Russia Begins Operations in Syria: End Game for the US Empire?

Pashalis said:
Ocean said:
The meeting in Vienna today

Do you have a source for that?

Vienna talks: 19 global powers to work to establish nationwide Syria ceasefire

The 19 global and regional powers who have gathered in Vienna have agreed to work towards setting up a nationwide ceasefire in Syria, according to the joint statement.

"One of the most important agreements of today's meeting is that the talks’ participants are asking the UN to gather representatives of the Syrian government and the opposition to begin the political process," Lavrov told a press-conference in Vienna. This political process should provide for all sides to create "an inclusive structure" that will help to prepare a new constitution and hold elections that should be controlled by the UN. All Syrian nationals should be able to take part in the elections, including refugees in other countries, the top Russian diplomat stressed.

Terrorists must not be given a chance to seize power in the country, Russian FM Sergey Lavrov said during a press conference, adding that this understanding is shared by all 19 parties attending the talks. "We have a common enemy, and we must not let this enemy gain power neither in Syria nor in any other state," Lavrov said.

"If a ceasefire is declared, no terrorist organizations should be subjected to it," Russia's Foreign Minister said. A comprehensive list of terror groups operating in Syria will be defined during a separate meeting.

Participants of the Vienna talks agreed on the necessity to work on a new constitution in Syria, and to hold elections that should be administered by the UN, Lavrov said. State institutions are to remain intact.

[...] Should Assad go?

The fate of Bashar Assad remained a stumbling block throughout the seven hour meeting.


The US and its allies do not demand the immediate resignation as a precondition for peace process anymore, saying Assad can stay in power for months during the period of transition, but insist he must step down when it draws to a close.

At the same time, Russia's Lavrov again stressed that it is up to the Syrian people to make such decisions.

"The Syrian people should define the future of their country... including Assad's fate," Russia's FM added.

As the meeting in Vienna wrapped up it remained unclear how truce and the transitional period are going to be implemented, how long the latter will last, and whether the parties in the Syrian conflict are ready to accept it - as neither Damascus nor the opposition took part in the negotiations. The next round of Vienna talks is scheduled to take place in two weeks.

The civil war has been going on in Syria since 2011, when violent protests erupted as part of the so-called Arab spring. Having seized the vacuum of power, terrorist organization Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIL/ISIS) managed to capture huge territories in Syria and Iraq. On September 30 this year, Russia started a military operation against IS and other terrorist groups in Syria. The US-led coalition has also been fighting terrorists in the region for over a year.

Vienna meeting participants: Russia, the US, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Iraq, Italy, Egypt, Great Britain, Germany, Lebanon, Qatar, Iran, France, China, the UAE, Jordan, Oman, the EU and the UN.

mod: removed extra space
angelburst29 said:
F-16s Scrambled To Track Down NORAD Surveillance Blimp Which Is Loose Somewhere Over Pennsylvania . . .

I think they need to go back to the drawing board with this project?

Days Before Runaway Military Blimp, Another Blimp Accident in Kabul Killed Five

The runaway military surveillance blimp that came loose from an Army base in Maryland on Wednesday dragged its torn tether through power lines in two Pennsylvania counties before crashing into the woods.

But at least no one died.

The same can’t be said of a recent accident involving a U.S. military blimp in Kabul that constantly hovers over the Afghan capital.

On Oct. 11, a British military helicopter was coming in for a landing at NATO headquarters, where the blimp is moored. According to an eyewitness who spoke to the BBC, the helicopter hit the tether, which then wrapped itself around the rotors. The helicopter crashed, killing five people — two U.S. service members, two British service members, and a French contract civilian — and injuring five more.

The helicopter was a Puma Mk2, carrying members of NATO involved in training and mentoring Afghanistan’s air force.

The two American casualties were both from the Air Force: Maj. Phyllis J. Pelky, 45, an aide-de-camp to the Air Force Academy superintendent; and Master Sgt. Gregory T. Kuhse, 38, who was assigned to Scott Air Force Base in Illinois.

