Music,sound and resonance

from: 25 May 1996

Q: (L) Well, okay. We have several issues just now...
A: Flute.
Q: (L) What does that mean?
A: You have one.
Q: (L) I don't have a flute. Tell me about the flute.
A: Ponder.
Q: (L) Flute as in playing a tune? Another clue?
A: No.
Q: (L) And you want me to stop and ponder this right now?
Well, you play music on a flute. Usually you play happy
music on a flute.
A: Not point. On or not.
Q: (L) You guys are being really obscure tonight. Is flute
significant in some way?
A: Maybe.
Q: (L) Is there another word or two you can give me for a
clue? A: D.
Q: (L) Fluted?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Does 'fluted' have anything to do with 'grooving?'
A: Columns.
Q: (L) What columns are we talking about?
A: Ionic.
Q: (L) Why are we talking about Ionic fluted columns?
A: Because they are a link to previous direct contact between
humans and density 4 STO!

Interesting, the blood vessels in one half of my body are fluted. They told me that was a rare condition and related it to a genetic anomaly.
Keep on rolling on the rails of frequency and resonance.
From the thread "The Field", something deep to dig and in the same time
is going to put some LIGHT in the frequency fence of this one of thread,
so let's diving in the deep and big blue:
The signal effectively could take the place of the chemicals, for the signal is the molecule's signature. The scientific team, which had successfully substituted it for the original, were quietly aware of the explosive nature of their achievement. Through their efforts, the usual theories of molecular signaling and how cells `talk' to each other had been profoundly modified. They were beginning to demonstrate in the laboratory what Popp had just proposed — that each molecule in the universe had a unique frequency and the language it used to speak to the world was a resonating wave.

As Popp was pondering the larger implications of biophoton emissions, a French scientist had been examining the reverse: the effect of this light on individual molecules. Popp believed that biophoton emissions orchestrated all bodily processes, and the French scientist was finding out the exquisite way in which it worked. The biophoton vibrations Popp had observed in the body caused molecules to vibrate and create their own signature frequency, which acted as its unique driving force and also its means of communication. The French scientist had paused to listen to these tiny oscillations and heard the symphony of the universe. Every molecule of our bodies was playing a note that was being heard round the world.

The memory of water studies had prompted Benveniste to examine the manner in which molecules communicate within a living cell. In all aspects of life, molecules must speak to each other. If you are excited, your adrenals pump out more adrenaline, which must tell specific receptors to get your heart to heat faster. The usual theory, called the Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship (QSAR), is that two molecules that match each other structurally exchange specific (chemical) information, which occurs when they bump into each other. It's rather like a key finding its own keyhole (which is why this theory is often also called the key—keyhole, or lock-and-key interaction model). Biologists still adhere to the mechanistic notions of Descartes that there can only he reaction through contact, some sort of impulsive force. Although they accept gravity, they reject any other notions of action at a distance.

If these occurrences are due to chance, there's very little statistical hope of their happening, considering the universe of the cell. In the average cell, which contains one molecule of protein for every ten thousand molecules of water, molecules jostle around the cell like a handful of tennis balls floating about in a swimming pool. The central problem with the current theory is that it is too dependent upon chance and also requires a good deal of time. It can't begin to account for the speed of biological processes, like anger, joy, sadness or fear. But if instead each molecule has its own signature frequency, its receptor or molecule with the matching spectrum of features would tune into this frequency, much as your radio tunes into a specific station, even over vast distances, or one tuning fork causes another tuning fork to oscillate at the same frequency. They get in resonance — the vibration of one body is reinforced by the vibration of another body at or near its frequency. As these two molecules resonate on the same wavelength, they would then begin to resonate with the next molecules in the biochemical reaction, thus creating, in Benveniste's words, a 'cascade' of electromagnetic impulses travelling at the speed of light. This, rather than accidental collision, would better explain how you initiate a virtually instantaneous chain reaction in biochemistry. It also is a logical extension of the work of Fritz Popp. If photons in the body excite molecules along the entire spectrum of electromagnetic frequencies, it is logical that they would have their own signature frequency.

Benveniste's experiments decisively demonstrated that cells don't rely on the happenstance of collision but on electromagnetic signalling at low frequency (less than 20 kHz) electromagnetic waves.
The electromagnetic frequencies that Benveniste has studied correspond with frequencies in the audio range, even though they don't emit any actual noise that we can detect. All sounds on our planet — the sound of water rippling in a stream, a crack of thunder, a shot fired, a bird chirping — occur at low frequency, between 20 hertz and 20 kilohertz, the range in which the human ear can hear.

According to Benveniste's theory, two molecules are then tuned into each other, even at long distance, and resonate to the same frequency. These two resonating molecules would then create another frequency, which would then resonate with the next molecule or group of molecules, in the next stage of the biological reaction. This would explain, in Benveniste's view, why tiny changes in a molecule — the switching of a peptide, for example would have a radical effect on what that molecule actually does.

This is not so farfetched, considering what we already know about how molecules vibrate. Both specific molecules and intermolecular bonds emit certain specific frequencies ,which can he detected billions of light-rears away, through the most sensitive of modern telescopes. "These frequencies have long been accepted by physicists, but no one in the biological community save Fritz-Albert Popp and his predecessors has paused to consider whether they actually have some purpose. Others before Benveniste, such as Robert O. Becker and Cyril Smith, had conducted extensive experimentation on electromagnetic frequencies in living things. Benveniste's contribution was to show that molecules and atoms had their own unique frequencies by using modern technology both to record this frequency and to use the recording itself for cellular communication.

From 1991, Benveniste demonstrated that you could transfer specific molecular signals simply by using an amplifier and electromagnetic coils. Four years later, he was able to record and replay these signals using a multimedia computer. Over thousands of experiments, Benveniste and Guillonnet recorded the activity of the molecule on a computer and replayed it to a biological system ordinarily sensitive to that substance. In every instance, the biological system has been fooled into thinking it has been interacting with the substance itself and acted accordingly, initiating the biological chain reaction, just as it would if in the actual presence of the genuine molecule. Other studies have also shown that Benveniste's team could erase these signals and stop activity in the cells through an alternating magnetic field, work they performed in collaboration with Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique in Medudon, France. the inescapable conclusion: as Fritz-Albert Popp theorized, molecules speak to each other in oscillating frequencies. It appeared that the Zero Point Field creates a medium enabling the molecules to speak to each other nonlocally and virtually instantaneously.

The DigiBio team tested out digital biology on five types of studies: basophilic activation; neutrophilic activation; skin testing; oxygen activity; and, most recently, plasma coagulation. Like whole blood, plasma, the yellowy liquid of the blood, which carries protein and waste products, will coagulate. To control for that ability. you must first remove the calcium in the plasma, by chelating — chemically grabbing — it. If you then add water with calcium to the blood, it will coagulate, or clot. Adding heparin, a classic anti-coagulant drug, will prevent the blood from clotting, even in the presence of the calcium.

In Benveniste's most recent study, he took a test-tube of this plasma with calcium chelated out, then added water containing calcium which has been exposed to the 'sound of heparin transmitted via the signature digitized electromagnetic frequency. As with all his other experiments, the signature frequency of heparin works as though the molecules of heparin itself were there: in its presence, the blood is more reluctant than usual to coagulate.

In perhaps the most dramatic of his experiments, Benveniste showed that the signal could be sent across the world by email or mailed on a floppy disk. Colleagues of his at Northwestern University in Chicago recorded signals from ovalbumin (Ova), acetylcholine (Ach), dextran and water. The signals from the molecules were recorded on a purpose designed transducer and a computer equipped With a sound card. The signal was then recorded on a floppy disk and sent by regular mail to the DigiBio Laboratory in Clamart. In later experiments, the signals were also sent by email as attached documents. The Clamart team then exposed ordinary water to the signals of this digital Ova or Ach or ordinary Water and infused either the exposed water or the ordinary water to isolated guinea pig hearts. All the digitised water produced highly significant changes in coronary flow, compared with the controls — which just contained ordinary, non-exposed water. The effects from the digitized water were identical to effects produced on the heart by the actual substances themselves.-

Giuliano Preparata and his colleague Emilio Del Giudice, two Italian physicists at the Milan Institute for Nuclear Physics, were working on a particularly ambitious project — to explain why certain matter in the world stays in one piece. Scientists understand gases to a large extent through the laws of classical physics, but are still largely ignorant of the actual workings of liquids and solids — that is, any sort of condensed matter. Gases arc easy because they consist of individual atoms or molecules which behave individually in large spaces. Where scientists have trouble is with atoms or molecules packed tightly' together and bow they behave as a group. Any physicist is at a loss to tell you why water doesn't just evaporate into gas or why atoms in a chair or a tree stay that way, particularly if they are only supposed to communicate with their most immediate neighbor and he held together by short-range forces.-

Water is among the most mysterious of substances, because it is a compound formed from two gases, yet it is liquid at normal temperatures and pressures. In their studies, Del Giudice and Preparata have demonstrated mathematically that when closely packed together, atoms and molecules exhibit a collective behavior, forming What they have termed 'coherent domains'. They are particularly interested in this phenomenon as it occurs in water. In a paper published in Physical Review Letters, Preparata and Del Giudice demonstrated that water molecules create coherent domains, much as a laser does. Light is normally, composed of photons of many wavelengths, like colors in a rainbow', but photons in a laser have a high degree of coherence, a situation akin to a single coherent wave, like one intense color. These single wavelengths of water molecules appear to become 'informed' in the presence of other molecules — that is, they tend to polarize around any charged molecule — storing and carrying its frequency so that it may be read at a distance. This would mean that water is like a tape recorder, imprinting and carrying information whether the original molecule is still there or not. The shaking of the containers, as is done in homeopathy, appears to act as a method of speeding up this process., So vital is water to the transmission of energy and information that Benveniste's own studies actually demonstrate that molecular signals cannot he transmitted in the body unless you do so in the medium of water. In Japan, a physicist called Kunio Yasuo of the Research Institute for Information and Science, Notre Dame Seishin University in Okayama, also found that water molecules have some role to play in organizing discordant energy into coherent photons — a process called 'superradiance'.

This suggests that water, as the natural medium of all cells, acts as the essential conductor of a molecule's signature frequency in all biological processes and that water molecules organize themselves to form a pattern on which can he imprinted wave information. If Benveniste is right, water not only sends the signal but also amplifies it.

While working with his robot, Benveniste discovered on a large scale what Popp had witnessed in the laboratory with his water fleas — evidence that the electromagnetic waves from living things were having an effect on their environment.

Once Benveniste had got his robot up and working, he discovered that generally it worked well, except for certain occasions. Those occasions were always the days when a particular woman was present in the lab. Cherche la femme, Benveniste thought, although in the Lyon lab, which was replicating their results, a similar situation occurred, this time with a man. In his own lab, Benveniste conducted several experiments, by hand and by robot, to isolate what it was the woman was doing which prevented the experiment from working. Her scientific method was impeccable and she followed the protocol to the letter. The woman herself, a doctor and biologist, was an experienced, meticulous worker. Nevertheless, on no occasion did she get any results. After six months of such studies there was only a single conclusion: something about her very presence was preventing a positive result.

It was vital that he got to the nub of the problem, for Jacques knew what was at stake. He might send his robot to a laboratory in Cambridge, and if they got poor results as a result of a particular person, the lab would conclude that the experiment itself was at fault, when the problem had to do with something or someone in the environment.

There is nothing subtle about biological effects. Change the structure or shape of a molecule only slightly and you will completely alter the ability of the molecule to slot in with its receptor cells. On or off, success or failure. A drug works or it doesn't. In this case, something in the woman in question was completely interfering with the communication of cells in his experiment.

Benveniste suspected that the woman must be emitting some form of waves that were blocking the signals. Through his work he developed a means of testing for these, and he soon discovered that she was emitting electromagnetic fields which were interfering with the communication signalling of his experiment. Like Popp's carcinogenic substances, she was a frequency scrambler. This seemed too incredible to believe — more the realm of witchcraft than science, Benveniste thought. He then had the particular woman hold a tube of homeopathic granules in her hand for five minutes, and then tested the tube with his equipment. All activity — all molecular signaling— had been erased.'

Benveniste wasn't a theorist. He wasn't even a physicist. He'd accidentally trespassed into the world of electromagnetism and now was stuck here, experimenting in what for him was completely foreign territory — the memory of water and the ability of molecules to vibrate at very high and very low frequencies. These were the two mysteries that he was getting no closer to solving. All that he could do was to carry on where he felt most comfortable — with his laboratory experiments — showing that these effects were real. But one thing did seem clear to him. For some unknown reason that he didn't dwell upon, these signals also appeared to be sent outside the body and somehow were being taken in and listened to.


Jahn and Dunne began to formulate a theory. If reality resulted from some elaborate interaction of consciousness with its environment, then consciousness, like subatomic particles of matter, might also be based on a system of probabilities. One of the central tenets of quantum physics, first proposed by Louis de Broglie, is that subatomic entities can behave either as particles (precise things with a set location in space) or waves (diffuse and unbounded regions of influence which can flow through and interfere with other waves). They began to chew over the idea that consciousness had a similar duality. Each individual consciousness had its own `particulate' separateness, but was also capable of 'wave-like' behavior, in which it could flow through any harriers or distance, to exchange information and interact with the physical world. At certain times, subatomic consciousness would get in resonance with — beat at the same frequency as — certain subatomic matter. In the model they began to assemble, consciousness `atoms' combined with ordinary atoms — those, say, of the REG machine — and created a `consciousness molecule' in which the whole was different from its component parts. The original atoms would each surrender their individual entities to a single larger, more complex entity. On the most basic level, their theory was saying, you and your REG machine develop coherence.,,

Certainly some of their results seemed to favor this interpretation. Jahn and Dunne had wondered if the tiny effect they were observing with individuals would get any larger if two or more people tried to influence the machine in tandem. The PEAR lab ran a series of studies using pairs of people, in which each pair was to act in concert when attempting to influence the machines.

Of 256,5oo trials, produced by fifteen pairs in forty-two experimental series, many pairs also produced a `signature' result, which didn't necessarily resemble the effect of either individual alone.. Being of the same sex tended to have a very slight negative effect. These types of couples had a worse outcome than they achieved individually; with eight pairs of operators the results were the very opposite of what was intended. Couples of the opposite sex, all of whom knew each other, had a powerful complementary effect, producing more than three and a half times the effect of individuals. However, 'bonded' pairs, those couples in a relationship, had the most profound effect, which was nearly six times as strong as that of single operators.3,

If these effects depended upon some sort of resonance between the two participating consciousnesses, it would make sense that stronger effects would occur among those people sharing identities, such as siblings, twins or couples in a relationship. Being close may create coherence. As two waves in phase amplified a signal, it may be that a bonded couple has an especially powerful resonance, which would enhance their joint effect on the machine.

And this session brought by Zadius Sky:
August 3, 1996
Q: (L) Is this wave a gravity wave?
A: Interrelated.
Q: (L) Okay, now... (T) Well, the wave is a form of energy. (L) Yes, they once told us that it was "hyper-kinetic sensate."
A: Realm border, this is your quantum factor, Laura, so plug it into "Noah" accordingly, and check out the results.
Q: (L) Does this brown or dark star have planetary bodies of its own, other than sharing planets with Sol?
A: No.
Q: (T) Okay. No correlation to Sitchin and his "planet Nibiru." (L) If the wave is the quantum factor for the transition of the Solar System, what is the factor for the transition of an atom?
A: Electrons emit what?
Q: (L) Photons... (T) An electrical charge of some kind. (L)I thought that an electron didn't have any parts... that it is an elementary particle...
A: Right...
Q: (L) What the heck does an electron emit? Is gravity emitted by an electron?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) What...
A: Electromagnetically.
Q: (L) What is it that causes a quantum transition? A collecting and dispersing of gravity. What is it about an atom that causes it to collect or disperse?
A: How does the electron fit into the equation of the "atom?"
Q: (L) Well, it orbits the nucleus... (T) Planets orbit the Sun. (L) The energy that an electron collects, or any other part of an atom collects, that causes a quantum transition, comes to it from outside of it? A wave?
A: How many electrons orbit the nucleus?
Q: (L) It depends on the atom. The number of electrons determine what an atom is an atom of... the number of particles it has orbiting...
A: Yes.
Q: (T) And they orbit in specific shells...
A: Yes... And how does the sun relate to this macro-dynamically?
Q: (L) Okay, something from the nucleus of the atom acts upon the electrons to cause a transition?
A: How many electrons orbit the nucleus?
Q: (L) Of the sun? Are you asking how many electrons orbit the nucleus of the Sun? Different atoms have different numbers...
A: Of any atom?
Q: (L) Okay, it varies.
A: From what to what?
Q: (L) From one to somewhere in the nineties or hundreds...
A: And what determines the number?
Q: (T) Well, what determines the number?
A: Is it the composition of the nucleus?
Q: (L) Yeah. That's right. We forgot. What causes or determines the number of protons or whatever in the nucleus?
A: What composition would cause the orbiting of one electron?
Q: (L) One proton?
A: Now, think macro-dynamically.
Q: (L) Well, you once said that the sun is a window, or transition point to another density. Are you saying that the nucleus of an atom is also a window?
A: What we are saying is the sun is a proton and its twin is an electron!
Q: (L) Well, I am still trying to get at... the wave causes transitions in the macro-cosmic atom, what causes the microcosmic atom... what causes a quantum jump? What accumulates in an atom that causes it to transition?
A: Completion of Grand Cycle.,7462.0.html

A visual:

It's here the whole session:,23796.0.html#lastPost
Then came this session:,12993.0.html#lastPost
A: You have your work cut out for you. You have a choice of futures. What will it be? A dark star or paradise restored??? Goodbye.


Conversation after session ends

(L) Well… that was interesting. Question is, do we believe it? It is such a departure… I mean, I know that we are facing a pretty dire future… and yeah, I've been searching for the clues of what to do and how to do it so I guess since we have come so close by our own efforts, we are able to get that little extra help?

(Ark) Change is good. And motion is good. I have the feeling that you can't really do everything by just sitting and thinking, you know? You have to try something else, even if just to get new ideas. And also, it's fun. And you can't do anything really good and something that lasts if this is not correlated to some kind of...

(L) Something that feels good.

(Ark) Yeah. And when I was looking at this first dance, for instance, it occurred to me that there was a peace in it, you know? And this peace, or such a peace, may well create some kind of waves that connect to other waves and even it does something good independently of the results. But I cannot explain it better.

(L) Well it kind of reminds me... Remember when I talk about my power walking, when I get on the treadmill and I kind of meditate on the treadmill and focus on whatever is needed, and somehow it usually kind of happens? This business the Cs are talking about is power walking on steroids.

(DD) I could do that walking. I could walk around the lake and do that pipe breathing. I was walking Ruby, and by the time I'd get home I was in a different state of mind than when I left. During a 45-minute power walk. I can imagine if you through some music into it, and...

(L) Throw some music into it, and you have your aim, and you have the steps, and everybody does the steps in synchronization. By synchronizing their bodies, they're synchronizing their energies, they're making very specific motions of their field, within the field that they are operating, and that produces a kind of resonance also. And it's like a resonance out into the world. So, I think that is very interesting. Dancing in the spiral, or dancing in the maze... And I guess we should have asked if there is a difference? I mean, did you use the maze for one kind of purpose, or different types of purposes, or do you use the spirals for other purposes.

(Joe) I think we'll find out if just do it.

(DD) You have to learn the steps of those first few dances first.

(L) Yeah, so the girls here… Joe who is our chief dancer, is gonna have to get it down pat so he can teach us.

(DD) The amazing thing is the similarity between the Greek... Was that a wedding?

(L) I don't think so.

(DD) Because the traditional Afghan dances were very similar to that.

(C) It's 4 steps, stop. 4 steps, stop. And always anti-clockwise.

(L) And then they had a little hop too, and I think the hop is important. Well, ya'll just watch it and figure it out. I think it's important they way they were holding hands. That was connecting their energy.

(Ark) I am comparing these dances with for example the methods used by Reich with orgone generators and all such things which were probably supposedly to have similar effects. But this was all mechanical.

(L) Yeah, and it had a limited effect.

(Ark) And in fact, they probably were attracting negative energies.

(L) Right. Because I mean the human brain, the physiology, the electricity, not just the brain but the body... All your neurons generating electricity and interacting with the field and acting like capacitors... I think it's a very powerful thing. And it's not chaotic.
Now the thing that I noticed the other night when we were watching this movie about Marjoe Gortner, and you see these fundamentalists, they were dancing yeah, and they were jumping around in the aisles, but it was chaotic.

(C) Yeah, and they were not together at all.

(Ark) Everybody was in his own world.

(L) Everybody was in his own world and they were not really thinking about the group and the welfare and wellbeing of others, the planet or anything. It was all very selfish and self-centered.

(recording end)
Hello zak, a few posts back you were talking about the EM grid and the net that covers the Earth.
Many years ago, back in the '60's I worked with the Navy on a Survey Ship which utilized two types of electronic survey frequencies, one was known as the LAMBDA system, and the other was known as the HIFIX system for smaller craft. See link:

The principal was to establish two radiating masts on land each at a different frequency in the VLF range. The ship would radiate a Master frequency, and the points would radiate unique SLAVE frequencies. Now if you imagine a point with concentric circles around it, and not far away another point with more concentric circles, you will get the idea how the 'grid' is formed, as these concentric circles overlap. Using this grid and it's own sonar system, the ship could 'ping' the bottom at the same time as they took a FIX locating itself in the 'grid'. The numbers obtained would later be translated onto maps of the seabed wherever the survey was taking place. The initial 'points' were accurately surveyed using star sights etc.

No doubt in this modern day and age things have improved somewhat, and they can now FIX the position through a satellite 'ping'.
In fact using several satellites at a time, they could generate a space-based 'grid', and thereby build up a three dimensional grid.

Who knows how this technology could have progressed, and speculation is possible, though probably not advisable.
MusicMan said:
No doubt in this modern day and age things have improved somewhat, and they can now FIX the position through a satellite 'ping'.
In fact using several satellites at a time, they could generate a space-based 'grid', and thereby build up a three dimensional grid.

Who knows how this technology could have progressed, and speculation is possible, though probably not advisable.

It's good to know these activities, and it's better to heard them from your experience.

