Of course it's up to you, but I think it might be a good exercise to stay away completely from these topics for a while to gain some distance.
Dear Richard,
I would like to suggest that it might be a good exercise to stay away completely from VT. I spent quite a bit of time there in the past and also saw the Keshe development on the site. I also clearly saw Gordon Duff's true nature. At times I praised him when it seemed he was doing truly good things, but ultimately, I decided it was manipulation and con and his empathy wasn't sincere and in fact, nonexistent as expressed by something he actually said during a radio interview! I never hesitated to call him out over some of his more flagrant, untruthful assertions. But why waste one's time & energy on that when there is so much available to be accessed to help us develop ourselves mentally & spiritually. The list of books I want to read is so long . . .
I think it was while I was participating as a commentor at VT that I latched onto 'the only way to win is to not play the game' line from the movie War Games. I had to think very hard as to how one 'would not play the game'. My conclusion was STOP BELIEVING THE LIES, something I had already proclaimed to the few people I was attempting to enlighten w/ actual facts. That's the first step and I think everything that Laura has initiated goes the rest of the way. We're never going to get out of this 3D prison illusion until we REALLY see things as they are. As I stated over at VT, we are up against the Masters of the Universe (as I characterized 4D STS) who are thousands of years more evolved than we are. They know all the tricks and are indeed masters of the craft of deception - and time travel as a further tool to thoroughly skew our perception of reality.
No, it wouldn't change anything fundamental; it would merely change the details of the global horror show that is the full-blown pathocracy we are living in. If anything, it would make things worse. Technological change is meaningless without spiritual change, IMO.
Think about it and you will comprehend that the above is completely true. That somebody is going to enable the world's population to have access to free energy and thus break the chokehold that Big Oil/Energy has on the planet is just one more manipulation to keep us distracted and chasing our tails. These guys are Masters after all.
Your desire for a development that would make the world a better place is obvious and indicates your love and concern for humanity. But you are allowing yourself to be deceived and that doesn't serve your best interests or those of humanity in general. I hope these words will be considered a kindness offered in true sincerity.