Russia Begins Operations in Syria: End Game for the US Empire?

Perceval said:
Laura said:
Q: (L) What is the purpose of this control; this increasing control.
A: Preparation for war in Palestine.
Q: (L) But nobody has said anything about having a war in Palestine. They're all talking about having a war in Afghanistan. How does Palestine fit in here?
A: It is the ultimate objective of Israel.
Q: (L) Why would they want to have war in their own country? Well, aside from the fact that they've been having a war in their own country for a long time. I guess they want to bring it to a final conclusion. What is going to be the result of this plan?
A: Destruction of Jews.
Q: (L) Well obviously this is not what THEY are planning, is it?
A: No.
Q:(L) They are planning destruction of Palestinians, right?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) It seems that through out history whenever the jews have plotted and planned to destroy somebody, they are the ones who have ended up being destroyed themselves. Or am I misreading my history here?
A: No.

This is pretty high on my probability list. It's very clear that the Israelis have no, and have never had, any intention of living with the Palestinians. They currently occupy more than 60% of the West bank and are continually building settlements on it, that is all that is left of Palestinian land other than Gaza. This strongly suggests that the Israelis have a had a long term plan to do this, and that Palestinians are not planning on going anywhere. So how can such a situation be resolved, from the Israeli perspective, unless the Palestinians are forced to leave, or otherwise made to "disappear".

Of course, such a scenario would, as always, require a big provocation. And those are easy enough to stage manage...

I think it's possible that this may be building already, given the events that have been going on in Palestine the last few weeks.
With the possibility of false flags and war with Palestine on the cards, we should all be watchful for events and maybe try and preempt them on Sott/social media to head things off.
Articles on Palestine and the Muslim holocaust should be given some attention fwiw.
Pashalis said:
I think without SOTT, things would have turned out quite differently.

Hi Pashalis,

I'm inclined to think that way as well. (My own personal experiences over this past year has made me more and more a believer.)

Recalling the C's remark that 200 coherent minds can effectively block 4th density STS, the innate power of a group (through intense mental coherence and focus) ought not to be underestimated.

The interesting question is how close are we? And is that scaling power non-linear? Is the group attainment 25% ... 50% ... 75%?

Unfortunately, that's not a question they're likely to answer. But then things might have changed.

With the astonishing events of the past week, question becomes how best to respond emotionally so as to enhance & sustain this particular time line or manifestation. I don't think simple elation is sufficient. It would be good to think through this issue -- to insure the psychic force for good is strong and getting stronger.

Alana said:
angelburst29 said:
On the night of 1 October 02, 2015, six Sukhoi SU-30 Russian SM fighters took off from the Syrian Hmimim airbase in the direction of Cyprus, before changing course and intercepting the four Israeli F-15 fighters off the coast of Syria, that were flying in attack formation.

Surprised by a situation as unexpected and probably not prepared for a dogfight with one of the best Russian multipurpose fighters, Israeli pilots have quickly turned back South at high speed over the Lebanon.

This piece was posted by Greek news sites, that are suspicious for a variety of reasons, from a french original

but my first thought about it when I read it, if it happened, is that it goes to show how the "mighty" Israeli forces react when they are not faced with barefooted stone-throwing children but a real military force for once.

It also says:
The Lebanese army has officially announced at 2313 Z (local time) that four "enemy aircraft" (Israeli) had crossed the airspace of the Lebanon.

If Greeks news sites are "suspicious for a variety of reasons", here is a confirmation (2 October 2015 0:39 pm) from a Lebanese newspaper (Ad-Diyar):

Original article:

Translated in english: Clash Joey Russian - Israeli
I was thinking about this recently... It strikes me that if everything is "connected" energetically, then it might be that our collective efforts actually helped to enable Putin's Russia to succeed.

And now, Russia's actions have gotten us all excited - like, "FINALLY... something good is happening!" That just motivates us even more, and the Positive Feedback Loop carries on upwards.

In fact... I really wonder if there is another reality where Putin sided with the oligarchs, or was overthrown, or crushed by the USA, etc.

IOW, things like working on SOTT and sharing articles and facts - and how we feel about it all - on FB and Twitter might be having a WAAAAY bigger effect than we think.

