Russian Passenger Plane Crashes Over Egypt

Yozilla said:
Hmm, considerin' Perceval's - allow me to say - strong stand on possible use of EM weapon, i cannot help but wonder if a new session took place this Saturday... :wow:

Why "oops"? You do realise that there has been no investigation, that there is no definitive or even strong evidence as to what happened, right? As such, all theories, from whatever source, are by definition speculation. My current "stand" is as "strong" as my previous "stand" on a meteor/extreme weather event which, like the new one, is speculative. My immediate thought after the crash was that it was an EMP that destroyed the electronics and caused the crash, I had started to write something on that basis but then put it on hold, had another look and think and decided to advance the meteor/weather hypothesis. The problem, of course, is that the effects from both of those possible causes can be very similar. So you can see the dilemma there. The only thing that really argues for it being a "Mossad" attack is the geopolitical context.
Re: Russian Passenger Plane Crashes Over Egypt j

That oops was not regarding your comment, but i was expressing that maybe i've jumped to a conclusion about possible new session - like overspeculating me-self... Mixed with my twisted "sense" of humor... Keep up the good work!
Minor reporting, in regards to the Russian plane crash, mainly of additional flights taking off from the Egyptian International Airport.

Israel Running “Drills” As Russian Plane Crashes

November 10, 2015 - As I have written on a number of occasions, one of the hallmarks of a false flag attack is the presence of a military drill occurring shortly before or after the event in question. More so, the presence of a military drill occurring during the actual event is even more of a hallmark of the potential for the event to have been orchestrated by a national government for the purpose of using the incident in question both as propaganda and the justification for a pre-existing agenda.

At times, given the nature of the global world order in 2015, false flag events may be committed by a collection of countries and their security apparatus in order to blame the opposing collection of nations, a target nation, or a shadowy terrorist group that provides ample justification for whatever action the collective national organization desires.

With the crash of the Russian airliner over the Sinai Peninsula and the subsequent claims suggesting that the crash was due to the placement of a bomb on board the plane, one should already be suspicious of treachery related to the aftereffects of the explosion. This is particularly of interest in a case such as this – where Western/Israeli/NATO forces control the very terrorist organizations allegedly responsible for bombing the aircraft (if that is, in fact, what happened) and where Russia is one of the leaders in fighting those terrorist organizations and the hegemony of the Anglo-American establishment.

With that in mind, it is important to note that before, during, and after the Russian jet crashed, the Israeli military along with the United States, German, Austrian, British, French, Greek, and Polish militaries were engaged in a drill that involved a “fictional enemy state.” The drill was named “Blue Flag” and was the second Blue Flag exercise since 2013, when the exercise marked the largest drill the IAF had ever taken part in up to that time.

The exercise began on October 18 and was scheduled to run until November 5 according to the Times of Israel.

While Defense News reported that the drill had been concluded by October 29, it describes the nature of the drill further. It states,

Hundreds of air warriors and technicians from Israel, the US, Greece and Poland concluded here Thursday a two-week drill designed to hone the type of joint planning, targeting and coordinated command-and-control demanded by coalitions operating in complex Mideast theaters.
. . . . .
It involved dozens of F-15 and F-16 fighters flying nearly 250 sorties over much of the country in scenarios that simulated air to air-battles and attacks on fixed and moving targets amid threats from surface-to-air missile batteries and shoulder-fired missiles.

While the drill took place mostly in the Arava desert, a location near the southern region of Israel, all available airspace over Israel was taken advantage of and “much of the country” was covered in the exercise.

To be clear, the fact that Israel conducted its air drill around the same time as the Russian plane crash is not a smoking gun of Israeli involvement in the tragedy. But it is highly suspicious to say the least, considering how many times in the past a military drill has been conducted shortly before, during, or after a major terrorist attack that is subsequently used for propaganda purposes.[1]

It should also be made clear that, while Western countries have already decided that the explosion was due to a bomb placed on board the plane by ISIS, Russian investigators have displayed much cooler heads and have argued for a thorough investigation before any proclamations are made.

