EsoQuest said:
The I-Eye said:
OP as a description for the primary character? It is exactly this a dangerous thing because without awarenes that what you think for the moment to be a primary character is maybe not.
I remember one post of yours early in this thread introducing the bell curve ans speculating about it's nature and whether there is continuity or discontinuity in that curve. So it was quite visible where this word led your thinking. Later you adjusted and you see that you are trying to fit that word into something from a rather intellectual POV.
So what you are saying unless we know the absolute truth and have its awareness it is dangerous to explore and attempt to discover the truth? You seem to be implying that because there are psychopaths manipulating words and the truth, then we should avoid explorations or be in danger of becoming psychopaths ourselves.
I mentioned that I thought your view was the opposite end of the spectrum from Ruth's. They actually do not seem that far apart, since both are pushing for a shut-down of the exploration process.
You also, for all your high words regarding "humanization", underestimate human potential. People manipulate words. Words do not manipulate
discriminating people. I believe your gripe is not with the word, but with the concept of
definitively identifiable non-physical differences between groups of people.
Isn't it funny though that while those promoting the "levelling of the human playing field" complain against people who want to explore the nature of that field, psychopaths just keep going their merry way making their
own destructive distinctions, and laughing all the way to the bank?
It seems it is always sincere people who are prompted to constantly doubt themselves and their motives to understand the situation, especially when those motives tend to lead them to possibilities of
dealing with the disctinctions at the root of the underside of the human condition.
While the "well-meaning" cry "STOP DANGER, CEASE AND DESIST, OR YOU WILL BECOME EVIL!", is shouted in the ears of sincere explorers, true evil rampages about. As humanity cries "WHAT DO WE DO?", some are trying to find answers and they have the foresight to understand that these answers are not easy. Have you ever heard of Nazi's discussing ANYTHING?
The 'roots at the underside' in your words I interprete as the teaching that there are two distinguished groups of human beings.
My question dealt with a lexical problem (mixed indeed with a backslash).
But to elaborate the problem: May I give examples how vocabulary affects us on the 'branches' of our reality?
The first example is well known. The second one is not and has to do with my own research.
Antisemitism is a good example of the use of a wrong word. It is such a loaded word that a lot of people dare not even question it. This prohibition even led to some laws that punish questioning some aspects of the holocaust inclusive the word 'holocaust'.
In view cases the ones who accuse questioners should have used another word when in fact there was a certain bias in the questioners.
Such words might have been...
- Anti-Judaism (critizising a national concept)
- Anti-Juweryism (critizising a cultural network)
- Anti-HaShemism (critizising the Jahwistic religion / mysticism)
- Anti-Zionism (critizising a political program based on or disguised within a nationality)
The prohibition discourages to think below a word. Instead we have Anti-Sem-itism where Sem does logically refer to one of the sons of Noah.
It might be a coincidence that this adresses one third of biblical world population.
The second example
Reading the bible one might expect that the jews developped out of shauvinism (natonality focused self esteem) a religion which propagetes their eshatological supremacy through observing laws and codes which are only understood within the adherents of that culture / nation.
One could explain this as self-developping process and say: well it is some kind of precursory nazi-ism.
But when I detected the mystic system of the torah (which I coined Tree of Knowledge) I had to revise this view. There was an element which was not jewish that contributet to this form. The ToK serves as
- a tool to pretect the torah from corruption
- a key to jewish year counting which only became public through Seder Olam
- a initiating system partially subverting the obvious vocabulary
- a command to destruct the temple in 70 AD
- (possibly but not well attested) a plan for some historical realisations in the future.
There is no doubt that the system is dependent on the extant form of the torah - which is attested by texts as the LXX and SamP for those who doubt the age of the MT - and goes back into the late persian era.
There is a non jewish element which created the jewish nation and used it as a tool to accomplish something, which is not jet understood.
But we can observe the obvious: 'Jew' is a code word in world politics. And jewish identiy is much stronger for one whio is born within that culture which is in the same time a nation.
'Jew' is a codeword. It is a button that can be pushed. Even the most aware Jews who try to come to terms with this programming are at some level susceptible to that button.
In short... Some spiritual/psychological entitie(s) created buttons to be pushed in times. We see how words do indeed have a wide ranging function.
The freedom not to be susceptible to the button is not guaranteed. And regarding the mass the button functions any time even when some parts of the programmed people do not switch.
Key words exist. They are like buttons. Semitism is a trigger, Jew is a trigger and obviously 'OP' is a trigger too.
the keys do exist and cannot be denied away. So what can be done?
It must be possible to discuss it.
This was an example how vocabulary does affect the 'branches'.
