Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

Gonzalo Lira smeared. The article he hinted about was published by the Daily Beast. I sure as hell will not post a direct link to it.

The title:

Sleazy American Dating Coach Becomes Putin Shill in Ukraine

He peddled sexist bile and toxic relationship advice within a subculture populated by men’s rights activists and incels—while living in Ukraine. Then the invasion started.

Published Mar. 20, 2022


Looks like they already flooded it off their front page even though one would think they would want to keep it up front for all to see.
Gonzalo Lira's latest video. He gives some context on the whole situation in Ukraine - most of which people in here probably know already, but with some interesting details from the ground. For example, the SBU apparently taking an interest on him and Banderistas knocking on his door (luckily he wasn't there), as well as political assassinations of some public figures.

Also, he says he spoke with an acquaintance who says her family in Mariupol had been shot at by the Azov batallion a few times, that they had the civilians in conditions of near starvation, they hid their weapons in their neighbourhoods, and when the Russians took the area they were fed by the Russians.

Reading Political Ponerology goes a long way in explaining it.

I recently got the physical book, thank you Cosmos.

I think i understand the coarse principles of Political Ponerology. From some perspectives yes I can grasp that evil actions are possible and that people can support/perform them along as their psyche slides down the path of destruction.

I was mainly giving an expression from a spot in my observing heart. A part of me who still can’t grasp it - and gets puzzled over that people can castrate other humans beings while at the same time maintaining their belief of being humanitarian. The paradox is so startling - but yes, i do kind of get it - because i see that this does indeed work in the human psyche

I also got that startling, weird feeling many times revolving “innocent” and “plausible” (but in reality evil) deeds behind the Plandemic and how the majority support the lies which ultimately in principle is leading to self destruction as well the destruction of others.

I guess sometimes i jump out of it all - and then it sort of “hits” me sometimes. Begging the question “how is this even possible ?!”.

The kind of startling feeling.
I'd be interested to know if beef tallow rather than soybean oil is used for frying as used to be the case originally in America.
Sunflower oil

I was wrong about McDonalds using soybean oil alone for frying:
McDonald's uses canola-blend oil for cooking many menu items as of 2022 > a blend of 7 ingredients, including: canola oil, corn oil, soybean oil, hydrogenated soybean oil with tert-butylhydroquinone (TBHQ), citric acid, and dimethylpolysiloxane.
Umm - yummy! Like so many others, I was duped into believing canola oil was the ultimate healthy oil. Only much later did I read that it was never intended for human consumption. And it, soybean, and corn oil is GMO. Almost every American processed food item in grocery stores has either soybean or canola oil and salad dressings are the worst even when their labels seem to indicate olive oil as the main ingredient - it's not! A local Italian grocery/restaurant has the only prepared dressing I've found that has just olive oil and no soybean or canola.

McDonald's UK is using a mixture of high oleic UK rapeseed oil and sunflower oil from Spain to fry its food. The company switched to the formula in April as part of its strategy to stop using hydrogenated fats.

Yes, McDonald's french fries are made with real potatoes. Dextrose, a natural sugar, to keep the color consistent and sodium acid pyrophosphate, to keep the fries from graying, for starters.

For decades, McDonald's french fries were cooked in a combination of cottonseed oil and beef tallow. This made them delicious, but also laden with saturated fat.

“All products available at our restaurants may contain or come into contact with peanuts, tree nuts or other allergens,” McDonald's said in a statement.

McDonald's ingredients can vary outside of the US. In August 2016 McDonald's announced that Chicken McNuggets no longer contained artificial preservatives.

I and most baby boomers grew up with Crisco - the new concoction of cottonseed oil that attained new life after the use of candles diminished! Margarine was also promoted to be much better (and less expensive) than butter. It contained trans-fats even though that made in UK did not! Artificial colors/flavors and lots of sugar morning to night! Don't forget to make Koolaid with tap water improved with fluoride since 1945/early 50s. Now you know what's wrong with us Americans! :nuts:

Most citric acid in the food industry is not extracted from citrus fruit, but fermented by Aspergillus niger mold from scrap molasses.
Ooops, looks like The Germans (in contrast to Russia) have done a really sloppy job. And they must be having BIG problems locating raw materials.

