Sam Vaknin - Narcissist or "I, Psychopath"?

Re: Sam Vaknin - Narcissist or Psychopath?

yes, I did read a large bit of his material after a relationship with my narcissistic ex.

But after a while, I thought something was up. There is a forum (you can probably guess which one, the link has been posted in this thread as well) that I go to where he is one of the head masters there, and there is a special forum where victims can ask him questions -- but only he and the "victims" can post there, no one else.

I found it strange that he usually replies to their sometimes emotionally charged posts with more links to his pages, usually very impersonal, the same thing copied and pasted thing over and over. With many links to his articles.

As for me, I take what he says with a grain of salt. His site seems like the NPD bible, but I usually try to develop my own ideas too .. most of his posts seem to want to peddle his book and his articles, anyway.

Oh, and I did bother to post in the 'ask dr. sam vaknin' forum in that board to ask if he really was a narcissist, or just some guy who likes to sell books .. just to see what he would say.

He said he was, and that he was diagnosed with other personality disorders as well. Of course, after that, were tons of links to his site, that many people there have probably already read.

He doesn't give personal responses, usually. And if he does, it's very short.

But, i've read other articles, other pages too, from the victim's point of view. Such as that blog post, written by Anna Valerious. I've read her site "what makes narcissists tick", as well. She's a very good writer.

And of course, I have my own first hand experince -- nothing could be more accurate than that.

There is this big question: Why is the beginning of narcissistic relationship so grand? This again, is actually - well in hindsight - an easy question. The beginning is just as grand as you make it, because you do most of the running around. The sex life is as good, as you are. The fun is as much fun as you are. The conversations are just as good as you can be. It is all centered around you, and the narcissist just watches and goes along with everything.

This is unfortunately very dangerous. Not only that you burn yourself out, but because you are so much in the center, the narcissist prepares you for the emotional attacks later. This is why you end up doubting yourself, because there seems to have been an element of narcissistic behavior on your side at the beginning. This is of the kind: It was all me, hence it was all for myself. Quite some tricky logic, but it works.

Why is it that you love the narcissist so much? Again, in hindsight, this is an easy question and has some almost sinister answer to it. The narcissist reflects you back to yourself and you actually love this reflection which is your own. So, this brings now the biggest confusion about: In the classical sense, you are actually turning into a narcissist (loving your reflection) but in the psychological sense the other person is the narcissist and you are the victim.

Ah yes. Well, i'm well aware we all have narcissism in us and it's actually crucial for our ego to function -- a healthy amount, that is. But too much of anything is a bad thing, of course.

I've often wondered why I loved him so much. Firstly, that was the image he presented to me. Secondly, I had been talking to him for a very long time (online, which isn't always the best place and a breeding ground for these people), since 2001 -- and so, I trusted him. So when I met him in 07, I of course believed him. It lasted all of two months in person after I got home to the states (he lived up north) and he had admitted to me, among his normal traits of pathological lying, that someone he had also met online before he met me in person, who he had told me was "just a friend" was actually someone he was having an "Affair" (if you could call it that) and met her in a hotel, but due to my experiences with him and his known emotional and intmacy issues, it's unlikely they had intercourse and just did other things. Of course --- after meeting this woman he also decided to meet me also while keeping it from me, and waiting until I got back home, so he could have a go at his new girlfriend that he met on another online forum (he had a thing for really young asian girls.)

That, and he told me in all seriousness that he, since the age of 3, always thought he had the memories of hitler. Don't ask me how, I can't make sense of it no matter how much I try, and it's been over a year. Alot of work I had to do to get to this point.

Also, I realized that first hand as well -- you can't possibly love the narcissist because there is nothing there to love. Like the narcissist only loves his false reflection, so do you. And we all have "False selves", just not nessasarily malignant ones. We have a face we show to the outer world, and the person we are when we are alone or with close family or friends. But, our "false self" isn't really invested in as much as the narcisisst's is. They seek to make it real, when it isn't.

