Richard Dolan

Laura said:
ADDED: His books are excellent. I would say read them. They actually support the Cs rather than the "material ET theory" which is where Dolan is heading. He only restricted himself to military sightings, it wasn't a deliberate elimination of high strangeness cases. God knows, the military cases are strange enough!

Laura, thanks for the clarification. Now that you mention it, I do recall him saying in his book that he only stuck to military sightings. And yes, some of those were strange enough!

It seems that there comes a point where if one focuses all their attention on something, some aspect of the phenomena, they lose perspective and start to think only in those terms. It almost seems that this narrow focus is partly to blame for Dolan going down the Disclosure road. Like you said, ego is probably a factor and also his inability to see the limited hangout ploy for what it is, probably all factor in as well.

This is sad to see that he is no longer co-linear with this group. In a sense, seeing this serves as a reminder how our ego's often get the best of us; that without a certain amount of inner-Work, as well as feedback from an objective group, we simply don't stand a chance against what is out there.
Hi - I had a chance to see Richard Dolan's latest, updated speaking presentation. I deliberately haven't read the last couple pages of comments here so as not to be influenced by any other recent opinions.

I'll start by saying that I saw him speak three years ago and was very impressed. The dry, just-the-facts style of his histories on the UFO cover-up stick well to the tenets of historical method and research and draw a really amazing picture. With that much evidence, you can't help but see the enormity of the lies that have been fed the public. The books, and especially, his lecture, went a long way in helping to see how this particular topic affects our current political, economic, etc. reality.

Today is the day he sends his new book, A.D. After Disclosure, co-authored by Hollywood insider Bryce Zabel, off to the publisher, and his new presentation, I think it is safe to say, is more along the lines of a promotion for that book, and focuses on its topic, which is, of course, not a history, but speculation about the future. So, that's a major difference in subject matter. The histories are, of course, about reality and gathering knowledge. Speculation about the future, especially based on the assumption of near-term Disclosure, while potentially interesting fun, is just that, and is more akin to, dare I say it, entertainment and distraction, which are, of course, Hollywood's specialties. In my opinion, this is just a lot less interesting as a topic, and not as helpful to me personally to understanding reality.

So, the historical portion of Dolan's presentation was reduced to only about a third or less of a three-hour talk. Compressed like that, it was far less coherent and I think, very much less helpful for newbies to the UFO topic, compared to his presentation of three years ago. The A.D. After Disclosure speculations are not, based on this particular presentation, deeply considered examinations of the most likely possibilities, taking into account the countless different factors our earthly population presents. In other words, it's not some kind of Asimovian psychohistory. There is the starting point, the basic assumption: Disclosure is inevitable (and probably will happen within 50 years). OK, from there, I sensed quite a bit of meandering. There was discussion of how the truth of the cover-up will come out. He thought the most likely way would be a mass sighting so big and so well recorded as to be undeniable. I thought all the other competing ways were non-starters, such as investigative journalism breaking the story (well, don't we have that all over the place, and it's easily kept out of the mainstream?), a deathbed confession by a world-famous political figure (is that any better than a deathbed confession from anyone else? -- too easily suppressed, I think, or argued down as unreliable), etc.

Then, there was the assumption that if the truth comes out, whether totally, partially, or "spun," that it would accepted by the pillar institutions of society (journalism, politics, science, religion, etc.) after a period of "embarrassment" and possibly martial law to clamp down on panic. But, Richard says, these things will pass and eventually the alleged acquired technology of "the others" would pass into the hands of the public. Free energy was one example of this technology discussed at length. He said that although petroleum is the biggest business in the world, and wouldn't go down without a fight, that it surely would. And that all sorts of fantastic things could be done with it -- and this was, indeed, an interesting exploration. Keep in mind that the context of all of this seemed to be within a relatively short time, not across hundreds more years of societal evolution -- at least, that's the way I took it.

