Potential Food and Energy Shortage Across the World

The store where I shop, recently underwent a renovation. It remained open during this renovation, so there were products moved about, leaving you confused as to where your favorite foods were.

One thing I noticed was a lot of new brands. And of course higher prices.

So, I'm thinking food shortages are allowing for the smaller food suppliers to be viable and more varied, as food supply demands are impacted by weather conditions. This raises the prices but alleiviates the stress on the supplies.

And it seems the foods are of higher quality than the larger brand name products, as you would expect from smaller food operations.

So, it seems something is being done to address food shortages and climate conditions leading to them - at a price. And it seems a improvement in quality too.

But in other parts of the world they have little food... So, the situation they face, will lead to a similar resolution of getting food from more varied sources. So that the impact of weather is better absorbed.

Real Blackouts

are quite different from "normal (local) blackouts" or partial shutdowns.

There has been two discussions about it at the Corona Investigative Committee in Berlin Session 127 and 128 with an expert on that subject - explaining what a real nationwide blackout actually means - and all the things we normally don't think of, especially living in a city; the consequences of true blackouts...

It was pretty heavy to listen to.

A real blackout is more like the state of after war conditions; with more or less total breakdowns of society at all levels, because absolutely nothing works - and nothing will work for weeks or months. 30% of digital hardware is usually destroyed when not powered by electricity for a longer time (and getting new hardware from Asia, ain't the most easiest thing these days. Or think of the Cabal really wanting to do war against China in the near future - then how do you replace broken hardware ?)

So, the risk likely means; that when you try to startup society step by step - it simply doesn't work / will likely not work for a long time. Software gets corrupted - and given how much our society today relies on digital hard and software... There are no routines in place for mechanical/manual replacements. The states do not prepare. The states do not buy in food, nor have any plans for survival of the population during catastrophic failures.

When people are hungry and desperate... anything can happen, literally.

This calls for a lot of attention in preparations - to understand, how you want to meet other people. To play that though in advance, so to speak. How to make alliances. How to fend off other people (which you in the future will be able to look in the eyes again). So killing/seriously injuring others, isn't the answer to everything either. How to set up groups, in order to inform people NOT to make fires indoors (as the houses will likely burn down**), you can make yourself "protected" by others, if you teach people / give tips and information, how to deal with various situations in the neighbourhood. And what do you do, when dire breaks out, and the stairways are filled with smoke - do you have a plan B ? (I thought seriously of buying ropes, in case we need to escape from our balcony)

** In my neighborhood
it is not uncommon that people make fires indoors. Hour own house almost burned down, because africans at the ground floor back in 2012 set a fire in their apartment. We also have extremely large amounts of firearms in our wider neighborhood of Stockholm-Rågsved. When I think of how all the youngsters, suddenly without any mobile phone distraction, have no food, no water, will roam around in the area with guns... I do get a quite wobbly in my legs.

A funny sidenote is - that our entrace door is ONLY powered by an electronic lock. We can not get in, when the electricity is gone. How stupid is stupid - to set up a mechanism like that without physical solution ? I guess, people will simply smash the glass, in order to get in - albeit that also means, the house get's colder quicker...

1 hour



Guest: Robert Jungnischke - Expert for blackout precautions of small and medium-sized enterprises In June 2019, several complications in the EU power grid nearly led nearly led to a blackout and to Robert Jungnischke losing almost 100,000 euros would have been lost. As a result, he informed himself extensively about the security of supply in Europe and founded a an expert office in 2019 to provide information on how to best how best to prepare for a blackout.

almost 1 hour



Guest: Robert Jungnischke
Expert for blackout precaution of small and medium-size enterprises
Website: blackout-vorsorge-beratung.de

In addition to session 127, we and Mr. Jungnischke received numerous letters with the request to describe the possibilities for personal preparation more concretely.

More on this today:
Preparing for Power Shutdown, Blackout and Blackout in the Big City on the following topics: Preparedness in High-Rise Buildings, Food & Water, Hygiene, Emergency Power, Heating & Lighting, Medical Preparedness, Recognizing Safety & Blackout.
On Wednesday, the kindergarten in the city of Schwerin, 2000 kids without electricity to „test how would children react on blackouts and if the kindergartens are prepared for these situations“.
I received a letter from the Ak. Dept. of Social Services, and it was addressed to 'Resident'. It was about translation services available to people who want to interact with social services in their native tongue.

The languages it offered translation for were English, Spanish, Tagalog, Korean, Hmong, Russian, Burmese, Simplified Chinese, Samoan, and Somali.

So, why go through the effort of a mass mailing for something that seems like a standard procedure? An election reminder that the current administration is working for the immigrant community? Maybe.

But with all the turmoil in the world, there could be numerous reasons for govt. actions as they are preppers too.
I received a letter from the Ak. Dept. of Social Services, and it was addressed to 'Resident'. It was about translation services available to people who want to interact with social services in their native tongue.

The languages it offered translation for were English, Spanish, Tagalog, Korean, Hmong, Russian, Burmese, Simplified Chinese, Samoan, and Somali.

So, why go through the effort of a mass mailing for something that seems like a standard procedure? An election reminder that the current administration is working for the immigrant community? Maybe.

But with all the turmoil in the world, there could be numerous reasons for govt. actions as they are preppers too.
I just want to add:

At the bottom of the letter it says: 'People are encouraged to share this information broadly...'

