Session 09 June 2009

VisitorQ said:
What I find a bit strange is that the C's seems to deliberately provide "scary hints" in a subtle way and then they do not follow up on it. Example:

A: A ticket to 5D naturally! They chose the exit at some level. The days will come when the dead seem blessed.

Q: (Discussion of grim answer)

A: For some.

Hi VisitorQ

I thought they followed up quite well when they said, "for some". I think it means that those people who are well informed and well prepared won't lament the fact that they're still alive - possibly the opposite. Basically, there is always hope.

I am all for getting the truth out there no matter what it is. But I can't really understand the point of these subtle hints which will spread fear to "some". For whom is this a valid prediction? Those that do not graduate to 4th density or only those of strong STS polarization? Would have been nice to know:)

How familiar are you with the cassiopaean material? The online version of The Wave is free to read and will clear up the points you've raised.
VisitorQ said:
What I find a bit strange is that the C's seems to deliberately provide "scary hints" in a subtle way and then they do not follow up on it. [...] I can't really understand the point of these subtle hints which will spread fear to "some". For whom is this a valid prediction? Those that do not graduate to 4th density or only those of strong STS polarization? Would have been nice to know:)
They have to preserve free will. Stating some things would strongly affect people's decisions and so abridge their free will. They also want people to work things out on their own, since this is necessary for genuinely progressing. But the former is likely the main thing here.

If I were to guess, those with the very strongest STS polarization might very well be among those who get it the "best" up until the very end. Those with the strongest STO polarization - it will probably be mixed, some having a very hard time, and some managing to avoid the worst by applying their knowledge and awareness, though things will probably get pretty challenging regardless for most. And those in between will probably be lunch, overall.

And if you live on during these times, there is a reason - "all there is is lessons". As the C's are so fond of saying, "Wait and see".
AlToday said:
Yep, with what is to come... Whatever that may be... Doesn't seem like it's gonna be any fun... The state of this physical body can hang on some like weights made of lead. With the possible post apocalyptic scenario of going back to stones and knives, hunting and gathering, finding a cave to live in, just doesn't appear appealing to an above knee amputee, with multiple herniated discs, degenerative disc disease, hips so riddled with arthritis that should be replaced, a knee so wreaked with spurs and arthritis, yada, yada, yada.... I jokingly say my skeleton is melting away...
Yep, I am concerned. And then again, what does worrying accomplish? Hell... I've always said there is room in life for apathy. Apathy can be a tool. Try not to dwell on it. Try to think of it as non-anticipation practice exercise #101. Accept this 3D body for what it is.

Hi Al.

I can't appreciate the kind of physical suffering you've gone through, but I can see how it may have set your frame of mind. In case it may help, I wondered if you'd caught this article on sott when it was originally published:

Our Learned Helplessness

Here's the wiki on the same subject.
Q: (L) I guess when we were talking about the "huh" thing to get rid of anger - maybe that should come at the beginning? But I guess that would depend on the individual and what their problem was. Some people might not be able to release. I guess it would have to be different at different times, depending on the group, depending on the problem, depending on the instincts of the facilitator. (J) What about the question we raised about the staring and suggesting you take the other person in your heart. (Craig) Is there any danger in the eye gazing?

A: Yes, as with everything. But knowledge protects. That particular part is a bit of the New Age fluff. Gazing and unifying exercises should be undertaken with some care.

Any idea what could be the danger of eye gazing, besides being one of the psychopathic characteristics ?
agni said:
Q: (L) I guess when we were talking about the "huh" thing to get rid of anger - maybe that should come at the beginning? But I guess that would depend on the individual and what their problem was. Some people might not be able to release. I guess it would have to be different at different times, depending on the group, depending on the problem, depending on the instincts of the facilitator. (J) What about the question we raised about the staring and suggesting you take the other person in your heart. (Craig) Is there any danger in the eye gazing?

A: Yes, as with everything. But knowledge protects. That particular part is a bit of the New Age fluff. Gazing and unifying exercises should be undertaken with some care.

Any idea what could be the danger of eye gazing, besides being one of the psychopathic characteristics ?

