Organic Portals: Human variation

Nathan said:
I am not sure whether this idea has already been explored or not, but perhaps we could look at the higher centres as a means of learning more about the differences between OPs and potentially souled individuals?
It's a valid point. The difference in the nature and function of the higher centers is a distinction, and the exploration of such a distinction may lead to a deeper understanding of the issue.

From what has been discussed so far, it is obvious that OP's can have a well-developed intellect and can also have higher emotional expression, although triggered by more concrete stimuli than those who are individualized. Some OP's may have inactive higher emotions and little intellect, so there seems to be a spectrum of variation here.

At that same time, just because someone has individuation potential does not mean the higher centers are developed and/or active. Yet, in them, there does seem to be an activation sequence or process which sets them apart from OP's, especially regarding the two highest centers. And the dynamics and consequences of energy transfer from an ensouled person that is still in-becoming and one that has reached a point of new inner organization may be different.

The process, furthermore, where OP's mimic or draw energy from higher centers of those who are individualized is very interesting. Is this what triggers OP's to come into the life of those who are moving into greater individuation, because they sense a source of available higher center energies? Do OP's really need these energies, or is this something that is promoted by 4D STS? In other words, when 4D STS possesses or influences an organic portal does it also seek to "complete" itself by drawing upon energies of individuation, and thus restricting the development of the individuated?

Apparently OP's have something in the place of higher centers, like a higher center potential or plug-in in order to be able to draw these energies. I would think that higher center energies would be incompatible with the lower centers, so they would probably be drawn into a compatible frequency domain (center of radiance compatible with center of reception) that can sustain them in the human body (where the energies can be processed).

On the other hand, it would also make sense that higher center energies can naturally radiate into the environment the same way as the energies of lower centers. So would higher center support of OP's be necessarily draining upon the individualized person? I would think that when they are still developing their higher centers individualized people would be more vulnerable to drainage, but once a certain level of development has been reached and the ensouled individual has reached as stage of second birth balance, the sharing of higher center energies might be a good thing (STO).
Hi all

This thread has now reached some length and allthough different ideas were elaborated I am still missing something that I want to contribute now.

My contribution might appear as a disturbance but I beg you to read carefully my thought and then reevalute what was stated in this thread.

I want to start with a criticism. But next then i will also try another alternative approach.

My first input will be rather provocative

Organic Portal is a dehumanizing concept

Yes. Let us look at this word alone and consider how it interferes with our emotional centers.
There are diverent levels of emotions. The first is the rather mechanical reaction due to some programs. Some intellectual procedures can however silence some emotional reaction. But more often the silencing is done by pure mass of influx which in this case is a influx by literature or often enforced in a certain context.

I will discuss it twice, from a rather mechanical emotional point of view but then further below from a rather advanced point of view with has also to to with emotional centers.

What is in the word 'Organic Portal'. Mouraview introduced this word and it has become quite common within the QFG material. The word itself was never questioned allthough I know that Laura did NOT embark on that Adamic versus OP-Race concept by Mouraview.

The word 'Organic Portal' does convey a human beeing which is not a human beeing but simply organic matter that can be used. In that word is a dehumanizing concept. At least it can be used as negative statement for self classification (which is well attested in this thread).
Does the word convey something even below a beast? That depends on how you look at beasts or how you use and abuse them for your selfish needs. The word OP has a potential to completely deny any worth of life for that beeing since all experiences af that being ar simply movements of a puppet, a portal. The word OP says something like: It moves, It speaks, It prays - yet nothing of it is real.

There were various precursors of dehumanizing concepts. These concepts helped groups identifying themselves. The jews were the elect because the pagans were the beasts. The Nazis too had dehumanizing concepts. Naturaly scape goat theories do have a long tradition.

Now maybe you would think that my words are unfair and do not reflect the thought in this thread. But if you read that thread you will find that there is no commonly accepted idea about OP. The more you'll find readers who try to identify themselves as non OP (allthough Laura said we all should consider us as such).
The trouble starts with the initial idea by Mouraview. He sais that there were two races. Yes, I know it has some ramifications and the thing is not that clear. But esentially Mouraview says that there is a Duality: souled and non souled.
But Laura says different and a lot have decided to agree that a soul or higher chakras or whatever you like is something that has to be seated /developped within men. In other words: there is no starting duality of human kind, which could be prooved today or in the past (!). So it is rather a dogma and belongs to the class of belief systems.

But if we are honest should we then not start with something that does praise the potential in all humans to grow? What do we any good to the work if we start with such a negative statement? (Sorry it sounds like assh... and that's the least)

What the C's say
I stumbled about a session which adresses the problem.
I will at the end of the session relate Arks short answer to me and answer it

I first bring an excerpt of that session. In that session the question was about the portal of a particular attack.

Q: (L) My mother also fell down and has a black eye. I am trying to find the portal? What is the portal through which all this attack is coming?
A: Discover.
Q: (L) Did we already discover it in part, i.e. SV and her mother and that situation?
A: No.
Q: (L) Are you saying that SV is not a portal?
A: People are not portals!!! They are only victims of the things that come through the portals. Otherwise, many could describe you as a "portal."
Q: (L) Well, I never said that I wasn't. Speaking of that...
A: When you concentrate on the people as portals, you falsely direct negative energy upon the soul units themselves. Rather like treating acne with the therapy to be found in a shotgun!
Q: (L) What is the appropriate response when you are in a situation and you know that the person is being victimized, yes, by the forces coming through the portal, but their victimization is causing you a great deal of problems? What is the appropriate response here?
A: How do you view those afflicted with disease? Do you throw rocks at them?!?
Q: (L) Well, no, you don't throw rocks at them...
A: What do you do, then?
Q: (L) Well, a person with a disease: you send or take them to a doctor or suggest that they go to a doctor.
A: For what purpose?
Q: (L) To discover the diagnosis of the disease, to obtain medicine, to either relieve the symptoms or cure the disease.
A: Bingo!
Q: (L) We are talking about people who won't even admit they have a disease! How do you tell someone to go to a doctor when they don't think they are sick? Most people do NOT believe that they are subject to control or manipulation from other densities! You have told a number of people that they were going to be subjected to attack and manipulation and they have blithely said 'Oh, there is nothing in our lives that would permit that...'
A: Denial is not incurable until you give up. Patience combined with kind invitations to participate in the learning process eventually allows the victim to awaken, thus to be open to cure. This helps you to build the "army" you seek. Isolation cures nothing. Thereby stifling progress, as any and all will ultimately be seen as "portals." Rather like "spinning one's wheels," yes??

The C's said: humans are no portals!!!
They said why: "When you concentrate on the people as portals, you falsely direct negative energy upon the soul units themselves. Rather like treating acne with the therapy to be found in a shotgun!"

I read this as follows... Treating humans as portals does deny their possibility of being souled. That denys their constructive lifeforce and learning.

Now when I mailed to Ark , he answered:

''Indeed your post has been deleted. Mistakes sometimes happen. Though your interpretation is based on missconception (Portal in "Organic Portal" is
different from Portal in "Portal of Attack"), yet it may be worth for others to
have the issue discussed. Please, re-post. ''

Yet is this true or is it rather a hairsplitting diversion?
The C's warn about direct wrong ideas and i understand this to as wrong thought patterns. Instead of speakin' of portals they advice to find an appropriate 'method'.

In what way should portals of attack be something different from organic portals? Here I must ask Ark to present me a Sott-forum concensus of what OP's are? All I can deduce is some agreement that the OPs tend to be usefull for attacks.
So I cannot accept the answer of Ark and we need some more discussion, what is meant and we should consider the possibility that the use of the word OP is in disagreement with this passage of the Cs and we must ask, wether there is some need for such a word or if the idea can be conveied with a much better word which does not dehumnaize.

First there ist the whole Session.
At the bottom of the session transcript I will prepare the way for a different word.

