Session 09 June 2009

Laura said:
These abilities empower human beings to regulate their reality. It's like a thermostat.

So, personal reality is defined by its deviation from primary reality even if it partially overlaps. Personal reality is Empirical reality + or - whatever empirically unjustified modifications have been made.

Whatever the actual extent of our cognitive errors, we need to remember that the generation of these errors is a result of complex cerebral processes that work to safeguard the integrity of the entire nervous system. We aren't doing this "on purpose," so to say.

Next, there is the Cultural Reality. The reality of the individual is, to a great extent, the result of constructions that are fabricated and propagated by culture. Cultural reality is the constellation of externally delivered suggestions that are normalized on the basis of group endorsement.

In short, it seems that reality is "too strong" for most humans to tolerate.

One can reduce depression by imposing on reality "alterations" that are illusory.

Studies of self-consciousness, or self-insight and self-awareness show that people who rate high in these aspects are less inclined to resort to denial and self-deception. As it turns out, this self-consciousness correlates with negative emotional states. Increasing the apprehension of reality, both internal and external, can precipitate negative emotional responses.

The problem with reality is that it makes no sense. Terror is the normal emotional state for someone in full view and bearing the full psychic brunt of reality.

So, obviously, the ability to create and believe in illusions can make a person more functional.

So that's why the Cass said:
Cass said:
Q: (L) So what's this Sri Sri guy into? (Craig) He's [teaching "Art of Living" breathing/meditation]. Is this a worthwhile program for the benefit of mankind?
A: In certain respects, yes. But it is lacking balance.

Q: (Craig) Which area does balance need to be improved?
A: Remember that nearly the entire world was against the war over sixty years ago and it came nonetheless. Meditation to calm the mind and commune with higher realms will do nothing to balance this realm.

So should we apply a law of three?

Cass 3.March 2009 said:
A: Yes. But don't forget the balance. Facing reality and mastering the self alternating with meditation for recovery.
I feel quite low as other people on this thread have mentioned. As I've said before I have three young children, and five years isn't long enough for them to be able to attempt the work before the shift. I know all there is is lessons but wow! Its a big learning curve.

I was thinking about this last night. I have two young daughters, 8 and 5. I'm at a lose as to how to break the news to them that none of us will likely survive the next five years. I realize the future is "open", but let's face it; Looking objectively at the challenges humanity faces both internal (psychopaths and their wars) and external (exploding space rocks), I honestly don't see much hope for myself or my family.

In some ways I have already started to break the news to them, but in more of a detached sort of way. The 5 year old still has a long ways to go, but I've managed to teach some things to the 8 year old. Actually I've managed to teach her some pretty complex astronomy and geology considering she is only 8. She understands about things like super volcanos, tsunamis and the effects of comets. She is smart, she will ask me the question, "Dad, will this stuff ever really happen to us?" I don't know what to say. I usually tell her "maybe, but that we shouldn't let this worry us at the moment". Quite frankly, this stuff puts the "fear of God" in me, if that is the right phrase.

At times the 8 year old has asked me if there is such a thing as "vampires" and I've used this as a wedge to explain some of the basics of psychopathy, but I'm not sure if she takes me seriously. She's just scared about somebody sucking out her blood, but in reality this is just what psychopaths do although sometimes in more subtle ways.

I really don't want to traumatize my children, but I'm afraid that if I don't clue them in just a little bit, they will be entirely unprepared psychologically for the trauma that is likely to occur in the near future. Does anybody have any tips or advise or could share their experiences on how to approach these subjects with youngsters? Is it just best to keep them in the dark? I'm confused here.

T.C. said:
... I can't appreciate the kind of physical suffering you've gone through, but I can see how it may have set your frame of mind. In case it may help, I wondered if you'd caught this article on sott when it was originally published:

Our Learned Helplessness

Here's the wiki on the same subject.

