opiate withdrawal

Bar Kochba said:
Seraphina, when one is coming off of methadone, the levels of medication in the bloodsream are no longer stable, thus the methadone no longer has as much of a *blocking* effect. Especially at a low dose. I myself was prescribed methadone, I was at 150mgs/day and still able to feel effects of other opiates. Methadone saved my life but was still very difficult to stop taking. FWIW
Honestly, it was always pointless to do any other opiates for me, until, that is i was down to about 20 mls or less.
davye72, want you to know I've been thinking about you, rooting for you. I think someone will always be here when you need.

:cool2: :cool2: :cool2:
I also am here if you need someone to talk to. I know what you're going through, and wish you the best in your recovery. It can be done if you want it to be done. :)
Davey! How are you, my friend? How is everything? Are you 100% free and clear of those chains? Hope all is well.
Bar Kochba said:
Davey! How are you, my friend? How is everything? Are you 100% free and clear of those chains? Hope all is well.
Not quite 100%, yet, but getting there. I graduate the program i am in on the 6th of july. Then i can start working, and buying a proper diet, etc.n. :D
funny thing, This thread keeps coming up as a reminder to me in my new posts. It always seems to be pretty good timing. Just when i am thinkin about how much i am craving. :/
Yep davey72, we are all in this together. Different situations, but the same program. keep strong. I am here too. Keep us updated... Remember your posts may help others...
I'm a bit late in coming on this one but do have a little something to say. Drugs, in my mind, are a tipping trap especially for the seeker. I found that out in 2004-2006 with an opiate addiction. It started with a prescription to Vicodin for back pain in 2004. I had found the sign of the times site in late 2002 and had a ravenous appetite and devoured the written material like a hungry beast. It was a link from a link from a link that brought me here as I was studying Gnosticism at the time. Back to the point. One thing led to another and I was eating the Vicodin like candy, then i got into heroin because I couldn't get any pills. That was the last 3 months of my addiction, but it was also by far the worst. I got into treatment and was ramped up to 32 mg /daily of Suboxone. I was told that this is a miracle drug. I was also put on Seroquel another lovely drug thrust upon me. ( I could write a chapter just on Seroquel and it's evils) In the U.S 32 mg of Suboxone is the max, after that it's Methadone. In Europe max is 16 mg, which IMHO should be the max across the board. Anyways
In the US and especially NY where I live drug addiction is HUGE business and we have the revolving door system well in place. and I am living proof of this as I am still on Suboxone after 6 years. Yes I have tried to go off of it, but after 3 weeks of feeling like I wanted to die, I went back on but at a very low dose. My current dose is 8 mg a day and after reading this post from front to back I have gained some very good insight as to how to approach my final hurdle and thank everyone for their input on this post. I would also like to give warning to anyone seeking to get out of the addiction cycle. Be very careful especially if you live in the US. For there are quite a few psychopaths in the addiction treatment realm. In our area, The University of Rochester has their claws deeply in this INDUSTRY. And, well that speaks for itself. I'll leave that one for you to research. Again thanks to all who gave input.
Mr Meowgi said:
[...] The University of Rochester has their claws deeply in this INDUSTRY.
I can understand that. My housemate told me about the evils of Tysabri, and University of Rochester was implicated. Isn't it curious that Buffalo and Rochester are both trashy northern towns with zero economy but with up-and-running universities affiliated with medical institutions that further impoverish the locals through corporate tactics?

Oh, but nice people, though. :rolleyes:
Muxel, what is your criteria for a "trashy northern town?"

Does the university make the rest of the area trashy? Or is it the "nice people" and lack of economy?
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