Shortly after ordering: Pentagon discovers 845 errors in future Bundeswehr F35 stealth jets​

21 mar 2022 10:52 p.m

Just a few days after the Bundeswehr ordered around 35 F35 stealth jets for around 73 million euros each, according to a Pentagon report, there are numerous defects in the miracle jets - so far there have been no reactions from the federal government.

from the federal government.
Shortly after ordering: Pentagon discovers 845 errors in future Bundeswehr F35 stealth jets
Source: www.globallookpress.com © Matt Short
The F-35C Lightning II is the US Navy's first carrier-based aircraft platform. The F-35 is procured to replace the F/A-18C/D Hornet as the carrier strike force's primary attack aircraft for air defense and close air support. (01/27/2022)
Are taxpayers' money thrown out the window here? According to a Pentagon report, the F35 stealth jets ordered by the federal government have significant shortcomings, as reported by ntv . The world first referred to it with a focus on the NGO Project on Government Oversight (POGO) on Monday . A total of 845 (!) errors were found in the future Bundeswehr jet, which theoretically can also deliver atomic bombs to the target . Even more explosive: six of them are serious and, in the worst case, could lead to a crash.
In Washington, the ripcord has already been pulled and the order for the US Air Force has been reduced by a third: instead of the original 94 F35 jets, the United States Air Force is only to get 61 machines from Lockheed.

Of course, the information comes at an inopportune time, because only last week the federal government announced that it intends to equip the Air Force with the US F-35 stealth jet. Federal Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht wants to gradually replace the Tornado fleet that was introduced more than 40 years ago. On March 14, the Air Force Inspector of the German Armed Forces, Ingo Gerhartz, described the F-35 as "the most modern combat aircraft in the world."

The new Pentagon report shows something completely different: According to it, the jets are very unreliable. The so-called availability of the F35 fleets is only 65 percent. The value refers to the number of machines that are ready for use at any time and not down for maintenance work. In comparable models, however, this value is between 75 and 80 percent.

The F-35's engine is also vulnerable. According to the world , there were more than 50 US F35s in the hangar at the end of September with engine failures - the lack of spare parts is said to have caused the problems. The Pentagon report states that "lack of spare parts inventories and limited component-level repair capabilities are contributing to spare parts supply shortages," POGO reports. In addition, there is a comparably much longer time for repair and maintenance work on the turbines.

Fasbender's week: Where does the atomic bomb against Russia start from?

Fasbender's week: Where does the atomic bomb against Russia start from?

The jets, also known as "flying computers", could make the fleet particularly vulnerable to cyber attacks. Cybersecurity tests in this regard would have revealed weaknesses here.

So far, little is known about the possible costs. According to t-online , the development of the F-35 in the USA turned out to be the most expensive armaments program of all time. A jet costs about 73 million including weapon systems and spare parts. With 35 aircraft planned for the Bundeswehr, that would be over 2.5 billion euros. But above all, the maintenance of the jets is not included: According to a report by the Government Accountability Office (GAO), a neutral body of the US Congress, the costs of the F-35 rose enormously after purchase: the equivalent of around 35,000 euros for one flight hour of the plane.

The first reactions to the report from Washington were still a long time coming on Monday evening. Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht (SPD) has not yet commented on the paper.
A friend just emailed me the following.
Unbelieveable does not do this justice !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This will get taken down. Download and save !!!!

View attachment 56852
I’m sick, this is horrific, and even here in NZ I was talking to a good friend yesterday. Her parents were Russian having emigrated after WW2. She had a person asking about her heritage and wanting to know where she stands. The Russophobia even over here is absolutely appalling. My heart goes to these men suffering this sordid abuse, I cry for them and all the other victims of evil in this world. For the brave who will die in the fight . I commend you, I honour you, I am grateful for your courage.
This is worrying sign about the extent that Europe will go to quell dissent.
A blogger in Latvia has been arrested for treason for having a Youtube channel with pro-Russian content Intel Slava Z
And how might that backfire? One option is that out of the people moving from Ukraine, a section, like the Azovs that entered Poland fully armed, will become a genuine pain. The problems will be visible in broad daylight.
And how might that backfire? One option is that out of the people moving from Ukraine, a section, like the Azovs that entered Poland fully armed, will become a genuine pain. The problems will be visible in broad daylight.
Yes, it looks like the signs of the mixture of operation paperclip, CIA ratlines, and Operation Gladio. Some of those neo nazi types might well be protected by certain Western intel agencies and used to sow discord and chaos in Europe. That is at least a possibility. Russia is smart to do some filtering of the refugees and checking for outward signs of nazi affiliation such as tattoos.

