Session 10 December 2022

Q: (L) Were the Elohim 'good guys?'

A: First manifestation was human, then non-human.

Q: (L) Are they light beings as some people say?

A: Vague.

Q: (L) Well, what brought about their transformation from huma to non-human?

A: Pact or covenant.

Q: (L) They made a pact or covenant with each other?

A: No, with 4th density STS.

Q: (L) Well, that is not good! Are you saying that the Elohim are STS? Who were these STS beings they made a pact with?

A: Rosteem, now manifests as Rosicrucians.
So does the transformation to non-human mean, or could include transfer to 4th density? The Elohim graduated to 4th density STS either as humans or something else? Are there Rosteem/Rosicrucians now in 4th density? Do they have any agency/power or are they dupes, or soldiers, or slaves? These are some questions that seem appropriate, I will be doing my own research and looking for threads to pull on in this area. Any Ideas?
Q: (Joe) Where are they getting alien speech from?

A: Interactions with "aliens".

Q: (L) So they have interactions with aliens now?

A: Yes and are at disadvantage.

Q: (Joe) According to the C's and other sources, they've been talking to aliens for quite a long time. So...?

A: Yes but aliens can talk to each other and exclude humans thereby concealing intentions and plans.

Something I don’t understand is that if there was/is a world government (perhaps as they said, less stronger now) but, weren’t they in contact with STS 4D already? What’s the difference now?
Something I don’t understand is that if there was/is a world government (perhaps as they said, less stronger now) but, weren’t they in contact with STS 4D already? What’s the difference now?
Perhaps the quality of their conversation has changed. Seems they are sort of intermarrying and creating bonds like mafiosos. The better they know each other the more intrigue.
Something I don’t understand is that if there was/is a world government (perhaps as they said, less stronger now) but, weren’t they in contact with STS 4D already? What’s the difference now?
I think that it may be because now a lot of really big stuff is close ( earth changes, etc. ) and perhaps some of the advice from 4D STS could be pretty outrageous or strange and that makes the trust level go down even more.
I think that it may be because now a lot of really big stuff is close ( earth changes, etc. ) and perhaps some of the advice from 4D STS could be pretty outrageous or strange and that makes the trust level go down even more.
When one thinks that he is a powerful person, with stupendous gods who are partners in achieving wonderful things...

What a chill down the spine, when they begin to see, that in the end they can be simple pawns, that they are going to be sacrificed as if they were a simple object.

What a terrible suspicion!
I think that it may be because now a lot of really big stuff is close ( earth changes, etc. ) and perhaps some of the advice from 4D STS could be pretty outrageous or strange and that makes the trust level go down even more.

When one thinks that he is a powerful person, with stupendous gods who are partners in achieving wonderful things...

What a chill down the spine, when they begin to see, that in the end they can be simple pawns, that they are going to be sacrificed as if they were a simple object.

What a terrible suspicion!

But do you know we are toy soldiers? What can you say about us?

step by step
heart to heart
left right left
we all fall down
like toy soldiers

bit by bit
torn apart
we never stop
as the battle wages on
for toy soldiers;-)
There was a time when I was reading the Nexus magazine, as well as the Morphéus one, it is in the latter that I discovered Denis Roger Denocla, I was not too interested in his works, and thus did not dig the subject at all, but for curious people I leave links to be taken with tweezers.
A presentation of his work, videos in French/English/Spanish.
Denis Roger DENOCLA – Le Savoir pour qui ? Le Savoir pourquoi ?

I think the Ummite topic was talked about earlier in this thread here by @Tomek on page 6. According to the Cs it was a 3D experiment.

If you found this already sorry for the duplication.
Above, aliens is in quotation marks
Is it "aliens" to distinguish them from other aliens, or is it to indicate they are not really that alien, but alien to us?
May be they are projections of 4D STS. In another session, they said, 4D STS shape shift to a presentable form to avoid the freak out of human participants.
In Session 7 March 1995 the Elohim of the Bible were brought up. Apparently they were human then non-human/alien:

"As yet unrevealable to you" was 28 years ago. Maybe one could ask the Cs on this topic again?
probably it is a good idea. This reminded me of the underground race( that can live in 3 and 4 D's with ease) and many possibilities with people that are taken to other realms for different purposes - Mayans, Indus valley civilization, Angkor Wat etc.
I wish to express the most profound gratitude towards Laura and all the people around her, and to every member of this forum. It is truly a blessing that we have access to this forum and all that that entails.

