Richard Dolan

Jeremy F Kreuz said:
Reading this tread I get the impression that Dolan was good as long as he was researching the past crimes of the empire but having the past thoroughly researched he was confronted with the questions around the now. And it seems he could not face them. Was this his weakest moment? Instead of facing the the current ongoing crimes and using that knowledge to say something about the future, he jumped into speculation.

He forgot the main lesson of history: those who forget history are doomed to repeat it.

It's easy enough to see the errors of the past, not so easy to realize that we may not have learned a thing.

Jeremy F Kreuz said:
The recent SOTT article of Parallax on Chomsky kept coming back in my mind. In it he quotes Zwicker:

In other words, he provides a masterful analysis of the overall problem generically, while avoiding engagement with the specific toxic core that fuels it.

Good catch. That pretty much nails it.

I really don't think Dolan is aware that he has now entered into the role of pied piper of disinfo. He thinks that by making little disclaimers that he can avoid responsibility. Same thing with Kerry Cassidy and Project Camelot.

Jeremy F Kreuz said:
In the thread Noam Chomsky supports the official stories of 9/11 and JFK, quote from Like Wilson (on Chomsky)

The thought that entered my mind is, this guy actually has the ability to make a conspiracy not a conspiracy anymore because he formulates his arguments in such a way and with the data that makes it impossible to argue or disagree with what he is saying that one cant argue against the notion that there is indeed an empire and the empire commits all this atrocities that it says it stands against for but one thing. That coupled with his reputation and credibility which he built before becoming a so called 'dissident' makes him a formidable foe.

That's pretty much it.

Everybody comes to that place where they face a choice. Heck, that choice is made constantly, day by day, moment by moment.
truth seeker said:
From what I've read in this thread so far, it seems that he may have a bit of hubris concerning the matter. If he really can't let go of thinking that humans can out think this situation (with the way that we think), he will always be at the mercy of STS. This may be one way that Keel differs from Dolan. From what I understand of Keel's writings, he seemed to know that we did not have the upper hand, so to speak. He was always questioning. This awareness would at least put someone on guard. I believe Dolan's guard, for whatever reason, is down. He questions what is outside of himself to some extent, but doesn't seem to question himself or so I think.

I agree. I think Keel was truly aware of the cryptogeographic nature of the "critter" and that human beings simply could not plumb the depths of its cunning.
Interesting input here from everyone.

Considering what Laura said about Dolan, my guess would also be that the reason why he's being vectored may also be the desire for more income (money) and recognition within the UFO community, to a degree at least. Maybe he has been told that "hey, we're going to make you the UFO "spokes person", but you can't talk about such and such and you also better lay low on associating with LKJ". Maybe not that obvious and it's not all conscious anyway, but it is in his nature not to rock the boat "too much". I think he got a bit thrown off when he realized the negative reactions he got for endorsing "High Strangeness". Maybe that's also why he doesn't reply to Laura's emails with some of the latest sessions? Anyway, these are just my impressions.

It is interesting to note though how he focuses on the 3D part as if he never read High Strangeness. I understand that his focus is Military and History, but you simply can't avoid the 4D aspect when it comes to UFO's. Period.
I wonder if he ever read "The Wave". Seems like another of those cases where an intelligent researcher does all the work "out there", but is not engaged in the self-work needed to tune his own "reading-instrument" so he doesn't fall into the traps of his own ego/predator and the people who approach him. He out of all should be aware of COINTELPRO tactics, imho.

Laura said:
I really don't think Dolan is aware that he has now entered into the role of pied piper of disinfo. He thinks that by making little disclaimers that he can avoid responsibility. Same thing with Kerry Cassidy and Project Camelot.

