Session 10 February 2018

Mandrak said:
Today it is popular for the right movement to spread hatred against other people, migrants, other religions, "leftists" (practically all who disagree with them are leftists, liberals, communists, Nazis). I am particularly concerned about the kind of energy that is being created: negative energy, the one who makes the destruction, attracts destruction. I'm talking about the general appearance of this movement, not about individuals.

Think about the right/left movements from aspect of this:
Session 14 March 2015

Q: (L) What was that article we read a week ago where somebody was writing that the reason everything is falling apart is because that's what they want it to do?
(Perceval) Dmitry Orlov. He was basically just saying that chaos and destruction was on purpose or intentional. (...)
(L) But that doesn't make any sense.
A: It makes sense only from a 4D STS perspective. (...)
(Perceval) Mass migrations, mass movements, food fights, violence in the streets, crackdowns...
(L) Pestilence, plague...
(Perceval) Police state goes into overdrive.
(Andromeda) Confiscations.
(Perceval) People might go to war.
(Andromeda) Beheadings.
A: And in the present time, all those energies are amplified cosmically.
Q: (Galatea) So it'll be like that, but times ten.
(Perceval) Basically, the idea would be economic crash, then in a relatively short period of time, you'd have social chaos, suffering, police state goes after hungry mobs, people rioting, lots of people killed, etc. And that energy is magnified and maybe it attracts a big load of space rocks.
A: Yes. (...)
A: Notice that the USA is exhibiting all the symptoms of a "Color Revolution".
Q: (Perceval) So, someone in a position of power somewhere in the US is planning to sort of stage-manage the social unrest or revolution after an economic collapse?
A: More or less. However all may not go as planned.
Q: (Perceval) Well, the whole Ferguson, Missouri shooting last year...
A: Outside influences may intervene.
Q: (L) What do you mean "outside"?
A: Cosmic.

So, it seems to me that the right movement will not hinder anything bad, but will be part of bad events. Cosmic events supposedly break the course of things, not right-wingers which will probably be part of the planned chaos and with negative energy input - exacerbators. So if you create hatred in your heart in the name of fighting the system, and hating other people, if you encourage hatred and attacks on other people because of the color of the skin etc., it goes to your own and the general harm.

If somebody begins to turn your neighborhood into a violent cult that attacks anyone that disagrees are you as bad as that person for standing up to them?I'm so tired of seeing that argument of ''but they're equally bad guys!'' .Yes there are nazis on the right,but the vast majority of people I've seen just want to live their lives and be left alone while the majority on the left want to tell other people how to live.I see a lot of arrogance coming from them.It's a kind of mindset where ''we know better than anyone else who has ever existed,we are enlightened beyond your comprehension and if you disagree with us you are evil,why can't you just have a heart you evil nazi''.
I don't want to distract from any "left"/"right" discussions but I keep thinking:

Session 16 July 2007
Q: (H) Well, you notice that for the question, "Will we be moved again?" they said "No!", but for going to prison it was "Not likely." (L) Well, I mean obviously I could do something to get there. (Galahad) Keep an eye on her, Ark! (laughter) (Joe) Is an attack on Iran imminent?

A: They are trying to move in that direction. More likely to be a false flag attack in US and UK and France and possibly Russia to garner public support.

Q: (H) That's one heck of a false flag attack! (Joe) Mossad are more than capable. That's really unimaginative. I was hoping for something more... (L) Creative? (H) Hey, it works!

A: It may not...

Q: (Joe) That was I was going to say. There's a danger in doing the same thing over and over again. People will start to not believe it any more. (Galahad) That's where they are caught: in their inability to think creatively. (Joe) It may not, depending on us. (S) Well, I'm all cheered up now. (laughter) (S) Is there any good news at all?!

A: You have this information which the rest of people do not.

Q: (L) I want to... (Joe) We're doomed to know what's going to happen before everybody else... You want to what?

A: You will do what you will do. Help is on the way.

Q: (L) I would just like to know what form this help is going to take?

A: That would be cheating. Look to the skies...

What should I do? "You will do what you will do." I was just outside gazing at the stars...
Laura said:
A: Indeed. All in your group should read these books in order to jump start the necessary processes for achieving receivership capability. Those who have been blocked up to the present will find unblocking therein if they are able to receive.

Roger that :read:

Thanks for the session!
(Ark) Yeah. I want to go back to 1996. November. About Einstein's relativity. The following came out: time is not a dimension. And then Einstein's relativity theory is only partially correct. Now, if time is not a dimension, and Einstein's relativity theory is based on the fact that time and space are dimensions for space-time, my question is then: Which part of Einstein's relativity theory is correct?

A: Space.