Q: (L) We had a little chat with Sandra and we thank you for that. Now, we have been discussing a lot of different things here, and the main thing that I have been focusing on is the trap of emotions. I would like to know if this trap is foisted upon us from external sources?
A: The formula is "foisted."
Q: (L) What is the formula?
A: Set pattern, like a maze.
Q: (L) Okay. And what is the most effective way to get out of this maze of emotional control?
A: Calculate.
Q: (L) Is there anything that can be done when one is in process of extricating oneself from an emotional trap to cut off or ease the pain of it? It quite literally hurts.
A: No need to ease.
Q: (L) Well, once you have done it and gone through it, or, more particularly, once you see that it is a trap, it doesn't hurt anymore - or lessens. Another thing is that we all have been affected by being sucked into emotional traps, seemingly since birth. Is this common for all people?
A: All? No, most, yes.
Q: (L) Would it be a fair statement to say that people who have potential to do very positive things in terms of clearing away and understanding the reality in which we exist, might be primary targets for this emotional turmoil?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Can you tell us what might be the characteristics of a person who is not caught in the emotional trap?
A: Embracing? No. Uniting? Yes.
Q: (L) Ah! So, you are saying that people who can clear the emotional traps can unite in a higher emotional sense?
A: Emotions are chemicals only.
Q: (L) So, if emotions are chemical only, is it true that when one is in physical proximity to certain people, that perhaps their frequency vibrations cause these chemicals to be stimulated or generated within us?
A: Okay.
Q: (L) And, that it takes great force of will and mental power to counteract this physical action?
A: No, just practice.
Q: (L) Okay, once you have done it a few times in small ways, you can build up to big ones?
A: Not quite correct concept.
Q: (L) I was reading this piece sent to us on the internet where this Cosmic Awareness source talks about people who deliberately have come in because, since the good guys really can't interfere from the outside, because it would violate free will, that many of them incarnate and thereby partake of the physical experience, and then wake up and be able to do the things that are needed on the planet. The object being to try to make sure that they will awaken to their purpose, and that emotions and emotional traps are used repeatedly and continuously to try to prevent them from awakening. What I am getting at is: what are the things that we can do to awaken? You have told us many times that we need to awaken. Obviously we are not fully awakened. We are aware of that. Is there some other thing we can do?
A: Let it happen naturally. If you are on a path, do you seek to jump up into the air and fly to the end of the path? If you did, you would regret missing the "rest of the path."
Q: (L) A lot of very strange things have been happening... Sandra and her heart attack, [my daughter] and her ankle, the terrible sicknesses I have had in the past months, [my other daughter] talking about the things that have happened in her experiences... it seems like, to me, that the situation in terms of attack is really heating up. Can you comment on this?
A: No.
Q: (L) Well, thanks a lot! Can we ask questions about it?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Well, my eye infections, the ear problems, the loss of my voice for so long... were these part of the attack process?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) My mother also fell down and has a black eye. I am trying to find the portal? What is the portal through which all this attack is coming?
A: Discover.
Q: (L) Did we already discover it in part, i.e. SV and her mother and that situation?
A: No.
Q: (L) Are you saying that SV is not a portal?
A: People are not portals!!! They are only victims of the things that come through the portals. Otherwise, many could describe you as a "portal."
Q: (L) Well, I never said that I wasn't. Speaking of that...
A: When you concentrate on the people as portals, you falsely direct negative energy upon the soul units themselves. Rather like treating acne with the therapy to be found in a shotgun!
Q: (L) What is the appropriate response when you are in a situation and you know that the person is being victimized, yes, by the forces coming through the portal, but their victimization is causing you a great deal of problems? What is the appropriate response here?
A: How do you view those afflicted with disease? Do you throw rocks at them?!?
Q: (L) Well, no, you don't throw rocks at them...
A: What do you do, then?
Q: (L) Well, a person with a disease: you send or take them to a doctor or suggest that they go to a doctor.
A: For what purpose?
Q: (L) To discover the diagnosis of the disease, to obtain medicine, to either relieve the symptoms or cure the disease.
A: Bingo!
Q: (L) We are talking about people who won't even admit they have a disease! How do you tell someone to go to a doctor when they don't think they are sick? Most people do NOT believe that they are subject to control or manipulation from other densities! You have told a number of people that they were going to be subjected to attack and manipulation and they have blithely said 'Oh, there is nothing in our lives that would permit that...'
A: Denial is not incurable until you give up. Patience combined with kind invitations to participate in the learning process eventually allows the victim to awaken, thus to be open to cure. This helps you to build the "army" you seek. Isolation cures nothing. Thereby stifling progress, as any and all will ultimately be seen as "portals." Rather like "spinning one's wheels," yes??
Q: (L) So, in other words, you are saying I should remain married to my husband, I should have SV and other disruptive and destructive people over here constantly to 'participate' in the learning process?
A: The point is not to rigidly adhere to specific lifestyles, nor maintain exact patterning of behavior, merely to not close doors completely and permanently.
Q: (L) Okay, if a person were, say, a robot person, when a person becomes a robot person, what happens to the soul of the robot person?
A: Same process.
Q: (L) As what?
A: Death.
Q: (L) So, a person can die and leave their body, their body can be taken over and reanimated and controlled to function a and do a lot of things for a long time. Meanwhile, the original soul has completely departed to 5th density ready to recycle?
A: Yes, but body is replaced, not reanimated.
Q: (L) Is this what happened to [my husband] when he had that surgery back in 1981?
A: We caution that, even though you have met 7 "robots," in your entire lifetime, not to "see" them under every bush or around every corner. You have met so many people in your life. We gave you one, and only one!!
Q: (L) What was the source of the dream where this was stated to me quite clearly?
A: Dreams are the best forum for disinformation that exists.
Q: (L) Okay. I can see that. But, at the same time they are also one of the best ways to get information from the subconscious and the higher conscious, is this not true?
A: We have mentioned dualities a lot!!
Q: (L) Skipping the disinformation part, and just getting to the analysis part, the story of Bluebeard... I am still of the opinion, robot person or not, I am doing the right thing. Is it possible that, even in this situation, that I am caught up in an emotional trap?
A: Sure. This learning thing is anything but easy!
Q: (L) Yes, that's all fine and dandy, but we are talking about breaking up my whole life here...
A: Maybe, maybe not.
Q: (L) What good is channeling if it does not help you to make decisions once in a while. Once in a while, I say. Not all the time. Or to help clarify things! To put additional light on it instead of muddying the water!
A: We are not "muddying" the water," only you can do that!
Q: (L) Well, enough of that...
A: No, not enough of that. And a much needed pointer for you: answers to questions of global or universal significance provide for a greater personal learning than direct personal inquiries. If you disagree, check transcripts and especially un-transcribed sessions for validation! You will see, my dear!!
Q: (L) Well, that is why I said that was enough of that because I don't want to talk about my personal stuff anymore. I did think that the thing about the robot people was pretty significant, but obviously it is not that significant or important. There's two million of them on the planet, and I have been told that I have encountered seven. I did think that this was a pretty high ratio of robot people for one person to encounter...
A: Yes, but your life path has been unusual. And you have met 4588 people personally!
Q: (L) How many people has Frank met?
A: 2754.
Q: (L) How many were robots?
A: 3.
Q: (L) How many has PZ met?
A: 3856.
Q: (L) How many robots?
A: 1.
Q: (L) So, why seven for me - yeah, we know the path is unusual...
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Can you tell me in what sense it is unusual?
A: Can't you?
Q: (L) Well, I thought I would trick you into telling me...
A: No tricks, we only treat.

Q: (L) I am so tired now that I cannot formlate a legitimate, reasonable, intelligent or coherent question of global or universal significance, we will say goodnight.

Now I did the critical part. Let me open some other strains of thought which might improve the things.

Im am not a physicist so maybe there are some faults in the following picture.

Within the C'world (terminologie and kosmology) there exists a moment of transition from 3D to 4D.
While we are naturally all STS inclined in this reality 4D presents us with alternatives. Transition may be to 4D STO or 4D STS

Now that seems fairly clear. But look at it more closely. This is a DUAL. It is Either Or. There is no between. (whether this is true I do not now. But I use it as the C's paradigma).

The RA Material says: (following hkoehli): "According to Ra, graduation occures only when one becomes 51% STO. "

Reading through the material it is clear that the work is: to align more or less with the STO factor. So all is a school and we never now the end until there is graduation. We simply do not now more than: go to school, just do it regardeless how you compare youreselve to others.

From that pont of view we ALL are simpy pupils. You might want to classify some as fools as cheating as unwilling or as rather busy. But all that is subjective. naturaly each one searches a surrounding that does support his work the most. He is moving away from some pupils and aproaching others.

Mouraview says: Humanity started with a Dual. But it became mixed so one has to find out himself where he belongs.
Now Mouraview is fine off because if anithing is mixed, then we simply CANNOT check if his duality humanity from ste start is true. And if we cannot check if it is true we should avoid the rather problematic parts such as OP.

In School we should rather so our workl instead of pointing out OPs which is either a self classificating selfgratification (this one is a OP) or it is a needless selfdeception (Oh god a am an OP, i am lost).

Read the C's. Learning is fun. But ask yourselves can it be really such a fun with having a rather Ass-hole like terminology on your tonge which constantly attacks the lower centers?
You might think this is rather a question of strategic behaviour. It is not if we consider that we don't know ALL. IF the duality thesis in humanity is wrong then we should not use doubtfull parts.

Now some physics.
Lets asume that a fool has a random behavior. He has no own will and can therefor be manipulated to du anything with a certain probalbility.
Physicaly spoken behaviour is a wave function. All your lerning does shape the wave but this wave is only a potential function. Now imagine a wall with two holes. One is labeled STO the other STS. Now our question is, if you ask where the 'kowledge-photon' went into action, you see that the wavefunction gives probabilities. Now create a wavefunktion that shows a 90% probability for STO. But in fact that says nothing about graduation or about the todays outcome of your next deed because even with your 90 % STO wavefunction there is a chance that the wave collapses with a particular STS realization.

RA: when you aligned 51% with STO.
I do not know the RA Material so I know not how this is meant. Following the above scenario the 51% would still eave a big chance for STS.

Now comes the 666 Dollar question. How do you rate progress or Self Inclination?
Canyou ?
Can't you ?

You cannot. There is no way to evalute something like this. But lets look at the RA answer in another way. I must define things a little bit:
STS is Consuming Knowledge
STO is Producing Knowledge
Now: 51% can become a comprehensible expression. It says: You are then aligned with STO when you produce more knowledge than you consume.

Picking up Gurdjefs idee about the living or dying evoultion (branch) one can transform this: As long as one produces more knowledge than he consumes he sustains the evolution of this reality branch.

Now back to OP.
The expression does basicaly frustrate creativity within us all. But a school can only exist if creativity is commonly and for all welcomed starting with the presence and existance of all in the past and the future und today.

What then should one compare human beings with that consumes and produces knowledge? From a certain point of view the word portal is not inapropriate because something comes in and something comes out. Yes it is often entering one ear and leaving the other ear without troubling any water
But the essential is not the in and outcome but that which is going on in between. So not the portal is the important thing but that which is behind the portals. Human beeings are no portals but they have several organic portals.

