Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

Sorry if this is noise, but at the least the cooperation on ISS is a real concern as per the SOTT article. Or maybe the 'concern' is also just part of the show.

No matter what happens in the world, the ISS is still there and a great and hopeful symbol brought about by countries (humanity) working together. One way to look at it, at least. If it goes down like this it would wiselike be symbolic.
Brain dead talks from abroad , go here and look for yourself at these dead bodies and prisoned troops.

open google and look for ukrainian telegram channels where are LIVE videos of everything !

oh sorry you cant understand russian or ukrainian but sure you knpw all the stuff from ET!
hey we are truly liberated here!

Pray you are not next. But i am now praying youll be.
Such a stupidity and ignorance. Full forum!
I think you are suffering from a slight hemotional reaction mediated by peptides, we are only speculating at the moment... that there are deaths and suffering?, of course... what did you expect?
Germany approved a transfer of lethal weapons to Ukraine on Saturday to aid the country’s embattled military against the Russian invasion, the German Defense Ministry told Reuters, marking a significant shift in Germany’s longstanding policy of not allowing German-made lethal weapons to be sent to conflict zones.

Germany approved a transfer of lethal weapons to Ukraine on Saturday to aid the country’s embattled military against the Russian invasion, the German Defense Ministry told Reuters, marking a significant shift in Germany’s longstanding policy of not allowing German-made lethal weapons to be sent to conflict zones.

Who do think gave the order for this?
This isn't the thread to go back into the COVID narrative but yes, essentially that's my hypothesis. I've seen enough of the evidence that Omicron as a natural variant makes absolutely zero sense, and when you add to it the strange and sudden behavior of politicians in lock-step winding down the pandemic / going overt tyrant before going straight into this... it appears to me that the 'narrative' is in a whole lot of hurry and that we are currently moving into a different even more dramatic paradigm. I just think we need to keep our wits about us because absolutely anything could happen - and happen fast.
I think I agree with the idea that the narrative is being moved ahead at an accelerating rate, but I don't think that what's happening in Ukraine at the moment was part of the plan.
It looks like Putin caught them with their pants down.
They were expecting Russia to be reasonable and diplomatic as they've been for decades, hoping that they could lock Russia into a years/decades-long conflict in Ukraine, but Putin smashed their Ukranian beachhead with his decisive action and now they're scrambling to make this situation work to their advantage.
If this ended in the next few days or weeks without much destruction and loss of life, it would be phenomenal.
They woud have a real problem spinning the news once the Russians removed their forces. This would stand in stark contrast to the modus operandi of the US military which routinely overstays their welcome and sows destruction for years affecting generations of the native population.
The strategy now seems to be to force the Russians to cause as much chaos in Ukraine as possible and the Russians aren't taking the bait, so far.
Let's hope it stays that way and this ends tomorrow if in any way possible.
Brain dead talks from abroad , go here and look for yourself at these dead bodies and prisoned troops.

open google and look for ukrainian telegram channels where are LIVE videos of everything !

oh sorry you cant understand russian or ukrainian but sure you knpw all the stuff from ET!
hey we are truly liberated here!

Pray you are not next. But i am now praying youll be.
Such a stupidity and ignorance. Full forum!
By the way, since you are in the Ukraine and you mentioned the ET, if you would calm down you should be able to see things more clearly and it would be very helpful if you could inform us of more or less true things that are happening or tell us that they are saying in the different Ukrainian media. :-) I am of course sorry for the situation you find yourself in.
Worth reading as the man knows what goes on in the "kitchen",

Putin is not a dictator. He cannot simply choose a course of action and give commands a la Stalin. Never has been. He has great authority; yet, at the same time, he represents the underlying convictions, thoughts and interests of powerful people in and around the government. Most of them were seated in that semicircle at St. Catherine’s Hall for the televised meeting of the Russian Security Council.

They, along with most all of Russia’s political cum economic class, have felt deeply humiliated by what they see as the shabby, patronizing treatment they have received from the West – led by a crass America – since 1991. The insults in word and action have hit them nonstop since 2014, reaching a crescendo from March 2021 onward. They have known full well that the aim is to denature Russia as a political cum diplomatic power in Europe – and beyond. The West want it neutralized and marginalized so that the U.S. can remain master of Europe as it prepares for a titanic struggle with China for global supremacy. Unfettered access to Russia’s wealth of natural resources is a bonus.

Concrete security concern have sharpened progressively as Washington has broken a series of major arms control agreements, expanded NATO, connived to replace friendly governments with American proxies via the notorious “color revolutions,” sought to undercut energy ties with European states, and deployed advanced weapons systems (above all, the anti-missile systems in Poland and Rumania able to be converted into offensive missile launchers), and via its ‘rules-based international order’ sloganeering and democracy vs autocracy campaign make explicit its intention to do everything possible to rig the game of world politics in its favor.

Ukraine, they believe, became the occasion (not the cause) to pin down a Russia whose growing strength discomforted and annoyed the Americans. It represented a conscious decision of the Biden administration under the sway of reborn Cold Warriors in State, the NSC, the CIA and the Pentagon. The triumph of their will in a government bereft of contrary voices and led by a weak, manipulable President was a sure thing. The Ukraine anti-Russia operation began in March with the Washington encouraged build-up of Ukrainian military forces along the Donbass Line, delivery of large quantities of arms including Javelin anti-armor weapons, renewed talk of heavy economic sanctions, and a chorus of shrill rhetoric from all quarters in Washington and Brussels.