After all, isn't that what the C's have been trying to get through our thick skulls for years now? Don't give up hope! Help is on the way!

Maybe the help is not just somebody "out there", and it's not just us, but instead it's a combination: a kind of Positive Feedback Loop.


I love what you are expressing and agree 100%. I too feel elated for once and look forward to doing whatever I can. Look it is 4.21am here in Cyprus now!!! I am sure all the positivity combines, especially as we all wrote to Putin too and he is always in our thoughts like Caesar is. We naturally were also all wishing for the best possible scenario/outcome from such dire depths we were all sinking into so quickly on this driver-less train. We could only have hoped for a miracle. Well blow the bible we got a real one this time! An objective one that from all our connecting the dots and following the signs allowed us to immediately appreciate it for the humongous changes that it ultimately brought about like dominos falling but in every conceivable direction! Multi faceted repercussions for the axis of evil lol. From the full moon it just escalated. Hopefully I will get to the chateau in March somehow. But I feel the celebrations are going to be doubly magnificent! Putin et al wont let it slip now. So we can just really enjoy the show this time as their influence permeates further and further afield lol. Plus hopefully we see the tides turn and like pilgrims to Mecca all the nations start turning to Caesar! Bless our hero. Bless everyone here, the C's and all unseen support for what has transpired in this very fortuitous week! Gratitude DCM :perfect: :hug2: :bacon:

Quote edit
RedFox said:
Perceval said:
Laura said:
Q: (L) What is the purpose of this control; this increasing control.
A: Preparation for war in Palestine.
Q: (L) But nobody has said anything about having a war in Palestine. They're all talking about having a war in Afghanistan. How does Palestine fit in here?
A: It is the ultimate objective of Israel.
Q: (L) Why would they want to have war in their own country? Well, aside from the fact that they've been having a war in their own country for a long time. I guess they want to bring it to a final conclusion. What is going to be the result of this plan?
A: Destruction of Jews.
Q: (L) Well obviously this is not what THEY are planning, is it?
A: No.
Q:(L) They are planning destruction of Palestinians, right?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) It seems that through out history whenever the jews have plotted and planned to destroy somebody, they are the ones who have ended up being destroyed themselves. Or am I misreading my history here?
A: No.

This is pretty high on my probability list. It's very clear that the Israelis have no, and have never had, any intention of living with the Palestinians. They currently occupy more than 60% of the West bank and are continually building settlements on it, that is all that is left of Palestinian land other than Gaza. This strongly suggests that the Israelis have a had a long term plan to do this, and that Palestinians are not planning on going anywhere. So how can such a situation be resolved, from the Israeli perspective, unless the Palestinians are forced to leave, or otherwise made to "disappear".

Of course, such a scenario would, as always, require a big provocation. And those are easy enough to stage manage...

I think it's possible that this may be building already, given the events that have been going on in Palestine the last few weeks.
With the possibility of false flags and war with Palestine on the cards, we should all be watchful for events and maybe try and preempt them on Sott/social media to head things off.
Articles on Palestine and the Muslim holocaust should be given some attention fwiw.
Israel does not need big provocations, it usually starts with little ones: and, mostly with absurd ones, one "supposdely" rocket exploded within Gaza's side.
Followed by
Scottie said:
I was thinking about this recently... It strikes me that if everything is "connected" energetically, then it might be that our collective efforts actually helped to enable Putin's Russia to succeed.

And now, Russia's actions have gotten us all excited - like, "FINALLY... something good is happening!" That just motivates us even more, and the Positive Feedback Loop carries on upwards.

I'm kind of wonder what the US's response to this will be. They've quite obviously been caught with their pants down, totally and utterly hung to dry by their own ISIS petard. I think they'll go for a face saving manoeuvre. They still want Syria in order to rape and pillage that country. But, they can't do it with Assad. Consequently: "He has to go". Why? Because he's a 'bad' man and not because the US wants to steal Syria's resources. That's always the excuse, isn't it. I guess the next challenge is how to keep Assad in power. The disease that is ISIS is effectively on notice.