Maybe possibility of emotional attachment (remember: the eyes are the mirrors of the souls, as they in many parts of the world believe) actually emotional attachment biased with many many social programming (man-female, liking-non liking) plainly said something that is not necessary for wanted goal, and can slow the process. Maybe.
Thought I'd post the translated lyrics of the chorus to Carmina Burana - just for the 'fun' of it (since they're such uplifting lyrics... ;) )

090606 said:
Q: (laughter) (L) And who do we have with us tonight?

A: Fortunaea which reminds us that you might like that from Carmina Burana.

Q: (Discussion of Carmina Burana)

A: Some of those lyrics are truly ancient even if the music is not.

Orff said:
1. O Fortuna (Chorus) (O Fortune)
O Fortuna O Fortune,
velut luna like the moon
statu variabilis, you are changeable,
semper crescis ever waxing
aut decrescis; and waning;
vita detestabilis hateful life
nunc obdurat first oppresses
et tunc curat and then soothes
ludo mentis aciem, as fancy takes it;
egestatem, poverty
potestatem and power
dissolvit ut glaciem. it melts them like ice.
Sors immanis Fate - monstrous
et inanis, and empty,
rota tu volubilis, you whirling wheel,
status malus, you are malevolent,
vana salus well-being is vain
semper dissolubilis, and always fades to nothing,
obumbrata shadowed
et velata and veiled
michi quoque niteris; you plague me too;
nunc per ludum now through the game
dorsum nudum I bring my bare back
fero tui sceleris. to your villainy.
Sors salutis Fate is against me
et virtutis in health
michi nunc contraria, and virtue,
est affectus driven on
et defectus and weighted down,
semper in angaria. always enslaved.
Hac in hora So at this hour
sine mora without delay
corde pulsum tangite; pluck the vibrating strings;
quod per sortem since Fate
sternit fortem, strikes down the strong man,
mecum omnes plangite! everyone weep with me!
Reading all of it all over now, and hopingly understanding it better. Main goal in those breathing exercises is connections with other people's chakras, which process will then broaden our chakras, meaning that with that "connection" we could understand them better, and somehow with that will be able to do for the same cause and in such way make"broader" connection (so to say) In that way we could pew out all the rubbish from ourselves and (also, so to say) clean our selves. And much easier have broader understandings (of everything) now, when the smell of garbage is out of us? Am I guessing something right here?
Here is another breathing exercise, charger breathing, that gets to a deep level - based on/from Michael Topper in a much earlier piece of Cassiopaea material (I don't have the link handy now).

Daily Power Breathing
Charger Breath
(For the first few days) Sit down, comfortable chair with straight back, feet flat on floor, hands on lap or knees, face to front, clothing loose, fix gaze on a point ahead
Inhale (abdominally) deeply, strongly, even fiercely through nostrils. Inhale just as deeply and powerfully as you possibly can. Inhale all the way, until you have got every last possible drop of air. Without holding or pausing, exhale strongly, evenly and thoroughly. This is a very strong, powerful breath. In order to perform it properly, you should go as far as to scrunch up your face, actually wrinkle your nose into a kind of ferocious expression (like a bull snorting).
Now in your best, cartoon bull fashion, take three successive Charger Breaths. Make each breathe as strong and even and thorough as possible, both in and out. The exhalation of each breath should be done as thoroughly as the inspiration, so that you are forcefully expelling the very last drop of air. As you do these breaths in succession, you should sound like a freight tram bearing down the track. The breath is a very powerful breath, accomplished crisply, with incisiveness. It should produce a loud rushing sound as it surges through your nostrils.
Do several complete rounds of the three Charger Breaths. Take three deep, powerful, decisive and thorough Charger Breaths. On the exhalation of that third breath, pause for a few moments (the third breath should be done with particular strength, strong, thorough and emphasis. During the few-moments pause, you should make sure that your facial muscles, shoulders, neck, arms and legs are completely returned to a state of relaxation. Do another series of three breaths, pause a few moments, relax; then do a third series of three Charger Breaths. After the last series, sit still and feel. What do you feel like? What is the difference?
Increase the number of series-repetitions of the three Charger Breaths (to seven). Again after completion of the seventh round, sit still and feel. (Beware of possible initial hyperventilation)
After some practice with the increased series-repetitions, you should practice a shorter three-round series again only with a larger group of Charger Breaths, ie, you should practice in clusters of five or seven Charger Breaths, repeating each cluster three times with pause and relaxation, etc. Next, using the larger group of Charger Breaths, you should increase the overall series-repetition again to a five or seven series. Always sit still afterwards, relax, feel the effect.
Do the Charger Breathing daily. The outcome is a cleansing and purifying of the lung tissues.