So lets say goodby to that word.
Let's look at a well. A well is fed by different streams of water some underground and some from above. Is the well dry? Does it hold water?
Look at men. Sometimes he is like a sprouting spring and sometimes he is all dried up. Forget about your judging other people. Often one is a dried well but then comes the eruption which brings forth all his water. You do not know when and if it occurs. Naturally a school can help. But more often man is wakend up by shocking experiences.

The improtant thing is not the portal. It is someting withing men and women. Yes in the end result we would like to speak of a pure grown soul the essence of our commitement. But how about a 51% soul? You see that soul is something that is whole or it is not. But maybe the soul is sleeping?

If I am sleeping the thieve can come...
If I am awake then i might produce some nice things out of the knowledge that came to me. It is really about sleeping and awakening. There is no guarantee that the sleeper will never wake up. There is no guarantee that the watcher wont fall asleep. Still all we behave as within a wave function.

I suggest to you to think about it. I suggest that you search a word that expresses what you are sure or convinced about. I suggest that you make your words such that they enrich the higher emotional center. I suggest that you may welcome and not condemn.

We should watch our words. We should only use, what we know is true, but we should not use things that are prone of missunderstandings and need a lot of explanations what theses OP's might be.

Dont't forget your language is your bible.
And to proove this, the german bible:

Gut ------ Böse (good / bad)
besser --- böser (better / worse)
am besten - am bösesten (best / worst)

Any graduation of 'gut' is evil. Such tells the Holy German language.
I do not know if this is absolute true but it makes some sense.
Neither should we muddy the water of our languages nor should we support dehumanizing concepts when our all first and primary goal is to become human. Don't make yourself or your next a lunch of the gods by mixing true speech with tv-slang.

Think about it

short summary: Mouraview is wrong in his view. OP does not convey what is discussed in this SoTT thread. The members are invited to rethink these essentials. I decline to use that word anymore since it does more damage than explain anything. I feel this view is supported by the Cs.

Thanks for your patience
I don't think Mouravieff ever used the term Organic Portal. His term was pre-Adamic. The C's used the term Organic Portal, if I'm not mistaken.
I'm glad you reposted your view The I-Eye. I am not in agreement, but it looks like the pendulum swinging the other way from the tendency of some to make OP's into something less than human. I agree that words can make a difference. As DJH above mentioned, OP is C's terminology and it was apparently used to make a very strong point as to the primary characteristic of many people.

That is being very vulnerable to influence and infiltration from 4D STS. Some people are more vulnerable than others and this name drives a novel concept home. THEN the C's come back and correctly warn (as you have quoted above) NOT to get stuck with associating the label with the person. Rather it is the OP effect that is important to watch out for, and that is because people under STS influence can seek to undermine others who are seeking the solutions and ways to apply them.

Perhaps it was not made clear enough, given the many ways of expressing viewpoints, but it was my impression that most people in this thread are concerned about understanding the OP as a phenomenon, not as a distinct group of people. When we can understand the phenomenon and objectively identify it, we can save ourselves a world of hurt mostly by not antagonizing certain people who may consider all abstract esoteric thought as a source of cognitive dissonance.

We are all, I gather, sincere and discriminating people, and those who are not tend to stick out. As such I think we deserve the benefit of the doubt that we can maintain integrity and objectivity when relating to others even when a word as stark and concentrated as Organic Portal is used. Words influence people, yes. But people who think deeply, and for whom objectivity and discriminating perception is a hallmark of their world view do not IMO easily fall sway and get swept away into fanaticism by a mere word, which is there for a reason (to point out a phenomenon not accepted by common consensus).

Personally, I do understand where you are coming from, but I also understand that "correctness" has its limits where mature and discriminating individuals are involved. Those that are not eventually show, and if anyone happens to act immature for whatever reason, or just happens to be read that way, well we ARE all human, and I don't think anyone has forgotten that.

Maybe your reservations would hold true for the Fox News-watching crowd, but not this one.
Kudos Esoquest. And I-Eye thanks for the warning, dehumanizing is definately not what I was going for. My apoligies if my NPC/PC distinction is dumbed down, it was not ment to devalue the lives of the OPs/NPCs. We were all asleep at some point, and thanks to coincidence and maybe some helpful individual's we began searching for truth. Thusly OPs/NPCs can become PCs/souled upon making the choice that we all made - to question everything.
The I-Eye said:
Hi all

This thread has now reached some length and allthough different ideas were elaborated I am still missing something that I want to contribute now.

My contribution might appear as a disturbance but I beg you to read carefully my thought and then reevalute what was stated in this thread.

I want to start with a criticism. But next then i will also try another alternative approach.

My first input will be rather provocative

Organic Portal is a dehumanizing concept

Yes. Let us look at this word alone and consider how it interferes with our emotional centers.
Considering the difficulties that human beings (and here I include all "types") have had over the millennia, and the fact that much, if not MOST of those difficulties can be traced to the conflict of ontology between two obviously different types of humans, I think it is far more dangerous to "humanize" (and here I use your term in reverse, though I do not like the way you have used it as I'll explain in a minute) everyone and to assume that creation is "democratic." Objective reality demonstrates that this is not so.

As for the statement "de-humanizes," I think that you are being a bit reactionary or, at least, have a lot of baggage attached to your word "human."

The I-Eye said:
There are diverent levels of emotions. The first is the rather mechanical reaction due to some programs. Some intellectual procedures can however silence some emotional reaction. But more often the silencing is done by pure mass of influx which in this case is a influx by literature or often enforced in a certain context.
We've pretty much covered that aspect of it even if we haven't exactly written a treatise.

The I-Eye said:
I will discuss it twice, from a rather mechanical emotional point of view but then further below from a rather advanced point of view with has also to to with emotional centers.

What is in the word 'Organic Portal'. Mouraview introduced this word and it has become quite common within the QFG material. The word itself was never questioned allthough I know that Laura did NOT embark on that Adamic versus OP-Race concept by Mouraview.
No, Mouravieff did not introduce the word, the C's did. Mouravieff referred to "Adamic and "pre-Adamic" or Anthropoid types.

The I-Eye said:
The word 'Organic Portal' does convey a human beeing which is not a human beeing but simply organic matter that can be used. In that word is a dehumanizing concept. At least it can be used as negative statement for self classification (which is well attested in this thread).
I think you have a HUGE emotional issue here - yours, that is. You might want to ask yourself why looking at a very probable reality - the way the Universe has decided to do business - is so distasteful to you?

The I-Eye said:
Does the word convey something even below a beast? That depends on how you look at beasts or how you use and abuse them for your selfish needs. The word OP has a potential to completely deny any worth of life for that beeing since all experiences af that being ar simply movements of a puppet, a portal. The word OP says something like: It moves, It speaks, It prays - yet nothing of it is real.
Whoah! That's definitely not accurate for the discussion here. It may be accurate for YOUR view, that may be what it conveys to you, but thats a dictionary problem.

From my point of view, the term "organic portal" is quite neutral. It is not charge in any way as you suggest. It is actually a very nice way of saying something that Gurdjieff says many times: men are machines. Nothing more. Just machines. Now, I had a bit of trouble with that term.

The I-Eye said:
There were various precursors of dehumanizing concepts. These concepts helped groups identifying themselves. The jews were the elect because the pagans were the beasts. The Nazis too had dehumanizing concepts. Naturaly scape goat theories do have a long tradition.
Sure they do. That's why we are discussing this. As you may have noticed, it was clearly delineated that anyone who takes that perspective is either an OP themselves or a characteropath or an individual on the STS path.

The I-Eye said:
Now maybe you would think that my words are unfair and do not reflect the thought in this thread.
They don't actually.

The I-Eye said:
But if you read that thread you will find that there is no commonly accepted idea about OP.
Exactly. That's the reason for the discussion, to consider, reflect, recall observations, compare, sort ideas, and come to some concensus of a working hypothesis to be tested.

The I-Eye said:
The more you'll find readers who try to identify themselves as non OP (allthough Laura said we all should consider us as such).
No, I said we ought to consider ourselves as OPs until we choose to be otherwise.

The I-Eye said:
The trouble starts with the initial idea by Mouraview. He sais that there were two races. Yes, I know it has some ramifications and the thing is not that clear. But esentially Mouraview says that there is a Duality: souled and non souled.
Yup, that's it in a nutshell. But the idea is not original to him. It is a very ancient tradition and it can even be seen in the teachings of the man around whom the Jesus leged accreted.

The I-Eye said:
But Laura says different and a lot have decided to agree that a soul or higher chakras or whatever you like is something that has to be seated /developped within men. In other words: there is no starting duality of human kind, which could be prooved today or in the past (!). So it is rather a dogma and belongs to the class of belief systems.
Sorry, but this is a very confused collection of words that don't really make sense. Can you try to rewrite it more clearly and cite examples of exactly what you mean here?

The I-Eye said:
But if we are honest should we then not start with something that does praise the potential in all humans to grow? What do we any good to the work if we start with such a negative statement? (Sorry it sounds like assh... and that's the least)
I think if you read the thread, you will see that this is where we are going. That's the reason for the discussion, to consider, reflect, recall observations, compare, sort ideas, and come to some concensus of a working hypothesis to be tested.

The I-Eye said:
What the C's say
I stumbled about a session which adresses the problem.
I will at the end of the session relate Arks short answer to me and answer it

I first bring an excerpt of that session. In that session the question was about the portal of a particular attack.

