Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

I still hold to it that Omicron was a lab leak with a single intent - to stop the pandemic dead in its tracks. Even Bill Gates let slip that yes Omicron was 'sadly' and effectively a comprehensive Covid vaccine (you've had your playtime Bill, now back in your box for a while as we'll take over from here thank you very much!). Then we march straight into 2 crisis within effectively days.
Am I understadning you correctly, you mean that those in positions higher than the 'Covid cabal', the 'Consortium' maybe(?), had enough of the little boys scheming and put an end to it by releasing Omicron because they needed to move into the next phase?
Am I understadning you correctly, you mean that those in positions higher than the 'Covid cabal', the 'Consortium' maybe(?), had enough of the little boys scheming and put an end to it by releasing Omicron because they needed to move into the next phase?
This isn't the thread to go back into the COVID narrative but yes, essentially that's my hypothesis. I've seen enough of the evidence that Omicron as a natural variant makes absolutely zero sense, and when you add to it the strange and sudden behavior of politicians in lock-step winding down the pandemic / going overt tyrant before going straight into this... it appears to me that the 'narrative' is in a whole lot of hurry and that we are currently moving into a different even more dramatic paradigm. I just think we need to keep our wits about us because absolutely anything could happen - and happen fast.
This isn't the thread to go back into the COVID narrative but yes, essentially that's my hypothesis. I've seen enough of the evidence that Omicron as a natural variant makes absolutely zero sense, and when you add to it the strange and sudden behavior of politicians in lock-step winding down the pandemic / going overt tyrant before going straight into this... it appears to me that the 'narrative' is in a whole lot of hurry and that we are currently moving into a different even more dramatic paradigm. I just think we need to keep our wits about us because absolutely anything could happen - and happen fast.
Are you think that something "nuclear" can happen?
This website run by a man in Germany has good coverage and analysis of what is happening in Ukraine. The people that frequent it are good at spotting trolls, bull$ as well as mistakes in provided information.

Disarming Ukraine - Day 2​

The Russian operations in the Ukraine continue at a moderate pace. Some more troops were committed today. In all the Russian military may have now introduced some 20-40% of its prepared forces.

The Ukrainian military is not so much holding a line but concentrating in and around its bigger cities. It has destroyed some bridges north of Kiev to make an approach more difficult. That will slow down the Russian moves but will not prevent them. Russia's military is famously good at setting up combat bridges.

So far the Russians have used their artillery sparsely. An exception was last night near Kharkiv in the northeast of Ukraine where a strike by multiple launcher artillery systems (MLRS) hit some area target with yet unknown results.

A 13 minutes long video from a highway drive near Kherson, a city north of Crimea, shows nearly 100 destroyed Ukrainian trucks and tanks. These are likely victims of air attacks.

If this map from a Turkish think tank source is correct that the Russian troops did not attempt much deeper strikes today but mostly consolidated their frontline.
Absolutely. His adversaries are imbued with occult numerology and I was suspecting them to pull off something themselves on that date.

The western empire had its coup on 2/22/14, and Putin is closing the circle on 2/22/22 with his declaration which is nothing less than a coup in itself thereby beating the war hawks at their own game.
From Telegram: You can see if it adds up and if the dates are correctly chosen.
Screenshot 2022-02-26 173630.png
I have inserted two additions, that were missing, but follow the same pattern.
Strange numerical event-time intersections.
World War I, July 28, 1914
(7) + (28) + (19) + (14) [=68]
7 + 2+8 + 1+9+1+4 [=32]
World War II, September 01, 1939(9) + (1) + (19) + (39)=68
9 + 1 + 1+9+3+9=32
🔹Special Military Operation, February 24, 2022
(2) + (24) + (20) + (22)=68
32 (2) + (24) + 2+0+2+2=32
32 is16+16 of black and white on half a chessboard. 32 is also 2^5
President Joe Biden has been presented with a menu of options for the U.S. to carry out massive cyberattacks designed to disrupt Russia’s ability to sustain its military operations in Ukraine, four people familiar with the deliberations tell NBC News.

Two U.S. intelligence officials, one Western intelligence official and another person briefed on the matter say no final decisions have been made, but they say U.S. intelligence and military cyber warriors are proposing the use of American cyberweapons on a scale never before contemplated. Among the options: disrupting internet connectivity across Russia, shutting off electric power, and tampering with railroad switches to hamper Russia’s ability to resupply its forces, three of the sources said.

Lets not forget, two can play this game.

To think that Russia did not prepare for this is to be a fool. Who is to say that all such Russian resources are all in Russia. I'd have backups outside of the country. Better yet, a few in each Western country ready to synchronize their actions against their enemy.