The British dead were identified as Flight Lieutenant Alan Scott and Flight Lieutenant Geraint “Roly” Roberts, both of the Royal Air Force.

The BBC’s Andy Moore reported that the British Defense Ministry was investigating. “Official military sources say only that somehow or other, during the course of that incident, the cable of the balloon was severed,” he said.

The blimp deflated and eventually crashed to the ground nearby.
It is issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Russia on their Twitter account.
Pashalis said:
seek10 said:
While battle over Aleppo goes in to full swing and possibility of group troop entanglement in other areas, Putin is not leaving any stone unturned to expose the empire.

Russia’s Putin Says Global Warming Is ‘A Fraud’ _

Putin’s comments likely came after his staff “did very, very extensive work trying to understand all sides of the climate debate,” according to Andrey Illarionov, Putin’s former senior economic adviser, who’s now a senior fellow at the libertarian Cato Institute.

“We found that, while climate change does exist, it is cyclical, and the anthropogenic role is very limited,” Illarionov said. “It became clear that the climate is a complicated system and that, so far, the evidence presented for the need to ‘fight’ global warming was rather unfounded.”

Actually Putin did not say that. Those are comments from an analyst and Putins former economic adviser...
I agree Putin didn't say that , though heading puts it like that. In this case, the article writer was attacking Putin about what "Putin believes". Thank you for correcting it.
I think it very well could be, that Putin and his staff think differently about "climate change" behind the scenes, but at this point in time, assuming this to be true, it would not be the best move to come out with it.

The whole world, including russia and the US are officially fighting this "world danger" together and it would be foolish for russia to go against that line at this point I think. Would only fuel the "evil russian" propaganda: "They don't care about the earth and its and our well being!"
This may well be true, but When I look at what Putin did AFTER Ukraine saga last year and UN speech/Syria bombing, I think, he is at a point of "enough is enough" and won't be surprised if he says say so.
seek10 said:
Pashalis said:
I think it very well could be, that Putin and his staff think differently about "climate change" behind the scenes, but at this point in time, assuming this to be true, it would not be the best move to come out with it.

The whole world, including russia and the US are officially fighting this "world danger" together and it would be foolish for russia to go against that line at this point I think. Would only fuel the "evil russian" propaganda: "They don't care about the earth and its and our well being!"
This may well be true, but When I look at what Putin did AFTER Ukraine saga last year and UN speech/Syria bombing, I think, he is at a point of "enough is enough" and won't be surprised if he says say so.

Putin and his staff are not prone of making knee jerk moves or statements. If he or they say or do something bluntly, it is most often planned in advance and/or in situations were it can be said or done savely. The actions of Putin and his government over the years proof that pretty clearly. First and formost they have the well being of the russian people at mind and heated moves don't help in that regard. They have proofed that hasty statements and moves are not their business.

A Russian plane carrying over 220 people from Egypt to Russia disappeared from radars, according to Russian and Egyptian authorities. It is believed to have crushed in central Sinai.

- Maybe a threat directed towards Russia? First Russian civilians, next up directly those in the Russian power structure if you don't comply? The crash occurred in Egypt which is also aligning itself towards Russia. If it is the stakes of the game just increased. Or it can just be a plane crash of course.

Q: (L) Alright, I guess ya'll want to ask your questions about your airplane.

(Perceval) So, what caused the crash of the Germanwings flight into the mountain?

A: Autopilot system.

Q: (Perceval) The autopilot system caused it. Well, yeah! We know that. Was the autopilot system hijacked remotely?

A: Yes

Q: (Perceval) Uh, by who?

A: Guess!

Q: (Perceval) Mossad.

A: Yes

Q: (Perceval) It was just a general warning, specifically to the German, French, and Spanish governments involved?

A: Yes

Q: (Perceval) To... In terms of the geopolitical thing, like Russia or not Russia type of thing?

A: See what we can do!

Q: (L) Is any of this being transmitted to any of these authorities directly?

A: No! But they know.
Pashalis said:
seek10 said:
Pashalis said:
I think it very well could be, that Putin and his staff think differently about "climate change" behind the scenes, but at this point in time, assuming this to be true, it would not be the best move to come out with it.