I thought of the reflection as the narcissist imposing his grandiose self onto yours. By way of his grandiose ego, your ego also becomes tainted with a bit of his maligancy. You may adopt to his (or her) version of things, you may start to see things the way he or see does -- but it's temporary, or it can be if you get away from them. Very long lasting though -- because they are such ruthless manipulators and emotional abusers -- yourself becomes entwined with theirs. You then need to complete the messy and painful task of seperating your very REAL self from their very FAKE self. Not very easy at all, especially when you are convinced that you "love" the narcissist.

All I know is -- when I yelled back at him, when I showed him I had a backbone -- when I said "no, you cannot treat me that way" -- he didn't like it very much at all. It was almost as if he were "punishing" me for standing up for my basic human rights as a human being. I was not allowed to be angry, I was called "whiny" for my very real devastation at being betrayed -- I was put down if I used any "big" (or so he would call them) words, I was made to feel small and unintelligent in his presence, I was made to feel like an annoyance, and someone he just wanted to brush off and be done with already. And what did I do to deserve that, of course -- well, I loved him and I trusted him. He of course, abused and took for granted me and everything I gave to him, my loyalty, dedication, care, help, basically everything. He kept me in a perpetual loop of fear and paranoia, and i've never felt anything like that before. They are very covert abusers.

Well, it's been over a year. I've learned alot -- just got to learn to steer clear of sam vaknin's stuff.
Re: Sam Vaknin - Narcissist or Psychopath?

alionsheart said:
But, i've read other articles, other pages too, from the victim's point of view. Such as that blog post, written by Anna Valerious. I've read her site "what makes narcissists tick", as well. She's a very good writer.

Anna's blog is Narcissists Suck (

What Makes Narcissists Tick ( ) was written by Kathy Krajco who passed away about a year ago, unfortunately.

Sandra Brown, MA's new forum is the place we recommend to non-Cyberpath victims.

From what you have said about your ex we STRONGLY recommend you get a copy of Sandra Brown's WOMEN WHO LOVE PSYCHOPATHS as soon as possible. It will answer your questions and so much more. It's a must read!
Re: Sam Vaknin - Narcissist or Psychopath?

Purplehaze, what do you recommend for women who are non-cyberpath victims without Internet access?
Re: Sam Vaknin - Narcissist or Psychopath?

Go to a DV Crisis Center and see if there is free or low-cost group counseling.

Another good avenue is Catholic Charities. They have counseling on a sliding scale and you do NOT have to be Catholic or even Christian.

However, not a lot of therapists "get" psychopathy victims - but its better than nothing.
Re: Sam Vaknin - Narcissist or Psychopath?

Hello. In the past I would have gone nuts and said a bunch of crap and fought with you and I would have used a pseudo name to do it with. I am Wind Song and I run free forums and I used to run forums on MSN with Femfree. I'm pretty well known. I've gotten around a bit. And I am well known to be a Sam supporter. He is my mentor and he is my friend.

And reading this post as most anti-Sam posts I read, it made me want to puke.

I'm not here to fight and argue. I want to say merely 3 words to you all. I just can't keep my mouth shut to save my butt.

My three words are:

I'm not here to play board games, but I am fiercely loyal to Sam and had to step up to say something. I've not been abusive and I am not Satan. I am someone who purposely chose to work with Sam to get the experience of working with what I thought at the time: working with Narcissists/Satans to see how they worked. I was suprisingly delighted to find one of the dearest friends that I have online. Want to persecute me for that? Go ahead. Nobody wants to take the time to get to know Sam and what a delightful person he is. Because he is self professed blinders go up and you see nothing else but a proxy of who hurt you. Sam is not like that. he has taken his disorder and decided to use it to help people. Same as us managers who run boards to help others. Sure, he promotes his books. Pick an author who wrote a book and type them in your browser like and you will see they do the same thing. Yet while the whole time you all persecute Sam for doing what all authors do. They write and so they try to promote their books.

I can pretty well say I'll be lambasted for my post. I'll be called a follower, one of the cult. But I made my choices and Sam proved to me without a doubt that I was dealing with an NP and through this writing (dealing with my ex husband psychopath) and in reading his writing I discovered that I could never take him back. His words make all the sense in the world to me and I defend him the end. Always have and always have.

So I say to you: Prove him wrong.

and my managers/public email is windsongsharmony @

So let's see if you are true to character. You blame us for deleting any anti-Sam posts. Will you delete mine for disagreeing with you?