I would like to come back into "The Field":
. Biophysical aspects of Frohlich coherent states and Einstein-Bose Condensates on nanoscale brain structures such as the
microtubule, synaptic grid, or ion channel have been considered relevant to information processing through quasiparticle scattering as a
putative foundation for a quantum theory of consciousness. Although the body of theoretical evidence for Frohlich type events in
biological systems has been growing for thirty years, the highly speculative nature of this model has hindered broad acceptance in the
scientific community. In this paper, as a prelude to in vivo experimentation, a theoretical model is described for creating empirically
measurable coherent states in vitro microtubule and DNA Oligomers using a system of modulated tuneable-laser interferometry in
resonance with an applied Frohlich frequency to drive the collective dynamics of superradiance and self-induced transparency deemed
essential for Frohlich and Bose-Einstein effects in biological systems. Empirical realization of this model would open the door to
experimental study of the physical parameters of consciousness

And it's really worth to read those pages (147 to 150) in this link, because i can't put them here:

Well keep on diving:
Plenty of theoretical work was published on theories and hypotheses describing generation of electromagnetic field by living cells in very broad frequency range.[1][2][3] The most influential one was once probably the Fröhlich's hypothesis of coherence in biological systems introduced by Herbert Fröhlich in the late 1960s.[4] Despite the fact that experimental evidence for Fröhlich's hypothesis does not exist yet, numerical estimates indicate biological feasibility of at least Fröhlich's weak condensation.[5]

Recent theoretical considerations predict generation of radio frequency electromagnetic field in cells as a result of vibrations of electrically polar intracellular structures, e. g., microtubules.[6] Emission in optical part of electromagnetic spectrum is usually attributed to reactive oxygen species (ROS).
Bioelectrodynamic effects were experimentally proven in optical range of electromagnetic spectrum. Spontaneous emission of photons by living cells, with intensity significantly higher than corresponds to emission by thermal radiation, was repeatedly reported by several authors over decades.[7] These observations exhibit experimental simplicity and good reproducibility. Although non-thermal emission of photons from living cells is generally accepted phenomenon, much less is known about its origin and properties. On the one hand, it is sometimes attributed to chemiluminescent metabolic reactions (including for instance reactive oxygen species (ROS) [8] ), on the other hand, some authors relate this phenomenon to far-from-equilibrium thermodynamics.[citation needed]

Indirect evidence exists on acoustic and radio frequencies; however, direct measurement of field quantities is missing. Pohl and others observed force effect on dielectric particles which were attracted to cells and repulsed from cells, respectively, depending on particles' dielectric constant.[9] Pohl attributed this behavior to dielectrophoresis caused by electromagnetic field of cells. He estimated the frequency of this field as about hundreds of MHz. Other indirect evidence comes from the fact that mechanical vibrations were experimentally proven in very broad frequency range in cells.[10] Since many structures in cells are electrically polar, they will generate electromagnetic field if they vibrate.[11

About reactive oxygen species:
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are chemically reactive chemical species containing oxygen. Examples include peroxides, superoxide, hydroxyl radical, and singlet oxygen.[1]
In a biological context, ROS are formed as a natural byproduct of the normal metabolism of oxygen and have important roles in cell signaling and homeostasis.[2] However, during times of environmental stress (e.g., UV or heat exposure), ROS levels can increase dramatically.[2] This may result in significant damage to cell structures. Cumulatively, this is known as oxidative stress. ROS are also generated by exogenous sources such as ionizing radiation.[3]
Effects of ROS on cell metabolism are well documented in a variety of species. These include not only roles in apoptosis (programmed cell death) but also positive effects such as the induction of host defence[9][10]genes and mobilization of ion transport systems.[citation needed] This implicates them in control of cellular function. In particular, platelets involved in wound repair and blood homeostasis release ROS to recruit additional platelets to sites of injury. These also provide a link to the adaptive immune system via the recruitment of leukocytes.[citation needed]

Reactive oxygen species are implicated in cellular activity to a variety of inflammatory responses including cardiovascular disease. They may also be involved in hearing impairment via cochlear damage induced by elevated sound levels, in ototoxicity of drugs such as cisplatin, and in congenital deafness in both animals and humans.[citation needed] ROS are also implicated in mediation of apoptosis or programmed cell death and ischaemic injury. Specific examples include stroke and heart attack.[citation needed]

In general, harmful effects of reactive oxygen species on the cell are most often:[11]

1- damage of DNA
2- oxidations of polyunsaturated fatty acids in lipids (lipid peroxidation)
3 oxidations of amino acids in proteins
4- oxidative deactivation of specific enzymes by oxidation of co-factors

An explanation:
Keep on exploring with an aim to each corner of the field, there are so much tracks vertically, much crossroads
leading to others crossroads, :lol:, it reminds me an episode of my life some years ago in Corsica, off Capo Di Muro, it was the first
time that i dipped alone and with bottle.
I helped myself with the anchor chain to descend into the bottom, i realized later that i climbed upside down !
Being more accustomed to heights than depths.
It was something really new and in the same time an echo to something very ancient inside of me, reconnecting
to childhood's dreams, promises of teenager, and man's experiences in one breath ( well in this case a big and long breath with the bottles).
An avenue of things in ground/floor/earth, even hanging with a rope weren't possible,and now in this ocean momentum with the right apparatus
a lot of things were open.
To give an order of idea:
I don't like too much this "orchestration" but it's the idea of the dream coming truth below water:
I don't remember what physician if it's a physician who said something similar to this: it's not about to see the things differently, but
to be able to THINK in other way_
Oh! I remind this quote Of Ark enough close to what i don't remember:
Q: (A) When you watch, look and listen, you are getting some signals, and these signals cause a certain pattern of thinking which were not yet able to emerge, but now, after you receive certain signals, you start to think in a different way. So, you cannot now think in a different way, but when you learn this and this has happened, then you start to think in a different pattern. So, you cannot now do things, but you always have to be ready to change your thinking at any moment when you understand more, when you see more, when you notice more, when you put things together which are not yet together. Then, there may be a big change of perspective, a total change. And this we have to keep our minds and thinking patterns open and ready to change, and work and put the puzzle and mosaic together. And, this is all that counts. It is this work that we are now doing that counts, not some future big thing: oh! Now we go on a ship! No, it is only doing our best, and what is it? Our best? It will change. I believe so. That is the idea. So, everything depends on this.

So let's go back into the field again !
And this time with the company of a sorcerer of Mexico.
BUT before this i need to back pedal near the sun and his companion:
July 11, 1998
Q: (A) I want to continue questions from the previous session. First, about this companion star: where is it now; which part of the zodiac?
A: Libra Constellation.
Q: (A) Where is the periodic comet cluster?
A: Not visible. It approaches in “scatter pattern,” indicating that one or two of the members may have already made the circuit.
Q: (A) We have been told that it will look like one solid object at first.
A: Yes, but not necessarily only one grouping. Will show up first in the region of the Magellanic Clouds.
Q: (A) So, we have the idea. Next question concerning this companion star; we were told that its mass is less than the sun, can we have a figure on how much less?
A: 56 percent of the mass of the sun.
Q: (A) Okay, if this is really so, then when it really starts to approach the solar system, and they rotate in tandem, it means that the sun will really start to feel its gravity, and because of this, the solar system will start to move with respect to other stars, so all the constellations will shift, is this correct?
A: More like a slight “wobble” effect.
Q: (L) Will that be perceptible to us here on the Earth?
A: Only through measurements.
Q: (T) There have been a lot of reports of late regarding major solar activity, solar flares, solar winds, etc. The surface of the sun has a whole lot going on. The last I heard, one of the two satellites observing the sun, one of them is gone. Is this an effect from the sun itself, or is this an effect of the approaching brown dwarf?
A: The sun.
Q: (T) As the brown dwarf approaches, will it intensify the solar flare activity?
A: The effect on the physical orientation of the sun from the periodic passage of its companion is to flatten the sphere slightly. This returns to its original spherical shape with the retreat.
Q: (L) Is this flattening of the sphere of the sun going to have any noticeable effects in terms of enhanced, accelerated, or magnified radiation from the sun?
A: No.
Q: (T) Solar flares or anything like that?
A: No.
Q: (T) So there is not going to be any appreciable effect on the planet from this as far as the sun goes?
A: The sun’s gravity increases, thus inhibiting flares.
Q: (T) Inhibiting flares is good. (L) Not necessarily. Solar minimums have been periods of ice ages. (T) One of the recent crop circles this year shows what the crop circle interpreters say is an image of the sun with a large solar flare coming off of it. It is supposed to be a warning to us that the surface of the sun has become unstable…
A: All events intersect.
Q: (A) Okay, I would like to ask what kind of effects other than just gravity we should expect from the close passage of this star? Any particular electro-magnetic, gamma radiation, or what to look for? In which part of the spectrum?
A: Radiation emits from those cosmic bodies which radiate.
Q: (L) Are you saying that the brown star does not radiate?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) If it doesn’t radiate, what does it do?
A: Its radioactive field is severely limited as the “fire” went out long ago. It does not give off light.

Q: (J) It’s a brown star. (T) One or two steps away from being a collapsing black hole. (L) Well, that’s friendly, especially after watching “Event Horizon” last night!
A: No. Black holes only form from 1st magnitude stars.
Q: (A) We have been told that there is going to be a change of the magnetic field of the earth. Does this mean that the magnetic pole will shift?
A: Yes.
Q: (A) About this shift of the poles, is it going to be a complete pole reversal?
A: Yes.
Q: (A) What is going to happen inside Earth that could cause this magnetic pole reversal?
A: Is caused by disturbances in the mineral content of the substrata rock, brought on by the interaction of Earth with outside forces.
Q: (L) What specific outside forces?
A: Those already discussed.
Q: (L) What is going to be the specific mechanism of this disturbance? Can you describe for us the steps by which this pole reversal will take place?
A: Pole reversal is cyclical anyway, these events merely serve as trigger mechanism.
Q: (L) Let me ask it this way: is there a charge that builds up in the mineral substrata that requires discharge, or that becomes excited to the point that it discharges and then reverses? Is this what we are talking about in terms of the mechanism?
A: Examine what is needed to magnetize metal. Ask Arkadiusz.
Q: (A) What is needed to magnetize metal. One has to align the spins of the atoms which means one has to strike the metal, or one has to bring a magnetic field close. (T) Strike as in annealing… heating and striking metal or rock which causes the crystalline structure to decompose so that the metal becomes pliable. Then, each time it is hit, it reforms until it cools again. (L) Is this what we are talking about here?
A: Close.
Q: (A) One can also have an external magnetic field to align. But, where is it going to come from?
A: Guess.
Q: (L) The wave?
A: All are interconnected.
Q: (T) Now, this is just a thought: where would an external magnetic field strong enough to do something like that come from? On the earth, if you supercharge the ionosphere, you create an extremely intense magnetic field. That’s what the ionosphere basically is. That is what the HAARP group of programs is about. That is what Tesla was into – the ionosphere – cause there is a large charge there. (L) Is the HAARP project involved here?
A: No.
Q: (T) They are monkeying around with that stuff. (L) Do the people in charge of the HAARP project know about all of this and are they constructing this HAARP array to utilize this energy in some way?
A: Those who know are at foundation.
Q: (T) To protect us?
A: HAARP is for mind control. It is hoped it can be successful in 4th density too!
Q: (L) Well, if these people are aware that this sort of thing is getting ready to happen… never mind. (A) We have been told that this magnetic disturbance is closely related to this realm border crossing, and you asked us the question ‘what is the root of realm’ and it is reality. Now, realm has an m at the end. Does this have something to do with magnetic?
A: Realm border is when the reality shifts for all.
Q: (A) Yes, but why is this reality shift related to magnetic field disturbance? What is the connection?
A: Your physiology and etheric orientation are both tied into the magnetic state of your environment.

Q: (L) Okay, you said before that the magnetic field is going to reverse…
A: Magnetic poles reverse.
Q: (L) Okay, what is the magnetic field going to do. It is going to change in some way. Is it going to increase, decrease… is this to a degree – something other than direction – amplification? (T) Will anything change in the strength of the field?
A: Let us illustrate. Now: Earth. [A circle is drawn with radiating spikes all around fairly close to the surface.] Earth after: [A circle is drawn with double radiating spikes with those in polar regions considerably longer than the others.]
Q: (T) So, it is the same, except it is larger?
A: Close.
Q: (T) Are you indicating that the magnetic field will be stronger?
A: Broader and larger.
Q: (L) What is the cross in the middle?
A: Geodirectional grid reference. You incorrectly added circle on side. Lines of magnetic field alignment should be shown as longer at poles. “Crosshairs” in illustration are for directional reference only.

Q: (T) Does this mean it will be stronger also?
A: Larger and broader.
Q: (A) People work near strong magnets much stronger than the Earth’s magnetic field, yet nothing happens to them that we can see.
A: Not true. Body chemistry is altered. Is not long term or permanent exposure.
Q: (L) So, apparently long term and permanent exposure can make a big difference.
Q: (A) Now, you say that this brown star and the comet cluster are coming into our solar system at the same time, and you have said that they are different events, but that they are related. Now, what is the relation, if not just the point in time, the deeper relation between these two phenomena?
A: Picture biorythm graph.
Q: (A) What is the period of pole shift?
A: 100,000 years, roughly.
Q: (A) Now, about the relation between the phenomenon of physical disasters that are going to happen and psychic changes related to the realm border. What is cause and what is effect?
A: One precedes the other.
Q: (L) Okay, so disasters happen and then the reality changes in psychic terms?
A: Yes.

Q: (T) Is the approach of the realm border, is the change in the magnetic field… does the reversal of the poles and the broadening of the magnetic field, is that going to be before the realm border crossing?
A: Intersection.
Q: (L) So, in practical terms, it may be that, what we observe will be a series of cataclysms, disasters, the ‘cleansing’ of the Earth…
A: This has already begun.
Q: (L) So, it is already happening. It will accelerate and intensify. And what we will observe is all of these things happening. And, as a result of the intersecting of these various energies, this realm border, this reality change, this change in the magnetics because of the interaction with the comet cluster, the sun’s companion, the realm border, and so forth, it will then have an effect upon the people left on the planet who will then change in some way as a result of this, is that correct?
A: Your Bible says that there will be many wonders on the Earth and in the Heavens in the last days.
Q: (L) Okay, this period of time after this realm border, is this period a preliminary to the total end of the Earth and all life on it?
A: No.
Q: (L) After all of this change, those people who continue to be on the Earth will be in a new environment, and it will be almost like having to grow gills to live in water, and some people will have the ability and some will not. Is that it? It will be more gradual in terms of individual physical structures and psychic structures?
A: No.
Q: (L) It will be a sudden, total change? Like flipping a switch and everything is going to be different?
A: The key is awareness.
Q: (L) Are there going to be people…
A: Yes.
Q: (L) You didn’t let me finish asking my question!
A: But we knew it!
Q: (L) In other words, there are going to be people who are simply not going to see what is happening?
A: Lost lambs beying in the knight.

Q: (T) They are not getting it. They are lost sheep. That really describes it. (L) Why did you give that funny twist on the spelling?
A: Why not?
Q: (T) Now, didn’t they tell us that when the transition occurs, those who are moving to 4th density will move, and those who aren’t, won’t. And that it is not a physical move. That we really would not notice a difference when we shifted because it’s all right here. And, those who are going to shift will shift right where they stand, and they won’t really notice a change, and the perception is not the issue, it is the awareness of the shift, because we will still be physical… am I heading anywhere in the right direction?
A: Variability of physicality.
Q: (L) Does this have anything to do with changing of DNA via awareness?
A: Both ways.
Q: (T) So, we will notice that we can control much more than we could before in terms of our environment and physical structure, but we will still be doing a lot of things we have always done.
Which brings us back to the Control System of our reality:

…a global phenomenon … so strange and foreign to our daily terrestrial mode of thought… it carries with it many implications of the existence of intelligences other than our own … [It] bespeaks the action of some form of intelligence… but whence this intelligence springs, whether it is truly extra-terrestrial, or bespeaks a higher reality not yet recognized by science, or even if it be in some way or another a strange psychic manifestation of our own intelligence, is much the question… […]

It is indeed sobering, yet challenging, to consider that the entire UFO phenomenon may be only the tip of the proverbial iceberg in a signaling an entirely new domain of the knowledge of nature as yet totally unexplored, as unexplored and as unimagined as nuclear processes would have been a century ago.

It is this “entirely new domain of the knowledge of nature” that has been the concern of the Cassiopaean Transmissions from the very beginning. It is the nature of this domain that is the subject of their communications regarding aliens, alien abductions, hyperdimensional realities, and related subject matter.

Laura Knight-Jadczyk
I just erase for the second time by i don't know how my fresh new post :phaser:
Well let's go to be there i was again.

Citation de: Castaneda

In order to keep us obedient and meek and weak, the predators engaged themselves in a stupendous maneuver - stupendous, of course, from the point of view of a fighting strategist. A horrendous maneuver from the point of view of those who suffer it. They gave us their mind! Do you hear me? The predators give us their mind, which becomes our mind. The predators' mind is baroque, contradictory, morose, filled with the fear of being discovered any minute now. ...'I know that even though you have never suffered hunger... you have food anxiety, which is none other than the anxiety of the predator who fears that any moment now its maneuver is going to be uncovered and food is going to be denied. Through the mind, which, after all, is their mind, the predators inject into the lives of human beings whatever is convenient for them. And they ensure, in this manner, a degree of security to act as a buffer against their fear.'" {Castaneda, 1998, pp. 213-220}

Citation de: Cs
Q: (L) In other words, there's no hope for our planet or our species if normal human beings do not come together and get over these varied pathological belief systems and religions and "your truth" and "my truth" and all that sort of thing?

A: Yes. All of that was created and spread by pathological types under the influence of their hyperdimensional masters for the purpose of turning this planet into a "hell on earth" with them as the masters. They have succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. What is needed is for many people to begin to make direct connections with their higher centers. This has been done via the "work" up to now, but there are other methods to accelerate the process and obtain the needed assistance.

From nature perspective and comparison:
Cicero :
We are the absolute masters of what happens on Earth. We enjoy the mountains and plains, and rivers are ours. We sow the grain and plant the trees. We fertilize the land, (...) we stop, turn the rivers, in short, by our hands by our various actions in this world, we strive to create, as it were, another nature.

Citation de: Don Juan
Sorcerers say that discipline makes the glowing coat of awareness unpalatable to the predator. The result is that the predators become bewildered. An inedible glowing coat of awareness is not part of their cognition. If the predators don't eat our glowing coat of awareness for a while, it'll keep on growing.

Simplifying this matter to the extreme, I can say that sorcerers, by means of their discipline, push the predators away long enough to allow their
glowing coat of awareness to grow beyond the level of the toes. Once it goes beyond the level of the toes, it grows back to its natural size. The
sorcerers of ancient Mexico used to say that the glowing coat of awareness is like a tree. If it is not pruned, it grows to its natural size and
volume. As awareness reaches levels higher than the toes, tremendous maneuvers of perception become a matter of course.

About Discipline:

The Force that Holds Us Together as Fields of Energy

The sorcerers of ancient Mexico, who discovered and developed the magical passes on which Tensegrity is based, maintained, according to what don Juan explained, that the performance of those passes prepares and leads the body to a transcendental realization : the realization that as conglomerates of energy fields, human beings are held together by a vibratory, agglutinating force that joins those individual energy fields into one concise, cohesive unit.
Don Juan Matus, in acquainting me with the propositions of those sorcerers of ancient times, emphasized to no end the fact that the performance of the magical passes was, to the best of his knowledge, the only means to lay the foundation for becoming fully conscious of that vibratory binding force ; something that happens when all the premises of the warriors' way are internalized and put into practice.
It was his ability as a teacher to make those premises a subject for embodiment ; in other words, he handled the premises of the warriors' way in such a fashion that it was feasible for me and his other disciples to transform them into units of our daily lives.
His contention was that this vibratory, agglutinating force that holds together the conglomerate of energy fields that we are is apparently similar to what modern-day astronomers believe must happen at the core of all the galaxies that exist in the cosmos. They believe that there, at their cores, a force of incalculable strength holds the [.…rs or …rs] of galaxies in place. This force, called a black hole, is a theoretical construct which seems to be the most reasonable explanation as to why stars do not fly away, driven by their own rotational speeds.
Modern man has found out, through the research of scientists, that there is a binding force that holds together the component elements of an atom. By the same token, the component elements of cells are held together by a similar force that seems to compel them to combine into concrete and particular tissues and organs. Don Juan said that those sorcerers who lived in Mexico in ancient times knew that human beings, taken as conglomerates of energy fields, are held together not by energetic wrappings or energetic ligaments, but by some sort of vibration that renders everything at once alive and in place ; some energy, some vibratory force, some power that cements those energy fields into one single energetic unit.

Don Juan explained that those sorcerers, by means of their practices and their discipline, became capable of handling that vibratory force, once they were fully conscious of it. Their expertise in dealing with it became so extraordinary that their actions were transformed into legends, mythological events that exist only as fables. For instance, one of the stories that don Juan told about the ancient sorcerers was that they were capable of dissolving their physical mass by merely placing their full consciousness and intent on that force.
Don Juan stated that, although they were capable of actually going through a pinhole if they deemed it necessary, they were never quite satisfied with the result of this maneuver of dissolving their mass. The reason for their discontent was that once their mass was dissolved, so was their capacity to act. They were left with the alternative of only witnessing events in which they were incapable of participating. Their ensuing frustration, the result of being incapacitated to act, turned, according to don Juan, into their damning flaw : their obsession with uncovering the nature of that vibratory force, an obsession driven by their concreteness, which made them want to hold and control that force. Their fervent desire was to strike from the ghostlike condition of masslessness, something which don Juan said cannot ever be accomplished.
Modern-day practitioners, cultural heirs of those sorcerers of antiquity, having found out that it is not possible to be concrete and utilitarian about that vibratory force, have opted for the only rational alternative : to become conscious of that force with no other purpose in sight except the elegance and well-being brought about by knowledge.

The only permissible instance which don Juan gave for the utilization of the power of this vibratory agglutinating force, was its capacity to make sorcerers burn from within, when the time comes for them to leave this world. Don Juan said that it is simplicity itself for sorcerers to place their absolutely total consciousness on the binding force with the intent to burn, and off they go, like a puff of air.

To walk the full length of a path that one truly loves, don Juan said, one needs the passion, courage, imagination, vigilance, discipline, self-awareness, grace, strength, resourcefulness, efficiency, patience, adaptability, and humbleness of a navigator.

This is what Tensegrity® practitioners aspire to: The spirit of the navigator, the being who makes the continuous commitment to travel the path of awareness every moment. The struggle of the navigator is not with one’s fellow men, don Juan said. Nor is it with oneself. And it’s ultimately not a struggle. Rather, it’s an acquiescence—to the energetic currents of the sea of awareness in the universe.

Don Juan said that the seers of his line maintained that the universe is a sea of energy—energy that is in constant change. And that the most functional thing one can do, rather than attempt to fight or resist that continuous change, is to join forces with it—an endeavor that takes a navigator’s discipline.