Thanks for the offer T.C., but I don't think those concepts quite fit my "frame of mind". My post was an attempt to let others know that whatever the situation is, they are not traveling the path alone. Indeed, many can be caught up with...
[quote author=wiki]
Learned helplessness as a technical term in animal psychology and related human psychology means a condition of a human being or an animal in which it has learned to behave helplessly, even when the opportunity is restored for it to help itself by avoiding an unpleasant or harmful circumstance to which it has been subjected. Learned helplessness theory is the view that clinical depression and related mental illnesses result from a perceived absence of control over the outcome of a situation (Seligman, 1975).[/quote]

I never intended to write about being helpless. Disadvantaged maybe, helpless no. If anything I was attempting to convey a warrior spirit to the situation. Being aware of and not giving into what you have referenced. I guess that message did not come across. Writing in an objective manner while while removing subjective phrases has been difficult. Changing a lifetime of habits does not happen overnight. I keep working on these writing skills, but there much to say and is a challenge to express in written form...
:cool2: :cool2: :cool2:

[edit for additional info] I've been wondering why someone would automatically think that a physically challenged individual would "feel" helpless. Perhaps a "healthy" individual projecting themselves into being physically challenged would themselves "feel" that hopelessness? As said previously, many can make bold statements projecting a warrior spirit. I wonder if any of us really know how we would truly behave when the time comes for an action... All one can do is gain knowledge, be prepared for the unknown, and "see" what happens...
My gramma used to tell me: "In order to overcome fear, you must face that fear".
I have read through all of the C's transcripts and most of the Wave series and of course RA material also (and Bringers of the Dawn. I also watched The Wizard of Oz on recommendation from the C's;)). The C's have filled in many blanks for me, and unlocked "hidden knowledge". I understand your point about how humans construct their own reality. STS twisted/perverted perception is "the norm" here and only those who reach a 100% STO profile (i.e. very few) can be said to have an "objective" view about things.

Is there agreement between the C's and RA that when the Wave hits a 51%+ STO profile will be enough to graduate to 4th density "positive"? The way I see it your STO profile or "frequency" determines which universe you occupy given an almost eternal number of paralell/potential realities to "choose from". If RA is correct there will be a 3 way split when the Wave hits:

Those of 51%+ STO polarization will occupy a 4th density "positive" realm.

Those of 95%+ STS polarization will occupy a 4th density "negative" realm.

Those in the "sinkhole of indifference" in between will repeat 3rd density cycle in another realm.

In 4th density the polarizations of STO and STS are more separated perhaps like oil and water? Thus, if you reach 51% STO profile before the Wave hits you are basically on the "safe shore" because you then occupy a certain reality which will be shifted into a STO/positive 4D realm...?

In my experience this "split" is already becoming evident. I see 4th density candidates becoming more alive/real/conscious and increasing their STO profile. It seems to happen almost overnight in some cases. I also see 3rd density entities "leaving" this reality behind, and their "soul remains" just playing itself out, more or less automatic; like a karmic wind up toy. They are totally unresponsive to any change. They seem like probes from which the higher Self use to explore only one specific potential, while their "main focus" is on another timeline altogether...

So the Wave is building momentum gradually before it peaks and "the shift" occurs suddenly. Those that refused to "face reality" will go down with it. Those who faced reality to a certain degree (within/without) are ready with their surf board, and move onto the safe shore:). Or will there still be a "turf war" in 4D no matter what your STO profile is? I guess "wait and see" is the answer to that:)

Hi RyanX

Quite frankly, this stuff puts the "fear of God" in me, if that is the right phrase.

I'm not sure I can answer your question. But I do see something in the comment above. You should be (if you are not already) aware of this fear and how it may be driving you to act. It should also be noted that you may and want to keep it in check (and I don't mean suppress/bury it) in a way as not to pass it on to your kids. If its possible its driving you then its probably wise to start there before discussing things with them.
Have you read the Big 4 psychology books yet? As quite a lot of them cover childhood traumas, it may help for several reasons. You will know yourself better, you will understand trauma better, and you will be able to see it and hopefully not pass any additional onto your kids (in an ongoing manner, no one is perfect!).
With all that in mind, it may be worth considering the 'why' of why you want to tell may not be for the reason you think it is?

Preparing others for what is to come should start with the self. If you know how to deal with your own possible traumas it should help give a better perspective on the situation (and any possible 'coming traumas' for your kids).

Beyond that, I'm not sure what or how (if anything) you should mention to your kids.......this is very tricky.
slowone said:
I've just had an Inspiration.
In my last post I mentioned that I had always been taught that Pranayama should be learnt/practiced after you had a good understanding/grasp of the more "basic" practice of yoga being the Asana practice. But it just came to me that maybe the message was lost in translation over many years, being diluted to our modern understanding of Yoga especially in the west.

