Mass Migration - a plan, or just a consequence of some other plan

Today I came accross a video in which it is claimed that 18000 refugee children have been victims of organ harvesting in Turkey. I put it in a comment on Sott, for the record I put it here too.

Whether that number is indeed possible, at least Turkey is no stranger to organ harvesting, even if sometimes it gets organized from outside as shown in this video:

Probably it is like this in the real world that there is a market for organs, and this market gets supplied in which ever way it is cheap, easy and risk free. In our world of "Freedom and democracy" ruled by psychopaths, humans are often no more than a mere commodity.
The first word in the heading for this thread is "Migrants-" if what follows "a plan or just consequence of some other plan" is kind of open, is it alright to keep posting news about migrant issues in this thread, even if the nail is not hit exactly every time?

Then there was this news: which says:
UN Text Messages Over 200,000 Syrian Refugees: Food Aid To Be Cut Off
“We have been forced to make some very difficult decisions."
in the article there appears this:
They threatened to do it last summer, but did it now. At the same time there is this news:
Color Revolution 2.0 in Lebanon: From Piles of Trash to Piles of Rubble
[...]The ultimate goal is to create chaos in Lebanon sufficient enough to disrupt Hezbollah’s operations regionally against the army of terrorist the US and its regional allies, including supporters of “YouStink!” helped organize as far back as 2007. As in the past, protests in Lebanon are aimed not at improving the future of the Lebanese people, but aimed instead at disrupting the stability of neighboring Syria.
Are the increased problems for the refugees in Lebanon part of a plan?

Today some photos of the inability of the Arab states to decline taking refugees circulated on some FB's groups, but they did not try to explain why. Arab countries have their own reason, but some still donate money. More on that in this article:
What was not mentione is that there are also reason why especially women hesitate to move south into Arab countries - so far.
15500 refugees came to Munich this weekend and futher 2500 over night. They were welcomed here and Munich was able to ramp up new places for thousands. Many were forwarded to other places in Germany without registration here.

Hopefully we can continue to handle this situation when they keep coming in these numbers.
Yesterday in the SOTT Radio Talk Show, Behind the Headlines the possibility of a false flag involving alleged IS people was discussed.
So far rumours of IS people hiding among North African refugees are being distributed. The following is from May 15th, 2015: said:
Islamic State is smuggling fighters into Europe, commanding them to disguise themselves as refugees, according to a Libyan government adviser. [..]

Abdul Basit Haroun told BBC 5 Live Investigates programme that the boats are used “for their [the Islamic State's] people who they want to send to Europe, as the European police don't know who is from IS and who is a normal refugee or not.” The militants are reportedly being aided by trafficking gangs who operate in parts of North Africa controlled by the Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL).[...]
You have to see this:

TV reporter trip Syrian refugee in Hungary

And another video with the same journalist where she is kicking the man and the girl: _
Persej said:
You have to see this:

TV reporter trip Syrian refugee in Hungary

And another video with the same journalist where she is kicking the man and the girl: _

I saw like tree times, it certainly seems to be her cruel intention, he was carrying a kid in his arms!! and, I thought in a very offensive Spanish word ...

Pegida movement do not want to be left behind...: _
This is something that makes me sad and angry at the same time. Just look this women, the reporter. How can a normal human behave like that. She is definitely a psycho.


and some videos


and there is one comment under this video that says " just imagine what could she achieve with a gun". And that is terrible.She has done this with a cammera and imagine what she ( psychopath ) can do in a position of power with a weapons .

and another terrible thing from the same woman, kicking a refugee child



Konstantin said:
This is something that makes me sad and angry at the same time. Just look this women, the reporter. How can a normal human behave like that. She is definitely a psycho.


and some videos


and there is one comment under this video that says " just imagine what could she achieve with a gun". And that is terrible.She has done this with a cammera and imagine what she ( psychopath ) can do in a position of power with a weapons .

and another terrible thing from the same woman, kicking a refugee child



What a disgusting person !!!
Interesting video:

Why refugees choose Germany

In short - they choose Germany because the Germany allowed the migrants who registered in other countries to live in Germany, which is against the EU's Dublin regulation. Plus the Germany is giving them a lot of money, of course.
Konstantin said:
This is something that makes me sad and angry at the same time. Just look this women, the reporter. How can a normal human behave like that. She is definitely a psycho.


Horrible. But, I would not called her psychopath, at the article is mention that she is from an internet TV news associated to far-right (is called) Jobbik party that is in frecuence? with anti-Semitic and anti-immigration views.

From my point of view, when people keep hearing all day long hatred (because at work, home, coffee, that is what I assume they are talking about) against others because whatever the others are a threat to them, they (immigrants/refugees) will change the way of living, they feel is not fair that their government is helping or not immigrants/refugees because they are not like them, they do not have the regent, they are illegals, etc. It figures to me, that perhaps she was fired from her work not just because it would had been the right thing to do, but due appearances, perhaps she was applauded in her circle. Because if it wasn't a refugee, if it was an Hungarian just like her, she would probably be in jail, or something similar -I am unfamiliar with Hungarian laws, but I assume they should have similar basic laws in Europe.
Persej said:
In short - they choose Germany because the Germany allowed the migrants who registered in other countries to live in Germany, which is against the EU's Dublin regulation. Plus the Germany is giving them a lot of money, of course.

