Dagobah Resident
How many of them though are perfect little puppets, OPs, NPCs or whatever we like to call them? May be the suffering isn’t really suffering at all but and externally driven by a force compelling them to do what they do and they can’t not do it because they don’t really have a choice in the matter. The Olympic Games is and always has been a spectacle for the elite’s delight, and they drag us all into it like it has some kind of special significance about who is the best at this and that.I'd say some good points of view. What I'd add is that it's worth recognising that the extreme position on either side (i.e. it's either all good or all bad) is never representative of the average.
From an "average" perspective, most sports in the Olympics don't offer very good earnings to athletes who aren't in the top 100 in their sport (exclude stuff like football, basketball and tennis).
On average, to succeed, there's a certain level of dedication and selfishness needed. By its very nature of competition, athletes if they want to succeed must have resolute self confidence but this must be such that they also must know how to learn and listen so they can get better (otherwise they simply won't get better or succeed). They recognise that we (i.e. the normal man) aren't on the same journey and so they may appear selfish or egotistical to us. A man who is dedicated to a cause may appear selfish to a man who is dedicated to nothing - one man sacrifices everything and the other man languishes around criticising and demanding everything.
Having said the above, athletes are not immune to the things that we are all here to learn. Of course each athlete is also an individual human being and they are in 3D because they have lessons to learn despite their profession / calling.
Personally, having seen a few (no one famous, ultimately people who didn't "make it"), I recognise the hard work they put in, the sacrifice and that for the majority, the defeat they'll have to come to terms with. I recognise the strength and talent in these human beings. In my view, its better than just accepting a life of no dedication to anything, of no suffering towards something of not striving or sacrificing or holding a dream.
For what purpose? Pure entertainment just like zoos and circuses.