As always, what's good for the goose will be good for the gander.
This isn't the thread to go back into the COVID narrative but yes, essentially that's my hypothesis. I've seen enough of the evidence that Omicron as a natural variant makes absolutely zero sense, and when you add to it the strange and sudden behavior of politicians in lock-step winding down the pandemic / going overt tyrant before going straight into this... it appears to me that the 'narrative' is in a whole lot of hurry and that we are currently moving into a different even more dramatic paradigm. I just think we need to keep our wits about us because absolutely anything could happen - and happen fast.
As I recall, just around the time Omicron was announced in the media, the US military announced they completed a “vaccine” that is good against all future ‘variants’...by attaching many different spike proteins to the backbone (plasmid?) of SARS-CoV. I always found the timing curious, and hypothesized that Omicron was the other sides’ Trump card 😏
They don't hide anymore. Seen on a Canadian media:

"Russia attacks Ukraine. Putin defies the World order"
View attachment 55573
Good God Pierre, I'm so sick of seeing those words repeated like some little kids babbling on the playground. Many of the people that I see on those lists of Young Global Leaders and those that graduated ( Ha ha ha ) look to me like individuals that couldn't screw in a lightbulb. Arden and Trudeau are at the top of my list of human idiots.

President Joe Biden has been presented with a menu of options for the U.S. to carry out massive cyberattacks designed to disrupt Russia’s ability to sustain its military operations in Ukraine, four people familiar with the deliberations tell NBC News.

Two U.S. intelligence officials, one Western intelligence official and another person briefed on the matter say no final decisions have been made, but they say U.S. intelligence and military cyber warriors are proposing the use of American cyberweapons on a scale never before contemplated. Among the options: disrupting internet connectivity across Russia, shutting off electric power, and tampering with railroad switches to hamper Russia’s ability to resupply its forces, three of the sources said.
Lol the US is pathetic.

Putin: "Don't intervene or you will face consequences like you have never before seen."

Pentagon: "Oh man that's good, we should threaten like that too."

Pentagon: "We will use American cyberweapons on a scale never before contemplated."
It's like the CoronaHoax narrative all over again - except this time people have been programmed for the last two decades - or more, really - to view Russia as the evil empire. It's everywhere now and almost everyone I speak to supports Zelensky and Co. and don't even know the stated reason for Russia's military action. Friends that I have who saw through the CoronaHoax very early on including media lies and manipulation don't even bat an eye at the prescribed narrative in Ukraine, and if I bring up contrary information all I get is repeated MSM talking points.

... it hurts so much to see everyone so easily believing lies, it's so demoralizing... I know I should just shut off the MSM and keep my opinions to myself unless asked.
I see people posting so much desinformation and russian propaganda.
I am ukranian....Western. HAve no words.
Spec-operation yeah.... Bla bla bla..
We in chaos right now and people are dying for no reason. Thats no liberation! Open some UKR telegram channeles and see real peoples video and open your eyes!
I AM here! You know nothing about what is happening right now in the streets: fights , sirens every night.

many years i was member of this site.. but now i see clearly
You are not against evil. You let this lie to be posted here
Thats on you.
No way Earth must be liberated started from our little brave country invaded by russians when you have all the USA UK Switzerland and etc !
Why are you still here then?

If this is not the place for you to indulge in sel-pity, victim hood rhetoric thinking, black and white thinking, emotionally charged thinking and the unwillingness or inability to observe the reality that surrounds you by collecting as many pieces of information from different aspects of the daily life and from different fields, putting those pieces together in order to see the picture of the reality you find yourself in, as closest to the truth as possible then probably this community is not for you then.

If instead your goal is DOING the Work on yourself, knowing as much as possible and as objectively as possible about the status quo on this planet, about this reality we live in and beyond then I'd suggest to start doing some serious work, here you're most welcome, it's up to you to decide, the hard way or the highway.

Well color me colorblind, is the Hopi Prophecy coming to its end? Who knows but that's what I thought when I saw this. Many sites say roughly the same, but also different variations. The waters are muddy here and I'm no expert on the topic, but I just thought it was curious.

And this is the Ninth and Last Sign: You will hear of a dwelling-place in the heavens, above the earth, that shall fall with a great crash. It will appear as a blue star. Very soon after this, the ceremonies of my people will cease.

The same site says that:

The Ninth Sign was the U.S. Space Station Skylab, which fell to Earth in 1979. According to Australian eye-witnesses, it appeared to be burning blue.

I wasn't alive in 1979 so I can't say much to this. Prophecies and predictions are finicky, being just vague enough that many events could fit the descriptions, and as with the C's perhaps there is more symbolism involved than literal meanings.

Sorry if this is noise, but at the least the cooperation on ISS is a real concern as per the SOTT article. Or maybe the 'concern' is also just part of the show.
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