I'm feeling like I have so much catching up to do and so little time. Which is funny as time doesn't exist, so why am I stressing?

Some days ago, the day of the world cup final, I went out to smoke a cigarette late at night and as I looked up towards the Cassiopaea constellation, a bright flash appeared in the middle of the more equilateral triangle (where Jesus' heart is, when the constellation is overlaid on the Last Supper, as in SHOTW). It looked like a flashlight (a cosmic one) fading on and off. It lasted for about half a second.

Thanks to the information on this forum I've learned not to jump (at least not as frequently) to conclusions, so even if my initial reaction was to express gratitude that I had received a confirmation of sorts, I afterwards also played with the idea that perhaps it could have been a 4dSTS-induced flash in the heavens I saw. Who knows..

Personally I'm noticing the glass ceiling as it was mentioned in another session in regards to intestinal parasites/micro-organisms. We've been trying different remedies (black walnut, over-the-counter dewormer, different oils such as oregano and black cumin seed) but those pesky bastards seem to be really hard to get rid off. Also researching it online yields conflicting results, as a lot of it contradicts what this forum proposes to be an optimal diet.

Would eliminating carbs completely be able to by itself stop the infestation? I've searched the forum but can't seem to find a thread that would be specifically dedicated to getting rid of them, if someone knows of such a thread it would be appreciated if you could point me in that direction.
MatiaS, this product has great reviews, and I recommend:
Agreed it's definitely a difficult situation, especially since everybody else isn't aware of what is bound to happen. I guess taking it day by day and not try to think way ahead is the only way to cope. But obviously, it's not easy, especially if all around you everybody keeps talking about the future and what they've planned!

In a way, the Covid-19 frenzy kind of helped me come to term with my mortality. Back then, I really thought that Covid was the harbinger for massive change and that 2020 would be the end of everything.

At first I was REALLY stressed out and would buy try to buy tons of food and build up reserves of essential stuff. I don't live alone. I live with relatives and at some point, it occurred to me that no matter how much food, medicine, and other essentials I gathered, if an apocalyptic scenario truly took place, there would never be enough. There would always come a day where the reserve would be empty, and this isn't taking into consideration the fact that in times of severe hardship many bad things can befall someone from thievery to weather issues to health issues and so on and so forth. It kind of highlighted to me the futility of stressing about the future and death and what not and I kind of developed a bit of "what will be, will be and you will deal with it when it comes".

Also, I think that the thread of what happen after death also helped me be at peace with potential death. The afterlife sounded kinda lit :).

I kind of got to the point where I thought that when it came down to it, although there were a few things that I would've liked to do in this life that I don't think I would get to do due to the timeline we're living in, my life's been decent and I've had fun. Also, as time went on and especially in the last couple of months, it just hit me that our world couldn't go on the way it's going. An end, the potential destruction of our world/ society just seemed like the logical conclusion of our age.

It's like people have lost their mind. I'm not talking about wokeness, but just generally. Everyone is obsessed with owning the other side, get their opinion out, endlessly debating trivial topics, publishing essays about unimportant things; it's like the entire world has lost sense of reality and what matters.

But on the flip side, unlike others on the forum who are kind of prepared (at peace) for the SHIFT/ apocalypse/ end of the world as we know it, I really don't want to live through that. Call it cowardice, but I imagine the bitter cold, the desperate hunger, the endless despair and hopelessness, not having electricity, the senseless violence that follows any major crisis, not knowing what any day could bring, and if I'm being honest, death sounds a lot better, especially since when I look at what's been said so far, it always sounded to me like our society wasn't going to survive anyway (and reincarnation would be the mean for the most evolved to experience a new realm). I'm not saying this in a doom and gloom sort of way, but more like genuinely, death sounds nice.

So in a way, it's not that I'm exactly desperate, but I'm like things are hard out there (at a personal level, 2022 especially ended on a good note, but was trying in many ways), life isn't easy peasy. I'm hustling, trying to stay above water, and all those efforts are going to end in terror, trauma and extreme suffering? And I get that there's meaning in suffering (on an intellectual level) and I get that all of us will be in the same boat, but I'm still lowkey resentful.

