Richard Dolan

Ennio said:
The question I ask now is how could he have read 'High Strangeness' and not integrated some of it? Because if he has, its not in evidence. How could he talk about all the things mentioned above and not give some kind of analysis that will wake people instead of, well, entertain them? Perhaps entertain is the wrong word -- but what is the right word? Excuse the analogy but it seems as useful as practicing medicine without using what one has learned in the last three years of medical school. If you've ever heard him speak you'd know that Dolan is an extremely bright, and articulate individual. He also has an encyclopedic knowledge of what he's learned (or so it seems) And he's good at making connections between things. That said, maybe he just hasn't seen the substance of what he read. Maybe he can't? But if he is capable, it seems that he won't - or at least hasn't, yet. This is a really sad loss in a way because right now it means that he prefers living the culture of disclosure instead of becoming a vessel for it.
My guess is that the same blocks that are now becoming more evident were always there but more covert. That would make sense to me as things rarely just happen suddenly but more often are lurking in the background for many years. To me (and this is just my feeling), this causes me to question a good deal of the research he has done. Is there anything he may have come across that was left out simply because it made him too uncomfortable to pursue it further?

Another thought is that maybe he is good at parroting (for lack of a better word) what others have said and putting in a format that makes it understandable to the reader but really has no true understanding of the subject in terms of its complex nature.
The only thing I can add with the revelation of these new observations is this: IF there is anything inside Dolan that is really seeking truth, he'll hit the wall big time and learn a hard lesson, after which he'll understand a great many things and, in the end, will be grateful for it. If there is no real part of him, well, he'll be successful and happy as a pig in pooh.
I have had much respect for Dolan's first book and the solidity of his documentation, and have yet to read the second book which has been on the shelf for a few months. Considering how long we waited and waited for the second book, it is amazing that up comes in no time a third book that undermines what he has done up until then. Indeed sad if he is moving away from the hyperdimensional angle if ever he really was there. Thanks to Shane and Pophistorian for providing analysis and firsthand experience of recent talks by Dolan.

It does appear as Ennio commented that the he hasn't grasped the terror of the situation. He believes himself to be outside Plato's cave and not realising that he too is just looking at the shadows that are being reflected on the wall in front of him. Or perhaps he did see the terror of the situation, but decided to cut a deal with the devil thinking that he could save his skin. The comment from Laura about Dolan was very telling:
Laura said:
Another thing, while they were here we did talk a bit about comet clusters, ice age cycles, and the fact that we keep a close eye on that sort of thing and that this is the main player in the coming changes, not "aliens" though certainly, "aliens/psychopaths" in their wishful thinking dream that they are on top. I noticed that Karyn was really closed to this discussion, she did NOT want to hear about "earth changes". Rich himself almost cried at one point saying "if that's what we are facing, there's no hope!"

From having seen a few youtube videos with him, it is clear that he is very bright, but without work to clean up old emotional and mental patterns, he would have been an easy target to bait. A good reminder of the need to work on all centers.
Shane said:
It's unfortunate. When I met Dolan I thought he was very likable, and his previous research is even more appealing than his personality. But now it seems these things are being maneuvered in a way that isn't beneficial for people, and even harmful.

Based on having the opportunity to speak with Richard before and after the lecture, I would agree. It was his first “AD” lecture, probable the first of many to promote the book. I think the main reason he teamed up with Bryce, is to go “Hollywood” and expand beyond the UFO community. Maybe make a movie or a series out of the book.

He and Byrce wrote “AD” in a matter of months vs the years it took Richard to research his first two books. I think this was very appealing to Richard, though he told me his next book would likely be a continuation of the first two – from 1991 to the present.

The audience at the lecture was quite mixture of people. I would say about a third of the crowd had read his book. It seems those who read his books were looking forward to the details of his first two books (like I was) and those how hadn't didn't really weren’t aware of the difference.

As Ennio posted, the first few minutes of the lecture were actually about 9/11 conspiracy. He felt the official story is a complete lie and actually became a bit emotional about it. It took him a minute to regain his composure. He said his reaction surprised him - apparently his father is a police officer in NY and was off duty that day.

In any case for now he certainly seems comfortable being associated and associating with “UFO community Names” and chasing the money there.
Greetings everyone here.