I am not surprised at all, in fact German do need immigrants, it will lack people in future years, because German people had decreased child birth ratio over the years, if it was not for immigrants, German would not have generations to keep working, to keep functioning. It would be a country of too many old people and kids. Something that is happening too in other European countries as well. (Of course, all of this, without considering cataclysms and such).

Don't know, i may be way, way off here, but i can't let go this question i have, why contries like Germany would allow the refugees to enter their country, taking in the consideration how Merkel responded to the Palestinian little girl in this Video a couple of months ago, what i mean is this, if they(the EU contries, especially the western conglomerate: UK, Germany, France, Italy etc.) allow the refugees to come in, they do it for a couple of reasons, for their interests. You know how they say and think(the psychopaths), don't let to waste a good crisis, when you can get great benefits from it. I fear that these innocent souls who are running from their contries because they were torn apart by wars started by the TPB, would be used by TPB in some kind of sinister way, for example as a scapegoat(for all the problems that is facing the EU at the moment) to be sacrificed by the EU civilized civilians thus indeed distracting the attention of the EU citizens from the real culprits. And then we would be one step closer to fall in the abyss of entropy. Excuse me for the last phrase, if it sounds a little too melodramatic, no pun intended.
luke wilson said:
Persej said:
mabar said:
well, is practically impossible to get through the border above the train. Immigrants usually make contact/pay a "coyote"=smuggler to get into US, through the desert, walking or tight packed in vehicles, stories about finding bodies in trucks had been several through the years. They also encounter Minute Man surveillance and sort as well as immigration border patrols, many ending in concentration/detention camps/jails, to be returned. And, they encountered another set of troubles before they try to get into the US; while being/traveling in Mexico they face gang violence, sexual assault, extortion, kidnapping, and recruitment by organized crime, extorsions from Mexican immigration or not authorities, or being killed if they not want to be recruit by gang members ...

You are right, those people should be received with honors after making such a trip.

In Europe it is much more civilized, but the question is how long will that last because at one point EU countries will probably close their borders for immigrants.

Europe will never close the borders. Immigrants serve a useful political tool to control the native populations (divide & conquer) plus immigrants provide cheap labour for exploitation.

Btw, by immigrants I presume you mean poor and impoverished people in desperate situations, not rich well to do foreigners who call Europe home. Do you have a name for the latter or do you think Europe will also shut the door to them?

That may not be exactly be what you are talking about but there is another term used for immigrant, it is expatriate. That sounds better and it is notably what peoples from rich countries call them self when they go live in a poor country to make money...
Konstantin said:
This is something that makes me sad and angry at the same time. Just look this women, the reporter. How can a normal human behave like that. She is definitely a psycho.


and some videos


and there is one comment under this video that says " just imagine what could she achieve with a gun". And that is terrible.She has done this with a cammera and imagine what she ( psychopath ) can do in a position of power with a weapons .

and another terrible thing from the same woman, kicking a refugee child




I was so angry yesterday when I saw the video, so angry that I was yelling at home. I will not tell you the words I used for her because I respect my language here. How come she dare to act like that! She is a degenerated sub-human form of life, a creature as Joe Quinn used this word in his last article... A monster.
Andre' said:
Don't know, i may be way, way off here, but i can't let go this question i have, why contries like Germany would allow the refugees to enter their country, taking in the consideration how Merkel responded to the Palestinian little girl in this Video a couple of months ago, what i mean is this, if they(the EU contries, especially the western conglomerate: UK, Germany, France, Italy etc.) allow the refugees to come in, they do it for a couple of reasons, for their interests. You know how they say and think(the psychopaths), don't let to waste a good crisis, when you can get great benefits from it. I fear that these innocent souls who are running from their contries because they were torn apart by wars started by the TPB, would be used by TPB in some kind of sinister way, for example as a scapegoat(for all the problems that is facing the EU at the moment) to be sacrificed by the EU civilized civilians thus indeed distracting the attention of the EU citizens from the real culprits. And then we would be one step closer to fall in the abyss of entropy. Excuse me for the last phrase, if it sounds a little too melodramatic, no pun intended.

I think you are right. To push the chaos to the extremity. It is not too melodramatic, not for me anyway. That's what they wanted, chaos because in the middle of the chaos people are more manipulable. I don't like this situation, this game that they play, as in every war. They are so dangerous, our PTB. I don't like this situation but I am not afraid. I just look, feel, try to understand as much as possible. Always the business of the war, now as in the Second World War. War and destruction. This new "cheap labor" that arrives in Europe, will work with misery salaries, and compete with slave work force of the US penitentiary. In fact Europe is a sort of prison where people don't arrive at the end of the month and can not put any money aside, in some countries misery and suicides, no job, no help from the government just a terrible and sick cynicism from them, a pride that is nausebundus. This is the new world for the PTB. This is extremely ugly, I am afraid.
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