Session 10 December 2022

Your supposition that Musk is connected to the mentioned Machine Translation is based on your inference there is a connection between Laura's post and the start of the session. Possibly that could be correct, but I'm not sure what you mean by Trojan Horse.
Musk appears to want to do good, do you think Musk is involved in the Machine Translation project?
Musk sees it as human defense. But he is wrong because it can be easily hacked.
Yes, you are right. I forget that part, I think if his work can be hacked it is possible to think that the elite want Elon to succeed so they can then take over his work as a Trojan Horse.

Thank you very much for your comment
Wondered the same after I heard about this earthquake earlier today.

Interestingly, a magnitude 6.2 earthquake struck near the same area exactly 1 year ago. Something else that stood out to me as I read up more about the earthquake, is that it struck in a geologic area known as the Mendocino triple junction, where three tectonic plates meet.
I'm reminded of this part in the wave at the end of Chapter 28 talking about Persues "He who breaks" or "Breaker of rocks"

Q: In reading the Celtic legends, I discovered that Cassiopaea was part of a Triple Goddess construct along with Andromeda and Danae, Danu, or Don, as in Tuatha de Danaan, or the court of the goddess Danu. So, in other words, the supreme goddess of the Celts was Cassiopaea. Rhys states it explicitly. Cassiopaea is found in the zodiacal area of Aries, the lamb, where Cepheus the rock and king is also found, as well as Perseus, “he who breaks” — with one of the stars in his foot being called “breaker of rocks.” The representation is of Perseus overcoming the serpent, and the ancient Celtic engravings of the horned god show him gripping two serpents by the throat. I would like to understand the symbology here …

A: You are on the right track.

Q: What is the symbology of the breaking of rocks, as in the alchemical texts, as well as related to Perseus as he who breaks?

A: Occurs at a time when rocks break, as in the electromagnetic impulses that emanate from earthbound rocks when sheared by tectonic forces, and much more importantly, the possible utilization of said forces whether naturally or otherwise induced.

Now, put this last most interesting item together with the symbology of the “breaking of rocks,” related to Perseus as “he who breaks” and we might think that, at some point in the not too distant future, at a time when “rocks break, as in the electromagnetic impulses that emanate from earthbound rocks when sheared by tectonic forces,” the role of the shaman in the times ahead of us is “the possible utilization of said forces whether naturally or otherwise induced” to produce a wormhole to a different reality that can be traversed in the body.

So, perhaps we have some better idea of the function of the Shaman-Knight … the Knighted Ones: incarnations of the archetype of Perseus, a Child of God in the sense of being an offspring of the Thought Centers of STO, the hero who cut off the head of the Gorgon, who freed the spirit of limitations, those of a particular Frequency Resonance Vibration of sufficient strength and purity to be able to create a bridge between man and the gods, to open the doorways of time.

Also thank you Laura, Chataeu crew and the Cs for this wonderful and thought-provoking session. So much to digest and make connections about.
I'm reminded of this part in the wave at the end of Chapter 28 talking about Persues "He who breaks" or "Breaker of rocks"

Q: What is the symbology of the breaking of rocks, as in the alchemical texts, as well as related to Perseus as he who breaks?

A: Occurs at a time when rocks break, as in the electromagnetic impulses that emanate from earthbound rocks when sheared by tectonic forces, and much more importantly, the possible utilization of said forces whether naturally or otherwise induced.

Now, put this last most interesting item together with the symbology of the “breaking of rocks,” related to Perseus as “he who breaks” and we might think that, at some point in the not too distant future, at a time when “rocks break, as in the electromagnetic impulses that emanate from earthbound rocks when sheared by tectonic forces,” the role of the shaman in the times ahead of us is “the possible utilization of said forces whether naturally or otherwise induced” to produce a wormhole to a different reality that can be traversed in the body.

So, perhaps we have some better idea of the function of the Shaman-Knight … the Knighted Ones: incarnations of the archetype of Perseus, a Child of God in the sense of being an offspring of the Thought Centers of STO, the hero who cut off the head of the Gorgon, who freed the spirit of limitations, those of a particular Frequency Resonance Vibration of sufficient strength and purity to be able to create a bridge between man and the gods, to open the doorways of time.
Interesting, just today SSGEOS shared an article that talks about this phenomenon:

#Earthquakes are first and foremost #electromagnetic events that result in physical deformation. Over the years many indications have been observed by scientists around the world.
FOR DECADES, RESEARCHERS have detected strange phenomena in the form of odd radio noise and eerie lights in the sky in the weeks, hours, and days preceding earthquakes. But only recently have experts started systematically monitoring those phenomena and correlating them to earthquakes. A light or glow in the sky sometimes heralds a big earthquake.
Both the lights and the radio waves appear to be electromagnetic disturbances that happen when crystalline rocks are deformedor even broken—by the slow grinding of the earth that occurs just before the dramatic slip that is an earthquake. Although a rock in its normal state is, of course, an insulator, this cracking creates tremendous electric currents in the ground, which travel to the surface and into the air.