Yeah, this whole idea of just putting out "disclaimers" is in many ways just a buffer and avoidance to get at the Truth, no matter what it is.
I have been really anxious to read his third installment of his "UFOs and the National Security State" trilogy which was to be released in November. Now visiting his website _ I don't see any mention of this book. If he is still working on this book, I hope it follows the same form as the two previous volumes and not vectored in a different direction like his new book.
Interesting....I've been thinking about what it could be that he is not willing to look at, that leaves him open/blind to this manipulation.
I did wonder if perhaps the shock of the truth was too much....that would require inner work to fix, or at the very least the E-E program....yet he didn't reply to Laura's email about it.

It dawned on me the sort of mindset that would explain why he ignores the hyper dimensional aspect, hasn't taken on board High Strangeness, Keels work or the Wave Series (if he's even read it) and why such things as 'meditations' would not appeal to him.
He is a nuts and bolts guy, everything has to be tangible.....he has to be able to touch it with his hands. It seems odd then that he is even involved in UFO research?? But may explain why it all has to be a 3D explanation....
If you buy the 3D explanation of UFO's...and objects strongly to 'the paranormal' (even if unconsciously) then Keels work would be confusing and of no real use, the same with High Strangeness.....perhaps this is why he focused on collecting military reports?
So he likes things he can see and touch, seems to trust records (especially ones from government/authoritative sources), dismisses anything that's not 3D thinking....and probably doesn't apply any of what he's learnt about cointelpro etc to himself/his situation. Its like there is no room in him for even considering the possibility of 4D? I don't know how much is ego (and thus a defence for something that needs healing in him) or how much is just naivety.....he sure has been exposed to way to much for it to be all naivety.

Perhaps this is too much speculation....but I'd be curious what he thinks of 'new age' or 'alternative' views of things as a measure to this hypothesis. I can't seem to marry the wound/ego to this hypothesised 3D only stance though...
Maybe it is just difficult for a trained historian who is used to see events are a linear progression of event leaving sequential records to think about nonlinear phenomena. It could be unconsciously dismissed as being not subject to historical studies.
RedFox said:
Perhaps this is too much speculation....but I'd be curious what he thinks of 'new age' or 'alternative' views of things as a measure to this hypothesis. I can't seem to marry the wound/ego to this hypothesised 3D only stance though...
Maybe looking at it this way will help. If he has a program or programs that cause him to be concerned with how he appears to others, this may be one of the things that's affecting him. Perhaps he "likes" appearing as someone who enjoys things that set him apart from the crowd yet doesn't "like" being thought a fool. One of the ideas I had to accept with high strangeness was that I was duped and continue to be at times. I also had to be willing to admit that I didn't know - I couldn't trust what I perceived with my senses. I had to admit that I was wrong. Some people have more difficulty with this than others. They mistake responsibility for blame and can't come close to looking at themselves.

If we go with what I wrote above, Dolan would seem to have "be right", "be nice", "chosen/special/victim" programs at the least which is perfectly normal. At the root of it all is fear. All of this can lead us to end up selling ourselves to the highest bidder. I also considered pathology but I say that reluctantly until I know more.

Spiral Out also brings up the money aspect that I was thinking of albeit slightly different. I was thinking about how people after a certain period of time can get really tired of the struggle to exist from day to day. Perhaps Dolan just wants his life to be a little easier for a change especially if he's gone for a period without. It all points to fear. While I think it's sad, I also understand it.
Yeah, I agree with a lot of what's been said.

Well, it's sad and distressing to hear about this turn of events and the course Dolan has decided to take. NOBODY is capable of navigating this really tricky world without this type of network, and also really taking what we've been learning seriously and working on ourselves etc. Anybody can be hooked (whether through ego, material enticements or whatever) and everybody needs to be really vigilant.

I'm pretty sure everyone is watched and tested in usually quite subtle ways in academia, etc. I've noticed these type of things play out in different areas, but with Dolan's educational background I'm sure there is much more of this type of activity very early on. And then when he became interested in UFO research after the history of the Cold War, well it would go to whole other levels. So without a network such as this and a certain serious, sober assessment of what one is likely to face, especially factoring in and taking into consideration hyperdimensional realities, if one is going to do ANYTHING that may be a threat the status quo in any way, well, being derailed one way or another from pursuing and disseminating truth is the most likely outcome.