Q: (Artemis) The Final Frontier...

(Ark) Okay. Then I was asking at some point about consciousness. And the answer was that I will understand consciousness if I'm able to invert formulation of gravity. But formulation of gravity according to Einstein is based again on space-time, where time is a dimension. So how can I invert something that is wrong from the beginning since it's based on space and time?

A: Replace time with consciousness.

Don't know if it can help, but this is very similar to what Theun Mares talked about in one of his books (Cry of the Eagle). He uses the same framework as the one in Castaneda's books and we've talked about him before here quite a while ago.

Here is the relevant part:

Einstein's Law of Relativity is another major breakthrough
for the scientific community, for this is in fact a mathematical
expression of the law of manifestation. In his simple equation,
e = mc², Einstein in effect proved that energy(e) is equal to
mass/matter(m), for indeed the tonal is but the manifestation
of the nagal. However, the equation e = m is only true when
(m) is multiplied by the square of some constant. Einstein took
the speed of light as the necessary constant. Yet Toltecs beg to
differ with Dr. Einstein on this point, because from our
experience there is nothing in this universe which is truly
constant - not even the speed of light.

This does not mean that Einstein's equation is wrong. The
only thing that is wrong is the scientific fraternity's
interpretation of a constant. Einstein's equation is perfectly
correct once it is understood that within the realm of
manifestation the required constant is the constant interaction
between the two poles of awareness. Thus it can now be said
that differentiated consciousness(m), multiplied by the product
of the two poles of awareness(c²), is equal to undifferentiated
consciousness(e). This, however, is not the way in which the
majority of scientists view Einstein's Law of Relativity, and yet,
ultimately, and ironically, this is the very meaning of the term

In order to understand the implications of this, we must again
refer to the Truths of Awareness, where it is stated that man is
the microcosm of the macrocosm, and is therefore an exact
replica of the universe. Looking then at awareness in relation to
the scale of man, we find that the pole which separates (the
thinking principle) is that faculty of man which we term the
rational mind, whereas the pole which unifies (the feeling
principle), is that faculty which we term emotion. Needless to say,
although the interaction between the two poles of awareness is
always constant, the result of this interaction is most certainly
never constant, but a true variable. Consequently, it is therefore
not so strange that the world, or the spirit, for that matter,
should be relative to our perception. In other words, our view of
the world is directly dependent upon the result of the interaction
between the two poles of awareness. This is the true meaning of

It should now be clear to see that if we favour the rational
mind, then our view of the world becomes very materialistic and
separative; but if, on the other hand, we favour the emotions,
then our" view of the world becomes spiritual and inclusive.
However, it is only when we come to the point of realising that
a bias in any direction is an imbalance that we can truly
understand the need both for the mind and for the heart; both
for discrimination and for unification, in order to achieve that
balance which we term the totality of the self.
On the topic of eradication of semites,both the current political situation AND the first half of last century comes to mind.From the rise of Bolshevism to Nazis Russia suffered heavy losses (to put it mildly) and now we have a situation where samples of Russian dna are being collected for a BOW.I'm not saying that only the Russians are semites,but maybe there's a larger aggregation of them there?Considering Russia's historical role in overthrowing empires and dictators,Scythian roots notwithstanding.
Thank you for the session everyone. I was wondering, could you ask the Cs what does cryptocurrencies, and in particular, block chain represent of the bleed throughs of higher densities?
Great sessions, space-consciousness continuum seems like a much better fit to our crazy reality(as far as my simple brain can tell). This might even be a glimpse into our transition into 4D, variable physicality and all. I'm not fully confident in my understanding but it's furiously fascinating.

Joe said:
lainey said:
Do you think this is a reference to the semites?

Not sure what you mean. The basic idea of "semites" as recounted in sessions, seems to be those people who have a certain DNA configuration that makes them good at "thwarting 4D STS domination". Many of the strange and 'supernatural'-sounding things the Cs have said seem to have a rather more 'mundane' manifestation (if not less shocking when they are seen). What is 4D STS domination on the planet today? Right now it seems to be this radical leftist ideology. If you can see the nature of that ideology and its pernicious intentions, then you're a 'semite'.

I think it would be very useful if members here would begin to try and stop seeing the many things the Cs have presented in 'fantastical' 4D terms, and instead to see them in how they manifest in our 3D reality. When we read something like "DNA that allows for blocking of 4D STS domination" we might tend to think of it as some supernatural ability, but it seems to me that it actually translates these days as common sense, among other things.

Has anyone considered that we are already in '4D', in the sense that a change in reality will likely happen by degrees, like a slow and gradual blending. It seems to me that that process is already well underway, and if it is, at what point in the blending of realities process do you say you have changed reality?

