NeuroFeedback, NeurOptimal and Electroencephalography

Hey guys!

Just wanted to quickly share a bit more about my experience with NO. Since the whole anger that was coming up and my kinesiology session, I decided to do only one session per week, but then went back to 3 sessions in a week... And now I think i'm able to compare how I feel when I do 3 or just 1.

So far i've noticed that doing 3 sessions a week is just way too much for me, I can't concentrate, or sleep well and i'm very irritable... But when I do just one I feel way better, my focus is sharper, my general mood is more stable. In general the things I can see that NO has helped with are:

  • I feel like i'm more assertive and I don't fret like I used to, with the nonstop chatter in my head about why did I say this or do that..
  • When teaching my classes I completely forget about everything and i'm able to be present. I feel way more creative and just confident when creating classes.
  • I feel that i'm more serious now, not like grumpy serious, but just a bit more quiet, talking when necessary and knowing when to not talk.
  • When i'm out I enjoy things much more, either if i'm alone walking around or with people. The whole social anxiety thing is not there, at least for now hehe.
  • I do feel I still need to learn how to balance my strong temper and still work on not bottling up emotions, specially with my family.
  • Also something that I find curious. Is that I would always listen to music while writing or just in general, but in some strange way I don't listen to as much music as before and when I do I completely enjoy it. It's like if music was just a constant escape for me or something.
  • Dreams have gotten more interesting. Just last week I had what I think was a very interesting dream. I was finally confronting my dad. In the dream I appeared protecting my mom from his abuse, so IMO it was quite meaningful.
In general I feel like doing 1 session per week works well for me. Also started attending a Family Constellations Therapy which has opened just a whole new perspective about many things. I'll share more about that later, when I can gather more information and work more with my therapist.

Thanks for reading!
Mercredi 19 septembre j'ai fait ma 8ème séance de Neurofeedback rien de particulier, juste un peu de fatigue qui m'a fait me coucher tôt vers 18h30. Vers 19h30, j'ai été réveillée par des cris et des pleurs d'une jeune femme chez mon voisin au dessus de chez moi... Cela dura un moment, je me suis levée et suis allée sur mon balcon, là je la vis et lui demandais si elle avait besoin d'aide et si elle voulait que j'appelle la police quand surgit une femme blonde véhémente qui me lança des menaces de mort sur moi et mes animaux, mon voisin du dessus la rejoignit et me lança les mêmes menaces... Je rentrais chez moi et appelais la police qui vint rapidement... Devant mon récit, ils me demandèrent de faire une main courante le lendemain au Commissariat de Police... C'était la première fois que je recevais des menaces de mort... Après le passage de la police, le calme revint...

Vendredi 20 septembre j'ai fait ma 9ème séance de Neurofeedback rien de particulier à signaler. il me reste une séance à faire qui terminera cette 1ère session.

Wednesday September 19 I did my 8th Neurofeedback session nothing particular, just a little fatigue that made me go to bed early around 6:30 pm. Around 7:30 pm, I was woken up by the screams and tears of a young woman at my neighbour's house above me... It lasted a while, I got up and went to my balcony, there I saw her and asked her if she needed help and if she wanted me to call the police when a vehement blonde woman appeared who made death threats against me and my animals, my neighbour upstairs joined her and made the same threats.... I went home and called the police who came quickly... In front of my story, they asked me to make a handrail the next day at the Police Station... It was the first time I had received death threats... After the police passed by, the calm returned...

Friday, September 20 I did my 9th Neurofeedback session nothing particular to report. I still have one session to do that will end this 1st session.
I just did my first session.

Very pleasant and relaxing, the 'soundscape/music' was so relaxing i think i was on the edge between deep relaxation and sleep, I dont think I fell asleep as my head seems to have stayed upright the whole session, but I did zone out a lot, the 34min felt like 15.

The only difference I could feel, if not placebo or some other factors, was that reading a book before and after the session, the second time the information in the book felt more vivid.
Session 2-3.

Even though I am at a new place and all the factors it introduces into the equation, I think like I've been feeling a lot better, and 'less bothered' by small insignificant 'problems'. There is a real sense of overall attentiveness and contentment. Also a bit anecdotal in nature, I think I've slept better with less thoughts of the past and the day racing, and a more stillness leading to faster and likely better sleep.
Overall, im very very happy with the results and very glad I had the opportunity and chance to do it.
I had my 36th session today. I decided out of curiosity, to count how many clicks I got in a session. I made it to around 200 before I fell asleep. Not that it matters, like I said it was just out of curiosity.

I do, as always, feel more balanced and, less prone to overthinking after the session.

I also think doing N.O. has been a big part in, firstly recognizing that I have a decisiveness problem, a secondly actually doing something about it.
I have a question concerning continuing my NO sessions. I had six in June/July with very positive effects and have written about it in this thread here. Then my practioner, who is the only one in town, discontinues out of personal reasons (job/time). And no other practioner within reasonable travel distance. I really miss the NO sessions.

