Russia Begins Operations in Syria: End Game for the US Empire?

Mac said:
Yes, it brings up a question, for sure. Why should US warplanes be in Syria in the first place? They were not invited by the duly elected government of Syria. The Russians apparently intend to see that international law is respected.

Lets not forget the Israeli jets that regularly fly over Syria and bomb as they please, for no good reason whatsoever. I guess Bibi's little talk with Putin didn't quite go as he expected! :D
There is also the fact the the US is updating its nuclear weapons in Germany, Italy, and Poland, among others. Nobody in their right minds would trust the US not to have any crazy ideas in mind.
Notice this nonsense:


Western and more recently Russian airstrikes, chaotic leadership and mass defections have weakened the jihadi group to such an extent that it would be unable to repel even a small invasion force.

A terror analyst told that the fanatics have vastly exaggerated their military strength and called on Western leaders to launch a co-ordinated fightback which would obliterate the hate group.

Dr Afzal Ashraf said ISIS has become its own worst enemy with its campaign of terror against the West, which has prompted an international backlash.

A US-led coalition including Britain has launched airstrikes against the extremist group which have killed thousands of its fighters after being outraged by its barbarity.

And Dr Ashraf said that another atrocity on the scale of this summer's Tunisia beach massacre could result in boots on the ground and an end to ISIS' evil grip on power.

He said: "This mythical state will disappear in a matter of hours once the international community decides to act.

Ummm.... trying to get in on the act before they look like total retards?
Windmill knight said:
Mac said:
Yes, it brings up a question, for sure. Why should US warplanes be in Syria in the first place? They were not invited by the duly elected government of Syria. The Russians apparently intend to see that international law is respected.

Lets not forget the Israeli jets that regularly fly over Syria and bomb as they please, for no good reason whatsoever. I guess Bibi's little talk with Putin didn't quite go as he expected! :D

Who would have thought just a month ago that we would be so excited while reading the news. Reading about US and Israel being outmaneuvered in such a genius way makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. :halo: :cool2:

And here's a bit of fun.


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[quote author=Laura]
Ummm.... trying to get in on the act before they look like total retards?[/quote]

A new 'director' takes over the middle east play and a former star of the world stage, "Mr. TheWest" begs : "you gotta part for me, you gotta part for me?" :D
sToRmR1dR said:
Vladimir Putin (Maestro) is preparing to send 150,000 troops to Syria in a bid to wipe out the evil Islamic State once and for all:

Let the music play! mean Russian soldiers? Are you sure the info is legit? Because, considering the bloody experience in Afghanistan, Putin explicitly said that there won't be any troops sent to Syria, but there will be only aerial attacks.
Keit said:
sToRmR1dR said:
Vladimir Putin (Maestro) is preparing to send 150,000 troops to Syria in a bid to wipe out the evil Islamic State once and for all:

Let the music play! mean Russian soldiers? Are you sure the info is legit? Because, considering the bloody experience in Afghanistan, Putin explicitly said that there won't be any troops sent to Syria, but there will be only aerial attacks.

We have to wait to see if is legit.
I was really surprised when I read the bit about the EU allegedly questioning TTIP. If that's true, I ask myself - what is it that Putin has on these guys? How could he corner them so completely? I mean, those puppets in the EU owe everything to their US masters, and it's likely that they are blackmailed on top of that... So if they can "deflect" from the US on even one half-crucial issue, doesn't this mean they are confident that the US is indeed completely cornered? This reminded me of the following session from 2011:

Session 9 April 2011 said:
(Nicolas) We were wondering if Putin was going to play the 9/11 card, if he was going to be forced to do it, or...

A: Eventually. All of the efforts to support Putin will help the revelations to come sooner. [This also ties in with the "We are helping the help, so to say" comment by (A) from the 18 January 2003 session quoted earlier in this thread]

Q: (Perceval) Yay, Putin!

(L) I mean, did ya'll notice the propaganda over the last week or so with this aid convoy to Ukraine? I mean, the incredible... The New York Times, the UN, this Fogh Rasmussen guy, the incredible bald-faced, outrageous LIES that they were publishing in the media! "Russia Invades! Armed Convoy! Ukraine wipes out Russian troops!" All of it was lies, lies, lies, and bullshit. How can Putin DO anything when he's up against that kind of absolutely un.... I can't even find words for it! You never would have expected the US of A, the Western world, supposedly the carrier of the torch of liberty, publishing CRAP like that! It's worse than the worst Soviet era propaganda! And they were publishing it and people were buying it!! What do you think they would do if Putin suddenly gave out the information of who was really behind 9/11?

(Pierre) They would dismiss it.

(L) It would be immediately dismissed, and he would be blamed for being a whacko. He would be a whacko 9/11 truther conspiracy theorist who lost his mind. Remember, there was more than one case of people who were actually taken under psychiatric care for daring to say that 9/11 was an inside job. They've got the situation set up where he can't say a freaking word unless and until THIS situation changes. [Maybe it indeed changed? If Putin really defeats ISIS, would that be "change" enough so that he could reveal such information?]

(Perceval) What about if he's got evidence?

(L) They would dismiss the evidence. What about the evidence of nanothermite, the videos of the collapsing WTC buildings, etc.

(Perceval) What about something that's more of a smoking gun?

(L) They had the evidence of this aid convoy driving in, delivering their stuff, and then driving away, and they STILL called it a freaking invasion!