Maybe just as here we have only realised/are focusing on this now after much work and preparation in other areas of ourselves on this forum. The teaching was actually that you shouldn't practice Pranayama until the necessary preparation had been put in place to know more about your "machine". It would be easy to see how this would be contracted down to have become only after Asana. But that wasn't what was meant. It had/has lost it's place in the fuller context of "The Work" as to when it should be introduced as a beneficial practice.

I hope this post is clear. It just came over me in a wave.As it were!

Thank you Slowone :)
slowone said:
I've just had an Inspiration.
In my last post I mentioned that I had always been taught that Pranayama should be learnt/practiced after you had a good understanding/grasp of the more "basic" practice of yoga being the Asana practice. But it just came to me that maybe the message was lost in translation over many years, being diluted to our modern understanding of Yoga especially in the west.

Maybe just as here we have only realised/are focusing on this now after much work and preparation in other areas of ourselves on this forum. The teaching was actually that you shouldn't practice Pranayama until the necessary preparation had been put in place to know more about your "machine". It would be easy to see how this would be contracted down to have become only after Asana. But that wasn't what was meant. It had/has lost it's place in the fuller context of "The Work" as to when it should be introduced as a beneficial practice.

I hope this post is clear. It just came over me in a wave.As it were!

Great inspiration and good thinking, I believe! I was quite active with Astanga Yoga some years ago (principles by Sri Patthabi Jois) going to classes a few times a week and all that. The main thing that bothered me, and why I quit - in addition to laziness (I sort of do it every now and then at home) - was the concept of the correct breathing. The problem, at least for me, was that the instructors wanted everyone to have really strong bandhas, those muscular "locks" in the "lower part of the body" all the time. As I understood it, and I could be wrong, the bandhas are supposed to be "on" all the time through the whole series in order to "create heat" and support the spine and back.

But these bandhas really made it impossible for me to get my breath deep enough, no chance to get this feeling of letting the air flow all the way down to your toes! There's of course the possibility that I did it wrong, but my sense is that the "modern" western yoga IS INDEED CORRUPTED somehow. When I observed the yoga instructors outside the classes I was really surprised to notice that their normal breathing was REALLY SHALLOW and so called upper breathing. So, since I'm in the profession of singing where deep diaphragmatic breathing is a must, I just couldn't continue with the Astanga.

Nowdays when I sometimes do some Astanga at home I skip totally using the bandhas or use them very little, this way I can get the breathing much deeper. Do you think it's dangerous not to use the bandhas...?
RyanX said:
I was thinking about this last night. I have two young daughters, 8 and 5. I'm at a lose as to how to break the news to them that none of us will likely survive the next five years.
I don't think that's necessarily true. I would advise against saying that to them as their developing minds may not be able to handle this information in a healthy way from someone they trust and love; they wouldn't know how to deal with it or what to do with it right now. Maybe it would make more sense to explain to them that nothing lasts forever and the world can change at any time, and just encourage them to always seek the truth and to guide them in this endeavor in loving and gentle way. If they can learn to enjoy critical thinking and figuring out the truth and if the Work is part of their daily lives, they will be prepared for any future. What may be very damaging and shocking to them right now will not be later when they are more developed.

RyanX said:
I realize the future is "open", but let's face it; Looking objectively at the challenges humanity faces both internal (psychopaths and their wars) and external (exploding space rocks), I honestly don't see much hope for myself or my family.
I think there is more hope for your family than for someone who is an adult and asleep. At their age, your children can still be guided towards making Knowledge and the Work part of their Being in a gentle and natural way without having to first undo year and years of conditioning as an adult will have to first do.

RyanX said:
In some ways I have already started to break the news to them, but in more of a detached sort of way. The 5 year old still has a long ways to go, but I've managed to teach some things to the 8 year old. Actually I've managed to teach her some pretty complex astronomy and geology considering she is only 8. She understands about things like super volcanos, tsunamis and the effects of comets. She is smart, she will ask me the question, "Dad, will this stuff ever really happen to us?" I don't know what to say. I usually tell her "maybe, but that we shouldn't let this worry us at the moment". Quite frankly, this stuff puts the "fear of God" in me, if that is the right phrase.
That's awesome! Maybe teach them how people tend to believe things that are not true and show examples (santa, religion, tv, commercials, anything). Also help them understand that this is not "stuff happening to them" so they don't dwell on it from that perspective of a poor victim. It's just stuff happening, for a reason, and it's not necessarily "good" or "bad", it just is. Their role in all of it is up to them, and there does not have to be pain and suffering - knowledge protects. Also, they look to you to decide how they should react to such realities and ideas. If you deal with it in an unproductive and negative way, they will too. If you are woried and depressed, they will be too. Set an example of "positive mental attitude". Instead of "oh no what are we going to do! I can't believe it is happening to me!" the attitude should be "What is the most beneficial thing I can do for myself and for others?".