Ok, so this was more than three words. But I challenge you to keep my words as you challenge/accuse me of taking yours down.

Take care,
Wind Song
Re: Sam Vaknin - Narcissist or Psychopath?

Hello WindSong, welcome to the forum.

WindSong said:
I'm not here to fight and argue.

Well, that's good, because that kind of behaviour would be against our Forum Rules.

WindSong said:
So I say to you: Prove him wrong.

About what, specifically?

WindSong said:
Will you delete mine for disagreeing with you? ... I challenge you to keep my words....

As long as your words do not violate our Forum Rules, we would have no reason to remove them. This is a learning environment, and I'm sure there will be a great deal for us to learn from your posts on this forum.

If there is something specific that has been written about Vaknin in this thread that you disagree with, it would be helpful if you could address it specifically, and provide data and information to back up your point of view.
Re: Sam Vaknin - Narcissist or Psychopath?

It is EVERYTHING. Everything the man says is challenged simply because most people are close minded when it comes to them. They see "self professed narcissist" and they go on the defense and attack and slam him whether what his information is. I personally admire the man because he keeps on keeping on despite all the negativity that is constantly thrown at him. I would have packed my bags and left dodge ages ago.

It's best if you can give me instances where you see what he is saying is wrong and I can dispute it. I'm not good at pointing out things in the manner you suggest. Tell me, and I'll defend him. I'm not here to cause problems. I will defend him.

Ok, for instance Sam is constantly poo poo'd for the fact that he "constantly" talking bout his book. What author has NOT trumped up his/her book. But Sam does it and it's "evidence"that he is a bad bad bad guy. What is wrong with that?

I'm interested in seeing all the "bad" he is doing, when all I see is good workman ane being busy helping out victims.

I mean why percify a man who has taken so much percification when all he is guilty of is helping others by explaining in great detail Narcissism so we know what we are dealing with?

Again I say, prove me wrontg on this. That I can deal with. It's the so not needed hate mail and threads that really upset me!

Re: Sam Vaknin - Narcissist or Psychopath?

I mean why percify a man who has taken so much percification when all he is guilty of is helping others by explaining in great detail Narcissism so we know what we are dealing with?

Windsong, can you rephrase this? What is percification?
Re: Sam Vaknin - Narcissist or Psychopath?

windsong said:
It's best if you can give me instances where you see what he is saying is wrong and I can dispute it.

Actually, you came to this forum with a clear agenda, so the onus is on you to prove your point. I'm also unaware of the word 'percify' or 'percification' so a clarification would be helpful.
Re: Sam Vaknin - Narcissist or Psychopath?

Gimpy said:
I mean why percify a man who has taken so much percification when all he is guilty of is helping others by explaining in great detail Narcissism so we know what we are dealing with?

Windsong, can you rephrase this? What is percification?

Perhaps 'percify' is word play on the term persecution?
Re: Sam Vaknin - Narcissist or Psychopath?

Hi WindSong,

We discuss a lot of topics and people on this forum, but in a manner of how it pertains to our learning and gaining knowledge, and how it relates to doing what we call the Work. This is done in an open forum with rules for all here who wish to participate. PepperFritz provided you a link to these rules for your benefit, and it would be helpful for all if you would read them.

It seems that you are here with a mission of defending Sam Vaknin. Is this true? Is there something else that you are seeking from this forum? I just can't find anything else within your posts that would lead me to think otherwise. I ask because you have not responded to any questions asked of you. You just keep pushing your message of 'Prove me wrong'.

No one here can help or answer anything for you, if you are not willing to discuss what it is you want to discuss.


Re: Sam Vaknin - Narcissist or Psychopath?

WindSong said:
Ok, for instance Sam is constantly poo poo'd for the fact that he "constantly" talking bout his book.... What is wrong with that?

That is just ONE aspect of his behaviour towards those he professes to "help" that calls his motivations/integrity into question. There are many other aspects, which are discussed throughout this thread. When looked at objectively, as a whole, it is difficult not to draw certain conclusions.

WindSong said:
What author has NOT trumped up his/her book.