But how would we get there? That was missing. Although he touched well on the notion of an elite PTB made up of various factions, the idea that psychopathy is in command was not really presented. He did not connect economics with the control that psychopaths so desperately crave. Rather, he suggested that these nasty folks with all the power and money would give it all up once challenged (even if there was a bit of nastiness at first), and that humanity would be in for a good time with all this new, life-saving, leisure-making technology like free/cheap energy. For me (and this is only my opinion), it seemed fanciful and distracting. Personally, I really disagree that religious, media, scientific, and governmental giants are just going to say, "Oops, looks like we were wrong," and abdicate their positions of authority.

One astute attendee even raised the point to Rich that the pathocracy concept was becoming more widely understood, and if psychopaths are running things, how would get around them. Richard's response seemed to espouse a belief that there wasn't such a lock on power by such types, that other forces were in play, meaning ordinary people and their power. There wasn't really an acknowledgment or a communication of the enormity of the challenges as we understand them, based on discussions here in the forum -- it seemed like he was thinking there is more like a 50/50 power balance.

His old talk did not embolden those many who seem to turn to blind hope that things will just work out, but rather stressed the importance of seeing the gravity of the situation first. Now, he, or at least the new book, seems to be focusing on a positive future as the most likely, but without explaining (well enough for me, anyway) how we might overcome the present challenges to get there. He certainly did touch the possibilities of a global totalitarian regime, humanity destroying itself, humanity merging with computers (as in being absorbed by them), or even being wiped out by extraterrestrial others. But I got the distinct impression that he focused on much more positive possibilities as a likelier outcome. So, I have to wonder if these more positive scenarios are the focus of the book and if this is the influence of Bryce Zabel and whatever prophets he follows (perhaps one of the many who think the loving space brothers are coming to save us). There does seem to be a dominance of "the aliens are good" running through the Disclosure movement. Or does a happy ending make for more profits in Hollywood?

Regardless, the time Richard has spent on this book is time not devoted to the current reality, and he seemed to be so excitingly close to really putting more and more puzzle pieces together. Now, regulars on this forum know what co-option is. It's an easy way to lure away, with some kind of material or psychological rewards, someone who's on the trail of truth, keep them busy with other things and away from real progress. I sure hope this hasn't happened in this case.

I'd like to hear the opinions of others who've seen Rich Dolan's A.D. After Disclosure presentation. I'd guess he'll be taking it on the road when the book is finally published.
There does seem to be a dominance of "the aliens are good" running through the Disclosure movement. Or does a happy ending make for more profits in Hollywood?

Kind of feels like he's already been bought.
PopHistorian said:
Hi - I had a chance to see Richard Dolan's latest, updated speaking presentation. I deliberately haven't read the last couple pages of comments here so as not to be influenced by any other recent opinions.


Thanks PopHistorian, that was an excellent and insightful review! :) I'll be interested to see how this all plays out.
PopHistorian said:
I'd like to hear the opinions of others who've seen Rich Dolan's A.D. After Disclosure presentation. I'd guess he'll be taking it on the road when the book is finally published.

I was able to see Dolan's presentation as well, and I agree with the analysis by PopHistorian. I had been skeptical of Dolan's new book, but it was still a bit unsettling to find the bulk of the lecture full of speculation. His strength was in the first 45 minutes or so, when he discussed the history of the UFO phenomenon, military documents, famous sightings, the nature of conspiracy, and so on. However, like PopHistorian said, it was compressed and not so understandable for people who were being introduced to these concepts. It felt rushed, and it seemed he wanted to get to the material in his new book, A.D. After Disclosure. Someone in attendance told me they felt like the second half of the lecture was out of a Star Wars movie and that it felt like he was trying to sell his book.

His ideas on disclosure were not well supported. There was a lot of 'an insider I trust told me this...' and 'disclosure will happen because it has to' or 'Things will go on because they have to' and so on. He talked a bit about 'break away civilizations' in terms of the power elite who have knowledge of the UFO phenomenon - that they likely have underground bases and are years ahead of the general population from having access to UFO technology - but like PopHistorian mentioned, no connection to pathology or earth changes.

