of the Therapeutic Goods Act but were unlikely to be pursued by the administration.

''The basic problem is that there is a perception in the industry that the Therapeutic Goods Administration is a paper tiger,'' said Dr Harvey, who has lodged a complaint about the product with the TGA.

''[MMS] is dangerous … It's not the sort of thing you should be skolling down like lolly water. These things are not without risk in terms of toxicity and overdoses or other side effects.''

In June, the Therapeutic Products Advertising complaints resolution panel ruled that claims made by MMS Australia could not be substantiated. The company was found to be in violation of four aspects of the Therapeutic Goods Act, but continues to sell the product on its website.

The product's key ingredient, sodium chlorite, can cause kidney failure and methemoglobinemia, a condition in which red blood cells do not bind with oxygen. Both can be fatal.

And the back story:


The following is an excerpt from a group email sent to me by Doug Nash of the Dana Point-based Spindrift 43 Windcastle, who is a veteran of the '04 Baja Ha-Ha. It's about the tragic death of his wife Silvie Fink at Epi Island, Vanuatu. She died 12 hours after taking MMS, a so-called alternative medicine prophylactic and remedy for malaria and many other diseases. It was sold to her by another cruising couple. The 76-year-old Nash and his wife Silvie, who was from Mexico, had been cruising the South Pacific for several years.

"My life during the past five weeks has been a nightmare, but I've been supported by many people in the cruising community here and abroad, plus all Silvie's friends and relatives back home in Mexico and in the States. The outpouring of grief has been overwhelming. But no one else can answer all the questions people have asked about what happened to her, so I must do that. Here is a summary:

"While in Port Vila, Silvie decided to purchase some MMS that she'd heard about from a cruising couple. The guy is from Belgium and his wife is from California. I was not happy about her wanting to try the stuff, but I didn't interfere because I knew nothing about it at the time. Besides, she was a grown and savvy woman with lots of experience with all kinds of good and bad medicines. She'd even done a little internet research on MMS over several weeks before trying it. Neither of us thought she would be in any danger from taking it. How dreadfully wrong we were!

"We left Port Vila on August 4, and sailed 90 miles north to Epi, which is another island in the Vanuatu group. We anchored at Lamen Bay the day after their annual canoe race festival. Having decided to stay an extra day at the nice anchorage, Sylvie decided to try MMS. Its proponents had told her that it would prevent malaria, which is prevalent in this part of the world.

"From almost the moment Silvie drank the mixture of MMS and lime juice — which she'd brewed up according to the instructions of Jim Humble, the principal proponent of the stuff — things went wrong. She became nauseated, and was soon both vomiting and suffering from diarrhea. But since the MMS literature emphasized that this was a normal reaction, she assumed it would pass. It didn't.

"It turned into a day of torture, with Silvie gradually getting worse, to the point of having severe abdominal pains, then urinary pains. I helped her all day, bathing her, comforting her and trying to get liquids into her. But she couldn't keep anything down. About the time it started to get dark, she began to feel faint. That's when I became fully alarmed. She fell into a coma while I was on the VHF calling for assistance.

"With her unresponsive, I put out another radio call, this time for immediate emergency care. Fellow cruisers rushed to our boat within minutes. For over an hour we administered CPR and oxygen. But neither they, nor an adrenalin shot administered by a physician from the village, were able to revive her. Sylvie died aboard Windcastle around 9 p.m., just 12 hours after she'd taken that fatal drink of MMS. Her body was flown back to Port Vila the next day and put in the hospital morgue. I brought Windcastle to Port Vila the next day.

"Since then, there has been — because Sylvie hadn't died a natural death — a three-week-long police investigation involving Vanuatu criminal investigators. For one thing, it's illegal for anyone to promote or sell MMS as a medical remedy in Vanuatu. Australian joint command investigators, who aid in law enforcement in Vanuatu, also became involved. That led to a court order and, eventually, a senior pathologist's being flown from Melbourne to conduct a post mortem autopsy. That was two weeks ago. Then Silvie's son and daughter agreed that her body should be flown to New Zealand for cremation.

"Last week, I accompanied Sylvie's body to Auckland by plane. I was present for the cremation and arranged to have her ashes sent to her daughter Aretha in Mexico City. I'm now back on Windcastle in Port Vila, where I await the results of the autopsy from Australia's Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine in Melbourne. I'm also dealing with the need to secure our boat against the approaching cyclone season, which may mean having to sail her to another country.