Perhaps there will come a time, when the European people will ask Russia for help to denazify the EU ;-), though the leaders of the EU seem quite happy at the moment with their new bedfellows and their shared values.
I'm not sure if this was posted before. Appologies if it was. I did a search but found nothing. From Sputniknews:

Russian Preschoolers, Schoolchildren Bullied in Denmark Over Special Op in Ukraine

06:10 GMT Mar. 16, 2022

The human rights organisation Save the Children reported instances of kids getting called “Russian spies” and “Putin's friends”, as well as warned of verbal abuse online, where both direct hatred and indirect mockery against Russians is expressed.

As a result of Moscow's ongoing operation in Ukraine, children of Russian ancestry as young as five are being bullied by their classmates, TV2 reported.

“We can see that it is a big problem. They are afraid of being dropped off at school in the morning and claim to have a stomach ache,” senior adviser at Save the Children Jon Kristian Lange told TV2.

While the organisation lacks concrete figures on instances of bullying, they've observed a clear increase. Save the Children has already had concerned parents complaining about the problem, and the organisation has therefore approached schools and institutions to raise awareness and prevent the children of Russian descent from being shamed.

According to Save the Children, a similar trend unfolded during the COVID-19 crisis, when kids of Asian origin were bullied, as the first instances of the virus were recorded in the Chinese city of Wuhan.

One of the schools where Russian kids have been mobbed is Bankagerskolen in the town of Horsens.

“We have had a few episodes where a girl has received comments in the hallway about being a Russian spy or Putin's friend,” teacher Lola Møldrup Hansen said, stressing the importance of creating a safe environment.

According to Vibeke Stensgaard, who is a well-being supervisor at Bankagerskolen the negative comments alone can create insecurity and concern among children of Russian origin. Therefore, everyday work to create safe communities is important.

Save the Children also warned of the negativity on digital platforms, where both direct hatred and indirect mockery against Russians is expressed.

“One of the things that needs to be focused on is this strange ridicule online of being Russian, such as dancing ugly like a Russian or memes where people look evil like a Russian,” Lange said.

On 24 February, Russia launched a military operation to "demilitarise and de-Nazify" Ukraine, responding to calls for help from the People's Republics of Donetsk and Lugansk. The West replied with massive sanctions targeting all spheres of life ranging from finance and tech to consumer goods. The anti-Russian sentiment has been whipped up by comprehensive attempts to “cancel” Russian athletes, artists and cultural luminaries and ban Russia from international events.
I have seen in several tweets that supposedly she said the following but was not able to verify.


The monster from this message was detained while trying to leave Mariupol. Here are the messages from the Russian authorities. I have highlighted the piece of interest. The bottom of the atrocity has been broken again, and wasn't she involved in this? I wouldn't be surprised, although what difference does it make if they are all like that there - specially selected and prepared. As they like to call themselves- warriors of light, defenders

21:40 03/21/2022 (updated: 23:25 03/21/2022)

The Defense Ministry said that Kiev ordered the national soldiers to leave Mariupol under the guise of civilians

MOSCOW, 21 Mar - RIA Novosti. Kiev hypocritically instructed the national battalions to leave Mariupol in small groups under the guise of civilians, said the head of the National Defense Control Center of the Russian Federation, Colonel-General Mikhail Mizintsev.
According to him, "the bandits immediately began to carry out this order." Nationalists are leaving the city dressed in civilian clothes and using any opportunities, including through humanitarian corridors, Mizintsev said.