At best, this immediate declaration of an ISIS-based bomb is an attempt not to allow a tragedy to go to waste. At worst, the attack was perpetrated by Western/Israeli intelligence as a message to the Russian people to stay out of Syria, and the subsequent claims by ISIS merely being an attempt to gain control over the narrative before Russia’s cooler heads can express their findings. Regardless, if the plane was truly a victim of a bomb placed on board by a terrorist organization, the guilt will be on the hands of the Western regimes that have supported these organizations from day one.
What about if the airplane received a junk from space? Some items fell on Spain lately. If an airplane receive a piece of junk, can it provoke an accident? Do I remember that they found a strange piece that was not from the airplane?

In Monday after that I read session 7 november about "strange" weapon, I read article
And see that (warning google translator)
Investigators and experts Rosaviation inspect the wreckage of the Airbus A321 in the Sinai Peninsula, found oddly shaped hole in one of the wreckage of the tail of the ship.
These examinations revealed that it was from this point could begin the destruction of the aircraft body.
According to LifeNews, experts have taken samples from the edges of the hole and sent them for chemical examination.
Despite that fact that the initial examination did not reveal in the samples the presence of any known science explosive components at the edges of the hole, the cause of education experts to establish the hole until you can.
thorbiorn said:
Thank you for the links, it is hard to know what is/was going on. And it would be really spooky would, if both bodies have the same genetic profile.

Well, actually not sure if there is a high-strangeness element or not. Considering what we know, maybe the reports about the identity of the toddler and what really happened are confusing on purpose. It could be indeed that the first time it was a mistake in identity, and the Russian authorities didn't want to upset the relatives even more by making this fact known to the press. So when they really found her body, they just shipped it and identified it.

Another possibility is, that there is something strange going on, but Russian authorities have no intentions of dwelling on it now. What I found interesting, how all the foreign newspapers are saying that the body of Darina Gromova, and how it was found so far away is the KEY to understanding what really happened. That it is somehow proves the theory of the bomb on board. Well, as it turns out, she might be the
key after all, just not what the West is pushing. What if Russians recognized it and saw it as "the signature" as the C's said? Maybe that's the real high strangeness here, don't know. That the fact that her body, or another girl's body was found so far away is an indicator that someone used this kind of weapon?

But the C's mentioning that Russia has a similar weapon reminded me of the usual "political clown" Zhirinivsky. There are many videos on YT, where you can hear him saying (in various situations), basically threatening US from trying anything against Russia, because Russia has this super weapon that can cause earthquakes, tornadoes, and what not. Even disappear entire buildings over night! Well, that's what he claims. ;) As I said, he often is being seen as a clown, and is clearly pathlogical, but some say that Putin allows him to continue because he serves his purpose. He basically can say openly many things that other politicians would never touch.

Here is the only video I could find in English. He speaks about the weapon toward the end. And he said it 4 years ago.

But I also found this site, that quotes Zhirinovsky extensively on this issue, when he talked about it in the 90's. By the description it isn't the same as the one used by Mossad, but who knows. There are more claims about Russian secret weapons, including electromagnetic on this site too.

December 24, 1993 article from The New York Times titled ‘Zhirinovsky Causes Uproar In Germany’

Zhirinovsky, whose party received extensive support from the military in the parliamentary elections on Dec. 12, also said the Russian army had what he called an Elipton weapon that could destroy the world....

Again Feb 3rd 1994 Washington Post article titled “New Weapon Can Kill Muslims With Sound”, Zhirinovsky Says

‘Russian extremist Vladimir Zhirinovsky said today that he was giving orders to test a new top-secret weapon that would kill Muslim soldiers in Bosnia.

Zhirinovsky promised that 18 Muslims would die in the first test of the deadly “Elipton” weapon. He said it would kill by producing a massive impulse of sound that human beings could not withstand. It would leave no mark on its victims.

