Massive 'drone swarm' in and around New Jersey: UFO flap, govt tech, or mass hysteria?

Interesting find. Do you think reports of sightings around the world are all part of this program and similar programs by foreign governments?

Sightings around the world are few and far between compared to what's happening in NJ, which is undoubtedly a MIC test. Once everyone gets hystericized by NJ, the everyday sightings of UAPs in other parts of the world get highlighted and lumped into NJ, when they shouldn't be.
Sightings around the world are few and far between compared to what's happening in NJ, which is undoubtedly a MIC test. Once everyone gets hystericized by NJ, the everyday sightings of UAPs in other parts of the world get highlighted and lumped into NJ, when they shouldn't be.
Makes sense except didn't the current flap start with sightings in the UK? I may be misremembering...

Do you think its possible that there were genuine UFO sightings in the UK and they kicked off this testing program in NJ as a coverup? Or more likely the UK sightings were/are part of the same testing program?
Makes sense except didn't the current flap start with sightings in the UK? I may be misremembering...

Can't be sure it started in the UK, but there were some sightings over two RAF/US bases around the end of Nov. but they fizzled out. Could have been a short-lived similar test there, given the connection between the two militaries.

Do you think its possible that there were genuine UFO sightings in the UK and they kicked off this testing program in NJ as a coverup? Or more likely the UK sightings were/are part of the same testing program?

I doubt it. There are genuine UFO sightings around the world on a frequent enough basis and no one has ever bothered to cover them up.
As far as the Cs predictions go, remember that they correlated the 'disclosure' of 'cave brothers' with the need to 'save' us from pretty catastrophic conditions. I don't think we're there yet.
This whole "drones" thing has escalated dramatically in recent days. Last weeks , topics such as a nuclear conflict and the escalation in the Middle East were taking center stage, and now this. That reminds me of a C's session where something similar was mentioned.
how do abductions and aliens doing drastic things relate to alien interventions? it was told that 4d sts use fear and other emotions like that as their food. i think it was told that pretty much all aliens that were reported so far are related in some sort of hierarchy as well. but it was also told that ufos can mess up with nuclear missles for example. which seem pacifist. or is it only manifesting power? but, pretty much, how 4d sts being bad to us relate with preventing the war? is it another fraction? is it some sort of sto density manifesting like that? simply, what is it and why?
Check this out

And this

Basically, there is a govt. programme to develop new drone tech to avoid using Chinese tech and to supply new AI drone tech to the military to both protect sensitive domestic infrastructure and to enhance foreign war capabilities. They specifically designated a corridor from Delaware to NJ for testing this tech. The tech is being produced by private companies, just funded by the govt. So it's technically not "government".

Check out the new military drone tech in these two vids (just two of many)

And then check out how silent this *commercial* drone is

This analysis completely makes sense for the MIC testing in that area. But I think the Oregon pilots reports are something else. Also the C's said that the "drones" in the UK years ago that shut down the Warwick (I think) airport weren't 3D? Also, there are reports from areas that I guess could be co-ordinated with the NJ tests, but seems unlikely?

Local news feed from northern Minnesota:

Bemidji Drone

Second one from remote property near Bemidji:

Bemidji 2

There have been sightings near Duluth as well.

We had one drone sighting here in Winnipeg last night. Lots of comments that contradict the sighting. But the poster did show Flight Radar paths of known flights that didn't match her footage. In general we don't have a lot of commercial flights at night and I've never seen any military overflights at night in winter (doesn't mean they don't happen - just more likely in the summer).

The lights don't look right to me for a plane. If this is a drone, it's very large. We do have an F-18 base in the city, so it's possible that it could have been launched from there. The only problem is that the base is at our civilian airport and it is in a dense suburb with park adjacent that has no trees. So someone would see it taking off - you'd think.

If it is a drone - it has to have a propulsion system that's not battery-powered. It was -18c last night and that drone is high (meaning with wind and altitude it probably was -25c). So battery packs are freezing and draining much faster than in normal temps.