Scottie said:
In fact... I really wonder if there is another reality where Putin sided with the oligarchs, or was overthrown, or crushed by the USA, etc.

Lol, there's also another reality where USA wasn't plagued by a bunch of evil nut jobs who successfully hid their psychopathy in order to run (ruin) a country. Ok, more than just one country. And did so over a number of years, from WWII onwards. Oh, and I can imagine a reality too, where the 'Bibster' didn't exist, except as maybe a troll in a fairy-tale meant to scare youngsters who want to join the UN. Lots of possibilities here. :lol: Perhaps this is where the difference is. When we create a fiction, we don't pretend it is a reality, but instead recognise it as a fiction.
sitting said:
With the astonishing events of the past week, question becomes how best to respond emotionally so as to enhance & sustain this particular time line or manifestation. I don't think simple elation is sufficient. It would be good to think through this issue -- to insure the psychic force for good is strong and getting stronger.

I think this is a good point. A little elation is ok, but putting the energy back into Sott, spreading the message, paying attention and perhaps even writing Putin another letter of support is what we should do I think.
Man the posts, keep the lighthouse shining brightly! :)
Pashalis said:
I know that it might sound strange or unbelievable, but I actually think that this network here and especially the SOTT work from this network, has made it possible, for a rather big part, that things now play out they way they do.

I noticed that SOTT and especially smaller SOTTs like the spanish and german ones, were right there at the beginning of that "russio-phobia" and "Putin-phobia" and pointed things out that no other website did in that way, about Putin and russia. SOTT was it, that got the ball rolling that Putin maybe is not that bad and even a good guy, in larger numbers of people in the public. No other big website was pointing this out that explicitly, that Putins words and deeds match very much, which strongly suggest that he is a good human being, that wants good things to happen in russia and the world. Same goes for all the propaganda false flags that were attributed to russia. SOTT was there right at the beginning and pointed things out as no other website did.

Yes, it does seem that way. How many times have we seen comments from SOTT, ideas from SOTT, that never were seen anywhere before, suddenly start appearing elsewhere. A really good example is the topic of psychopathy in power. Back on Oct 22, 2002, I started with that approach. After our experiences with the Bridges gang (RIP), we turned our attention to that and it is because of those lessons that I was able to see the relationship. It was stunning to me.

After awhile, Lobaczewski noticed what we were writing and publishing and wrote to me and then we had "Political Ponerology" and a basic model. We kept pushing it and pushing it, day after weary day, against incredible attacks and barriers, and NOW it is not at all surprising to find even some more mainstream sources referencing psychopaths in political positions.

Oh, sure, they tried a campaign of glorifying, or at least normalizing, psychopathy, but in general, the world changed somewhat because of our efforts, I think.

Pashalis said:
Here in germany, especially at the beginning, a lot of people believed the propaganda about Putin and his staff, but the more SOTT just pointed out what they say and do in comparison to the US/EU/Israel elites, the more the tidal wave changed, to the point now, that large numbers of people see him and his staff in a positive light in germany and in the west as a whole.

I remember looking at the german SOTT Facebook page, at the beginning of that whole russia mess and seeing how many people were saying how bad Putin and co. are, or that they are the same as the US guys and not much was shared or read. Now almost every article that is about Putin and his government goes like wildfire and many of those people are happy and thankful to hear what Putin and his government do and say. They see/feel hope.

I think without SOTT, things would have turned out quite differently. I think that SOTT was the root that got the flower to blossom.

It does look that way. Even if we are still shunned/attacked by some mainstream types, and even some alternative types who look askance on our interest in UFOs/hyperdimensional realities (never mind that the Cs inform and help to shape our perspective). I still get flamed and defamed, but not as much as before. And they sure have thrown a whole lot of stuff at us to break us down.

Here I want to say that if it was not for the NETWORK PRINCIPLE, we would not have been able to get this far. If not for financial, psychological, emotional, physical support from all our members, readers, etc., we could NOT have persisted. Yeah, we worked like crazy, day after day for freaking YEARS, but we would NOT have been able to do that if we did not have the backing and support of this small network that seems to be growing quite a bit!

sitting said:
I'm inclined to think that way as well. (My own personal experiences over this past year has made me more and more a believer.)

