Session 10 December 2022

It seems like some of event would coming near future for some of people who ”those like the Rockefeller“,

Q: (Pierre) I had an analogy about that... …..Years ago, you referred to a triple bad day for the Rockefellers. In light of the recent revelation about pandemics and the real plague, that for those like the Rockefellers it will be a triple bad day: health-wise (real plague), finance-wise (real crisis), and social-wise (because they'll be hunted by the people when they finally figure out what is being done to them). Is it the meaning of Triple Bad Day?

A: Close. But, not only. Frequency mismatch will lead to many "smashing" events.

Q: (L) In other words, the frequency, the cosmic ray environment, or the frequency of the planet and our area of space-time is changing and they'll have like soul smashing events because they no longer fit?

A: Close.

Q: (Joe) Could that also mean that some particularly nasty people will attract smashing from space rocks?

A: Also possible!

Q: (Artemis) That reminds me of that thread where somebody reported things smashing and people were reporting things falling and breaking all over the place for them, too. Like the change in energies is activating a lot of psychic phenomena, or enhancing it.

(L) Well, this could also be kind of like that poor guy who got struck by lightning seven times. His DNA must have been his antenna that made him an attractor to lightning. Similar to that, some of these evil people may have DNA modifications because of their natures that make them also attractors to some as yet unknown energies or things.

A: Yes

Q: (Andromeda) So they've really got space rocks out there with their names on them?

A: Close

Q: (Pierre) About the lightning... An electromagnetic link that connects us to the information field... I'm wondering.

(Rancho Relaxo) There were 3 meteorites in the span on 3 weeks in November, one in northern California, another in Canada, near Lake Erie, and in Canary Islands shore. The one in northern California allegedly destroyed a house. If I remember correctly this is the first time we have had such a series of events in such a short time. Were these rocks from the Taurids?

A: Yes

Q: (Rancho Relaxo) And also, could we expect an increase in meteorites, and even bigger ones falling in populated areas?

A: Yes

And possibly all of other people in earth, who have chosen to become “Serve to Others” would receive the “Receivership Capability Abilities“?
Q: (L) PHEW! You also said there was gonna be a level playing field. Now, level in what sense?

A: Transitioning will give those humans with receivership capability "abilities." Also, as you noted the planet is being reduced to a rather primitive condition in many areas. The elite do not realize that this process has a domino effect and their money and "power" will be essentially worthless.
A big thanks for this really nice session.

Honestly, I felt sad when I read Laura's question about her living the changes. Why ? Because I suddenly thought that it's a life's work and a really powerful and important one, but also a really difficult one. When you think about all that she accomplished until now, about everything she gave to us and others, I would be sad if she couldn't see by her own eyes the changes that she has talked about for so many years, things that many of us are waiting.
So, I strongly thought "I hope she will live it as she really wants it and deserves it". Of course, I felt happy and relieved to read the C's' answer !

Anyway, after reading this part :
(Mrs. Peel) A while back the Powerball lottery in the US was up to a few BILLION dollars. Does/can STS make sure nobody who would make a huge donation to FOTCM would win any substantial amount of money? [laughter]
A: Yes
I finally found a possible reason that explains why I never win the lottery :-P
(Damn STS !!!)
Bingo! You have written so well what I think about every day. Yes indeed it creates a kind of paradox in my mind, a heartbeat that plays yo-yo inside and it's confusing. It's a balancing act. Every day I try to calm down the "most beautiful galactic adventure" facet to continue to stick to my daily life. The universe is mischievous and you have to play both sides all the time, staying connected to the matrix while being detached. A balancing act.

Agreed it's definitely a difficult situation, especially since everybody else isn't aware of what is bound to happen. I guess taking it day by day and not try to think way ahead is the only way to cope. But obviously, it's not easy, especially if all around you everybody keeps talking about the future and what they've planned!

In a way, the Covid-19 frenzy kind of helped me come to term with my mortality. Back then, I really thought that Covid was the harbinger for massive change and that 2020 would be the end of everything.