Carlos Castaneda saw Tensegrity® as a very apt name for the navigator’s path in our times: a practice of interconnecting with oneself and the world. The word “tensegrity” (tension + integrity) was coined by visionary architect, innovator, engineer and navigator R. Buckminster Fuller. Fuller was inspired in his work by what he saw as nature’s way of doing the most with the least. He observed structures in nature (from atoms to cells, to trees, to solar systems, to galaxies) in which the solid parts are held together in a continuous web of more flexible parts, such as, for example, the way a cell is held together by its flexible cytoskeleton, or the way the planets and sun are held in a field of gravity. In such systems, any outside pressure is distributed evenly across the whole structure, giving it a resilient tone that helps it adapt and yet maintain its integrity, and ultimately, its interconnectivity.

Fuller pointed to that essential supporter of life on earth, the tree, as a wonderful example of a tensegrity structure in nature. Arising from a seed, earth, water, air and sunlight, a tree grows into a tensegrity structure with water and gases moving through interior channels, allowing it to be both flexible and resilient, as it sways and adapts to shifting winds and earth, and lifts minerals – bits of stardust – and water from earth to sky.1

And modern ecologists are now aware of the interconnectivity of each tree with the others, adjusting and adapting to the needs of the forest community.

It is this resilient integrity, interconnectivity and resourcefulness that the navigator seeks to embody, physically, emotionally, mentally, and energetically, Carlos Castaneda said. It is what one needs to make the continuous effort, regardless of its inconvenience, to stay on one’s chosen path—a path that is ever-evolving, and whose map is found through one’s heart.

Don Juan called the embodiment of this recognition the art of freedom—the freedom to perceive the energetic basis, and interconnected nature of everything—and to act from that perception. Our interactions in the daily world (at the office, the dinner table, the metro station, walking in the forest, etc.) then become the extraordinary arena for our awakening attention, an opportunity to respond to what is present, rather than react based on unexamined personal history

Let's rest a few minutes to watch an overview of Biology: Cell Structure

If you want to rest with a longer video:
Ubiquitination. What is it ?
What is ubiquitin ?
Ubiquitin is a small protein that is found in almost all cellular tissues in humans and other eukaryotic organisms, which helps to regulate the processes of other proteins in the body.

Through a process known as ubiquitination or ubiquitylation, an ubiquitin molecule can bind to a substrate protein, changing the way it functions. This can lead to a number of different outcomes.

It is most widely recognised for its role in apoptosis of proteins, earning it the title of the molecular “kiss of death” for proteins, although it also plays a major part in several other cellular processes related to the regulation of proteins.
Ubiquitination occurs when an ubiquitin molecule bonds to a substrate protein and is a type of post-translational modification.

This process involves three steps with specific groups of enzymes to perform them, which are:

Activation with ubiquitin-activating enzymes (E1s)
Conjugation with ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes (E2s)
Ligation with ubiquitin ligases (E3s)

Through these steps, the ubiquitin molecule forms an isopeptide bond with the residue of lysine on the protein substrate respectively. This also occasionally happens by way of a peptide bond at the N-terminus.

This can occur with the attachment of a single ubiquitin protein, which is known as monoubiquitination, or several ubiquitin proteins forming a chain, known as polyubiquitination.
The result of ubiquitination can vary significantly. As mentioned previously, the most common event is the degradation of the protein via the proteasome. However, it may also affect their activity, location or interactions with other proteins.

Ubiquitin can affect:

Apoptosis (cell death)
Cell division and multiplication
Degeneration of neurons and muscular cells
DNA transcription and repair
Immune and inflammatory response
Neural network morphogenesis
Organelle biogenesis
Processing of antigens
Receptor modulation
Ribosome biogenesis
Stress response pathway
Viral infection

Monoubiquitination refers to when a single ubiquitin protein binds to one protein substrate. This type of ubiquitination is thought to be associated with certain cellular processes, including receptor modulation, endocytosis and viral infections.

When this process occurs to several proteins, forming separate pairs, it can be called multi-monoubiquitination. This often serves to mark receptor proteins on the membrane surface to be displaced inside the cell and cause a signal of events. The localization of the cells changes, which often leads to the destruction of the protein in lysosomes.


Polyubiquitination is the process that involves the formation of a chain of ubiquitin molecules on a single lysine of a substrate protein. This usually follows monoubiquitination, but can result in various alternative outcomes.

This type of ubiquitination is responsible for many of the cellular processes and function of ubiquitin, including the immune and inflammatory response and DNA translation and repair.

Similarly to monoubiquitination, ubiquitin chain can also affect the function of receptor proteins on the membrane of cells and lead to cell death in that manner.



For a little interactivity:

An animation and a video:

And this:
DNA can be damaged by different environmental insults, such as ultraviolet light, ionizing radiation, oxidative stress or certain drugs. If the DNA is not repaired, cells may begin growing uncontrollably, leading to the development of cancer. Therefore, cells must maintain an intricate regulatory network to ensure that their DNA remains intact. Moffitt Cancer Center researchers have discovered a novel mechanism that controls a cell's response to DNA damage.

The protein SIRT1 plays an important role in controlling DNA damage. It can sense the presence of DNA damage, signal to other proteins that damage exists, aid in the repair of damage and stimulate cell death if the damage cannot be repaired.

Moffitt researchers found that SIRT1 is modified by a process called ubiquitination, in which a small residue called ubiquitin is added to SIRT1. This modification allows SIRT1 to relay information about DNA damage to other proteins, leading to either DNA repair or cell death.

The researchers performed studies to determine how ubiquitin modification changes SIRT1 function. They discovered that cells respond to ubiquitin modification of SIRT1 differently according to the type of environmental insult that occurs. If cells are exposed to a drug called etoposide, SIRT1 ubiquitination blocks cell death. However, if cells are exposed to oxidative stress, SIRT1 ubiquitination promotes cell death.

These results are important because they increase scientists' understanding of how proteins and cells function, potentially leading to more effective therapeutic drugs in the future.

"SIRT1 is known to be abnormally expressed in a variety of cancers and might be a good target for therapy. Ubiquitin-proteasome inhibitors have already been successfully used in cancer therapy and clinical trials. Therefore, this research might provide molecular bases and insights for developing additional therapeutic strategies in the future," explained Ed Seto, Ph.D., senior member of the Cancer Biology and Evolution Program at Moffitt.
et caetera

And now some facts:
To better understand telomeres and telomerase, let's first review some basic principles of biology and genetics. The human body is an organism formed by adding many organ systems together. Those organ systems are made of individual organs. Each organ contains tissues designed for specific functions like absorption and secretion. Tissues are made of cells that have joined together to perform those special functions. Each cell is then made of smaller components called organelles, one of which is called the nucleus.

The nucleus contains structures called chromosomes that are actually "packages" of all the genetic information that is passed from parents to their children. The genetic information, or "genes," is really just a series of bases called Adenine (A), Guanine (G), Cytosine (C), and Thymine (T). These base pairs make up our cellular alphabet and create the sequences, or instructions needed to form our bodies. In order to grow and age, our bodies must duplicate their cells. This process is called mitosis. Mitosis is a process that allows one "parent" cell to divide into two new "daughter" cells. During mitosis, cells make copies of their genetic material. Half of the genetic material goes to each new daughter cell. To make sure that information is successfully passed from one generation to the next, each chromosome has a special protective cap called a telomere located at the end of its "arms.” Telomeres are controlled by the presence of the enzyme telomerase.

A telomere is a repeating DNA sequence (for example, TTAGGG) at the end of the body's chromosomes. The telomere can reach a length of 15,000 base pairs. Telomeres function by preventing chromosomes from losing base pair sequences at their ends. They also stop chromosomes from fusing to each other. However, each time a cell divides, some of the telomere is lost (usually 25-200 base pairs per division). When the telomere becomes too short, the chromosome reaches a "critical length" and can no longer replicate. This means that a cell becomes "old" and dies by a process called apoptosis. Telomere activity is controlled by two mechanisms: erosion and addition. Erosion, as mentioned, occurs each time a cell divides. Addition is determined by the activity of telomerase.

Telomerase, also called telomere terminal transferase, is an enzyme made of protein and RNA subunits that elongates chromosomes by adding TTAGGG sequences to the end of existing chromosomes. Telomerase is found in fetal tissues, adult germ cells, and also tumor cells. Telomerase activity is regulated during development and has a very low, almost undetectable activity in somatic (body) cells. Because these somatic cells do not regularly use telomerase, they age. The result of aging cells is an aging body. If telomerase is activated in a cell, the cell will continue to grow and divide. This "immortal cell" theory is important in two areas of research: aging and cancer.

Cellular aging, or senescence, is the process by which a cell becomes old and dies. It is due to the shortening of chromosomal telomeres to the point that the chromosome reaches a critical length. Cellular aging is analogous to a wind up clock. If the clock stays wound, a cell becomes immortal and constantly produces new cells. If the clock winds down, the cell stops producing new cells and dies. Our cells are constantly aging. Being able to make the body's cells live forever certainly creates some exciting possibilities. Telomerase research could therefore yield important discoveries related to the aging process.

Cancer cells are a type of malignant cell. The malignant cells multiply until they form a tumor that grows uncontrollably. Telomerase has been detected in human cancer cells and is found to be 10-20 times more active than in normal body cells. This provides a selective growth advantage to many types of tumors. If telomerase activity was to be turned off, then telomeres in cancer cells would shorten, just like they do in normal body cells. This would prevent the cancer cells from dividing uncontrollably in their early stages of development. In the event that a tumor has already thoroughly developed, it may be removed and anti-telomerase therapy could be administered to prevent relapse. In essence, preventing telomerase from performing its function would change cancer cells from "immortal" to "mortal."

Knowing what we have just learned about telomeres and telomerase, it can be said that scientists are on the verge of discovering many of telomerase's secrets. In the future, their research in the area of telomerase could uncover valuable information to combat aging, fight cancer, and even improve the quality of medical treatment in other areas such as skin grafts for burn victims, bone marrow transplants, and heart disease. Who knows how far this could go?

_It seems that i get away of my theme, but let me a moment stand to the end of this branch_

Ca r o l W. Gr e i d e r:
Putting together puzzle pieces is challenging, fun, and extremely gratifying, especially when they lead to new understanding in biology.
This process of making a hypothesis and following leads is not a linear one: there are many twists and turns in the path.
But the key is to keep the excitement and to follow the leads that are the most rewarding.
I learned this during the first six years of working on telomerase, and it is the approach that i continue to follow.
Many new questions often arise after one part of a puzzle is solved; the rewarding thing about curiosity-driven science is being able to pick from these new questions those that seem the most interesting to me. The pleasure of figuring out the puzzle and finding out things not known before is a great reward. Sharing that experience with friends and colleagues makes the reward even greater.

Also the stress factor:
Several studies have now shown that chronic life stress is linked to shorter telomeres (Damjanovic et al., 2007; Epel et al., 2004; Parks et al., 2009), and has been related to both dampened telomerase activity (Epel et al., 2004) and, paradoxically, elevated telomerase activity (Damjanovic et al., 2007). The cause of these different findings on telomerase activity under stress is unclear. While telomeres are thought to change slowly over time, telomerase is a dynamic enzyme that can increase quickly, and it is thus possible to examine how acute stress may impact telomerase activity in an experimental setting. In addition to protecting telomeres, telomerase has telomere-independent roles, important to cell survival in the face of physiological stress, and it could potentially be affected by acute psychological stress as well. In this study, we addressed whether acute psychological stress impacts telomerase activity, and whether this differs in individuals with high and low levels of chronic stress.
Acute psychological stress affects the immune system in complex ways (Segerstrom & Miller, 2004), including changing the distribution of cell types in the circulation vs. in tissue (F. Dhabhar & McEwen, 1997). During acute stress, immune cells mobilize into and then traffic out of the bloodstream (F. Dhabhar & McEwen, 1997; F. Dhabhar, Miller, McEwen, & Spencer, 1996; F. S. Dhabhar, 1998; Schedlowski et al., 1993). In contrast, chronic stress impairs such acute stress-induced immune cell redistribution, and suppresses and/or dysregulates immune function (Dhabhar & McEwen, 1997; Dhabhar, 2009; Dhabhar & McEwen, 2001). Given the known changes in immune cell composition in the blood during acute stress, such as the increases in lymphocytes and monocytes, and that telomerase activity levels differ depending on immune cell type (Lin et al., 2009), with B cells having the highest and CD8 cells having the lowest telomerase activity, it is possible that cell trafficking patterns might contribute to any observed changes in telomerase activity in circulating PBMCs during stress. Therefore, to investigate the sources of possible changes in telomerase activity during acute stress, it is important to concurrently measure changes in cell distribution during acute stress.
The function of telomerase responsivity is unknown. However, as with most stress responses, it is likely a protective functional response. It may protect cells or even telomeric DNA from stress-induced acute increases in stress mediators such as cortisol or oxidative stress. It is also possible it acts to prepare the immune cells for proliferation, in the event of antigen exposure which evolutionarily occurs during times of acute stress (e.g., running from a predator before wounding). In mice, after stimulation with antigen or virus while lymphocytes undergo proliferative clonal expansion, their telomerase activity levels increase dramatically, and telomerase activity remains high in memory cells (Hathcock et al., 2005).
Despite the above limitations, the study advances the understanding of the relationship between acute stress and cell aging in vivo, in terms of the telomerase-mediated telomere length maintenance system. Although telomerase is an intracellular ribonucleoprotein enzyme, and does not communicate from cell to cell, nevertheless, like stress-reactive hormones, telomerase appears dynamic and responsive to stress, which could have major implications for both research and clinical applications.

And now let's see what 's Popp and Fröhlich have:
In quantum physics, quantum coherence means that subatomic particles are able to cooperate. These subatomic waves or particles not only know about each other, but also are highly interlinked by bands of common electromagnetic fields, so that they can communicate together. They are like a multitude of tuning forks that all begin resonating together. As the waves get into phase or synch, they begin acting like one giant wave and one giant subatomic particle. It becomes difficult to tell them apart. Many of the weird quantum effects seen in a single wave apply to the whole. Something done to one of them will affect the others.

Coherence establishes communication. It's like a subatomic telephone network. 'The better the coherence, the finer the telephone network and the more refined wave patterns have a telephone. The end result is also a bit like a large orchestra. All the photons are playing together but as individual instruments that are able to carry on playing individual parts. Nevertheless, when you are listening, it's difficult to pick out any one instrument.

What was even more amazing was that Popp was witnessing the highest level of quantum order, or coherence, possible in a living system
. Usually; this coherence — called a Bose—Einstein condensate — is only observed in material substances such as superfluids or superconductors studied in the laboratory in very cold places — just a few degrees above absolute zero — and not in the hot and messy environment of a living thing.

An video interview with Popp

About the coherence of biophotons:
The term "bio" in biophotons has been introduced in the same way as it has been done in the term "bio-luminescence", pointing to the biological source of the emission. And the term "photons" in the word "biophotons" has been chosen to express the fact that the
phenomenon is characterized by measuring single photons, indicating that this phenomenon has to be considered as a subject of Quantum
optics rather than of Classical physics.

Given this background, we understand that 2 completely opposite interpretations of this phenomenon come up --the biochemical theory(BCT) and the coherence theory(CT). It is amazing that both the BCT and the opposite "biophysical theory" CT take the rather low intensity as an essential point in their arguments. According to the BCT , biophoton emission is some kind of "waste" of the metabolic events taking place permanently within the cells. The BCT indicates some imperfections in chemical reactions which (by returning to thermal equilibrium) emit overshoot energy of chemically induced optical transitions, mainly linked to radical reactivity of oxidation processes.
On the other hand, the CT points to the low intensity as an indication of non-Classical light which may display even sub-Poissonian photocount statistics and may thus provide an optimized optical communication channel in biological systems within living matter of "optimized" high optical density.
It is impossible to decide after measurements of the spectral intensities
whether the BCT or the CT reflect the truth since ordinary physical properties of biophotons may not distinguish one or the other
theoretical approach. A similar situation would occur if somebody constructed a squeezed light source
of a many-mode photon field. No one could answer the question of coherence as long as only the spectral distribution of the light emission is known. The unsolved problem of biophoton emission forces us to look for experimental evidence of either the coherent or the chaotic nature of the biophoton field. If is possible to show evidence of an extraordinary high degree of coherence of biophotons, then the conclusion follows that this universal phenomenon of biological systems is responsible for the information transfer within
-and-between cells, answering then the crucial question of intra-and extra-cellular biocommunication including the
regulation of the metabolic activities of cells as well as of growth and differentiation and even of Evolutionary development.
In order to reveal the importance of the experimental research and the significance of the results which have been obtained up to now, let us briefly characterize some essential activities of a cell concerning the necessity of optical transitions and then confine ourselves to the main experimental results on the physical problem of coherence. Then we can go back again to some basic biological phenomena where the non-linear coupling of biophotons and living matter becomes evident. We will then show that an understanding in terms of the coherence of biophotons is consistent with all the observations, while the BCT does not allow us to explain all the physical and biological effects under study. We are even convinced that experimental evidence of the coherence of biophotons can be drawn from the experimental results.
There have also been some ideas and some physical models that can explain the molecular mechanism of coherent biophoton emission . The most likely candidate for biophoton emission is the chromatine of the cells in a non equilibrium state where probably the exciplexes of the DNA are essentially involved. Actually, red blood cells which have no active chromatine are the only cells which do not emit biophotons. In addition, there are clear correlations between biophoton emission and the intercalation of inert substances like ethidium bromide into the DNA.
The most basic understanding of the coherence of biophotons can be derivated from Dicke's theory of sub-radiance and super-radiance
which is valid for optically dense media. Actually, the interaction of electromagnetic waves with large wavelengths compared to the antenna systems of a cell leads to non-exponential relaxation functions and -- in particular for sub-radiance -- to delayed luminescence.
The phase-information within and between cells can then hold a rather important biological control parameter which may regulate the growth and differentiation of cells.

You can read the exhaustive view on the above link.

A few things on Bose-Einstein condensate:

A few things on Fröhlich Condensates:
The physical cause of the coherent activity within the microtubules, as Penrose and Hamerhoff suggest, could be Fröhlich condensates. Proposed by physicist Herbert Fröhlich in 1968, Fröhlich condensates are similar to Bose-Einstein condensates in that both are systems with the unique collective property of macroscopic quantum coherence. In Fröhlich condensation, several vibrating oscillators can achieve a highly ordered condensed state, vibrating in resonance. Specifically, nearly all the vibrations occur in-phase at the Fröhlich condensate’s lowest frequency.
Nevertheless, weak and strong Fröhlich condensates may have realistic applications, though not in theories of quantum consciousness. The researchers found that weak condensates could have significant effects on proteins, and could possibly help explain enzyme actions in terms of excitation of vibrational modes, as Fröhlich originally proposed.

[url=,26585.msg319769.html#msg319769]And this session:

June 7, 1997
Frank, Laura, Alice

Q: Hello.

A: Hello.

Q: And who do we have this evening?

A: Uthurrah.

Q: And where do you transmit from?

A: Cassiopaea.

Q: Okay, I have a whole lot of questions, but is there anything you would like to address before I get started?

A: Better to just ask away.

Q: Alright. I want to clear up some quick ones before I get into the more complicated subjects. Left from last week: We talked about the statue of the Virgin of Candelaria, and the mode of its appearance. But, I want to know what year it arrived on the Canaries?

A: No year was measured then.

Q: Well, I know the Guanches did not, but related to the Spaniards who arrived later and who learned about it, when was it?

A: Maybe 1198 would be good.

Q: Now, I notice that the Celtic name for the town of St. Albans is Verulamium, and that is where Henry Percy, son of Hotspur, was killed in battle. I also notice that Sir Francis Bacon was Lord Verulam, and he was thought to be not only a Rosicrucian, but also the author of the Shakespearean plays, as well as some of the Rosicrucian manifestos...

A: Check out Alton Towers, for clues.

Q: Okay, I will do that. Thank you. Okay. Now, there is a thing called the GONG project on Tenerife. My feeling is that it is a mask for something else.

A: Close.

Q: What, precisely, is the GONG project doing?

A: Magnetic frequency. Measurements for possible future use.

Q: Future use for what purpose?

A: Discovery. Oh, you are so "brilliant."

Q: Is brilliant the code word for the discovery here?

A: You will see.

Q: You guys are so funny! Next: Is there any relation between the dietary restrictions of the Jews and the instructions for animal sacrifice on the alter as delivered in the book of Leviticus, and the present day cattle mutilations and possible use of humans for food?

A: Disconnected variables.

Q: Okay, let's back up: is there any relationship between the instructions for animal sacrifice and the cattle mutes?

A: Only in the general sense of enzyme actions upon leukocytes.

Q: Does that mean that the instructions for preparation of sacrificial animals were designed to prepare them for alien 'food?'

A: More for energy transfer.

Q: Do you mean energy transfer in the a) sense of the transfer of the energy of the animal through the sacrifice, or b) the transfer of the energy of the human performing the sacrifice into the animal, and then through the animal to the alien (and I am using the term alien in its broadest sense) ?

A: Why not both?

Q: The next thing is the dietary restrictions. Many cultures eat rabbits and pigs, in specific, those of Aryan extraction. The rabbit was sacred to Athena, and the Celts ate a LOT of pork. Yet, here these items are restricted from the diet of the Jews. Is there any relation between the diet as outlined here, and the Aryan genetic tendencies to conquest and domination?

A: Trichinosis used to be nonexistent in Aryan types... But, mixing of genetic factors eliminated this.

Q: So, the Jews were susceptible to trichonosis, and the Aryans were not?

A: Originally.

Q: So, it was necessary for the Jews not to eat the pork, but not for the Aryans, and the mixing caused susceptibility. In a general sense, are strong Aryan genetics indicative of the necessity for the consumption of meat?

A: In a sense, but pescadorial features substitute semi-adequately.

Q: Pescadorial. Semi-adequately. What needed to be added so that the substitution would be not just semi-adequate, but totally adequate?

A: Iron/protein levels.

Q: So, it is the iron that the Celts need? Well, that brings me to the next question: In all the Celtic folklore when they talk about 'fairies,' which are obviously other density beings very similar to our modern 'Gray alien,' these fairy/slash aliens insist that no iron come near them in any way. It was also said that bringing iron into contact with someone thought to be a 'changeling' would prove whether or not they were because if they were, they would disappear instantly. Also, the instructions for the building of the Temple of Solomon included restrictions on the use of iron in either the preparation of the materials or the putting together of the building itself, even down to the rejection of the use of iron nails in any part. What is the significance of this restriction on the use of iron by these other density beings, whoever they are?