Q: (L) My mother also fell down and has a black eye. I am trying to find the portal? What is the portal through which all this attack is coming?
A: Discover.
Q: (L) Did we already discover it in part, i.e. SV and her mother and that situation?
A: No.
Q: (L) Are you saying that SV is not a portal?
A: People are not portals!!! They are only victims of the things that come through the portals. Otherwise, many could describe you as a "portal."
Q: (L) Well, I never said that I wasn't. Speaking of that...
A: When you concentrate on the people as portals, you falsely direct negative energy upon the soul units themselves. Rather like treating acne with the therapy to be found in a shotgun!
Notice here that the C's were referring to SOULED individuals. In fact, this individual was discussed at another session where it was made clear that "soul" was a definite part of the make-up. Also, "portal of attack" is a general term that can refer to everyone. As I said above, we are all Organic Portals until we choose to learn how to not be. But not everyone chooses that, and also not everyone has that choice.

So, just because the word "portal" is used here, do not assume that "organic portal," which has a very specific meaning, is what is being discussed.

Also notice the fact that, just as we have discussed on this thread, the whole issue is not the organic portal per se, but what they are USED for and BY whom.

(snipped rest of session excerpt)

The I-Eye said:
The C's said: humans are no portals!!!
They said why: "When you concentrate on the people as portals, you falsely direct negative energy upon the soul units themselves. Rather like treating acne with the therapy to be found in a shotgun!"
Again, read what I wrote above.

The I-Eye said:
I read this as follows... Treating humans as portals does deny their possibility of being souled. That denys their constructive lifeforce and learning.
You can read it the way you like, but without having the background of the discussion and being able to compare it to other related discussions, what you see will be limited.

The I-Eye said:
Now when I mailed to Ark , he answered:

''Indeed your post has been deleted. Mistakes sometimes happen. Though your interpretation is based on missconception (Portal in "Organic Portal" is different from Portal in "Portal of Attack"), yet it may be worth for others to have the issue discussed. Please, re-post. ''

Yet is this true or is it rather a hairsplitting diversion?
No, it's based on knowledge of things that you are apparently not aware of.

The I-Eye said:
The C's warn about direct wrong ideas and i understand this to as wrong thought patterns. Instead of speakin' of portals they advice to find an appropriate 'method'.
Your understanding is based on lack of information and wider perspective in this case.

The I-Eye said:
In what way should portals of attack be something different from organic portals?
Let me give you an example.

Now, keep in mind as you read this that the C's came up with the Organic Portals term, and designated about half the earth population as such. (Re-read the session excerpts posted at the beginning of the thread).

Q: Reading through the session of May 23, last year, when Tom was also here, and the issue of his being in O'Brien was addressed, you asked who had begged him to stay there, then there was a remark about an EM vector. The way I understood it is that a person can be an EM vector. Is that possible?
A: Vector means focuser of direction.
Q: Could that mean that EM waves can be vectored by a human being simply by their presence? I also noticed that several of us have been involved with persons and relationships that seem designed to confuse, defuse, and otherwise distort our learning, as well as drain our energy. Basically, keeping us so stressed that we cannot fulfill our potential. Is there some significance to this observation?
A: That is elementary, my dear Knight!
Q: One of the things I have learned is that these individuals seem to attach via some sort of psychic hook that enters through our reactions of pity. Can you comment on the nature of pity?
A: Pity those who pity.
Q: But, the ones who are being pitied, who generate sensations of pity, do not really pity anybody but themselves.
A: Yes...?
Q: Then, is it true as my son said, when you give pity, when you send love and light to those in darkness, or those who complain and want to be "saved" without effort on their own part, when you are kind in the face of abuse and manipulation, that you essentially are giving power to their further disintegration, or contraction into self- ishness? That you are powering their descent into STS?
A: You know the answer!
Q: Yes. I have seen it over and over again. Were the individuals in our lives selected for the extremely subtle nature of their abilities to evoke pity, or were we programmed to respond to pity so that we were blind to something that was obvious to other people?
A: Neither. You were selected to interract with those who would trigger a hypnotic response that would ultimately lead to a drain of energy.
Q: (T) Well, it is a fact, because my energy is sure drained. (L) What is the purpose of this draining of energy?
A: What do you think?
Q: (T) So you can't concentrate or do anything. You can't get anywhere with anything.
A: Or, at least not the important things.
Q: (T) Is that why my concentration is so low?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) Is L a robot type?
A: You are dealing with a no-win situation!!
Q: It is a no win situation...
A: As you know.
Q: (T) So, if I don't get out, I will just keep going down. Is it the area or the person?
A: Both. One is wrapped within the other.
Q: (L) Why is it that it seems to be one of the primary things about us that prevents us from acting against such situations, is our fear of hurting another person? Why are we so afraid of hurting someone's feelings if they are hurting us?
A: Not correct concept. You do not need to "act against them," you need to act in favor of your destiny.
Q: But, when you do that, these persons make you so completely miserable that there seems to be no other choice but a parting of the ways.
A: Yes, but that is not "acting against." Quite the contrary. In fact, remember, it takes two to tango, and if you are both tangoing when the dance hall bursts into flames, you both get burned!!!
Q: Why is it that when one trys to extricate from such a "tango," why is there is such violent resistance to letting you go when it is obvious, clearly obvious, that they do not have any feeling for you as a human being?
A: It is not "they." We are talking about conduits of attack.
Q: What is it that makes them susceptible to becoming conduits of attack?
A: All STS are candidates for this. There are only about 6 billion of you though.
Q: Okay, all people can be conduits of attack. (L) Would just coming down and working with us on Saturdays, on a regular basis, help him to get his concentration back?
A: Making the necessary changes would.
Q: Is it true that being in the presence of such people, that one is under the influence of an energy, an emanation from them physically, that befuddles the mind and makes it almost impossible to think ones' way out of the situation?
A: It is the draining of energy that befuddles the mind.
Q: Where does this energy drain to?
A: 4th density STS.
Q: They drain our energy from us and 4th density STS harvests it from them?
A: "They" do nothing!!!! 4th density STS does it all through them!
Q: (T) Well, I would like to know what is it in us that makes us attracted to such people.
A: It was the idea of 4th density STS.
Now, the above session was strictly about "portals of attack" and the C's made it quite clear that EVERYONE can be such.

The I-Eye said:
Here I must ask Ark to present me a Sott-forum concensus of what OP's are? All I can deduce is some agreement that the OPs tend to be usefull for attacks.
All I can see in what you are saying is a huge, raw, emotional wound... terror, even. Why must anyone present you with a concensus. You are welcome to choose what you wish to think at all times. You are also free to deduce what you wish at all times. And so is everyone else.

The I-Eye said:
So I cannot accept the answer of Ark and we need some more discussion, what is meant and we should consider the possibility that the use of the word OP is in disagreement with this passage of the Cs and we must ask, wether there is some need for such a word or if the idea can be conveied with a much better word which does not dehumnaize.
Okay, we are discussing.

The I-Eye said:
(session snipped)

Now I did the critical part. Let me open some other strains of thought which might improve the things.

Im am not a physicist so maybe there are some faults in the following picture.

Within the C'world (terminologie and kosmology) there exists a moment of transition from 3D to 4D.
While we are naturally all STS inclined in this reality 4D presents us with alternatives. Transition may be to 4D STO or 4D STS

Now that seems fairly clear. But look at it more closely. This is a DUAL. It is Either Or. There is no between. (whether this is true I do not now. But I use it as the C's paradigma).

The RA Material says: (following hkoehli): "According to Ra, graduation occures only when one becomes 51% STO. "

Reading through the material it is clear that the work is: to align more or less with the STO factor. So all is a school and we never now the end until there is graduation. We simply do not now more than: go to school, just do it regardeless how you compare youreselve to others.

From that pont of view we ALL are simpy pupils. You might want to classify some as fools as cheating as unwilling or as rather busy. But all that is subjective. naturaly each one searches a surrounding that does support his work the most. He is moving away from some pupils and aproaching others.

Mouraview says: Humanity started with a Dual. But it became mixed so one has to find out himself where he belongs.
So far, so good.

The I-Eye said:
Now Mouraview is fine off because if anithing is mixed, then we simply CANNOT check if his duality humanity from ste start is true. And if we cannot check if it is true we should avoid the rather problematic parts such as OP.
I don't agree that we cannot check or ought not to discuss or speculate. In fact, it seems to be quite crucial to do so. As Jesus said: "be not unequally yoked," and the tradition teaches that this was a reference to marrying OPs. He also said: I come not to bring peace, but a sword, and the references to turning mother against daughter, father against son, etc, are all considered by the tradition to refer to the idea of organic portals and souled individuals existing in the same families due to the quirks of genetic recombination. As the C's have mentioned:

Q: (L) So you are saying that particular genetic conditions are a physical reflection of a spiritual orientation? That the soul must match itself to the genetics, even if only in potential?
A: Yes, precisely.
Q: (L) So a person's potential for spiritual advancement or unfoldment is, to a great extent, dependent upon their
A: Natural process marries with systematic construct when present.
The I-Eye said:
In School we should rather so our workl instead of pointing out OPs which is either a self classificating selfgratification (this one is a OP) or it is a needless selfdeception (Oh god a am an OP, i am lost).
Somehow I get the strong impression that you either did not read the discussion very carefully, or if you did, that you did not understand it because that is certainly NOT what is being said or promoted. In any event, who says that part of the education isn't dealing with this problem? Why are you so desirous of closing it off, of forgetting about it, of denying it as a proper subject of study?