Some of the speculations he brought up were the populations response to disclosure: survivalist mentality, hording, a 'return to the 60's', a possible return of the draft, use of hallucinogens (ayawaska), people buying guns, etc. Then he gave different hypothetical institutional responses: Science being hit the hardest, Religion not affected so much, Economy and energy industry being severely damaged, legal ramifications and so on. I thought this was all a bit boring and disappointing.

I think he was also seeing disclosure happen through the advancement of technology: sharing via the internet, people having HD video phones and so on - and this this would play a part in forcing a disclosure to happen.

He also thought officials would be seeking out UFO researchers, possibly like himself. And while it was made in a slightly joking manner, he had a slide about what he would say to the President of the United States if he had a half hour with him. It's funny cause the content of what he was saying really didn't jibe with some of the things he had just covered about the nature of secrecy and the facade of elected officials. It seems a fantasy on several levels.

He included a bit about the likelihood of the technological singularity occurring probably shortly after Disclosure, and that these advancements could be integrated with people - i.e. brain chips that mimic neuron activity, and at what point would a human still be a human.

What I found strange was the disconnect between his research into the nature of secrecy and disclosure. It seems he has a new faith in authority, perhaps the 'authorities' who are giving him insider info on 'how it will all go down', which also seem to be feeding his ego. Another thing I think is strange is the disconnect with his thoughts that disclosure will (in part) be coming through the advancement of technology and that he recognizes these very advancements are stemming from extra-terrestrial sources. It seems he has a somewhat impersonal view of the UFO phenomenon, and by that I mean he doesn't apply the hyper-dimensional aspect that he supposedly supports. Just as he "isn't ready to hand over power to [the psychopaths in power]" he also doesn't seem to be truly considering the influence and power these hyperdimensional beings can have over people.

I think this new book of his will likely accomplish a couple of things. Since his first works are so well done, he's established a strong trust in the UFO community. But it will be a misplaced trust to accept this new material in the same regard, and I can see many being fooled. I think he even had the opportunity to reach outside the UFO networks - perhaps that could have been a 'possible future' that now isn't likely to happen since he's joining the ranks of a typical hyped up UFO researcher. In doing so, I could also see the work he's previously done loose credibility as this new picture of Richard Dolan comes into play.

It's unfortunate. When I met Dolan I thought he was very likable, and his previous research is even more appealing than his personality. But now it seems these things are being maneuvered in a way that isn't beneficial for people, and even harmful.
RyanX said:
PopHistorian said:
Hi - I had a chance to see Richard Dolan's latest, updated speaking presentation. I deliberately haven't read the last couple pages of comments here so as not to be influenced by any other recent opinions.


Thanks PopHistorian, that was an excellent and insightful review! :) I'll be interested to see how this all plays out.

Seconded. Thanks PopHistorian. :thup:
Shane said:
What I found strange was the disconnect between his research into the nature of secrecy and disclosure. It seems he has a new faith in authority, perhaps the 'authorities' who are giving him insider info on 'how it will all go down', which also seem to be feeding his ego. Another thing I think is strange is the disconnect with his thoughts that disclosure will (in part) be coming through the advancement of technology and that he recognizes these very advancements are stemming from extra-terrestrial sources. It seems he has a somewhat impersonal view of the UFO phenomenon, and by that I mean he doesn't apply the hyper-dimensional aspect that he supposedly supports. Just as he "isn't ready to hand over power to [the psychopaths in power]" he also doesn't seem to be truly considering the influence and power these hyperdimensional beings can have over people.

Thanks for the reviews PopHistorian and Shane. :)

OK, I have not read much of Richard Dolan’s books, but I’ve been following his progress for a while now and one thing that’s been on my mind about him is what Shane commented on in the above in bold.

What’s up with Dolan’s lack of acceptance in hyperdimentional reality? Surely after all of the years into UFO research, contact with Laura, knowledge of the C’s and having even written the preface to High Strangeness he thinks something is amiss with the UFO phenomena? I just can’t understand that.

Why is he so adamant about everything being on a 3D level? Has he forgotten about 4D?

