Potential EMF Mitigation? Compensatory Magnetic Oscillator

if you don't have any metals poisoning your body, and you don't have any critters colonizing your body, then the frequency beaming of the PTB can't get to you.

Thanks Andrew! This actually makes sense, but finding a human being who's completely free of parasites and poisons might be as difficult as finding one without arms and legs! Dr. Hulda Clarke wrote a groundbreaking free book (http://onelight.com/library/Clark, Hulda - The Cure for All Cancers.pdf) about the ubiquity of parasites and poisons within our environment. To be entirely free from them is quite possibly unattainable, especially after multi-generational exposures have altered our DNA, our internal biome and very likely our mitochondria, too.

Perhaps it would be more responsible to say "After being thoroughly tested and found to be free from all poisons and parasites, iodine supplementation can potentially support the body's natural frequency"?

Keyhole and Nienna have a point - many so-called EMF remedies have not been studied medically - and iodine is among them! Sorry, but what are we doing here? While I might take risks with my personal life, I believe it's a crime of sorts to cause injury to another.

After extensive research motivated by personal symptoms, the only 'remedy' I can advocate with good conscience is architectural shielding. Its been used for decades to protect sensitive equipment. It negates the 'health' angle altogether by removing the body from the contaminated environment. It's a bona-fide science complete with standards and measures and best practices, but it's not limited to these. You'll still find videos online which do more harm than good by advocating improper applications - like the paint-can-over-smart-meter-shield.

While that video's producer might believe they're trying to help people, they're actually teaching people to install directed-energy weapons on the wall of their own homes. That so-called 'shield' redirects an outward-facing beam inward (towards sleeping children). It also concentrates the force of the transmission into the home. This video is so irresponsible, it made me reflect upon an old Tibetian (Chinese ruled) billboard in a new light. The billboard reads: It's a crime to disseminate unhealthy things and ideas'.

When is a shield a weapon? When it doesn't work. Thanks Andrew for inspiring such an important subject!
I'm a bit skeptical of the Hulda Clark stuff. If you actually look at the schematic of the Synchrotron, it is just an oscillator that reacts to the conductivity and maybe capacitance between the electrodes. That will depend a lot on water content, type of sample, probe placement, and contact pressure. At worst, it is like using a theremin to diagnose illness. At best, it is yet another obfuscated way of using the operator as a transducer (VERY common theme).

Hulda Clark must have drawn a lot of conclusions from using the Synchrotron. So optimistically, you are trusting her to be a good medium. Her book does seem to contain a lot of useful information. Maybe she is giving the Synchrotron too much credit rather than her process of knowledge gathering and discernment?

Now if these devices are just priming us to do something that we never needed them for, then maybe we should call a spade a spade and take a more direct approach.
... Perhaps it would be more responsible to say ?

Keyhole and Nienna have a point - many so-called EMF remedies have not been studied medically - and iodine is among them! Sorry, but what are we doing here? While I might take risks with my personal life, I believe it's a crime of sorts to cause injury to another.

After extensive research motivated by personal symptoms, the only 'remedy' I can advocate with good conscience is architectural shielding. Its been used for decades to protect sensitive equipment. It negates the 'health' angle altogether by removing the body from the contaminated environment. It's a bona-fide science complete with standards and measures and best practices, but it's not limited to these. You'll still find videos online which do more harm than good by advocating improper applications - like the paint-can-over-smart-meter-shield.

While that video's producer might believe they're trying to help people, they're actually teaching people to install directed-energy weapons on the wall of their own homes. That so-called 'shield' redirects an outward-facing beam inward (towards sleeping children). It also concentrates the force of the transmission into the home. This video is so irresponsible, it made me reflect upon an old Tibetian (Chinese ruled) billboard in a new light. The billboard reads: It's a crime to disseminate unhealthy things and ideas'.