I guess the greatest value of Richard Dolan's past work is collecting the official documents of how seriously the military establishment takes the UFO phenomenon. And beyond UFO's, also the way he frames and puts into context the secrecy, independence, and wealth of the usual suspect type of conspirators (The Secret Team, and the different compartments of the alphabet soup agencies, etc.) how in large, powerful organizations conspiracy is a way of life, putting it all into context of how common conspiratorial attitudes and behaviors are and cover ups / covering their tracks, etc. That aspect of Dolan putting conspiracies in the proper context in his books effectively counteracts the ridicule factor against "conspiracy theories" as if it is absurd to think that conspiracies exist rather than it's ridiculous to say their is any reality OTHER than conspiracy when it comes to seeking, gaining, and keeping power.
SeekinTruth said:
I guess the greatest value of Richard Dolan's past work is collecting the official documents of how seriously the military establishment takes the UFO phenomenon. And beyond UFO's, also the way he frames and puts into context the secrecy, independence, and wealth of the usual suspect type of conspirators (The Secret Team, and the different compartments of the alphabet soup agencies, etc.) how in large, powerful organizations conspiracy is a way of life, putting it all into context of how common conspiratorial attitudes and behaviors are and cover ups / covering their tracks, etc. That aspect of Dolan putting conspiracies in the proper context in his books effectively counteracts the ridicule factor against "conspiracy theories" as if it is absurd to think that conspiracies exist rather than it's ridiculous to say their is any reality OTHER than conspiracy when it comes to seeking, gaining, and keeping power.

Yes, I also wanted to emphasize the value of Dolan's work until now, especially his two first books (still haven't given up hope for the third one in his 'UFO and the National Security State' Trilogy). His lectures were also very well done and insightful. I always recommended his work and lectures to people as an introduction to the UFO topic, because he presents the facts and is well spoken. I also liked that he was publicly speaking out against Steven Greer and the "benevolent alien scenario". However the way he approaches the Disclosure topic without considering the High Strangeness aspect of it seems short sighted. Maybe he's too "Nuts and Bolts" about it. Seems to me needs to make a shift in is own way of thinking and evolve his approach so to speak. Truth seeker made some good points about his personality "programs" in that regard. I'm still thinking about reading his new book "A.D. After Disclosure" to see where he's heading.
Really sharp insights, Shane. Thanks.

RedFox wrote:
<< This type of scenario has been played out for decades...if not longer. With some dupe being given the 'inside information'.....even shown 'advanced technology' or 'taken for a flight over the city'.....'shown wonders' Usually it starts with a 'chance meeting' of 'three (or one) short (slightly pale) gentlemen'.....or a 'government official'. >>

In another one of those "hiding in plain sight" kind of things, Bryce Zabel's 1980s TV series Dark Skies covered exactly these types of co-option attempts. The protagonist, hot on the heels of Majestic, was offered to witness things that would blow his mind, if only he'd stop chasing them and cool off his search for the truth.
RedFox said:
Interesting....I've been thinking about what it could be that he is not willing to look at, that leaves him open/blind to this manipulation.
I did wonder if perhaps the shock of the truth was too much....that would require inner work to fix, or at the very least the E-E program....yet he didn't reply to Laura's email about it.