“There will not be a single trace of firearms wounds, not one drop of blood, not one damaged building,” he told reporters. ”

Also Feb 15th 1994 an article titled “Serbs threaten to unleash deadly secret weapon” by Robert Block in Belgrade

“The elipton is supposedly Russia’s top ‘top secret’ weapon. Its existence is flaunted by its greatest (and only) proponent, the Russian ultra-nationalist Vladimir Zhirinovsky. During his recent visit to Serbia, Mr Zhirinovsky not only reportedly tested a ‘very, very small’ elipton against a Bosnian Muslim unit (’12 Muslim soldiers died’) but also left a bigger elipton behind. He gave it to the Serbs with strict instructions that it only be used in case of dire emergency, such as Nato air strikes against the Bosnian Serbs.

Yesterday, the Serbian politician entrusted with the weapon, the suspected war criminal Zeljko Raznatovic, better known as Arkan, warned the West that if it did not stop threatening to bomb the Serbs he would have no choice but to unleash the beast.

This highly dubious armament is, depending on the day it is being described, either a sonic or electronic device which fuses neutrons and protons with fatal results. ‘The world has no idea of the real power of this weapon,’ Mr Zhirinovsky’s deputy, Alexei Vidnenkin, told a Belgrade press conference recently. ‘It can kill people in a matter of hours and those killed do not know what they died from.’”...

“Romanian sources have alleged that the “Elipton” weapon referred to by Russian politician Vladimir Zhirinovsky is a weapon system based on gravitational interference. The source hinted at a link between the use of this type of weapon and the cause of the Armenian earthquake. The “Hammer”, as the weapon is also known, can allegedly trigger earthquakes through varying the gravitational acceleration in areas where there is accumulated tension in the ground”.

‘And here is a relevant statement from Vladimir Zhirinovsky, who declared in 1994:’

“This weapon is stronger than nuclear weapons because its consequences are different, and there is no antidote. This is where its strength lies. There is no way of defending against it. It is the same with the sonic weapon. We also have this. What happens is that the cartridge detonates, and the sound is such that it brings down an entire military division. That is it; they are dead. . . . The elipton has the same effect. There is no radiation, no fire. There are no wounds. And entire military division simply dies. It is similar to the neutron weapon, but the latter has radiation. It has a damaging effect. The neutrons enter the human body; those cause the destruction. With the former, there is no damage, but all of life is immediately destroyed. Asked if the Americans or others had the weapon: No… No one. Russian scientists developed it exclusively”.
Keit said:
thorbiorn said:
Thank you for the links, it is hard to know what is/was going on. And it would be really spooky would, if both bodies have the same genetic profile.

Well, actually not sure if there is a high-strangeness element or not. Considering what we know, maybe the reports about the identity of the toddler and what really happened are confusing on purpose.

As I understood from the latest session of November 7, it was a high-strangeness episode, fwiw:

Q: (Perceval) There are a couple of strange things. One of them was the 3-year-old girl who was a victim was found 34 kilometers away from the crash site. It was just one girl that was found that far away.

(Andromeda) So, part of the plane broke apart, like there was a hole... Even if it didn't break apart, she could have...

(Perceval) Maybe. Or maybe it was high-energy, or a bleedthrough or distortion of spacetime...

A: Yes

Q: (L) Spacetime distortion.

(Niall) Like the Philadelphia Experiment.
The Author of this article liens towards "a software failure in the automatic pilot" for the crash but the article, as a whole contains some interesting information, like the description of a piece of equipment Russian investigators brought with them to Egypt.

Airbus 321 in the Sinaï - only one hypothesis remains

Translated - Les causes possibles de l’accident de l’Airbus russe dans le Sinaï », par Valentin Vasilescu, Traduction Avic, Réseau Voltaire, 10 novembre 2015.

Valentin Vasilescu demonstrates here the impossibility of the theory of a bomb placed in the plane. After having explored all hypotheses, there is now only one left – that of a failure in the software of the automatic pilot. We may therefore conclude that the accusations of the United Kingdom and the United States, as well as the claim for responsibility by the Islamic Emirate, are propaganda. The crash was not a terrorist attack. But the problems in the automatic pilot system may be either an accident or the effect of sabotage by an extremely specialised secret service.