Well, to provide an example: The founder of this forum, and upon whose work it is based, does not push members of the forum to purchase her books in the aggressive manner that Vaknin does. In fact, most of her work is available online, free of charge.

WindSong said:
It's best if you can give me instances where you see what he is saying is wrong and I can dispute it.

Again, such instances are raised and discussed throughout this thread. If you are willing to take the time to read the posts in detail, and provide data and information to support any opposing point of view you might have, we are more than willing to consider what you have to say.

WindSong said:
I'm not good at pointing out things in the manner you suggest.

That's unfortunate, because that is the only methodology that is recognized here. This is primarily a research-oriented learning environment that encourages Objectivity and discourages Subjectivity when looking at the various subjects we examine. Opinions that are not supported by objective data do not count for much.

WindSong said:
Again I say, prove me wrong on this.

Again, prove you "wrong" on what, specifically? All you've really done is tell us how much you admire and support Vaknin, and I don't think anyone here disputes that fact.

WindSong said:
It's the so not needed hate mail and threads that really upset me!

I am not aware of any "hate mail" sent to either yourself or Vaknin from members of this forum. If you have evidence of that, we would appreciate your bringing the specific persons to our attention, as we do not tolerate that kind of behaviour on the part of our members.

As to threads on this forum that "upset" you: There is only one thread that discusses Vaknin, this one. Again, if there is something specific in the thread that you disagree with, you are free to provide information and data to the contrary. Alternatively, you can simply choose not to read the thread. It's your choice.
Re: Sam Vaknin - Narcissist or Psychopath?

Hey Wind Song,

Wanting to vomit is a pretty intense reaction. SV must be very important to you. I've looked at the forums he hosts or participates in- of course, because he has inundated the internet with his writings and links in to all the search engines. It takes some persistence to wade through all of his stuff, and find discussions with a different perspective from his. I keep looking because I want some balance. I have learned a lot from children of possible Narcissists observations. I trust those a little more than the "N" - because the ones I know lie. Distort truth, I mean.

From what I have read in the forums he "participates" in, he doesn't really have discussions, but kills threads by spamming them with links that lead back to plugging his books. At first I thought he was a bot, but I have seen him tear into posters that don't agree with him. I guess that's ok if he owns the forum. Or controls it somehow. To me, he doesn't seem very sociable- just more into yes-men and sales. Spam Vaknin.

I'm not sure what percify means. Crucify?

If you feel a need to defend or exonerate him, then- prove him right?

"I've not been abusive and I am not Satan." What? Did someone say you were?

I've seen variations on SV's statement about the purpose of his book, but here is one excerpt from an interview

"BG: I've seen "Malignant Self Love" described in some contexts as a self-help book. Often in this genre, we see authors who have triumphed over some personal adversity and wish to help others do the same. But your approach is quite different. You write that your discovery of your own NPD "was a painful process which led nowhere. I am no different -- and no healthier -- today than I was when I wrote this book. My disorder is here to stay, the prognosis poor and alarming." Do you see the book, then, as more a work of self-literacy than self-healing?

VAKNIN: I never described "Malignant Self Love" as a helpful work. It is not. It is a dark, hopeless tome. Narcissists have no horizons, they are doomed by their own history, by their successful adaptation to abnormal circumstances and by the uncompromising nature of their defense mechanisms. My book is a scientific observation of the beast, coupled with an effort to salvage its victims. Narcissists are absent-minded sadists and they victimize everyone around them. Those in contact with them need guidance and help. "Malignant Self Love" is a phenomenology of the predator on the one hand, and a vindication and validation of its prey on the other."

How can someone provide a scientific observation on himself? That would be subjective, not objective.

The next Q/A reads - "BG: You are a self-professed narcissist, and you warn your readers that narcissists are punishing, pathological, and not to be trusted. Yet hundreds of readers or customers seem to be looking to you for help and advice on how to cope with their own narcissism or their relationship with a narcissist. I'm struck by a kind of hall-of-mirrors effect here. How do you reconcile these seeming contradictions?

