Meteorite Explodes Over Russia Injures Hundreds

Approaching Infinity said:
Laura said:
Endymion said:
That’s a LOT of energy being put out at 30-50km up!

. . . is NOT an understatement!

And if these things are getting bigger the complete destruction of a large city like London or Manchester is easily possible. :scared:


(the list desperately needs to be updated; any volunteers?)

I updated the list until June, 2012. I'll work on getting 2012 finished.

If anyone wants to lend me a hand, let me know. For 2008-2012, I've been keeping tallies of: total fireball sightings, multi-state fireball sightings, daytime fireballs, sightings with sonic booms, 'mysterious' sonic booms, meteorite landings. And of course, short descriptions of notable events, e.g., where property was damaged, people hurt, etc. So basically, going through the sott archives and keeping a list as I go.
I have some time today. probably I can help. You have a sheet, that needs updation based on sott archives for second half of 2012. right ?
Aeneas said:
I noticed that the main Danish newspaper, Jyllandsposten, has nothing today on their main page about yesterdays event and the Danish meteological institute has updated their page, but referring to the data from Jyllandsposten from the yesterday, thus in Denmark it remains a stone of about 10 tons and not what NASA came out with, 7000 tons.

Information control if ever there was.

I wrote to the newspaper to complain and gave the NASA link, but haven't heard from them. The DMI site has been fixed after a mail. They were very very friendly actually.
Aeneas said:
I saw this article on sott this morning and found it interesting that they make the possible connection with the meteorite that landed in Russia

A mysterious green 'slime' said to come from outer space has left boffins baffled at a wildlife park.

The unidentified jelly-like substance has been found at the RSPB Ham Wall Nature reserve in Somerset.

And according to folklore, a similar slime known as 'astral jelly' is deposited after meteor showers.

The jelly has turned up at the park just three days after a giant meteor streaked over the city of Chelyabinsk in central Russia.

Tony Whitehead, an RSPB spokesman for the South West, said: "Although we don't know what it actually is, similar substances have been described previously.

"In records dating back to the 14th Century it's known variously as star jelly, astral jelly or astromyxin.

"In folklore it is said to be deposited in the wake of meteor showers."

Mr Whitehead added: "It's great that in this day and age that there are still mysteries out there.

"We've read a few articles now and much speculation.

"One suggested it was neither animal nor plant, and another that it didn't contain DNA, although it does give the appearance of something 'living'.

"Our reserve team will be looking out for the slime over the next few days, but if anyone can offer any explanations we'd be glad to hear."

The public are being warned not to touch the mystery substance, and to inform nature reserve staff.

Steve Hughes, the RSPB site manager at Ham Wall, said: "This past week we've been finding piles of this translucent jelly dotted around the reserve.

"Always on grass banks away from the water's edge.

"They are usually about 10cm (4in) in diameter.

"We've asked experts what it might be, but as yet no one is really sure.

"Whatever it is, it's very weird."

Scientists are split on what the slime is, with some saying it is a form of cyanobacteria called Nostoc, others suggesting it is the remains of the regurgitated innards of amphibians and that it is related to the intriguingly named crystal brain fungus.

Interesting reference to the 14th century as that was when the last plaque raged and decimated the worlds population.

Fwiw, the Daily Mirror didn't mention or was unaware of a likely local meteor sighting much closer to this mysterious slime than Russia, that is, within the same county of Summerset and within the same time period. The meteor was seen on the 6th feb and the slime was found prior to the Russian event around about the 10th at the latest from what I've read from coverage by Daily Telegraph.

Mystery of Somerset 'meteor' still no closer to being solved

Mystery still surrounds the origin of a fireball-like object photographed in the sky above a nature reserve in Somerset.

Wildlife photographer Annie Henderson took the photos over the Avalon Marshes nature reserve at Shapwick Heath on February 6.

In the pictures, the distant light appears to be burning with flaming gases shooting off its form.

After first appearing on This is Somerset on Friday, the photos have become a worldwide talking point online over the weekend.

The story later appeared on the Mail Online, with more than 150 visitors leaving comments.

Some believe it was a meteorite similar to the one that hit Russia on Friday morning, injuring more than 900 people.

Less dramatic suggestions include a Chinese lantern, or a firework or miniature rocket.

Other visitors believe it could be a plane with the setting sun reflecting off jet trails, or a satellite burning up on re-entry into the atmosphere.

Annie said: "We were out photographing the starlings at 5.25pm and saw the bright thing in the sky, but thought it was just a high flying plane or a satellite.

"It was only the next morning that I uploaded the pictures on my computer and saw what was on the pictures when I zoomed in."

Annie, who is a wildlife photographer, only had a small lens with her for her Sony DSLR camera.