Thursday Nov. 12, 2015 - Russian investigators brought with them to Egypt a complex apparatus designed to test the débris both inside and outside the plane. This equipment enables the detection of aerosol-based explosives to a level of sensitivity of 20 nanogrammes. If, in the test solutions, there appear traces of a brown-violet colour, the agent is revealed as TNT. If an orange precipitate appears, the explosive is Tetryl, or another explosive from group A (TNB, DNT, picric acid, etc.). The Russian device possesses a range of separate tests for explosives from group B. With this system, the appearance in test solutions of a rosy colour would indicate the use of dynamite, nitroglycerine, RDX, PETN, SEMTEX or nitrocellulose. If the chemical reactions do not identify explosives from groups A and B, the test equipment automatically checks for the presence of components containing inorganic nitrates, such as chlorine, bromine or peroxyde, used in the preparation of improvised explosive devices (ANFO).

The Egyptian daily Almasry Alyoum published a declaration from the team of investigators working on the accident of the Russian A321 in the Sinaï peninsula —the team affirmed that no trace of explosive had been discovered in the débris of the plane, or on the articles of clothing and tissues recovered from the passengers. Thus, the hypothesis conveyed by British civil servants - according to which the crash of the Russian plane had been caused by an on-board bomb, on the basis of the so-called ’interception’ of a conversation between leaders of the Islamic Emirate – is proved to be false. The hypothesis of an attack by a missile, either ground-to-air or air-to-air, also collapses, since missile war-heads contain TNT, a substance which was not detected by the investigators. The hypothesis of an explosion in one of the motors must also be discarded, since the turbine blades were discovered to be intact. (Photo)

The same is true for the theory of the explosion of one of the fuel tanks, since these are situated in the wings, and an explosion to the right or left would have detached the wing from the fuselage. But the wings fell to the ground intact, a few metres away from the anterior part of the fuselage, before catching fire. This fact indicates that they were not detached from the fuselage, and that there was no fire in the fuel tanks before contact with the ground. (Photo)

Thus, the myth woven by the US television channel NBC, according to which the Pentagon declared that a US military satellite had detected, in the area and at the moment of the accident, a peak of heat and light, turns out to be a lie. Finally, at this point, the Islamic Emirate or any other terrorist organisation, is relieved of responsibility in the crash of the Russian Airbus A321 in the Sinaï,which, apparently, bothers the US and UK governments. Why?

Depressurisation in the plane remains one of the active hypotheses, but only as a result of the plane’s chaotic manœuvres, and not as a cause in itself. As I pointed out in a previous article [1], the repetitive pitching movements, with negative and positive overloads beyond anything normal for a passenger plane, are what led to the separation of the exterior panels, the twisting and dislocation of certain resistance elements in the plane’s basic structure (central girders, ribs, etc.) and rupture of the hydraulic pipes and hoses fixed to the exterior cladding. In the absence of hydraulic pressure, the plane’s crew can control neither depth nor direction. The abnormal noise, discovered during the analysis of the black box, probably indicates depressurisation, followed by the dislocation of some of the plane’s parts at an altitude of about 5,000 to 6,000 metres, as confirmed by the impact of large fragments of the plane over more than 2 kilometres in the direction of the flight.

Let’s return to 06:12:59 in the progress of the accident, and attempt to decode each of the fluctuations in the flight parametres. It is essentiel to underline the fact that the plane was at that moment flying by automatic pilot. First of all, we note a 3-second descent, with a loss of altitude of 150 metres, which led to a negative overload of 2 G. This manœuvre is too sudden, producing an « air-pocket » sensation, to have been commanded by the flight crew. (Chart)

The second command was the aircraft’s recovery, climbing 800 metres in 2 - 3 seconds, causing positive overloads of between 5 and 6 G, values which only exist for fighter aircraft in close combat situations, and lead to the pilot’s loss of vision, known in aeronautical jargon as the « black veil » . In my opinion, it is impossible that this command could have been originated by the flight crew – only a defective automatic pilot could have generated such a climb. If the pilots had been at the controls, after the first brutal descent, they would have redressed the plane progressively, first of all horizontally for 8 to 10 seconds, then climbing slowly to return to their cruising altitude.