Wow, some discussion! :-)

All I can say is that I do believe many of the conclusions people have expressed about me are either very mistaken or at least very premature, in relation to A.D. While I have maintained that a "Disclosure" event is inevitable, in the context of our rapidly transforming society, I never said it would be truthful. In fact, I explicitly argued in the book and in my lecture that it would be laden with spin. The real issue is how successful such spin will be in the long run. I believe there will indeed be a major struggle over possession of the truth of the matter, whatever that turns out to be.

Regarding the ETH, I do believe that remains extremely viable as an answer. I have also said many time that dimensions are important. I said it during my talk -- at least I think I did. I certainly did in the book.

As for psychopathy, I did not explicitly address this in my talk, nor did I explore the concept of it explicitly in the book. However, I did certainly make it clear that we have a ruling elite that is criminal and not likely simply to walk away from power.

Comments that put me in camp with Webre were hysterical. Clearly made by people who do not know what they are talking about. Ditto the remarks that I have somehow been bought or diverted. Not true, none of it.

However, people will think what they want. I recall receiving the same kinds of denunciations in the month before Volume 2 of my history came out a year ago. People were convinced that they knew everything I believed on every subset of the UFO phenomenon.

Richard Dolan
Hi Richard,

I wondered when we might hear from you. :)

All I have to offer on the topic is that when reading this thread it is interesting to note a big change in perspective and affinity with your work and I guess over the past year or so brought that change about.

Not entirely sure why.

Well, the whole thing is just really frustrating. After reading long passages from UFOs&TNSS volume II which talks about all the nonsense that goes on in UFO research, after reading the Keel material and having my own experiences... hell's bells, I got my first death threats from the UFO believers back in 1995 - you'd think he would be able to "learn from history." I had my share of "insiders" come to me with their hints that if I would play nice, they would give me info. More than one, in fact. Thank goodness for the Cs because I had what has turned out to be a very reliable way of checking those types out.

Remember Sue Brana and GainSys? The CIA front that played so many games with us about crop circles? They are the same people that funded "Angels Don't Play this HAARP." And the meme about weather manipulation being the object of HAARP was off and running. Even Sue was later hung out to dry as far as I can tell.

Then, of course, there's Vincent Bridges and Jay Weidner whose full time job it is to defame me and my work. As I've said before, the only kind of people who act like that are either crazy or paid or both.

So, I know the price that is paid for sticking to your guns and I think Rich knows that price too. It might be a lot harder for him to pay it than it is for me. His kids are young and he's the breadwinner.
Ah, Rich, we were writing at the same time!

It is rather disconcerting to discover the impression that one actually gives when one is thinking they are giving an entirely different impression. It's the old "Louse on a Lady's Bonnet" syndrome.

O wad some Pow'r the giftie gie us
To see oursels as others see us!
It wad frae mony a blunder free us,
An' foolish notion:
What airs in dress an' gait wad lea'e us,
An' ev'n devotion!
Hi Laura and everyone,

All I can say is that I maintain my integrity in all that I do. If people don't agree with me or feel I have taken an incorrect path, they are free to say so. I will always listen to critiques of my work. Particularly people from SOTT are very insightful and worth my attention.

However, many of the preceding comments simply don't track, in my view. It's fine. I do my thing because I believe in what I do. Not to 'make money,' not to support my family, even. I support them with my work, only if I believe in my work.

best to all,
Hi Rich, I think the main motivation for recent comments on this thread has been concern. I think I can speak for pretty much everyone here when I say that we really appreciate the work you have done on the topic of UFOs, it has brought a badly needed rational voice to a field that has been dominated by hyperbole and disinformation, and therein lies the root of the concern that has been expressed here.

I think most people would agree that much of that hyperbole and disinfo has been spread deliberately by "the powers that be", which means that the topic of UFOs, and keeping the truth about it hidden is of great concern to the same "powers".

It seems natural then that you, as a major voice in the field, are likely to be the target of significant efforts to distract you from the truth. I'm not saying this is the case, I'm just saying it is a distinct possibility, and that any such efforts will have been very carefully thought through to appeal specifically to you. I'm sure you have not discounted the idea that there is a file on you somewhere that has your "psychological profile" mapped out to the extent that "they" probably know what makes you tick better than you do!