Now you are right that there might be something at the 'root' namely: that there are not only triggers that can be used but that there is a completely different quality.
The contrversial point is:
- Is it 'the' reality and the word OP does indeed somehow designate that group?
- Or is it another trial to install or reinstall triggers.
I do not decide this but based on my experience with the torah I must ask the second question as a possibility.
EsoQuest said:
So you point out that at first I proposed a continuity between OP's and "Adamics" in the bell-curve. You assume that the word has led me to "conform" and say the two are now different. The phenomenon that the term OP describes is not new to me. I had observed it long before I logged on here, so it was always real for me. Because I observed it over YEARS you cannot convince me it is not real.
WHAT is not real? Did you observe that it IS absolutely so but did not have a word for it? Or is it that the systems explains your observation?
we should not forget that the idea of a division is not new. Calvin thought it is predetermined who is from god and who is from the devil.
EsoQuest said:
The terminology used here, however, IS new the me. Even so, I would be a fool if I allowed some word to carry me along, and throw out all my former and current observations. The thread on Organic Portals is as complex as the topic. Issues are presented back and forth and many angles are explored. On the one hand there is a discontinuity between OP's and non-OP's because these two groups EVOLVE differently.
The word - as it is - is new and unique indeed. But doing some research there might be some connections to older traditions. I would not want to suggest, that the Cs teaching incorporates the gnostic concensus. But the gnostics divided humantiy in three types:
- pneumatics
- psychics
- hylians
The last one designated the 'fleshly' ones. But we should know that within eastern and alexandrian vocabulary 'fleshly' meant 'earthen' as opposed to such which knew the 'spiritual'.
Gnosis does not always put the 'pneumatics' in the first place. In the East in non greek vocabulary they rather put the 'souled' before the 'ghostly'. It is in the greek gnosis that 'pneuma' (ghost) is first because psychic did not equal 'souled' as such.
Considering the somewhat mixed terminology one cannot easily compare them. But the word 'organic portals' might match the 'hylians'.
organic has a double meaning.
- Scientifically C-based matter (no pun intended)
- from Organum (a tool in a broader sense. It can even be a concept. From 'Erga' it means 'work')
However: 'organic portals' does not match 'hylians' one to one and the meaning is perhaps within the Cs teachings.
The troublesom part is the 'portals' because it rather reflects how OP are perceaved than what they are.
The Cs say the serve as a bridge between 2D and 3D. Since OPs have a group soul they are connected. 'portals' does not express this.
EsoQuest said:
On the other hand, the behaviour characteristics can be observed in both groups, and in that context they DO overlap.
Would this apply to 'degees of susceptibility' to triggers such as i gave for the 'branches' of our reality?
EsoQuest said:
I am not just going along with the crowd here to conform my understanding to a mere word. I am deepening my understanding in considering the validity of all the viewpoints presented as compared to my own experience and that of others. Contrary to your own misgivings, what I have noticed as the thread here has progressed, was a GREATER humanization of the OP concept.
If you have not observed this then you are obviously seeing things in terms of black and white, and have missed the point of the thread entirely. The term OP is also complex in that it ties to other ideas presented here such as the concept of soul pools. It seems that instead of viewing the word as ONE element in a greater tapestry of understanding you have myopically glued your Eye to this one tree and refuse to notice the greater forest we are all exploring.
It is the discussion which gives words a meaning. Any given word has multiple connectors. But they often lay hidden and it depends completely upon how and where a word is used.
Let me give you an example. Would you use 'organic portals' in a newspaper?
That is a master trigger.
But discussing a word where conflicting aproaches may broaden or enlighten the sense is completely different. While i would not say it is a process to 'humanize' a word I'd rather think it is the process to explain it within a broader scheme where. Considering the C transcriptions the word has much more connectors as you say.
'Humanization' (just some free thoughts)
Gnostics put indeed the human being in the center of their teaching. This is true for religions in general.
But indeed it is not so easy to explain what a human is. A human being is anithing else than just a assembly of parts. The whole of a human being is his life, the meaning of life. But the meaning is not complete if one forgets to presence of one singular human being.
EsoQuest said:
"Rather intellectual"?
How are my first posts any less "intellectual" than the later ones? What you are trying to say is that my later posts attempt to go into greater philisophical depth. Perhaps some of my ideas are too complex for you, but this is not compatible with your admonition that the OP concept is too simplistic in and of itself.
There are two things: A concept and a word. Imagine one (me) who read Lauras material which starts using that word. The reader is left with the newspaper view. (A newspaper gives a dayly progress of political processes. It is up to the reader to collect all parts).
In this approach the word is not explained within a broader context. One is left to collect the data of the material and somehow find a way through it and he may end missunderstanding a concept. This is the danger to simplify a word and it then may function as a trigger.