A: Bloodline trails.

Q: Are you saying that... I don't understand... not even well enough to frame another question...

A: You will, my dear, oh will you!

Q: If it was necessary for the Aryans to have iron... okay, maybe the iron is something that interacts...

A: What about iron as an element?

Q: Okay, let's see: {consults dictionary} Iron –derived from early Celt 'iserno,' via Illyrian 'eisarno' from the IndoEuropean base 'eis,' which means to 'move vigorously; strong, holy.' It is a white, malleable, ductile, metallic chemical element that can be readily magnetized, rusts rapidly in moist or salty air, and is vital to plant and animal life; it is the most common and important of all metals, and its alloys, as steel, are extensively used. Symbol: Fe; atomic weight:55.847; atomic number: 26; specific gravity: 7.86; melting point: 1535 degrees Centigrade; boiling point 3,000 degrees C. The electron shells are thus: 2,14,8,2. Iron is an element of blood, hemoglobin, and is easily magnetized... there is some new work about iron and magnetite in the brains of people who are psychic or have 'abduction' experiences... is it the magnetism?

A: Yes....

Q: Is it something that holds one more firmly in 3rd density, and the elimination of it enables one to switch densities... or...

A: Tis magnetite that acts as a conduit, and perhaps, just perhaps, allows for transference back and forth at will?!? And what about the legend about the alchemists? Is not the key term there really transformation?!? And has not the "smoke screen" really been delivered so effectively by all the concentration upon the substance?!? And does not this remind one indeed of all the misguided concentration upon substance rather than meaning that one finds so regularly on 3rd density??

Q: I get it! So, it is the magnetite in the body, that collects and holds the charge, and it has absolutely nothing to do with an external substance at all! Is that it?

A: You are getting "warmer."

Q: Am I right, we need more iron for magnetite, or am I completely off base here?

A: You are right, but, do not underestimate the significance of that just delivered! What better deception than to divert the meaning of alchemy, by focusing upon substance, then addicting those souls bound to 3rd density to the substance?

Q: Okay, it is the magnetite that acts as a conduit. And the concentration is upon the substance, that is, the magnetite. Let me conjecture that the thing that is believed to be distilled out of the alchemical operations is magnetite, is that correct?

A: No, because no need, if not deceived by other efforts.

Q: Were these other efforts involved with sexual function?

A: More like the results of same.

Q: Okay, they were concentrating on...

A: Today's version of the deception could be your favorite and mine, "monoatomic gold."

Q: Oh, the David Hudson fiasco...

A: There too, one is lead astray by substance... Remember our little dissertation about all the really big bangs?

Q: Yes.... I remember... and I got a lot of flack from that... The three days of darkness, et cetera... the implications... let's back up...

A: Oh my, oh my, we can turn this powder into gold!! And if you eat enough of it, you will have orgasms forever as a light being... Oh my, oh my!!

Q: Good point! Getting people addicted to the substance by these claims...

A: How addicted is Marti?

Q: Yes. She is the one who is really promoting the David Hudson thing...

A: Did she want to have orgasms in heaven, or what?!?

Q: That's true! That was her idea of heaven - the Hindu lingam and yoni in perpetual motion! Is there something else on this now, or can we move on?

A: Up to you.

Q: Well, my night would not have been complete unless you said that! Now, Johan wanted to know the connection between himself and the group here?

A: Wait and see.

Q: Well, I can assure you that he would be very happy to hear something a little more verbose than that!! Is there going to be more interaction?

A: See last response.

Q: Well, is there anything you can SAY to Johan? Like acknowledge his existence?

A: Okay! Acknowledged! Now, wait and see!

Q: You guys are TOO MUCH! Next: Cayce remarked in one of his vague dissertations - and for those who accuse the C's of being vague, they ought to read Cayce, since he was a MASTER of vague! He could talk for pages and say NOTHING! - anyway he said that there were a lot of Atlanteans incarnating between the years 1909 and 1930. He described them as having strong minds and emotions as well as an 'engorgement' of carnal influences, self-indulgence and high technical ability. He also warned that there was the possibility repeating the errors of the past. Now, these are the people who have set up the world as we have it today. My question is: are we facing a replay of the Atlantean situation, in karmic terms?

A: Well, these cycles do replay from an energy standpoint, but there is always the opportunity to learn and thusly, to advance. Was not his proclamation for those born between 1909 and 1930?? And, if so, what is the significance of when it was delivered, if the orientation was one of the "present" tense?

Q: So, it was possible that he was referring to the Hitler, WWII situation.

A: Or just not referring to those of a later "date" because it was not germaine? {Seems to be a deliberate misspelling of “germane”)

Q: Okay. Who are the 'philosophers of Dancar?'

A: Philosophers who ride around in Dan's car.

Q: That was a serious question! Where and what is Dancar?

A: Why do you suppose the response was light hearted?

Q: Well, come on! What is Dan's car?

A: We ask you to define as best you can.

Q: A 'car' belonging to Dan. The subject was talked about in the 18th century.

A: Yes.

Q: To what place were they referring when they talked about Dancar?

A: British.

Q: Why would they call it Dancar?

A: Locator.

Q: There is no place called Dancar.

A: No?

Q: Supposedly, Christian Rosencruetz was initiated by the 'philosophers of Dancar.' I want to know where this blasted place is! Okay, skip it. One of the Rosicrucian manifestos said: 'God has sent messengers and signs in the heavens, namely the new stars in Serpentarius and Cygnus, to show that a great council of the elect is to take place.' What do they mean by a 'great council of the elect?'

A: Pyrenees.

Q: Okay, the purported enclave of the alchemists... Why was it signified by new stars in Serpentarius and Cygnus? What do they represent?

A: Novae.

Q: Okay, what is the role of Nitric Oxide in the human body?

A: Incomplete request.

Q: Okay, in the neurological system?

A: Opens up the pleasure center.

Q: Are you talking about the amygdala?

A: Maybe.

Q: The neocortex?

A: No.

Q: The reptilian brain?

A: Maybe.

Q: Okay, the family name you gave me for the immediate past life in Germany was 'Gerspringer.' {or Springer} I have been searching through the geneaologies, and am wondering if the 'ger' here was not a prefix sort of like 'von?'

A: Prefixes are added and dropped at will in monikers.

Q: So, I might be looking for 'Springer,' in fact, rather than 'ger' or 'von' Springer? What was the nationality of Gerhard?

A: Deautschlander.

Q: In a previous session where you introduced the concept of perpendicular realities, you stated that (T) was connected to a particular reality called 'Neormm.' You also designated the 'thought center' of STS as Ormethion. I noticed the similarity of the names. Is there a relationship?

A: The orm is close to orimulsion. Look it up.

Q: Well, what I am asking is about the possible relationship between Neormm and Ormethion...

A: Our answers have meaning best not to presuppose!

Q: Alright. That reminds me. There are a lot of people teaching that there are divisions of being as spirit, soul, consciousness, et cetera. What is the difference between the spirit and the soul?

A: Semantics.

Q: In reading the Celtic legends, I discovered that Cassiopaea was equated with Danu, or Don, as in Tuatha de Danaan, or the court of the goddess Danu. So, in other words, the supreme goddess of the Aryans was Cassiopaea. And, Cassiopaea is found in the zodiacal area of Aries, the 'lamb,' where Cephus the 'rock' and 'king' is also found, as well as Perseus, 'he who breaks' and serpentarius. {Just noticed that the previous question about the supernova in Serpentarius could be a reference to the supernova in Cassiopeia by this grouping method.} The image is of Perseus overcoming the serpent, and the ancient Celtic engravings of the horned god show him gripping two serpents by the throat. I would like to understand the symbology here...

A: You are on the right track.

Q: What is the symbology of the 'breaking of rocks,' as in the alchemical texts, as well as related to Perseus as 'he who breaks?'

A: Occurs at a time when rocks break, as in the electromagnetic impulses that emanate from earthbound rocks when sheared by tectonic forces, and much more importantly, the possible utilization of said forces whether naturally or otherwise induced.

Q: Before we take our break, can you say any more about this ubiquitous 'she' of the Celts, Cassiopaea, and the relationship to the Aryans?

A: Better continue your search, as this is how you learn and build power!

Q: When you said I needed to find a 'superhypnotist' to break the locks on the knowledge placed in my superconsciousness, and then you suggested a 'spin' doctor, and now Ark's actions while I was sleeping brought out some of the keys to large pieces of the puzzle and the connections, am I on the right track when I think that the actions we are taking in searching out these pieces of the puzzle, putting them together, and the amazing discoveries that have taken place as we go along, is the action of the 'breaking' of these locks?

A: Likely.

[ Break ]

Q: Okay, now that we have read the letter from Colin Andrews, I would like to say that I had a very funny feeling about this as I was going to sleep last night. Is there anything you can tell me about this. I know I am asking for something that you are not gonna tell me!

A: Expect to see Andrews in your house, if that is your pursuit, in "future."

Q: Well, is there going to be any chance of checking out any crop circles in person?

A: If you wish, but not necessary, and may hinder purpose.

Q: Okay, I will drop it. No crop circles for me!

A: If you want to, then by all means, do it! But, let not your focus be exclusive.

Q: Alright. I need to work on the transcripts and editing and so forth.

A: We meant that if you travel to Angle Terra, open your eyes, ears, and mind.

Q: Today, the exchange was as follows: Ark wrote: C's once said that EM was an expression of gravitational energy. I said: they said that light is an energy expression of gravity, that EM was the same as gravity, or, more precisely, intertwined. And, this would incline me to believe that the total spectrum of EM is the 'stuff' of the 'balloon,' that is the balance to the 'non-balloon,' of gravity, being that which emerges out of non-being, and that the various separations of EM into waves such as light, radio, and other frequencies are energy expressions. In other words, EM IS the unstable gravity wave, so to speak. Was this correct?

A: Close.

Q: Is ethereal existence the 'non-balloon.'

A: Closer.

Q: And EM is intertwined. That is, EM is 'being' and ethereal existence is non-being?

A: No. EM is being and ethereal existence is thinking...

Q: Absolute non-being is the origin of gravity. It emerges out of the absoluteness of non-being, and what emerges out of gravity is EM?

A: Where did you get this "absoluteness of non-being?"

Q: Well, non-being that is so 'non' that is is NON!

A: That is ALL, maybe?

Q: I guess so.

A: Is non really nano?

Q: I don't know. Is that a clue?

A: ?

Q: Well, then I said: If the varieties of waves of the EM spectrum are unstable gravity waves, then they could be added together which could arrive at some total factor of electromagnetism, which then, if reversed, would express the existence of gravity?

A: On the right track, or "rail" as in "railgun."

Q: Well, I can't go any further with that because I know nothing about railguns, not even what they are. Now, let me read this text:

"I have recently come into possession of a paper on magneto-gravitics and field resonance systems, presented by A.C. Holt from NASA Johnson Space Center to the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics' 16th Joint Propulsion Conference, June 30-July 2, 1980. Holt presents a project using an already existing system known as the Coherent Field and Energy Resonance System (CoFERS) [probably located at Los Alamos Labs' High Magnetic Field Research Laboratory]. CoFERS utilizes a toroidal-shaped energy guide with megagauss magnetic field sources located along radius vectors equally spaced around the toroid. CoFERS is shaped like a thick flying disc. Holt goes on to say: "By converying an object's normal space-time energy pattern to an energy pattern which differs substantially from the normal pattern, the gravitational forces acting on the object are changed. The object's new pattern interacts with the surrounding space-time and virtual energy patterns, such that the interactive forces are substantially altered. The alteration of the characteristics of the continuous field of force results in the apparent motion of the object *through space-time*." [...]

"Since the gravitational forces acting on the propulsion system can be quickly altered to achieve the desired motion, the *spacecraft* can make right-angle turns at very-high velocities without adversely affecting the crew or system elements. The effective gravitational field the *spacecraft/ aircraft* experiences can be nearly simultaneously reoriented at a 90-degree angle, resulting in a smooth continuous motion as far as the occupants are concerned." [ ... ]

"The gravimagnetic system is perhaps best suited for use in and around ... a large mass such as the Earth."

"While the gravimagnetic system is likely to be the first field-dependent propulsion system developed, the field resonance system will **bring stellar and galactic travel out of the realm of science fiction**. The field resonance system artificially generates an energy pattern which precisely matches or resonates with a virtual pattern associated with a distent space-time point. According to the model, if a fundamental or precise resonance is established, (using hydromagnetic wave fine- tuning techniques), the spacecraft will be very strongly and equally repelled by surrounding virtual patterns. At the same time, through the virtual many-dimensional structure of space-time, a very strong attraction with the virtual pattern of a distant space-time point will exist. ...this combination of very strong forces will result in the translocation of the spacecraft from its initial position through the many-dimensional virtual structure to the distant space-time point. [ ... ]

"A space-time 'jump' already appears to be supported by astrophysical research."

Having read this text, my thought is that it is very similar to what I was talking about earlier today, and which was explicated by Karl von Eckertshausen in regards to the 'violin allegory.' That is, that a violin string tuned to a particular pitch, if plucked, will cause the identical string on another violin across the room tuned to the same pitch to sound also. However, it seems that what they are doing here is setting up a 'pitch' in this object which actually exists somewhere else. And, by creating this resonance, it 'becomes' or disappears from this point in space/time where its resonance is no longer appropriate, and reappears at the point in space/time where the 'tuned resonance' actually exists. It is both virtual and real. The question is: Is this text on the right track, and am I understanding it correctly?

A: Propulsion system for 3rd and 4th density Alien spacecraft.

Q: That is the propulsion system?

A: Very close, yes.

Q: Is my understanding close to correct?

A: Well, that is a clever anecdotal parallel as it matches conceptually, which is really the point, isn't it?

Q: The point? Are you saying that the anecdote is more to the point than what this paper is saying?

A: In terms of consciousness, which is why everything exists ultimately, and with gravity as the "glue" that holds all on physical and ethereal planes together!

Q: Is the object to 'dematerialize' or is the object to transpose something that is material to some other point in space/time? I mean, when you collapse the gravity wave, is it necessarily that the object or person 'dematerializes' or 'disappears' from this point...

A: Break the veil of "time," and dematerialzation is no longer necessary, because one enters the realm of pure consciousness, where the illusion of physicality serves no longer, a purpose.

Q: Is it an issue for one to be able to retain internal coherence if one is no longer in a physical state?

A: Internal coherence can only be guaranteed in a purely non- physical "state." And this state is really only a state of mind, anyway!!

Q: If one were to travel in this manner, would it not be a temptation to not return to the physical reality?

A: If one goes bowling, is it a temptation to not return to the parking lot?

Q: I guess if your only choice was the parking lot, I guess you would want to stay, but if going to the parking lot meant getting in your car and going home, then no. Now, glue. The thing is that one has to 'unglue' oneself? Is that the point?

A: No.

Q: Well, if gravity is what holds material and ethereal existence together, and you are going from material into ethereal states...

A: By your definition, you would be unglued, since you perceive the physical, and thus are not completely stuck.

Q: So, you still have the ability to perceive the physical reality and the physical world when you are traveling this way, therefore you are not completely 'stuck.' However, we have talked about people who do get completely 'stuck,' is this correct?

A: Close.

Q: Ark did some reading on the Einstein thing, the letters to Kaluza, and there did not seem to be anything that E did in the period mentioned that would make one tend to think that there was a UFT from him in that time. But, Kaluza DID have an interesting idea about a 5 dimensional cylinder UFT which Einstein thought was quite startling. Yet, it seems that Einstein somewhat delayed Kaluza's presentation. What struck me was the word 'cylinder' which reminded me of the earlier session where I asked if the Germans had developed a time machine and you said 'yes,' and that it was in Antarctica, and that 'they' were 'exploring the loop of the cylinder.' You said that the loop of the cylinder was a 4th thru 6th density profile. Could you give me some elaboration on this cylinder, the loop of the cylinder, and whether it was Kaluza who did the UFT and not Einstein?

A: Cylinder is really a double loop, is it not? And meditate if you will on the true meaning of this!

Q: Is it true that Kaluza had the theory and Einstein didn't?

A: Maybe it is that Einstein first hypothesized, and others were then commissioned for the purpose of completion in order to lead to application.

Q: Ark says: When I asked the question 'how many dimensions has the real world,' the C's answer was 'the correct question is how many worlds has the true dimension.' And they never answered if the Kaluza Klein ideas are right or wrong. And, I wrote a book on that kind of geometry. We need to know it. It is essential for progress.’

A: If one needs to find a house, is it not necessary to know the path to get there?

Q: So, what's your point?

A: See Ark's question and declaration for the point!

Q: Oh, so that is it. Ark writes: “Gravity is a bond of everything. In mathematics there is a concept of a connection that translates as 'cohesion.' Connection is the fundamental of Eddington's 1920 UFT, and later the UFT of Einstein and Schrodinger is based exclusively on this mathematical object, 'connection.' The idea of the connection is simple: it allows for the connecting of distant things. It allows us to keep track of the direction while traveling from one point to another point. Could you comment on the Einstein-Schrodinger theory?”

A: Need more specific demand.

Q: I don't know how to ask it. Is this mathematical idea of 'connection' the same as the mathematical expression of gravity?

A: It does not quite fit, because of a failure in the formula which involved a simple juxtaposition of characters, thus easily overlooked in final result.

Q: Well, I can't even ask the next question on this because I don't know what we are talking about. In my limited understanding of the 7 density levels, 3 and 3 with the blending density in the middle, is there a relationship between 1 and 7, 2 and 6, 3 and 5 in terms of balancing in some sense?

A: Nature presents polarization, because of the balance of cyclical balance eviden

Q: Can I try to make some conjectures and maybe understand this better? Let's start with the relationship between 1st and 7th... if 7th is where the light emanates from, and 1st is where it congeals as matter, then...

A: You are drifting a bit. There need not be a relationship when all is relative.

Q: That is what Ark said, essentially, I think. Okay. There are two more things I want to cover tonight. The first is my map here of Tenerife. See the map? {Points to map on table.} What does it make you think of? After all this time of discussing the Canaries, I have this detailed map here. And, apparently somewhere along here is where the statue was found. Here is the cave where it was kept. And along here the processions...

A: It?? How about they? And, we feel you might now be best served by researching a "modern day" connection for these things, such as UFOs, Roswell, and the underground zones, and what purpose they serve.

Q: Okay. Leave off the Canary Islands. But, one more little thing here... This is the inscription on the statue of the Virgin of Candelaria. Can you offer any suggestions for decoding this?

A: Try the "3/5 principle"... Let your search be joyous as always... We must depart for now, Good Night.

End of Session
One of the reason i was standing in the end of this branch, well many branches after on many others trees, i finally find for real what i'm looking for
"the seed of light" of a mistletoe.
Two fresh photos:


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The last week i was working in a forest park "La Poudrerie" in Île de France, a former industrial site for the production of powders and explosives.
I made a safeguarding of trees that were declining and dangerous for walkers, transforming them into ecological niches.
With my team we were amused to see squirrels making the fools in the trees. After cutting the dry carpenters, planted on my spurs, at the top of the "ecological totem", I made an overview if I could find the squirrels jumping from tree to tree, I saw on the path a father and his little girl on a winter walk, and when they noticed me in turn, they stopped looking at me while waiting for me to do something fun, finally at the sound of the chainsaw and the crack of a carpenter, they jumped out of joy at the sight of my colleague in full action in other tree. And between :lol: and :umm:, I could read on their lips "ah, what are they crazy these squirrels"...

For a long time i make the mistake to look in only one optical the things concerning the mistletoe, le "GUI" in french.
As an arborist mistletoe was for me a hemiparasiten, making its own photosynthesis and pumping the raw sap of its host and BASTA!!!
Even the mother and the father of the arboriculture Alex shigo didn't say other thing...
Crude error from my part.
An acorn for a squirrel is food before to be an oak in the making, and in the same time because the spatial memory of the squirrels is not matching all the time, in an appetite way the squirrels help to the forest regeneration... and a mistletoe for a squirrel :huh:.
Like i am not exactly a squirrel, i am going to sit back on my harness and be in suspension between the sky and the earth for a while
as this aerial mistletoe does. So let's beginning by this literal explanation, mistle=brume in french, and toe=orteil,doigt de pied, it's not so easy
to detect "un orteil" in the "brume". :ninja: :whistle: Or "la brume" of "un orteil" !
Well keep on going with sure values, a Norse and Greek mythology about Baldr the Beautiful and Aeneas and the Golden Bough, also the druid,
the Christmas and the kiss Stuffs are readable to this link:

There are also some illuminating photos into this french link:

The mistletoe in french can be Blondeau, Bois de la sainte Croix, Bouchon, Vert de pommier, Gillon, Verquet, Gui de chêne, de saule, de pin, d’orme, de pommier, de prunier, and of course just gui. Without forget its latin name Viscum album.
The English name is said to be derived from the Anglo-Saxon Misteltan, tan signifying twig, and mistel from mist, which in old Dutch meant birdlime; thus, according to Professor Skeat, Mistletoe means 'birdlime twig,' a reference to the fact that the berries have been used for making birdlime. Dr. Prior, however derives the word from tan, a twig, and mistl, meaning different, from its being unlike the tree it grows on. In the fourteenth century it was termed 'Mystyldene' and also Lignum crucis, an allusion to the legend just mentioned. The Latin name of the genus, Viscum, signifying sticky, was assigned to it from the glutinous juice of its berries.
The curious basket of garland with which 'Jack-in-the-Green' is even now occasionally invested on May-day is said to be a relic of a similar garb assumed by the Druids for the ceremony of the Mistletoe. When they had found it they danced round the oak to the tune of 'Hey derry down, down, down derry!' which literally signified, 'In a circle move we round the oak. ' Some oakwoods in Herefordshire are still called 'the derry'; and the following line from Ovid refers to the Druids' songs beneath the oak:
'---Ad viscum Druidce cantare solebant---.'
Shakespeare calls it 'the baleful Mistletoe,' an allusion to the Scandinavian legend that Balder, the god of Peace, was slain with an arrow made of Mistletoe. He was restored to life at the request of the other gods and goddesses, and Mistletoe was afterwards given into the keeping of the goddess of Love, and it was ordained that everyone who passed under it should receive a kiss, to show that the branch had become an emblem of love, and not of hate.

