Russia Begins Operations in Syria: End Game for the US Empire?

Here is what the C's said back in August:

August 8th 2015 said:
Q: (Nicholas) There seems to be a lot of events coming in September. On the 13th, it's the last day of the Shemitah year, the 15th the UN may formally recognize the Palestinian state, the 25th the pope visits the US and gives a UN speech which might kick off Agenda 2030, Egypt wants Isreal's nuclear sites to be inspected, and the 28th is the last of the four blood moons. Is this something that could be a marker for the start of the Powers that Be to ramp up their agenda?

A: Wait for October.

Q: (Odyssey) What's happening in October?

A: Wait and see!

Q: (Bear) Recently the US changed policy with reference to Syria in terms of supporting bombing. Russia said that there would be a line in the sand. So, the question is: Is this gonna be turned into something wider?

A: Putin has cards up his sleeve that may be well played.

Q: (L) Hmm. I hope it involves a video.

A: It may!

Q: (L) Make it quick. I'm draining fast.

Spot on.
Windmill knight said:
...and who would have thought that we would ever be glad to hear that someone was being bombed?? :scared: That's the proof that something Big has shifted on this planet this last week! ;)

Something Big within people or in Nature? On a personal level, I'm shifting into celebrating Russia's bombing intervention right along with the common Syrian citizen. I doubt I'd have a problem removing an imminent threat (like an ISIS terrorist) to my life or the life of my family if this threat just saw me as a symbol of their hatred rather than as a living human being. To me, it is the ISIS terrorists who are acting as only symbolic humans and my conscience doesn't hurt for symbols; it hurts for real people and people being real. I've also read of Russian soldiers participating in the military version of Systema Spetsnaz who also say things like this so this feeling can't be unique to me.
I guess, Bibi was having another one of his "45 seconds" stare after hearing the news?

Syria Update# Air Duel between the Sukhoi Su - 30 Russian SM and Israeli F-15


Six Russian fighter jets type Multirole Sukhoi SU - 30 SM have intercepted 4 Israeli McDonnell Douglas F-15's fighter bombers attempting to infiltrate the Syrian coast. The Israeli F 15 warplanes have been flying over Syrian airspace for months and in particular the coast of Latakia, which is now the bridgehead of the Russian forces in Syria.

The Israeli jets would generally follow a fairly complex flight plan and approach Latakia from the sea.

On the night of 1 October 02, 2015, six Sukhoi SU-30 Russian SM fighters took off from the Syrian Hmimim airbase in the direction of Cyprus, before changing course and intercepting the four Israeli F-15 fighters off the coast of Syria, that were flying in attack formation.

Surprised by a situation as unexpected and probably not prepared for a dogfight with one of the best Russian multipurpose fighters, Israeli pilots have quickly turned back South at high speed over the Lebanon.

The Lebanese army has officially announced at 2313 Z (local time) that four "enemy aircraft" (Israeli) had crossed the airspace of the Lebanon.

This 'incident' between the Russian and Israeli combat aircraft struck with amazement the command of the Israeli air force, which has estimated that a possible dogfight between F-15 Israelis and the Russian Su-30 would have led to the destruction of the four aircraft Israelis.

Israel has strongly protested to Moscow of the incident but the Russians demanded explanations about the presence of Israeli military aircraft in full Syrian airspace.

This incident indicates that the protection of Syrian airspace is now under the protection of the Russian air weapon. What causes gnashing of teeth in Washington.

The incident has been ignored by major news agencies but relays political and media of Israel in the United States, Europe and in the Arab world will redouble their efforts to demonize the Russian support for the Syrian Government.
angelburst29 said:
I guess, Bibi was having another one of his "45 seconds" stare after hearing the news?

Syria Update# Air Duel between the Sukhoi Su - 30 Russian SM and Israeli F-15


Six Russian fighter jets type Multirole Sukhoi SU - 30 SM have intercepted 4 Israeli McDonnell Douglas F-15's fighter bombers attempting to infiltrate the Syrian coast. The Israeli F 15 warplanes have been flying over Syrian airspace for months and in particular the coast of Latakia, which is now the bridgehead of the Russian forces in Syria.