At first I was REALLY stressed out and would buy try to buy tons of food and build up reserves of essential stuff. I don't live alone. I live with relatives and at some point, it occurred to me that no matter how much food, medicine, and other essentials I gathered, if an apocalyptic scenario truly took place, there would never be enough. There would always come a day where the reserve would be empty, and this isn't taking into consideration the fact that in times of severe hardship many bad things can befall someone from thievery to weather issues to health issues and so on and so forth. It kind of highlighted to me the futility of stressing about the future and death and what not and I kind of developed a bit of "what will be, will be and you will deal with it when it comes".

Also, I think that the thread of what happen after death also helped me be at peace with potential death. The afterlife sounded kinda lit :).

I kind of got to the point where I thought that when it came down to it, although there were a few things that I would've liked to do in this life that I don't think I would get to do due to the timeline we're living in, my life's been decent and I've had fun. Also, as time went on and especially in the last couple of months, it just hit me that our world couldn't go on the way it's going. An end, the potential destruction of our world/ society just seemed like the logical conclusion of our age.

It's like people have lost their mind. I'm not talking about wokeness, but just generally. Everyone is obsessed with owning the other side, get their opinion out, endlessly debating trivial topics, publishing essays about unimportant things; it's like the entire world has lost sense of reality and what matters.

But on the flip side, unlike others on the forum who are kind of prepared (at peace) for the SHIFT/ apocalypse/ end of the world as we know it, I really don't want to live through that. Call it cowardice, but I imagine the bitter cold, the desperate hunger, the endless despair and hopelessness, not having electricity, the senseless violence that follows any major crisis, not knowing what any day could bring, and if I'm being honest, death sounds a lot better, especially since when I look at what's been said so far, it always sounded to me like our society wasn't going to survive anyway (and reincarnation would be the mean for the most evolved to experience a new realm). I'm not saying this in a doom and gloom sort of way, but more like genuinely, death sounds nice.

So in a way, it's not that I'm exactly desperate, but I'm like things are hard out there (at a personal level, 2022 especially ended on a good note, but was trying in many ways), life isn't easy peasy. I'm hustling, trying to stay above water, and all those efforts are going to end in terror, trauma and extreme suffering? And I get that there's meaning in suffering (on an intellectual level) and I get that all of us will be in the same boat, but I'm still lowkey resentful.

Also, a part of me is like, ok this world is gonna end, we've gotten hints that it's going to be sooner rather than later. Are we talking 5 or 10 years? 20 years?! Currently I'm single and don't have children. I'm happy that way. But I'm like say the end is coming, but it doesn't happen now but years down the line and life takes it course. Right now, you're single with no dependents, but can you guarantee that it'll stay the same forever? I really wouldn't want to face the end of the world, but also have kids that I would be responsible for (in particular toddlers/ very young kids because at this stage, it's mainly drudgery and the most difficult phase) and need to think about their survival while also deep down believing that none of us are meant to survive and not particularly wanting to be alive either. It would just feel like going through a lot of hardship for no reason. And to be completely honest, it's the main reason why I'm single and would rather remain single (but I might have been reluctant to the idea even without the global situation anyway). It just seems a lot easier and manageable emotionally speaking (and in a way physically too if we're facing the apocalypse, it's easier to feed a single mouth rather than several).

I know it sounds silly, and it probably is. But does anyone ever have similar thoughts??
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I know it sounds silly, and it probably is. But does anyone ever have similar thoughts??
Hello, Diana; this is the 1st time I've noticed you! And no, your thoughts aren't silly; I have similar ones. I'm older and very limited in what I can do, physically. Until the end of last summer, I depended on my son, who took over things I used to do...He's gone now and that could scare The hell outta me, but somehow, it does not.

I've been waiting a long time for these days to come, although who would have thought that it would be brought about thru the many absurdities we are witnessing?

My life has never been 'normal' and quite challenging. Over the decades, so much was stripped away, in belief and the physical. But I do believe this stripping away of nearly everything has made me better prepared physiologically for what is to come.

When my son would bring home the items from lists I made, I said one day to him, "You know, we'll never be able to prepare enough."

I also understand that we may see the day when hordes of scavengers and violent groups roaming will be the norm. I would not be able to survive a deep cold with lack of resources, power, etc....I don't fool myself on any of this.....Still, I have to acknowledge that I have emerged from challenging and even life threatening situations in my life....Something has always been behind the scenes bringing assistance, usually at the last moment...Over the years, I've learned to trust this.