From Naturalis Historia of Pliny the Elder:
We must not forget about the mistletoe the admiration which the Gauls have for this plant. In the eyes of the Druids (as they are called their Magi), nothing is more sacred than the mistletoe and the tree that bears it, if it is an oak. The oak is already by itself the tree of which they make the sacred groves; They do not perform any religious ceremony without the foliage of this tree, so much so that one can suppose in the Druid's name a Greek etymology. Every mistletoe who comes to the oak is regarded as sent from heaven; They think it is a sign of the election that the god himself made to the tree. Mistletoe on the oak is extremely rare, and when it is found it is picked up with a great religious apparatus. Above all, it must be the sixth day of the moon, the day that is the beginning of their months, of their years
And of their ages, which last thirty years; A day to which the star, without being in the middle of its course, is already in its full force. They call it a name that means universal remedy. Having prepared, according to the rites, under the tree, sacrifices and a meal, of which two white bulls are to be approached, the horns of which are then attached for the first time. A priest, dressed in white, rises on the tree and cuts the mistletoe with a golden serpole; It is received in a white spot; Then immolate the victims, praying that the god will return the one he has made propitious to those to whom he grants it. It is believed that mistletoe taken in drink gives fertility to every barren animal, and that it is a remedy against all poisons.
So often, peoples religiously revere frivolous objects!
The Mistletoe, a sylvan light
A botanical curiosity "The mistletoe works totally against rhythm; Unlike most plants, the forces of the summer have no power over its fruits, it is the frost of the winter that will nourish its fruiting (berries to maturity at the moment of the solstice) and Its flowering (February). The family of the Mistletoe is spread over all the earth. They are found in the southern hemisphere, in Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, South America and curious things, all of which bloom and fructify at the same time. The difference is that for some it is summer and for others it is winter. Undergoing the action of different forces they all seem united by an ancestral memory. "
"Another singular fact in the Mistletoe, it does not change appearance. Apart from the formation of flowers and berries, the mistletoe does not yellow, does not wither or fade. Throughout the year, it is green in all its parts, of that golden green that is its own. Time seems to slide over him, he remains foreign to the rhythm of the seasons. It loses its leaves well every two years but still, sheet by sheet, so that it is not even seen ... "
"It is also necessary to retain its physiognomy of seedling, as stopped at an immature stage. In ordinary plants, the seedling is the starting point of the plant itself. An embryo formed of two undifferentiated leaves called cotyledons, it still depends for its survival on the nutrients contained in the seed. Then the plant leaves this seedling state once it has bound to the terrestrial mineral substances. From then on, it becomes a plant in its own right, autonomous, adult, manifesting its specific characteristics, reflections of the terrestrial and cosmic forces. In the Gui, this insertion in the terrestrial never occurs, so the form of seedling is repeated to infinity. In a way, the Mistletoe remains his life during an embryo. "

A light in the heart of winter
"It is in winter that the Mistletoe takes on its full significance. While in nature all life seems to have disappeared, it is around the Winter Solstice (December 22) that the small spherical bays of the mistletoe mature.
Winter in the rhythms of nature belongs to Saturn, a dark period when outer light is lacking. Although the plants have disappeared from the soil surface and the trees no longer bear leaves, life is still there but it has taken a path inside, underground. The vital energy extends into the roots or the seeds in anticipation of the spring renewal.
The winter season is a moment of interiorization that can be observed in nature but also in ourselves. Our state of consciousness changes, inviting us to draw closer to our deep Being, to plunge us deep within ourselves.
Unlike the summer when life manifests itself with exuberance, winter brings us back to the essentials. It is at this very peculiar moment of the winter solstice that the mistletoe manifests all its vitality, a strange contrast in this winter sleep
. "

Well now let's starting to go back slowly but surely to the topic.

A little story in video before and in the same time a little summary on the baby:
Let's find Popp and some others old acquaintances:
Dr. Garjajev claims that this communication is not something that happens only inside the individual cells or between one cell and another. He claims organisms use this "light" to "talk" to other organisms and suggested that this could explain telepathy and ESP. It was like human beings already had their own wireless internet based on our DNA
All vibrations of energy are part of the electro-magnetic spectrum. These include electrical energy, heat, sound, light, radio waves and radioactive waves. UV light is merely a small portion of the spectrum of EM energy with a very short wavelength.
What Popp discovered was that benzo[a]pyrene (the cancer producing molecule) absorbed the UV light, then re-emitted it at a completely different frequency -- it was a light "scrambler". The benzo[e]pyrene (harmless to humans), allowed the UV light to pass through it unaltered.
In every instance, the compounds that were carcinogenic took the UV light, absorbed it and changed or scrambled the frequency.
There was another odd property of these compounds: each of the carcinogens reacted only to light at a specific frequency -- 380 nm (nanometres) in the ultra-violet range. Popp kept wondering why a cancer-causing substance would be a light scrambler. He began reading the scientific literature specifically about human biological reactions, and came across information about a phenomenon called 'photorepair'.
It is well known from biological laboratory experiments that if you blast a cell with UV light so that 99 per cent of the cell, including its DNA, is destroyed, you can almost entirely repair the damage in a single day just by illuminating the cell with the same wavelength at a much weaker intensity. To this day, scientists don't understand this phenomenon, called photorepair, but no one has disputed it.
He was also struck by the fact that photorepair works most efficiently at 380 nm -- the same frequency that the cancer-causing compounds react to and scramble.
This was where Popp made his logical leap. If the carcinogens only react to this frequency, it must somehow be linked to photorepair. If so, this would mean that there must be some kind of light in the body responsible for photorepair. A compound must cause cancer because it permanently blocks this light and scrambles it, so photorepair can't work anymore. It seemed logical, but was it true?

This energy is the driving force for all the molecules in our body. Before any chemical reaction can occur, at least one electron must be activated by a photon with a certain wavelength and enough energy.
The biochemist and Nobel Prize winner Lehninger mentions in his textbook that some reactions in the living cell happen quite a lot faster than what corresponds to 37C temperature. The explanation seems to be that the body purposely directs chemical reactions by means of electromagnetic vibrations (biophotons).
Photons (Light) control everything in the cell:

Photons switch on the body's processes like an orchestra conductor bringing each individual instrument into the collective sound. At different frequencies, they perform different functions. Popp found that molecules in the cells responded to certain frequencies, and that a range of vibrations from the photons caused a variety of frequencies in other molecules of the body.

This theory has been supported by Dr. Veljko Veljkovic who now heads the Center for Multidisciplinary Research and Engineering, Institute of Nuclear Sciences Vinca. She dared to ask the question that has forever puzzled cellular biologists: What is it that enabled the tens of thousands of different kinds of molecules in the organism to recognize their specific targets? Living processes depend on selective interactions between particular molecules, and that is true for basic metabolism to the subtlest nuances of emotion. It's like trying to find a friend in a very big very crowded ballroom in the dark.

The conventional picture of a cell even now is that of a bag of molecules dissolved in water. And through bumping into one another by chance -- random collisions -- those molecules that have complementary shapes lock onto to each other so the appropriate biochemical reactions can take place. This 'lock and key' model has been refined to a more flexible (and realistic) 'induced fit' hypothesis that allows each molecule to change shape slightly to fit the other better after they get in touch, but the main idea remains the same.

It is supposed to explain how enzymes can recognize their respective substrates, how antibodies in the immune system can grab onto specific foreign invaders and disarm them. By extension, that's how proteins can 'dock' with different partner proteins, or latch onto specific nucleic acids to control gene expression, or assemble into ribosomes for translating proteins, or other multi-molecular complexes that modify the genetic messages in various ways. But with thousands -- or even hundreds of thousands of reactions happening each second in just one cell this seems pushing the "mechanical" concept a bit too far.

What has been proposed is that somehow each molecule sends out a unique electromagnetic field that can "sense" the field of the complimentary molecule. It's as if there is a "dance" in the cellular medium and the molecules move to the rythm. The music is supplied by the biophoton.

"Veljkovic and Cosic proposed that molecular interactions are electrical in nature, and they take place over distances that are large compared with the size of molecules. Cosic later introduced the idea of dynamic electromagnetic field interactions, that molecules recognize their particular targets and vice versa by electromagnetic resonance. In other words, the molecules send out specific frequencies of electromagnetic waves which not only enable them to 'see' and 'hear' each other, as both photon and phonon modes exist for electromagnetic waves, but also to influence each other at a distance and become ineluctably drawn to each other if vibrating out of phase (in a complementary way)."
-- The Real Bioinformatics Revolution: Proteins and Nucleic Acids Singing to One Another? (Paper available at

"There are about 100,000 chemical reactions happening in every cell each second. The chemical reaction can only happen if the molecule which is reacting is excited by a photon... Once the photon has excited a reaction it returns to the field and is available for more reactions... We are swimming in an ocean of light."

These 'biophoton emission', as Popp called them, provided an ideal communication system for the transfer of information to many cells across the organism. But the single most important question remained: where was the light coming from?

A particularly gifted student talked him into another experiment. It is known that when ethidium bromide is applied to samples of DNA, it insinuates itself in between the base pairs of the double helix, causing DNA to unwind. The student suggested that, after applying the chemical, they measure the light coming from the sample. Popp found that the greater the concentration of ethidium, the more the DNA unravelled, but also the stronger the intensity of light. Conversely, the less he used, the less light was emitted.

He also found that DNA could send out a wide range of frequencies, some of which seemed to be linked to certain functions. If DNA stored this light, it would naturally emit more light on being unzipped.

These and other studies proved to Popp that one of the most essential sources of light and biophoton emissions was DNA. DNA was like the master tuning fork of the body. It would strike a particular frequency and certain molecules would follow. It was also possible, he realised, that he had stumbled upon the missing link in current DNA theory that could account for perhaps the greatest miracle of all in human biology -- how a single cell can turn into a fully formed human being.

How cells "talk" to each other:

When you get a cut or scratch on your skin, the cells that are injured somehow signal the surrounding healthy cells to begin reproducing copies of themselves to fill in and mend the opening. When the skin is back to normal, a signal is sent to the cells to tell them to stop reproducing. Scientists have wondered exactly how this works.

With biophoton emissions, Popp believed he had an answer to this question. This phenomenon of coordination and communication could only occur in a holistic system with one central orchestrator. Popp showed in his experiments that these weak light emissions were sufficient to orchestrate the body's repairs. The emissions had to be low intensity because these communications took place on a very small, intracellular, quantum level. Higher intensities would have an effect only in the world of the large and would create too much "noise" to be effective.

The number of photons emitted seemed to be linked to the organism's position on the evolutionary scale -- the more complex the organism, the fewer photons were emitted. Rudimentary animals and plants tended to emit 100 photons/cm2/sec at a wavelength of 200-800 nm, corresponding to a very-high-frequency EM wave well within the visible range, whereas humans emit only 10 photons/cm2/sec at the same frequency.

In one series of studies, Popp had one of his assistants -- a 27-year-old healthy young woman -- sit in the room every day for nine months while he took photon readings of a small area of her hand and forehead. Popp then analysed the data and discovered, to his surprise, that the light emissions followed certain set patterns -- biological rhythms at 7, 14, 32, 80 and 270 days -- and similarities were also noted by day or night, by week and by month, as though the body were following the world's biorhythms as well as its own.
Cancer is a loss of coherent light:

So far, Popp had studied only healthy individuals and found an exquisite coherence at the quantum level. But what kind of light is present in those who are ill?

Popp tried out his machine on a series of cancer patients. In every instance, these patients had lost those natural periodic rhythms as well as their coherence. The lines of internal communication were scrambled. They had lost their connection with the world. In effect, their light was going out.

Just the opposite is seen with multiple sclerosis: MS is a state of too much order. Patients with this disease are taking in too much light, thereby inhibiting their cells' ability to do their job. Too much cooperative harmony prevented flexibility and individuality -- like too many soldiers marching in step as they cross a bridge, causing it to collapse. Perfect coherence is an optimal state between chaos and order. With too much cooperation, it is as though individual members of the orchestra are no longer able to improvise. In effect, MS patients are drowning in light.

Popp also examined the effects of stress. In a stressed state, the rate of biophoton emissions goes up -- a defence mechanism designed to restore the patient's equilibrium.

Popp now recognized that what he'd been experimenting with was even more than a cure for cancer or Gestaltbildung. Here was a model which provided a better explanation than the current neo-Darwinist theory for how all living things evolve on the planet. Rather than a system of fortunate but ultimately random error, if DNA uses frequencies of every variety as an information tool, this suggests instead a feedback system of perfect communication through waves that encode and transfer information.
"Good vibes" means coherent light:

Popp came to realize that light in the body might even hold the key to health and illness. In one experiment, he compared the light from free-range hens' eggs with that from penned-in, caged hens. The photons in the former were far more coherent than those in the latter.

Popp went on to use biophoton emissions as a tool for measuring the quality of food. The healthiest food had the lowest and most coherent intensity of light. Any disturbance in the system increased the production of photons. Health was a state of perfect subatomic communication, and ill health was a state of communication breakdown. We are ill when our waves are out of synch.

Bio Photon emission detection is currently used commercially in the food industry. Agricultural science is looking at Bio-photon emissions to determine plant health for the purposes of food quality control. Biophotonen is a company working for development and practical applications of biophotonics. The work is based on a variety of patents. "Biophotonen" solves practical problems of food industry, environmental industry, cosmetics, etc.

In the 1970s Dr. Veljko Veljkovic, who now heads the Center for Multidisciplinary Research and Engineering, Institute of Nuclear Sciences Vinca, also discovered a method for predicting which of the hundreds of new chemicals made by the rapidly expanding chemical industry were carcinogenic, by calculating certain electronic, biophotonic properties of the molecules. This method was soon found equally applicable to predicting organic chemicals that were mutagenic, or toxic, and even those that were antibiotic, or cytostatic (anticancer). Veljkovic's institute in Belgrade has since teamed up with other European laboratories to apply the same method to drug discovery, especially against AIDS disease.
Communication between organisms

Thus, it dawned on Popp that these emissions had a purpose outside of the body. Wave resonance wasn't only being used to communicate inside the body, but between living things as well. Two healthy beings engaged in 'photon sucking', as he called it, by exchanging photons. Popp realised that this exchange might unlock the secret of some of the animal kingdom's most persistent conundrums: how schools of fish or flocks of birds create perfect and instantaneous coordination. Many experiments on the homing ability of animals demonstrate that it has nothing to do with following habitual trails, scents or even the EM fields of the earth, but rather some form of silent communication that acts like an invisible rubber band, even when the animals are separated by miles of distance.

For humans, there was another possibility. If we could take in the photons of other living things, we might also be able to use the information from them to correct our own light if it went awry
The major transmission difference between window glass and quartz is that quartz transmits both ultraviolet and infrared well, while glass is relatively opaque to ultraviolet and infrared. Both quartz and glass transmit visible light. Thus glass is a suppressor of the paranormal channel, while quartz is not.

In 1950, Western researchers found that cells could be killed in darkness with ultraviolet radiation, kept shielded from visible light for twenty-four hours or longer, and then if radiated with visible light the cells would start reviving by hundreds of thousands even though they had been clinically dead.

Specifically, every cell emits mitogenetic radiation in the ultraviolet range twice: when it is born and when it dies. The UV photon emitted at death contains the exact virtual state pattern of the condition of the cell at death. The healthy cells are bombarded with death messages from those that are dying, and this diffuses the death pattern throughout the healthy culture, eventually kindling into the same death pattern there.

Popp had begun experimenting with such an idea. If cancer-causing chemicals could alter the body's biophoton emissions, then it might be that other substances could reintroduce better communication. Popp wondered whether certain plant extracts could change the character of the biophoton emissions from cancer cells to make them communicate again with the rest of the body. He began experimenting with a number of non-toxic substances purported to be successful in treating cancer. In all but one instance, these substances only increased the photons from tumour cells, making them even more deadly to the body.

The single success story was mistletoe, which appeared to help the body to 'resocialise' the photon emissions of tumour cells back to normal. In one of numerous cases, Popp came across a woman in her thirties who had breast and vaginal cancer. Popp found a mistletoe remedy that created coherence in her cancer tissue samples. With the agreement of her doctor, the woman stopped any treatment other than the mistletoe extract and, after a year, all her laboratory tests were virtually back to normal.

To Popp, homoeopathy was another example of photon sucking. He had begun to think of it as a 'resonance absorber'. Homoeopathy rests upon the notion that like is treated with like. A plant extract that at full strength can cause hives in the body is used in an extremely diluted form to get rid of it. If a rogue frequency in the body can produce certain symptoms, it follows that a high dilution of a substance which can produce the same symptoms would also carry that frequency. Like a resonating tuning fork, a suitable homoeopathic solution might attract and then absorb the abnormal oscillations, allowing the body to return to normal health.

Popp thought that electro-magnetic molecular signalling might even explain acupuncture. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, the human body has a system of meridians, running deep in the tissues, through which flows an invisible energy the Chinese call ch'i, or the life force. The ch'i supposedly enters the body through these acupuncture points and flows to deeper organ structures (which do not correspond to those in Western biology), providing energy (or the life force). Illness occurs when this energy is blocked at any point along the pathways. According to Popp, the meridian system transmits specific energy waves to specific zones of the body.

Research has shown that many of the acupuncture points have a dramatically reduced electrical resistance compared with the surrounding skin (10 kilo-ohms and 3 mega-ohms, respectively). Orthopaedic surgeon Dr Robert Becker, who has done a great deal of research on EM fields in the body, designed a special electrode recording device that rolls along the body like a pizza cutter. His many studies have shown electrical charges on every one of the people tested corresponding to the Chinese meridian points.

[Extracted from The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe, by Lynne McTaggart]
Light in human consciousness:

I mention this latest work for those who may wish to explore the boundaries of photon research and theory. In a ground-breaking paper with the lengthy title of "Orchestrated Objective Reduction of Quantum Coherence in Brain Microtubules: The 'Orch OR' Model for Consciousness" by Stuart Hameroff and Roger Penrose, the brain is described as a quantum computer whose main architecture are the cytoskeletal microtubules and other structures within each of the brain's neurons.

If you examine a neuron, you will see that there are many hollow tubes surrounding the axon. These microtubules have been thought of as a kind of scaffold to support the nerve fiber. But they are now getting a second look as the possible architecture of our consciousness.

The particular characteristics of microtubules that make them suitable for quantum effects include their crystal-like lattice structure, hollow inner core, organization of cell function and capacity for information processing. According to the researchers, their size appears perfectly designed to transmit photons in the UV range.

"Traditionally viewed as the cell's 'bone-like' scaffolding, microtubules and other cytoskeletal structures now appear to fill communicative and information processing roles. Theoretical models suggest how conformational states of tubulins within microtubule lattices can interact with neighboring tubulins to represent, propagate and process information as in molecular-level 'cellular automata' computing systems." -- Hameroff and Watt, 1982; Rasmussen et al, 1990; Hameroff et al, 1992

In their paper, Hameroff and Penrose present a model linking microtubules to consciousness using quantum theory. In their model, quantum coherence emerges, and is isolated in brain microtubules until a threshold related to quantum gravity is reached. The resultant self-collapse creates an instantaneous "now" event. Sequences of such events create a flow of time, and consciousness.

Don't worry if you can't understand this. It's heavy reading but it does show that the existence of internal photons -- inner light -- is very real and is the basis of virtually all human cellular and systemic function.

Could the Russian scientists really have changed a salamander embryo into a frog with lasers? I prefer to wait until the actual details of the experiment are published and reviewed -- but I am much less apt to dismiss this as fiction now that I know about our inner lights.
For a full view with pictures , schemas and photos it's right here:

Dr. Popp proved that light in your body is stored by, and emitted from, your DNA. The DNA inside each cell vibrates at a frequency of several billion hertz (which is unfortunately the same range at which modern cell phone communication systems also work).

The vibration is created through the coil-like contraction and extension of your DNA -- which occurs several billion times per second -- and every time it contracts, it squeezes out one single biophoton; a light particle.

That photon contains all the information on everything going on in your DNA at that moment. One single biophoton can carry more than four megabytes of information, and relays this information to other biophotons it crosses in the biophoton field outside your body.

All the photons that are emitted from your body communicate with each other in this highly structured light field that surrounds your body, and which is the actual carrier of your long-term memory. This light field also regulates the activity of your metabolic enzymes.

The information transfer on biophotons is bidirectional, which means your DNA sends information out on a photon, and on the same photon the information of all the biophotons from your body is broadcast back to your cells, and to your tubulin, which are light conductive molecules in your connective tissue.

The tubulin, in turn, receives the information-carrying light impulse and conducts it at the speed of light throughout your body, where it is translated inside each cell into activating or inactivating certain metabolic enzymes.

Illness Occurs When Biophoton Emissions are Out of Sync:

Research by Dr. Popp also showed that the light emissions of healthy people follow a set biological rhythm for day and night and also by week and month, as though they are connected to biorhythms of the earth, as well.

However, in his studies, the light emissions from cancer patients had no such rhythms and appeared scrambled, which suggests their cells were no longer communicating properly. Likewise, according to his research, Dr. Popp found that in multiple sclerosis patients were taking in too much light, leading to a similar confusion on a cellular level. Even stress influenced people's biophoton emissions, causing them to increase in response to the stress.

It's known, too, that cancer-causing chemicals alter your body's biophoton emissions, interrupting cellular communications, while certain substances help restore them. Dr. Popp found mistletoe to be one such substance that appeared to restore the biophoton emissions of tumor cells to a normal level.

Interestingly, even conventional medicine confirmed that mistletoe extract does appear to have a beneficial effect on cancer, with one study published in Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine showing that mean survival rates nearly doubled among breast cancer patients who received mistletoe extract.

Because light is such an integral part of your body's processes, biophoton therapies are at the forefront of medicine. For instance, therapies are emerging that involve stimulating the body with specific quantities of light to reduce pain and promote healing processes.

One fascinating alternative practice that Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt has started using, based on this science, is to use tools that work with light to influence your biophoton field in beneficial ways. For example, transmitting the information of nutrients in the form of light into your biophotons field can affect your body in the same way as eating the nutrient!
Read the whole article here:

Now let's recalling on stage the Professor of Biomedical Engineering Irena Cosic and the Dr. Veljko Veljkovic, heading the Center for Multidisciplinary Research and Engineering, Institute of Nuclear Sciences Vinca:
Veljkovic and Cosic essentially asked a fundamental question in biology: what is it that enabled the tens of thousands of different kinds of molecules in the organism to recognize their specific targets [6, 7]? Living processes depend on selective interactions between particular molecules, and that is so from basic metabolism to the subtlest nuances of emotion
Molecular resonant recognition:

Veljkovic and Cosic proposed that molecular interactions are electrical in nature, and they take place over distances that are large compared with the size of molecules [6, 7]. Cosic later introduced the idea of dynamic electromagnetic field interactions, that molecules recognize their particular targets and vice versa by electromagnetic resonance [6]. In other words, the molecules send out specific frequencies of electromagnetic waves which not only enable them to ‘see' and ‘hear' each other, as both photon and phonon modes exist for electromagnetic waves, but also to influence each other at a distance and become ineluctably drawn to each other if vibrating out of phase (in a complementary way).