The Israeli jets would generally follow a fairly complex flight plan and approach Latakia from the sea.

On the night of 1 October 02, 2015, six Sukhoi SU-30 Russian SM fighters took off from the Syrian Hmimim airbase in the direction of Cyprus, before changing course and intercepting the four Israeli F-15 fighters off the coast of Syria, that were flying in attack formation.

Surprised by a situation as unexpected and probably not prepared for a dogfight with one of the best Russian multipurpose fighters, Israeli pilots have quickly turned back South at high speed over the Lebanon.

The Lebanese army has officially announced at 2313 Z (local time) that four "enemy aircraft" (Israeli) had crossed the airspace of the Lebanon.

This 'incident' between the Russian and Israeli combat aircraft struck with amazement the command of the Israeli air force, which has estimated that a possible dogfight between F-15 Israelis and the Russian Su-30 would have led to the destruction of the four aircraft Israelis.

Israel has strongly protested to Moscow of the incident but the Russians demanded explanations about the presence of Israeli military aircraft in full Syrian airspace.

This incident indicates that the protection of Syrian airspace is now under the protection of the Russian air weapon. What causes gnashing of teeth in Washington.

The incident has been ignored by major news agencies but relays political and media of Israel in the United States, Europe and in the Arab world will redouble their efforts to demonize the Russian support for the Syrian Government.

Thanks for the update, angelburst29. Like others have mentioned previously, I can't remember ever being so energised reading the (alternative) news. The sense of dread an impending doom and gloom has lifted significantly.
Laura said:
While I'm on the topic, that was a very strange remark the Cs said back in 2003 when we were talking about Russia and China and who's on first and all that:

Q: .... We are in a hell of a mess. Any comments?
A: The situation looks bleak indeed. But remember the Achilles heel of STS: Wishful Thinking.
Q: In this case, how is wishful thinking going to help?
A: There will be a big miscalculation made. It will reveal the "Man behind the curtain."

There are two ways to take that:

1) That the US would be revealed as the humbug as in the Wizard of Oz....
2) The "curtain" as a sort of reference to the old Soviet "Iron Curtain" hinting at the object of the miscalculation, i.e. the "Man Behind the Curtain", i.e. Putin.

In fact, you could take that remark BOTH ways based on what has actually transpired.

Those Cs really are full of surprises.

I was thinking about this recently... It strikes me that if everything is "connected" energetically, then it might be that our collective efforts actually helped to enable Putin's Russia to succeed.

And now, Russia's actions have gotten us all excited - like, "FINALLY... something good is happening!" That just motivates us even more, and the Positive Feedback Loop carries on upwards.

In fact... I really wonder if there is another reality where Putin sided with the oligarchs, or was overthrown, or crushed by the USA, etc.

IOW, things like working on SOTT and sharing articles and facts - and how we feel about it all - on FB and Twitter might be having a WAAAAY bigger effect than we think.

After all, isn't that what the C's have been trying to get through our thick skulls for years now? Don't give up hope! Help is on the way!

Maybe the help is not just somebody "out there", and it's not just us, but instead it's a combination: a kind of Positive Feedback Loop.

Scottie said:
After all, isn't that what the C's have been trying to get through our thick skulls for years now? Don't give up hope! Help is on the way!

Maybe the help is not just somebody "out there", and it's not just us, but instead it's a combination: a kind of Positive Feedback Loop.


I had similar thoughts. Remember when C's said that letters of support to Putin give him strength to do what he wants to accomplish? Maybe this positive feedback loop is like a "we support Putin's vision" morphogenetic field that until last week was gathering momentum, and now it has enough information to start shaping the events to accommodate this vision?

Also, perhaps I am mistaken, but didn't C's say that something was supposed to happen in October? But I can't find the reference to it in the transcripts.
Hi Keit, Look a couple posts back - #165 for the quote from the C's session Aug 8th 2015.
I am as excited as many of you about these events. I have to say they seem to be giving me positive emotions which I haven't had in awhile to say the least. :)

I hesitate to consider what may happen next since I don't want to anticipate. My problem has been wanting to know what to expect for as long as I can remember.