I was considering this a while back, and I'm sure many members have as well. If we consider that 3D beings exist with 2D and 1D beings then it makes sense that we exist in 4D already. It's just our perception that changes.
Thinkingfingers said:
Great sessions, space-consciousness continuum seems like a much better fit to our crazy reality(as far as my simple brain can tell). This might even be a glimpse into our transition into 4D, variable physicality and all. I'm not fully confident in my understanding but it's furiously fascinating.

Joe said:
lainey said:
Do you think this is a reference to the semites?

Not sure what you mean. The basic idea of "semites" as recounted in sessions, seems to be those people who have a certain DNA configuration that makes them good at "thwarting 4D STS domination". Many of the strange and 'supernatural'-sounding things the Cs have said seem to have a rather more 'mundane' manifestation (if not less shocking when they are seen). What is 4D STS domination on the planet today? Right now it seems to be this radical leftist ideology. If you can see the nature of that ideology and its pernicious intentions, then you're a 'semite'.

I think it would be very useful if members here would begin to try and stop seeing the many things the Cs have presented in 'fantastical' 4D terms, and instead to see them in how they manifest in our 3D reality. When we read something like "DNA that allows for blocking of 4D STS domination" we might tend to think of it as some supernatural ability, but it seems to me that it actually translates these days as common sense, among other things.

Has anyone considered that we are already in '4D', in the sense that a change in reality will likely happen by degrees, like a slow and gradual blending. It seems to me that that process is already well underway, and if it is, at what point in the blending of realities process do you say you have changed reality?

I was considering this a while back, and I'm sure many members have as well. If we consider that 3D beings exist with 2D and 1D beings then it makes sense that we exist in 4D already. It's just our perception that changes.

Well, I think that things are going on the various levels. Our existance may appear on the few levels. The same core Idea may take various shapes on different levels, like levels of densities. Something what we can call Consciousness may take different shapes, in regard in which level of Density that Consciousness expressing self and by who is perceived. There is really no limits.

This is my word for Sunday.
Hindsight Man said:
On the topic of eradication of semites,both the current political situation AND the first half of last century comes to mind.From the rise of Bolshevism to Nazis Russia suffered heavy losses (to put it mildly) and now we have a situation where samples of Russian dna are being collected for a BOW.I'm not saying that only the Russians are semites,but maybe there's a larger aggregation of them there?Considering Russia's historical role in overthrowing empires and dictators,Scythian roots notwithstanding.

I think there's a good chance of this being the case, which, if the US is currently the center of 4d sts-influenced power, would lend a whole other level of significance to the US's geopolitical war against Russia. And on an ironic note, it's interesting that Israel has appropriated the semitic designation and accuses anyone who is critical of its policies of being 'anti-semitic'! When looked at with the perspective of what being semitic may actually mean, no nation on earth (besides perhaps the US) could rightfully be considered more anti-semitic than Israel itself.
I think it would be very useful if members here would begin to try and stop seeing the many things the Cs have presented in 'fantastical' 4D terms, and instead to see them in how they manifest in our 3D reality. When we read something like "DNA that allows for blocking of 4D STS domination" we might tend to think of it as some supernatural ability, but it seems to me that it actually translates these days as common sense, among other things.

Has anyone considered that we are already in '4D', in the sense that a change in reality will likely happen by degrees, like a slow and gradual blending. It seems to me that that process is already well underway, and if it is, at what point in the blending of realities process do you say you have changed reality?

That sounds right to me. Putin said we were already there.

In fact we are actually seeing a major shift occurring, but it is so slow and gradual that it`s hardly visible at all.
We are seeing these changes, as mostly people erupting left and right, while the movement causing all this is
just beyond their perception and it seems to be scary to most people.
It`s like watching a flock of sheep all panicking together, but when they look for the real cause of the panic, all they see is the sheep scaring one another. What started it?
They sense something, even though they can't see it, but they all react to it.
And mostly not in a good way.
gdpetti said:
Laura said:
lunar7 said:
Demiurgical beings playing god.. the Gnostics knew it all along.

Ain't that the truth. Sometimes it is very disheartening to realize the amount of reading/research one must do just to put a relatively small part of the picture together. The specialization, the particularization of about everything, means that most researchers in any given field have no clue about what they learn impacts other fields. It's always astonishing to me how little knowledge of real history and archaeology and sociology and psychology biblical experts actually have. That is changing somewhat, but for most of the mainstream theologically committed types, it's not.

Those 'experts' most likely wouldn't be allowed those jobs if they had that kind of knowledge. They could always work independently, but then who would publish their works? Sounds like your situation, no?