Molecular resonance is a relatively well-understood phenomenon in chemistry, but it also has analogy in the macroscopic world. A piano tuner strikes a tuning fork next to the piano, and the particular piano string, when correctly tuned to the same frequency will start to sing back to the vibrating tuning fork. Energy is from the tuning fork to the piano string and vice versa , and in that way, the vibration lasts much longer than if they were not resonating to the same frequency.

Another advantage of molecular resonance is that it is extremely selective, to less than 0.01percent of the resonant frequency. That and the wide range of the electromagnetic spectrum makes molecular resonance the mechanism of choice for specific interactions, as already pointed out by physiologist Colin McClare in the early 1970s [12, 13], and had also postulated resonant interactions in at least some biochemical reactions.

Quite independently, solid state physicist Herbert Fröhlich had proposed at around the same time that cells and organisms were more like solid state systems, packed full of dielectric molecules, and that metabolic energy could ‘pump' the system into coherently excited states, with coherent vibrations extending over a whole range of frequencies from a highly polarised state (frequency zero) to the microwave range and beyond [14, 15]. I have compared this state of coherent excitation to a laser vibrating in many frequencies, or a receiver tuned to absorb in many frequencies
Finding the resonant electromagnetic frequency:

Cosic's findings do suggest that selective interactions between molecules are achieved by molecular resonance, though not all scientists who use the technique accept the idea behind it, or find it necessary to think about the implications.

As mentioned earlier, the common frequency identified in the consensus spectrum of proteins or DNA sharing the same function is not the actual frequency of the electromagnetic waves to which the molecules resonant. A rough estimate based on the length of a typical protein chain and the distance between neighbouring amino acids gives the maximum and minimum wavelengths of the electromagnetic radiation as 30 000 and 300 nanometres, i.e., from the very low infrared through the visible to the ultraviolet, a very wide range indeed.

In order to find out if the consensus frequency is related to the resonant electromagnetic frequency, Cosic turned her attention to light sensitive proteins.

Light-sensitive proteins absorb light strongly at certain frequencies and become excited to send out an electric signal or to re-emit light. For example, there are three kinds of rhodopsins, light sensitive proteins in the eye that absorb at red, blue and green respectively. The bioluminescent protein aequorin absorbs a similar wavelength of light as the rhodopsin that absorbs blue light. In the consensus spectrum of blue rhodopsins and aequorins, there is only one prominent peak frequency at 0.475, and this is most likely to be the one related to the absorption of blue light. In a similar way, it was estimated that the frequency of 0.355 is related to the absorption of green light, and the frequency of 0.346 to the absorption of red light. Analysing other light sensitive proteins in this way resulted in a table of correspondences between the RRM consensus frequency and the frequency of the electromagnetic radiation absorbed.

It turns out that the two frequencies are highly correlated, and there is a scaling factor between the two which averages out at K = 201. The approximate wavelength l of the electromagnetic radiation at molecular resonance can be calculated for each functional group of proteins or nucleic acids from its RRM frequency f RRM according to the relationship,

l = K / f RRM (Resonant Recognition Model, see the table1 through the link)

Using this relationship, Cosic and her colleagues predicted the wavelengths of low intensity electromagnetic radiation from the common RRM frequency of various groups of growth factors that would stimulate the growth of cells. They reported that the observed effects of low intensity electromagnetic radiation on cell growth and DNA synthesis were indeed maximal at the predicted wavelengths.

In another experiment, the RRM frequency of chymotrypsins as a protease was used to predict the wavelength of light that could activate chymotrypsin activity, which was 851nm. That too, coincided precisely with the experimentally observed wavelength for maximum activation of enzyme activity.

These results were recently confirmed in lactate dehydrogenase enzyme, which was activated at the predicted resonant frequency [17]. They clearly offer further support for the molecular resonance hypothesis.

Implications for biology:

Beyond the problem of intermolecular recognition, neither Cosic nor Veljkovic has said much on the implications of these findings for biology, which are potentially quite profound.

The idea of molecules communicating and exchanging energy by electromagnetic resonance fits in with accumulating evidence that cells and organisms are liquid crystalline, that all the molecules, including especially the 70 percent or water, are aligned and working coherently together [9, 12]. There is little or no free diffusion in such a system, as Fröhlich [14, 15] had pointed out earlier, and before that, cell physiologist Gilbert Ling [24, 25] ( Strong Medicine for Cell Biology , SiS 24) and biochemist/historian of Chinese science, Joseph Needham [26].

Instead, energy transfer - by molecular resonance or coherent excitations – probably has to occur through large distances, activating entire populations of similar molecules that are in different parts of the cell or different parts of the body, so long-range coordinating of function can happen instantaneously. At least, that's what I am proposing.

The precise role of organised biological water in transmitting and perhaps amplifying electromagnetic signals has yet to be defined, but a growing number of us suspect that water may be playing the lead role in living processes [27] ( Water's Effortless Action at a Distance , SiS 32) . Significantly, water is largely transparent just within the narrow window of frequencies around the visible range of electromagnetic radiation where most of the molecular resonance frequencies are to be found, with steep rises in absorption on either side. This does enable resonating molecules to ‘see' one another and transfer energy. At the same time, however, there is now little doubt that electromagnetic radiation in the microwave range and far below can have biological effects [9, 28] ( Confirmed: Mobile Phones Break DNA & Scramble Genomes , SiS 25). As molecules self-assemble into structures on all scales, one would not be surprised to find vibrations and resonance over the entire range of frequencies.

What is clearly emerging is the predominant electronic nature of the living matrix and living activities, which will require a complete rewrite of biochemistry and cell biology, if not also physiology and medicine.

The article is in this link full of others links:
In recent times between a climber who lost his father and celebrates the birth of his daughter, and another who broke his arm during a disassembly. I find myself with two ground men, an apprentice not motivated to climb ... And :scooter: ... And :ohboy:....And :whlchair:
And a lot of work in the company of trees.
Then in this post i am going to do it in the "Viva las Vegas" 'way.
I am going to throw a few citations and links here and there as dices and see what it will give...And later i will come back on them with the right time.
Well let's throw the dices !!!! :cheer:

Narby’s working hypothesis:

Shamans take their consciousness down to the molecular level and gain access to information related to DNA, which they call “animate essences” or “spirits.” This is where they see double helixes, twisted ladders, and chromosome shapes. This is how shamanic cultures have known for millennia that the vital principle is the same for all living beings and is shaped like two entwined serpents ( or a vine, a rope, a ladder…). DNA is the source of their astonishing botanical and medicinal knowledge, which can be attained only in defocalized and “non-rational” states of consciousness, though its results are empirically verifiable.

Knowing his hypothesis would be more solid if it rested on a neurological basis, he decided to direct his investigation by taking ayahuasqueros at their word—and they unanimously claimed that certain psychoactive substances (containing molecules that are active in the human brain) influence the spirits in precise ways.

Since shamans felt about tobacco the same way they felt about ayahuasca, he thought it ought to be possible to find correspondences between these shamanic notions and facts established by the study of the neurological activity of tobacco. There ought to be an analogous connection between nicotine and DNA contained in the nerve cells of a human brain.

See P.118 for details. A molecule of nicotine shares structural similarities with the neurotransmitter acetylcholine and fits into that receptor on certain neurons. The more you give nicotine to your neurons, the more the DNA they contain activates the construction of nicotinic receptors, within certain limits.

The degree of correspondence between shamanic notions of tobacco and neurological studies of nicotine surprised him. But it didn’t explain the effects of nicotine on consciousness. He makes significant comments on tobacco, but finding a neurological trail of tobacco-induced hallucinations was a dead end. See P.120. That left ayahuasca.

The active psychoactive ingredient in ayahuasca is dimethyltryptamine (DMT). DMT is produced in small quantities in the brain. It is a controlled substance, so there isn’t much info on it. DMT, The Spirit Molecule by Rick Strassman, a report on the only study available didn’t answer how molecular reality become accessible to the normally non-molecular consciousness of human beings.

It has been known that hallucinogenic substances resemble the neurotransmitter seratonin for over a quarter century. But it wasn’t until the 90’s that they discovered the existence of seven types of seratonin receptors, in relation to which each hallucinogen has a specific mode of functioning. Six of the receptors resembled antennae, which span the cell’s membrane.

When seratonin stimulates these antenna, it sets off a signal that increases DNA synthesis, but it still doesn’t explain the cascade of reactions inside the cell. Current research on the neurological mechanisms of hallucinogens stops at the question of receptors.

Currently, DNA is not part of the scientific discussion on hallucinations. Prior to the mid-70’s poor research led to misinformation. After the mid-70’s the connection between DNA and hallucinogens disappears from the scientific literature.

Because of his hypothesis that DNA was, like the axis mundi, the source of shamanic knowledge and visions, Narby needed to understand how DNA could transmit visual information.

DNA emits photons in the form of electromagnetic waves. Carlos Perez Shuma compared spirits to “radio waves.” “Once you turn on the radio, you can pick them up…” “…with ayahuasca and tobacco, you can see and hear them”, the spirits.

In the early 80’s, scientists demonstrated all living cells emit photons, approx. 100/sec. Per sq. centimeter. They also showed that DNA was the source. Also, the wavelength at which DNA emits these photons corresponds exactly to the narrow band of visible light! P.126

But there was no proof that the light emitted by DNA was what shamans saw in their visions. There was also the problem that the intensity of a photon emission corresponded to the intensity of a candle at a distance of about 10 kilometers, yet was highly coherent, like a laser. How?

Narby learned that the coherence of biophotons depended not so much on the intensity of their output as on its regularity. DNA emits photons with such regularity that researchers compare the phenomenon to an “ultra-weak laser.” A coherent light source, like a laser, gives the sensation of bright colors, a luminescence, and an impression of holographic depth.

This was the essential element. Descriptions of ayahuasca-based hallucinatory experiences invariably mention bright colors and in DMT studies, subjects described colors as brighter, more intense, and deeply saturated. The colors were 10 to 100 times more saturated.

DNA’S highly coherent photon emission accounted for the luminescence of hallucinatory images, as well as their three-dimensional, or holographic, aspect! There was now a neurological mechanism for which to pursue Narby’s hypothesis. If the ayahuasqueros perceive DNA-emitted photons in their visions, it should be possible to link photons and consciousness. Next step: biophotons, a new field of study.

In this field of study biophoton emissions are considered a “cellular language” or a form of “nonsubstantial biocommunication between cells, cells and organisms and to direct their own internal reactions, P.127. [This could explain how billions of individual plankton organisms cooperate in swarms.]

Admittedly, Narby concedes that his theory has a difficult road to traverse to bring it even into consideration by a respectable number of biologists. Biologists Mae-Wan Ho and Fritz-Albert Popp suggest that many colleagues find the idea that the cell is a solid-state system difficult to imagine, “as few of us have the requisite biophysical background to appreciate the implications.”

So there he was: In his search, he couldn’t find any connection between DAN-emitted photons and consciousness, nor could he find any publications dealing with subject of the influence of nicotine or DMT on biophoton emissions.

He did, however, after a conversation with Popp did receive confirmation on “a good number of my impressions.” Asking him whether he had considered the possibility of a connection between DNA’s photon emission and consciousness, Popp replied: “Yes, consciousness could be the electromagnetic field constituted by the sum of these emissions. But, as you know, our understanding of the neurological basis of consciousness is still very limited.”

One more element of thought before Narby expands his hypothesis from the beginning of the chapter: He observed that almost off of the experiments conducted to measure biophotons involved the use of quartz. In 1923 Gurvich noticed cells separated by a quartz screen mutually influenced each other’s multiplication processes. P.128

50-some years later, a device made of quartz was developed that measured this ultra-weak radiation. Quartz is a crystal, and crystal has an extremely regular arrangement of atoms that vibrate at a very stable frequency. This makes it an excellent receptor and emitter of electromagnetic waves, which is why it is used in electronic technologies.

Quartz crystals are used in shamanism around the world. P.129 Amazonian shamans, in particular, consider that spirits can materialize and become visible in quartz crystals. “What if these spirits were non other than the biophotons emitted by all the cell of the world and were picked up, amplified, and transmitted by shaman’ quartz crystals…? This would mean that spirits are being of pure light—as has always been claimed,” !!!

“DNA is also a crystal. Maxim Frank-Kamenetskii, a molecular biologist, explains: ‘the base pairs in it are arranged as in a crystal…a linear, one-dimensional crystal…DNA is aperiodic…a crystal of an entirely new type…’ The four DNA bases are hexagonal (like quartz crystals)…they stack up on top of each other, forming the rungs of the twisted ladder…in the order…by the genetic text…a slightly irregular, or aperiodic, structure…not the case for the repeat sequences…a full third of the genome…DNA becomes a regular arrangement of atoms, a periodic crystal…The variation in the length of the repeat sequences would help pick up different frequencies and could thereby constitute a possible and new function for q part of “junk” DNA.”

Narby’s hypothesis extended: What if DNA, stimulated by nicotine or DMT, activates not only its emission of photons (which inundate our consciousness in the form of hallucinations), but also its capacity to pick up the photons emitted by the global network of DNA-based life? This would mean that the biosphere itself, which can be considered “as a more or less fully interlinked unit,” is the source of the images.
So, having posted the former, i have always wondered how, without the aids of our modern equipments to peer into the very small, could anyone see how the DNA looks like. This could be an explanation for that feat, also explaining the importance, i believe, of the X (perhaps the chromosome) in alchemy.

One detail that stood out in the excerpt of "The Field" was that of the salamander and the it's morphic field. Could it be that it is that same characteristics that is important in alchemical symbols, so that for example, Fulcanelli started the "Dwellings of the Philosophers" book with that same symbol?

14. Reichel-Dolmatoff (1975, p. 165). He adds: "Now, the phenomenon of macroscopia. the illusion of perceiving objects much larger than they are, is frequent in hallucinations induced by narcotic snuff' (p. 49). This phenomenon is frequently mentioned in the hallucinogen literature.
It also calls to mind Alices Adventures in Wonderland, when Alice becomes extremely small after eating a piece of mushroom on which a caterpillar is smoking a hookah. Meanwhile, De-scola (1996) writes regarding his personal experience with ayahuasca: "Curiously enough,
these unanchored visions do not obscure the still landscape that frames them. It is rather as though I were looking at them through the lens of a microscope operating as a window of variable dimensions set in the middle of my usual and unchanged field of vision" (pp. 207-208).
15. Gebhart-Sayer (1986) writes concerning the visual music perceived by Shipibo-Conibo
shamans: "This spirit [of ayahuasca] projects luminous geometric figures in front of the shamans eyes: visions of rhythmic undulation, of perfumed and luminous ornamentation, or the rapid skimming over of the pages of a book with many motifs. The motifs appear everywhere one looks: in star formations, in a person's teeth, in the movements of his tuft of grass. As soon as the floating network touches his lips and crown, the shaman can emit melodies that correspond to the luminous vision. 'My song is the result of the motifs image," says the shaman to describe the phenomenon, a direct transformation of the visual into die acoustic. 'I am not the one creating the song. It passes through me as if I were a radio.' The songs are heard, seen, felt and sung simultaneously by all those involved" (p. 196). The notion that ayahuasqueros learn their songs directly from the spirits is generalized. According to Townsley
(1993), Yaminahua shamans "are adamant that the songs are not ultimately created or owned by them at all, but by the yosh
i themselves, who 'show' or 'give' their songs, with their attendant
powers, to those shamans good enough to 'receive* them. Thus, for
instance, in their portrayal of the process of initiation, it is the yoshi who teach and bestow powers on the initiate; other shamans only facilitate the process and prepare the initiate, 'clean him out' so as to receive
these spirit powers" (p. 458). Likewise, according to Luna (1984): 'T
he spirits, who are sometimes called doctorcitos (little doctors) or abuelos (grandfathers), present themselves during the visions and during the dreams. They show how to diagnose the illness, what plants
to use and how, the proper use of tobacco smoke,how to suck out the illness or restore the spirit to a patient, how the shamans defend themse
lves, what to eat. and. most important, they teach them icaros, magic songs or shamanic melodies which are die main tools of shamanic
practices" (p. 142). Chaumeil (1993) talks of the extremely high-pitched sounds emitted by the spirits who communicate with Yagua shamans, more particularly of "strange melodies, both whistled and 'talked,' with a strong feminine connotation" (p. 415). Regarding the learning of
songs by imitation of the spirits, see also Weiss (1973, p.44), Chaumeil (1983, pp. 66, 219).
Baer (1992, p. 91), and Townsley (1993, p.454). See Luna (1986, pp. 104ff.) regarding the different functions of the songs (call the spirits, communicate with them, influence hallucinations, cure). See also, more generally. Lamb (1971), Siskind (1973), Dobkin de Rios and Katz (1975), Chevalier (1982), Luna and Amaringo (1991), Luna (1992), and Hill (1992).
Finally, Bellier (1986) writesthat among the Mai Huna of the Peruvian Amazon, "it is inconceivable to take yage [ayahuasca], to penetrate the primordial world (mina) and to remain silent" (p. 131).
"People use different techniques in different places to gain access to knowledge of the vital principle. In their visions shamans manage to take their consciousness down to the molecular level. This is precisely what Reichel-Dolmat off describes, in his running commentary into the tape recorder of his own ayahuasca-induced visions('like microphotographs of plants; like those microscopic stained sections; sometimes like from a pathology textbook*14).
"According to the shamans of the entire world,one establishes communication with spirits via music. P'or the ayahuasqueros, it is almost inconceivable to enter the world of spirits and remain silent. Angelika Gebhart-Sayer discusses the 'visual music* projected by the spirits in front of the shaman's eyes; It is made up of three-dimensional images that coalesce into sound and that the shaman imitates by emitting corresponding melodies.15 I should check whether DNA emits sound or not.
“To give the statement life and colour, let me anticipate what will be explained in much more detail later, namely, that the most essential part of a living cell – the chromosome fibre – may suitably be called an aperiodic crystal.”
― Erwin Schrödinger, What is Life?
A thread of DNA is much smaller than the visible light humans perceive. Even the most powerful optical microscopes cannot reveal it, because DNA is approximately 120 times narrower than the smallest wavelength of visible light.
It also is a logical extension of the work of Fritz Popp. If photons in the body excite molecules along the entire spectrum of electromagnetic frequencies, it is logical that they would have their own signature frequency.

Benveniste's experiments decisively demonstrated that cells don't rely on the happenstance of collision but on electromagnetic signalling at low frequency (less than 20 kHz) electromagnetic waves. The electromagnetic frequencies that Benveniste has studied correspond with frequencies in the audio range, even though they don't emit any actual noise that we can detect. All sounds on our planet — the sound of water rippling in a stream, a crack of thunder, a shot fired, a bird chirping — occur at low frequency, between 20 hertz and 20 kilohertz, the range in which the human ear can hear.
According to Benveniste's theory, two molecules are then tuned into each other, even at long distance, and resonate to the same frequency. These two resonating molecules would then create another frequency, which would then resonate with the next molecule or group of molecules, in the next stage of the biological reaction. This would explain, in Benveniste's view, why tiny changes in a molecule — the switching of a peptide, for example would have a radical effect on what that molecule actually does.
This is not so farfetched, considering what we already know about how molecules vibrate. Both specific molecules and intermolecular bonds emit certain specific frequencies ,which can he detected billions of light-rears away, through the most sensitive of modern telescopes. "These frequencies have long been accepted by physicists, but no one in the biological community save Fritz-Albert Popp and his predecessors has paused to consider whether they actually have some purpose. Others before Benveniste, such as Robert O. Becker and Cyril Smith, had conducted extensive experimentation on electromagnetic frequencies in living things. Benveniste's contribution was to show that molecules and atoms had their own unique frequencies by using modern technology both to record this frequency and to use the recording itself for cellular communication.
The DNA of all living organisms has the same structure and code, although some viruses use RNA as the information carrier instead of DNA. Most animals have two copies of each chromosome. In contrast, plants may have more than two copies of several chromosomes, which usually arise from errors in the distribution of the chromosomes during cell reproduction. In animals, this type of error usually causes genetic diseases that are usually fatal. For some unknown reasons, this type of error is not as devastating to plants.

RNA is the other nucleic acid. It differs from DNA in three major ways:
The sugar is ribose instead of deoxyribose
There is only one strand instead of two
RNA has uracil (U) instead of thymine. So, the base pairs in RNA are cytosine with guanine and adenine with uracil.
In a prokaryotic cell (one with no internal membrane-bound organelles like a bacterium), both DNA and RNA are found in the cytoplasm. In a eukaryotic cell (one with internal membrane-bound organelles, like humans), RNA can be found in the nucleus and cytoplasm, while DNA is only found in the nucleus.

Mitochondrial DNA
Mitochondria (and chloroplasts in plants) have their own small loops of DNA and reproduce on their own, independent of what goes on in the nucleus. This DNA codes for some mitochondrial proteins, but others are provided from the DNA stored in the nucleus. Mitochondria resemble an early form of bacteria, which is thought to have been captured into eukaryotic cells early in the history of life on Earth. The bacteria coexisted with the cell (endosymbiosis) and evolved into mitochondria. Another unique aspect of mitochondrial DNA is that you inherit it only from your mother (the mitochondria that exist in the egg cell). Although the sperm cell that fertilizes the egg contains a mitochondrion from the father, it does not get released and passed on.

Second round:
Cassiopaeans: We wish to review some things... The concept of a "master race" put forward by the Nazis was merely a 4th density STS effort to create a physical vehicle with the correct frequency resonance vibration for 4th density STS souls to occupy in 3rd density. It was also a "trial run" for planned events in what you perceive to be your future.
Q: (L) You mean with a strong STS frequency so they can have a "vehicle" in 3rd density, so to speak?
A: Correct. Frequency resonance vibration! Very important.
Q: (L) So, that is why they are programming and experimenting? And all these folks running around who some think are "programmed," could be individuals who are raising their nastiness levels high enough to accommodate the truly negative STS 4th density - sort of like walk-ins or something, only not nice ones?
A: You do not have very many of those present yet, but that was, and still is, the plan of some of the 4th density STS types.