Also, why on Earth would he believe anything any government agency has to say? After all the years in researching the alien agenda, is it not clear to him that the government also HAS an agenda? I mean, if you don’t sway to their tune- don’t they (the government) usually try to take you out if you get too close to the truth? It seems like Rich is either really naïve or he’s sold out.
Deedlet said:
Also, why on Earth would he believe anything any government agency has to say? After all the years in researching the alien agenda, is it not clear to him that the government also HAS an agenda? I mean, if you don’t sway to their tune- don’t they (the government) usually try to take you out if you get too close to the truth? It seems like Rich is either really naïve or he’s sold out.
My thoughts exactly. It's just such a disconnect for me, based on what he had written earlier, and what seems to be going on with him now. Even from seeing him speak a year ago compared with recent interviews, this new book, and the recent discussions on the forum, it just seems like either he's lost his marbles or been seriously co-opted.
Some years ago I wrote a couple of articles about Picknett & Prince and their book "The Stargate Conspiracy." I thought it was a pretty good book as far as it went (which wasn't that far, actually), and if the reader understood that the authors had certain biases and a fairly obvious agenda: to support the status quo. Anyway, much of what I wrote then applies equally to Dolan at the present so maybe I'll just quote it here as a record.

At the present time there is a veritable frenzy of publishing books purporting to reveal the "Greatest Secrets" of all time. A number of these books have to do with alchemy and devote sections to the semi-legendary alchemist Fulcanelli, speculating at great length about what Fulcanelli did or did not mean, or who he may have really been. All of them seem to have a similar, general trend, which is to support a certain "derivation" of the mysteries in terms of Egyptian secrets, technology, and religion. This trend is the subject of the book by Lynn Pincknett and Clive Prince, The Stargate Conspiracy, which is a useful overview for the novice in terms of achieving a basic understanding of the fact that there is, indeed, something very mysterious going on all over the planet in terms of shaping the thinking of humanity via books, movies, and cultural themes.

Picknett and Prince suggest that the central theme of the conspiracy is the "manipulation of beliefs about the origins and history of human civilisation, in particular of beliefs about the existence of an advanced civilisation in the ancient past and its influence on the earliest known historical civilisations, primarily that of Egypt."[1] What Picknett and Prince fail to note is that the beliefs about the origins and history of human civilization have been manipulated for millennia to keep humanity in the dark. Anyone who doubts that this is often done quite consciously and deliberately ought to have a look at a few remarks of Cornelius Tacitus about the Roman Raj in Britain:

Tacitus said:
The following winter was spent on schemes of the most salutary kind. To induce a people, hitherto scattered, uncivilized and therefore prone to fight, to grow pleasurably inured to peace and ease, Agricola gave private encouragement-and official assistance to the building of temples, public squares and private mansions. He praised the keen and scolded the slack, and competition to gain honor from him was as effective as compulsion. Furthermore, he trained the sons of the chiefs in the liberal arts and expressed a preference for British natural ability over the trained skill of the Gauls. The result was that in place of distaste for the Latin language came a passion to command it. In the same way, our national dress came into favor and the toga was everywhere to be seen. And so the Britons were gradually led on to the amenities that make vice agreeable - arcades, baths and sumptuous banquets. They spoke of such novelties as 'civilization', when really they were only a feature of enslavement.[2]

If anyone cares to suggest that this sort of manipulation has not continued down to the present day, I suggest an in-depth examination of some of these periods of history wherein great "advances" manifested, including the personal writings of the individuals involved, as we will be doing further along in this volume. It is quite a revelation to discover that a great "idea" has been imposed upon us simply because the alternative view, which had more supporting evidence, was not believed by the "authority" due to religious prejudices.

What is taking place at our present moment in history is what is known in popular intelligence parlance as "damage control," a vast COINTELPRO operation against the revelation of Truth in its proper context. In place after place, in all fields of scientific study, discoveries are being made that contradict what we have been taught to believe about our world, our history and origins. And it seems that at the present, a very powerful and concerted effort is being made to divert these discoveries into a framework that will continue to serve the agenda of the Control System Matrix.