I checked on Zengar and could rent a system 10 sessions/month. Considering the positive effects my first round of sessions had I think I want to rent it. Maybe then 2-3 times, with brakes inbetween? How would you recommend me to continue? I suppose this depends on individual needs and but maybe you can tell from personal experience. Thanks.
I checked on Zengar and could rent a system 10 sessions/month. Considering the positive effects my first round of sessions had I think I want to rent it. Maybe then 2-3 times, with brakes inbetween?

If the sessions are helping, and your able to continue with renting one, why not go for it? There are benefits to a long stretch of session that help with more deeply engrained brain patterns. Ten sessions a month is a good amount, alternating two per week and three per week. It's sufficient to keep your brain moving along, but still allows for the 'settling in' time. I'm glad it's working well for you.
How would you recommend me to continue? I suppose this depends on individual needs and but maybe you can tell from personal experience. Thanks.

I guess whatever you think works. When I tried it, I pushed myself to do over 30 sessions one every day. If I were to continue again now, I would do one or two a week, or a maximum of one every other day.
I agree with what others have said, you have to figure out what works for you. Like 3DStudent, my initial sessions were every day for 30 days, now I do one per week, I think the optimal for me would be probably around the 2-3 sessions a week, but I can't quite afford it at the moment, so one will have to do. I think it all depends on where you are at and how you are feeling, what you are dealing with etc the more stress and unbalance in your life the more sessions I would say would be beneficial, when things are going relatively smoothly then you can back it off. I guess this all supposes that you can afford it, and in the end, I think being healthy is most important, so for me it's better to go without other things to accommodate for doing the N.O. session FWIW
Thanks, Herondancer, 3DStudent and 987baz for answering and sharing your NO experience. This helped deciding, I will rent the system 10 session/1 month and then see how to proceed, definitely worth investing in (brain) health 🙂.

When I tried it, I pushed myself to do over 30 sessions one every day.

Like 3DStudent, my initial sessions were every day for 30 days, now I do one per week

May I ask, what was the effect of daily NO? I so much loved the effect of my first 6 NO sessions 2 months ago, thats why I'm asking.

(Edit: spelling)
May I ask, what was the effect of daily NO? I so much loved the effect of my first 6 NO sessions 2 months ago, thats why I'm asking.

I wrote about my experience back on page 52. Here's a snippet:

I noticed quickly that my sleep was better, even when I slept for fewer hours than I would like. I also noticed a bit of distance in things that come up in life, even emotionally challenging ones. I noticed a bit of ESP in the form of thinking about someone and then they would text me. Dreams were more active too, and I had two minor premonition dreams.

The first retraction phase came soon after starting and I had anger come up. I became really irritable and would be a bit apologetic around family, letting them know that I was processing things with NO. I think there was an extra anxiety phase too. But around the last week that weekend I had a really depressive and unmotivated phase. So I was glad that I was almost done then, and that was also the time where I started skipping a day or two.
May I ask, what was the effect of daily NO? I so much loved the effect of my first 6 NO sessions 2 months ago, thats why I'm asking.

TBH, I didn't really notice that much when I was doing the sessions, I mean I felt more focused, and, the anxiety was less, but not in a huge way, I think my dreams were more full on and some-what intuitive from my subconscious I believe, it was really only later that I noticed that the anxiety was pretty much gone, for me it was like a cumulative effect if that makes sense.
An update of my NO sessions since we (Lys and I) made a checkup with our practitioner after our 5th session. It was good to assess it with him, it gave me a good mirror. We'll continue on the rhythm, once or twice a month.

I feel more anchored in the present and my negative thought loops seem to have less control over me, I even don't have them so much anymore.
I wake up easier, faster and don't feel submerged and dispersed by "all there is to do" when I am alone.
I have more detachment which makes easier to talk about my weaknesses and notice instantly when I get aggressive for no good reason.
I can notice when I get obsessive and can shift gears. I try to be more considerate. I procrastinate less. I organize myself better.
I am more present here, on the forum, and try to be there every day without getting obsessed and then withdraw. My perception of it is changing and I participate more, which feels like intent coming alive to me. It's been a goal for many years now.

Those improvements are subtle even though my people have seen some betterments, the assessment made me realize I really am going in the right direction. I know my objectives and won't lose them of sight.

Gratitude, Forum.
Hier, j'ai terminé ma dernière séance sur 10 de Neurofeedback.
A cause de mon dos je n'avais pu la faire avant, l'avant dernière datait du 21 septembre...
Le matériel sera repris le samedi 20 octobre...

Yesterday, I finished my last out of 10 Neurofeedback sessions.
Because of my back I hadn't been able to do it before, the penultimate one was on September 21...
The equipment will be picked up on Saturday, October 20....
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