It dawned on me the sort of mindset that would explain why he ignores the hyper dimensional aspect, hasn't taken on board High Strangeness, Keels work or the Wave Series (if he's even read it) and why such things as 'meditations' would not appeal to him.
He is a nuts and bolts guy, everything has to be tangible.....he has to be able to touch it with his hands. It seems odd then that he is even involved in UFO research?? But may explain why it all has to be a 3D explanation....
If you buy the 3D explanation of UFO's...and objects strongly to 'the paranormal' (even if unconsciously) then Keels work would be confusing and of no real use, the same with High Strangeness.....perhaps this is why he focused on collecting military reports?
So he likes things he can see and touch, seems to trust records (especially ones from government/authoritative sources), dismisses anything that's not 3D thinking....and probably doesn't apply any of what he's learnt about cointelpro etc to himself/his situation. Its like there is no room in him for even considering the possibility of 4D? I don't know how much is ego (and thus a defence for something that needs healing in him) or how much is just naivety.....he sure has been exposed to way to much for it to be all naivety.

Perhaps this is too much speculation....but I'd be curious what he thinks of 'new age' or 'alternative' views of things as a measure to this hypothesis. I can't seem to marry the wound/ego to this hypothesised 3D only stance though...

It could also be that he simply 'can not go there' because he is actually a materialist. In that case, everything which can not be touched or sensed in any way including by instrumentation simply can not exist and be real in his mental view of the world.

Something else that bothers me about him is his apparent total self assurance at all times and places. Gee, I don't have That! I'm not sure what that could mean except that maybe it's because he 'questions' little about things outside himself and also inside.
truth seeker said:
Maybe looking at it this way will help. If he has a program or programs that cause him to be concerned with how he appears to others, this may be one of the things that's affecting him. Perhaps he "likes" appearing as someone who enjoys things that set him apart from the crowd yet doesn't "like" being thought a fool. One of the ideas I had to accept with high strangeness was that I was duped and continue to be at times. I also had to be willing to admit that I didn't know - I couldn't trust what I perceived with my senses. I had to admit that I was wrong. Some people have more difficulty with this than others. They mistake responsibility for blame and can't come close to looking at themselves.

I think you touched another important point here, Truth Seeker. That thing about having a slide saying what he would say to the President, and some of the other behaviors, looks like he's beginning to feel more self-important. I wonder how many "inside sources" he has who are pumping him up ego-wise etc. I wish the right shock would come along to cause him to step back and see what is happening.
gaman said:
truth seeker said:
Maybe looking at it this way will help. If he has a program or programs that cause him to be concerned with how he appears to others, this may be one of the things that's affecting him. Perhaps he "likes" appearing as someone who enjoys things that set him apart from the crowd yet doesn't "like" being thought a fool. One of the ideas I had to accept with high strangeness was that I was duped and continue to be at times. I also had to be willing to admit that I didn't know - I couldn't trust what I perceived with my senses. I had to admit that I was wrong. Some people have more difficulty with this than others. They mistake responsibility for blame and can't come close to looking at themselves.

I think you touched another important point here, Truth Seeker. That thing about having a slide saying what he would say to the President, and some of the other behaviors, looks like he's beginning to feel more self-important. I wonder how many "inside sources" he has who are pumping him up ego-wise etc. I wish the right shock would come along to cause him to step back and see what is happening.

On that note, has he read 'Ponerology'? Seems to me he's not aware of the ponerization of society but has some blindspots in that regard. I've noticed in his talks that he uses the phrase sometimes "If I'd be a General/President (or CEO of a private Corporation that deals with "Alien Technology"), then I would....". :huh:
Nicolas said:
I have been really anxious to read his third installment of his "UFOs and the National Security State" trilogy which was to be released in November. Now visiting his website _ I don't see any mention of this book. If he is still working on this book, I hope it follows the same form as the two previous volumes and not vectored in a different direction like his new book.

As far as I know, Dolan never planned on releasing volume three this year. In the talks I heard with him, it sounded like he expected it to take him at least a year or two to write, making for a publication date of 2011 or 2012.