When is a shield a weapon? When it doesn't work. Thanks Andrew for inspiring such an important subject!
Sorry ReasonBear, Keyhole and Nienna didn't point that.
I don't agree with you about iodine, when you say "After being thoroughly tested and found to be free from all poisons and parasites, iodine supplementation can potentially support the body's natural frequency".
Why waiting to be free of poisons before using iodine?
Iodine itself helps detox from some poisons, some infectious agents, protects us from ionising radiations (and there are lots of radioactives on the surface of our planet).
You can both use iodine and use whatever EMF shield you want. Why deprive someone from this wonderfull mineral?? Lets's say it is not efficient in EMF, at least it is in other detox, and the most you detox, the most you'll be able to hold other toxics up. At the contrary, it's a crime to discourage someone to use it. Of course it won't help in protection if used alone (at least in the limits of our knowledge, and who knows, maybe we underestimate iodine), but it is very usefull in association with other remedies, as always in medicine.

You say many EMF remedies haven't been studied medically. Do you expect so? No study about iodine against EMF will be undergone. And if it has been conducted (iodine or other stuff) and been proven efficient against EMF, you perfectly know where such knowledge will end.
Now if these devices are just priming us to do something that we never needed them for, then maybe we should call a spade a spade and take a more direct approach.

The question then is: Do most people actually need such a "device" to believe in in order to get around the preconceived notions we have about how reality works?

I wonder if most of the time, we could "just do it" - if we could get over what we think we know. Since we usually can't, but we love our "devices", then the device is simply enabling that part of us that is restricted.

IOW, we believe something is not possible until we also believe more strongly that something else makes it possible, so then POOF! It's possible.
I think that idea is far more likely than the idea that some of these gizmos work due to crazy unknown physics.

And that's why I usually say: In the end, if it works, run with it!
For me when it comes to intuition or whatever, my internal state is just too unpredictable. It reacts to being observed. Perhaps not unlike the insecurity of the artist who can't work because he is second guessing himself at every step. Which is exactly my problem when it comes to art. And also whenever I attempt anything like dowsing, using a pendulum, or putting a golf ball. Now if I believed that the most expensive solid unobtanium putter, custom fitted to me and blessed by grey bearded virgins would increase my accuracy, then my focus shifts from observing myself, which takes the second guessing with it. But also the advantages of introspection (granted, the introspect-o-tron was flipping out anyway).

The Hieronymous machine is a bit different than the others it seems due to the "quartzite polymer" transducer. So it's one of the more interesting ones to me. I've been wanting to build one. But if you are getting good results just by drawing one on paper like some people do (I have my doubts), then perhaps some introspection is in order.

Here is a thread on it I started some years back:

The Hieronymus Machine
I wonder if most of the time, we could "just do it" - if we could get over what we think we know. Since we usually can't, but we love our "devices", then the device is simply enabling that part of us that is restricted.

IOW, we believe something is not possible until we also believe more strongly that something else makes it possible, so then POOF! It's possible.
I think that idea is far more likely than the idea that some of these gizmos work due to crazy unknown physics.
And that's why I usually say: In the end, if it works, run with it!

I believe a projection mechanism is the basis of why many gizmos work even if they shouldn't. Meaning that we have an innate "healing power", but somehow fail to activate it directly. When instead we (unconsciously?) delegate it to an external gizmo, we materialize it and by that detour our own healing machine is triggered and activated, as if by magic! Much like a talisman or a token.
Voodoo dolls, therapists and the placebo / nocebo effect belong to the same category, OSIT.
And I agree that "In the end, if it works, run with it!"
...to be clear, this doesn't really detract from the effectiveness and value of a device. The gizmo actually works, but in a totally different way than what the advertisement says.
Equally, our projecting good stuff on external reality is not reprehensible in and of itself.
Consider that the love you feel for your significant other is really a projection of your other half; yet nobody would want to be without that particular projection, because it makes you feel good, and happens to be the basis of life. :-)
That may be, but what about all the snares and lies that come along with these devices? They are expensive, their promotion is full of lies and misinformation, you can't have a clear idea of what they can or can't do. Wouldn't it be better to understand your own abilities so you don't have a false reliance on dubious sources which come with the devices as an energy drain?
That may be, but what about all the snares and lies that come along with these devices? They are expensive, their promotion is full of lies and misinformation, you can't have a clear idea of what they can or can't do.
Mind you I was using a fairly broad brush. We are talking about low-level energies, ie no "nukes" in any form. Low enough to make them highly susceptible to modulations or interferences by other forms of energy, in turn making their efficacy subjective.
The purpose of the sometimes wild promotion material is -generally- to foster a positive predisposition. Having said that, if it sounds like BS to my ears, I won´t buy it!