RyanX said:
I really don't want to traumatize my children, but I'm afraid that if I don't clue them in just a little bit, they will be entirely unprepared psychologically for the trauma that is likely to occur in the near future. Does anybody have any tips or advise or could share their experiences on how to approach these subjects with youngsters? Is it just best to keep them in the dark? I'm confused here.
I think the trick is just to do it gradually and gently without scaring them unnecessarily. Don't throw at them what they cannot handle in a positive and healthy way. They should discover the more "horrible" things when they are ready to handle them and can deal with them productively without emotional/psychological trauma and dissociation and overblown horror/fear/helplessness/depression about it. All in due time! My advice is to get them into the "right" habits and approach to life - to learn to love the truth. If they can learn to have fun with learning, to enjoy thinking with a hammer and being critical and doing research, to be empathic towards others but also psychologically healthy in how the deal with uncomfortable realities and situations, and stay on that path consistently in their daily lives... they will be all set for anything the future holds.

School teaches them that learning is boring and hard. It's not, it's fun if approached in the right way. Try to undo the damage that school/society does to them - maybe watch TV with them for the sole purpose of pointing out how and why things are unrealistic and fake, and how commercials manipulate and lie, and teach them to see it for themselves more and more. I don't have kids, but knowing what I know now, I won't have them until things are different - whether in this density or another density. But don't think that you're doomed by any chance, have faith in the universe and yourself, and also have faith in your kids - if they are here to learn and grow, that's exactly what they will do, with some loving guidance from you.
Ryan said:
I really don't want to traumatize my children, but I'm afraid that if I don't clue them in just a little bit, they will be entirely unprepared psychologically for the trauma that is likely to occur in the near future. Does anybody have any tips or advise or could share their experiences on how to approach these subjects with youngsters? Is it just best to keep them in the dark? I'm confused here.

When my child was the age of your children, I would read fairy stories or make-up tales set in fantasy lands that dealt with various subjects (strangers that appear to be good, but have evil intent - riding out an actual storm - courage in taking a stand against bullies - dealing with money, etc.) in a way that he could grasp, without frightening him with stark reality. Certain films and literature can have a positive impact on older children. Unless a very young child asks a question about the tales, I think adults shouldn't up and offer to explain the overt symbolism of the story after it is told. Most youngsters can grasp the material on their own levels.

When things in the real world actually begin to happen, you won't be able to keep them in the dark for long. The stories they remember might help them cope somewhat when nature and events around them become chaotic. Very young children need a sense of security, calm, and wisdom to discern from the adults close to them, otherwise they pick-up on the fear and insecurity and become more traumatized, OSIT.

Oft times, I find myself sighing in sadness whenever I see parents with young children these days. Then I realize that, on some level, these parents and children chose to be here and learn lessons in these interesting times. That goes for my own child who is now an adult, lives far away, and has his own lessons to learn...and time to check out. Must admit, it still hurts to come to grips with this eventuality.
aragorn said:
Great inspiration and good thinking, I believe! I was quite active with Astanga Yoga some years ago (principles by Sri Patthabi Jois) going to classes a few times a week and all that. The main thing that bothered me, and why I quit - in addition to laziness (I sort of do it every now and then at home) - was the concept of the correct breathing. The problem, at least for me, was that the instructors wanted everyone to have really strong bandhas, those muscular "locks" in the "lower part of the body" all the time. As I understood it, and I could be wrong, the bandhas are supposed to be "on" all the time through the whole series in order to "create heat" and support the spine and back.