"My heart has been absolutely crushed by the sudden loss of my dear wife Silvie. It's so shocking I can hardly believe it. I miss her immensely, and Windcastle is empty without her presence. But with all of her relatives and friends, Silvie, who brought so much joy and happiness into the world and to us, will live on forever in our hearts and minds. I've been told that the villagers at Epi, who had been so entertained by Sylvie's dancing the night before she died, have built a shrine to honor her.

"As for MMS, I wish I'd done a better job of preventing Sylvie, who had become the love of my life, from messing with it. I know now that it's a dangerous, toxic chemical which, if ingested, can be lethal. MMS killed my wife, Silvie."

So ends Doug's letter.

John Nelson
Crew on Tres Estrellas, 35-ft Horstman tri
Cat Harbor

Readers — We feel terrible for Doug's loss.

We looked up MMS, which stands for Miracle Mineral Supplement — oh boy! — at a site called the Alternative Medicine Network. There we learned that the "miraculous" product, which is actually chlorine dioxide, and which needs to be "activated" by vinegar or lime juice, was accidently "discovered" by Jim Humble. He's a gold miner rather than a chemist or physician, and supposedly stumbled upon it while prospecting for gold in South America. According to the literature, "the proof of the efficacy of this simple protocol was in successfully helping over 75,000 people in several African nations — including Uganda and Malawi — rid themselves, primarily of malaria, but also hepatitis, cancer, and AIDS." As we continued to read, we began laughing so hard we never got to the part that we're sure claimed that MMS isn't generally available because of the vast global conspiracy by the medical profession, big pharma, the American Cancer Society and others. If it weren't so terribly tragic, it would be hilarious.

We're not sure where the couple who sold Silvie the MMS are right now, or if some authority will charge them with something along the lines of wrongful death.
This is a bit old, and obviously Jim didn't go to jail at that time, but his obvious fear that he might indicates that he KNOWS he's selling a dangerous product:

Jim Humble Is Going To Jail?
Agency is trying to take MMS off the market...

I just got a desperate letter from Jim Humble the discoverer of MMS stating that "sorry, but my name and my picture must be removed from all sites selling mms in any form. All of the jim humble approval stamps must be removed from every site selling mms."

He further states, "This must happen immediately. Any time the attack comes if my approval is on any sales site that can be used to put me in jail. This is true in most countries as well as the united states, especially in Europe. Please comply with this. It is important. This must be done immediately. Taking my name off of your site will also keep you out of jail.

"I appreciate your help in bringing mms to the world. Now is the time to change mms to nothing but water purification drops. My sites will remain in place so that people can use them. They don't lead people to other sales sites. When the time comes the authorities must see nothing but mms water purification drops. We will have to depend upon my book, radio, TV, you tube, and other internet articles to tell what mms really is.

"One other point, anywhere on your site where the word supplement is used it should be changed to the word "solution", the reason for that is the FDA objects to the word supplement, that begins to neutralize our sites. Is for your protection." End of announcement!

What does this mean?

Does this mean that from now on MMS will be called Water Purification Drops - only? Does this mean that MMS had damaged someone and there is a complaint? Does this mean that the MMS is helping people purify the water in their bodies and therefore no longer need the high priced drugs, poisons and operations?

I understand that the FDA has ordered Amazon books to stop selling the Jim Humble MMS book if it is sold along with the MMS product.

Also according to the FDA the word "solution" is not a good word to use either. Maybe the word "drops" or the word "liquid" might be better.

All sellers of MMS are now asked to call their product "Water Purification Drops"

For additional articles and information on "Water Purification Drops" search the Internet for chlorine dioxide
I just read the above post earlier today but wasn't sure of the reputation of the site so didn't post it here. He is indeed on his way out.
Or maybe ol' Jim was trying to hype his product á la: look the FDA is after him, he sure must be on to something! Either way, I would say that he wasn't being honest about things.
Something about the MMS never sounded quite right to me even though I did start taking it - that such a powerful and volatile oxidizing agent could somehow 'target' only pathogenic organisms while leaving all beneficial gut flora intact simply because they are aerobic. That would be miraculous, or best described as 'too good to be true'. The possible damage to bodily tissues and what you have found about blood cells is even more worrying. I am kicking myself now for being so lazy in my lack of research into this and succumbing to wishful thinking.

The question for me now is whether Jim Humble is aware that he is being used by the PTB to discredit paleochristianity with this pale imitation, and why, or is he just a useful idiot.
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