I feel all so deeply, being able to tap into others' emotions individually and collectively, even their thoughts, so I've also become pretty much a hermit, before my mobility took its biggest dive. I don't want to see humanity suffer horrible ordeals, knowing what history has served up in the past...However, I have learned to dial down this ability I have, otherwise, it'd be too much to bear.

I'm ready to face death, if need be. Again, I have been prepared for this, sitting with others as they died and talking with them before their deaths. I am in this process with my 94 year old mum, right now, helping her ready for her transition.

I'm glad you posted your thoughts; it relieves some of the fear and inner tension, right? I felt a very nice connection with you and get that you will do fine in the future....💞

Edit for clarity
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I know it sounds silly, and it probably is. But does anyone ever have similar thoughts??
I have some similar thoughts as you but also other thoughts that differ.

For one, I’m highly grateful to have my life partner for support and have my back through hard times. We have different skills that compliment each other.

Also, there is a big difference between viewing impending doom and gloom on social media versus leaving one’s house and viewing true reality. Nature, life, beauty all around, I remind myself I’m so grateful to be alive to have this amazing opportunity to experience this life, it’s lessons, that being alive is such a gift. I thank the divine cosmic mind for this gift. That anchors me in the now not a potential apocalyptic future. That future is open but how I invest my energy in the now is most likely affecting what future will manifest.

Preparation can be fun, so many new skills to learn, remember learning is fun. Cultivate your creativity, could be anything from gardening, to woodworking, botanical identification/medicine etc. I’m having fun learning weaving and sewing. I’m even working on a business plan and project, a dream I’ve always had. I live on an island facing potential invasion and war on top of all the other impending chaos. Someone could say, What’s the point if everything will be burned to a crisp? Well, I don’t think there is a definite pre-determined ending. I might as well have fun and create all while I stare into the abyss, that’s my signal to the Universe, not fear but faith.

And if I am burned to a crisp or swallowed by a major earthquake, oh well so be it, onto the next adventure!

Or cultivate other arts, like music, painting or even cooking, all bring beauty and joy to others, brighten their day, help lighten other’s frequency.

Do I still have bouts of fear or a sense of impending doom? Yes. I had that last week, but I chose not to succumb to those feelings. I choose to use my free will to keep working on myself, my programs and swinging the pendulum away from that which stokes fear and bleakness towards gratitude and unconditional love for life and creation.

It’s hard. The more I learn about the truth of our reality, even my own ignorance on all things, it’s so hard. But maybe it’s just a quirk of my own but I refuse to give up the idea that there is a way forward to be forged towards light and a better world after the old has been cleansed, balance.

People who are still attached to the hierarchical materialism programming of this STS realm will have trouble letting go. We all have these programs, connected to what we believe our lives should look like, careers and relationship goals.

If we’re frozen in fear of the future then we’re wasting precious time, which in a way sounds like a STS trap to me. So why not choose to defy the fear or bleakness? That defiance will look different to each of us. It’s that defiance that makes us human, unpredictable and can potentially seed a different timeline. Is this wishful thinking or faith? I don’t know, I’m chooing to believe it’s faith, as the Cs say, Wait and see! 😆
I have some similar thoughts as you but also other thoughts that differ.

For one, I’m highly grateful to have my life partner for support and have my back through hard times. We have different skills that compliment each other.

Also, there is a big difference between viewing impending doom and gloom on social media versus leaving one’s house and viewing true reality. Nature, life, beauty all around, I remind myself I’m so grateful to be alive to have this amazing opportunity to experience this life, it’s lessons, that being alive is such a gift. I thank the divine cosmic mind for this gift. That anchors me in the now not a potential apocalyptic future. That future is open but how I invest my energy in the now is most likely affecting what future will manifest.

Preparation can be fun, so many new skills to learn, remember learning is fun. Cultivate your creativity, could be anything from gardening, to woodworking, botanical identification/medicine etc. I’m having fun learning weaving and sewing. I’m even working on a business plan and project, a dream I’ve always had. I live on an island facing potential invasion and war on top of all the other impending chaos. Someone could say, What’s the point if everything will be burned to a crisp? Well, I don’t think there is a definite pre-determined ending. I might as well have fun and create all while I stare into the abyss, that’s my signal to the Universe, not fear but faith.

And if I am burned to a crisp or swallowed by a major earthquake, oh well so be it, onto the next adventure!