Also, a part of me is like, ok this world is gonna end, we've gotten hints that it's going to be sooner rather than later. Are we talking 5 or 10 years? 20 years?! Currently I'm single and don't have children. I'm happy that way. But I'm like say the end is coming, but it doesn't happen now but years down the line and life takes it course. Right now, you're single with no dependents, but can you guarantee that it'll stay the same forever? I really wouldn't want to face the end of the world, but also have kids that I would be responsible for (in particular toddlers/ very young kids because at this stage, it's mainly drudgery and the most difficult phase) and need to think about their survival while also deep down believing that none of us are meant to survive and not particularly wanting to be alive either. It would just feel like going through a lot of hardship for no reason. And to be completely honest, it's the main reason why I'm single and would rather remain single (but I might have been reluctant to the idea even without the global situation anyway). It just seems a lot easier and manageable emotionally speaking (and in a way physically too if we're facing the apocalypse, it's easier to feed a single mouth rather than several).

I know it sounds silly, and it probably is. But does anyone ever have similar thoughts??
DianaRose, your thoughts are understandable and, of course not, "silly." I just want to add that, for me, having my two children has been the most fulfilling thing Ever in my life. The moment I first held them and gazed into their sweet eyes, was like being in God's presence. I was propelled - no, hurtled, into the deepest appreciation of life. To this day, when either of them come into the room, my heart feels warmer and peaceful. With each pregnancy, undoubtedly, there were the concerns, the "what-ifs" - What if we can't feed them, shelter them? are lousy parents? The world ends?? But what if they are a soul hanging out around us waiting to incarnate? Are here to help usher in a new world? To fulfill a grand new destiny?? Should we not aid them in the process of incarnation? I believe that when we go strongly into life, life helps to light the way, and provide the tools we need for survival. Ya know what? Retrospectively, the "worst" of it all, their growing up, had a Lot to do with bad pharma for both girls. If only I knew then what I know now. Knowledge truly protects.

Best wishes to you :)
DianaRose, your thoughts are understandable and, of course not, "silly." I just want to add that, for me, having my two children has been the most fulfilling thing Ever in my life. The moment I first held them and gazed into their sweet eyes, was like being in God's presence. I was propelled - no, hurtled, into the deepest appreciation of life. To this day, when either of them come into the room, my heart feels warmer and peaceful. With each pregnancy, undoubtedly, there were the concerns, the "what-ifs" - What if we can't feed them, shelter them? are lousy parents? The world ends?? But what if they are a soul hanging out around us waiting to incarnate? Are here to help usher in a new world? To fulfill a grand new destiny?? Should we not aid them in the process of incarnation? I believe that when we go strongly into life, life helps to light the way, and provide the tools we need for survival. Ya know what? Retrospectively, the "worst" of it all, their growing up, had a Lot to do with bad pharma for both girls. If only I knew then what I know now. Knowledge truly protects.

Best wishes to you :)
"It's the end of the world as we know it..And I feel fine" - R.E.M.
Agreed it's definitely a difficult situation, especially since everybody else isn't aware of what is bound to happen. I guess taking it day by day and not try to think way ahead is the only way to cope. But obviously, it's not easy, especially if all around you everybody keeps talking about the future and what they've planned!

In a way, the Covid-19 frenzy kind of helped me come to term with my mortality. Back then, I really thought that Covid was the harbinger for massive change and that 2020 would be the end of everything.

At first I was REALLY stressed out and would buy try to buy tons of food and build up reserves of essential stuff. I don't live alone. I live with relatives and at some point, it occurred to me that no matter how much food, medicine, and other essentials I gathered, if an apocalyptic scenario truly took place, there would never be enough. There would always come a day where the reserve would be empty, and this isn't taking into consideration the fact that in times of severe hardship many bad things can befall someone from thievery to weather issues to health issues and so on and so forth. It kind of highlighted to me the futility of stressing about the future and death and what not and I kind of developed a bit of "what will be, will be and you will deal with it when it comes".

Also, I think that the thread of what happen after death also helped me be at peace with potential death. The afterlife sounded kinda lit :).

I kind of got to the point where I thought that when it came down to it, although there were a few things that I would've liked to do in this life that I don't think I would get to do due to the timeline we're living in, my life's been decent and I've had fun. Also, as time went on and especially in the last couple of months, it just hit me that our world couldn't go on the way it's going. An end, the potential destruction of our world/ society just seemed like the logical conclusion of our age.