(Chu) What kind of evidence couldn't they destroy?

(L) The level of propaganda and the level of stupidity of the majority of people is still way too high. Everybody has to see the man behind the curtain.

(Andromeda) They have to at least suspect him.

(Perceval) Okay, so, if Putin eventually will reveal something, what evidence does he have?

(Approaching Infinity) The last time we had a session with NC, I thought I asked if he had 9/11 information, and they said yes.

(Perceval) Yeah, but we didn't ask what. Does he have like high definition video of a Global Hawk flying into the Pentagon that nobody can refute?

A: Almost.

Q: (Pierre) But the Global Hawk would frame the US and not Israel.

(Perceval) Doesn't matter.
sToRmR1dR said:
Keit said:
sToRmR1dR said:
Vladimir Putin (Maestro) is preparing to send 150,000 troops to Syria in a bid to wipe out the evil Islamic State once and for all:

Let the music play! mean Russian soldiers? Are you sure the info is legit? Because, considering the bloody experience in Afghanistan, Putin explicitly said that there won't be any troops sent to Syria, but there will be only aerial attacks.

We have to wait to see if is legit.

That info is from an "insider". So nothing officially.
sToRmR1dR said:
Keit said:
sToRmR1dR said:
Vladimir Putin (Maestro) is preparing to send 150,000 troops to Syria in a bid to wipe out the evil Islamic State once and for all:

Let the music play! mean Russian soldiers? Are you sure the info is legit? Because, considering the bloody experience in Afghanistan, Putin explicitly said that there won't be any troops sent to Syria, but there will be only aerial attacks.

We have to wait to see if is legit.

At this point I'd say that is unlikely. It would be too much, too soon, and at a too high cost for Russia. Also, I have a personal rule of not believing articles that base their info on anonymous "insiders" only. Anyone can make up insiders or secret reports with sensational information.

Keit said:
Who would have thought just a month ago that we would be so excited while reading the news. Reading about US and Israel being outmaneuvered in such a genius way makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. :halo: :cool2:

Yeah, and who would have thought that we would ever be glad to hear that someone was being bombed?? :scared: That's the proof that something Big has shifted on this planet this last week! ;)
Pashalis said:
It is up on german SOTT:

Great article Luc! You are very talented in writing: Kudos!

Would you like to join us on german SOTT?

Hi Pashalis, just saw that the FAZ changed the article I was referring to - without notice or comment of course! This seems to further indicate that they were completely taken by surprise, put out stuff without their talking points ready and are now trying to do damage control.

Maybe you could publish an update? Something like

Update: Die "Qualitätsjournalisten" der FAZ haben den Artikel einfach klammheimlich geändert. Nun heißt es:
Unterstützung Assads
Russland setzt Luftangriffe in Syrien fort

Die Vereinigten Staaten werfen Russland vor, in Syrien nicht nur die Terrorgruppe „Islamischer Staat“ anzugreifen, sondern auch von den Amerikanern unterstützte Rebellen. Die russische Regierung weist die Vorwürfe zurück.

Damit sind die brisantesten Aussagen (und das Wort CIA) aus Titel und Introtext verschwunden und man konzentriert sich auf die "Unterstützung Assads" - ein weiterer Hinweis, dass Russland den Westen überrascht hat, dadurch noch keine Medienstrategie vorhanden war und man sich nun in Schadensbegrenzung versucht.
luc said:
Pashalis said:
It is up on german SOTT:

Great article Luc! You are very talented in writing: Kudos!

Would you like to join us on german SOTT?

Hi Pashalis, just saw that the FAZ changed the article I was referring to - without notice or comment of course! This seems to further indicate that they were completely taken by surprise, put out stuff without their talking points ready and are now trying to do damage control.

Maybe you could publish an update? Something like

Update: Die "Qualitätsjournalisten" der FAZ haben den Artikel einfach klammheimlich geändert. Nun heißt es:
Unterstützung Assads
Russland setzt Luftangriffe in Syrien fort

Die Vereinigten Staaten werfen Russland vor, in Syrien nicht nur die Terrorgruppe „Islamischer Staat“ anzugreifen, sondern auch von den Amerikanern unterstützte Rebellen. Die russische Regierung weist die Vorwürfe zurück.

Damit sind die brisantesten Aussagen (und das Wort CIA) aus Titel und Introtext verschwunden und man konzentriert sich auf die "Unterstützung Assads" - ein weiterer Hinweis, dass Russland den Westen überrascht hat, dadurch noch keine Medienstrategie vorhanden war und man sich nun in Schadensbegrenzung versucht.

Great find! And I bet they changed it because of your article... The article is a runner on Facebook...

Would you like to write that update, maybe as separate article? Doesn't have to be long, you can send it to us at the same address :-)
Windmill knight said:
Yeah, and who would have thought that we would ever be glad to hear that someone was being bombed?? :scared: That's the proof that something Big has shifted on this planet this last week! ;)

Yes I would say something really big has shiftet this last week. Simply fascinating what happens right now. Can't wait to see what happens next.
Pashalis said:
Great find! And I bet they changed it because of your article... The article is a runner on Facebook...

Would you like to write that update, maybe as separate article? Doesn't have to be long, you can send it to us at the same address :-)

Great to hear! Yes, I'll write something, probably tomorrow evening.
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