With that in mind, I am just remembering something the Cs also said back in 1998. If we consider this without trying to see exactly how it may happen I hope that will not be considered anticipation but just a clue to maybe prepare for mentally.

This is the session:

Session 24 January 1998

Q: Alright. Speaking of disinformation, there is a little statement
attributed to former astronaut Edgar Mitchell, sent out in the
Skywatch mailing in which he says that 'manmade craft that have the
flight capabilities or characteristics, that are generally attributed to
UFOs, DO EXIST, but NOT as part of military arsenals.' Is this true?
A: Not what he says.
Q: What do you mean? That I stated it inaccurately?
A: Yes.
Q: Well, what IS the truth in this case?
A: Not man made.
Q: Well, you are right. He did NOT say manmade. He was saying that
the technology DID exist. (A) He was speaking about reverse
engineering, suggesting that we were able to reproduce the
technology, and reverse engineering implies that it is done here on
Earth. Of course, that does NOT imply that there is no help from
somewhere else.
A: Close. Reread.
Q: Alright. Speaking of disinformation, there is a little statement
attributed to former astronaut Edgar Mitchell, sent out in the
Skywatch mailing in which he says that 'manmade craft that have the
flight capabilities or characteristics, that are generally attributed to
UFOs, DO EXIST, but NOT as part of military arsenals.' Is this true?
A: Not what he says.
Q: What do you mean? That I stated it inaccurately?
A: Yes.
Q: Well, what IS the truth in this case?
A: Not man made.
Q: Well, you are right. He did NOT say manmade. He was saying that
the technology DID exist. (A) He was speaking about reverse
engineering, suggesting that we were able to reproduce the
technology, and reverse engineering implies that it is done here on
Earth. Of course, that does NOT imply that there is no help from
somewhere else.
A: Close. Reread.
Q: Okay, I would say that it was phrased VERY carefully. (A) The
next thing that he said was that to build these craft or whatever, no
fancy things wormholes or time loops or other dimensions are
necessary, which implies that it is all third density technology. Was
he correct in this respect?
A: Did not say all 3rd density.
Q: He was sort of implying this, but he implied that it was all
standard physics and engineering.
A: 3 and 4. Reread.

Considering the pressure that the U.S., Israel and their assorted vassals are feeling I am wondering if some of this technology is not being used now or will possibly be utilized in desperation. Of course the Russians may have this as well.

Hope I am not out of line here. :huh:
angelburst29 said:
On the night of 1 October 02, 2015, six Sukhoi SU-30 Russian SM fighters took off from the Syrian Hmimim airbase in the direction of Cyprus, before changing course and intercepting the four Israeli F-15 fighters off the coast of Syria, that were flying in attack formation.

Surprised by a situation as unexpected and probably not prepared for a dogfight with one of the best Russian multipurpose fighters, Israeli pilots have quickly turned back South at high speed over the Lebanon.

This piece was posted by Greek news sites, that are suspicious for a variety of reasons, from a french original

but my first thought about it when I read it, if it happened, is that it goes to show how the "mighty" Israeli forces react when they are not faced with barefooted stone-throwing children but a real military force for once.
According to the IISS, US military expenditure in 2014 was $ 581 bn (more than the rest of the world!) while Russia military expenditure was $ 70 bn (12% of the US amount). Despite this abysmal difference in funding: said:
“Frankly speaking, we were surprised by the air defense system of Russia. We can’t even assume which systems are deployed there. We are encountering them for the first time, most likely there are the latest complexes S-400. I have no more clues” – said Colonel Jack Jacobs.

It's not the first time the US weapon systems seem overpowered by their Russian counterparts. Several source mention how Sukhoi jets are better than F15, F22 raptor and even the marvelous F35 (a $1 trillion disaster).