The whole world, including russia and the US are officially fighting this "world danger" together and it would be foolish for russia to go against that line at this point I think. Would only fuel the "evil russian" propaganda: "They don't care about the earth and its and our well being!"
This may well be true, but When I look at what Putin did AFTER Ukraine saga last year and UN speech/Syria bombing, I think, he is at a point of "enough is enough" and won't be surprised if he says say so.
Putin and his staff are not prone of making knee jerk moves or statements. If he or they say or do something bluntly, it is most often planned in advance and/or in situations were it can be said or done savely. The actions of Putin and his government over the years proof that pretty clearly
First and formost they have the well being of the russian people at mind and heated moves don't help in that regard. They have proofed that hasty statements and moves are not their business.
When I said "enough is enough" I don't mean reckless behavior.

There are many developing countries that think 'Global warming' is another means of control by western institutions for their advantage and distrust the Western process. Yes, some floods happen in those countries, articles saying it is because of Global warming etc. pops up, but their priority is to their impoverished people(Of course as much as their political conditions permit). Many countries have already seen US shunting of China other developing nations on carbon emissions. There are enough skeptics of man made global warming. I think this is just another topic on Putin is standing against Western values.
bjorn said:

A Russian plane carrying over 220 people from Egypt to Russia disappeared from radars, according to Russian and Egyptian authorities. It is believed to have crushed in central Sinai.

- Maybe a threat directed towards Russia? First Russian civilians, next up directly those in the Russian power structure if you don't comply? The crash occurred in Egypt which is also aligning itself towards Russia. If it is the stakes of the game just increased. Or it can just be a plane crash of course.

Ohh no! :cry:

Certainly an interesting timing if it is just an accident. If it isn't an accident it could very well be a threat directed against russia as you say and/or a provocation to tempt the government there to do something rash.
bjorn said:

A Russian plane carrying over 220 people from Egypt to Russia disappeared from radars, according to Russian and Egyptian authorities. It is believed to have crushed in central Sinai.

The security officer at the scene told Reuters by telephone that search and rescue teams heard voices in a section of the plane.

"I now see a tragic scene. A lot of dead on the ground and many who died whilst strapped to their seats," the officer, who requested anonymity, said.

"The plane split into two, a small part on the tail end that burned and a larger part that crashed into a rock. We have extracted at least 100 bodies and the rest are still inside."

The aircraft took off at 5:51 a.m. Cairo time (0351 GMT) and disappeared from radar screens 23 minutes later, Egypt's Civil Aviation Ministry said in a statement. It was at an altitude of 31,000 feet (9,400 meters) when it vanished from radar screens.

Egyptian Prime Minister Sherif Ismail was heading to the crash site with several cabinet ministers on a private jet, the tourism ministry said.
Russia launches criminal probe into Egypt plane crash

Moscow (AFP) - Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered the emergency ministry to dispatch rescue teams to Egypt, where a Russian passenger plane with 224 on board crashed Saturday.

"The head of state has given orders to send emergency ministry (teams) to Egypt immediately to work at the plane crash site," a Kremlin statement said.

Putin also ordered the government to launch a special commission "due to the catastrophe of Kogalymavia company plane in Egypt," the statement said.

An emergency ministry meeting shown on Russian television announced that teams of rescue workers along with the emergency minister, Vladimir Puchkov, will fly out to Egypt at 1300 GMT.

Russia's transport minister Maksim Sokolov and the head of Russia's air transport agency Alexander Neradko are also leaving for the site, Russian agencies quoted the ministry's representative as saying.

Russia's Investigative Committee said it had launched a criminal probe into any possible violation of air safety rules, a standard procedure when air crashes involving Russian planes occur. It is also sending investigators to the scene.

Russia's air transport agency Rosaviatsia said that the plane, an Airbus 321, was carrying 217 passengers and seven crew when it disappeared from the radar after taking off for Saint Petersburg from the Red Sea resort city of Sharm el-Sheikh.