Anyway, those are my thoughts. I don't envy you Rich in attempting to navigate this field at this time in history. The only advice I can think to offer is a bit of a cliché but, I think, still true, particularly in this case: "If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is."

Dear Richard,

RichardDolan said:
All I can say is that I maintain my integrity in all that I do. If people don't agree with me or feel I have taken an incorrect path, they are free to say so. I will always listen to critiques of my work. Particularly people from SOTT are very insightful and worth my attention.

I hope that, since you've joined the forum, you really understand that this discussion started and continues to take place out of concern for YOU and of your readers.

However, many of the preceding comments simply don't track, in my view. It's fine. I do my thing because I believe in what I do. Not to 'make money,' not to support my family, even. I support them with my work, only if I believe in my work.

Yes, but the problem comes when one believes one is doing "his/her thing", as you put it, but, because they don't work within the proper network, they end up doing somebody else's "thing", without even noticing. Good and bright people always get taken in by psychopaths and desinfo agents when they think they can do "their thing". A whole campaign can be set up to lure them into thinking that they are still independent. It is necessary, because, if allowed to continue, they would be dangerous to the established power. In fact, if you are not being attacked from everywhere, then it must be because you are not doing the right thing (or you are not being dangerous enough for "them" to care).

Without a proper network, even the brightest person in the world won't be able to see the subtleties of this campaign. It is ego that gets them, even when they have the best intentions in the world.

Personally, I too admire your work on UFOs, and I think you have a lot of potential to make a difference, but this is really up to you.
Well thank you everyone for your concern.

The book I have just written may have been done quickly, but it grew out of the last three or more years of lectures that I have given, dealing with what I have often called the Challenges of Disclosure. Indeed, I have maintained for years that Disclosure is a paradox. It is impossible, in that TPTB have absolutely no incentive for enlightening the rest of us, if they are even able to do so. Yet, it is also inevitable, for reasons which I already alluded to earlier on this thread. It will happen. The question is 'when' exactly, which I surely don't know. Also, of course, what exactly will be 'disclosed.'

Our so-called leaders are not looking out for us, they haven't and won't. Disclosure will be forced by them, and when it does, they will lie their asses off. They may have to. Personally, I would not want to be the person whose job it is to disclose. Much of the information is going to be extremely unsettling, even worse. That's all part of the story. Yet it will happen. This at least is my position.

Are some of the "Others" all hyperdimensional? Yes, I believe so. Are some ET? That is also my best guess for probability. My own feeling is that we, humanity, are of particular interest to several groups having the ability to interact/interfere with us. Some of the previous comments, indicating that I somehow think this is leading to some utopia just make me laugh.

I retain a fundamental belief that humanity can end up with a positive result. Yes, I do believe that. But all hell will break loose.

So, I appreciate the concern from good people. Thank you all. Let us all do our work in the best way we can.

RichardDolan said:
I retain a fundamental belief that humanity can end up with a positive result. Yes, I do believe that.

And you probably not only believe but also know that, to an unknown extent, this "positivity" you hope for may depend on what you do now.
Rich, in the words of Neil Diamond:

Did you ever read about a frog who dreamed of bein' a king
And then became one
Well except for the names and a few other changes
I you talk about me, the story's the same one...

What you are writing, describing, etc, I could have said it all myself back when I got sucked into the Bridges-Weidner operation.

You know what happened? My readers started writing to me and saying "what the heck are you doing hanging out with those people?"

Well, what I was doing was responding to their offers to help me, to edit my stuff, to publish books, to have speaking engagements and "get the message out." That's what they offered me: a venue. I thought it was a good idea and I thought I could navigate it even though I could tell that we didn't see exactly eye-to-eye.

But when the readers started writing these things to me, like "you are selling out" or "do you realize what those people are into and believe?" and so on, I had to stop and really think about it. I did some research and quickly discovered that, no, I don't want to be associated with those ideas. And then I did some "tests" to see what the universe would show me. And, of course, I had the Cs. But still, I had to make the choice and do what was right. And that meant I had to admit in public that I had made a big mistake and I wasn't in that "camp." It wasn't easy, but it was right.

And yeah, I've suffered ever since for it. And that's what confirms my choice.

Strait is the gate and narrow the way...
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