But a forum is different. It helps finding the connectors within a rather complex framework. Then at least the meaning of the word might be acuratly understood.
So there are two sides. The QFG group has a school and it has a publication framework.
EsoQuest said:
I find it incredibly interesting that nobody expressed reservations regarding the OP concept until AFTER the discussion started getting deeper and more complex.
A discussion does refer to members inputs too.
Without a discussion one may always create a distance between a concept and oneself. But once a discussion is started it becomes apparent how deep this can go.
EsoQuest said:
Is this simply a coincidence? I would understand if people dissagreed if the discussion came to PREMATURE conclusions, and I myself would be among those. It seems, however, the opposite is occuring.
The question is whether there is a feedback mechanism in the topic and the concept itself when speaker becomes himself the battelfield of the topic.
Any input shows a psychological imprint which becomes data within the exploration of the topic.
EsoQuest said:
And in all of this we have not reached definitive conclusions, although there is much greater clarity in my view. The discussion, in other words, does not tell you what to think, but it provides a load of food for thought.
It seems THAT seems to generate cognitive dissonance in some readers. Again, if there were objections among people who have read the C's material (presumably), why didn't anyone come out even before this thread was generated and say "hey, I don't feel good about this OP thing"? Apparently, what seems to bother some people is that the topic is being successfully discussed, and disturbance seems to be in proportion to the complexity and depth of the understandings reached. |/quote]
I think the QFG group has got a lot of mails concerning this. I send myself one. And this is data that escapes your knowledge.
But does absence of such a thread (before Laura opened it) explain something about agreement? Or did she open it because the topic needs some thaughts?
I think she did because there were a lot of mails.
Rather: Consider the whole concept. In a concept where each contribution is under test there is some inherent fear to expose oneself as incompatible with the concept (or rather not be compatible with one group for which this teaching was given).
(self observation 14:10 GMT: strong pulsating headaches and flat breath)
The I-Eye said:
I know myself asking in the past about what's the true character of some people. But you will not come to closure to watch a person till you definitely know it. Live is too complicated and OP tends to be too simplicistic. I admit the dicussions about OP were not :)
The second sentence is just circular.
Regarding the third sentence of the above quote, let me get this straight: a)Life is too complicated, b)OP tends to be too simplistic, c) discussions about OP were not [simplistic]. Point (b) is redundant IMO here, because the point of the discussion was to go beyond the surface simplicity of the idea. So: Life is too complicated and the OP discussions are seeking to match life's complexity as much as possible. You do not believe this is possible, so you urge for the whole exploration to be aborted. If you are correct, then you are only correct for yourself. This may not be a topic for you, but do not presume that what applies to you applies to others. People are different, are they not? :)
I regret my trigger has destorted my original question.
Again it's is a difference to grasp a concept and to promote simple ideas.
It needs a framework for discussion. When one is left with the published papers then there is a danger that OP can be uses as some trigger.
All information is open to distortion.
As you know yourself I contributet in another thread because I have my own question: Does the C's concept match the waterprooved results of my research (or at least not contradict it).
Or could there be additional information to see a coherent picture.
Sorry I stumbled about my Self (if I have one). Indeed it would be better for my to quitly lerne the concept.
But I have my reasons to stay alerted concerning this concept. These reasons have nothing to do with my selfimportance, but with my experiences i had with the bible and all it might imply.
I want to explain this in the next post.
Could someone confirm the data or mark the wrong conclusions?
I put some questions/thesis in {brackets} because they are not yet based on data.
50% ca of the human world population are Organic Portals (O.P.)
{is this
a) an all time equilibrum in a STS controlled 3D section?
b) a todays equilibrum restricted to earth?
The other 50% ca. are Souled Beings (S.B.)
There are rare cases of other variety.
O.P.s are a bridge between 2D and 3D
{what is crossing the bridge?
a) is it the group soul which transits to become a 3D human group soul?
S.B.'s are in the stadium of individualization.
This indicidualization does imply but not guarantee Free Will
There are two orientations. STO and STS
O.P.s are rather group minded. There is a possibility that there are different Groupsouls.
{(?) Free Will designates primarily the free choice of orientation.
Religions show templates of groupsouls and portrai totemsitic/animalistic remnants. For instance: Jesus the Lamb of god and the shepherd who searches his lost sheep.
However there is a possibility that animalis (birds) refer to something else (shamanism)
S.B.s and O.P.s are different stadiums in the evolution within the grant cycle.
Todays O.P.'s will become S.B.s in the next grant cycle.
{Is this a general rule?
Laura opted that evolution is upwards only against a combined upwards & downwards evolution.