It was operated by Kogalymavia, an airline carrying out charter flights for tourism operators, and operating under the brand Metrojet.

The charter flight booked by Moscow-based tourist firm Brisco, a representative of the firm told AFP.

In Egypt, military planes have spotted the wreckage of the plane in the Sinai peninsula and 45 ambulances have been directed there to evacuate the dead and injured, the government said.
Now the world will see what a real crash investigation looks like. MH17 will look sorry by comparison.

angelburst29 said:
Russia launches criminal probe into Egypt plane crash

Moscow (AFP) - Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered the emergency ministry to dispatch rescue teams to Egypt, where a Russian passenger plane with 224 on board crashed Saturday.

"The head of state has given orders to send emergency ministry (teams) to Egypt immediately to work at the plane crash site," a Kremlin statement said.

Putin also ordered the government to launch a special commission "due to the catastrophe of Kogalymavia company plane in Egypt," the statement said.

An emergency ministry meeting shown on Russian television announced that teams of rescue workers along with the emergency minister, Vladimir Puchkov, will fly out to Egypt at 1300 GMT.
Moscow and Washington have started to cooperate in the skies over Syria.

Russian Jets Destroyed Over 2,000 Terrorist Targets Since September 30

The Russian Aerospace Forces have carried out 1,631 sorties and destroyed 2,084 ISIL and Nusra Front targets in Syria since the start of the anti-terrorist air campaign in the country on September 30, the Russian General Staff said Tuesday.

Russian military jets have destroyed 287 terrorist command centers, 155 ammunition and fuel depots, 52 terrorist training camps and 40 plants manufacturing rockets and landmines since September 30, Chief of the Main Operational Directorate of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces Andrei Kartapolov said.

He added that the Russian Aerospace Forces had hit 24 terrorist targets, the coordinates of which had been provided by the Syrian opposition.

The Russian Defense Ministry has established contacts with patriotic Syrian opposition, which prioritizes the country's integrity despite opposing Syrian President Bashar Assad, Kartapolov said, adding that Moscow hopes that this would help to resolve the Syrian conflict.

Moscow and Washington have started to cooperate in the skies over Syria as Russian and US aircraft have conducted a joint exercise on the actions in case of a near collision over the war-torn country. Russian and US jets have practiced a close approach to a minimally safe distance of 5.5 kilometers, he added.

"Today at 11 a.m. Moscow time, Russian and US air forces carried out joint drills on actions by crews and land personnel in cases when aircraft fly in close proximity to each other," Kartapolov said.

"During the drills in a specially designated zone, the crews of Russian and international [US-led] coalition planes maneuvered to a safe distance of 3 nautical miles from each other, established radio contacts on a designated frequency and exchanged messages on the parameters of their flights in Russian and English."
As I understand it, Obama/Washington proposed a diplomatic meeting in Vienna, “to explore a nationwide cease-fire” while Kerry ran around trying to get all the diplomats together in one place ASAP, then on the day the meeting was to take place, Obama announced he was going to deploy U.S. Special Forces - embarrassing Kerry?

Kerry’s Debacle in Vienna

Can someone explain to me why President Obama decided to announce that he’s going to deploy U.S. Special Forces to Syria on the same day that Secretary of State John Kerry was scheduled to meet with Russian and Iranian diplomats to discuss how to end the four and a half year-long war?

What was that all about?

Did he think he was going to scare the Russians and Iranians by rattling a few sabers?

Did he think that they’d call off their military offensive and withdraw their support for Assad?

What was he thinking?

Even Kerry was embarrassed by the announcement, which accomplished nothing except to convince the attendees that US foreign policy is concocted by amateurs who have no idea what they’re doing. That’s all it achieved.

According to the New York Times, “Mr. Kerry told reporters the timing of the announcement was ‘a coincidence’ and that he was not aware a decision had been made until earlier Friday.” (Obama Sends Special Operations Forces to Help Fight ISIS in Syria, New York Times)

“A coincidence”? Kerry thinks it was a coincidence?