The I-Eye said:
Read the C's. Learning is fun.
I don't need to. I AM the C's.

The I-Eye said:
But ask yourselves can it be really such a fun with having a rather Ass-hole like terminology on your tonge which constantly attacks the lower centers?
Now you are being insulting. Revealing as well. Is English your native language? Somehow I get the strong impression that it is not, or that you have grown up in an environment where dictionaries are not regularly used.

The I-Eye said:
You might think this is rather a question of strategic behaviour. It is not if we consider that we don't know ALL. IF the duality thesis in humanity is wrong then we should not use doubtfull parts.
Nobody is using doubtful anything. We are discussing, observing, sorting, theorizing and attempting to come to a generaly hypothesis to be tested. Why does that offend you so much?

The I-Eye said:
Now some physics.
Oh boy, I can't wait!

The I-Eye said:
Lets asume that a fool has a random behavior. He has no own will and can therefor be manipulated to du anything with a certain probalbility.
Yes, we see a lot of that in this discussion. :)

The I-Eye said:
Physicaly spoken behaviour is a wave function.
Sorry, you lost me right there. Can you tell me what "physically spoken" behavior is? And how did you connect it to a wave function? Never mind.

The I-Eye said:
All your lerning does shape the wave but this wave is only a potential function. Now imagine a wall with two holes. One is labeled STO the other STS. Now our question is, if you ask where the 'kowledge-photon' went into action, you see that the wavefunction gives probabilities. Now create a wavefunktion that shows a 90% probability for STO. But in fact that says nothing about graduation or about the todays outcome of your next deed because even with your 90 % STO wavefunction there is a chance that the wave collapses with a particular STS realization.
This is about the most nonsensical example of cross conceputalization I've ever read.

The I-Eye said:
RA: when you aligned 51% with STO.
I do not know the RA Material so I know not how this is meant. Following the above scenario the 51% would still eave a big chance for STS.
Exactly. You seem to be creating a lot of "theories" and making a lot of assumptions when you haven't even exerted the energy to acquire the basic understanding. You are trying to do calculus when you can't even add yet. (Note: this is a METAPHOR.)

The I-Eye said:
Now comes the 666 Dollar question. How do you rate progress or Self Inclination?
Canyou ?
Can't you ?
Frankly, so far your discussion is so nonsensical, so poorly framed, your words so poorly chosen, that again I ask: is English your native language?

The I-Eye said:
You cannot. There is no way to evalute something like this. But lets look at the RA answer in another way. I must define things a little bit:
STS is Consuming Knowledge
STO is Producing Knowledge
Now: 51% can become a comprehensible expression. It says: You are then aligned with STO when you produce more knowledge than you consume.
Sorry, but this has nothing to do with the issue and, again, your words are so badly selected and arranged that they make almost no sense at all. And again, perhaps it would be useful to more fully understand the concept behind that remark of Ra's. It entailed an entire conceptual background that you are missing. In other words, you are building concepts out of concepts that are strictly yours and have no relation whatsoever to the concepts that the Ra remarks really express.

The I-Eye said:
Picking up Gurdjefs idee about the living or dying evoultion (branch) one can transform this: As long as one produces more knowledge than he consumes he sustains the evolution of this reality branch.
Please tell me how one "produces knowledge"? None of your terms are defined, your words are poorly chosen, the syntax is bizarre, so it is almost impossible to understand what you are saying. And if this is the case from my side, I'm sure that it is equally probable that you do not understand my words.

The I-Eye said:
Now back to OP.
The expression does basicaly frustrate creativity within us all. But a school can only exist if creativity is commonly and for all welcomed starting with the presence and existance of all in the past and the future und today.

What then should one compare human beings with that consumes and produces knowledge? From a certain point of view the word portal is not inapropriate because something comes in and something comes out. Yes it is often entering one ear and leaving the other ear without troubling any water
But the essential is not the in and outcome but that which is going on in between. So not the portal is the important thing but that which is behind the portals. Human beeings are no portals but they have several organic portals.

So lets say goodby to that word.
Let's look at a well. A well is fed by different streams of water some underground and some from above. Is the well dry? Does it hold water?
Look at men. Sometimes he is like a sprouting spring and sometimes he is all dried up. Forget about your judging other people. Often one is a dried well but then comes the eruption which brings forth all his water. You do not know when and if it occurs. Naturally a school can help. But more often man is wakend up by shocking experiences.

The improtant thing is not the portal. It is someting withing men and women. Yes in the end result we would like to speak of a pure grown soul the essence of our commitement. But how about a 51% soul? You see that soul is something that is whole or it is not. But maybe the soul is sleeping?

If I am sleeping the thieve can come...
If I am awake then i might produce some nice things out of the knowledge that came to me. It is really about sleeping and awakening. There is no guarantee that the sleeper will never wake up. There is no guarantee that the watcher wont fall asleep. Still all we behave as within a wave function.
Again, your words are so "random" and syntactically bizarre that it is difficult to have any idea of what you are saying here except to really get the strong sensation that not only do I not understand you, you cannot understand me.

The I-Eye said:
I suggest to you to think about it. I suggest that you search a word that expresses what you are sure or convinced about. I suggest that you make your words such that they enrich the higher emotional center. I suggest that you may welcome and not condemn.

We should watch our words. We should only use, what we know is true, but we should not use things that are prone of missunderstandings and need a lot of explanations what theses OP's might be.

Dont't forget your language is your bible.
And to proove this, the german bible:

Gut ------ Böse (good / bad)
besser --- böser (better / worse)
am besten - am bösesten (best / worst)

Any graduation of 'gut' is evil. Such tells the Holy German language.
I do not know if this is absolute true but it makes some sense.
Neither should we muddy the water of our languages nor should we support dehumanizing concepts when our all first and primary goal is to become human. Don't make yourself or your next a lunch of the gods by mixing true speech with tv-slang.

Think about it

short summary: Mouraview is wrong in his view. OP does not convey what is discussed in this SoTT thread. The members are invited to rethink these essentials. I decline to use that word anymore since it does more damage than explain anything. I feel this view is supported by the Cs.

Thanks for your patience
Well, I'm sorry that you don't like the C's word. I rather like it myself since it is a neutral word. I don't see much point in anything you have written above except that it amounts to much ado about nothing.

I will have to research again where the OP started. Maybe I mixed this up concerning Mouraview remebering his dualistic thesis and dualistic concepts in this thread concerning OPs
As I was reading articles using that word I got a rather different meaning in that it was not a concept of communication / interaction , but a attribut of a person.
If OP would really properly define some 'rules of engagement' (in almost one sided ways) then it is not a attribut that determines the person, the beeing per se.
But that point is not that clear and people here tend to view OP as inherently personal attribute. And this is not the Fox channel here... :)

As we follow the thread we see that there is no clear cut concept. It is rather as if it IS a stark word that provokes members here to find an agreement about it. But this rises the question... does a porvocating word convey a reality if a concensus is inforced BECAUSE it is a stark word?
You can enforce thinking with provocating words. But in that case the word itself first doas appeal to our emotions. Naturally such discussions CAN be interesting when observing the speakers. You can test a persons reaction with such a word. But that results rather in a psychological playground without ellucidating the given word.

I agree that we need a word that adresses human vulnerability against manipulations. But I don't think that OP does serve to that aim.
I respect if you want hold to that expression. I do not like it and I too discard some psychologically provoked postings through that word.

One thing is near my heart which I want to repeat. All our work is building awarenes through knowledge which must pass practical tests. Knowledge is practical. So we go through a lot of temptations. But we NEVER EVER can be sure not to fall into traps. All we can do is: shape the wave to align better with a disered STO factor as i suggested above. We can improve the situation but we cannot govern the outcome.
So if I contemplate about certain persons whether they are OP's I can decide Yes or Know or Unclasified. This is a duality not in accordance with my description. Any answer yes or no does decide within a duality. And that is a wrong conception in my eyes.

What then do we want to discuss using OP? One could ask whether one does watch his porch or whether he is sleeping. Is the door open or is it closed? You can use it. But it does not work with the dual term OP in a sense: one is a OP or one is not an OP. That does not fit because we are all _open_ to differing degrees.
So ask yourself why do you need a binari expression to rate people? What does it say about the one who needs this? This is the trap.

Let's now listen the ellucidated voices. Is there a need for a binary expression or not? does it help? Does it realy refine the higher emotional receptions? This is my question.

OP as a description for the primary character? It is exactly this a dangerous thing because without awarenes that what you think for the moment to be a primary character is maybe not.
I remember one post of yours early in this thread introducing the bell curve ans speculating about it's nature and whether there is continuity or discontinuity in that curve. So it was quite visible where this word led your thinking. Later you adjusted and you see that you are trying to fit that word into something from a rather intellectual POV.

I know myself asking in the past about what's the true character of some people. But you will not come to closure to watch a person till you definitely know it. Live is too complicated and OP tends to be too simplicistic. I admit the dicussions about OP were not :)

And here comes a point that we tend to miss. I'm in the 40s now. We get older. Some day we go the way of the world whatever this means. I do not now when transition into 4D happens and if it happens. I leave that open.
Life has two characteristics:
- the doing during live
- the collecting of experience.