I try to always stay open and work like a maniac to find out what is real and objective, but yes, indeedy, those Cs really have proven to be remarkable overall. But what is even more remarkable is the fact that they have inspired and driven us to DO THE WORK and when we felt faint, like giving up, they kept telling us "help is on the way". From our perspective, 12 years is a long time, but from a global perspective, it's nothing. It's a matter of scale and we have to enlarge our minds and perspective to take that into account, not just in terms of Earth Changes, but in terms of political events.

sitting said:
Recalling the C's remark that 200 coherent minds can effectively block 4th density STS, the innate power of a group (through intense mental coherence and focus) ought not to be underestimated.

The interesting question is how close are we? And is that scaling power non-linear? Is the group attainment 25% ... 50% ... 75%?

Unfortunately, that's not a question they're likely to answer. But then things might have changed.

This is something that exercises me quite a bit and there are a number of discussions about it in the transcripts. There's me trying to convey to people the richness of the experience of belonging to a community that has worked to achieve objectivity/mental coherence. We now have satellite communities working on this very thing in the context of developing SOTT even more and if they will just really, really understand how this process works and how you have to live, eat, drink, breathe AWARENESS of a global sort, in order to achieve that Cosmic View/receivership capability, then I think even more dramatic changes may be in our future. And maybe things will move a bit faster once critical mass is achieved.

sitting said:
With the astonishing events of the past week, question becomes how best to respond emotionally so as to enhance & sustain this particular time line or manifestation. I don't think simple elation is sufficient. It would be good to think through this issue -- to insure the psychic force for good is strong and getting stronger.


Well, we can enjoy for the moment the confirmation, but as I said above, even more work is now in order. There are other important topics that we need to develop and push, not the least of which is the hyperdimensional understanding. I'm working on "The Secret History of God" so I hope that is going to have something of an impact. It's taken a monstrous amount of reading/work, but I am about ready to put that puzzle together. Most of ya'll know a lot of it, the Caesar clues, comets-as-gods, etc, but there is a lot more.

So, as noted, SOTT needs to stay hot. Not just collecting the most indicative "dots" from around the globe every day so a person can go there and get the big picture if all they do is scan the headlines, but also putting the pieces together in the original articles written by some of our editors.

I recently wrote to the SOTT working group:

I want to remind everyone about the benefits of working on sott.

1) Develops your "reading instrument" especially when you network with other editors about interpreting what is going on.

2) Increases the synapses of your brain, thus allowing you to generate more energy AND become a better receiver should the cosmos suddenly decide to do a reset.

3) Teaches you, by practice, the "Art of Stalking" a la Castaneda.

4) Serves humanity AND the Universe. As the Cs said, "Man the posts". That was one of those clever little double meanings. If you are posting and commenting, then you are manning the posts".

Which leads to a little quote:

Cs: Must be aware. Think of it as a war. Expect
every possible move/or occurrence. Victory comes from
being forewarned, and therefore, forearmed.

Q: (Laura) Is that...the key? To turn up the
vigilance volume to maximum?

A: Always. Don't be like the sentry who fell into a
peaceful, pleasure filled, dreamy sleep while on watch!
He did not even feel the blade as it pierced his heart!


Q: Are there any limitations to what our physical bodies can transform to if instructed by the DNA? Could we literally grow taller, rejuvenate, change our physical appearance, capabilities, or whatever, if instructed by the DNA?

A: Receivership capability.

Q: What is receivership capability?

A: Change to broader receivership capability.

Q: (L) What is your receiver? The physical body?

A: Mind through central nervous system connection to higher levels. ---

Q: (L) So this takes us back to what they were just saying a minute ago about the soul being able to change DNA itself, or with its tribal unit helpers; that is, you can change your DNA through "Mind through central nervous system connection to higher levels."

This is the process through which all of us are going right now, and working on sott is the not just the "chop wood, carry water" part of enlightenment, it is actually the re-tooling of the brain/nervous system.

But ONLY if it is approached in the proper way. Mechanical copying and pasting without thought, without curiosity, without expanding the awareness and understanding won't do it. And the more you do it, the better. We practially eat, drink and breathe global awareness here and THAT is anchoring a frequency and creating receivership capacity.