As for Dolan, the impression I get about this whole "AD" thing is that it's simple wiseacring. He and Zabel take a "what if" scenario, and just run with it. But the thing that's made obvious (it seems, I'll have to read the book before coming to any solid conclusions) is the assumptions behind the "what if". In other words, what makes the "what if" possible? If the assumptions are wrong, the whole thought experiment can be off. This happens a lot in the UFO field. The observations are spot on, and then the conclusion leaves a lot to be desired. I Dolan's case, because of his careful and objective approach in his books, he has avoided this for the most part. But the problem that arises from this is that, when you're treating several hypotheses with more or less equal probability, and then you run with a "what if" scenario based on a WRONG hypothesis, the whole thing will be wrong.

It's always disappointing to see a really good researcher reach a limit. And unfortunately, it also seems to be the norm. Chomsky won't touch 9/11. Hare won't touch ponerology. Most academics (seems that's the case with Clube) won't touch the paranormal. Etc. I think it just goes to show how Gurdjieff was right. People are mechanical, without exception. And without a visceral vision of their own egotism, their own weaknesses and sacred cows; and without this repeatedly made clear to them through a network, they'll only ever have their piece of the pie, taking it for the whole.
I, too, had a chance to see Dolan speak and am in agreement with the observations made by PopHistorian and Shane. It has been a real exercise in seeing because there have been times when, over the last year especially, I saw some of what's been mentioned here in this thread, but didn't dwell on it and have the data to see it for what it is - or what it symbolizes. For instance, there was an immediate sense that the substance of A.D., when I first heard of it, would be a big and not necessarily positive departure from his first book. (I haven't yet read his 2nd volume so I can't speak on it, but it looks to be good and in keeping with the first). A.D., as we know, speculates about how the world will experience Disclosure but the very thrust behind it is more sensational than anything else. It was a hunch that was to remain unknown, until recently. One thing that got in the way of seeing it was being so pleased with that fact that Dolan was coming as close as he was to divulging things publicly in the way that he was.

As PopHistorian said earlier, there was very little 'gravity' to Dolan's recent presentation. What came to mind for me when it was happening was that there was no terror of the situation conveyed - at all. And there should have been. One story Dolan told was shared with him by someone who was close to Jimmy Carter during Carter's presidency. As the story goes, soon after taking office, Carter was briefed about the UFO/ET situation (now this may or may not be a true, we just don't know). While this person close to Carter wasn't privy to the briefing, he noticed that Carter looked extremely distraught and saddened right after this meeting, holding his head in his hands for some time afterwards. The implication was that Carter heard something about our reality that we here already know. Based on my own experience, I have to say that I still experience shocks at stories such as this. Happens all the time. Even if I know of something that is true already, but the reality of it is driven home again, I can still get saddened, upset, or shocked by the reality of it again. I did not feel this way about anything Dolan said that day, including this story which sounds like it could have been written for the big screen.

During his talk Dolan also mentioned the burgeoning police state, the untruth of the 911 narrative, Obama being an elitist stooge, and the fact that some groups of et's are malevolent. All important truths. I have not heard of one ufo researcher, aside perhaps from Jim Marrs, who can and does speak out on all or most of these topics - or has written about many of these things. And certainly none of them can tie them all together. But Dolan has come across someone who has, convincingly, not only broached these topics in some depth, but tied them all together. And we know he did some of the reading! The question I ask now is how could he have read 'High Strangeness' and not integrated some of it? Because if he has, its not in evidence. How could he talk about all the things mentioned above and not give some kind of analysis that will wake people instead of, well, entertain them? Perhaps entertain is the wrong word -- but what is the right word? Excuse the analogy but it seems as useful as practicing medicine without using what one has learned in the last three years of medical school. If you've ever heard him speak you'd know that Dolan is an extremely bright, and articulate individual. He also has an encyclopedic knowledge of what he's learned (or so it seems) And he's good at making connections between things. That said, maybe he just hasn't seen the substance of what he read. Maybe he can't? But if he is capable, it seems that he won't - or at least hasn't, yet. This is a really sad loss in a way because right now it means that he prefers living the culture of disclosure instead of becoming a vessel for it.
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