Also interesting is reading comments of those who are completely convinced that what Putin is doing is insane and just his way of reviving USSR.
Damn - another issue where I have to play deep cover and pretend Russia is the devil incarnate. Surrounded by brainwashed people who can only see things in black or white. Covid all over again but don't have the strength or inclination to expend energy so just going to have to play "a role". All I can say is I hope all this ends well because a lot of people are ignorant and don't understand Putin or Russia can't be wiped off the map. They don't understand what it means to try and wipe Putin or Russia off the map. A bunch of virtue signalling twollops who think that just because they think they are on the "right" and Russia on the "wrong" then it means like a movie the "right" or "good" side will win and the villain banished. Is this a video game? People are so deeply brainwashed there isn't undoing it without going through hell.

Getting to the point where I don't know - if this all descends to people's worst nightmares i.e. some European wide war then I'll just be like, whatever and good riddance, time to see what the other side has to offer. As always, no fear but pure acceptance.

Ps, this is just a rant.
Article from 2018

Nothing to worry about ???

View attachment 55571

Via telegram i found the links to the lab documents the US embassy it took away
found via the Internet Web Archive:

Kharkiv Diagnostic Laboratory Kharkiv Oblast Laboratory Center
Pomirky region, Kharkiv

State Regional Laboratory of Veterinary Medicine
Luhansk Regional Diagnostic Veterinary Laboratory
(Luhansk RDVL) 9a, Krasnodonnaya Str. Luhansk

Dnipropetrovsk Diagnostic Laboratory
Dnipropetrovsk Oblast Laboratory Center 39/A, Filosofs’ka str., Dnipropetrovsk

Vinnytsia Diagnostic Laboratory (Vinnytsia DL) Vinnytsia Oblast Laboratory Center
11, Malinovskogo str., Vinnytsia

Dnipropetrovsk Diagnostic Laboratory
Dnipropetrovsk Oblast Laboratory Center 39/A, Filosofs’ka str., Dnipropetrovsk

Kherson Diagnostic Laboratory
Kherson Oblast Laboratory Center 3 Uvarova Str., Kherson

Ternopil Diagnostic Laboratory
Ternopil Oblast Laboratory Center 13 Fedkovycha str., Ternopil

Zakarpartska Diagnostic Laboratory
Zakarpartska Oblast Laboratory Center 96, Sobranetska Street., Uzhgorod

Lviv Diagnostic Laboratory
Lviv Oblast Laboratory Center 27, Krupyarskaya Str. Lviv

The Electronic Integrated Disease Surveillance System (EIDSS)


Dnipropetrovsk State Regional Diagnostic Veterinary Laboratory
(Dnipropetrovsk RDVL) 48, Kirova ave., Dnipropetrovsk

Institute of Veterinary Medicine of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences

These labs are co-run by Fauci's EcoHealth Alliance and rumor is Russia's entire military operation right now is unofficially to either secure and/or destroy these labs and gather evidence.

Collection of the aforementioned links above are found in this Gab link, too

I appologize, if there are any mistakes made in the linking to the various factsheets, because I have not rechecked the links
(I really have to run to work now).
For those who ask: “Why does Ukraine matter? “
This is why Ukraine matters.
It is the second largest country by area in Europe by area and has a population
of over 40 million - more than Poland.
Ukraine ranks:
1st in Europe in proven recoverable reserves of uranium ores;
2nd place in Europe and 10th place in the world in terms of titanium ore reserves;
2nd place in the world in terms of explored reserves of manganese ores (2.3 billion tons, or 12% of the world's reserves);
2nd largest iron ore reserves in the world (30 billion tons);
2nd place in Europe in terms of mercury ore reserves;
3rd place in Europe (13th place in the world) in shale gas reserves (22 trillion cubic meters)
4th in the world by the total value of natural resources;
7th place in the world in coal reserves (33.9 billion tons)
Ukraine is an important agricultural country:
1st in Europe in terms of arable land area;
3rd place in the world by the area of black soil (25% of world's volume);
1st place in the world in exports of sunflower and sunflower oil;
2nd place in the world in barley production and 4th place in barley exports;
3rd largest producer and 4th largest exporter of corn in the world;
4th largest producer of potatoes in the world;
5th largest rye producer in the world;
5th place in the world in bee production (75,000 tons);
8th place in the world in wheat exports;
9th place in the world in the production of chicken eggs;
16th place in the world in cheese exports.
Ukraine can meet the food needs of 600 million people.
Ukraine is an important industrialised country:
1st in Europe in ammonia production;
Europe's 2nd’s and the world’s 4th largest natural gas pipeline system;
3rd largest in Europe and 8th largest in the world in terms of installed capacity of nuclear power plants;
3rd place in Europe and 11th in the world in terms of rail network length (21,700 km);
3rd place in the world (after the U.S. and France) in production of locators and locating equipment;
3rd largest iron exporter in the world
4th largest exporter of turbines for nuclear power plants in the world;
4th world's largest manufacturer of rocket launchers;
4th place in the world in clay exports
4th place in the world in titanium exports
8th place in the world in exports of ores and concentrates;
9th place in the world in exports of defence industry products;
10th largest steel producer in the world (32.4 million tons).
Ukraine matters. That is why its important that no western country or europe can gain control
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