Now anyone knows live is a rollercoaster. So I hope that as much people as possible can give this a meaning even when it goes up and down.
Yes sometimes it's fun. We have workgroups and there is a lot of sharing. It is often like a cleanup session about belief systems.
But at the end you feel there must be a aim: That the seed of a fruit or your personal tree of knowledge has somehow grown. I remember Arks question in one of the Cs session: what's the meaning about finding a UFT? Does it have any meaning in 4D. Or remember discussions about Time. Asking about time knowing that it is an illusion.
What do we really take with us? Is it with the last breath? Did I die as an OP or as a Non OP? You will agree this is absurd. I think what we will take with us is some kind'a force. We did ask and we will ask. We will take with us the force to ask questions. We will take with us primary awareness to a higher knowledge.
So what is the meaning of this live? Essentially it is training. It is a reality to build up 'curiosity' Ig you aloow for a wider spectrum how 'Curiosityness' :))) can be built then you must admit for other ways than esoterism and individualistic work too. Maybe some accepted terminology withing the QFG framework has it's limits and does not easily allow for a wider spectrum. The danger is to watch a world from a too narrowed framework and to watch the world through OP sunglasses happy to find it now completely different. But I suppose that it is really this: A look through other glasses. You can use this as a test, but any experiment has its limits and one should never forget the one experimenting.

In my eyes I can live with the fact that i can be manipulated, that i am not perfect, that i did clean only part of my belief systems. But what I really fear is, when I stop asking questions. And asking questions is not easy as anyone knows. And here is the point that one tends to rate characters. Is this one curios? Does he smell funny?
Yeah I am lazy sometimes. But guess my open door invites someone who kicks me in the a.... So even atacks which come through doors are sometimes helpers to ground the all to ivory towery questions into personal life.

Thank you
I'm afraid that I have no where near the patience that Laura has, because I could barely make it through the original non-sensical post, much less remark on it as she has done. Insomuch as the time spent is worthwhile to clear up the portal/Organic Portal confusion exhibited by I-Eye, I must admit that the most prominent aspect of this interchange for me is the apparent startling lack of reading comprehension on I-Eye's part. I truly don't mean to sound insulting, I'm simply commenting on how difficult it must be to read all that has been written in this thread, and still come away with the thoughts that I-Eye has presented.
If "Organic Portal" is too dehumanising, stark and negative, then we probably should give it a nicer, more positive name.

How about "Chicken Noodle Happy Chocolate Frog"?

I think figuring out who is and who isn't, is 90% of the game. The other 10% is trying to do the right thing interacting with all. Because, you know, you could be wrong about someone being one way or the other. It isn't like you can wave a meter in front of someone and have it flash "Organic Portal" at you. Would be nice, if that were the case. And I suppose many years hence, maybe we will all have such. I guess it's like long division - you have to know how to do it by hand, before you can use a calculator to divide numbers.

Of course, the other 10% - knowing what the right thing to do can also be a very hard problem indeed. Intractable even.
anart said:
I'm afraid that I have no where near the patience that Laura has, because I could barely make it through the original non-sensical post, much less remark on it as she has done. Insomuch as the time spent is worthwhile to clear up the portal/Organic Portal confusion exhibited by I-Eye, I must admit that the most prominent aspect of this interchange for me is the apparent startling lack of reading comprehension on I-Eye's part. I truly don't mean to sound insulting, I'm simply commenting on how difficult it must be to read all that has been written in this thread, and still come away with the thoughts that I-Eye has presented.
The difficulty of words, of communication, is obvious. I notice that my questions about the native language do not seem to have been answered. That, above all, would assist all of us in understanding the perspective of "I-Eye." This is something that I am familiar with since English is not my husband's first language and we have had a number of comical misundertandings in the past because of transliteration. I also discovered that even though he assiduously utilized his Polish/English dictionary, said dictionary did not, in any comprehensive way, convey the many subtleties of English sytax. That is, that the way the words are put together can convey subtle meanings more than the individual words; the whole sentence can be greater than the sum of its parts.

This is also true for the term "Organic Portal." Either word, taken alone, does not add together the way it does in the context we discuss it. Then, there is the tendency for the language to morph rather rapidly and words that once conveyed certain essences, begin to carry other "baggage." The word "cult" comes immediately to mind, as well as the term "conspiracy theory." The pejorative meaning that these words have acquired is a phenomenon of the past 50 years. What we are trying to do is gain some mastery of this term and imbue it with a balanced meaning to counteract the activities of those who have taken it and run with it and fallen into the trap of making checklists, turning it into a truly "dehumanizing" concept.

Just think of all the words that are used to describe mental illnesses. Think also of the history of mental illness and how it was formerly thought to be demonic possession, and the cruel acts that were perpetrated on people who were quite simply sick. Yes, more often than not the sickness was one from which they could not recover, or could only partly recover, but the much maligned "liberals" in this world have gone a long way toward finding niches of value for everyone, even the mentally ill. And what about the mentally retarded? Lord, how much they have suffered through no fault of their own.

It's funny that the issue of Organic Portal is so shocking to people. That is a testimony to the programming of our world, the democratic "all men are created equal" which is patently and obviously not true in myriads of ways. I think that a lot of people assign all kinds of meaning to the terms "created equal" that it did not originally possess. After all, Jefferson did define it as the "right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness," which pretty much covers everyone from the mentally ill to the president. Of course, I'm sure that Jefferson never imagined that someone who was mentally ill would become president - that is taking "created equal" to an obscene limit. But that's what happened to the term "democracy" in the hands of those with negative intentions.

Andrew Lobaczewski is absolutely right when he says that Western Culture has handed us a dirty deal due to the influence of Imperial Rome on Greek philosophy and then its shaping of the nascent Christianity. As he points out, in any Imperial structure, the questions of human nature are troublesome factors that only complicate legal and administrative considerations, and thus they are quickly dismissed. Instead, the tendency is to develop a concept of human nature that is simple enough to serve the purposes of law. The result of this was a concept of the human being that had very little to do with actual psychological - let alone spiritual - properties. Thus, cognation of and reflection upon psychology, spirituality, human nature, and related concepts was barren and limited within the Roman system.

Of course, Christianity went through its own phases. Right up to the Renaissance, it was still being debated as to whether or not WOMEN had souls! I suspect that this was a reflection of the ancient teaching, revived by the early "Jesus people", regarding Organic Portals. But then it was simply assigned to women since that is who men most wanted to oppress.

Burton Mack tells us about the early Jesus people in his book "The Lost Gospel"

Burton Mack said:
The remarkable thing about the people of Q is that they were not Christians. They did not think of Jesus as a messiah or the Christ. They did not take his teachings as an indictment of Judaism. They did not regard his death as a divine, tragic, or saving event. And they did not imagine that he had been raised from the dead to rule over a transformed world. Instead, they thought of him as a teacher whose teachings made it possible to live with verve in troubled times. Thus they did not gather to worship in his name, honor him as a god, or cultivate his memory through hymns, prayers, and rituals. They did not form a cult of the Christ... The people of Q were Jesus people, not Christians. [...]
Mack's discussion shows how the Jesus movement was a vigorous social experiment that was generated for reasons other than an "originating event" such as a "religious experience" or the "birth of the son of God."

The Jesus movement seems to have been a response to troubled and difficult times. Mack outlines and describes the times, and shows how the pressures of the milieu led to thinking new thoughts about traditional values and experimenting with associations that crossed ethnic and cultural boundaries. The Jesus movement was composed of novel social notions and lifestyles that denied and rejected traditional systems of honor based on power, wealth, and place in hierarchical social structures. Ancient religious codes of ritual purity, taboos against intercourse across ethnic boundaries, were rejected. People were encouraged to think of themselves as belonging to the larger, human family. Q says: "If you embrace only your brothers, what more are you doing than others?"

The Jesus people not only rejected the old order of things, they were actively at work on the questions of what ideal social order they wanted to manifest and promote. The attraction of the Jesus people to its followers was not at all based on any ideas to reform a religious tradition that had gone wrong, nor was it even thought of as a new religion in any way. It was quite simply a social movement that sought to enhance human values that grew out of an unmanageable world of confusing cultures and social histories. It was a group of like-minded individuals that created a forum for thinking about the world in new ways, coming up with new ideas that included the shocking notion that an ethnically mixed group could form its own kind of community and live by its own rules.

And one of the major concepts the "Jesus People" were dealing with was the idea of what we are referring to as "Organic Portals." The Jesus people promoted the idea that "souled" individuals should form communities and that souled individuals could be of every color, creed and ethnicity - that the "kingdom of god" was something that had nothing at all to do with those definitions and had everything to do with a particular quality that transcended racial, national, ethnic boundaries.

We, too, live in just such a troubled time when struggling to find what is at the root of the conflict between human beings and learning how to live in new ways is of paramount importance. The C's have pointed out that close or intimate relations with OPs is draining - and have even suggested that, if one is engaged in a "dance" with one of them in a close and intimate relationship that, "when the dance-hall bursts into flames," both will be burned.

Castaneda has talked about the necessity to conserve energy, and Gurdjieff has talked about the proper use of energy. Mouravieff revealed certain aspects of the ancient Christian tradition, and we went to the C's for clarification. It certainly gave an all new meaning to that ancient text that has been such an exercise to theologians: And the sons of God looked upon the daughters of men... and took wives... which then led almost immediately to the conditions prior to the Flood of Noah. So, of course, one gets the distinct impression that this is a pretty important issue that has been subjected to serious cover-up, intentional or not.