But she still managed to pick out the strange shape in the sky.

seek10 said:
I have some time today. probably I can help. You have a sheet, that needs updation based on sott archives for second half of 2012. right ?

I actually finished 2012. Just need short summaries of these events:

And then to start on 2013 including the Russian event.
It would be interesting to see if any similar 'slime' appears in Russia. Although perhaps - if it is related to the Somerset fireball - it might be specifically related to the nature of that specific meteor or fireball.
We have heard the news...everybody is talking about it...but am looking for crater where russian meteorite has crashed. When i searched through various resources..they are either showing fake crater like 'darvaza gas crater'or fishing hole even the news channel is showing fake crater....looks like media is hiding something about it??
This was posted on Friday by I only found it today.
It's an article in Greek again but here's a translation of it:

Yet the meteorite, which fell in Russia and has injured more than 1000 people could have fallen in Greece! The revelation was made in the by researcher Manolis Georgoulis of the Research Center for Astronomy and Applied Mathematics of the Academy of Athens,

"We can not say that the phenomenon is over. It may continue in areas not easily observable. We are fortunate in this case, because the meteorite might have fallen in Greece, because - when talking about such events - distances as the one between our country and Russia - they're small," Mr. Georgoulis stresses in . He does not exclude the possibility that some of the fragments have fallen in marine areas closer to our country, something that is not clear, as it's not an observable phenomenon. A phenomenon, which caused controversy in several aspects of the scientific community, in terms of the correlation and the exact time of its occurrence.

According to Mr. Georgoulis the meteors that arrived were bigger than what we are accustomed to today , causing major damage in the region of central Russia. He notes that the phenomenon is associated with the asteroid, which passed with speed 29,000 km from Earth, on Friday morning at 09.25.

He characteristically emphasizes that the size of the fragments is such that it did not dissolve upon entering the Earth's atmosphere and igniting. "They move in a less dense environment and suddenly enter a denser environment - the atmosphere - where they meet a "wall", they ignite and dissolve."

For a much larger and more famous asteroid talked astrophysicist and director of the Eugenides Planetarium, Dionysis Simopoulos, because - as he says - a new asteroid, which has nothing to do with the phenomenon of the fall of meteorites in Russia, will pass close to Earth on Friday night - around 21.00 - and will be visible from Australia.

"Every day, 100 tons of such objects fall to Earth, but are not being noticed. This phenomenon was noticed because it fell in a residential area," he says. Mr. Simopoulos maintains that, "the asteroid - which tonight will be visible from Earth - is the size of a thirteen storey building."

He adds that "The speed of the fragments exceeds 100,000 km per hour, once penetrated the Earth's atmosphere, while the collision with the higher bodies of the atmosphere is such that the explosion may spread it into large pieces throughout the surrounding region,"
An update based on Russian sources about the size and quality of the meteorite, how much damage was done, how many people were injured.
I found help through a link on page 12:_ I give both Russian source and an approximate translation so others can verify.

First something about what they think may be in the lake, (if it has not been or will be stolen.) :)
They quote it from and the title is "Ученые: основная масса метеорита, упавшего в Челябинской области, остается в озере Чебаркуль"]По мнению ученого, размер метеорита, находящегося в озере, может достигать 50—60 см в диаметре.
«То, что мы привезли, — это малюсенькие обломочки, всего около 50—53 осколков, все — миллиметрового размера. Это то, что удалось собрать на снегу около воронки», — сказал он.

(T: i skip the title that is for reference only.) According to the scientist, the size of the meteorite that is in the lake may reach 50-60 cm in diameter.
[…..] “50-53 fragments, all millimetre sized pieces. That is what we succeeded in finding in the snow near the crater", he said. (T: I guess he talks about the crater in the ice on the lake.)

Secondly there are new numbers of the number of injured people and damaged houses:
_ said:
Метеорит упал в озеро

Москва. 18 февраля. INTERFAX.RU -
Сейчас специалисты Уральского федерального университета собираются исследовать найденные обломки более детально. Основные выводы уже сделаны: метеорит относится к классу обыкновенных хондритов. Это каменный фрагмент с содержанием железа около 10%.


По данным МЧС на начало субботы взрывная волна повредила 2962 здания, из них 34 учреждения здравоохранения, 11 учреждений социальной защиты, 361 школьное и дошкольное образовательное учреждение.

В результате взрывов пострадали 1491 человек, в том числе 311 детей. Основная часть раненых получила порезы осколками разбитых стекол. Состояние 21 пострадавшего утром в понедельник оценивалось как средней тяжести.

I translate just the parts in bold:
Title is Meteorite fell in the lake. The meteorite belongs to the class of common chondrites. It is a stone fragment with about 10 % iron.