But these bandhas really made it impossible for me to get my breath deep enough, no chance to get this feeling of letting the air flow all the way down to your toes! There's of course the possibility that I did it wrong, but my sense is that the "modern" western yoga IS INDEED CORRUPTED somehow. When I observed the yoga instructors outside the classes I was really surprised to notice that their normal breathing was REALLY SHALLOW and so called upper breathing. So, since I'm in the profession of singing where deep diaphragmatic breathing is a must, I just couldn't continue with the Astanga.

Nowdays when I sometimes do some Astanga at home I skip totally using the bandhas or use them very little, this way I can get the breathing much deeper. Do you think it's dangerous not to use the bandhas...?

I never seriously practiced Astanga as I found it quite easy to become aggressive in the practice which was the opposite of what I was looking for.

In terms of Bandhas I don't know personally many people who are able to hold the locks in place when they practice this very physical yoga system. I was always taught to practice the Bandhas to seal off the Lung/abdominal cavities when practicing specific pranayama or a much more focused Bandha only work. On a physical level the bandhas relate to the Diaphragm of the throat (Jalandhara ) chin to throat. The abdominal corset (Uddiyana) Navel up and back and the perineum/pelvic diaphragm (Mula) lift and contract. I believe that they seal off the change in pressure as the breath moves into the lungs and the diaphragm moves down creating space for the lungs. The contents of the abdomen then push down toward the pelvic floor to allow for the increase in the lung mass. Controlling this change in pressure must affect the tone of the muscles involved in resisting the pressure and also affect the movement energetically up or down.

That would correspond with your feeling of restricting the breath. In a more traditional way they are all about moving energy to specific sites in the body. Again I wonder if it's not something that falls into place when the time is right if its right.
VisitorQ said:
. Thus, if you reach 51% STO profile before the Wave hits you are basically on the "safe shore" because you then occupy a certain reality which will be shifted into a STO/positive 4D realm...?

Have you considered the fact that WANTing to be on the 'safe shore' is wholly STS? Doing anything for a specific outcome that you DESIRE is wholly STS. All there is is lessons and we will do what we will do. We will do what is IN us to do, if we can learn to get out of our own way - trying to assure a certain outcome because of some preconceptions of how things will be and what will be more or less to your personal 'liking' is STS.

vq said:
In my experience this "split" is already becoming evident. I see 4th density candidates becoming more alive/real/conscious and increasing their STO profile.

Why would you think you know what an 'STO profile' is or how it would manifest in 3D STS earth? I would posit quite strongly that you do not, simply because such a thing is basically unknowable at this level of perception. That is not really the issue, however, the issue is that you think that you do know such things and don't seem to question yourself about them. What if all of your 'measurements', 'calibrations', calculations, observations and 'conclusions' are nothing but evidence that you are caught in a dream that you take for the truth?

vq said:
It seems to happen almost overnight in some cases.

By your estimation of what is and what is not an 'STO profile'??

vq said:
I also see 3rd density entities "leaving" this reality behind, and their "soul remains" just playing itself out, more or less automatic; like a karmic wind up toy.

Could you elaborate on exactly what you mean by this? If the 'entity' left this 'reality' behind, then why would their soul, if they even had one, remain??

vq said:
They are totally unresponsive to any change. They seem like probes from which the higher Self use to explore only one specific potential, while their "main focus" is on another timeline altogether...

I think it might benefit you a great deal to consider that your conclusions and perceptions might be far from objective. That's the benefit of actually interacting with a network that is working to approach an objective understanding of reality - you can find out where you might be on track and where you've wandered off into dream land, thinking you are awake. Learning is fun!
VisitorQ said:
I have read through all of the C's transcripts and most of the Wave series and of course RA material also (and Bringers of the Dawn. I also watched The Wizard of Oz on recommendation from the C's;)). The C's have filled in many blanks for me, and unlocked "hidden knowledge". I understand your point about how humans construct their own reality. STS twisted/perverted perception is "the norm" here and only those who reach a 100% STO profile (i.e. very few) can be said to have an "objective" view about things.

Problem is, I can't imagine anyone on this planet reaching a 100% STO profile. They just wouldn't fit. They'd probably disappear in a flash of light or something! Or maybe, as their STOness increased, they'd just get sicker and sicker and die before they ever got to any really high percentage. Of course, there is the possibility of individuals being here who volunteered to come from such realms to assist others. In those cases, I expect that part of the deal is that you risk losing all because once you lower your frequency enough to incarnate, you aren't much different from anybody else. Ra talked about that and how such people really only have a certain "bias" within.

