Today I came accross a video in which it is claimed that 18000 refugee children have been victims of organ harvesting in Turkey. I put it in a comment on Sott, for the record I put it here too.
Whether that number is indeed possible, at least Turkey is no stranger to organ harvesting, even if sometimes it gets organized from outside as shown in this video:
Probably it is like this in the real world that there is a market for organs, and this market gets supplied in which ever way it is cheap, easy and risk free. In our world of "Freedom and democracy" ruled by psychopaths, humans are often no more than a mere commodity.
Whether that number is indeed possible, at least Turkey is no stranger to organ harvesting, even if sometimes it gets organized from outside as shown in this video:
Probably it is like this in the real world that there is a market for organs, and this market gets supplied in which ever way it is cheap, easy and risk free. In our world of "Freedom and democracy" ruled by psychopaths, humans are often no more than a mere commodity.