VAKNIN: Indeed, only seeming. I may have misphrased myself. By "helpful" I meant "intended to help." The book was never intended to help anyone. Above all, it was meant to attract attention and adulation (narcissistic supply) to its author, myself. Being in a guru-like status is the ultimate narcissistic experience. Had I not also been a misanthrope and a schizoid, I might have actually enjoyed it. The book is imbued with an acerbic and vitriolic self-hatred, replete with diatribes and jeremiads and glaring warnings regarding narcissists and their despicable behaviour. I refused to be "politically correct" and call the narcissist "other-challenged." Yet, I am a narcissist and the book is, therefore, a self-directed "J'accuse." This satisfies the enfant terrible in me, the part of me that seeks to be despised, abhorred, derided and, ultimately, punished by society at large. "

With those two statements alone, he discredits himself. I already knew it was best not to trust one, and he confirmed it.
Re: Sam Vaknin - Narcissist or Psychopath?

WindSong said:
It is EVERYTHING. Everything the man says is challenged simply because most people are close minded when it comes to them. They see "self professed narcissist" and they go on the defense and attack and slam him whether what his information is.

Actually, we take a different approach here: we think that Vaknin is quite accurate about many things because he is describing the world as he sees it. Based on our other research, however, we think that it is not just narcissism he is talking about, but rather psychopathy. Our beef is that he confuses the two, perhaps deliberately. We also consider that NPD may very well be just a segment of the spectrum of psychopathy.

I gather that you haven't really read this thread carefully?

WindSong said:
I personally admire the man because he keeps on keeping on despite all the negativity that is constantly thrown at him. I would have packed my bags and left dodge ages ago.

No reason to admire someone who has no real human emotions, no conscience and no ability to feel the pain that you might feel in a similar situation. He doesn't keep on keeping on in spite of all the negativity that is thrown at him, but BECAUSE of it. It is what he wants, it is his food, so to say.

WindSong said:
It's best if you can give me instances where you see what he is saying is wrong and I can dispute it.

See above, we think that a lot he says is correct - after all, who should know better than a predator what it feels like to be a predator and what the world looks like through a predator's eyes? We just want people to be aware of what he is and to be aware of the fact that he will, most certainly, insert "twists" into his work when and where he likes, and use his predator's brain to argue for the predatory point of view.

Like I said, I don't think you read this thread or, if you did, you weren't grokking stuff!

WindSong said:
I'm not good at pointing out things in the manner you suggest. Tell me, and I'll defend him. I'm not here to cause problems. I will defend him.

You don't need to defend him here. We all agree that ole Sam is great at what he does: prey on others.

WindSong said:
Ok, for instance Sam is constantly poo poo'd for the fact that he "constantly" talking bout his book. What author has NOT trumped up his/her book. But Sam does it and it's "evidence"that he is a bad bad bad guy. What is wrong with that?

True. But what we notice is a particular energy that is put into his promotional efforts that is, shall we say, pathological? But then, he admits to being pathological, right? He just slightly fudges things and claims that he's a malignant narcissist when we think he's a psychopath.

WindSong said:
I'm interested in seeing all the "bad" he is doing, when all I see is good workman ane being busy helping out victims.

Hmmmm... reminds me of an old Twilight Zone episode where aliens come to earth and declare that they are here to "serve mankind." At the end, you discover that they actually have a cookbook that gives recipes for "serving mankind" in various ways, including with gravy.

WindSong said:
I mean why percify a man who has taken so much percification when all he is guilty of is helping others by explaining in great detail Narcissism so we know what we are dealing with?

Ah, a clue! "Percify"! Let me think what that reminds me of... oh, yes, Robert Hare made a number of interesting remarks about how people who are pathologized mis-use words. Here is a passage from one or our articles about psychopathy that might interest you:

Robert Hare said:
What makes psychopaths different from all others is the remarkable ease with which they lie, the pervasiveness of their deception, and the callousness with which they carry it out.

But there is something else about the speech of psychopaths that is equally puzzling: their frequent use of contradictory and logically inconsistent statements that usually escape detection. Recent research on the language of psychopaths provides us with some important clues to this puzzle, as well as to the uncanny ability psychopaths have to move words - and people- around so easily. […]

Here are some examples:

Robert Hare's book Without Conscience said:
When asked if he had ever committed a violent offense, a man serving time for theft answered, "No, but I once had to kill someone."