But IMO the context to judge this type of device needs to be widened. Much wider than eg filling your car´s gas tank when it won´t start -> problem solved!
With us, this context includes everything from physics, biochemistry, feelings, mindset, to others around us, the world and the universe. Not to mention inter-dimensional and inter-density factors, which are always present.
Imagine how many PhD theses and papers it would take to find out exactly why and how does sending positive, appreciative thoughts to your bottle of water work to make you somehow feel better in the short, medium or long term after you drink some?

Wouldn't it be better to understand your own abilities so you don't have a false reliance on dubious sources which come with the devices as an energy drain?
Maybe, but "understanding your own abilities" is a potentially lifelong full-time job! What´s more, in the end you may realize that "I know that I know nothing".
The never ending, awe inspiring complexity is well expressed in this today´s post by Pashalis
Myself, I keep Scottie´s maxim If it works for you, go for it!
Fair enough, but say you were on your deathbed fighting cancer. I would be looking at lifestyle shifts, trying to get in the right frame of mind, and all these devices seem like a potentially life threatening distraction. In the end we always do what works, but there are just too many unproven devices, none of which I would trust to actually save my life. If I just get minor headaches and I get a few devices which seem to help, then it's not a huge loss if they don't work. But to use the same attitude when dealing with serious issues could end badly. And for that matter, why would I take the same risk on less dangerous issues? It's not as if buying a $200 paperweight has no consequences. And those seemingly small issues can snowball over time. In the end it's real results that matter if you want to make progress in your life. That means, if you believe in illusions, there will be no progress.
Interestingly, many of the biological effects of EMF can be mitigated via calcium channel blockers, which strongly implicates VGCC activation being one of the primary mechanisms of cellular stress. The CMO supposedly alters the threshold for VGCC acitivation, which is almost acting like a calcium-channel blocker but which is specific for external EMF.

That's very interesting. Here is a quote from the article linked above:

5. How do EMF exposures lead to non-thermal health impacts?
The author found the answer to this question in the already published scientific literature (Pall, 2013). That study showed that in 24 different studies [there are now a total of 26 Pall (2015b)], effects of low-intensity EMFs, including microwave frequency and also extremely low frequency EMFs, static electrical fields and static magnetic fields could be blocked by calcium channel blockers, drugs that are specific for blocking voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs). There were 5 different types of calcium channel blockers used in these studies, each thought to be highly specific, each structurally distinct and each binding to a different site on the VGCCs. In studies where multiple effects were studied, all studied effects were blocked or greatly lowered by calcium channel blockers. These studies show that EMFs produce diverse non-thermal effects via VGCC activation Pall, 2013, Pall, 2014, Pall, 2015a, Pall, 2015b, Pall, 2016a, Pall, 2016b) in many human and animal cells. In plant cells, EMFs activate somewhat similar calcium channels and produce somewhat similar effects on oxidative stress, cellular DNA damage and calcium signaling (Pall, 2016a). Furthermore, many different effects shown to be produced in repeated studies by EMF exposures, including the effects discussed above, can be produced by downstream effects of VGCC activation, via increased [Ca2+]i, as discussed in detail below.