Or cultivate other arts, like music, painting or even cooking, all bring beauty and joy to others, brighten their day, help lighten other’s frequency.

Do I still have bouts of fear or a sense of impending doom? Yes. I had that last week, but I chose not to succumb to those feelings. I choose to use my free will to keep working on myself, my programs and swinging the pendulum away from that which stokes fear and bleakness towards gratitude and unconditional love for life and creation.

It’s hard. The more I learn about the truth of our reality, even my own ignorance on all things, it’s so hard. But maybe it’s just a quirk of my own but I refuse to give up the idea that there is a way forward to be forged towards light and a better world after the old has been cleansed, balance.

People who are still attached to the hierarchical materialism programming of this STS realm will have trouble letting go. We all have these programs, connected to what we believe our lives should look like, careers and relationship goals.

If we’re frozen in fear of the future then we’re wasting precious time, which in a way sounds like a STS trap to me. So why not choose to defy the fear or bleakness? That defiance will look different to each of us. It’s that defiance that makes us human, unpredictable and can potentially seed a different timeline. Is this wishful thinking or faith? I don’t know, I’m chooing to believe it’s faith, as the Cs say, Wait and see! 😆
I think there is no fixed date for the transition to 4d but I guess it is gradual and we should be noticing certain changes as we look younger we have telepathy and other series of capabilities (physical variables)...Laura and Ark are younger? Or will it be all at once? It will be gradual I think
So why not choose to defy the fear or bleakness? That defiance will look different to each of us. It’s that defiance that makes us human, unpredictable and can potentially seed a different timeline. Is this wishful thinking or faith? I don’t know, I’m chooing to believe it’s faith, as the Cs say, Wait and see! 😆
Great response Candice,
I think many, if not all of us can agree that it’s hard facing the condition of the reality we are embedded in and some days it’s only mental discipline that can defy the programming.
@DianaRose94 on the rough days just show up for yourself anyway, other days won’t be so hard. But just do it, and read the words that resonate truth and bring you some lightness every day or hour if you need to.
Ce serait juste comme traverser beaucoup de difficultés sans raison. Et pour être tout à fait honnête, c'est la principale raison pour laquelle je suis célibataire et que je préfère le rester (mais j'aurais peut-être été réticent à l'idée même sans la situation mondiale de toute façon). Cela semble juste beaucoup plus facile et gérable émotionnellement parlant (et d'une certaine manière physiquement aussi si nous sommes confrontés à l'apocalypse, il est plus facile de nourrir une seule bouche plutôt que plusieurs).
It is the attachment to the mechanisms of the matrix that creates withdrawal and fear. This is a shame. Don't hesitate to open yourself to all the good things that life has to offer. Our children were incarnated to live the same thing as us. We are the precious witnesses of a great revelation that implies detachment from all that is dear to us. This is for me the greatest of alchemies.
Agreed it's definitely a difficult situation, especially since everybody else isn't aware of what is bound to happen. I guess taking it day by day and not try to think way ahead is the only way to cope. But obviously, it's not easy, especially if all around you everybody keeps talking about the future and what they've planned!

In a way, the Covid-19 frenzy kind of helped me come to term with my mortality. Back then, I really thought that Covid was the harbinger for massive change and that 2020 would be the end of everything.

At first I was REALLY stressed out and would buy try to buy tons of food and build up reserves of essential stuff. I don't live alone. I live with relatives and at some point, it occurred to me that no matter how much food, medicine, and other essentials I gathered, if an apocalyptic scenario truly took place, there would never be enough. There would always come a day where the reserve would be empty, and this isn't taking into consideration the fact that in times of severe hardship many bad things can befall someone from thievery to weather issues to health issues and so on and so forth. It kind of highlighted to me the futility of stressing about the future and death and what not and I kind of developed a bit of "what will be, will be and you will deal with it when it comes".

Also, I think that the thread of what happen after death also helped me be at peace with potential death. The afterlife sounded kinda lit :).

I kind of got to the point where I thought that when it came down to it, although there were a few things that I would've liked to do in this life that I don't think I would get to do due to the timeline we're living in, my life's been decent and I've had fun. Also, as time went on and especially in the last couple of months, it just hit me that our world couldn't go on the way it's going. An end, the potential destruction of our world/ society just seemed like the logical conclusion of our age.