A woman with a staggering record of fraud, deceit, lies, and broken promises concluded a letter to the parole board with, "I've let a lot of people down… One is only as good as her reputation and name. My word is as good as gold."

A man serving a term for armed robbery replied to the testimony of an eyewitness, "He's lying. I wasn't there. I should have blown his fucking head off."

From an interview with serial killer Elmer Wayne Henley:

Robert Hare's book Without Conscience said:
Interviewer: "You make it out that you're the victim of a serial killer, but if you look at the record you're a serial killer."
Henley: "I'm not."
I: "You're not a serial killer?"
H: "I'm not a serial killer."
I: You're saying you're not a serial killer now, but you've serially killed."
H: "Well, yeah, that's semantics."

And so on. The point that the researchers noted was that psychopaths seem to have trouble monitoring their own speech. What is more, they often put things together in strange ways, such as this series of remarks from serial killer Clifford Olson:
"And then I had annual sex with her."
"Once a year?"
"No. Annual. From behind."
"Oh. But she was dead!"
"No, no. She was just unconscientious."

About his many experiences, Olson said, "I've got enough antidotes to fill five or six books - enough for a trilogy." He was determined not to be an "escape goat" no matter what the "migrating facts."

Here's a bit more about the language of the psychopath and related issues that might interest you (or maybe not, but it may certainly interest other readers):

Psychopaths are notorious for not answering the questions asked them. They will answer something else, or in such a way that the direct question is never addressed. They also phrase things so that some parts of their narratives are difficult to understand. This is not careless speech, of which everyone is guilty at times, but an ongoing indication of the underlying condition in which the organization of mental activity suggests something is wrong. It's not what they say, but how they say it that gives insight into their true nature.

But this raises, again, the question: if their speech is so odd, how come smart people get taken in by them? Why do we fail to pick up the inconsistencies?

Part of the answer is that the oddities are subtle so that our general listening mode will not normally pick them up. But my own experience is that some of the "skipped" or oddly arranged words, or misused words are automatically reinterpreted by OUR brains in the same way we automatically "fill in the blank" space on a neon sign when one of the letters has gone out. We can be driving down the road at night, and ahead we see M_tel, and we mentally put the "o" in place and read "Motel." Something like this happens between the psychopath and the victim. We fill in the "missing humanness" by filling in the blanks with our own assumptions, based on what WE think and feel and mean. And, in this way, because there are these "blank" spots, we fill them in with what is inside us, and thus we are easily convinced that the psychopath is a great guy - because he is just like us! We have been conditioned to operate on trust, and we always try to give the "benefit of the doubt." So, there are blanks, we "give the benefit of the doubt," and we are thereby hoisted on our own petard.

Robert Hare said:
Psychopaths view any social exchange as a "feeding opportunity," a contest or a test of wills in which there can be only one winner. Their motives are to manipulate and take, ruthlessly and without remorse.

One psychopath interviewed by Hare's team said quite frankly: "The first thing I do is I size you up. I look for an angle, an edge, figure out what you need and give it to you. Then it's pay-back time, with interest. I tighten the screws." Another psychopath admitted that he never targeted attractive women - he was only interested in those who were insecure and lonely. He claimed he could smell a needy person "the way a pig smells truffles."

The callous use of the old, the lonely, the vulnerable, the disenfranchised, the marginalized, is a trademark of the psychopath. And when any of them wake up to what is happening, they are generally too embarrassed to complain.

One of the chief ways psychopaths prey on others is to make use of the normal person's need to find meaning or purpose in life. They will pose as grief counselors, or "experts" of various sorts that attract followings of people who are looking for answers. They are masters of recognizing "hang-ups" and self-doubts that most people have, and they will brazenly pander to them to gain a follower to use later. Hare tells of a staff psychologist in a mental hospital whose life was destroyed by a psychopathic patient. He cleaned out her bank account, maxed out her credit cards, and then disappeared. How did he get to her? She said that her life had been "empty" and she had just simply succumbed to his sweet words and verbal caresses. As we already know, such words are cheap legal tender to the psychopath. They can say "I'll pray for you," or "I love you" just to create an impression. It really, really doesn't mean a thing. But some people are so lonely and so desperate that even imitations are better than nothing.

