Session 10 December 2022

Mille MERCIS à Laura, Andromeda, Chu et tous ceux du Château, aux Cassiopéens d'avoir partagé vos connaissances et cette session...
Cela fait peur mais continuons à avoir une confiance et une foi absolues dans le Divin Esprit Cosmique quoi qu'il arrive...
Je vous souhaite un Joyeux Noël à tous, restez forts et lumineux...

THANKS to Laura, Andromeda, Chu and all the Castle, Cassiopaeans for sharing your knowledge and this session...
It is scary but let's continue to have absolute trust and faith in the Divine Cosmic Spirit no matter what...
I wish you all a Merry Christmas, stay strong and bright...
I was under the impression that alien to alien communication was telepathic in the form of ideas and concepts, and while I suspected there was a verbal component if they wanted to sing or needed to interact with some technology sonically, it was certainly the lesser part. Outside of certain limited circumstances, I don't understand why 4D STS would use vastly less efficient verbal communication. Now if the AI is intended to decode some kind of consciousness waves, then it makes a little more sense, and it would explain why there is such a fascination to make neural machine interfaces among the PTB. The AI would have no thoughts of its own, and would simply be recording information for later retrieval by the PTB. I seriously doubt 4D STS would be caught unawares by this little scheme and not already taken countermeasures.

Maybe it's a constraint of them being in 3D form in order to have these meetings? They're talking in English to their human interlocutors, but then want to speak to each other, in the moment, in a way that the humans can't understand, but are forced to stick to the same physical apparatus to do so.

The Cassiopaeans' choice of the word "rocky" certainly implies comets, to which I say bring it, but idiomatically rocky can refer to any hard or difficult situation, so I wonder if there's any nuance behind their word choice or they're just kind of teasing us.

As always! But not really teasing, just keeping it 'open'. Rocky can, as you say, mean a lot of things, from the literal 'rocks' to anything that creates a metaphorical 'bumpy ride' for the experiencer.
It never occurred to me that the continental science was wrong.

Yeah, me neither, until I was looking at those maps of of previous eras and thinking about Atlantis and the evidence that the Younger-Dryas event was a really serious global cataclysm that seems to have pretty much wiped out almost everything (see Graham Hancock's recent Apocalypse series for e.g.). I posted about it here.

I figured that such an event would likely have rearranged the landmasses to some extent. The Cs said that those maps are more reflective of the landmasses 70K years ago, so the YD didn't create such a radical rearrangement, but I'd say it did change it quite a lot. I'd say that some parts of the global empire called "Atlantis", possibly in the mid Atlantic, sank. Also "Lemuria" in the South Pacific (a remnant being Easter Island) seems to have sunk. Probably quite a few other risings and sinkings in other areas around the world too.
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Just finished Graham Hancock's recent Apocalypse series last night... And I thought, "Hmm, things are about to get 'rocky' soon... like living in an underground lair carved out of rock??" And then I thought, "Well, we wouldn't have to worry about heating/cooling fuel costs... I wonder if they'll hook up fiber internet underground?"
Eskerik asko saioa itzultzeagatik. Baski
Hvala za prevod sesije. Srbski
Thanks for translating the session.

Harria zerutik dator. Baski
Kamen dolazi sa neba. Srbski
The stone comes from the sky.

Hasierak bere amaiera du, amaierak bere hasiera du. Baski
Početak ima svoj kraj, kraj ima svoj početak. Srbski
The beginning has its end, the end has its beginning.

Ezagutzak salbatzen du,
hondamendirako ekarpenak baztertuz. Baski
Znanje spašava,
ignorisanje vodi u katastrofu. Srbski
Knowledge saves, ignoring leads to disaster.

Eskerrik asko existitzeagatik. Maite zaitut. Baski
Hvala vam što postojite. Volim vas. Srbski
Thank you for existing. I love you.
Thank You all for the new session!

Telepathic communication might work a lot like pictograms, runes or even artwork. A symbol or scene that information can be compressed and then extracted like a zip file on computers.

Best Wishes to Ark on your endeavors.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!
Thank you for sharing this amazing session.
There's a lot to think about, and I'll wait for a French translation before reading it again for clarity. Everything really seems to be speeding up and I don't know if I should be happy or worried about it. I feel both feelings at the same time.
Merry Christmas and New Year everyone. May we all come back at the beginning of 2023 even wiser, stronger and more aware to face what lies ahead.
Gracias al equipo de Chateau por compartir esta increíble sesión. Feliz Navidad

[Translated by Mod:] Thanks to the Chateau team for sharing this incredible session. Merry Christmas.
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What an amazing session!
I was left with a double feeling. On the one hand, I am thrilled to see such a grand scenario unfold before our eyes. I might get to see Nemesis, which doesn't happen very often at all. The next time will be 27 million years away. Now that's rare luck! 😅
On the other hand, anxiety fills my heart. Whether I will be able to cope with the trials, whether I will be able to walk the path I was meant to walk, whether I will be able to help my loved ones.
It saddens me also that many good people around me continue to be under their own illusions about the surrounding reality (covid, politics, etc.) They cannot even now discover the obvious lies in front of their noses. Then what happens when the "good aliens" and the "harmless comet" show up?🤦‍♀️
Thank you DCM for giving us the opportunity to see, know and do!🌟
Thank you so much to our lighthouse: Laura and Andromeda, C's, the Chateau team and all, community members.❤️
(Joe) Would it be true to say that at these meetings, the aliens are presenting themselves and their agenda as benevolent to the humans involved?

A: More or less, yes.

Q: (L) So, all the things that they're talking about: needing to save the planet, something dreadful... I mean, maybe Bill Gates actually believes that you need to put stuff in the atmosphere to shield us from the sun because we really are gonna fry because... Maybe some of them REALLY believe that! Maybe they've been told...

(Joe) Or is the basic premise of these meetings between humans and aliens that the planet is going to go through a transition? Cataclysms coming up, planet's gonna be destroyed...?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) And we need to prepare, and here's what you have to do. And they're attempting to guide the elite at these meetings...

A: Yes
Maybe that's why they are already preparing?

Catastrophic Contagion 2025 - Mark the Date, and Be Ready!​

Are you ready for the next big plandemic?
Ivor Cummins video on the recent (Oct 2022) conference, which included our friend Mr Gates
Do they know something we don't?
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone!🎄☃️✨
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