Language warning - no one here can manage to film anything without a ton of profanity. Sorry ;-)

Winnipeg Drone
All they have to do is to build some Hollywoodian drone, put a "Made in Russia" or "Made in China" sticker on it, and say they shot it. The media and the populace would swallow it. They can even stage a pathetic moment like when they shot a weather balloon with a missile. UFOs are less strange than the idiocy of these people.
Not so much “the idiocy of these people” but the ignorance of those who believe them!
If it is a MIC operation, one would think that they would have announced some of this ahead of time. Which seems reasonable. That they did not was an additional operation on top of whatever else was going on, like 'they' normally do and try to gain from any number of angles possible. Whoever made the decision to poke the public with a little panic was probably high up. Our 'politician-level' rulers seem to genuinely not have a clue, and neither does the media, except on a high-level perhaps.
how do abductions and aliens doing drastic things relate to alien interventions?

I'm not sure what you mean. Can you rephrase that?

it was told that 4d sts use fear and other emotions like that as their food. i think it was told that pretty much all aliens that were reported so far are related in some sort of hierarchy as well. but it was also told that ufos can mess up with nuclear missles for example. which seem pacifist. or is it only manifesting power?

It is pacifist, but only in the sense that the aliens don't want their human cattle burnt to a nuclear crisp. It was likely a message to elites on earth that they're not the ones in control. The aliens have spent a long 'time' manipulating the cultures of this planet, especially since the industrial revolution, don't want it ruined before a particularly big harvest. So it is also a manifestation of power, warning the earth elites not to get too carried away with their warmongering.

(Perceval) There's something I've been saying to various people, and I'm wondering if it's true or not. The stories in Richard Dolan's books about US nuclear missile sites being disabled by UFOs at various places so that they couldn't fire anything way back in the 60's at the height of the Cold War. Was that a message to the Powers that Be that no nuclear war would ever be allowed? Did 4D STS send a message in that way that nobody would be allowed to push the button because you'd kill everybody. Since this world is like a farm, their cattle would all be killed. Is that anywhere close to the truth?

A: Close.

There's also the recent session that discussed the hyperdimensional effects of nukes - they don't want earthly elites causing havoc in other densities and dimensions.

(Approaching Infinity) Why is 4D STS so interested in all our nuclear activities, whether energy or weapons related? The background being, while many think they are just concerned that we don't destroy ourselves, others like Tom Delonge say it is because nukes can actually damage them, that they have negative effects in their dimension.

A: Yes

Q: (Approaching Infinity) Also, the C’s have said that setting off nukes could have effects on beings in other realms similar to Dyatlov Pass.

A: There is your answer!

Q: (L) So the reason they're concerned or interested is because nukes can break dimensional barriers?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And those barriers can be not just between horizontal dimensions, but between densities?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And also is it true that that energy can go into those other densities or dimensions and cause damage there?

A: Yes

There's also vested interest by hyperdimensionals to present themselves as the caretakers of humanity - the New Age ' benevolent space brothers' narrative that links abduction and all things alien with advanced spirituality in some way. Abductees have also reported that their captors have encouraged them to become environmentalists, likely for the same reason - not because aliens care about pollution, but to maintain the illusion of their benevolence, keep earthlings under control, and allow them to continue to feed. This is from the Threat by David Jacobs:

Another proponent of Positive themes is Richard Boylan, a former private practice psychologist in Sacramento, California, and also an abductee. Like Hunter Gray and Sprinkle, Boylan interprets his abduction experiences as profoundly benevolent and beneficial for him. His aliens are environmentally minded creatures who want to raise people's consciousness about Earth's problems and humanity's place in the cosmos. According to Boylan, the "mission" of the aliens "is to communicate to humans the concerns the ETs share—concerns about our violence toward each other and our government's violence toward them; about the ecological destruction and degradation we are visiting upon our earth; about our failure to properly care for and educate each child; about our possession of, and intended use of, nuclear weapons as a way to resolve disputes; and about our becoming more conscious of our heritage and our destiny (which both involve the ETs)."

I think this answers your question below, maybe?

but, pretty much, how 4d sts being bad to us relate with preventing the war? is it another fraction? is it some sort of sto density manifesting like that? simply, what is it and why?

There's a lot more to the answer of 'what it is, and why it's happening'. It really is the question of the ages! Check out the books in the recommended readings list, and you'll find some answers.

About STO manifestation, I don't think they intervene as part of their creed of respecting Free Will. The C's have said 4D STO will appear and help at some point, and that maybe some of them will look like Nordics, but I wouldn't count on any sort of saviours.