Fortunately, the Times isn’t nearly as clueless as Kerry, in fact, they even admit what the real objective was. Check it out:

“President Obama announced on Friday that he had ordered several dozen Special Operations troops into Syria for the first open-ended mission by United States ground forces in that country…

… the dispatch of American troops …was meant to bolster diplomatic efforts by Secretary of State John Kerry, who on Friday reached an agreement in Vienna with countries with opposing stakes to explore “a nationwide cease-fire” …(Obama Sends Special Operations Forces to Help Fight ISIS in Syria, New York Times)

See? It wasn’t coincidence at all. It was intentional. It was designed to “bolster diplomatic efforts by Secretary of State John Kerry.” In other words, it was a threat, pure and simple.

To really appreciate how short-sighted the move was, we need to try to understand why these talks were convened to begin with. What’s the purpose of these negotiations and who requested them?

Well, Washington requested them; not Russia, not Iran, not Saudi Arabia, not Turkey and not Europe. Washington. And the reason Washington wanted these meetings is because (as the Times says) they want “to explore a nationwide cease-fire”. The administration wants to stop the fighting. Now. That’s why Kerry has been running around like a chicken with his head cut off to get all the diplomats together in one place ASAP.

But don’t presume for a minute that because Washington wants a ceasefire, that they also want a “political solution” or “negotiated settlement” or peace, because they don’t. Peace isn’t even on the agenda and it never has been. For the last four and a half years the US has been supporting Sunni extremists and other militant groups to make sure that peace is avoided at all cost, because peace would be an obstacle for the real objective, which is regime change.

So what changed; in other words, why is Kerry so eager to convene meetings now when he’s had every opportunity to call off the dogs for the last four years?

What changed is Vladimir Putin. Putin got sick and tired of the US ripping these Middle East countries to shreds and decided to put an end to it. So he formed a coalition (The 4+1: Iran, Iraq, Syria and Hezbollah) and started bombing the hell out of the jihadis.

This created a big problem for Washington because many of these violent extremists have been armed and trained by the US. They’re Washington’s “guys” and they’ve been doing Washington’s dirty-work by prosecuting a proxy war that is designed to topple Syrian President Bashar al Assad. That’s why Kerry convened the meetings, because he needs a ceasefire to save as many of these US-backed scoundrels as possible. Here’s Kerry’s actual statement following Friday’s confab:

“The theory of the ceasefire is very simple: Certain parties control or influence people with guns and the ability to fight. And if we do reach an agreement with respect to some of the road forward, there would be a responsibility for those with influence and those with – those who have direct control over certain parties, they would control them. Obviously, with respect to Daesh and al-Nusrah, there is no ceasefire, there would be none, and those are the early parameters. But much more needs to be discussed between militaries, the politics….. There are all kinds of possibilities, but they remain to be explored.”

Does it seem to you, dear reader, that Kerry is a lot more interested in working out the particulars of a ceasefire than he is in ending the conflict? That’s because his real aim is not peace and humanitarian assistance, but saving as many of these bloodthirsty hyenas as possible. That’s Washington’s goal.

Why does it matter?

It matters because if Washington doesn’t really want peace, then we have to assume that the talks are a charade and that Kerry is just buying time so he can regroup his forces and resume the war at some later date.

How do we know this?

We know it because Kerry delivered a speech to the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace the day before he left for Vienna in which he announced exactly what the US strategy is. Here’s what he said:

“In northern Syria, the coalition and its partners have pushed Daesh (ISIS) out of more than 17,000 square kilometers of territory, and we have secured the Turkish-Syrian border east of the Euphrates River. That’s about 85 percent of the Turkish border, and the President is authorizing further activities to secure the rest…….

We’re also enhancing our air campaign in order to help drive Daesh, which once dominated the Syria-Turkey border, out of the last 70-mile stretch that it controls.” (U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry on the Future of U.S. Policy in the Middle East, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace)

There it is in black and white. Kerry is basically telling his inner-circle friends that Washington is moving on to Plan B, a fallback plan that will involve the establishment of a “safe zone” on the Syrian side of the Syrian-Turkish border where the US and its partners can continue to arm, train and deploy their jihadi hoodlums back into Syria whenever they choose to do so. So now we know what Obama’s Special Forces are really going to be doing in Syria, don’t we? They’re going to be overseeing operations that will put this plan into motion.