So, internment contingency could be a possible motive, and it is behind a helping-hand approach, as Russian and Chinese are translated, and world events to the degree that they are happening, necessitate a degree of enhanced domestic surveillance.
A short quote from a book by Alex Krainer, detailing the catastrophe that happened in Russia due to 'freedom, democracy and free trade' policies. Larry Johnson speculates that this might be what the West has to look forward to - a sort of economic slaughterhouse. Krainer cites the number of 5 - 6 million excess deaths during this period. Very chilling to read and ponder about what we might see unfolding right before our eyes.


I have come across another book that I recommend you get and read. It is Alex Krainer’s, Grand Deception: The Browder Hoax. I was floored by the information he presented in the chapter, The Enterprise. Krainer’s exposition of what happened to Russians in the wake of the collapse of the Soviet Union–the mass rape of a country by economic elites in the United States and Europe.

Once you comprehend what the Russian people endured in terms of economic privation and the economic miracle that unfolded under the leadership of Vladimir Putin, you will appreciate that Putin is not a heartless thug clinging to power by using fear, intimidation and coercion. The horror described by Krainer is on par with the Holodomor experienced by Ukrainians at the hand of Stalin in the 1930s–an estimated 4 million Ukrainians starved to death because of Stalin’s policy while “Russia sustained between five and six million “surplus deaths” – deaths that couldn’t be explained by previous population trends.”

The economic collapse and the ensuing hunger and unemployment explains why people like my friend, Andrei Martyanov, emigrated from Russia and became citizens of the United States and Canada. We are not talking about something that happened 100 years ago. This transpired between 1992 and 1999. Russia became a true shit hole.

As I read Mr. Krainer’s excellent work, I began to wonder if the hell that the Russian people experienced is what awaits the people of Europe as their economies grind to a halt. Ditto for the United States. Here is the relevant portion of Krainer’s book that describes Russia’s fall into the abyss of hyperinflation and mass unemployment:

“The transition program engineered by the American deep state and its Wall Street patrons was nothing short of catastrophic for Russia. The perfect storm of sudden price liberalization, drastic curtailment of government spending and bank credit, and opening of domestic markets to unrestricted foreign competition produced a toxic brew that devastated Russian economy, destroyed its currency, and plunged much of the population into poverty and hunger.

After 1992, Russian middle class saw their savings evaporate and their real wages halve – if they were fortunate enough to receive them at all.[109] Economic reforms rapidly destroyed the nation’s agricultural production and store shelves went almost empty. In 1992 the average Russian consumed 40% less than in 1991.[110] By 1998 some 80% of Russian farms went bankrupt and the nation that was one of the world’s leading food producers suddenly became dependent on foreign aid. About 70,000 factories shut down and Russia produced 88% fewer tractors, 77% fewer washing machines, 77% less cotton fabric, 78% fewer TV-sets and so forth.[111] In all, during the transition years, the nation’s Gross Domestic Product fell by 50%, which was even worse than during the World War II German occupation.[112]

A huge segment of the population became destitute. In 1989 two million Russians lived in poverty (on $4/day or less). By the mid-1990s, that number soared to 74 million according to World Bank figures. In 1996, fully one in four Russians was living in conditions described as “desperate” poverty.[113] Alcoholism soared and suicide rates doubled making suicide the leading cause of death from external causes. Violent crime also doubled in the early 1990s and during the first six years of reforms, nearly 170 thousand people were murdered.

An acute health crisis emerged, resulting in epidemics of curable diseases like measles and diphtheria. Rates of cancer, heart disease and tuberculosis also soared to become the highest for any industrialized country in the world. [114] Life expectancy for males plummeted to 57 years. At the same time abortions skyrocketed and birth rates collapsed: in Moscow they were as low as 8.2 per 1000.[115] In all, Russia’s death rates increased by 60% to a level only experienced by countries at war.[116] Western and Russian demographers agreed that from 1992 to 2000, Russia sustained between five and six million “surplus deaths” – deaths that couldn’t be explained by previous population trends.[117] That corresponds to between 3.4% and 4% of the total population of Russia. To put that number into perspective, consider that during the course of World War II, the United Kingdom lost 0.94% of its population, France lost 1.35%, China lost 1.89% and the U.S. lost 0.32%.[118] Aleksandr Rutskoy was in fact not exaggerating when he called the reforms program an “economic genocide.”

Grand Deception: The Browder Hoax, by Alex Krainer

Krainer’s account of Russia’s collapse is followed by an equally compelling chronicle of Russia’s ascent from the ashes and economic rebirth thanks to the policies enacted by Vladimir Putin. This is objective fact. It is not Russian propaganda. Western elites would do themselves a favor and read Alex Krainer’s detailed explanation of what the Russian people have experienced during the last 30 years. Those who refuse to learn the lessons of history are destined to repeat them.
I've been primed for this for while. A friend of mine that i used to play WoW with would regularly announce a forced logout at 21.00 AMS time, that was when the rolling blackout hit his place down in SA. It would last for 2 hours usually but by then our little clique would have dispersed into bed and the next day (except for me of course ;). It's been a regular thing down there for years mostly due to mismanagement at a national level, now expertly translated to the worldwide stage by the kaisers of mischief.
I've been primed for this for while. A friend of mine that i used to play WoW with would regularly announce a forced logout at 21.00 AMS time, that was when the rolling blackout hit his place down in SA. It would last for 2 hours usually but by then our little clique would have dispersed into bed and the next day (except for me of course ;). It's been a regular thing down there for years mostly due to mismanagement at a national level, now expertly translated to the worldwide stage by the kaisers of mischief.
Where is SA? South Africa?
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