Looking back again at the Jesus People, we find significant clues as I discussed in Secret History:

What is most revealing is the fact that the only writings contemporary to the times of early Christianity which mention it specifically, remark that it was a “vile superstition”. Yet, what we have as Christianity today is nothing more or less than the same religious practices of the peoples who branded it a “vile superstition”. Tacitus tells us that in the time of Nero:

There followed a catastrophe, whether through accident or the design of the emperor is not sure, as there are authorities for both views, but it was the most disastrous and appalling of all the calamities brought on this city through the violence of fire. …A rumor had spread abroad that at the very time when the city was burning, Nero had mounted on his private stage and sung of the destruction of Troy, comparing the present disaster with that ancient catastrophe....

In order to put an end to these rumors Nero provided scapegoats and visited most fearful punishments on those popularly called Christians, a group hated because of their outrageous practices. The founder of this sect, Christus, was executed in the reign of Tiberius by the procurator Pontius Pilatus. Thus the pernicious superstition was suppressed for the while, but it broke out again not only in Judaea, where this evil had its origin, but even in Rome, to which all obnoxious and disgraceful elements flow from everywhere in the world and receive a large following.

The first ones to be seized were those who confessed; then on their information a vast multitude was convicted, not so much on the charge of incendiarism as because of their hatred of humanity.
Pliny the Younger, who lived c. 62 to 113 AD, was sent by Emperor Trajan as a special representative to the Roman province of Bithynia in Asia Minor. His task was to keep the peace. When he had trouble dealing with Christians, Pliny wrote to the emperor asking how he should proceed against them describing what he knew about their religion:

However, they asserted that their guilt or mistake had amounted to no more than this, that they had been accustomed on a set day to gather before dawn and to chant in antiphonal form a hymn to Christ as if to a god, and to bind themselves by a pledge, not for the commission of any crime, but rather that they would not commit theft nor robbery nor adultery nor break their promises, nor refuse to return on demand any treasure that had been entrusted to their care; when this ceremony had been completed, they would go away, to reassemble later for a feast, but an ordinary and innocent one. They had abandoned even this custom after my edict in which, following your instruction, I had forbidden the existence of fellowships. So I thought it the more necessary to extract the truth even by torture from two maidservants who were called deaconesses. I found nothing save a vile superstition carried to an immoderate length.

The contagion of the superstition has pervaded not only the cities but the villages and country districts as well. Yet it seems that it can be halted and cured. It is well agreed that temples almost desolate have begun to be thronged again, and stated rites that had long been abandoned are revived; and a sale is found for the fodder of sacrificial victims, though hitherto buyers were rare. So it is easy to conjecture what a great number of offenders may be reformed, if a chance to repent is given.
So we have these clues:

1. Christians were hated because of their "outrageous practices."
2. Their beliefs were described as a pernicious superstition.
3. The pernicious superstition had its origin in Judaea.
4. Christians were convicted because of their “hatred of humanity”.
5. Pliny describes their practices as “benign” but that the core belief was a “vile superstition carried to an immoderate length”.
6. This “vile superstition” was pervasive and apparently led to the temples and ancient rites including sacrifice being abandoned.

The question that comes to mind is: what would the peoples of that time have considered a “vile superstition” or “outrageous practices” when one is aware of what they considered normal religious practice which included dying god myths and gnosticism and sacrifice and all the other accoutrements of Christianity as we know it today? The only real clue we have is the remark: “not so much on the charge of incendiarism as because of their hatred of humanity - a vile superstition carried to an immoderate length”.

Their what?

“Their hatred of humanity.”
That sounds surprisingly like I-Eye's accusation, doesn't it? Mack even mentions the core issue that upset the heck out of the ancient authorities:

Burton Mack said:
To explore human community based on fictive kinship without regard to standard taboos against association based on class, status, gender, or ethnicity would have created quite a stir,...
So naturally, understanding the OP problem and divesting it completely of any definition in terms of class, nationality, social status, gender or ethnicity could very well threaten the Powers That Be. What if people began to understand that it is NOT a question of any of those things? What if they began to refuse to get all tied up with nationalism, with looking at any large grouping of people in negative or exclusionary terms based on any of those false divisions that have been used for millennia as excuses for wars and genocide? What if they began to realize that the true divisions between human beings were something so fundamental that the "external reasons" imposed by Empire no longer had meaning?

The same issues seem to have been at the fore of Catharism. The so-called Cathar heresy was predicated upon the question of Good and Evil. The irreducible bone of contention between the Cathars and the Catholic Church was the role and power of Evil in the life of human beings.

For the Cathars, the god of Judaism, was an evil Archon of Darkness. They rejected entirely the Old Testament as being the work of this evil god. The Cathars considered worldly authority, based on so-called Divine Sanction such as the Church claimed, to be a fraud.

The Cathar God was a god of light who ruled invisible consciousness and did not meddle in human affairs. The God of the Cathars simply didn't care if you got into bed before getting married, associated with or intermarried with Jews or Arabs, black or white, and whether or not you were a woman or a man. For the Cathars, it was material life, pursuit of material things, money, power and possessions, that was the hallmark of Idolatry. It's not hard to think that this division between the material world and the world of invisible consciousness extended also to considerations of souled and non-souled humans. In fact, if you revisit what is known about the Cathars with this hypothesis, you begin to see a lot of things making sense.

For the Cathars, the unique crossroads of choice lay within the human being. It was in the human consciousness that the divine spark was found - the "Kingdom of Heaven within" - and this spark was a remnant of an earlier, angelic state of existence that had the potential to be redeemed.

Now, what was so evil about this? Why did the church seek to destroy the Cathars?

It should be obvious. If such ideas were true, the sacraments of the Catholic Church were null and void, and the Church itself was a fraud, a cruel hoax played by those who were only seeking power. If such ideas were true, the status of human beings could never be looked at the same way again. If everybody believed, as the Cathars did, that soul qualities were what counted - not social status or who the Church designated as "saved," it put a whole different spin on how humans ought to behave toward one another.

One of the more serious charges against the Cathars was their repugnance against swearing oaths. It's hard to understand this now, but it can be compared to proposing the idea that a modern earthly contract has no binding power when issues of morality and ethics come into the picture. The swearing of oaths, especially oaths of fealty, was the contractual underpinning of a feudal society. It gave a "sacred weight" to the controllers of the hierarchy, the Catholic Church. If an individual broke an oath, he could be condemned by the authority of the Church to Hell. Kingdoms, estates, bonds of service, all were created, transferred, and maintained by the mediation of the Church. You could say that "swearing oaths" was medieval Corporatism.

The Cathars believed that linking the activities of business and government to the Divine was an exercise in Wishful Thinking if not out and out blasphemy. From their point of view, god was detached from such things and any idea that he was either interested, or cared about the business and government doings of human beings was a fanciful house of cards. For anyone to claim that they had the power to control human dealings by threatening the wrath of God just on their say-so was hubris in the extreme to the Cathar mind.

Catharism taught that man and woman were one. A souled human being was reincarnated over and over again - as peasant, king, boy, girl, master, servant - but what really mattered the most was one's divine, immaterial, androgynous - or rather, sexless - spiritual self. That did irreparable damage to the Catholic churche's teachings about the sinful state of women, the exclusion of women from inheritance, the "fall of man" via the temptation of Eve, and so on. It also did irreparable damage to divisions of groups based on issues of "corporate" control. If a king was as likely to be an OP (not to mention a Pope), and if the Cathars refused to be bound by contracts to OPs (because it does seem that this must have been the fundamental issue), then Catharism was one of the greatest threats to the Powers That Be that has ever existed. The church, and kings and rulers who relied on the Church to control people and to give weight to their contracts, could not allow such a heresy to spread.

John Chang said:
I think figuring out who is and who isn't, is 90% of the game. The other 10% is trying to do the right thing interacting with all. .... Of course, the other 10% - knowing what the right thing to do can also be a very hard problem indeed. Intractable even.
Indeed. And that is what exercises us here.
The I-Eye said:
OP as a description for the primary character? It is exactly this a dangerous thing because without awarenes that what you think for the moment to be a primary character is maybe not.
I remember one post of yours early in this thread introducing the bell curve ans speculating about it's nature and whether there is continuity or discontinuity in that curve. So it was quite visible where this word led your thinking. Later you adjusted and you see that you are trying to fit that word into something from a rather intellectual POV.
So what you are saying unless we know the absolute truth and have its awareness it is dangerous to explore and attempt to discover the truth? You seem to be implying that because there are psychopaths manipulating words and the truth, then we should avoid explorations or be in danger of becoming psychopaths ourselves.

I mentioned that I thought your view was the opposite end of the spectrum from Ruth's. They actually do not seem that far apart, since both are pushing for a shut-down of the exploration process.

You also, for all your high words regarding "humanization", underestimate human potential. People manipulate words. Words do not manipulate discriminating people. I believe your gripe is not with the word, but with the concept of definitively identifiable non-physical differences between groups of people.

Isn't it funny though that while those promoting the "levelling of the human playing field" complain against people who want to explore the nature of that field, psychopaths just keep going their merry way making their own destructive distinctions, and laughing all the way to the bank?

It seems it is always sincere people who are prompted to constantly doubt themselves and their motives to understand the situation, especially when those motives tend to lead them to possibilities of dealing with the disctinctions at the root of the underside of the human condition.

While the "well-meaning" cry "STOP DANGER, CEASE AND DESIST, OR YOU WILL BECOME EVIL!", is shouted in the ears of sincere explorers, true evil rampages about. As humanity cries "WHAT DO WE DO?", some are trying to find answers and they have the foresight to understand that these answers are not easy. Have you ever heard of Nazi's discussing ANYTHING?