So what should Putin do? How does he achieve his objectives without getting bogged down?

Well, the first thing he’s got to do is realize that Vienna is a joke. The Obama administration isn’t serious about a diplomatic solution at all. It’s all just smoke and mirrors. Kerry’s admission that the US controls “about 85 percent of the Turkish border, and the President is authorizing further activities to secure the rest” proves beyond a doubt that Washington is already moving ahead with Plan B. That’s the whole deal in a nutshell.

Putin has probably already figured out that Vienna is fraud, which would explain why his main man, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, has refused to make any concessions on any of the points that are being discussed. (in Vienna) As far as Lavrov is concerned, all of Russia’s demands are going to be met or there’s not going to be a deal. The state and its institutions will remain intact, the terrorist groups will be exterminated, Assad will be a part of the “transitional government”, and the Syrian people will decide for themselves who leads them in the future. This is the basic Geneva roadmap and Lavrov is sticking to it like glue. Washington is going to comply because they’re not going to be given a choice in the matter.

As for the ceasefire: Well, Lavrov shot down that idea too.
Here’s what he said: “If a ceasefire is declared, no terrorist organizations should be subjected to it.” In other words, the Russian-led coalition is going to keep killing these jokers until every last one of them is dead.

This statement hasn’t appeared in any western media, probably because it clarifies who is really setting the agenda. Russia is setting the agenda. It also suggests that there is no wiggle room in Moscow’s approach, and there isn’t. The terrorists, moderate or radical, are going to be hunted down and exterminated. End of story.

Here’s something else Lavrov said:

“Russia remains firm on its position that fighting terrorism should be conducted in accordance with the solid basis of international law, whether we are talking about military interventions from air or ground operations, these need to be conducted in agreement with the government or with the UN Security Council.”

In other words, if a country, like the US, decides to conduct military operations in Syria illegally, (which it is) then they do so at their own risk. Russia is going to continue to aggressively implement its battle plan whether US Special Forces put themselves in harms way or not.

Also, the Russian-led offensive is going to reestablish Syria’s sovereign borders. If Obama wants to claim a part of Syria’s territory as a refuge for his for-hire assassins, then he’d better be prepared to fight for it, because that’s what it’s going to take.

Putin has shown a remarkable ability to anticipate Washington’s moves and take preemptive steps to minimize their impact. Even so, it’s going to be tough sledding if Obama is able to create a sanctuary on the Turkish border where jihadis can enter and exit Syria at will keeping the country in a permanent state of turmoil. In that case, Putin would face his worse nightmare, the prospect of staying in Syria forever.

Does Putin have something up his sleeve to counter this threat? Would he, for example, be willing to deploy his own elite shock-troops from the 7th Guards Airborne-Assault (Mountain) Division, who have been spotted around Latakia, to wrest control of the border from rebel fighters thus putting a swift end to Washington’s twisted plan to create a safe zone, splinter Syria into smaller statelets and create a permanent haven for Islamic extremists?

Putin sees terrorism as a direct threat to Russia’s national security. He’s going to do whatever it takes to defeat the enemy and win the war. If that means he’s got to put Russian boots on the ground to get the job done, then that’s what he’ll do.
I found via the Saker, these maps about the situation in Syria. They were posted by the colonelcassad website, who apparently has quite a bit of info regarding Syria.
Here is a battle map from Nov 1st from the situation in Syria:

Here is an image supposedly showing the situation as of the 2nd of November and who controls who:

Here is another map showing the situation to the south of Aleppo around the 1st of November:

And here the situation to the east of Aleppo and the fight for the besieged Kuweires Airport:

There is also an interactive map, that gives a very good birds eye perspective of the situation, also from around the 2nd of November. It is only a link _

There are more maps in this post on colonel cassad _
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