The third command consisted of switching from a 40° to 50° climb to a dive of 20° to 30°, with a negative overload of 4 G, and it is impossible for this manœuvre to have been executed by the crew of a passenger aeroplane, because everybody loses consciousness, with the appearance of what is called the « red veil ». The only moments in which the crew could apparently have intervened would have been during the brief moments of horizontal flight – 5 seconds and 3 seconds, if unhindered by further uncontrolled developments. In normal situations, the aerodynamic centre of the automatic pilot will not allow manœuvres which could lead to overloads close to material destruction, whatever commands may be operated by the pilot in manual control. The cause of these chaotic manœuvres can therefore only be due to a dysfunction of the mechanism of the automatic pilot.

Apart from the failure of the automatic pilot’s computer, due to material exhaustion, I have explained, in a previous article, that it is possible to take control of the A321 from the outside, by hacking into the automatic pilot’s software, either through a previously-installed programme, or via a ground-based transmission. By a strange « coincidence », from the first seconds that the plane’s chaotic manœuvres were noted, both the transponder and the radio ceased transmitting. The transponder would have indicated the plane’s flight parametres to the air traffic controllers and, via the on-board radio, the crew could have signalled the appearance of an emergency situation and described the plane’s behaviour.

However, what led to the dysfunction of the automatic pilot at that precise moment, only the investigating committee will be able to determine.
angelburst29 said:
Airbus 321 in the Sinaï - only one hypothesis remains
Thanks for this article, Angelburst29. It is highly intelligently (professionally) written.

It looks like something very weird was going on inside the plane during the minutes just before the crash. I don't think that I would want to have been in such a situation.

I just have doubts that the the investigation committee, whoever they may be, will be able to determine anything.
Well , after a while the Russia said that the this plane crash is officially a terrorist attack

“We can say that that [Sinai plane crash] was a terror act,” Bortnikov told Putin. According to the FSB chief, experts analyzed passengers’ belongings as well as the parts of the plane. “After the examination on all these objects, we have found traces of a foreign-made explosive substance,” Bortnikov said.
During the flight, a homemade device with the power of 1.5 kilograms of TNT was detonated. As a result, the plane fell apart in the air, which can be explained by the huge scattering of the fuselage parts of the plane,”

They are right about one thing here, and that it is an terrorist attack. But they cant, or they don't want to tell the real truth to the public.
Konstantin said:
Well , after a while the Russia said that the this plane crash is officially a terrorist attack

“We can say that that [Sinai plane crash] was a terror act,” Bortnikov told Putin. According to the FSB chief, experts analyzed passengers’ belongings as well as the parts of the plane. “After the examination on all these objects, we have found traces of a foreign-made explosive substance,” Bortnikov said.
During the flight, a homemade device with the power of 1.5 kilograms of TNT was detonated. As a result, the plane fell apart in the air, which can be explained by the huge scattering of the fuselage parts of the plane,”

They are right about one thing here, and that it is an terrorist attack. But they cant, or they don't want to tell the real truth to the public.

Here is what Putin had to say about the terror attack on the russian plane:

The full video is here:
Konstantin said:
Well , after a while the Russia said that the this plane crash is officially a terrorist attack

“We can say that that [Sinai plane crash] was a terror act,” Bortnikov told Putin. According to the FSB chief, experts analyzed passengers’ belongings as well as the parts of the plane. “After the examination on all these objects, we have found traces of a foreign-made explosive substance,” Bortnikov said.
During the flight, a homemade device with the power of 1.5 kilograms of TNT was detonated. As a result, the plane fell apart in the air, which can be explained by the huge scattering of the fuselage parts of the plane,”

They are right about one thing here, and that it is an terrorist attack. But they cant, or they don't want to tell the real truth to the public.