"So, on March 20, 2022, the terrorists of the Azov battalion killed the parents of two minor children and, hiding behind the same children, in a car belonging to the family, tried to travel along the humanitarian corridor to Zaporozhye, but were identified and promptly detained by Russian servicemen, and the children were rescued, they are receiving the necessary assistance," the general added..
As Mizintsev stressed, by refusing Russia's humanitarian proposals for Mariupol, the Kiev authorities showed complete indifference to human lives.
On the eve of the Russian Defense Ministry proposed to the Ukrainian side on March 21 to open humanitarian corridors from Mariupol for civilians, as well as armed units and foreign mercenaries — without weapons and ammunition. Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine Irina Vereshchuk rejected this proposal.

Киев отдал нацбатам приказ покидать Мариуполь под видом мирных жителей

Чудовище из этого сообщения задержали при попытке выехать из Мариуполя. Вот сообщения от Российских властей. Я выделил интересующий кусок. Дно зверства опять пробито и не она ли в этом поучаствовала? Я бы не удивился хотя какая разница, если они там все такие- специально подобранные и подготовленные. Как они любят себя называть- воины света, защитники
A detachment of the Special Purpose Police from Dagestan is somewhere in the zone of the Special Military Operation.
I remember: Dagestan is Muslim republic in RF. :-)

This scene reminded me of this Mar. 15 article from Sputniknews:

Study: Dancing is Good for Masculinity, Helps With Understanding One's Identity

21:37 GMT Mar. 15, 2022

Calling all tobacco-chewing, gun-shooting, mustache-twirling men, science says dancing is good for your masculinity and helps you understand your own identity.

A research team in Finland set out to find how dancing during childhood affects men later in life. The study focused on men who took dance lessons as children between the 1990s and 2008.

Those who were interviewed said dancing was a positive way of expressing their bodies and helped their self esteem. The study also shows that while dancing helped men understand their own bodies, it also helped them in reading the body language of others.

The men who were interviewed also said dancing made them more accepting of being in a diverse group of people, and aided them in building a “sense of community”.

Separate studies have shown that dancing improves a person’s brain health by supporting motor, emotional, and intellectual brain functions, can help to fight depression, assists in reducing the risk of dementia, and stimulates nerve growth factors helping to intervene and treat neurological diseases, like strokes, Parkinson’s disease, and cerebral palsy.

Scientists have also revealed that a person’s dance style is as unique as their own fingerprint. Researchers from the University of Jyväskylä in Finland discovered that every person’s dance style is unique, so much so that computers are able to detect who a person is just by identifying their dance style.

Expressing one’s identity may help men in confronting identity crises.

“Although men say they have evolved in the last 40 years, they haven't. They are in a transition state without an idea of where they want to go or what they want to do," said Paul A. Buongiorno, a clinical psychologist, in an article published by The Washington Post in 1993. According to Buongiorno, the “modern man” is struggling with how his identity is seen both at home and in the public eye.

Dancing can also tell researchers a lot about the dancer’s personality, including if they are extroverted, introverted, neurotic, how they’re feeling, and whether or not they are able to empathize with others.

While the boys who were in dance groups as kids had the ability to move freely and express their own unique “fingerprint” through dance, the environment gave them a place free of judgment unlike their schools and homes.

“Many of the interviewees pointed out that dancing is a way to express oneself physically without competition or measuring the performance. Dance served as an outlet for discussing the important questions in life,” says study author Dr. Kai Lehikoinen.

“Body awareness is part of humanity, and we increase our knowledge of the world through our senses. If people ignore the bodily dimension of themselves, it reflects negatively on their wellbeing. Everyone has equal rights to develop their own body awareness.

That’s why men should get to dance, too,” adds Lehikoinen.

Unfortunately, there is a social stigma surrounding the sport of dance which leads some to view it as effeminate, with women often outnumbering men as participants. And while attitudes towards dance may vary depending on culture, dancing typically subjects the athlete to an audience’s gaze, a societal aspect which is seen as more acceptable to be inflicted upon women.

The interviewees said they felt pressured by peers to conceal their favorite activity, and that ultimately, giving it up inflicted trauma on the then-adolescents.
What a guy!

Zelensky Bans Opposition Parties, Nationalizes All TV Outlets in The Name of Fighting 'Misinformation'


In scathing speech, Zelensky pleads with Israel to prevent Russia’s ‘final solution’

In a caustic address to Knesset members on Sunday, during which he repeatedly invoked the Holocaust and criticized Israel for failing to arm his country, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky pleaded for help defending against a Russian “final solution” for his people.