This is nothing compared to the terribly demoralizing case of the USS Donald Cook, where a single Russian jet (SU 24) fully disabled the whole electronics of the 4th generation destroyer and simulated a successful attack 12 times in a row.

Those differences in budget and military performance give us an idea about the level of ponerization and inefficiency that plagues the US industrial-military complex and also the miraculous recovery Russia has experienced since Putin's first election.
Laura said:
14 Sept 2001 said:
Q: We have a series of questions about this recent event. Was the attack on the World Trade Center undertaken by Moslem Terrorists?
A: No.
Q: Who was behind this attack?
A: Israel.
Q: Is it going to become known that it was Israel? Will they be exposed?
A: Yes.
Q: Is this the event that is going to lead to the destruction of Israel?
A: Yes.

In line with the "openness" of these answers; the exposure of Israel could have already happened via all of the info available like 'dancing Israelis' etc.

9/11 leading to the destruction of Israel could be interpreted as 9/11 leading to the situation in Syria today, Russian involvement, (which it has) and the eventual removal of U.S. control in the M.E. and a situation where Israel is forced to accept justice or destruction.
Scottie said:
Laura said:
While I'm on the topic, that was a very strange remark the Cs said back in 2003 when we were talking about Russia and China and who's on first and all that:

Q: .... We are in a hell of a mess. Any comments?
A: The situation looks bleak indeed. But remember the Achilles heel of STS: Wishful Thinking.
Q: In this case, how is wishful thinking going to help?
A: There will be a big miscalculation made. It will reveal the "Man behind the curtain."

There are two ways to take that:

1) That the US would be revealed as the humbug as in the Wizard of Oz....
2) The "curtain" as a sort of reference to the old Soviet "Iron Curtain" hinting at the object of the miscalculation, i.e. the "Man Behind the Curtain", i.e. Putin.

In fact, you could take that remark BOTH ways based on what has actually transpired.

Those Cs really are full of surprises.

I was thinking about this recently... It strikes me that if everything is "connected" energetically, then it might be that our collective efforts actually helped to enable Putin's Russia to succeed.

And now, Russia's actions have gotten us all excited - like, "FINALLY... something good is happening!" That just motivates us even more, and the Positive Feedback Loop carries on upwards.

In fact... I really wonder if there is another reality where Putin sided with the oligarchs, or was overthrown, or crushed by the USA, etc.

IOW, things like working on SOTT and sharing articles and facts - and how we feel about it all - on FB and Twitter might be having a WAAAAY bigger effect than we think.

After all, isn't that what the C's have been trying to get through our thick skulls for years now? Don't give up hope! Help is on the way!

Maybe the help us not just somebody "out there", and it's not just us, but instead it's a combination: a kind of Positive Feedback Loop.


I know that it might sound strange or unbelievable, but I actually think that this network here and especially the SOTT work from this network, has made it possible, for a rather big part, that things now play out they way they do.

I noticed that SOTT and especially smaller SOTTs like the spanish and german ones, were right there at the beginning of that "russio-phobia" and "Putin-phobia" and pointed things out that no other website did in that way, about Putin and russia. SOTT was it, that got the ball rolling that Putin maybe is not that bad and even a good guy, in larger numbers of people in the public. No other big website was pointing this out that explicitly, that Putins words and deeds match very much, which strongly suggest that he is a good human being, that wants good things to happen in russia and the world. Same goes for all the propaganda false flags that were attributed to russia. SOTT was there right at the beginning and pointed things out as no other website did.

Here in germany, especially at the beginning, a lot of people believed the propaganda about Putin and his staff, but the more SOTT just pointed out what they say and do in comparison to the US/EU/Israel elites, the more the tidal wave changed, to the point now, that large numbers of people see him and his staff in a positive light in germany and in the west as a whole.

I remember looking at the german SOTT Facebook page, at the beginning of that whole russia mess and seeing how many people were saying how bad Putin and co. are, or that they are the same as the US guys and not much was shared or read. Now almost every article that is about Putin and his government goes like wildfire and many of those people are happy and thankful to hear what Putin and his government do and say. They see/feel hope.