VisitorQ said:
Is there agreement between the C's and RA that when the Wave hits a 51%+ STO profile will be enough to graduate to 4th density "positive"?

Pretty much.

VisitorQ said:
The way I see it your STO profile or "frequency" determines which universe you occupy given an almost eternal number of paralell/potential realities to "choose from". If RA is correct there will be a 3 way split when the Wave hits:

Those of 51%+ STO polarization will occupy a 4th density "positive" realm.

Those of 95%+ STS polarization will occupy a 4th density "negative" realm.

Those in the "sinkhole of indifference" in between will repeat 3rd density cycle in another realm.

That seems to be the major trifurcations. There may be other, less obvious, alternatives that we haven't thought about, but they wouldn't apply to that many people so we don't need to be concerned with them.

VisitorQ said:
In 4th density the polarizations of STO and STS are more separated perhaps like oil and water? Thus, if you reach 51% STO profile before the Wave hits you are basically on the "safe shore" because you then occupy a certain reality which will be shifted into a STO/positive 4D realm...?

I don't think it is quite that simple though it COULD be! The Cs also remarked that there would be a thousand year period of the "shift" so to say. But they also said that this period would also encompass a "level playing field" so to say.

VisitorQ said:
In my experience this "split" is already becoming evident.

I agree with you on that for sure!

VisitorQ said:
I see 4th density candidates becoming more alive/real/conscious and increasing their STO profile.

How do you tell a 4 D STO candidate?

VisitorQ said:
It seems to happen almost overnight in some cases.

Again, how do you tell?

VisitorQ said:
I also see 3rd density entities "leaving" this reality behind, and their "soul remains" just playing itself out, more or less automatic; like a karmic wind up toy.

What do you mean by "soul remains"?

VisitorQ said:
They are totally unresponsive to any change. They seem like probes from which the higher Self use to explore only one specific potential, while their "main focus" is on another timeline altogether...

That sounds pretty weird; care to elaborate?

VisitorQ said:
So the Wave is building momentum gradually before it peaks and "the shift" occurs suddenly.

See above - it could take a thousand years as is the case with so many cosmic processes.

VisitorQ said:
Those that refused to "face reality" will go down with it. Those who faced reality to a certain degree (within/without) are ready with their surf board, and move onto the safe shore:). Or will there still be a "turf war" in 4D no matter what your STO profile is? I guess "wait and see" is the answer to that:)


I don't know if I have helped or not. It seems to me that you have a lot of different concepts and ideas all mixed up together as though you are trying to create your own system based on what you like about what this source says and what you like from what another source says. It's fine to hypothesize, but we ought not to move into the castles in the air that we create. If we do, we may find that somebody is charging rent...
Just wanted to thank you and the team for all your hard work and info again Laura. I just enrolled in the Art of Living course here in NYC and will be attending at the end of this month. I'm very excited to have the opportunity and looking forward to it. :thup:
RyanX said:
I was thinking about this last night. I have two young daughters, 8 and 5. I'm at a lose as to how to break the news to them that none of us will likely survive the next five years.

Why in the name of all things rational would you want to tell them that? Do you know that it is true, for a fact, without doubt?

No, you don't. And I don't either.

Yeah, we have probabilities - and they look pretty high right now. But we also have non-linear dynamics and complex systems that tell us that we do NOT know the outcome!

RyanX said:
I realize the future is "open", but let's face it; Looking objectively at the challenges humanity faces both internal (psychopaths and their wars) and external (exploding space rocks), I honestly don't see much hope for myself or my family.

In some of my private, morose moments, I feel exactly the same. And then, something rises up inside me and says "It ain't over... " And I remember the fact that we DO have a network, and we DO have SOMETHING that they don't want us to figure out or it wouldn't be necessary for them to work so hard to control by deception. And I think that something is what the Cs are talking about: networking in a way and at a level that we may not even fully understand right now.

RyanX said:
In some ways I have already started to break the news to them, but in more of a detached sort of way. The 5 year old still has a long ways to go, but I've managed to teach some things to the 8 year old. Actually I've managed to teach her some pretty complex astronomy and geology considering she is only 8. She understands about things like super volcanos, tsunamis and the effects of comets. She is smart, she will ask me the question, "Dad, will this stuff ever really happen to us?" I don't know what to say. I usually tell her "maybe, but that we shouldn't let this worry us at the moment". Quite frankly, this stuff puts the "fear of God" in me, if that is the right phrase.