It's like people have lost their mind. I'm not talking about wokeness, but just generally. Everyone is obsessed with owning the other side, get their opinion out, endlessly debating trivial topics, publishing essays about unimportant things; it's like the entire world has lost sense of reality and what matters.

But on the flip side, unlike others on the forum who are kind of prepared (at peace) for the SHIFT/ apocalypse/ end of the world as we know it, I really don't want to live through that. Call it cowardice, but I imagine the bitter cold, the desperate hunger, the endless despair and hopelessness, not having electricity, the senseless violence that follows any major crisis, not knowing what any day could bring, and if I'm being honest, death sounds a lot better, especially since when I look at what's been said so far, it always sounded to me like our society wasn't going to survive anyway (and reincarnation would be the mean for the most evolved to experience a new realm). I'm not saying this in a doom and gloom sort of way, but more like genuinely, death sounds nice.

So in a way, it's not that I'm exactly desperate, but I'm like things are hard out there (at a personal level, 2022 especially ended on a good note, but was trying in many ways), life isn't easy peasy. I'm hustling, trying to stay above water, and all those efforts are going to end in terror, trauma and extreme suffering? And I get that there's meaning in suffering (on an intellectual level) and I get that all of us will be in the same boat, but I'm still lowkey resentful.

Also, a part of me is like, ok this world is gonna end, we've gotten hints that it's going to be sooner rather than later. Are we talking 5 or 10 years? 20 years?! Currently I'm single and don't have children. I'm happy that way. But I'm like say the end is coming, but it doesn't happen now but years down the line and life takes it course. Right now, you're single with no dependents, but can you guarantee that it'll stay the same forever? I really wouldn't want to face the end of the world, but also have kids that I would be responsible for (in particular toddlers/ very young kids because at this stage, it's mainly drudgery and the most difficult phase) and need to think about their survival while also deep down believing that none of us are meant to survive and not particularly wanting to be alive either. It would just feel like going through a lot of hardship for no reason. And to be completely honest, it's the main reason why I'm single and would rather remain single (but I might have been reluctant to the idea even without the global situation anyway). It just seems a lot easier and manageable emotionally speaking (and in a way physically too if we're facing the apocalypse, it's easier to feed a single mouth rather than several).

I know it sounds silly, and it probably is. But does anyone ever have similar thoughts??
I also have similar thoughts Diana. During COVID I really thought the unvaxinated would end up in ghettos, the population was too hysterical to do anything if it had happened. I was preparing myself to die.

I also have a bit of food and medecine saved for rainy days, but it will never be enough to keep us safe for more than a few weeks. I bought warm clothes for me and my family, I plan to buy a bit of silver and gold if I can afford it, I try to keep myself healthy, but that's about all I can do in terms of preparations for the moment.

I accepted that I might not live to be old, that I may not have a child or see this new world. I mean I don't know how to live without civilisation and I know what happens to too many women and girls in times of turmoil.

But it's also liberating because like you said, death, especially if it's quick, is not the worst thing that can happen to you. So many people around the world accept the unacceptable because they are afraid to die, but we will die anyway. I really realised I was going to die one day, and it made me want to live this life to the fullest, because I realised it wasn't a given, this life is an opportunity and I want to make the most of it.

So, this world as we know it is ending, and I'd be surprised it lasts for more than a decade, but for the time that is given to us, we can make a small difference to those around us, we can still love and share and discover and have gratitude. There's not much else we can do.
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A: Transitioning will give those humans with receivership capability "abilities." Also, as you noted the planet is being reduced to a rather primitive condition in many areas. The elite do not realize that this process has a domino effect and their money and "power" will be essentially worthless.

This is an important point: The C has mentioned this numerous time the earliest around two decades ago (forgot what date) when she told laura to slow down because she is missing the lessons of life. If I recall C told us to smell the flower, breath the fresh air, basically having that feeling of being one with the universe. We live in a modern society where our sensory are overstimulated by technology, noise, polution, smell, our constant self talk/thinking that prevent us to be perceptive/aware of our surrounding let alone being connected to the source/ether. Simpler lifestyle will enhance your connection to the source (PS: To Scott: self respecting caveman don't use high tech gadget/internet, please read your idiot's guide to caveman living carefully). Spare few moment of your day to meditate/empty your mind as it work wonder to increase your frequency/inner peace. The higher your frequency the more psychic abilities you get.
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