The details of how the current is generated remain something of a mystery. One theory is that the deformation of the rock destabilizes its atoms, freeing a flood of electrons from their atomic bonds, and creating positively charged electron deficiencies, or holes.

Is this last message from the Cs also an invitation for all of us to use those energies generated by cataclysmic events to generate that other reality that Laura talks about? "to produce a wormhole to a different reality that can be traversed in the generate "a bridge between man and the gods, to open the doorways of time." ...

A: Again we urge all to continuously stay in contact and exert energy on behalf of others in your group so as to refine frequency for receiving. Things are about to get rather "rocky". Help to keep the lighthouse lit at all costs as soon will be vital to all. And finally, be excellent to each other! Goodbye.
Having some problems posting. Working on it.

The intent of this message was to thank the person who posted the video about the problems with precession as it is currently taught. Having grown up enthralled with tops (the toy you wrap a string around and make it spin on the ground), it always goes through precession as it slows but as the video says there is one axis locked (the point of the top that is on the ground).

I also taught physics for many years using a spinning bicycle wheel that precesses but once again you were holding one of the axes.
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I also was a Naval Nuclear Officer on a submarine where we used a spinning ball held in place by magnetic fields to navigate with. The system was called SINS (Ships Inertial Navigation System).

The ball apparently did not precess. I have never understood precession as the reason for the changing position of the sun over the millenia. Maybe I just need more education.
Greetings to Laura and Andromeda for doing the hard work in this session !! :-)
Thanks to all involved in the process.

Is this last message from the Cs also an invitation for all of us to use those energies generated by cataclysmic events to generate that other reality that Laura talks about? "to produce a wormhole to a different reality that can be traversed in the generate "a bridge between man and the gods, to open the doorways of time." ...

I will humbly recall here, that my presence on the active part of the forum is linked with the January 2022 Tonga Eruption, as weird as it may seem, it tipped me off the fence I was seated on, so to speak. So your views on the final message of the C's make a lot of sense IMHO. Thanks for bringing this up !

Was this an attempt by the C's to create a division between the alien and the elite by casually exposing their plan. Frankly, I find it very funny, maybe I see it the wrong way but when you think about it does look like it.

As Laura said , everything is possible, but I doubt that : STO doesn't interfere, as allways the statement must have some learning puposes !
Thanks for this more than interesting session with the subsequent thread discussion really expanding on the exchange with the Cs.

Q: (L) So they want AI to build a machine translator that can translate alien speech?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Where are they getting alien speech from?

A: Interactions with "aliens".

Q: (L) So they have interactions with aliens now?

A: Yes and are at disadvantage.

Q: (Joe) According to the C's and other sources, they've been talking to aliens for quite a long time. So...?

A: Yes but aliens can talk to each other and exclude humans thereby concealing intentions and plans.

The above has brought to mind a classic Twilight Zone episode - a facebook link to the full episode has the most relevant reference beginning at 6:36. This youtube clip below details the episode as well:

The aliens, or “Kanamits” as they are called, supply Earth with cheap, unlimited energy, limitless food supplies, and a means to end all war. In Knight's short story, the aliens are short, hairy pig-like creatures that walk upright, but in The Twilight Zone episode, they are nine-foot-tall giants with enormous heads and telepathic powers of communication.

They communicate in English to the humans but never actually speak with their mouths or show any actual speech among themselves, Basque or otherwise! And just like the Kanamits, should a fake alien invasion come to pass, the aliens will be presented as benevolent beings that will "supply Earth with cheap, unlimited energy, limitless food supplies, and a means to end all war" along with cures for every disease afflicting humanity! Thus total fear will be replaced with total acceptance - just like in the show!

(Joe) Would it be true to say that at these meetings, the aliens are presenting themselves and their agenda as benevolent to the humans involved?

A: More or less, yes.

Funny how close to reality this sci-fi product of the 1950s turned out to be - especially the To Serve Man part!

May this Holiday Season be Merry and lovely for you all. Enjoy the company of your tribal kind in peace and harmony! I expect it will be the last "safe" and "enjoyable" time with family before it gets really weird! Trying to find love and harmony in the simplest things.....
Joy to you all!

Captured my sentiments exactly! I really immersed myself in the trappings of Christmas this year from listening to Christmas music and watching Christmas TV movies even before Halloween - something I strongly objected to in the past! I've always loved Christmas time and everything connected to it, but honestly think this will be the last one that will have any sense of "normal" as we've known it up to now. The Cs letting us know that rocky times are soon upon us solidifies that conjecture.