Picknett and Prince rightly notice that the "alternative history" that is being proposed by the current spate of books, gurus, New Age mass market workshops and symposia, utilizes ideas and concepts born in the "occult world." Unfortunately, they fail to distinguish the fact that what is "occulted" comes in two flavors: truth and just more and trickier lies.

In the past several years we have indeed been deluged with a tidal wave of books about ancient mysteries that have enthralled the world. The most widely promulgated of these books are by authors such as Henry Lincoln, Graham Hancock, Robert Bauval, and John Anthony West, Robert Temple, Laurence Gardiner, and a supporting cast too numerous to mention. Picknett and Prince astutely note that such writers may not be conscious participants in the Damage Control system, but that they are most definitely being provided with the grist for mills of a massive cover-up operation - a shell-game of reality with moves so dexterous that unless the reader understands from the beginning that the hand is, indeed, quicker than the eye, they will be lulled by the obvious truths so that at the point the lie is introduced, they will swallow it at once without noticing that it is a lie. And make no mistake about it: these lies are intended to be a deadly poison, slow acting, but 100 percent lethal, as we will discover by the time we reach the end of this survey.

We would like to note here that Picknett and Prince, with their powerful reaction against anything that threatens the status quo belief system, may be similarly unconsciously manipulated. Whether or not that is the case remains to be seen, but Picknett and Prince do seem to have pushed far enough into the mystery to have revealed one of the chief pegs upon which the Cover- up is suspended: the work of Rene Schwaller de Lubicz.

Most of the current "Alternative Egyptology" is based on the works of RSL as discovered and promoted by John Anthony West. R.A. Schwaller de Lubicz (1887-1961), was an occult philosopher who, in the 1940s and 50s, wrote several books in French about the religion of ancient Egypt. RSL believed that the Sphinx was attributable to Atlanteans and that it predated the known ancient Egyptian civilization by many thousands of years. He made the observation that the erosion on the Sphinx's body and the walls of the enclosure appears to be the result of exposure to water, rather than wind-blown sand, and argued that it had been caused by a great flood - the flood that destroyed Atlantis - the mythical Flood of Noah.

There is much evidence that strongly suggests that the more ancient date of the Sphinx must be accepted, as well as the likelihood of an ancient advanced civilization, for example, the work of geologist, Robert Schoch. However, Picknett and Prince recoil in horror at such an idea, proclaiming that Schoch's work, and his conclusions are still very controversial and the subject of debate. At this point, Picknett and Prince begin to swallow gnats and strain at camels in their efforts to dislodge this one single issue of the redating of the sphinx and the possibility of an ancient civilization on Earth.

Why? Because, indeed, they have found evidence of something malicious and sticky moving like a hungry beast, smacking its drooling lips behind the scenes of these presentations.

Picknett and Prince then take great pains to viciously attack Edgar Cayce and other psychic sources because, of course, if he is saying that there were ancient civilizations - some of the same things that those who are promoting this political agenda are saying - then he must be part of the conspiracy, too!

But, in the way of all Damage Control and Disinformation, this is a typical ploy. If someone has discovered something of truth about the Matrix, the agents are sent in to associate with that person, to try to subvert or co-opt their work, and then to twist it into something that supports a negative agenda. Then, they deliberately set up a situation where the conspiracy is exposed as negative, and the original speaker of truth, by association, is discredited.

Picknett and Prince are right about the fact that there is a lot of so-called occult, psychic, New Age channeled material that is purely evil - part of this conspiracy to cover up the failures in the old belief systems. But they are wrong to believe that the system that is in place, the beliefs that have been promulgated on humanity for millennia are the benevolent results of natural human evolution, or a benign and omniscient God who has our best interests at heart. In fact, Picknett and Prince do not even seem to notice the fact that the present Matrix of beliefs is crumbling, and this is what has necessitated this co-opting and perversion of truth. If there was no failure of the old system, there would be no need for a new one. P & P recoil in horror at the Conspiracy they have uncovered, but they do not realize that the old system is exactly the same and that they have fallen for the oldest of Machiavellian tactics: create an enemy by demonizing your opponent, and then step in as a savior to do exactly what you have accused the opponent of planning. P & P do not seem to be fully cognizant of the subtle nature of disinformation tactics and how cleverly it has been used throughout the millennia to deliver lies wrapped in truth. As a result of this, again and again they toss out the baby with the bathwater.