RedFox said:
I think this is a good point. A little elation is ok, but putting the energy back into Sott, spreading the message, paying attention and perhaps even writing Putin another letter of support is what we should do I think.
Man the posts, keep the lighthouse shining brightly! :)

Exactly. And those who don't have the time or capacity to work on sott directly, can help by their social media activism. Ideas CAN change the world.

And we also need to be prepared for the possibility that things could get worse in a lot of places before they get better. Remember this from almost exactly 21 years ago???? (God, those Cs are good!)

16 October 1994 said:
Q: (L) Are credit cards the work of what 666 represents?
A: Yes?
Q: (L) Should we get rid of all credit cards?
A: Up to you.
Q: (L) Would it be more to our advantage than not to
disconnect ourselves from the credit system?
A: Isn't just credit also debit.
Q: (L) Is that an affirmative.
A: How are you going to do this?
Q: (L) Well, do you have any suggestions?
A: World will soon have nothing but credit and debit have you
not heard of this new visa debit cards this is the future
of money as controlled by the world banking system i.e.
the brotherhood i.e. Lizards i.e. antichrist.
Q: (L) If I don't have a credit card then I don't have to
belong to this system?
A: No. You will have no choices: belong or starve.
Q: (L) What happened to free will?
A: Brotherhood aka Lizards aka antichrist has interfered with
free will for 309000 years. They are getting desperate as
we near the change.

Q: (V) It has always been my nature to rebel against that
which I did not feel was good for me. Is rebellion
against this system possible?
A: If you are willing to leave the body.
Q: (L) Leave the body as in death, croak, kick the bucket?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) If we were to move...
A: Changes will follow turmoil be patient.

Here's another clue:

17 January 1998 said:
Q: First question: why are we in the middle of such a horrible mess? Things were supposed to get better?!

A: Do you not expect there to be turmoil in accompaniment with a level one quantum life change?

Q: A level one quantum life change? Do you mean the change we have already effected, or the change we HOPE to effect?

A: Both and transition between.

We are not there yet, so we can't slack in our efforts.
Speaking of paying attention, these adverts for jobs at GCHQ and Mi5 showed up on my facebook today....

My gut feeling a few days ago was that Sott and everyone here may start to get more 'personalized attention', so pay attention people.
You can bet Putin is getting that 'attention' too.


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Just had a thought that a a page like "Dear Putin" that's not about an apology, which was excellent btw but one about just gratitude for his work could be valuable. Perhaps now is a ripe time for a thank you Mr Putin page - such could be spread in the same way so people around the world could simply show appreciation and support for this new political phase that he's been instrumental bringing about.
Thank you for the timely reminders and encouragements Laura. Time to put more pedal to the metal and further broaden understanding of other political things happening in the world not just what we are promoting at the moment.

The elation actually did spur me on the bolster what Putin et al are doing as we knew the repercussions would hit the fan quickly.

A lovely idea to do another gratitude Putin page, as well as perhaps another round of letters.

Perhaps also a page on Palestine if the psychos are intent on decimating the Palestinians. It really does worry me that nobody can stop what Israel does until now. It is perhaps too much to expect Putin to stop everything at once but I hope more countries back him militarily soon so a concerted and co-ordinated effort CAN be made to prevent further bloodshed and destruction. Including making good the repairing of all the poor damaged countries.

I am so looking forward to the new books. They too definitely sound like game-changers and new aspects for us to promote :) :cool2: :lkj: :hug: :hug:
Windmill knight said:
...and who would have thought that we would ever be glad to hear that someone was being bombed?? :scared: That's the proof that something Big has shifted on this planet this last week! ;)

Totally agree. It did take a moment to register that actually that's what was happening.

To analyse my interactions both online and offline, i'd say that for some this is a wake up that is slowly rousing them and they are acting on these thoughts (liking, reposting, criticising the powers at home etc..) for others, it seems they're slipping further into lies. I've been extremely surprised by some of the positive reactions towards Russia so from my perspective the social media action IS working. Especially with those who have been directly effected by the NATO war mongers (Serbia for example). Offline, with my mums boyfriend for exmple, and this is a good test to see what the 'general public are being fed, his response was something about 'Muslims' - i 'reminded' him about the mosque that just opened in Russia and so on...