Whole Charger Breath
Perform a succession of three powerful Charger Breaths. Inhale strongly and sharply through the nose, then exhale with similar vigour, evenness and maximum expulsion of air through the nose – except, this time, on the last repetition of the Charger Breath, the exhalation is to be performed through the mouth. To do this correctly, the lips should be compressed leaving only a very slight gap, virtually imperceptible to vision, through which air of the exhalation is allowed to escape. This has the effect of greatly slowing the last exhalation. The breath may be expelled by a kind of deliberate pressure, ie actually blowing out through the slight gap of the lips; or it may be allowed to ‘ease’ away of its own, the air being leaked very slowly and evenly by natural contraction of the abdomen and consequent deflation of the diaphragm without any deliberate ‘blowing’ on the part of the practitioner. The last breath makes the final series-exhalation especially slow; and it is only when the escaping air has left the lungs in their normally-relaxed state that deliberate expulsion of the remaining CO2 in the air sacs is called for, finishing off the final series-breath with a distinct, pressurized puff.
Perform several rounds of the three Whole-Charger-Breaths (series) as before, increasing the cluster size as before.
Remember: always breathe out through the mouth only on the last exhalation of the given series. There is no ‘count’ as in many breathing exercises, so don’t worry about measuring the inhalations and exhalations against each other according to some standardized ratio.
After practicing in the seated position several times during each day, you will have succeeded in pushing back the threshold of possible hyperventilation to the degree that you can perform the Whole-Charger-breath randomly, while walking, standing, etc. You should resort to this random charge-up often. You’ll find it makes you feel better in general, more alert and vigorous.
Whole-Charger-Breathing oxygenation of the system and ionization of the bloodstream generating a very rapid metabolic economy for overall, mind-body complex; through this deeper more integral economy (spontaneously powering a subtle shift in ratios-of-emphasis across the autonomic systems in favour of the parasympathetic, correspondent with the ideal value of Phi aligning subconscious current-centres in exact proportional equivalency with the Conscious axis from which they spring), a surplus ‘charge’ may be quickly accumulated at the vital-physical battery of the solar plexus. … That surplus charge in conjunction with the deeper metabolic economy, means proportionately less bioelectric energy need be invested in the hormonal and neurochemical cycles conventually claiming the available energy-capital; the surplus may be used to power glandular chemistries of a higher integral order, manufacturing hormonal keys to complex-dimensional ‘locks’ of the plexiform centres only present previously as dormant/pre-coded potential of the biogenetic pattern.
Unlocking of those threshold values of the multidimensional being, generates a progressively deeper (functional) congruence between subconscious systems patterning the mind/body networks, and the Conscious axis itself. Such a deeper, multidimensional and integration … imparts to the subconscious patterning (autonomic) greater available values of the Conscious axis (conscious systems), so that the essential indeterminacy belonging to void-consciousness allows for expanding elastic degrees of freedom in the variable patterning of memory-codes and subconscious circuits.

I use it myself, on and off, and it might be useful, or not, for other people whilst waiting for the 'Laura video'.

Thank you Laura for posting this latest C's material, it fits in neatly with Pop Historian's recent post's on CHANNEL STATIC 008 and 009 Passages from "Bringers of the Dawn".
Have I asked in the right way?

There's a "big" question I've wanted to ask for a long time now and this thread made me finally feel that now is the right time to ask it. Since I'm in a kind of "blue mood" today the matter may come out as "asking for sympathy", but that's not what I'm after. I just want to know how you guys see this and understand my/the situation better. So here goes:

Reading books by Laura (Wave and others), other recommended books and this forum is good, very helpful and has changed my life and viewing of life big time. However, I somehow feel like I'm "cheating" - reading brilliant books by brilliant researchers, but not "inventing" any stuff my self - the catalyst is always someone else. I mean, I would probably never have come to the idea of doing "critical channeling" and spending many years making it work, not to mention have the strength and wits to do it.

