Recommended Books: Discussion

Awesome (newly edited) list! If we could replace public school textbooks with those on that list, the graduating class would be the most brilliant, well-protected people on the planet, I'll bet. Psychopathology in the young would probably be identified early enough to be isolated, as well.
I think the wave series are quite fascinated.
It is really an eye-opener for me.
Today I'm gonna start reading chapter 11.
Aeneas said:
Hi lamalamalamalama,
Welcome to the forum. In stating that the book is only for hardcore alchemists it sounds as though you have read it. Perhaps you could give a review of it based on your own reading of it.

oddly enough, in her book she quotes tons of 'the aeneid' in it, and seems to point to it as very useful source material for this kind of work. As for a review, it is currently beyond my ken. I can't tell if it is worth reading, but I'm just not getting it, or if it is just chaff put out there to throw off people looking for wheat. My untrained eyes would have to say it looks like it does have some worthwhile things to contribute. It quotes very much from Norton's Ordinal, as well as many other sources I've never heard of. The writing is cumbersome, so it can be slow going to get by some of her sections.

Anyways thats my 2 cents
Thanks for the comment
A big one missing - in my humble opinion - is:
The Cycle of Cosmic Catastrophes by Richard Firestone, Allen West, Simon Warwick-Smith

This book was mind expanding for me.
Good call Domi, I added it to the Hidden History section.
Masamune said:
How about The Threat by David Jacobs? Would this be recommended reading on UFOs/aliens?

I would say so being half way through the book right now.
I found the book to be better than expected. Mr Jacobs does seem to be methodical and scientific in his approach.

I agree with domi -- I read it several years ago, and I remember it being quite good and very thorough, given the tools that he had to work with (hypnotic regression). Jacobs' work is similar to Budd Hopkins', in that although they don't have the big picture, they do very detailed work in their specific area of research, and have quite a bit figured out about the human-Gray abduction interface (one of the most important things being that the Grays aren't here for any reasons that we would consider positive).
Now if we can just create a sharing library of sorts, all oughta have a good grasp on these intriguing subjects. :cool:
This is just a general query, with regard to the problems I'm having getting hold of the recommended books.

'The Myth of Sanity' - Martha Stout
'Trapped in a Mirror' - Elan Goulomb
'The Narcissistic Family' - S & R Pressman
'Unholy Hungers' - Barbara Holt

I had absolutely no joy from the AUC bookshop, but I think that was more down to the person in charge of ordering books. So I switched to a local bookshop in Cairo and placed the order. I sent them a remind email yesterday (after more that 6 months :-[ of delay) and received a reply this morning.

The reply assurred me that the order had been sent to the publishers, but that some of these books are now out of print! Is this true? I need to have a yes or no confirmation from you guys before I can answer them, as they have offered to reorder.

The good news is that 'Unholy Hungers' has arrived and is awaiting collection. Hooray! :thup: Is the universe trying to tell me something?
bedower said:
The reply assurred me that the order had been sent to the publishers, but that some of these books are now out of print! Is this true? I need to have a yes or no confirmation from you guys before I can answer them, as they have offered to reorder.

Hi Bedower,

I bought all the books you mentioned through this year. You will find them available in both second hand and brand new, and amazon delivers to the whole world, or so I think.

Hope that helps :)
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