As from reading all the sessions in chronological order, which is a goldmine of information, there's also the Cassiopaea substack that covers a few aspects of the agenda - this article below in particular focuses on the creation of a new race created from human DNA taken during abductions. David Jacobs writes about the hybridization program as well in his books.

Also the C's said that the "drones" in the UK years ago that shut down the Warwick (I think) airport weren't 3D?

We have two sessions with questions about drones:

(Pierre) I have a question about those drones. Many drones have been observed over French nuclear plants. Are these really drones?

A: Yes.

Q: (Pierre) Who is operating them?

A: Wouldn't you and the army like to know?

Q: (Andromeda) So it's not the army...

(Perceval) It's probably just... Okay, so it's not just some locals.

(Pierre) It's over the whole country - for weeks.

A: Who is spying on everyone everywhere?

Q: (Perceval) NSA.

(Pierre) Mossad.

A: Close enough!

Q: (Pierre) Why?

A: Keeping the pressure on France.

Session 6 December 2014

(Joe) What were the drones that were reported around Gatwick airport about a week ago. They caused the airport to shut down. Were they drones?

A: No

Q: (Joe) Were they UFOs?

A: Yes

Q: (Niall) And then a few days later at the Birmingham airport?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) What were they doing, just freaking people out?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Just for fun, eh?

A: Yes

Session 29 December 2018

But let's say that Joe is right, that these are US made drones. That would still leave huge consequences because these drones are obviously using some kind of new technology. I mean, with this kind of drones they could conquer the world or at least big part of it. It would be a real game changer in Ukraine, for sure. Is the US planing to reveal such technology to the world and this is just a teaser for that?
If it is a MIC operation, one would think that they would have announced some of this ahead of time. Which seems reasonable. That they did not was an additional operation on top of whatever else was going on, like 'they' normally do and try to gain from any number of angles possible. Whoever made the decision to poke the public with a little panic was probably high up. Our 'politician-level' rulers seem to genuinely not have a clue, and neither does the media, except on a high-level perhaps.

That's the issue I have with the psy-op or MIC element. These New Jersey politicians are definitely hot under the collar from their constituents. The above post of State Rep Brian Bergen who was an Apache helicopter pilot and trainer made a lot of sense with his outrage that basic procedure to see where these things are landing wasn't followed through with.

After 9-11 all the answers came quick and fast in lockstep. Bush told everyone to "go shopping" - we got this. The Project for the New American Century was up on the web for years afterwards. It became pretty obvious quickly.

Even with Covid - the response to some sort of pandemic was pre-planned by the WHO and Rockefeller Foundation years before. Basic internet searches showed their whole agenda and it wasn't very well hidden. This flap feels different. Which means nothing objectively, other than I like "this" version of the show more than lockdowns and virus panic.

One side is 4D UFO's have changed over time - Airships in the 1890's, Gernsback's flying discs from the 30's that show up decades later, black Triangles from 70's and now drones. They don't look as "4D" as the silver discs from the 60's, but the black triangles (TR-3's) don't look blurry either.

On the other side, who's to say that the MIC haven't upped their game with a new super psy-op we haven't seen before? Or just a super new amazing drone system being tested?

I didn't get Joe's "Cave Brothers" comment at first, but I'm guessing he means undergrounders playing their hand. And that's not ripe for that yet. As John Kirby sure acts like one, you'd think he'd have better answers if the breakaway civilization was taking over. So that's probably off the table.

One alternate theory, that was stated earlier in this thread as well as the last session with the forum members who saw the UFO, is the "Thinning of the veil". As the C's have said "It's a jungle out there". What if the cosmic environment has radically shifted recently? All these objects may have always been there, but we could could only rarely see them? Suddenly now they're all visible. The environment changed. Inter-dimensional travelers that were never visible before - but now are? Maybe they have nothing or little to do with 3D earth, but the fog has lifted from the highway and we can see them?

With the mass coverage happening, this definitely doesn't feel like a 411 hunting party in New Jersey nor a mass abduction event. it seems more like a bunch of vehicles transiting without landing that may be as surprised as us. Who knows? It's still all very confusing.
As far as the Cs predictions go, remember that they correlated the 'disclosure' of 'cave brothers' with the need to 'save' us from pretty catastrophic conditions. I don't think we're there yet.
Well.... I don't know if you're aware but over here in the US we are facing a second term of "literally Hitler" so I'm not sure how much more catastrophic things can get!

/sarcasm 🙄
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