Yes, the bomb story is for public consumption, but I also wonder how much the story was created for PTB consumption as well. Those who were responsible for the downing of the plane know that there was probably no planting of a device per se - which raises the question: did Putin say this to confuse the enemy and suggest it was a device to seem clueless about the real cause, or, did he say it to suggest that he does know, won't divulge the real source, and has put the enemy on notice. In any case Putin looks as intense and determined as ever. Russia will respond and when she does it'll be a doozie I think. Perhaps the 'man behind the curtain' - in the PTB sense - will soon be further revealed as a result.
Ennio said:
Yes, the bomb story is for public consumption, but I also wonder how much the story was created for PTB consumption as well. Those who were responsible for the downing of the plane know that there was probably no planting of a device per se - which raises the question: did Putin say this to confuse the enemy and suggest it was a device to seem clueless about the real cause, or, did he say it to suggest that he does know, won't divulge the real source, and has put the enemy on notice. In any case Putin looks as intense and determined as ever. Russia will respond and when she does it'll be a doozie I think. Perhaps the 'man behind the curtain' - in the PTB sense - will soon be further revealed as a result.

Notice that this announcement came right after the Paris attacks were used by France to declare their "right to self-defense" under UN rules. Putin invokes the same right now that this event has handily been labeled a "terrorist attack". Pretty clever if you ask me.
Laura said:
Ennio said:
Yes, the bomb story is for public consumption, but I also wonder how much the story was created for PTB consumption as well. Those who were responsible for the downing of the plane know that there was probably no planting of a device per se - which raises the question: did Putin say this to confuse the enemy and suggest it was a device to seem clueless about the real cause, or, did he say it to suggest that he does know, won't divulge the real source, and has put the enemy on notice. In any case Putin looks as intense and determined as ever. Russia will respond and when she does it'll be a doozie I think. Perhaps the 'man behind the curtain' - in the PTB sense - will soon be further revealed as a result.

Notice that this announcement came right after the Paris attacks were used by France to declare their "right to self-defense" under UN rules. Putin invokes the same right now that this event has handily been labeled a "terrorist attack". Pretty clever if you ask me.

Yes indeed. Plus he capitalizes on the world's sympathies, and puts Russia on the same boat with France.

Also, we need to consider that Putin couldn't really come out and say it was downed with some exotic weapon if that was the case. The closest he could say is what he said, which the public can understand, and which is essentially correct: it was an act of terrorism.

I also think that what he said regarding going after those responsible and intensifying bombings against ISIS is a message to the real culprits, who will be reading between the lines. In other words: You wanted to intimidate us, but it didn't work, we will continue what we were doing and now we will actively work against you.
Windmill knight said:
Laura said:
Ennio said:
Yes, the bomb story is for public consumption, but I also wonder how much the story was created for PTB consumption as well. Those who were responsible for the downing of the plane know that there was probably no planting of a device per se - which raises the question: did Putin say this to confuse the enemy and suggest it was a device to seem clueless about the real cause, or, did he say it to suggest that he does know, won't divulge the real source, and has put the enemy on notice. In any case Putin looks as intense and determined as ever. Russia will respond and when she does it'll be a doozie I think. Perhaps the 'man behind the curtain' - in the PTB sense - will soon be further revealed as a result.

Notice that this announcement came right after the Paris attacks were used by France to declare their "right to self-defense" under UN rules. Putin invokes the same right now that this event has handily been labeled a "terrorist attack". Pretty clever if you ask me.

Yes indeed. Plus he capitalizes on the world's sympathies, and puts Russia on the same boat with France.

Also, we need to consider that Putin couldn't really come out and say it was downed with some exotic weapon if that was the case. The closest he could say is what he said, which the public can understand, and which is essentially correct: it was an act of terrorism.

I also think that what he said regarding going after those responsible and intensifying bombings against ISIS is a message to the real culprits, who will be reading between the lines. In other words: You wanted to intimidate us, but it didn't work, we will continue what we were doing and now we will actively work against you.

Would be not just Putin but also Rusian media acting/using the Matrix to its favor? -using the term from the article: in which Paul Craig Roberts question the behaviour of Rusian media, as if they would not know how western media is.
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