P & P go to some considerable trouble to outline the history of the occult Synarchist movement without even coming to the realization that this is precisely the system that is in charge of our world and has been for a very long time. Essentially, Synarchy advocates government by secret society, a group of "enlightened initiates" who rule from behind the scenes. It's pretty evident that political history and a broad overview of the forest is not P & P's strong suit. As Gary Allen put it in None Dare Call It Conspiracy, it doesn't matter which political party gets elected, those who pull the strings of government - all governments - remain unknown to the masses.

P & P tell us that Synarchists identified three key pillars of society that, once under the control of his elite, would allow them to rule without the population even being aware of their existence. These were the political and social institutions, the economic institutions and the religious institutions. Surprise, surprise! P & P need to wake up and smell the coffee! Those three pillars of society have been under the control of a hidden group for a very, very long time, and there is plenty of evidence to support that fact. {...}

It's one thing to pursue conspiracy theories and to find them and track them and think that there are some very naughty folks here on the Big Blue Marble. It's an altogether different thing, after one has tracked enough of these theories, to come to the realization that they are all just different parts of the same elephant, and that the critter is really thousands of years old. When that fact smacks you in the face, either you run screaming in denial, or you begin to step back from the truly BIG picture, the global-millennial picture, and you see that there is a very stinky rat somewhere. Having arrived at that point, you realize that such a conspiracy could not be carried out by human beings - at least not alone. And then you have to face the most difficult task of all: asking yourself who or what could be behind it.

Having asked that question, you realize that you simply cannot answer it unless you open your mind to a whole constellation of possibilities that you would formerly never, ever, in your wildest dreams have considered. Then, if you work very, very hard, you may discover the "truth" that THEY want you to believe.

But, if you are very lucky, and you seek help based on the knowledge you have acquired that such help can and does exist - only we generally do not have access to it because we are too easily duped and manipulated - then you might begin to learn the rules of communicating with higher minds than our own. And doing that, then there is some hope of sorting out the mess. But it isn't easy, and it can't be easy.

Will P & P be able to make that leap of consciousness? It's hard to tell. They keep dancing around it in their books, they do some truly interesting research, but it just seems that the awareness of what is truly going on is still blocked from them. There's a dead elephant on the living room floor and they don't even seem to see it.

Sad to see Richard following the same path, supporting the PTB, for that is, essentially, what he is doing.
Reading this tread I get the impression that Dolan was good as long as he was researching the past crimes of the empire but having the past thoroughly researched he was confronted with the questions around the now. And it seems he could not face them. Was this his weakest moment? Instead of facing the the current ongoing crimes and using that knowledge to say something about the future, he jumped into speculation.

Having thoroughly researched the past of the UFO phenomena, the questions of the now go far beyond only the UFO phenomena, which is part of a larger picture. To say something meaningful about a possible role of the UFO phenomena it needs to be brought in relation with many more things.

quote from Shane

And while it was made in a slightly joking manner, he had a slide about what he would say to the President of the United States if he had a half hour with him.

This seems a hollywood scenario inspired by his co author for After Disclosure. It might also reveal something about a possible role the PTB see for him. His former work might be discredited or Dolan might pick up the role of Eminence Gris.

The recent SOTT article of Parallax on Chomsky kept coming back in my mind. In it he quotes Zwicker:

In other words, he provides a masterful analysis of the overall problem generically, while avoiding engagement with the specific toxic core that fuels it.

