Nole - the champion of freedom in the land of terror, defeated the Western matchmakers
Even before he went out on the field, Nole defeated them, their hypocrisy, their arrogance without cover, they, Westerners, superhumans vaccinated with booster doses cannot defeat one Serb, a Balkan man who has not been vaccinated. It's a classic Western match. The Americans kicked him out of the tournament because he accidentally hit the line judge with the ball. Australians are not letting him into the country because he has not received the vaccine.
For decades, the West has been sinking, decaying, but ... that demise is accelerating every year. The signs of complete decay, the stench of the dead, are now fully visible, and the seal over the abyss will soon be struck!
In one episode of the "Star Trek" series, the main characters get a little carried away, so they have fun and want to outwit their colleague, and then, beware, superior westerners who fly through space to forgive like shit in the air go cheating on a colleague! They turn three cups and hide the ball like the Roma used to do under their fingernails at the Nova Gradiška rest area. This shows the true spirit of Westerners - the spirit of matchmakers, miserable low deceivers and liars, who otherwise like to adorn themselves with other people's feathers and call themselves "noble".
I met their nobility there as a child when I played football with the British Thomas who spent his summers in Rijeka. He broke the ball during the game, and that was the only ball for us in the street. It cost about ten euros in today's purchasing power. Thomas told us for a few days with a rotten smile that he would buy the ball on Monday, and when Monday came and we knocked on his door, we discovered that he had traveled back to England on Sunday.
Novak may be the best in tennis, but in hypocrisy and survival, Westerners are world champions. Novak was first granted a visa at the Australian embassy, and then his entry into Australia was annulled. Former director of the Australian Open and former world number one, Paul McNamee, says that only Djokovic's visa was approved and annulled, while at the same time several tennis players entered Australia with the same medical savings.
Of course, each country has the right to decide who to let into its territory (unless you are a migrant, then you are free to travel around Europe without a certificate and passport, but you can not go to Qatar or Saudi Arabia, although you are Muslim and far closer to Dubai than Paris), however, this is not about any respect for law and order. If they had immediately refused his request, no one would have said a word to them, but they first lured him to fly in, and then tried to humiliate him. This is not law enforcement but a well-organized and well-designed ambush.
And since when are the descendants of British convicts who kidnapped an entire continent from the natives such law lovers? Didn’t their ancestors just fleeing the law drag themselves to Australia where they destroyed a beautiful civilization tens of thousands of years old (read the book “The Silent Call of Australia,” by Marlo Morgan)? Didn't their ancestors experience the most euphoric moments of their lives when they made hell out of Aboriginal life? Isn’t the greatest achievement of British civilization the extermination and slaughter of natives from North America to India? If it were for justice, they would not even be on this continent, and not for someone else to determine whether they can stay on it.
Deporting a healthy man from the country while keeping him in custody as a criminal fits well with Australian tradition. The Australian prime minister banned Novak from entering Australia, and even Hitler let Americans, Soviets and Jews into Germany during the 1936 Olympics. Dark-skinned Jesse Owens won four medals and although Western propaganda wrote that Hitler did not congratulate him, in fact the opposite was true, Hitler waved at him and Roosevelt refused to admit him to the White House. This is proof that today's West and especially Australia are more fascist than Nazi Germany ever was.
On the medical side, the ban is meaningless. Novak has overcome the crown twice, has stronger immunity than all those hysterical crowns and has no need for vaccination. But it turns out that healthy people are not healthy if they are not vaccinated.
If the vaccine is intended to protect an individual from a more severe form of corona, but does not prevent the spread of the virus, what does it matter if Nole has been vaccinated? If vaccinated people transmit the virus, they can get sick and even die, then who exactly is Nole endangering? A man who twice overcame the crown was banned from entering the country because he did not receive a vaccine that does not protect against infection, but allegedly helps to avoid getting a more severe form of the disease that he overcame twice ?!
Who is Nole a threat to? Not for the health of the citizens of Australia, but for their regime, which imprisons those same citizens in camps! Communism has not disappeared, it is only now called globalism!
We live in the era of Gretenism, as the brave priest Don Andjelko Kacunko calls the green agenda. In a world of absurdity in which J.K. Rowling kicked out of her own Harry Potter series just because she said she doesn't understand how a man can have menstruation ?!
