Jedi Master
Thus, how can you correct something in others which is present in yourself just as much?
I am vaguely reminded of an episode of TOS, where Kirk confronts a war criminal who makes a grandiose speech about who is Kirk to judge him etc. Kirk's response was, to my memory, something along the lines of: "Who do I have to be?"
To be frank, who are you to come into our house and dictate anything at all. You are a pleeb, get over your ego and sit down and listen for awhile first.
When I go to someone's house, I am quiet, reserved, I look to see how they talk, what's expected of guests, how they react, and slowly I begin to express myself in a way that is most comfortable for them, as my hosts. I make an effort to participate in their lives and share what they are willing to share, I don't dictate terms or ideas, I don't correct them, and I don't make a donkey of myself.
Now, to address the only part of your post that had question like content.
Who is the yardstick to measure how "off" or "on" a person really is if everyone is basically "off"?
Who? This is not a who question, but to answer it after a fashion, I can say with certainty that I know of someone Who is not, and will not be the yardstick, and that is you. Now, if I may take the liberty to modify your question to something more along the lines of How does one find a yardstick to measure with...
This is a blind men and the elephant kind of situation, you can only get what is rightish from consensus and discussion. When people first hear that, they think that means a cacophony of ideas and opinions given equal weight, that is not so, and not even a good idea. Some people have been doing it longer, and have met with higher success, and so their ideas and opinions are given more weight. By their fruits ye shall know them. Someone who has a good head on their shoulders, and has met with some success, will naturally be trusted more as a source of information and judgment, this is natural.
Now, this is going to sound very mean, but really, it isn't.
The FACT of the matter is, you are the new guy, so anything you say is basically the lowest on the scale of correctness, you have put in neither the time, nor effort, nor done the requisite amount of networking and learning within this forum to be trusted or even listened too.
This is a natural protection mechanism, newbies just aren't trusted sources of information, even if they are completely right, that doesn't matter, the network has to protect itself against pathological interference, and unfortunately, only time will tell who and what a person is. You have to spend some time demonstrating that you can listen, learn, and softly contribute to discussions before what you say and or do will have any weight within the network.
Of course, I don't speak for anyone but myself, and this is just my opinion on matters, and perhaps that will contribute to the consensus.
Anyway, welcome to the forum, and I hope you get something out of your stay here.