It's like people have lost their mind. I'm not talking about wokeness, but just generally. Everyone is obsessed with owning the other side, get their opinion out, endlessly debating trivial topics, publishing essays about unimportant things; it's like the entire world has lost sense of reality and what matters.

But on the flip side, unlike others on the forum who are kind of prepared (at peace) for the SHIFT/ apocalypse/ end of the world as we know it, I really don't want to live through that. Call it cowardice, but I imagine the bitter cold, the desperate hunger, the endless despair and hopelessness, not having electricity, the senseless violence that follows any major crisis, not knowing what any day could bring, and if I'm being honest, death sounds a lot better, especially since when I look at what's been said so far, it always sounded to me like our society wasn't going to survive anyway (and reincarnation would be the mean for the most evolved to experience a new realm). I'm not saying this in a doom and gloom sort of way, but more like genuinely, death sounds nice.

So in a way, it's not that I'm exactly desperate, but I'm like things are hard out there (at a personal level, 2022 especially ended on a good note, but was trying in many ways), life isn't easy peasy. I'm hustling, trying to stay above water, and all those efforts are going to end in terror, trauma and extreme suffering? And I get that there's meaning in suffering (on an intellectual level) and I get that all of us will be in the same boat, but I'm still lowkey resentful.

Also, a part of me is like, ok this world is gonna end, we've gotten hints that it's going to be sooner rather than later. Are we talking 5 or 10 years? 20 years?! Currently I'm single and don't have children. I'm happy that way. But I'm like say the end is coming, but it doesn't happen now but years down the line and life takes it course. Right now, you're single with no dependents, but can you guarantee that it'll stay the same forever? I really wouldn't want to face the end of the world, but also have kids that I would be responsible for (in particular toddlers/ very young kids because at this stage, it's mainly drudgery and the most difficult phase) and need to think about their survival while also deep down believing that none of us are meant to survive and not particularly wanting to be alive either. It would just feel like going through a lot of hardship for no reason. And to be completely honest, it's the main reason why I'm single and would rather remain single (but I might have been reluctant to the idea even without the global situation anyway). It just seems a lot easier and manageable emotionally speaking (and in a way physically too if we're facing the apocalypse, it's easier to feed a single mouth rather than several).

I know it sounds silly, and it probably is. But does anyone ever have similar thoughts??
I feel the same from time to time. When you think about apocalyptic future’s, it can feel like what’s the point.
I do plan for the future but really try not to obsess about it. Each payday I’ll buy something that I think will help, like extra food or a bit of silver or extra firewood. Something that my future self might be grateful for.
Then I just go about my life as normal as I can. Try and stay fit and healthy and pray for guidance. And limit my time on twitter 😂
It is the attachment to the mechanisms of the matrix that creates withdrawal and fear. Don't hesitate to open yourself to all the good things that life has to offer. Our children were incarnated to live the same thing as us. We are the precious witnesses of a great revelation that implies detachment from all that is dear to us. This is for me the greatest of alchemies.
Machine translation is complicated! and distorts what I meant. it's not a shame, it's a trap.
Just finished Graham Hancock's recent Apocalypse series last night... And I thought, "Hmm, things are about to get 'rocky' soon... like living in an underground lair carved out of rock??" And then I thought, "Well, we wouldn't have to worry about heating/cooling fuel costs... I wonder if they'll hook up fiber internet underground?"
If you can dig 1km deep, you can live comfortably at around 70F all year round. But would you
be really willing to do that? Nothing to see down there, no air to breathe...
I am sure we can do much better. Of course lot of preparation is necessary if we wish to be
successful. Or do you have it all figured out?

Do you have alternatives for electricity/light, gas/heat, water, food, and of course for all
the accoutrements of everyday life which make your life more comfortable and more bearable?
And if you think you have, it is good to not only assume, but to also make practice run to see
how long you can truly last. This way you can gradually improve on what you already have.

The possibilities are limited only by your knowledge and awareness. What you can design is
only limited by your intellect. So can we do it properly this time and design alternatives
that are safe and robust?
The darkness will take any opportunity to harm us, so it is best to not create such

We can pass through the darkness ahead with flying colors if we take the preparations
seriously. Still, all of it is meaningless if we forget about others...
Is Artemis better?
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