There is a transition point at the grant cycle within this part of the universe.
There is no possibility that an O.P. can evolve to a S.B. within this span?
S.B.s have the propriety to activate/have higher centers.
However there is no physiological distinction between S.B and O.P.
{That means the ability is not with the body/genetics but with the incarnating Self}
There is a complete cultural mix of O.P.s and S.B.s even within families.
However families do have a specific tendency.
{'family' is an arbitrary snipet from a unlimited unidirectional 'wickerwork'
As water seeks its own level S.B.s search S.B.s, However in the material we find often cases to the contrary.
There is information for S.B. which concerns theyr protection against beeing sucked.
Often O.P.'s emulate 'spirituality' by connecting to S.B.s
{Theses: this aplies for both Orientations of S.B.}
(!) Discard the following if you object to the collection above.
In one of the early transcripts it's said that Jesus serves as a suspended soul template. Any one who preaches (?) to him receives a complete soul.
{where does that fit into?
Is this an alegory of the rather gnostic part which expresses: It is the moment of the choice that counts. To know the savior is salvation.
A complication...
A duplicated soul in not realy a individualized soul. But the process of individualization might start with _getting_ a soul . (note my underscores here).
This is a difficult topic because one could read this as a alegory of the connection to the group soul.
Following the gnostic principle the 'pneumatic' remembers his being 'pneumatic' and it is rather like a reconnection.
{Is Jesus suspension in the 6th density (?).
Are group souls part of 6th density?}
The 6th density is the top of a STS STO split.
{I assume there is a equilibrum (?)
I would not suggest that the group souls ARE the 6D beings but are 'in the hands' of 6D beings.
This cycle is under dominion of 6D STS. Does this imply the group souls are STS too?
There seems to be a variety of group souls.
Using the functions of O.P.s as a bridge: This seems to indicate a evolution of the group soul.
But while the group soul is in 6D can it evolve? I think it must in a certain time because of the Jesus example that souls must be ready for individualization in the next cycle.
O.P.s have/are a group soul. This grant cycle is under STS domination.
{In some sense the STS / STO orientation has no meaning for the O.P.'s
But since they are/have a groupsoul there might be some influence on the group soul as such (which is hard to describe)
O.P.s will start in the next grant cycle where their group soul left of. Is this predetermining a next STS cycle or are there influences on the group souls that might result in different location/orientation in the next cycle?
Assuming that there is a constant equilibrum of S.B. and O.P.
{what does establish that equilibrum?
In what way does the reincarnation rate of S.B.'s influence the reincarnation rate of O.P.s?
Considering the world population today the reincarnation process must be pretty busy. In the meantime the fauna is partially dying.
Is the dying of a species synonym the passing the bridge in O.P.s?
S.B.'s are in the process of individualization. While they are in a STS area of the universe there is an option of STO orientation.
They will divide during transition.
{The Transition is understood to be a cataclysmic event.
(?) Will this event _fragmentate_ the group souls in 6D?
Using the soul template example: will the group soul become diplicable? }
The last grant cycle started 309'000 years from now.
{309'000 / 12 = 25750 , which is near the precission of the equinox cycle which is rather theoretical.
I believe this duration was no novelty by the Cs.
'do not anticipate - time is an illusion - learning is fun'}
{Each time a S.B. is making his choice, his soul unit in the 6D STS Sector moves away,
correction: it prepares the seating of the soul. but in the meantime: as if the magnetic center points to another locator
a magnet is a dual. A magnet may move ironical things (rather 3D example I know)
51% is an expression for the switched orientation while the moving is done independent of it.
Gnostics explain this moving as the ascend of the soul.
I try to visualize the difference:
- polarization of a group soul
- polarization of a fragmented group soul
(?) O.P.s may have an effekt on the group soul, but because the group soul is not fragmented it does affect the group soul as a whole}
How do 4D STS perceive 6D STS?
The STS Realm is a food chain.
However 4D STS rather feed on some specific properties of S.B.
O.P.s are rarely abducted by greys.
{The group souls are in 6D above them. So the 4D STS cannot get at them directly. But because the polarization of the group soul might be changable they fear to loose their capital of the next cycle.
So they try to manipulate the mass of O.P.s by introducing STS rules.
Do they do it directly? Or do they rather use the 3D S.B. to do this for them?
There must be balance within the universe.
Balance is expressed in the balance between S.B. and O.P.
{I decline there is a similar strict balance between STS and STO S.B. because this would make the choice to a purely statistical phenomenon}
Nuff for today
By the way
UTF : the C's say they are the 'Unified Thought Forms'
UFT : short for 'Unified Field Theorie'