That's a pretty big question, and certainly a good one - but not one I think can be answered in an all-encompassing response. I see from
your introduction that you already read Laura's
Secret History of the World - which is a great start. There are a number of other incredibly well researched books like Laura's
Wave Series, which
you can read on-line and that really forms the foundation for much of the perspective that is in evidence on this forum. Also, there are a number of
suggested books that are highly recommended and that further add to our understanding of some important matters, and which inform our reality in some rather crucial ways.
Since it seems that we've been programmed and toxified - mind, body and soul - there is also great importance given to diet, the cognitive sciences, and the Eiriu Eolas breathing and meditation program (mentioned in Pashalis'
welcome post to you.) To sum up just some of this a little bit: gaining greater objective knowledge of our reality, seeing the programs in one's self, living in truth as much as possible, detoxifying one's body of all the many things that keep one unhealthy, and working to assist others on this path in the ways that one can - are all approaches being taken, and that work together, for our individual and collective upliftment. In such a way, we're working to align ourselves to a Divine Cosmic Mind, or the Intelligence of the Universe that is Knowledge-loving, life-sustaining, expansive, and free-will-respecting, among other things. But reading more will help
a lot with your question I think.