Laura, Ark and others have done so much, and as the C's have said, they've been through very difficult times, done a huge amount of work and asked in a right way (to get the chance to communicate with them) to gain the knowledge and experience they now have. So, my question really is this: Can I see myself having asked "the question" in a right way, since I've found you guys and learning all this great stuff (from you)? Those of us that don't have such brilliant minds and energy/drive to read through tons of research and books - are we just "taking a free ride" by reading e.g. The Wave?

To sum it up and to exaggerate: Who am I kidding? I'm just a opera singer who reads a lot of books...I'm not going to meet those great alchemist guys in the Pyrenees now am I?

Sorry feeling kind of depressed... :(
Cass session 3 March 2009 said:
Q: (Simon) Yeah. You have to ask something like: Was what he [Maharishi Mahesh Yogi ] was teaching beneficial to the increasing of knowledge?
A: No.

Q: (L) But that was your specific question: Was what he was teaching beneficial to the increasing of knowledge? (Craig) Is there any value in his particular angle, the revival of the ancient Vedic knowledge?
A: Yes.

Seems to me here is the Key, they said that it has a value to revive the ancient Vedic Knowledge.

Cass session 3 March 2009 said:
Q: (L) So, obviously there's a little more to this than meets the eye. (Craig) Is this continued in the right direction by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar?
A: No.

Q: (Craig) Is there a whole new direction by the work of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar?
A: Could be...

Q: (L) So what's this Sri Sri guy into? (Craig) He's [teaching "Art of Living" breathing/meditation]. Is this a worthwhile program for the benefit of mankind?
A: In certain respects, yes. But it is lacking balance.

Q: (Craig) Which area does balance need to be improved?
A: Remember that nearly the entire world was against the war over sixty years ago and it came nonetheless. Meditation to calm the mind and commune with higher realms will do nothing to balance this realm.

Q: (L) Clearly from my experience, meditation to master yourself and your reactions is a very beneficial thing.
A: Yes. But then what does one do with that mastery?

Q: (Craig) It serves to help people who don't know how to control their mind or their emotions.
A: Yes. And teach them when where and how to use those emotions for change. Overcoming emotions so that one is not affected by what is out there and inside is little more than becoming an automaton.

So maybe, the main aspect is that so far the ancient Vedic Knowledge has been used (for some) to calm and heal mind and body, and also to open a channel to the emotions letting them go (in order to walk in silence and calm while bombs are falling)
And that is I think the large error, for what the Cass said, seems that emotions are the tool to make changes, great changes, maybe we don't have to let them go, we have to master how to use them in each situation of this reality.

Cass said:
A: Yes. And teach them when where and how to use those emotions for change

I am precisely reading a book that is providing me a great insight on the importance of the ancient Vedic knowledge, The wisdom of non-duality, her author Monica Cavalle Doctor of Philosophy makes a great reflection compared between Nisargadatta and

Maybe it will be also interesting to acquire some knowledge of Vedic wisdom..
Re: Have I asked in the right way?

aragorn said:
There's a "big" question I've wanted to ask for a long time now and this thread made me finally feel that now is the right time to ask it. Since I'm in a kind of "blue mood" today the matter may come out as "asking for sympathy", but that's not what I'm after. I just want to know how you guys see this and understand my/the situation better. So here goes:

Reading books by Laura (Wave and others), other recommended books and this forum is good, very helpful and has changed my life and viewing of life big time. However, I somehow feel like I'm "cheating" - reading brilliant books by brilliant researchers, but not "inventing" any stuff my self - the catalyst is always someone else. I mean, I would probably never have come to the idea of doing "critical channeling" and spending many years making it work, not to mention have the strength and wits to do it.

Laura, Ark and others have done so much, and as the C's have said, they've been through very difficult times, done a huge amount of work and asked in a right way (to get the chance to communicate with them) to gain the knowledge and experience they now have. So, my question really is this: Can I see myself having asked "the question" in a right way, since I've found you guys and learning all this great stuff (from you)? Those of us that don't have such brilliant minds and energy/drive to read through tons of research and books - are we just "taking a free ride" by reading e.g. The Wave?