Citation de: Session 990828
Q: (A) There are those who are happy in the STS mode; and there are those who are trying to get out of the STS mode...
A: STO candidate.
Q: (A) These STO candidates cannot just simply BE, even theoretically, because then, STS would eat them.
A: No.
Q: Why not?
A: STS does not eat according to protocol.
Q: What does that mean?
A: What do you suppose?
Q: I have no idea!
A: STS "eats" whatever it wants to, if it is able.
Q: That's what we said. If you are STO in an STS world, you are basically defenseless and they eat you.
A: No.
Q Why? What makes STO unavailable or 'inedible?'
A: Frequency resonance not in sync.
Citation de: Session 50909
Q: (L) Is it also correct that emotion can be used to mislead, that is emotions that are twisted and generated strictly from
the flesh or false programming?
A: Emotion that limits is an impediment to progress. Emotion is also necessary to make progress in 3rd density. It is natural. When you begin to separate limiting emotions based on assumptions from emotions that open one to unlimited possibilities, that means you are preparing for the next density,34920.msg496566.html#msg496566,25855.msg308029.html#msg308029,25694.msg305778.html#msg305778,26583.msg319767.html#msg319767

A: Okay, now picture yourself in a forest clearing. In that clearing you are surrounded by a pack of wolves. These wolves, in your mind, represent a blockage. The blockage is emotion. Emotion is a necessary component of life in 3rd density. It can be of great assistance, and it can also be a hindrance. Normally, in critical situations close to the 3rd density individual’s existence, these emotions serve temporarily as hindrances. So, we ask you to picture these wolves surrounding you. And, as wolves will do when addressed in a calm voice, when one takes a deep breath internally and externally, and asks the wolves in a calming, reassuring voice, to simply go back into the forest, that all is well, then the wolves turn and retreat, as wolves will do. This removes the hindering aspect of emotion, which allows intuition to become stronger. Then, in turn, one's intuitions are not "torn." Do you see this effect.

Q: (Approaching Infinity) Are there any more specific practical exercises we can do to connect chakras?

A: [letters come very rapidly] Talking and working out issues is the way to train the machine. But more than that, it is necessary to master the self and that requires suffering which turns on DNA.
Citation de: 16 July 2009
Q: (L) Well, alrighty then! Now, we have people on the forum who are trying to sort themselves out and come up with some good questions. But, at the moment, we haven't really decided which of those questions are what we're going to bring to the table here, and what we have on our mind is a couple questions of our own. After I posted the last session, which I did today, one of the forum members posted an article about Maze Dances, or the Dance of Ariadne, or the Crane Dance. And they even put a link to where you could download or see one. Did you ever get it downloaded? (Ark) I downloaded all of them for you{on the minime system which takes hours}. (L) Can we watch them? (Ark) We can. (L) Okay, so we'll watch them later - well, I guess we better watch them now. We'll take a break and watch them before we ask about them. (Break to watch 5 dancing videos) (L) Ya'll still there?

A: Oh yes! That was inspiring, yes?

Q: (L) Well, okay. How close were any of those to the original maze dances?

A: There were elements of the archaic techno-spiritual practice in a couple of them. The first and second were closest in step and pace.

Q: (L) Okay, well, what could be added to the step and the pace to get it closer?

A: One of two ways: dance a spiral with the "bridge" on the turn out of the center or dance a formal maze and the same maneuver on the turns.

Q: (L) I guess the bridge is where they have their hands together and they kind of turn inside out. (DD) Right, that was cool. Is the time signature of the music that they're doing this to of any significance?

A: Yes, but it can be different depending on the aim. Remember that these maneuvers literally change the "field" in which the participants are moving. This can change things on many levels, even including turning DNA on or off.

Q: (L) I once speculated, and I don't remember where I speculated about it, that a human being has a certain field - like a morphic field - and they are connected in various ways to the field in which they interact... that everything else has a field and all these fields interconnect and intersperse, and that people who perform certain formalized maneuvers based on some technology which we don't know or understand, that it's in a sense - because somebody had told me once that information is stored or retrieved on a computer by a single electron being moved in a certain way on a microchip, that it was a pathway that it follows, and that the pathway that it follows means something - so my idea was perhaps human beings in a sense can be like electrons moving within a certain field. If a group of electrons line themselves up and move in a certain way, it adds some sort of considerable - it's like a significant movement of energy - it creates a current. And this creation of a current is like something that enables you to connect to this other realm, this other density. It's almost like you're creating a cord or something, a tube, or some kind of...

A: A "conduit" maybe?

Q: (L) But anyhow, does that idea make sense? (Ark) Well, theoretically it makes sense. But my question is suppose it is done. And it has probably been done by many people. What are the visible consequences?

A: Under the right circumstances, with knowledge, awareness and, most important of all, BEING (letters came very slowly in contrast to the rest of the message, which was fast), there can be openings of portals for many purposes. Remember the Maruts and their baskets? How about a little "travel" if needed for a positive purpose?

Q: (L) Okay, the Maruts were referred to as - they were like all of a special bloodline - and they danced, and their dance produced benefits for the tribe. I mean, the heavens opened, and baskets came down with food and whatever they needed. I mean, it's like the original story of MA*** from heaven. Only it wasn't just something tasteless, it was whatever they wanted or needed. Krunchy (healthy cereal)! (laughter)

A: Keep in mind that in order for the techno-spiritual techniques to work, the people of the "blood" must be purified and their chakras must be "connected". If this is done, there are even more important functions. For example: mental blocking of 4D STS attacks. Do you realize that 200 or so people assembled this way, and a block against the marauders could be put in place? Furthermore the wave is coming, the "dancers" could very well determine how it affects your planet and reality. Can you imagine what would happen if the "elite" of your world were cut off from their 4D STS power supply? What if their mind control techniques and frequency fences just "fizzled"?

Q: (L) Well that's crazy. (Ark) How can it happen that they are cut off from their power supply? I don't understand.

A: Mental blocking.

Q: (DD) Do they block themselves? (Review of previous answer) (A***) So they're talking about the dance, and people together doing this dance would create some sort of block?

A: Exactly.

Q: (A***) That's a good reason to learn to dance! (Ark) Well, how long would you have to dance to keep the block going long enough?

A: You create it with the dance, chant, musical induced state, and then just add power as needed.

Q: (S) We just run some extension cords, and... (laughter) (L) But how often do you add power?

A: With the current imbalance, about once a week. Later, as the balance is restored, it can be once a month... Dark of the moon.

Q: (S) What did they mean by "add power"? (L) Do it again. (P) Is it a special day of the week? (L) Well, they said once a month, dark of the moon... Oh, you want to know if it's once a week, then which day?

A: Moon-day.

Q: (L) Well this is all very interesting stuff. Why weren't you telling us this a long time ago? (laughter)

A: We think you know that! There was much you needed to learn on your own for strength and also there was the factor of trust. We understand that humanity has been led astray many times and there is a lot of metaphysical "noise" out there. After this time, we think that even with the "open" nature of the future and reality, we have not misled. The first 6 years were spent trying to increase your awareness and help to purge illusions. Now you see the changes in your world that we spoke of. Now, we hope that you will begin to understand that there is hope, but that we and all other STO beings can only act through you (pause) in the collective sense.

Q: (L) Oh, I see. (Ark) What you see? (L) I just got the word "collective" - I was wondering what in the world that word was in there for. Okay. (Ark) They said there is still hope? That's what they said? (L) I guess the hope is how we meet the wave, and what our world is like after. When you have a wave, a tsunami, you can do like that guy did in the movie Krakatoa. Ya know, throw out your anchor and head into it, tie yourself to the wheel, and grin a lot! That was so cool! So, is that basically what we're talking about here? The wave is gonna happen and how we meet it depends on what we do to prepare and that we can...

A: Yes. And there are a lot of the "elite" who will go under. As we once said it will be a "triple bad day" for Rockefeller and his ilk.

Q: (L) So in other words, we've gotta learn to dance. Does EVERYBODY have to learn to dance?! (laughter)

A: No, only the young ones and those who are able. But... it would be powerful!

Q: (Ark) Yeah, you know, someone has to do this (squatting down and jumping up maneuvers that looked very difficult)... (L) Well, the thing is that it's nothing that could really hurt you. It's not strenuous. (DD) Except those knee drops. (Ark) Okay, I start exercising tomorrow! (C) And all the 200 people, don't need to be in the same place, or do they?

A: It is good to have at least seven in one group. 8 is better.

Q: (L) At least. So, the more the merrier?

A: Yes

Q: (Ark) So it's much like these shamans dancing to get the rain, yes?

A: That was corrupted. They had already lost the knowledge that this is a group thing and no one individual has the "being" to stand alone in 3D {against 4D}.

Q: (L) But the Indians would do rain dances together, wouldn't they? I mean the Native Americans, excuse me. (A***) Feathers, not dots! (laughter)

A: Yes. But they too had lost much knowledge.

Q: (P) Does the location have an influence on the effectiveness of the dance?

A: It can, but not important enough to think about it much. One does want to avoid negative energy locations.

Q: (DD) Maybe not in the back here with the underground stream going to the pond...

A: Running water is good.

Q: (A***) Where we removed the pergola today, there's a nice clearing there. (Joe) Could seven people in this room do something like that at this time?

A: The effort would be extremely beneficial for all here particularly in terms of DNA and other benefits. But for global purposes the larger number is needed. The power increases exponentially with the addition of each person. Remember the saying: Wherever two or MORE (letters came slowly) are gathered...

Q: (L) I guess when you do that slow little loopy thing, that you want to capitalize those letters?

A: Yes

Q: (DD) Is there a time on Mondays to do the dance, like sunrise or sunset?

A: Better as sun sets. In fact you can employ a little sungazing.

Q: (L) So you do your sungazing, get yourself charged up, and then you start your dance. Is that it?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Is it a good idea to do breathing exercises beforehand?

A: Absolutely!

Q: (L) How about doing some Pipe Breathing while you're doing the dance steps?

A: Maybe. Try it!

Q: (DD) Do we have the dance steps? (L) Well, they said the steps were right in the first and second dances, or a combination of something of those. (Joe) What about music?

A: That depends on aim. We think that you can network to figure that out.

Q: (Joe) If your aim was to like {demonstrates aggressive stance)... (L) You need like martial sounds I guess. (S) So, for the final one with 200 people to block the bad guys, we could use Pink Floyd, the Tear Down the Wall song! (laughter) (L) Another Brick in the Wall, eh?

A: Actually...

Q: (laughter) (L) Not a bad idea! (Allen) So should we have workshops to teach people how to do these dances?

A: You better learn them first!

Q: (L) I guess you'll have to watch those first two videos over and over again. (A***) We'll figure them out easily enough. (L) Alright peoples, are we done? Or are you guys so enthused that we just take a break? (Break) (L) So basically, we can recapitulate by saying that people need to learn to breathe. Breathing can change things in their physiology. And also they need to use the breathing to get themselves into a meditative state, or a state where they can do the bioenergetic breathing, which then helps them to release karmic and current life programs and issues and get a cleansing. Once they've started to become cleansed, then they are able to - and this is supposed to be interspersed with, as I understand it - continuous input of data and information. They did say that you use this to deal with reality. This meditating and breathing is not an escape, this is a healing. Meanwhile, you're supposed to at the same time - throughout the day - you're supposed to be paying close attention to reality and not falling into illusion. Okay, so we've got that part of the program. And then once these people begin to clear out their traumas and their programs and get free of illusions and so forth, that means that they are then better able to use facing reality and thinking with a hammer to connect their chakras. And that, I assume, means connecting to their higher intellectual center and higher emotional center. Of course, you connect the emotional center first and then the intellect comes in also. So, in other words, they become kind of like connected with themselves in the future so to say. Am I on track so far?

A: Yes. But we would like to point that all "souled" individuals are members of a fragmented 6D soul/being. When they begin to connect with their future/higher centers, this implies a natural connecting with the other members of their soul group.

Q: (L) Okay, so anyhow, that's the first thing. And then once people begin to make these connections and then they begin to practice this spiral and maze maneuver which is in a sense like... gee, it's almost like human beings becoming crop circles on the surface of the landscape, and creating neural circuits of some sort in the mind of the earth, or in the body of the earth. Anyway, that's what I'm getting at. And then that is what enables them to do things like mental blocking... Okay, so if you're gonna do this mental blocking, okay so you're gonna do this dance and whatever, how do you effectively put the mental block in place? I mean, you're just dancing thinking, "I'm mental blocking! I'm mental blocking!"

A: No no no! Remember the "Prayer of the Soul"?

Q: (L) So we're supposed to say that while we're dancing?

A: Sometimes. Other times the words will be different. Sometimes it will be chanted and sometimes it will be sung.

Q: (L) So where are we gonna get these words from?

A: We will be giving them in dreams to you.

Q: (A***) Sweet. (L) So, pretty much we've got... Well, that's quite a comprehensive program. There was some discussion on the forum recently about if people had to die to get to the 4th density. And I think I remember you distinctly saying that some will die and some won't. Is that correct?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Some people will transition into 4th density. Like I said before they'll just kind of like rejuvenate and their DNA will unwrap or change under the new cosmic environment and their bodies will change?

A: Some.

Q: (L) And we already asked what some of that would be like. Okay, so... (A***) I supposed we're not allowed to ask if it's gonna happen to us. (laughter)

A: You have your work cut out for you. You have a choice of futures. What will it be? A dark star or paradise restored??? Goodbye.

Session Date: January 23rd 2016

Laura, Andromeda, and Galatea at the board

Pierre, Niall, Joe, PoB, Chu, Arky, Data, Oxajil, Scottie

A: Greetings to all! Hoklineia of Cassiopaea!

Q: (L) I forgot to mention the date. Today is the 23rd of January 2016. First session of the year...

A: Joy to the world!

Q: (L) And why do you say that?

A: It will be soon now.

Q: (L) What will be soon?

A: Glad tidings!

Q: (L) Why do I distrust that expression? Why am I suspicious? Why do I suspect that, "Joy to the world" and "Glad tidings" is from an entirely cosmic perspective and may not be so perceived by the majority of the people on this planet?

A: Accurate perception. But would you like for the present state to continue on its present trajectory?

Q: (L) Well, no.

A: We once said that the Earth benefits from occasional cleansing. Nothing lasts forever.

Q: (L) Well. So, I'm assuming we have questions from the...

(Joe) The peanut gallery?

(PoB) I have one. It's about the GMO food. My question is: How deep the modification goes? When you have for example a GMO corn, and it will go through chemical processes, and we get alcohol or vitamin C from it. Is it affected by the modification?

A: Unless you consume the DNA bodies there should be no problem.

Q: (L) So does that mean that when products are made out of some kinds of genetically modified things that if the product is made in such a way that it excludes the DNA bodies and it just extracts a chemical or something from it, then it should be generally safe?

A: Yes

Q: (PoB) And when we eat meat of an animal that was fed with GMO corn or crops?

A: That is different!

Q: (Pierre) If we consume DNA bodies directly, it's harmful for us. The animal consumes the DNA bodies, and then we consume them. That's the same. There will be toxins, and maybe DNA migrations.

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Can I ask what was the cause of my "Saturday Night Fever"? [laughter]

A: DNA modification!

Q: (Pierre) Those GMO's you consumed! [laughter]

(Joe) By iodine?

A: Yes. Indirectly.

Q: (Data) Is it a positive or negative modification?

A: Positive. New strands online.

Q: (Data) Congratulations! [laughter]

(Galatea) "You have evolved. You are experiencing new feelings: anxiety, fear, terror!" [laughter]

(Joe) Why have I been having these symptoms like anxiety and fear since then?

A: Any DNA activation has far reaching repercussions on multiple body systems. You have experienced swarms of micro-earthquakes within.

Q: (Joe) Usually swarms of micro-earthquakes in the physical world precede The Big One. [laughter]

(L) Not necessarily.

(Joe) Hopefully not. Talking about the Wave coming and that kind of stuff... The C's mentioned in past sessions that it would be like a thermonuclear blast. I'm assuming it's different for different people, right?

A: You now have some idea of what that is like.

Q: (Joe) So, me frantically going around taking supplements and protocols and all this kind of stuff to "cure" myself is largely pointless then?

A: Not pointless if it eases the process.

Q: (Joe) How long is it likely to last?

A: Up to you!

Q: (Joe) It's not the kind of thing I would necessarily encourage in myself...

(L) God! He sounds like me years ago with these cagey little remarks... "Holy moley! I wouldn't wish this on anybody!" [laughter]

(Joe) I mean, I can't decide, can I? I'm sure I would have if I could have before now.

(L) I don't think that's what they mean. I think it has to do with the physiology and the natural processes. It's all individual.

A: Yes. It could be a couple more months before you adjust to the new energy state.

Q: (Joe) One last little question: Do I have mercury toxicity?

A: Some.

Q: (Joe) So I'll keep going with DMSA then?

A: Yes

Q: (L) I don't think it'll take long.

(Andromeda) No. You're already feeling better now.

(Joe) Okay. Thank you.

(L) Other questions?

(Joe) There's an alignment of five planets starting more or less now...

(L) It's not an alignment. Let's call it a display... a visual display.

(Joe) Okay. Of Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn for the next month. The last time this happened was December 2004, which also lasted for one month. About ten days into that event, there was the Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami that killed 300,000 people.

(L) When was the last time it happened before that? Has anybody looked into that?

(Data) It's hard to calculate it.

(Joe) Well, it would be in the news, no? But maybe the first question is: Did the last alignment have anything to do with that earthquake?

A: Yes partly.

Q: (Pierre) The reason why this alignment was a cause or partial cause of the earthquake is related to this discharge model we developed in the Earth Changes book?

A: Yes but not all such configurations are necessarily connected to such events. In the present period, there are other important energies afoot in the cosmos.

Q: (Pierre) In 1997, you mentioned that the energetic source of El Niño was some kind of energetic connection with the cosmos around 18 degrees latitude.

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) Now, you also mentioned in 1997 that Laura should look for a spike in the graph. Here in my hand, in front of my eyes I have an ocean index graph showing that there is a spike. Right now we're experiencing the strongest El Niño since 1950. So, first: Is this spike the spike you were hinting about 19 years ago?

A: Indeed. And it is not yet over.

Q: (Pierre) We have reached a level that is higher than ever, and it's STILL climbing up. You mentioned this spike in conjunction with a 10.4 earthquake near the West coast of the USA in the Pacific.

A: Indeed.

Q: (Pierre) So, does this spike in El Niño activity indicate a 10.4 earthquake coming in the Pacific?

A: Could very well be. Notice the Hawaii aviation crash and then relate to the items we listed as being associated.

Q: (L) Well, now wait a minute. In that particular list of items... Admittedly, that also includes something about, "Ukraine explosion". Well, what we have in Ukraine is not even an explosion, it's like a human explosion there. There are lots of associated bombs exploding and military type activity. But a singular Ukraine explosion, chemical or nuclear, did not occur.

A: Notice also in that possible timeline that Princess Diana was mentioned?

Q: (L) Yes, Princess Diana was mentioned as some kind of suicide attempt. But Princess Diana is dead, so what are you saying? Are we on a different timeline than the one that was involved in that collection of predictions?

A: Somewhat. Notice that what has happened in Ukraine is worse than a single explosion.

Q: (L) So Princess Diana died in 1997, before we talked about that spike. The predictions about Ukraine and all those other things came, what? In 1994? Several years earlier, I think. And you're saying that what was predicted in that string of predictions about Ukraine specifically was not as bad as what is actually happening now. And obviously, Princess Diana dying in that terrible car crash as she did then was a lot worse than her living on and maybe having a suicide attempt but getting counseling and living her life, her children not being left alone, and all that sort of thing. So, what appears to me to be what's going on is that we actually switched to a worse timeline because of something somebody did in 1996 or 1997?

(Pierre) Between the predictions and now.

(L) And are the predictions still similar?

A: Yes

Q: (L) I mean, we've still got Ukraine having explosions, just different. We still had this Hawaii aviation crash, which was on the list. But there were several other things. So, some things could be worse and some things could be not so worse? Is that what we're getting at?

A: Yes

Q: (L) What about the 10.4 earthquake? That was talked about after Diana’s death... I had the feeling that Diana's death was an evil thing. Like if somebody did that, they changed the whole future in a negative way. What was the date of that session?

(Andromeda) It was an evil marker.

(Chu) What else was in those predictions?

(L) California, Lassen, gas explosion in the Northeast... We've been having gas explosions like CRAZY, but everywhere.

(Data) What about the supernova?

(L) The supernova was included. We just got that report about the most bodacious supernova ever seen.
{From session 3 Dec. 1994:


Ukraine explosion; chemical or nuclear. Hawaii crash; aviation, possibly involving military. More California seismic activity after 1st of year: San Diego, San Bernardino, North Bakersfield, Barstow: all are fracture points. Hollister, Palo Alto, Imperial, Ukiah, Eureka, Point Mendocino, Monterrey, Offshore San Luis Obispo, Capistrano, Carmel: these are all stress points of fracture in sequence. "Time" is indefinite. Expect gradual destruction of California economy as people begin mass exodus. Also, Shasta erupts; Lassen activity. Ocean floor begins to subside. Leave channel open and pause: Queen Elizabeth serious illness; blood related. Princess Diana suicide attempt. Gas explosions this winter in NE United States, Texas and other. Supernova and unusual weather all over. Memphis feels tremors. Minneapolis banking scandal relates to mysterious Nordic covenant. Evangelical sexual tryst exposed. Gold is discovered in California after one of the quakes. UFOs dramatic increase and Gulf Breeze gets swarmed, becomes massive "Mecca". Laura sees much more UFO activity. Huge wave of UFO activity. All manner and origins. Just you wait, it will give you chills and that feeling in the pit of your stomach. Many aliens will appear and we will be visible too. Think of it as a convention. All must awaken to this. It is happening right now. The whole populace will play individual roles according to their individual frequencies. This is only the beginning. Just you wait "Henry Higgins," just you wait!}

(Chu) What else happened in 1997 {the year Diana was killed}?

(PoB) Flood in Poland, and Arky went to the US...

(L) Oh yeah! Honey Bear came! That's another thing.

(Ark) And changed the timeline! [laughter]

(Galatea) So we're saying that Princess Diana's death is a marker?

(L) It may not have been just a marker. It may have been that by implementing that... I'm convinced that there was foul play there.

(Joe) There was! Absolutely.

(L) I think that by doing that, some very, very evil influences were turned loose on this planet.

(Pierre) [returns after checking dates] The session about the spike and the 10.4 earthquake was on July 4th, 1998. Diana was dead on the 31st of August 1997.

(L) So in other words, the 10.4 earthquake and tsunami in the Pacific Northwest may be on the agenda still because it was part of the new timeline that was related to the murder of Princess Diana?

A: Pretty much!

Q: (Joe) But it might not be 10.4.

(L) It could be worse!

A: Yes

(Pierre) This video of the mini-tsunami in the Pacific Northwest we just saw today, is it a precursor of the Big One?

A: One.

Q: (L) One precursor.

(Joe) Like little quakes.

(L) There's been some weird stuff going on in that Cascadia subduction zone for like a year or so.

(Joe) Roads collapsing on the West Coast of USA...