In the thread Noam Chomsky supports the official stories of 9/11 and JFK, quote from Like Wilson (on Chomsky)

The thought that entered my mind is, this guy actually has the ability to make a conspiracy not a conspiracy anymore because he formulates his arguments in such a way and with the data that makes it impossible to argue or disagree with what he is saying that one cant argue against the notion that there is indeed an empire and the empire commits all this atrocities that it says it stands against for but one thing. That coupled with his reputation and credibility which he built before becoming a so called 'dissident' makes him a formidable foe.
Nearly through with Volume II.

Interesting - and very sad - that he seems to have fallen for exactly the scheme he himself describes again and again in his own book: being co-opted by the System with all their dirty little tricks like exclusivity, access to "insider information", glory and financial incentives.

That just goes to show - as Laura explained in an earlier post - that there is just no chance you can do it yourself. If you attempt that, you're gone!

Something that I seem to loose from view now and again - good to remember it!
Well, I haven't read any of Dolans books yet...however I am getting quite a lot of deja vu regarding this situation....
Does anyone know if Doland has read any of John Keels books?? This type of scenario has been played out for decades...if not longer.
With some dupe being given the 'inside information'.....even shown 'advanced technology' or 'taken for a flight over the city'.....'shown wonders'
Usually it starts with a 'chance meeting' of 'three (or one) short (slightly pale) gentlemen'.....or a 'government official'.

Heck....he read High Strangeness and he still can't see he's been had? I don't know weather to feel sorry for the guy or just chalk up another sucker for this extremely old trap. Sky gods are here to save us, they showed us 'wonders' and dazzled us with there 'technology'......not to mention it usually 'feels euphoric'.
I suppose if you've reached the point where you can see the truth (or part of it), you can go one way or the other.....keep digging (and heal the pain inside) or look for an external saviour (to take your pain away).

Keel says how this usually ends...after having great public acclaim/fame, the dupe is left penniless dried up and discredited.....ending up a social outcast/in a loony bin/committing suicide/never heard of again etc etc
With this great 'disclosure' they where to make being publicly discredited (along with them).....they are left broken. Bait and switch at its finest.

How sad he cannot see what is coming his way :(
Does anyone know if Doland has read any of John Keels books??

Hi Redfox,

When Dolan last spoke at the A.R.E. in New York Divide By Zero asked him that question, and later I asked if he was acquainted with Jacques Vallee's work. Dolan answered yes to both of us. - fwiw.
Jerry said:
Does anyone know if Doland has read any of John Keels books??

Hi Redfox,

When Dolan last spoke at the A.R.E. in New York Divide By Zero asked him that question, and later I asked if he was acquainted with Jacques Vallee's work. Dolan answered yes to both of us. - fwiw.

Thanks Jerry.
I can't believe he just can't see it. Maybe he's never tried applying these concepts to himself? Must be some big lies he is telling himself in order to not see it....
RedFox said:
Jerry said:
Does anyone know if Doland has read any of John Keels books??

Hi Redfox,

When Dolan last spoke at the A.R.E. in New York Divide By Zero asked him that question, and later I asked if he was acquainted with Jacques Vallee's work. Dolan answered yes to both of us. - fwiw.

Thanks Jerry.
I can't believe he just can't see it. Maybe he's never tried applying these concepts to himself? Must be some big lies he is telling himself in order to not see it....
Unfortunately it can be very easy to be so consumed with looking "out there" for agents that one neglects to see that we can be our own worst enemy. If Dolan is not aware of his own programming, he can be easily lulled into thinking that he "knows what he's looking out for" and "has a handle on things". From there, the trap is set.

From what I've read in this thread so far, it seems that he may have a bit of hubris concerning the matter. If he really can't let go of thinking that humans can out think this situation (with the way that we think), he will always be at the mercy of STS. This may be one way that Keel differs from Dolan. From what I understand of Keel's writings, he seemed to know that we did not have the upper hand, so to speak. He was always questioning. This awareness would at least put someone on guard. I believe Dolan's guard, for whatever reason, is down. He questions what is outside of himself to some extent, but doesn't seem to question himself or so I think.
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