Precisely. There is simply no infrastructure with which to present syncretic information in a way acceptable to the mainstream society, even though few, if questioned individually, would be able to develop a rationale against drawing parallels between different areas of knowledge that have crucial overlaps to the dedicated, independent researcher.

Given how much this is in contrast to say, the concept of education in the Renaissance period, paints a clear picture over centuries of history indicating the intentional compartmentalization of knowledge, and the ego stroking that conditions academics to be proud of themselves for being proclaimed experts up in their incredibly thin ivory tower.

The Masters thesis and PhD dissertation are designed in such a way that specifically reinforces this effect, and leaves interdisciplinary research very much by the wayside.

Anyway, despite all of this it remains possible to chart one's own course forward and research "against the grain". It is slow going but there is something that is starting to happen now that is acting like a wild card, having to do with acceleration potential related to entering the state of alignment that can be associated with receivership.

The fact is that we are retracing footsteps that have been walked before, rediscovering for ourselves streams of information that have been naturally discovered previously in freer parts of the universe.

In fact it is uncanny how often you feel like you are remembering rather than learning something new.

But there is something else happening amidst all this too, an even greater wild card at play here, which plays into (I believe) what the C's refer to as "something much more dramatic".

It has to do with the transformation of the situation we humans find ourselves in, into something quite different than what was intended for us.

I would refer to some recent presentations by a Remote Viewing group formely known as Troika, now as Technical Intuition, but don't want to digress too much here. It may be the right time to start a new thread about it, as the presentations are just now getting started.

To summarize briefly here, there is an indication that there will be a progression from the more familiar, intermittent type of receivership, to a more constant kind, meaning that the energetic channel for information flow is finding broader, steadier bandwidth towards us as relays.

This seems to be the case when we do a better job of maintaining a state of perpetual energetic alignment as the net effect of the work we do on ourselves.

We seem to be just now reaching a critical point where enough people have taken up this work on themselves that we are beginning to finally get a clear signal to that "radio relay" on the other side of the energetic cage/grid which surrounds the earth.

This is going to make all the difference in the years to come. I'll try and expand on this in the planned thread on the topic.

Thanks to Laura and all for your ongoing work, as we will see in all likelihood in retrospect just how necessary it was to get the ball rolling towards reaching this critical point in achieving the signal/noise ratio that permits the next stages of all this.
It was interesting to read that people who are more 'open' would have a better chance to transition. I wonder if openess can be taught? I was thinking in regard to Jordan Peterson's Undertanding Myself He has mentioned that you can become more conscientious by working at it. Can you also become more open? I don't know if that could be considered part of the Work, but it could still be useful work.
anarkist said:
It was interesting to read that people who are more 'open' would have a better chance to transition. I wonder if openess can be taught? I was thinking in regard to Jordan Peterson's Undertanding Myself He has mentioned that you can become more conscientious by working at it. Can you also become more open? I don't know if that could be considered part of the Work, but it could still be useful work.

I think being "open" is a choice. If you recognize you are not open or are closed about something then you would have to ask yourself why you think that way. If we are "closed" I think that means we have made an "assumption" which in a sense creates our reality. That is not to say that assumptions are always bad or being closed about some parts of our reality are bad.

Session 5 December 1994
Q: (L) Okay. An atom is in 3rd density. What distinguishes it from an
atom in 4th density?
A: Reality.
Q: (L) What distinguishes one realm from another?
A: Assumptions.

Q: (L) Okay, what you assume or expect is what you perceive about
that atom depending upon which reality you are in, is that correct?
A: Close.
Q: (L) What determines your assumptions?
A: Experience.

Q: (L) My experience of atoms is that they congregate in such a way
as to form solid matter...
A: Every thing that exists is merely a lesson.
Q: (L) Okay, so once we have learned certain lessons, as in
experience of certain things, then our assumptions change?
A: Yes.

Q: (L) Okay, is this wave that is coming our direction going to give us
an experience that is going to change our assumptions?
A: Catch 22: One half is that you have to change your assumptions
in order to experience the wave in a positive way.

Q: (L) And what does this wave consist of in absolute terms?
A: Realm border.
Q: (L) Is that realm border as in a cut-off point between one reality
and another?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Is that realm border as in dimensional curtain?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) So the planet earth is going to pass through a dimensional
A: Or an earth. All is merely a lesson, and nothing, repeat nothing,
Q: (L) Well, my experience with lessons has been that they are
generally painful. Is this realm border crossing, or this merging
experience going to be what we, or I, in the 3rd density, would
perceive as painful?
A: Wait and see.
Q: (V) Is the realm border 3rd density?
A: Have answered; stop and contemplate.
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