Meanwhile, we here in the US are in for an arctic blast via winter storm Elliot featuring single and minus digit temps and very fierce winds and snow. I can only hope that people and pets get adequate shelter to stay safe and warm. And I hope all of you have a very merry holiday with continued faith that the New Year will herald in the change that's long overdue. 🥰🙏🎄

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Thank you for this amazing session. Loads of fascinating information to get to grips with. I have often wondered about this particular scenario for the future:

A: Transitioning will give those humans with receivership capability "abilities." Also, as you noted the planet is being reduced to a rather primitive condition in many areas. The elite do not realize that this process has a domino effect and their money and "power" will be essentially worthless.
If the world is going to be decimated and the financial markets basically destroyed along with the manufacturing industries and economies of the world, I have wondered where the elite are going to spend their trillions in ill gotten gains? They are presumably looking to spend their money on luxuries to enjoy their decadent lifestyle but it doesn't sound like there will be too many "luxuries" around. As the C's have said, they must not have considered that aspect. Also to enjoy having lots of power you would need a lot of people to have power over. Sounds like that is going to crash and burn too. Poor elites....
My thoughts as well. Why do aliens need language in the first place, except perhaps written language, when they are telepathic? I don't believe you need language to have complex thoughts, although perhaps language helps to structure thoughts and communicate them, even telepathically - I'm not sure. Also, if they have the option to communicate among themselves telepathically in front of humans, why would they use a form of communication that can potentially be intercepted and deciphered? Still, that fragment was super interesting and intriguing.
I was thinking about this also. The C's have told us that we are basically equivalent to the Neanderthal compared to the 4D STS so I am sure this has all been considered by them and would not be a problem. Why would they even attempt to comment among themselves about "things" in front of the lowly humans. They could just go into a different location to discuss amongst themselves. It doesn't really make sense unless there is something more involved.
Thank you for this session, so much to digest. I've been reading it 3 times and still processing some parts. Alien speech, AI Machines, just letting my thoughts play...may be they need this Machines if the aliens are going to "talk" to a big assembly? That would be impressive..... from thought to speech at Wembley!

I have noticed that my intuition has increased lately, so i appreciated the confirmation given in this session. May be I have some receiver capasity.

Not looking forward to experiencing rocks from heaven neither strong lightning and I have notices the increasing number of articles on SOTT about both lightning that kills and people that are eaten by their pets and just recently we had a bolide over us here in Norway. And this is our future. Both scary and exciting.
And I have trust in the words that this change is positive, it can only be, because as it is now, madness rule.

A merry Christmas and a happy new year to you all!
Once more I just want to give thanks to all the crew and Company for another stunning session.
I wish you a very merry Christmas !!
I Say you good bye listening one of my favourite songs of the season:
“…Wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings
These are a few of my favorite things…”
I've searched the forum but can't seem to find a thread that would be specifically dedicated to getting rid of them, if someone knows of such a thread it would be appreciated if you could point me in that direction.
Check out these threads:

The second thread quoted above requires quite a learning curve and caution, but it shows the history as to why when COVID-19 appear, we already had stocks of old school stuff. We've already done the research before US biological weapons made it into the awareness of more people. They've been trying to parasite people since quite a while.

The third thread is attractive because it's all natural, but more expensive as well.

In the first thread above, the frequently used stuff is synthesized in a more updated format. A lot of people are still very reluctant to take old school mainstream antimicrobial and anti-parasite medications. From my experience, it has helped a lot, they're relatively safe to use and the before and after effects are remarkable, especially if you're or were exposed heavily to "parasites" or spike proteins (i.e. a heavy vaccination programs, shedding, etc.). You will notice from the first thread quoted above that in the end, most people participating in the thread got at least their own stash of ivermectin.

In my experience testing poop for stuff, often a combination of mainstream medication and herbal stuff worked best to eradicate parasites.

HBOT has rendered all those efforts from these threads pointless to some. It depends on each individual and circumstances. I do a combination of everything: HBOT; hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin during vaccination season. I also still use doxy and other stuff depending on the circumstances.

You can read the threads to get an idea, at least the first thread.
Probably not related, I stumbled upon a document dating from 1966 where this quote caught my eye:
Professor Iosif Shklovsky, Russia's greatest radio astronomer, has cited the profound crises which lie in wait for a developing civilization, any one of which may well prove fatal:
(1) Self-destruction as a result of a thermonuclear catastrophe or some other discovery which may have unpredictable and uncontrollable consequences;
(2) Genetic danger;
(3) Overproduction of information;
(4) Restricted capacity of the individual's brain, which can lead to excessive specialization, with consequent dangers of degeneration; and
(5) A crisis precipitated by the creation of artificial intelligent beings.
The original is from a soviet journal so it's not easy to go to the source, but it's funny that among the possibilities enumerated half a century ago, we check so many boxes if not all and more.
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