To sum it up and to exaggerate: Who am I kidding? I'm just a opera singer who reads a lot of books...I'm not going to meet those great alchemist guys in the Pyrenees now am I?

Sorry feeling kind of depressed... :(

Hi aragon

fwiw you probably shouldn't be apologising for feeling depressed (better to be accepting of your feelings than block them).

I've thought along the same lines recently, and came to the realisation that as we are all on different parts of the learning cycle it means that we may not actually have in our capacity to Do those creative things (yet?)....this is not a bad thing as long as you are learning :)

Two things came to mind that may be of help with regards your depression and feeling of 'cheating' (imbalance - which is actually a good sign that you recognise it!).

Depression As A Stepping Stone (to Soul Growth)

And this quote from the C's (

C's said:
It should be noted that the STS system can only be penetrated by becoming "wise as serpents and gentle as doves." There is nothing negative about networking. Details of a network include the necessity for those who are involved to invest "energy" in the exchange. If the individual comes upon the life work of another and expects to benefit and gain by that work, they will naturally wish to have their own position balanced by putting forth a commensurate amount of energy. Otherwise there will be an imbalance of energy. This then leads to an STS pyramid. An example of this principle in reverse is a teacher who demands payment for no real work on their own part.

The fact that both of you have devoted yourselves to this work for not just a short time, but literally your entire lives, and have not asked for the support that this intensive labor earns has, in effect, created an imbalance for those who are benefiting. Many of those who are experiencing blocks in their own lives would find those blockages dissolved by the action of opening the flow of energy in the exchange. In your world, money equals energy!!!
Having read this session I have to say that it reflects for me what began last week as a feeling of a serious shift in my personal universe. I will list my experience personally on another thread. It wouldn't fit hear except to say that things for me have become much more focused.

I have been practicing Yoga now for 18 years, teaching for 5. I have always been cautious about teaching Pranayama techniques because of my concern that they were very powerful tools and a feeling that I had not yet understood them fully enough to feel I could pass my knowledge on.

Thank goodness I waited! It seems that my instinct that they should be taken very seriously was right. I intend now to check out the Art of Living information and being based in he UK perhaps will find it easier than some people in other parts of the world.

I was interested to know if there were any links with the Kriya Yoga spoken of by Paramhansa Yogananda. His most well known book being "The Autobiography of a Yogi".

I will reread it now. I read it a few years ago, but I'd be interested in others ideas about this.

I feel quite low as other people on this thread have mentioned. As I've said before I have three young children, and five years isn't long enough for them to be able to attempt the work before the shift. I know all there is is lessons but wow! Its a big learning curve.
slowone said:
.I have been practicing Yoga now for 18 years, teaching for 5. I have always been cautious about teaching Pranayama techniques because of my concern that they were very powerful tools and a feeling that I had not yet understood them fully enough to feel I could pass my knowledge on.

Maybe you can give us some insight on the pranayama item, as why do you think is a very powerful tool and how can one benefit, I know you cannot write an experience of 18 years in a few words...but what about some relevant data to take into account...
I would like to 'remind' the following quote from G. regarding breathing practice:
ISOTM p393-5 in the pdf version said:
From among the talks of that time I particularly remember one which related to the methods of breathing and although this talk as well as many other things that were done then passed unnoticed, it showed the possibility of an entirely fresh point of view on the subject in question.

"Right exercises," G. said once, "which lead direct to the aim of mastering the organism and subjecting its conscious and unconscious functions to the will, begin with breathing exercises. Without mastering breathing nothing can be mastered. At the same time to master breathing is not so easy.

