The Force is Strong With This One
Barbara's feelings got hurt by critics and trolls and now she wants revenge. What happened to all that stuff she spouted about being proudly fat, Jewish and a queer lesbian? What a snowflake. Oh dear, will I get sued for calling her a name?
In her defense, she received death and rape threats and she's right to sue those who wrote such statements.
Sadly, those who just said she's a talentless disrespectful moron are probably going to be sued too, as I'm sure she will get financial help for her crusade against people with common sense.
These Olympics are becoming a feeding pool for our dear Lizzies, so much hate and anger.
It's a remarkably convenient spot to be in regardless.
- Twist and pervert everything in the name of freedom and progressivism
- Preemptively shield yourself with victimhood to deflect criticism
- Use victimhood as a weapon of ideological expansion, demonizing anything that stands in your way
- Provoke anyone who doesn't buy into your worldview to elicit a violent response
- Use said reaction as an excuse to retaliate and prosecute
- Present yourself as a savior worthy of admiration
- Repeat the process indefinitely to take over the universe, pressing the reset button whenever things get out of control
For the record, I'm not taking a jab at Butch or gay people, just outlining a multipurpose strategy that is employed by all kinds of people with dark motives. To me Butch is just another pawn (complicit or otherwise) within a larger agenda that she may or may not be aware of. I have a couple of gay friends who are fully aware of the bad rep the actions of the LGBTQ+ "community" gives to the rest of their flock and they want nothing to do with it.
Now, I doubt this is news for the seasoned readers of this forum, but I think it's important to remember that when homosexuality is abused, it becomes a very efficient tool in the maintenance of hierarchical control. I'm saying this because, while It's easy to be amused or repulsed by the demeanor of these kinds of people, It's hard to gauge who's doing it out of misguided pride or need for love and who out of genuine narcissism, hypocrisy and consciously malign intent.
Moreover, if there's (past) trauma involved, which we know is the foundation of mind control (breaking the mind apart and rearranging it later), the line separating self-aware from programmed action is rather difficult to determine. Cultivate the vices and weaknesses within a person long enough and you reduce him to a confused beast sensitive and hostile to everything. In the end, we often tend to absorb and reproduce the treatment and behavior we ourselves are exposed to, whether we're conscious of it or not. Annoyingly hard cycle to break out of when it's the destructive kind.
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