So you point out that at first I proposed a continuity between OP's and "Adamics" in the bell-curve. You assume that the word has led me to "conform" and say the two are now different. The phenomenon that the term OP describes is not new to me. I had observed it long before I logged on here, so it was always real for me. Because I observed it over YEARS you cannot convince me it is not real.

The terminology used here, however, IS new the me. Even so, I would be a fool if I allowed some word to carry me along, and throw out all my former and current observations. The thread on Organic Portals is as complex as the topic. Issues are presented back and forth and many angles are explored. On the one hand there is a discontinuity between OP's and non-OP's because these two groups EVOLVE differently.

On the other hand, the behaviour characteristics can be observed in both groups, and in that context they DO overlap. I am not just going along with the crowd here to conform my understanding to a mere word. I am deepening my understanding in considering the validity of all the viewpoints presented as compared to my own experience and that of others. Contrary to your own misgivings, what I have noticed as the thread here has progressed, was a GREATER humanization of the OP concept.

If you have not observed this then you are obviously seeing things in terms of black and white, and have missed the point of the thread entirely. The term OP is also complex in that it ties to other ideas presented here such as the concept of soul pools. It seems that instead of viewing the word as ONE element in a greater tapestry of understanding you have myopically glued your Eye to this one tree and refuse to notice the greater forest we are all exploring.

"Rather intellectual"?

How are my first posts any less "intellectual" than the later ones? What you are trying to say is that my later posts attempt to go into greater philisophical depth. Perhaps some of my ideas are too complex for you, but this is not compatible with your admonition that the OP concept is too simplistic in and of itself.

I find it incredibly interesting that nobody expressed reservations regarding the OP concept until AFTER the discussion started getting deeper and more complex. Is this simply a coincidence? I would understand if people dissagreed if the discussion came to PREMATURE conclusions, and I myself would be among those. It seems, however, the opposite is occuring.

And in all of this we have not reached definitive conclusions, although there is much greater clarity in my view. The discussion, in other words, does not tell you what to think, but it provides a load of food for thought.

It seems THAT seems to generate cognitive dissonance in some readers. Again, if there were objections among people who have read the C's material (presumably), why didn't anyone come out even before this thread was generated and say "hey, I don't feel good about this OP thing"? Apparently, what seems to bother some people is that the topic is being successfully discussed, and disturbance seems to be in proportion to the complexity and depth of the understandings reached.

The I-Eye said:
I know myself asking in the past about what's the true character of some people. But you will not come to closure to watch a person till you definitely know it. Live is too complicated and OP tends to be too simplicistic. I admit the dicussions about OP were not :)
The second sentence is just circular.

Regarding the third sentence of the above quote, let me get this straight: a)Life is too complicated, b)OP tends to be too simplistic, c) discussions about OP were not [simplistic]. Point (b) is redundant IMO here, because the point of the discussion was to go beyond the surface simplicity of the idea. So: Life is too comlicated and the OP discussions are seeking to match life's complexity as much as possible. You do not believe this is possible, so you urge for the whole exploration to be aborted. If you are correct, then you are only correct for yourself. This may not be a topic for you, but do not presume that what applies to you applies to others. People are different, are they not? :)

The I-Eye said:
...What do we really take with us? Is it with the last breath? Did I die as an OP or as a Non OP? You will agree this is absurd. I think what we will take with us is some kind'a force. We did ask and we will ask. We will take with us the force to ask questions. We will take with us primary awareness to a higher knowledge...
So what you are expressing here and in the whole paragraph to which this quote belongs is a kind of existential fatalism of "what's the point of it all?" You are playing "Sartre on OP's", and I am sure Sartre and his like would have agreed that its all futile. This is a whole other angle from your previous arguments of the "ABANDON YOUR EFFORTS! theme.

Sure, I can say that you are going through an existential crisis, and projecting that crisis on this discussion. Something else in me, however, tells me to not completely ignore the possibility that 4D influences feel threatened when some people enter "taboo" territory. As such, they can feel compelled to undermine those attempts via human influence. Both suppositions may be true, or only one of them. The result is the same, and I am afraid the discussion will not end simply because it bothers you. Sorry. =D
I also now wonder if the difficulty in understanding this topic might be due to an inability to See the difference at all - the difference between an OP and a non-OP. If someone has no higher centers, no seed of a soul, can they then understand what it is to have these things, or do they, speaking from their own life knowledge and understanding simply think that the entire concept is much ado about nothing, creating distinctions where there are none? Perhaps having access to higher centers affords the opportunity to a person to perceive an existance without them? I'm finding it hard to find the words to clarify my point (many distractions here at work atm). It is as if there are those who are color blind, who then say, "but you can't make some distinction between blue and green, after all, they are the same color, so it wouldn't be fair to the greens to say that they are not blue. Perhaps one has to BE blue to see that there is, in fact , a green? Again, these are just thoughts, and not conclusions.
anart said:
I also now wonder if the difficulty in understanding this topic might be due to an inability to See the difference at all - the difference between an OP and a non-OP. If someone has no higher centers, no seed of a soul, can they then understand what it is to have these things, or do they, speaking from their own life knowledge and understanding simply think that the entire concept is much ado about nothing, creating distinctions where there are none? Perhaps having access to higher centers affords the opportunity to a person to perceive an existance without them? I'm finding it hard to find the words to clarify my point (many distractions here at work atm). It is as if there are those who are color blind, who then say, "but you can't make some distinction between blue and green, after all, they are the same color, so it wouldn't be fair to the greens to say that they are not blue. Perhaps one has to BE blue to see that there is, in fact , a green? Again, these are just thoughts, and not conclusions.
I've thought along the same lines and I think that there is really something to it. I've noticed that the people who take great exception to the idea, after some lengthy discussion, seem to display the very properties being considered, and simply cannot see it. They have no "self-viewing" organ.

Then, there are others who do not take exception to the idea, but grab it and run with it, reducing the idea of the OP to something so simple and obvious and capable of being discerned with a simple checklist - and they, too, begin to exhibit the very characteristics.

After all, "other realms" and even "heaven and hell" can be pretty simplistically defined by OPs, one would think. And I suspect that, since they simply cannot imagine, much less DO the work, they opt for very simple and "cheerful" philosophies where everyone is equal and if they just play nice, all will ascend magically!

Actually, now that I have written this (with some background thinking going on as I type), it brings to mind David Icke and his shtick... He certainly uses a lot of the words and ideas that we have brought forward over the past 11 years, but it is as though he can't really grok them at the deeper levels.

Also reminds me of Bridges and Weidner... I'll never forget having a phone conversation with Bridges once, and he was going on about hyperdimensional realities and "sacred geometry," and along in the conversation, I realized that he was casting it in the terms of an "astral" world, which it is not. I stopped him and pointed out the error. He asked me what did "4 D mean to me" and I tried to explain, but it became more and more obvious as the discussion continued that he simply could not grasp it. He knew the words, but not the meaning.

Icke has the same problem: he talks about it in a way that gives the impression that he thinks it all just a "spiritual" realm of angels and demons or something.

These are all very subtle things, but it is interesting to note them.
What you are both expressing is what I was hinting at, and to me it is the most logical explanation for the dissonance reaction of some people to the abstract depth of understanding the differences between OPs and non-OP's. It also brings into closer understanding just what are higher centers, or rather what difference do they make for people in whom they can activate.

You can almost use the Organic Portals thread as a litmus test. Get a large enough random group to read it and form a statistical curve based on their reactions. Personally, if I had no prior experience with people reacting in
this manner to such information and someone just told me if happened, I would find it hard to believe. I may have understood (upon reading the thread) people wanting more clarification or disagreeing with points, but I would never have really thought that such an issue (thoroughly discussed as it was) could generate such reactions of miscomprehension in people claiming deep interest in the subject.

And it's not just incomprehension or difficulty in fathoming a presentation. In itself that can just be an indicator that some inner work is called for. Here we have expressed feelings of discomfort, as if some organ is stressed beyond its limits.

It's as if some people translate words to a certain meaning, and others can only look at things in two dimensional literalism. It does seem like color blindness or a lack of depth perception. In addition, however, there also seems to be a kind of vestigal organic capacity that can reach for abstract truths, but where actually trying to grasp them creates discomfort. Perhaps higher centers are vestigal in some people, existent but atrophied or in chronic latency somehow.

In any case, I think the same dissonance/distortion occurs when an inspired individual attempts to communicate his/her revelations to others. Right off the bat the inspirations are misunderstood, misinterpreted, and turned into dogmatic approximations.

This does not even necessitate foul play, just a kind of deaf/blindness in those that receive the original wisdom.
Teachers like Jesus, for example, may have had desciples who were able to understand, and others who could not, but made a fine show of it. Peter comes to mind in the latter category. And even early Christians who apparently grokked the distinction between those that could understand and those that could not, may not have been so proficient in telling the difference after all.

It may be that the mixture of the two types could be a source of confusion in any revelation past the wisdom of the originator, and a source of corruption for the revelation long before conscious pathocrats got a hold of it. That alone points to the importance of understanding the distinction, and somehow letting those that cannot understand go their way without conflict.

Yet this is difficult, because it seems there are many people who cannot understand that are attracted to certain teachings for the opposite reasons that those that can understand are. Namely because the teachings give them a means to structure reality on their own terms instead of truly exploring what is. It's tempting to say that certain people are guided to abstract understandings in order to break them down as if under some compulsion.
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