"You must realize that there are three kinds of breathing. One is normal breathing. The second is 'inflation.' The third is breathing assisted by movements.
What does this mean? It means that normal breathing goes on unconsciously, it is managed and controlled by the moving center. 'Inflation' is artificial breathing. If for instance a man says to himself that he will count ten inhaling and ten exhaling, or that he will inhale through the right nostril and exhale through the left—this is done by the formatory apparatus. And the breathing itself is different because the moving center and the formatory apparatus act through different groups of muscles. The group of muscles through which the moving center acts are neither accessible nor subordinate to the formatory apparatus. But in the event of a temporary stoppage of the moving center the formatory apparatus has been given a group of muscles which it can influence and with whose help it can set the breathing mechanism in motion. But its work will of course be worse than the work of the moving center and it cannot go on for long. You have read the book about 'yogi breathing,' you have heard or have also read about the special breathing connected with the 'mental prayer' in Orthodox monasteries. It is all one and the same thing. Breathing proceeding from the formatory apparatus is not breathing but 'inflation.' The idea is that if a man carries out this kind of breathing long enough and often enough through the formatory apparatus, the moving center which remains idle during this period can get tired of doing nothing and start working in 'imitation' of the formatory apparatus. And indeed this sometimes happens. But so that this should happen many conditions are necessary, fasting and prayer are necessary and little sleep and all kinds of difficulties and burdens for the body. If the body is well treated this cannot happen. You think there are no physical exercises in Orthodox monasteries? Well, you try to carry out one hundred prostrations according to all the rules. You will have an aching back that no kind of gymnastics could ever give.

"This all has one aim: to bring breathing into the right muscles, to hand it over to the moving center. And as I said, sometimes this is successful.
But there is always a big risk that the moving center will lose its habit of working properly, and since the formatory apparatus cannot work all the time, as for instance during sleep, and the moving center does not want to, then the machine can find itself in a very sorry situation. A man may even die from breathing having stopped. The disorganization of the functions of the machine through breathing exercises is almost inevitable when people try to do 'breathing exercises' from books by themselves without proper instruction. Many people used to come to me in Moscow who had completely disorganized right functioning of their machines by so-called 'yogi breathing' which they had learned from books. Books which recommend such exercises represent a great danger.

"The transition of breathing from the control of the formatory apparatus into the control of the moving center can never be attained by amateurs. For this transition to take place the organism must be brought to the last stage of intensity, but a man himself can never do this.

"But as I have already said, there is a third way—breathing through movements. This third way needs a great knowledge of the human machine and it is employed in schools directed by very learned people. In comparison all other methods are 'home made' and unreliable.

"The fundamental idea of this method consists in the fact that certain movements and postures can call forth any kind of breathing you like and it is also normal breathing, not 'inflation.' The difficulty is in knowing what movements and what postures will call forth certain kinds of breathing in what kind of people. This latter is particularly important because people from this point of view are divided into a certain number of definite types and each type should have its own definite movements to get one and the same breathing because the same movement produces different breathing with different types.

A man who knows the movement which will produce in himself one or another kind of breathing is already able to control his organism and is able at any moment he likes to set in motion one or another center or cause that part which is working to stop. Of course the knowledge of these movements and the ability to control them like everything else in the world has its degrees. A man can know more or less and make a better or a worse use of it. In the meantime it is important only to understand the principle.
It is exciting that we seem to have a valid instruction soon. ;)
But I would like to wait until the instruction will be shared (thanks to Laura and Craig!) properly because of this G's warning.

Another interesting observation was when I was practicing "Recapitulation" I verified the following (emphasized in bold):
Rauno said:
The next is a chapter from a strange book called "Encounters With Nagual" by Armando Torres

Carlos explained that this kind of breathing should be accompanied by a lateral movement of the head, which sorcerers call 'to fan the event'.

Somebody asked him if it is necessary to breathe from right to left or vice versa.

He answered:

"What does it matter? It is energy work; there is no fixed pattern. What counts is the intent. Breathe in when you try to recover something, and blow back all that doesn't belong to you. If you do that with the totality of your history, you will stop living entangled in a chain of memories and instead, you will be focused in the present. Seers describe that effect as facing facts as they are, or seeing time objectively."

They asked him what we have to do with our memories once we locate them; whether it means to examine them with some psychoanalytical method or something like that.

He answered:

"It is not necessary to do anything in particular. Memories will find their own course, and luminosity is reordered by itself through the breathing. Just try it, make yourself available; the spirit will tell you how to do it.
which seems to be connected to the following content of the session:

Session Date: June 9th 2009 said:
Q: (L) So, it's like one line of things they need to do, I think. Because it's clear to me that it's very helpful. But like they said earlier, you sweep the house out, and if you don't put something back in that's the right thing, then somebody else puts it in for you - like religion, society, television, whatever. (J) What specific aspect of what we were doing opened the portal to an alternate reality?

A: Releasing emotional blockages to awareness.

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