Either way, the situation is no longer easy to ignore or 'misinterpret' without obvious and outright denial of reality.
happyliza said:
Thank you for the timely reminders and encouragements Laura. Time to put more pedal to the metal and further broaden understanding of other political things happening in the world not just what we are promoting at the moment.

The elation actually did spur me on the bolster what Putin et al are doing as we knew the repercussions would hit the fan quickly.

A lovely idea to do another gratitude Putin page, as well as perhaps another round of letters.

Perhaps also a page on Palestine if the psychos are intent on decimating the Palestinians. It really does worry me that nobody can stop what Israel does until now. It is perhaps too much to expect Putin to stop everything at once but I hope more countries back him militarily soon so a concerted and co-ordinated effort CAN be made to prevent further bloodshed and destruction. Including making good the repairing of all the poor damaged countries.

I am so looking forward to the new books. They too definitely sound like game-changers and new aspects for us to promote :) :cool2: :lkj: :hug: :hug:

I share your sentiments, happyliza.

I too think about the fate of the Palestinians and their prison-like existence. I had thought about mentioning what I think is one of the best videos about Gaza I have seen related by a young Jewish woman on the Israeli treatment of Palestinians.

Here is the link to " Why US and Israel wants to ban this video... " if anyone is interested: _

I was able to share it with only one person in my family so far. At least maybe some others here might find more interest in it.

Also I agree with all the positive input about Putin. I think that if we didn't have the dedication from Laura and the crew and the amazing clues from the Cs we would be completely in the dark about who has a conscience and who doesn't. It is the thought that there are at least a few people in leadership positions with a conscience that are trying that gives me some hope that humanity will survive in the future.

And this network also is a lifesaver to me.

Thank all of you for being here.
Laura said:
After awhile, Lobaczewski noticed what we were writing and publishing and wrote to me and then we had "Political Ponerology" and a basic model. We kept pushing it and pushing it, day after weary day, against incredible attacks and barriers, and NOW it is not at all surprising to find even some more mainstream sources referencing psychopaths in political positions.

Indeedy. Here is the confirmation: This screenshot I took in 2013 from Google Trends, searching for "Political Ponerology". It started when the book was re-published.


Interestingly, today's Google Trends shows quite different statistics for Political Ponerology: (by "Discipline") (by "Search Term" - nothing!!!)

Redacted? Censored? Technical Glitch?

Pashalis said:
Here in germany, especially at the beginning, a lot of people believed the propaganda about Putin and his staff, but the more SOTT just pointed out what they say and do in comparison to the US/EU/Israel elites, the more the tidal wave changed, to the point now, that large numbers of people see him and his staff in a positive light in germany and in the west as a whole.

Yes. Also, we all should not forget that we still are running the website! It was signed by 71.850 people, with a spike in the last week.

Maybe it is the time to re-share and todayify everywhere?
Data said:
Laura said:
After awhile, Lobaczewski noticed what we were writing and publishing and wrote to me and then we had "Political Ponerology" and a basic model. We kept pushing it and pushing it, day after weary day, against incredible attacks and barriers, and NOW it is not at all surprising to find even some more mainstream sources referencing psychopaths in political positions.

Indeedy. Here is the confirmation: This screenshot I took in 2013 from Google Trends, searching for "Political Ponerology". It started when the book was re-published.

A doctor marching against the cuts against the NHS stated yesterday the very same: "Those psychopaths in that building" referring to the Conservative party conference that was going on. It's not a word i heard used often before but more and more it is common parlance, even in the FB message boards i frequent, where people impacted by the austerity post their stories.

I for one came to Sott bemused at the talk about psychopathy, only to slowly realise it's importance. And because of that, i did keep an eye on which outlets were were identifying it as such as well as those public persons who attempted to coopt it as their own.

All in all, were it not for Sott's work here, i doubt it would be common usage. And i am encouraged by the correct usage by protestors on the street.
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