(L) Roads collapsing, things falling, a whole series of earthquakes.

(Niall) They've had the two strongest ever storms for two years running in the North Pacific. The most recent one matched the same low pressure record as the first one.

(L) When was the latest one?

(Niall) In mid-December.

{December 13th, 2015: 'Intense Alaska storm ties strongest on record'

A potent storm approaching western Alaska this weekend has tied the strongest recorded storm to impact the region. This storm comes a little over a year after ex-Super Typhoon Nuri became the most powerful system on record to cross Dutch Harbor, Alaska, which is located in the Aleutian Islands, with a central low pressure of 924 millibars (27.29 inches of Hg).

Wiki entry on the November 2014 'Bering Bomb':

Due to an unusually powerful North Pacific jet stream, the extratropical cyclone underwent extremely explosive cyclogenesis on November 7, owing to the energy from differences in air masses. The system split into two centers early on the same day, but the former center on the southwest was absorbed into the new center on the northeast, within half of a day. After attaining typhoon-force winds at 70 knots (130 km/h; 80 mph), the new storm’s central pressure decreased to 924 mbar (hPa; 27.29 inHg) [NOAA's figure] early on November 8, becoming the most intense extratropical cyclone of the North Pacific Ocean since reliable records began. The system's intensity shifted the jet stream far to the north of Alaska, resulting in a large mass of Arctic air invading the United States along and east of the Rocky Mountains, which caused the worst cold wave the United States had experienced since the 2013–14 North American cold wave.}

(L) So, yeah... There is obviously some kind of energetic sink there. It's sucking energy.

(Data) Did the supernova that happened in January (this month) have any effects on humanity?

A: It didn't happen in January.

Q: (L) When did it happen?

(Data) The news article is from January.

(Andromeda) I think they discovered it in June of last year – June 2015. That's when it was first detected.

{Lee Billings of Scientific American reports:


Discovered in June 2015 by ASAS-SN’s twin 14-centimeter telescopes operating in Cerro Tololo, Chile, the supernova just appeared as a transient dot of light in an image, and wasn’t immediately recognized as particularly special. Only after several other telescopes piled on to provide additional observations of the outburst’s fading afterglow did it become clear to Dong and his collaborators that they had seen something record-breaking. The first hint came from a spectrum of the supernova delivered by the 2.5-meter du Pont Telescope in Chile seven days after the initial discovery. “When we saw the spectrum, we were baffled,” Dong recalls. “It didn’t look like any supernova we had seen.

The explosion’s magnitude is so large that it challenges the current theories about these cosmological phenomena. Allison Eck of PBS explains:

If ASASSN-15lh’s parent star shed its out layers of gas and then collapsed its inner core to form what’s called a magnetar—a dense, rapidly rotating magnetized core—then magnetized wind emanating from that collapse could have shocked the outwardly flying matter enough produce a massive explosion. The catch is that the magnetar would have to have been spinning at a rate of one revolution per millisecond—that’s 60,000 rpm—which pushes the boundaries of what scientists think is physically conceivable. The magnetar idea may not be correct, but it’s at least plausible. Meanwhile, experts are on the lookout for other explanations.}

(Data) What were the effects from the supernova?

A: Compare news to event!

Q: (L) Are you saying that it can have an effect on humanity, or it did?

A: Yes

Q: (L) But it's up to us to figure it out?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Also, I suppose we could look at planetary events. Weather events. We'll have to go back on SOTT and look.

(Chu) It may have helped Putin.

(L) When did he start whupping up on those people, September? Within three months, Putin's on the warpath. It probably took three months to formulate strategies.

(Joe) Yeah, they probably started back then and put it all in place.

(L) That could be part of it. What next?

(Galatea) Was the death of Aaliyah similar to Diana's in that it was like an omen?

(L) Who's she?

(Galatea) A singer. She died.

A: No

Q: (Galatea) Was she murdered?

A: No

Q: (Galatea) So it actually was an accident.

A: Yes

Q: (Galatea) Damn. What about Bruce Lee's death? Was he murdered?

A: Puhleeze!

Q: (Galatea) He wasn't?

A: No

Q: (Galatea) Okay. Okay, one last one: Was Kurt Cobain murdered?

A: No

Q: (Galatea) So everything they say is true about him? He did commit suicide?

A: Yes

Q: (Galatea) Oooh. Okay, I'm done.

A: You need different "heroes".

Q: (Galatea) People who aren't dead...

A: Yes that would be a start!

Q: (Galatea) I like MLK and JFK, and they're dead.

(Pierre) These are good heroes. Putin, don't you like Putin?

(Galatea) He's okay.

(L) Okay, what else?

(Data) I have another question about Joe's new strands. Joe asked if he got the effects just from the iodine, and the answer was indirectly. What was the other factor that triggered this?

A: Endocrine activation and chakra movement.

Q: (Pierre) It's interesting that they bring these two things together. It's usually considered as separate. But before in a previous session they said those organs that are glands are actually portals to higher densities. So the endocrine...

(Joe) They're all so-called chakra points.

(L) Mercury collects in the pineal and pituitary too...

(Joe) Everywhere.

(L) Yeah, and that's kind of your direct line.

(Pierre) So it makes sense that the endocrine activation triggered by the iodine...

(Joe) So everybody else already has clean chakras and that's why they didn't have similar effects?

A: Some others, yes.

Q: (Joe) I was thinking some people could have a similar experience, but in a...

(L) Longer, more drawn out, more modulated...

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) Different symptoms, different duration.

(L) Yeah, I think it can happen a little more gradually. I think you were just particularly stubborn and resistant, similar to myself. When you become stubborn and resistant about your illusions as I was, then when this activation takes place and your illusions get stripped away and everything goes kaflooey... It's like the bigger your illusions, the harder you fall.

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) That's what I figured.

(Galatea) You're just popping everybody's bubble today!

(Joe) Noooo.

(L) So, any other questions?

(PoB) And what about the mechanical problems with water we have had recently?

(L) Oh yeah, we've had these several things happen. The guitar rack fell off the wall, we had a leak in the bathroom, the trap fell off the kitchen sink and we had a little flood in the kitchen, and then we had to have all of our septic tanks pumped out because we had blockages, and the farm had blockages because of too much grease being put down the drain. Basically, we're having inflow problems and outflow problems.

(Pierre) This morning it was inflow. We had a water pipe leak in the bathroom upstairs.

A: You need to deal with blockages and the inflow will be corrected.

Q: (L) And when you say "blockages", I'm sure you mean emotional or mental or psychological or whatever?

A: Yes

Q: (Ark) Um, what can I do to unblock my creative outflow?

A: When the house energy changes it pulls all with it.

Q: (L) Do we have any kind of like negative energy involved with our house itself? I mean, do we need to do some salting or stuff like that?

A: It wouldn't hurt.

Q: (L) I think this energy was brought recently. It was recent.

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) I wonder if we'd have better energy if we knocked out the two walls in the front hall and restored them to the way they used to be with windows instead? [laughter]

(L) You think it would change the energy? I think it would definitely change the energy. [laughter] Is it true that putting in those front windows and replacing our back doors here will help to change the energy in the house?

A: Yes, but more is needed.

Q: (Pierre) More windows? They said it! [laughter]

(L) I think we've gotta do some salting, Feng shui, etc.

(PoB) If it has something to do with energy flow, we should think about moving around or removing spikey plants that can act evil if they are in the wrong places.

(Andromeda) You mean my yuccas? They're INNOCENT!

A: Says the mistress of blocking energy!

Q: (PoB) What?

(L) Were you referring to PoB?

A: Yes

Q: (PoB) I want to know more. What do you mean?

A: You have a
A: You have almost no situational awareness.

Q: (PoB) Okay. What can I do to improve?

A: Research and implement energy flow solutions.

Q: (L) So I guess that means really kind of all of us for the house in general. Why don't we get José over here? He's the Feng shui master. Is that a good idea?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) I have a question for Atreides and Galatea. On the heavy metals, do either or both of them have heavy metal toxicity?

A: Not much.

Q: (Joe) A couple of weeks ago when I was in bed and having a bad night, I had a vague awareness of an upright alligator type thing beside the bed. Was that significant in any way, or is there any meaning behind that that I should pay attention to?

A: See previous!

Q: (Joe) About energy flows?

(L) Yeah.

(Andromeda) Was that referring to the energy of the house or the DNA changes?

A: Yes

Q: (Andromeda) [laughter] The energy of the house?

A: Yes

Q: (L) I'd say when stuff like that happens it's because there are blockages in inflow and outflow. When that kind of stuff happens, then your energy tries to break out by making holes in places where it shouldn't. That leaves gaps for entry of other energies.

A: Your own subconscious sends messages to yourself. It can take many forms, including alligators!!!

Q: (Galatea) So, Joe's subconscious sent him alligators, and mine sent me soot. [laughter]

(Joe) And in both of those cases, it was failure of the unity shield?

A: Gaps!

Q: (Joe) Gaps.

A: Awareness!

Q: (Galatea) You want to know the properties of the powder?

(Pierre) I wanted to know what it was.

(L) Do you have it?

(Galatea) No, I cleaned it up and threw it away.

(Andromeda) You have to save these things for scientific investigation!

(L) Yeah, Pierre could have sent it to a lab for testing.

(Pierre) What was it? What color?

(Galatea) It was black, and it smelled like eggs. That's why I thought of sulfur.

(Pierre) But it was tangible, so it was made of something. I dunno what.

(L) Alright, I'm done. Anybody else have a question? Anything we need to know that we haven't asked?


(All) What?!

(Galatea) It's an anagram!

(Joe) Hang on a minute! Get them back! That's no way to leave us...

(L) For all we know, it's something in angelic language.

(Andromeda) But it's something we're supposed to know!

(L) I think they were pulling our leg. If we have the audacity to ask such an open-ended question trying to trick them into telling us something, they give us something that'll drive us crazy.


The patient himself would be able to feel whether the specific music of a protein or molecule is necessary to heal it or not. <It is the consciousness that is involved when listening to a molecule, explains Joël Sternheimer. There is a direct action on the body but that one can appreciate thanks to our brain and our nervous system. A circuit is established: one can consciously realize what is happening. The second element to be able to play a melody is the timbre, the sound. In other words, what instrument will be used? <Depending on the frequency of each note inside a protein, a stamp will be imposed ... We try to find the one that seems best suited, "answers Pedro Ferrandiz.
The question naturally arises at this point: If the ratios are actually those of light vibrations, how can they become sound? This is not a difficult to achieve as it might seem. The answer lies in the fact that we are working with ratios and correspondences. Light, of course, is not sound. The two manifest on the material plane in different ways. But, there may be a common archetype to which they both relate, and this archetype may be found in the relationships among various rates of vibration.
Although not common, except perhaps in infants, there are a number of people who hear color or see sound. This crossing of the senses, so to speak, is a process known as synaesthesia.
Perhaps we can gain insight into this matter by taking a different approach. Consider the following koan (of sorts): Sound works by pushing molecules in the air, causing vibration. What happens when the sound vibration is faster and tinier than the smallest molecules? What do we call it then? Where does “the sound” go?
An important key to understanding how we can actually hear high, fast, light vibrations is the Law of the Octave. This law states that any vibration of sound (or light) can be doubled or halved, and the same pitch (or light frequency) will result, but what changes is the octave of the sound (or radiation). A simple example: Orchestras tune to the concert pitch A, which is established at a frequency of 440 hertz (cycles per second). Playing the same note at 220 or 880 hertz results in a tone we immediately recognize as an “A,” but it sounds either an octave lower or higher than the concert A as such. By taking a very rapid vibration of light and halving it many times (about 35 iterations), we can bring this vibration into the range of hearing. In this manner we can get an idea of what all those light “pitches” might “sound” like if we heard them within the octave range of our sense of hearing. Hence the sound is relational, poetic, if you like. But, is it musical?
I just finished this morning, a week of treeworking site during the night .Requiring the interruption of traffic and a power outage
The weather and the time was stormy(danger!) and flashing lightnings(danger!)... I feel reloaded and wet... (from the human bullshit and its lack of organization)
That's why i gonna use this energy not to throw again the dices, i going to let the dices to their place, and come back to my floating puzzle.
Karl Jansky died on Valentine’s Day, 1950 at 44 years old after suffering for years from Bright’s disease, a chronic kidney disease. Jansky was diagnosed with kidney problems during his time at university and towards the end of his life; despite special diets he had high blood pressure and heart problems.His two children were still in their teens. Karl Jansky never had the opportunity to delve deeper into the study of interstellar radio waves.

However, despite never pursuing his keen interest into radio astronomy, Jansky is often recognised as the first person to discover these signals coming from outer space.He was fortunate during the time of research, in the early 1930s, that the Sun was going through an inactive period in its 11 year sun-spot cycle so detecting signals from further a field was easier.Otherwise the Sun’s radiation would have overwhelmed any other signals*

Citation de: C's

10 Dec 1994
Q: (L) What or who were the beings seen by D__ M__ in her hypnotic regression the other night?

A: Her essence.

Q: (L) Were these in any way physical beings on the earth we occupy in space/time from where we are at this moment?

A: No.

Q: (L) This happened in a so-called alternate reality?

A: Is still.

Q: (L) So, in some alternate reality, D__ is a preying mantis being eating little children?

A: And so are you. And all others.

Q: (L) This is an essence of what?

A: Her being.

I guess if we are all a "smorgasbord" of DNA, we have "essence connections" to all kinds of critters. It probably depends on which ones we identify with, choose, manifest, or whatever.

Colleen Tomas here: Note the blackness at the center of the above four photos of G1.9. This is expected (by me) of any star that has phonons on the outside instead of on the inside like our Sun (Personal theory based on physics: matter and antimatter pick a magnetic zone to quadrant of in. Local space ambient ion charge determines which type of matter will go inside and which goes outside). Phonons can be 100% efficient at absorbing light. Earthlings have only just begun to learn about phonons as they play with crystals for electronics and other applications. Crystals will emit harmonic phonons until you squeeze them, at which time they emit photons instead of harmonic phonons (owing to making magnetic transverse waves taller and closer together thus more energetic into the light emitting range).

Since NASA scientists have never heard of phonons they foolishly believe this dwarf star is a supernova that is enlarging, not because it is drawing closer but because it is expanding in an explosion. While that theory may seem plausible is does not hold up when we consider ancient historical accounts of the binary star that regularly orbits our Sun [1]. Besides, solar system changes are consistent with an approaching object that is emitting a great deal of antimatter cosmic rays that in the link there NASA admits is coming from a near by source! Antimatter is dark matter, positrons and antiprotons are phonons, cool bodies of subtle transverse waves that have intense magnetic force. Magnetic force is strongest where thermal output is lowest. Phonons are the inverse twin of photons. Together photons and phonons are the husband and wife of creation, all matter is built from matter-antimatter pairs. Together these inverse ion entities form a bar magnate with north and south poles. Matter, antimatter Ion beams are now observable in Earth's atmosphere, they are way beautiful too. Before I add the links to them know the physics first (that is my price for admission).

In the videos you will see a matter-antimatter cloud form from ion beams [NASA admits these antimatter streams are coming from a near object here) that will begin to swirl in one another's magnetic fields (sometimes they shoot apart and come back together [1, 2]). As emerging phonon tubes form they swirl draging ions around to form a flat spiral in the sky, a very large one. When the ions ground to Earth you can see the toroidal magnetic field light up in a lovely blue transverse wave spiral. When the incoming phonon tube that caused all of this to begin with finally punches trough our atmosphere you see a black hole evolve. These plasma ion-phonon-magnetic structures have been filmed all over the world. Apparently only I can explain the physics for these since I studied phonon physics. Lots of sincere but wrongheaded explanations out to there to explain these structures but they are just guesses and even cover ups 1, 2, 3, 4.

I predicted these plasma structures and others that fit ancient art of various types of plasma effects to Dave Talbott months ago, well before the first spiral over Norway was filmed. I based my prediction on the fact that we were about to enter into the same cosmological situation that inspired the myth makers long ago. Mythological archetypes are Dave's area of expertise. The spiral is a commonly represented form in ancient art. Here you go folks the plasma phonon phenomenon I described the physics for 1, 2, 3, 4. There are more than these four on youtube, these are just my favorites. You will see one of these yourself soon, trust me, they will be frightfully common, only now you know not to be frightened. These are natural plasma entities (they do emit x-ray and gamma radiation so if one evolves over your head get under cover please).,19878.msg196602.html#top
Citation de: November 12, 1994

Q: (L) Back to the quorum and illuminati.
A: Quorum mostly alien; illuminati mostly human.
Q: (L) Well, the quorum has been described...
A: Meet; two halves of whole.
Q: (L) Well the quorum seems to be described as being in touch with the Cassiopaeans, that is, yourselves, which you have described as beneficial beings, is this correct?
A: Close.
Q: (L) The illuminati has been described as being behind or with the brotherhood which has been described as being in connection with the Lizard beings...
A: Close. But not that simple.
Q: (L) Well, if the quorum is the good guys and the illuminati is the bad guys, and they both are at the high levels of Freemasonry, what is the story here?
A: Picture a circle or cycle first now then contemplate for a moment before follow up.
Q: (L) Okay, I am contemplating a cycling circle.
A: Now, two halves representing positive and negative. Two halves.
Q: (L) Well, what I am getting out of that is the two halves and both sides are playing with the human race. Is that it?
A: No. This is complicated but if you can learn and understand, it will be a super revelation.
Q: (L) Well, go ahead and explain.
A: Ask step by step.
Q: (L) Why do we so often have to ask things step by step?
A: In order to absorb the information.
Q: (L) The quorum is described as the good guys. The illuminati is described as bad guys. And yet, they are both
Masonic. When a person in the Masonic organization reaches the higher levels, are there individuals at the higher levels recruiting masons to one side or the other?
A: First, not exactly one side or another.
Q: (L) I am beginning to not understand something here because if the Lizzies...
A: Unblock.
Q: (L) I don't have a block here. If the brotherhood AKA illuminati AKA Lizzies AKA beast are the ones who are going to do detrimental things to this planet, how are they related or connected to the quorum which is in touch with...
A: This will take time to explain be patient it will be worth it.
Q: (L) Well, are you going to explain it right now?
A: Ask step by step.
Q: (L) Okay. What is the nature of evil?
A: Blend.
Q: (L) Are the Lizzies what we would consider to be evil?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Are the Cassiopaeans what we would consider to be good?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Yet, do the Cassiopaeans use and manipulate the Lizzies to accomplish certain things?
A: No.
Q: (L) The Lizzies work independently and in opposition to the Cassiopaeans?
A: Independently, not in opposition.
Q: (L) Well then, is there somebody over and above this whole project...
A: We serve others therefore there is no opposition. Careful now. Step by step. If you do not fully understand answer ask another.
Q: (L) Part of a whole. Part of a circle.
A: Blend.
Q: (L) Does this mean...
A: Picture a blending colored circle image.
Q: (L) Are you saying that at some levels the two halves overlap?
A: Close.
Q: (L) Are you saying that some of the Quorum are good guys and bad guys and the same for the Illuminati because the two are on opposing sides of the circle but at the point of blending one is weighted more to one side and the other to the
other side? And these organizations are where the interactions come together?
A: Closer.
Q: (L) Let's leave it for the time being.
A: No. Now please.
Q: (L) Okay. So it is a blending. Does it have something to do with ... in your case service to others means that you even serve those who serve self, is that correct?
A: Yes; we serve you and the Lizards have programmed your race to self service remember.
Q: (L) Well, I am down a notch or two. So, I am still a service to self individual to some extent, is that correct?
A: But moving slowly toward service to others. Not all humans are.
Q: (L) Does this mean that when people who are members of the quorum or illuminati call for information or help, that you, because of your service to others orientation are obliged to answer whoever calls?
A: Yes and no.
Q: (L) What is the no part.
A: If vibrational frequencies are out of pattern we do not connect.
Q: (L) Is the work of the Lizzies part of an overall grand plan or design?
A: All is.
Q: (L) Let's go on. I am depressed because you guys told me I was a bad person.
A: You are not a bad person.
Q: (L) Well, I am feeling pretty crummy right now.
A: Lizzies induced.
Q: (L) You mean my crummy feelings are Lizzie induced?
A: As always.
Q: (L) Well I am feeling crummy because you guys let me know that I am in the same sinking boat as the rest of the poor slobs on this miserable planet. I was working pretty hard to get out of the boat.
A: Silliness; you're in your own boat.
Q: (L) I would like to know where Dr. Usui got the Reiki symbols?
A: Must answer question.
Q: (L) What question? The quorum and illuminati question?
A: You will feel ecstasy once answered.
Q: (L) Okay. A blending. Yet two halves.
A: Of a circle.
Q: (L) Who designed this circle?
A: Natural frequency wave. Some near conjunction blend both service patterns and each "camp" to create perfect balance.
Q: (L) Okay, so the Illuminati are the higher level on the pathway of service to self and somehow, by reaching these higher levels may have come to realizations or frequencies which have caused their position to be modified or blended to where service to self becomes or incorporates or moves them to service to others realizations, is this correct?
A: Continue.
Q: (L) Okay, the ones in the quorum are those who are focused on service to others and they, in their pathway of service to others begin to understand that some service to self is service to others.
A: Close.
Q: (L) And the whole idea is to blend both pathways no matter which direction you come to it from?
A: Service to others provides the perfect balance of those two realities; service to self is the diametrical opposite closing the grand cycle in perfect balance.
Q: (L) So it is necessary to have a pathway of service to self in order for the pathway of service to others to exist?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) And those who are in the quorum and the illuminati ...
A: Blends in middle.
Q: (L) So it is necessary to have the darkness in order to have the light...
A: Yes.
Q: (L) And it is necessary to have the Lizzies in order to have the Cassiopaeans...
A: Close.

Q: (L) And both groups evolved through the Masonic organizations..
A: Freemasonry is human reflection in physical of these processes.

C's: We have told you before: the Nazi experience was a "trial run," and by now you see the similarities, do you not? ...Now, we have also told you that the experience of the "Native Americans" vis a vis the Europeans may be a precursor in microcosm. Also, what Earthian 3rd density does to Terran 2nd density should offer "food for thought." ...And we have also warned that after conversion of Earth humans to 4th density, the Orion 4th density and their allies hope to control you "there." Now put this all together and what have you? At least you should by now know that it is the soul that matters, not the body. Others have genetically, spiritually and psychically manipulated/engineered you to be bodycentric. Interesting, as despite all efforts by 4th through 6th density STO, this "veil remains unbroken."

I already said i left aside the dice, and well I think I threw the pieces of puzzle like dice !
So as already said before, with the right time i will come back on it, because it's so fun. :lol:
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