Well, I dunno... yes, I'm pretty frank about stuff with my kids, but I was always careful to keep things open. And I always emphasized that we can always make choices about what we do about what we see... we can get depressed and do nothing (which is a choice), or we can keep that candle of hope and love lit right to the last moment. As I've said before, when you are lost in the darkness and you don't see a light anywhere, then you have the choice of becoming that light.

RyanX said:
At times the 8 year old has asked me if there is such a thing as "vampires" and I've used this as a wedge to explain some of the basics of psychopathy, but I'm not sure if she takes me seriously. She's just scared about somebody sucking out her blood, but in reality this is just what psychopaths do although sometimes in more subtle ways.

You have to be REAL careful what you tell children at that age! When my kids had such concerns, I explained to them that they could use stones (crystals) like batteries to store up energy to create an energy bubble around them when they sleep. I gave them each a pink quartz and we would regularly "charge it" with intent and they kept it under their pillows at night. It is VERY important to give a child a feeling of safety when they are young and then only gradually, incrementally, introduce some of the difficult things. That feeling of safety when young will then be a strong foundation of emotional confidence that can support them through rough periods.

And again, you don't know for sure what is going to happen to you and your family. Yeah, its a good idea to be prepared, but also be prepared for other outcomes! Prepare for the worst, hope for the best, and take what comes with grace!

RyanX said:
I really don't want to traumatize my children, but I'm afraid that if I don't clue them in just a little bit, they will be entirely unprepared psychologically for the trauma that is likely to occur in the near future. Does anybody have any tips or advise or could share their experiences on how to approach these subjects with youngsters? Is it just best to keep them in the dark? I'm confused here.

Maybe you could just watch movies together and then talk about them afterward? In all cases, you can point out how people can be more than their little selves in difficult situations and this is generally the kinds of people that survive or help others to survive in such scenarios.

More than anything, you want to teach your children a positive, can-do attitude by your own actions and behavior. It doesn't matter whether you believe it yourself, what matters is the example you set. Ark is fond of saying "The difficult we do immediately, the impossible only takes a little while."

Also consider the fact that your fear is ruling your life and taking away the joy you could be experiencing right now! Instead of talking doom and gloom to your children, why not get involved in some projects with them that will teach them useful skills?

Yeah, everybody in this house pretty much knows what we are facing, but we still take the time to sit on the terrace in the evening now and again and drink a glass of tea and enjoy the sunset. We have birthday parties with crazy hats and noise-makers... and it is always in the back of our minds that every moment we spend together could be our last. And that may have nothing at all to do with comets or fascists - it could be an auto accident, a fall, a freak event, a heart attack, a stroke; You just never know.

Why does worrying about comets make such a difference? You could die tonight from a stroke. Did you live every moment - DO you live every moment - as if it could be your last, doing and saying what is important?

Expectations reduce the joy of life.
VisitorQ said:
I have read through all of the C's transcripts and most of the Wave series....


We ask that new members of the forum read Laura's Wave series (in its entirety!) before wading too far into posting, as the ideas and concepts presented in that work form the basis for most discussions on the forum. We strongly advise against reading the transcripts on their own, outside of the context of Laura's work, as in our experience many people tend to misinterpret them and project their own preconceptions on to them.

Laura's Adventures With Cassiopaea would be an excellent follow-up to the Wave series. In the meantime, it's a good idea to bookmark the Cassiopaea Esoteric Glossary and the Cassiopedia, as they are very useful references that can be used when you encounter concepts/terminology that you may not be familiar with.

The ideas of Gurdjieff are also integral to this forum. If you're not familiar with Gurdjieff, please read some of the basic information about his 4th Way teaching, generally referred to here as "the Work". It is a method of self-examination recommended to and practiced by most members of this forum, as a way of seeing ourselves, others, and the world around us from the perspective of OBJECTIVITY, rather through the distorting prism of our own SUBJECTIVITY -- i.e., our emotional issues, programs, mechanical behaviour, sacred cows, and wishful thinking. The Work benefits from active participation in a group/network like this, where others also involved in the Work can provide feedback and act as a mirror in which we can see ourselves more clearly.

Enjoy your reading, and we hope to see you "up to speed" very soon....


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