For a long time now, sport has not been a sport, Eurovision is not Eurovision. The Nobel Peace Prize goes to war criminals. When the Serbs sent three girls to Eurovision last year, who were full of beauty and femininity, and one of whom is one of the best vocalists in Europe, they looked like they had fallen from Mars at that parade of freaks and freaks. A man with menstruation should have been sent.
All tennis players who have any dignity and honor must leave the tournament. Last night, tennis, sports and fair play were defeated, but Novak achieved his greatest victory, becoming a symbol of free people around the world. He stripped to the end of the western match. He could be a hypocrite like them, buy a certificate that he received the vaccine and earn millions in this tournament, but Nole is a gladiator who does not suffer injustice, colonialism and hypocrisy, but fights for the equality of all people on the planet, regardless of skin color , the way they pray to God and how much money they have. Nole taught Western matchmakers a lesson in honor, pride, and nobility in a society where these values have long been most in short supply.
Nole has been the best in tennis for 16 years, Nole is already the best tennis player of all time, but remember, only the freedom of one man and one nation makes him great! Nole is not only a tennis champion but a freedom champion!
Western matchmakers would play "Hunger Games" with us, and they forget that that ancient Spartacus was from the Balkans ...
Goran Šarić
Nole - šampion slobode u zemlji terora pobijedio zapadnjačke šibicare
I prije nego je izašao na teren Nole ih je porazio, njihovo licemjerje, njihovu nadmenost bez pokrića, oni, zapadnjaci, nadljudi vakcinirani sa booster dozama ne mogu pobijediti jednog Srbina, Balkanca koji se nije cijepio. Klasično je to zapadnjačko šibicarenje. Amerikanci ga izbacili sa turnira jer je slučajno linijsku sutkinju pogodio lopticom. Australci ga ne puštaju u zemlju jer nije primio vakcinu.
Već desetljećima zapad tone, propada, ali... ta se propast sa svakom godinom ubrzava. Sad su već posve vidljivi znakovi potpunog raspada, mrtvačkog smrada, a pečat nad bezdanom će uskoro biti udaren!
U jednoj epizodi serije "Zvjezdane staze" glavni likovi su se malo zanijeli, pa kao zabavljaju se i žele nadmudriti svoga kolegu i onda, pazite, superiorni zapadnjaci koji lete svemirom da prostiš kao govno zrakom (vazduhom), idu prevariti kolegu - šibicarenjem! Okreću tri šalice i skrivaju kuglicu kao nekad Romi pod noktom na odmorištu Nova Gradiška. Ovo pokazuje istinski duh zapadnjaka - duh šibicara, bijednih niskih prevaranata i lažova, koji se inače vole kititi tuđim perjem i nazivati sebe "plemenitima".
Tu sam njihovu plemenitost upoznao još kao dijete kad sam igrao nogomet sa Britancem Thomasom koji je ljetovao u Rijeci. Tokom igre probio je loptu, a to je nama u ulici bila jedina lopta. Koštala je u današnjoj kupovnoj moći nekih desetak eura. Thomas nam je nekoliko dana uz pokvareni osmijeh govorio da će loptu kupiti u ponedjeljak, a kad je ponedjeljak došao i kad smo mu pokucali na vrata, otkrili smo da je još u nedjelju otputovao nazad u Englesku.
Možda je Novak najbolji u tenisu, ali u licemjerju i iživljavanju zapadnjaci su svjetski šampioni. Prvo Novaku odobre vizu u australskoj ambasadi, a onda mu je ponište na ulasku u Australiju. Bivši direktor Australian Opena i bivši svjetski broj jedan, Paul McNamee kaže da je samo Đokoviću viza odobrena pa poništena, dok je u isto vrijeme nekoliko tenisača sa istom medicinskom poštedom ušlo u Australiju.
Naravno da svaka zemlja ima pravo odlučiti koga će pustiti na svoj teritorij (osim ako si migrant, onda možeš slobodno šetati po Europi bez kovid potvrde i pasoša, ali ne može u Katar ni Saudijsku Arabiju, iako si musliman i daleko bliži ti je Dubai od Pariza), međutim, ovdje se ne radi ni o kakvom poštivanju reda i zakona. Da su mu odmah odbili zahtjev nitko im ne bi riječ rekao, ali oni su ga prvo namamili da doleti, da bi ga onda pokušali poniziti. Ovo nije provođenje zakona nego dobro organizirana i osmišljena zasjeda.