Beginning his speech via Zoom to Knesset members, Zelensky said Ukraine and Israel face the same threat from their respective enemies — “the total destruction of our people, our state, our culture, even the name: Ukraine, Israel.”

Zelensky, who is Jewish, noted that February 24 — the date Russia launched its invasion of Ukraine — was also the date on which the National Socialist German Workers’ Party, the Nazi party, was founded in Germany in 1920. “It destroyed entire states and tried to carry out genocide,” he said.

“Our people are now wandering the world, searching for a place, just as you once wandered… seeking security, trying to stay alive, and in peace. Exactly what you have sought,” said Zelensky.

Zelensky then doubled down on the comparison with the Holocaust, which he has invoked repeatedly since the Russian invasion, at times drawing criticism from Jewish groups.

“The Russians use the terminology of the Nazi party, they want to destroy everything. The Nazis called this ‘the final solution to the Jewish question,’” he said. “And now… in Moscow… they’re using those words, ‘the final solution.’ But now it’s directed against us and the Ukrainian question.”

Zelensky noted a Russian missile attack that struck near the Babyn Yar Holocaust memorial in Ukraine’s capital Kyiv — “You know that there’s a memorial to the victims of the Holocaust and a Jewish cemetery there” — and said missiles have targeted Uman, “where tens of thousands of Israelis come each year to visit the grave of Rabbi Nachman.”

Zelensky questioned specifically why Israel has not provided weapons to Ukraine nor imposed sanctions on Russia. He said that Israel’s Iron Dome rocket defense system is considered the best in the world — apparently referring to Israel’s unwillingness to supply it to Ukraine, as Zelensky had previously requested.

“You know how to defend your interests and help Ukraine. To defend Ukrainians. To protect the Jews of Ukraine,” he said. “We can ask many times why we’re not getting weapons from you, why Israel hasn’t imposed serious sanctions on Russia.

“You need to provide answers to these questions and live with them,” he said.

Ukrainians made their choice 80 years ago. We saved Jews and that’s why there are Righteous Gentiles among us,” added Zelensky, seemingly ignoring the complicity of some Ukrainians in the Nazi extermination plan.

More revolting and ironic content at link.
I keep thinking about the remark about 1930-1940's hitlerism being a trial run for near-future/already present event. We have seen the West (the waste) embracing totalitarian measures with covid, to the point of implementing orwellian propaganda/censorship, a Nazi-pass, biocratic mass medical experimentation, and discriminating against a portion of the population. They supported islamist groups like ISIS but western populations didn't know exactly what they are, some kind of exotic freedom fighters maybe. But now, they (the waste) are arming and rehabilitating actual third generation Nazis, the same ones Europeans in Stupidstan should be familiar with, and supporting their genocidal ideology and rhetoric. There is no excuse this time around, same thing but in colors rather than black and white. Covid was supposed to be the absolute bottom of insanity but no, psychos can even surpass that.
I just said it is starting to be very slow advance for Russians, and when taking into account how much time they needed to take certain parts of the Mariupol city, which by the way still isn't taken completely, than you can only imagine how much time they will need to take cities like Kyiv or Kharkov or Odessa which all have around or more than one million of people.
I apologize if I misunderstood you, but you write that the Russians are fighting civilians in Mariupol? And that in Kyiv, Kharkov they will have to fight with millions of civilians? Incredible...
As for large cities, there is simply no such task as taking large cities. Blocking in order to limit the supply of weapons, the organization of corridors - yes.
Now there is a cleansing of Mariupol from neo-Nazis, then the liquidation of the group of Ukrainian troops in the Donbas, then the Dnieper and closing the ring along the line of Kyiv. I think that there will be either capitulation or the liquidation of the current government, the coming to power of an adequate government. The major cities will digest themselves and Russian troops will move in to maintain order. Western Ukraine? It's still foggy there.
Vovan and Lexus strike again, and this time one of them talks with Ben Wallace (UK Secretary of State for Defence).

And this is the full recording.

Nothing groundbreaking is being revealed there, but it is still interesting to hear how on one hand UK says "we love you and we are with you, BUT the real help will come later.....not now". Basically, "It's very hard for us, but don't call us, we call you, hugs and kisses!". ;-)

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