I think without SOTT, things would have turned out quite differently. I think that SOTT was the root that got the flower to blossom.
Laura said:
Q: (L) What is the purpose of this control; this increasing control.
A: Preparation for war in Palestine.
Q: (L) But nobody has said anything about having a war in Palestine. They're all talking about having a war in Afghanistan. How does Palestine fit in here?
A: It is the ultimate objective of Israel.
Q: (L) Why would they want to have war in their own country? Well, aside from the fact that they've been having a war in their own country for a long time. I guess they want to bring it to a final conclusion. What is going to be the result of this plan?
A: Destruction of Jews.
Q: (L) Well obviously this is not what THEY are planning, is it?
A: No.
Q:(L) They are planning destruction of Palestinians, right?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) It seems that through out history whenever the jews have plotted and planned to destroy somebody, they are the ones who have ended up being destroyed themselves. Or am I misreading my history here?
A: No.

This is pretty high on my probability list. It's very clear that the Israelis have no, and have never had, any intention of living with the Palestinians. They currently occupy more than 60% of the West bank and are continually building settlements on it, that is all that is left of Palestinian land other than Gaza. This strongly suggests that the Israelis have a had a long term plan to do this, and that Palestinians are not planning on going anywhere. So how can such a situation be resolved, from the Israeli perspective, unless the Palestinians are forced to leave, or otherwise made to "disappear".

Of course, such a scenario would, as always, require a big provocation. And those are easy enough to stage manage...
RedFox said:
Seaniebawn said:
The more I watch Putin, the more I realize they have probably prepared for such a possible outcome.
Something interesting occurred to me when the airstrikes started on ISIS:
CHARLIE ROSE: You believe the United States had something to do with the ousting of Yanukovych, when he had to flee to Russia?

VLADIMIR PUTIN: I know this for sure.

CHARLIE ROSE: How can you know for sure?

VLADIMIR PUTIN: It is very simple. We have thousands of contacts and thousands of connections with people who live in Ukraine. And we know who had meetings, and worked with people who overthrew Viktor Yanukovych, as well as when and where they did it; we know the ways the assistance was provided, we know how much they paid them, we know which territories and countries hosted trainings and how it was done, we know who the instructors were. We know everything. Well, actually, our US partners are not keeping it a secret. They openly admit to providing assistance, training people, and spending a specific amount of money on it. They are naming large sums of money: up to $5 billion; we are talking about billions of dollars here. This is why it is no longer a secret; no one is trying to argue about that.

When they gave the US 1 hour notice to 'get it's assets out', where Russia watching and recording?
That is, do they now know who, where, when, how etc?

I should think Putin and his government have a huge set of documents detailing such things. And should something happen to Putin and/or the US/NATO attack, they may get 'leaked'. I wonder if thats what was brough up at the UN behind closed doors?

Along with that, it's likely Russia has also done the number and (although unwillingly) is prepared to face a full on open war against it.

Quote from: Alana

"This piece was posted by Greek news sites, that are suspicious for a variety of reasons, from a french original

but my first thought about it when I read it, if it happened, is that it goes to show how the "mighty" Israeli forces react when they are not faced with barefooted stone-throwing children but a real military force for once."

My thoughts, when first reading the Report, was very much in line with what Redfox and Seaniebawn quoted above regarding Putin's intel on Ukraine. "]We have thousands of contacts and thousands of connections with people ... plus I would imagine, 24/7 Satellite coverage of movement inside Syria and it's surrounding Border areas? In this statement, "The Israeli jets would generally follow a fairly complex flight plan and approach Latakia from the sea." gives some indication that activity was being monitored. And for what has been demonstrated in the last 2-3 days, with the Russian Military and it's direct hits on multiple targets, within a short time span, Putin and his advisors left no rock - unturned. Putin giving an hour warning to the U.S. and stating "Syrian air space would be restricted to Russian planes only" ... meant exactly that. When you consider, the U.S. and NATO take their barking orders from Israel, it was only a good assumption that Bibi, the head houcho, would try to "waltz right in" to crash the party? Putin was ready for him!

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