I od kada su potomci britanskih robijaša koji su oteli cijeli jedan kontinent od starosjedioca takvi ljubitelji zakona? Nisu li se njihovi preci upravo bježeći od zakona dovukli do Australije gdje su uništili predivnu civilizaciju staru desetinama tisuća godina (čitajte knjigu "Tihi zov Australije", Marlo Morgan)? Nisu li njihovi preci najeuforičnije trenutke svojih života doživjeli onda kada su od života Aboridžina napravili pakao? Nije li najveći doseg britanske civilizacije istrebljenje i klanje domorodaca od Sjeverne Amerike do Indije? Da je pravde ne bi ni bili na ovom kontinentu, a ne da još nekom određuju smije li na njemu ostati.
Deportirati zdravog čovjeka iz zemlje, a pri tome ga držati u pritvoru kao kriminalca dobro se uklapa u tradiciju Australaca. Australski premijer zabranio je Novaku ulazak u Australiju, a čak je i Hitler za vrijeme olimpijade 1936. u Njemačku pustio Amerikance, Sovjete i Židove. Tamnoputi Jesse Owens osvojio je četiri medalje i iako je zapadnjačka propaganda pisala da mu Hitler nije čestitao, zapravo je istina bila suprotna, Hitler mu je mahnuo rukom, a Roosevelt ga je odbio primiti u Bijelu kuću. Ovo je dokaz da su današnji zapad i posebno Australija veća fašistička prćija nego što je to nacistička Njemačka ikad bila.
S medicinske strane zabrana je besmislena. Novak je dva puta prebolio koronu, ima jači imunitet od svih tih korona histeričara i nema nikakve potrebe za cijepljenjem. Ali ispada da zdravi nisu zdravi ako nisu cijepljeni.
Ako je vakcina namijenjena zaštiti pojedinca od težeg oblika korone, ali ne sprječava širenje virusa, kakve veze ima je li Nole vakciniran? Ako vakcinirani prenose virus, mogu oboljeti, pa čak i umrijeti, koga onda točno Nole ugrožava? Čovjeku koji je dva puta prebolio koronu zabranjen je ulazak u zemlju jer nije primio vakcinu koja ne štiti od zaraze, ali navodno pomaže da ne dobije teži oblik bolesti koju je dva puta prebolio?!
Za koga je Nole prijetnja? Ne za zdravlje građana Australije, nego za njihov režim koji te iste građane zatvara u logore! Komunizam nije nestao, samo se sada zove globalizam!
Živimo u eri gretenizma, kako hrabri svećenik don Anđelko Kaćunko naziva zelenu agendu. U svijetu apsurda u kojem je J.K. Rowling izbačena iz vlastitog serijala o Harry Potteru samo zato što je izjavila da ne razumije kako muškarac može imati menstruaciju?!
Dugo već sport nije sport, eurovizija nije eurovizija. Nobelovu nagradu za mir dobivaju ratni zločinci. Kad su Srbi prošle godine na Euroviziju poslali tri djevojke koje su pucale od ljepote i ženstvenosti, a od kojih je jedna među najboljim vokalima Europe, one su tamo na onoj paradi nakaza i frikova izgledale kao da su pale sa Marsa. Trebalo je poslati muškarca sa menstruacijom.
Svi tenisači koji imaju imalo dostojanstva i časti moraju napustiti turnir. Sinoć su tenis, sport i fair play doživjeli poraz, ali je Novak ostvario svoju najveću pobjedu, postao je simbol slobodnih ljudi cijelog svijeta. Ogolio je do kraja zapadnjačke šibicare. On je mogao biti licemjer kao i oni, kupiti potvrdu da je primio vakcinu i zaraditi milijune na ovom turniru, ali Nole je gladijator koji ne trpi nepravdu, kolonijalizam i licemjerje, već se bori za ravnopravnost svih ljudi na planeti, bez obzira na boju kože, način na koji se mole Bogu i koliko novca imaju. Nole je zapadnjačkim šibicarima očitao lekciju iz časti, ponosa i plemenitosti u jednom društvu gdje su te vrijednosti odavno najdeficitarnije.
Nole je već 16 godina najbolji u tenisu, Nole je već sada najbolji tenisač svih vremena, ali zapamtite, samo sloboda jednog čovjeka i jedan narod čine velikim! Nole nije samo šampion tenisa nego šampion slobode!
Zapadnjački šibicari bi sa nama igrali "Igre Gladi", a zaboravljaju da je i onaj antički Spartak bio sa Balkana...
Goran Šarić