Then, of course, there are people who are just simply so psychologically damaged themselves that the psychopath is the obvious choice for a partner. They may have a need to be treated badly, or a need to be excited by danger, or a need to "rescue" or "fix" somebody whose soul is in obvious peril.

Robert Hare said:
In a book about Richard Ramirez, the Satan-worshipping "night Stalker," the author described a young coed who sat through the pretrial hearings and sent love letters and photographs of herself to Ramirez. "I feel such compassion for him. When I look at him, I see a real handsome guy who just messed up his life because he never had anyone to guide him," she is reported to have said.

Sadly, as we see, psychopaths have no lack of victims because so many people are ready and willing to play the role. And in many, many cases, the victim simply refuses to believe the evidence that they are being victimized. Psychological denial screens out knowledge that is painful, and persons with large investments in their fantasies are often unable to acknowledge that they are being deceived because it it too painful. Most often, these are women who rigidly adhere to the traditional role of the female with a strong sense of duty to be a "good wife." She will believe that if she tries harder or simply waits it out, her husband will reform. When he ignores her, abuses her, cheats on her, or uses her, she can simply just decide to "try harder, put more energy into the relationship, and take better care of him." She believes that if she does this, eventually he will notice and will see how valuable she is, and then he will fall on his knees in gratitude and treat her like a queen.

Dream on.

The fact is, such a woman, with her fierce commitment to such a man, her dedication to being a proper wife, has allowed such fairy tales to distort her sense of reality. The reality is that she is doomed to a lifetime of abuse and disappointment until "death do us part." [...]

Those of us who have had experiences with psychopaths know that the language of the psychopath is two-dimensional. They are, as someone once said, as "deep as a thimble." An analogy is given of the psychopath as a color blind person who has learned how to function in the world of color by special strategies. They may tell you that they "stopped at a red light," but what it really means to them is that they knew that the light at the top means "stop," and they stopped. They call it the "red" light like everyone else, but they have no experience of what "red" really is.

A person who is color blind who has developed such coping mechanisms, is virtually undetectable from people who see colors.

Psychopaths use words about emotions the same way people who are color blind use words about colors they cannot perceive. Psychopaths not only learn to use the words more or less appropriately, they learn to pantomime the feeling. But they never HAVE the feeling.

This quality of the mind of the psychopath has been extensively tested with word association tests while the subjects are hooked up to an EEG. Words that have emotional content evoke larger brain responses than do neutral words which is apparently a reflection of the large amount of information that can be packed into a word. For most of us, the word cancer can instantly bring to mind not only the description of the disease, but also fear, pain, concern, or whatever, depending upon our experiences with cancer - whether we or someone we love has had it, or if it had some impact on our lives, and so on. The same is true with many words in our collective and individual vocabularies. And, unless we had a traumatic experience with it, a word such as box or paper will be neutral.

Psychopaths respond to all emotional words as if they were neutral. It is as if they are permanently condemned to operate with a Juvenile Dictionary. Hare writes:

Robert Hare said:
Earlier I discussed the role of "inner speech" in the development and operation of conscience. It is the emotionally charged thoughts, images, and internal dialogue that give the "bite" to conscience, account for its powerful control over behavior, and generate guilt and remorse for transgressions. This is something that psychopaths cannot understand. For them, conscience is little more than an intellectual awareness of rules others make up - empty words. The feelings needed to give clout to these rules are missing.

What is more, just as the color blind individual may never know he is color blind unless he is given a test to determine it, the psychopath is unable to even be aware of his own emotional poverty. They assume that their own perceptions are the same as everyone else's. They assume that their own lack of feeling is the same for everyone else. And make no mistake about it: you can NOT hurt their feelings because they don't have any! They will pretend to have feelings if it suits their purposes or gets them what they want. They will verbalize remorse, but their actions will contradict their words. They know that "remorse" is important, and "apologies" are useful, and they will give them freely, though generally in words that amount to blaming the victim for needing to be apologized to.

Those who can see will see, those who can hear will hear...

Now, perhaps you would like to read a bit more about psychopathy? You can start here: THE PSYCHOPATH - The Mask of Sanity
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