According to the Ministry of Civil Defence, Emergencies etc. Saturday morning the number of damaged building were 2962, of these 34 health institutions, 11 social institutions, 361 schools and kinder gardens.

As a result of the explosion 1491 suffered, including 311 children. The main part of the injuries was due to broken window glass. Monday morning the situation of 21 injured was characterised as moderately serious.

Thirdly, I elaborate on the material of the meteorite

Wiki has about this type of chondrites:
_ said:
Ordinary chondrites
Ordinary chondrites are by far the most common type of meteorite to fall on Earth: about 80% of all meteorites and over 90% of chondrites are ordinary chondrites.

L chondrites have Low total iron contents (including 7-11% Fe-Ni metal by mass). ~46% of ordinary chondrite falls belong to this group, which makes them the most common type of meteorite to fall on Earth.

A useful glossary index about meteoritics, the science of meteorites, is found on: __

Fourthly, I try to calculate the mass of the object using the above data and the information about the size from NASA.

According to this site _ the density density of the L-chondrite is between 2.5 and 3.96 g/cm^3 with an average of 3.35 based on measurements of 160 meteorites.
Suppose the meteorite was a perfect ball, and the diameter was 17 meters, this would give a radius of 8.75. The volume would be (4/3)*pi*(7.5)^3=2806m^3 which multiplied by 3.35tons/m^3=9400 tons
In other words the object was if it was solid and round like a ball around 9400 tons, but since it has holes, is not round and the exact density is unknown it is not exact and most likely quite a bit less, provided the 17 meters are on the mark.

And last the Russian are not sure NASA is right and argue that NASA has exaggerated. The link is here: _

Some how, they are not able to give any exact numbers. They say the energy was between, 10 and 500 kilotons but more likely 100-200 kilotons, and that the size was between 5 and 20 meters.

How might that add up? The average between 5 and 20 is 12,5 meters. If one compare 6.25^3 with 8.5^3 one gets the numbers 244 and 670. And 244/670=36% is more or less one third of the NASA estimate.

NASA should have equipment to determine the exact size and mass, or so I think. The Russians may have and certainly have a lot of experience with nuclear bombs and know what damage was caused. Who is right is hard to tell. But, what is certain is that a lot of people were injured. First reports were hundreds, then 950, 1200 and now 1491 people.

Edit=fixed quote box and parenthesis.
Don't know if it was already posted , but here is an image by Meteorological Society, that shows locations of meteorite impacts since 2300 BC. It marks 34 513 known places of meteorite falling. What I find interesting, how according to this map, and throughout the history, Northern America or the location of the United States has been pretty "popular" in this regard.


And here is an interactive version, including details about the meteorites.
Keit said:
Don't know if it was already posted , but here is an image by Meteorological Society, that shows locations of meteorite impacts since 2300 BC. It marks 34 513 known places of meteorite falling. What I find interesting, how according to this map, and throughout the history, Northern America or the location of the United States has been pretty "popular" in this regard.


And here is an interactive version, including details about the meteorites.

Thats cool! Thanks for sharing! It seems the locations shows impacts where are almost all the big cities today!
Meteorites I expect would be just as likely to fall at one spot on a particular latitude as another? They would be just as likely to fall in the ocean, as over a continent? So the map of reported sightings will be as much a map of where the larger human populations are, as a map of where meteors (reported or unreported) have fallen?

Some locations are better to find meteorites, not because more meteorites fall in those locations, but because of certain stable features of the landscape, e.g. the ground might not be disturbed much in some dry valleys of Antarctica.
from _

this lady has been doing some predictions
with more available at the blog , including
info on Russian hit ...

( excerpt below as she predicts more mid-March 2013 )

Friday, December 14, 2012
Hi, would like to know if you see any asteroids that will threaten Earth? and if so when and where can you see this? Major Ed Dames is best known for remote viewing, ie THE KILL SHOT. What do you think of his research? We predicts worldwide flooding totally destroying Sydney Australia and other locations around the world before june 2013? possibly due to Asteroids or displacement? what do you see with this man and his research please?

I do see asteroids in space around Earth, I do not see them entering into our atmosphere but they are always around us. I do distinctly see the red comet that I have seen before and when I see it I envision it passing Earth and it's closest point to Earth being at the North Pole. I do see it affecting Earth a great deal. I feel like it is going to be at it's closest point...I am getting March or April of 2013. I also keep hearing this swooshing sound, likes blasts of wind and I am seeing a person standing and they are outside and the wind kind of blows so hard that I see their hair fly back and their cheeks even kind of flattens backwards, like it flattens their face out.
Q-Major Ed Dames is best known for remote viewing, ie THE KILL SHOT. What do you think of his research?
A-After watching a few minutes of The Kill Shot and understanding who he was, I believe he does have skills at remote viewing, he feel genuine to me.
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