Recommended Books: Discussion

Pythagorass said:
There are several versions of this on youtube. This is my fave.

Thanks Pythagorass - that was a really helpful suggestion. I had never run through Marciniak's "Bringers of the Dawn" before, and I thought this was an excellent presentation of it, imho. I watched it last night - the running time is only about 2 and a half hours. Some of the animations were maybe a bit cheesy, but it actually all just added to its charm!

Really good all round.
Pythagorass said:
There are several versions of this on youtube. This is my fave. I did a quick search on this forum and didn't see it so I'll post it here. Hopefully this is the proper area to post.

Is this legal? Could someone explain how it is possible for
people to share Barbara's audio book on Youtube;
or has she released the material herself?

Just wondering....
Hi Johnno,

I've just been over to the QFG bookstore to look at the Eiriu-Eolas package, and I noticed that you have a distributor in Africa. Can you tell me whereabouts in Africa?

Laura said:
Beelzebub's Tales is on the reading list, but it's not at the top.

I've read Beelzebub and also listened to the audio book, and just this evening, I had the audio book playing again as I was working around the house. You know, it strikes me that one of the beautiful things about Beelzebub's Tales is that it is a tale of the Work, though not at all obviously so. That seems a simplistic thing to say, and it is, but, basically, to sum it up very, very simply: Beelzebub engaged in a 'negative feedback loop' with his associates about things he was dissatisfied with while in union with 'the sun/one' - this lofty place he had attained.

Due to his actions, and words, he and all his friends, those who not only fed his 'negative feedback loop' but also those who were silent witnesses and basically didn't object or correct him, were banished, cast out. Through this banishment, he learned - he suffered - he began to understand, due to a great extent to his experiences on that 'ill-fated planet Earth', and at the end of all that, after 1230 pages, or so (and a very long period of time), he 'grew his horns', which basically means he manifested his Being.

He was only able to 'grow the last tips of his horns' (manifest the true extent of his Being) by sharing his learning and knowledge with others, due to an unexpected delay in his return trip from his banishment (due to a passing comet that promised harm if he did not delay).

It is applicable on so many levels - for humanity as a whole, as the 'fallen' - for a single human struggling to do the Work - and the amount of information he packs in there regarding almost all aspects of life in a 'being body' is absolutely astounding, including psychopathy.

It is a masterpiece, I think - and it really does read as if it were written for us - those in this time line who would qualify, in one form or another, as Gurdjieff's grandchildren.

Just my take, of course - and apologies for resurrecting this old thread, but it popped to mind while listening this evening... and with all that said, I don't think it should be at the top of the reading list, but it really is a gem if one gets the time and opportunity. :)
I am currently confused about what book to get first regarding
"dwellings of the philosophers" or "The secret history of the
world". I was going to get the dwelling of the philosophers
but Im not sure if I have a clear interpretation of it. Well not
at least without reading Laura's "Sercet history of the world" first.

Be appreciative for the feed back.
Hi Celtic --

celtic said:
I am currently confused about what book to get first regarding
"dwellings of the philosophers" or "The secret history of the
world". I was going to get the dwelling of the philosophers
but Im not sure if I have a clear interpretation of it. Well not
at least without reading Laura's "Sercet history of the world" first.

I haven't yet read Dwellings of the Philosophers, but from what I understand I think that it would be a good idea to read Secret History first, as it will provide valuable context within which to place Dwellings of the Philosophers when you do get to it.
Thank you Shijing I think "secret history of the world" would
be a great source of interpretation for this book. Considering
she would give us a better understanding of the teachings of
I would like to share with everyone what great success I have had finding and ordering used copies of many of the books from the recommended reading list, using this website:
I have found really excellent copies of many books, in really great shape, available for less than the shipping charges. I recently added 7 books I did not have to my library for about $45, including shipping! This even includes a few older hardcover copies. The prize so far goes to a 2nd edition hardcover copy of Ouspensky's 'Tertium Organum' in perfect shape for $5. I have found copies of some of John Keel's books listed here, also. Obviously this won't include the QFG Publishing books or some of the more recent titles, but there are quite a few copies of books on the reading list to be found at very reasonable prices here, and in my experience they do a great job describing the condition of each book.
thevenusian said:
I would like to share with everyone what great success I have had finding and ordering used copies of many of the books from the recommended reading list, using this website:

Thanks thevenusian - that looks like a pretty helpful resource, extending the range of second-hand books offered on Amazon.

There's still an awful lot of stuff which is astonishingly expensive, though. :shock:
Laura mentioned the "Fat Resistance Diet" by Leo Galland in her post about the Detox program she uses. Maybe it could go in Diet and Health.
I'd like to recommend Ignatius Donnellys' fine work RAGNAROK: THE AGE OF FIRE AND GRAVEL.

I'm not shouting, I just c and p'd it from the site.
Hi loonatique and welcome to the Forum. :) It is customary for new members to introduce themselves in the Newbies section. No need for personal information, just a bit about yourself (interests, etc.) and how you found the Forum.
Yes!! I finally got myself together enough to make that whopper of an order from QFG bookstore. The EE breathing DVD, SHOTW, HighStrangeness, Wave 5-7 ..., Keyhoe, Can't wait!
Fourth Way
The Wave Series (Books 1 to 8) - Laura Knight-Jadczyk
In Search of the Miraculous - P.D. Ouspensky
Gnosis - Boris Mouravieff
Meetings with Remarkable Men - G.I. Gurdjieff
Life is Real Only Then, when "I am" - G.I. Gurdjieff
Tertium Organum - P.D. Ouspensky
Struggle of the Magicians - William Patterson

Books 1 to 8! Is there a book 8 in the wave?
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