8. Two other models for producing non-thermal effects
With the possible exception of the electrosoliton model, the author does not find any of the models discussed by Dr. Belyaev (2015) to have substantial evidence for roles in producing EMF effects. There are two other models which may be more compelling, each of which either produces increased [Ca2+]i.

Six studies have supported the view that calcium cyclotron resonance, has a role in producing biological effects produced by certain specific frequencies which can interact with Ca2+ ions to produce a cyclotron-like resonance (Foletti et al., 2010; Gaetani et al., 2009; De Carlo et al., 2012; Lisi et al., 2008; Pazur and Rassadina, 2009; Pazur et al., 2006). In each case, the effects involved a very specific frequency which produces the calcium cyclotron resonance and in three studies, these frequencies were shown to produce increases in [Ca2+]i levels. In the De Carlo et al. (2012) study, the calcium channel blocker nifedipine was shown to greatly lower the apparent calcium cyclotron resonance effect. This finding strongly suggests that the calcium cyclotron resonance can feed Ca2+ ions into the VGCCs, thus increasing the flow of Ca2+ ions through the VGCCs into the cell following EMF exposure. The frequencies studied here for cyclotron resonance, one was close to 7 Hz and the other was close to 50 Hz, are both in the extremely low frequency range and consequently are not relevant to microwave frequency effects. The finding that only very specific calcium cyclotron resonance frequencies produce these effects is the main evidence for this mechanism.

Could calcium channel blockers be a part of the solution to mitigate EMF effects? I'm not sure whether it's safe to take them for more or less healthy people. From Wikipedia:

Calcium channel blockers (CCB), calcium channel antagonists or calcium antagonists[2] are a group of medications that disrupt the movement of calcium (Ca2+) through calcium channels.[3] Calcium channel blockers are used as antihypertensive drugs, i.e., as medications to decrease blood pressure in patients with hypertension. CCBs are particularly effective against large vessel stiffness, one of the common causes of elevated systolic blood pressure in elderly patients.[4] Calcium channel blockers are also frequently used to alter heart rate (especially from atrial fibrillation), to prevent peripheral and cerebral vasospasm, and to reduce chest pain caused by angina pectoris.

Side effects of these drugs may include but are not limited to:

According to this article, magnesium acts as a natural calcium channel blocker:

Magnesium is a natural calcium channel blocker, blocks sodium attachment to vascular smooth muscle cells, increases vasodilating PGE, binds potassium in a cooperative manner, increases nitric oxide, improves endothelial dysfunction, causes vasodilation, and reduces BP.
I was searching cheap Schumann Resonance generator in Amazon and there was around 40 USD. If Schumann Resonance generator rely relax the body, (maybe not protect from EMF, but we know that WiFi routers generate 10 Hz beacon pulse, DECT also generate 100 Hz pulse) is it possible to built cheap generator using sound card and speaker? Speaker has a copper coil that generate electromagnetic wave.

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Scientists have demonstrated that cats produce the purr through intermittent signaling of the laryngeal and diaphragmatic muscles. Cats purr during both inhalation and exhalation with a consistent pattern and frequency between 25 and 150 Hertz. Various investigators have shown that sound frequencies in this range can improve bone density and promote healing.

This association between the frequencies of cats' purrs and improved healing of bones and muscles may provide help for some humans. Bone density loss and muscle atrophy is a serious concern for astronauts during extended periods at zero gravity. Their musculo-skeletal systems do not experience the normal stresses of physical activity, including routine standing or sitting, which requires strength for posture control.
Because cats have adapted to conserve energy via long periods of rest and sleep, it is possible that purring is a low energy mechanism that stimulates muscles and bones without a lot of energy. The durability of the cat has facilitated the notion that cats have "nine lives" and a common veterinary legend holds that cats are able to reassemble their bones when placed in the same room with all their parts.
Although it is tempting to state that cats purr because they are happy, it is more plausible that cat purring is a means of communication and a potential source of self-healing.

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